Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 04, 1901, Image 5

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    i M B ILJEJI B El M B II Ml IV
1:0. : Oo-O.33.t-V. .
Our Stook in going fast at the following prices. Como early and got your share :
B KnHra si
g 12 Ibs Ont Mcnl 25o
0 Ibs broken lliuu 24o
C Ibs Good Prunes 26o
3 Ibs Good Now Peaches 24o
6 Ibs Navy Bonus 2f > o
10 OE. bottle Queen Olives IGo
6 bare of Silk Soap 2 > o
12 bars of Tepee Soap 2fio
1 Ib pkgo " MADJA I7o
remrt Si
ThoHO are only a few good things found in thia mine. Up on our side is a now line of
Hatn , and every day New Gooda oome down the shaft that ii kept busy bringing them.
Northeast Corner of Public Square.
le People's ' National Family Newspaper ,
, Published Mon-
"A ' "JV'FT'I11 ' ' day' Wi-Jue Ji v
1\T H.A / BuU F"J y. ' " ln
daN Jy W reality a nnefr 9b ,
Tery other . day
Dally , giving th *
latiit uowBOudnyii
cJlsiuc , and cover-
lug UU\TI ot the
W/B * 1 * & * & other three. Hcon-
V f I PV t\ tains all Important
ch W0WMBM forelKU Cable nowa
which appears In
The Dally Trlbnno
- of tam datt , also
Doiueitlo aud For
eign Correspond
ence , Short Stories ,
TEX Elegant Half.toua
lllustrutlono , llu-
uiorous Items , In-
duatrloni Inforina-
tlou.Fashlon Motes ,
Agrlcnltural Mat-
ten and compra-
and roll-
Hegnlar subscrip
tion price , $1 OUpor
Wo furiil-h It
with the KEPUIILI-
CAN tor 51.HU per
Pnbllghad on
Thursday , anil
l.u wu for nearly
partot the UultoJ
Slates ti a National
Kamllr Nawepapor
of tbe LlKhvatclaisii ,
for faruien tiuj
ylllftKcri * . It con.
tain * all tbe rnont
Important gvnural
II WB ot The Ually
Tribune up to the
hour of ifoliiK to
pioat , an Agricul
tural Depurtuiout
ot the blgbeit or
der , has vutvrtaln-
Inc readluK tor
very niombar of
tbo family , old and
Dy farmorb and
country merchants ,
and Is clean , up-to-
date , Interesting
aud Initructlro ,
Kogulnr tubrorlp-
tion price , 81. W ) pur
Send all orders to the REPUBLICAN , Broken Bow , Nebr.
Twentieth Century parmer
1st Prize , 31,000 Cash ,
2d Prize , 8500 Cash ,
Trilt TWKNTIKTH GENTUHT FARUEKIi publlilifd by the Ben'Publuhli * Company , of
Ouiiha , and U an agricultural and family ma/Tarlne of nnniuil merit. Tbire ire departmunti for
eT ry uerober of tbe family , ipoclal artlclei by men ol known reputation and Illuitratlone will be a
prominent feature.
Write for f ample copy and a k for particulars concerning tba prizes Price $1.00.
fUE TWE.Y11KTU UEMT&KY PARMKU and tbe KtruaiMAX will b i nt to you oae yeai
It y 110
liyno , April a , 1901.
No cattle lost during the etortu
as far as board from , " "
After a short vacation Miss Buck
ley has resumed her stihool at Cus
ter on Monday.
Alfred Cooper returned to Culla-
way yesterday over the bad roads
Nothing doing but oaring for tbo
Block. All anxious for fair weather
so they can go to seeding
A. J. Reeves , Loyd Rusk , aud
others , are duuk shooting on the
Loup. NaHby IH thinking of trying
his luck hunting soon , as he learns
that the deaf and blind dtteks have
C. Q. and B. C. Empfiold hardly
stayed at homo long enough to ge
acquainted 'till they were off to
their work , they have contracted to
build a IIOUBO for Mr. Baker , twelve
miles north of Anneluio.
Continued cloudy wo-ithor since
our heavy snow fall of h'fteoi
inches on last Friday. It has no
buon voiy cold , neither has it drift
ed , yet the roads are about impasH
able. The snow has done iniiu
good , not only in the moistening o
the soil , but raising the hopes ot Hi
farmers for a crop , aa many hac
almost concluded to sow no omall
< 3uurgcto\vti.
To be snowed up , and bio wet
up , and no mail for four days , is
not the thing to make people very
Elder U. C. Stuokey has been
chosen by the Burr Oak church , as
representative to the Presbytery to
meet at North Platte , April 9.
Easter Sunday , the 7th inst , will
bo duly observed at Burr Oak , by
sermon and services appropriate to
the day. Special offerings will be
taken for missions.
Onr esteemed old friend Reming
ton aud his wife , have sold their
home near lower Georgetown.
Ihey will likely start in due time
for Orngon , but have not yet
definitely decided where their
future location will be.
The Mystic Legion , including
members and friends , gave a pleas
ant entertainment at lower George
town , on Friday night. It was
argely attended and showed evi-
letioo of prosperity aud expansion.
A trapper erected hid tent at the
river near the bridge , and lies stuuk
to his work during all these snown
and storms. As trespassing by
Hinting and fishing along the river
s forbidden , the waterman planted
his tent along the public road.
Tightening teams pearly to death ,
and causing streams of profanity to
flow in blue billows.
Ortello News.
Mrs. T. J. Edwards ia quite sick
at this writing.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. J. Joyner were
down with the grip last week but
are out again.
There was a very small IOHH of
stook in this neighborhood during ,
the recent Rtorm.
Mrs. M , J. Beuls weut to Hum is
ton , Iowa , bat week , to see her
father who was not expected to live
Wo have not had mail from the
out tide world since last Thursday
the 28th , and it reminds us of the
early days , when the mails were
carried overland from Kearney.
Mr. F. C. Embree hod bat
weather for his sale on tin 27th
and a small crowd in attendance
Yet hii cattle brought very uatis
factory prices ,
The chief topic this week is , how
deep is the snow , did you IOOBO any
tttockfami kindred questions. This
part of the county hab not had such
n HtiovV fall for tun years past
The fall on last Sunday and Mon
day , following an all day'a rain ,
was about eight iuohen ; and then ,
on Friday , about twelve inches
more onmo down , making , in thu
week , about twenty incline , and
generally lying as it fell over the
The "Dorcas Society" will hold
an Easter market at the school
hoiiHo on Fjiday evnniug of this
week. Proceeds to go to the
church erection fund.
Today the tax fiend will start
ver the township , and Dick ia a
orror. Yours ,
Lincoln , Deliver ,
Omnha , Helena ,
ChluiKO , Unite ,
Ht. Joseph , Portland ,
Knnnna City , Snlt Lake City ,
at. Lents , and all Hun Franolnco ,
iclnts rnit HiiU south , anil all polutH woit.
No 18 VeMlbuU'tl exprc8 dally , Lincoln , Own *
lia , Mt. Josepn , Kansas City , St. Louis , Chi-
ongo and nil polnUunfttnnd eonth . .11 44 p.m.
No , 44 Locul oxprcdR lully , Lincoln , Omahit ,
HI. Joseph , KaiiBOB CltVi St , Louie , L'blcaKO
niul nil points oaat mid Doiith rtS'Jam
No. 40 Freight dally , llnvcnim , Uraud lelaud ,
Aurora , Sowardnnd Lincoln 000am
No. 48 Prol lit , dally except Sunday , Havcnna
and lutermidlito point * , 11)5 ) pm
No. 41 Vestlbulcd express dally , llolona , Hen >
tic. Untie , Portland and nil Pacific Const
points 414am
No. 43-l.ncal express dally , lilack Hills and
Intermediate i > olnU fdiSpru
Nu , 4& Freight dally , Anscluio Sonrca , Whitman
mid Alllanco. . . . . 10 68 urn
No. 47 Freight , dally except Hnuday , Siuecu
and Inlormrdlato poluU l:3apm
Stooping , dlLlug and rucllnlng clmlrcars ( ncatn
Ireo ) on throdKh trains. Ttckua told and bag
gage chocked to any point In thi 'United SUitei
and Caiiailn. )
No. 48 Imi nierohaudliu cars Tuesdays , Tlinr *
days and Saturdays.
No. 40 will carry iiaaiccKcra for Harenni
Qroud Island , Seward and Lincoln.
Information , mapi , Ilinu tnhlci and ticket
call on or write to 11. L. Ormiby , agcut , or J
FriiucH , Q. I' . A. , OmiUiH , Nobnulta ,
11. L. OiiMcnr. Audit.
Pouch for wo t will clone at 8 p. m. , exccp
Sunday when It will clo-e at 7 p m.
Pouch , cast ( or train No. 4J olosus at 6.30 a m
and foi No. 44 cloioK nt , 11 a in. Mftll for Ausluy
and points ouHt ot Oraud Island carried on train
No. 44.
Oconto rla of Kyuo and Tuckcrvllle , dally uz
cept Hnuday clones , nt" ft m : returning name day
Citllawiiy via , Mc'Klnley dally except Sunday
closed at 7 a in , returning name day.
Hound Valley via ( jreon and lilt on oloiu Hi 7 a
in , Monday , Wednoidy and Fridays , returning
eaiuo day.
Snmnor via Gum ey , Georgetown and Upto
arrrlvos at 11 3U , Tuesday Thursday aud Satur
day , ruturnliiK loaves nt 12,30 snmo dny >
OlUoa liourti from 8.00 n m to 8.00 p m. Sun
day 8.30 to U.SO a. in. Lobby open week daya from
Tamto.Spm. L. II. JF.WBTT , P.M.
A niuNt Liberal Oiler.
All our farmer rentiers should take ad-
viuiiugo of too unprecedented clubbing
offer wo tliis yeur mnke , wliloh inclu'dos
wltli Uiifl pnpur TholowulJomutciul , HH
npeclnl Farmers' IiiHtituto Edition nud
The Poultry Farmer Those throe pub
lications nru the boat of tuoir class and
should be in every farm house. To thi'in
we add , tor locnl , county and general
news , our own paper , und miiUo the prlco
f tbo four ono year only 81 CO. Nuver
ufoio was so rauuli superior reading
nitlcr offered for so small an timount of
inney. The three papers named , which
vo club with our own. are well known
liroiiKhout the west und commend them
elyca to thn render's fiwornble uttentloii
pen mere luoution. The JoWft Homo-
teud IH tnu great ngrlctlturnl And llvu
tock paper of the west ; The Poultry
farmer la the most practical poultry
mper for the tarunur , whilu Tliu Special
' "armors' Institute Edition are tbo moat
practical publioationn for the promotion
f good farming tver publlBbed. Tnko
dvnntngu of this preat offer , us It will
mid good for a short time only. Samp
OH ot thoHt * poprra ruity bo examened by
tilling ut this olllco. till jn 1 01
I'rce Coinplcxlnii ncauttlflur.
Wo want every lady roudur of tlio
tupanLiOAN to try Dwight'H Coin-
) lcxion Hoaiitih'er , the raont oxqui-
aito toilet preparation. It ia pure
and uarmles8makoB the fnoeBniooth
as velvet and fair net alabaator. To
uduuo a fair trial of it wo will for
a Hbort time only send FIIKK a full
size , Fifty cent box to every Jady
who will HOIK ! UH her pout oflioo acl-
druHs Hilver dime to pay for packing
aud pOHtngo. Only one KKKK box to
each addreHH but ladien may order
'or their fnondH. Each box mailed
Beparatoly. Send thin notice and
your order at ONOB to D. W. CUBTKK
feCo. , Huntin ton W. Va.
I rlHCH I fii - .
I.OCUTH Abctut Nu-
A round trip ticket from any
Burlington Rout Htation in Ne
braska to YellowHtoni- Park and a
complete trip through the Park IH
ono of twenty pmt-H offered by
the Burlington Kouto for the beHt
lottern about Nebraska.
Other prizes are ; Trips to Colorado
the Black , Hills , Chicago , and St.
There are also roveral oasli
The Burlington olTorn thofio
for letters that will encourage im
migration to Nobruska * Letters
descriplivo of * uooousful farming ,
cattle raising , dairying , fruit grow
ing , and similar pursuits are avail
able ) for the purpOHo in view.
The contest ' 'loses May J < 1 , 1001.
Circulars giving full imformation
will be mailed on request.
J. Francis , General Passenger
, Omaha , Neb.
Wo will furnish the Kansas city
Journal and REPUBLICAN for 11.25
per year.
U , S. Lund Oftice.
, II , YOUNO RsceUor
U. B. Und OfUc , llrokeu How , Neb. , I
l' br ary ! t7 , 1WI. f
Notice Ii lior by. Riven that the following
named tottler lm § fllml notlca uf hi * Intention
to make flnal proof In lupport of hla claim , and
tt t Raid proof will bo uadt before K Kl ler and
Uccol'prat Illrnkrn Unw , Ncbr , , on April 4 ,
UMM.TUi ALUK H. DltC'IOUt ) lorui/rlyAllle / 0
Tliouiai.ofUntet , Nebr , for the foVi. Sec 7 ,
Tww. W. N. range IN ) , W.
She namea thn follo\vl wltumei to prore her
continuum roldonco upon aud ciiHIrailon of
mlil land , TU :
William Htalltug , ot ( Icnet , Nebraika ; Chrl -
tlan Drrnen , ot ( lend , Nebrankn ; John \V.
Heard , at Uater , Ntbraika ; Abllntcaer. of Untei.
U.S L nd Office , llruken How , Nt-b. , I
March 7,1(01 f
Notice It hereby clrou that thu following
nittucd inttler ho * tiled notice f hi * Intrntlon
I * maku dual proof In anpport of hit claim , and
that mlil proof will bo made bfforo IteKlitcr aiui
ltcc < ilv r at llroUcn Uow N bru9ka , on April
3 , 1101 * , Tla : WILLIAM II. W.WD.of Uetwyu
N bra ka , for the hoincntend outrr No. IX ! fur
NK i of tec. 27 , tawnihlp 17 , north rnvu IU\V
He nainet the following irltuetioa to pnno hli
oontlnuoni rotdenco upon and cultlTutlou ot
tntd land. Tin :
Ktnn MoBoly , of Klton , Nobratka. .lacvb
Ilurcui , of Orcoii , Nobraiku ; Charles William * ,
of Green , Nebraika ; lloury Canhiuan , of llcrwyn ,
Nebrnaka. JAMKI WiinKHtiu ,
Maroti 14 , Bt.
U. 8. Land Otllcc. llrokeu lion , Nfli , I
March 11 , 1BU1 f
Nutlet U nerebyglTcn tint SAM i KI.ADKINS ,
of Anfiiluio , nvbrMika , ba < ttlud notice ol luton-
llou to make Onal proof before m lnler ami Ho-
colvar at Ilia oiuce In llroken Uow. Nobm k , on
Thuriduy , the 19th day of April , 1POI , on timber
cultttr * application No. l'J040 , for 12i ! SUM ,
MWMSUM , NK4SU't ! of pcctlou Nn. t , fn
township No. M , tango No. 'JO
IIo nnmoB u < wltnacioii William Andertor ,
of Auieltuo , Nobraekti ; UrnuTlllo Ulnhtnan , of
Annolrno , Noliranka , Uharlle Street , of Unoilcr
Valley , Nebratkt ; Kd Uravci > , of Anitulmd ,
Nebraika. JAMKH WIIITKUKAU , Hct | > tar.
March 14 , (11. (
U. H. Laud Omen , llroken llow , Neb. ,
March IS ) , mil ,
Notice In hereby fleithat OlIAUUCb
'OUUIi. of Diokun How. Nebraska linn Hied
otliu of Intention to initkn fli'iil proof hnforu
leglstiT nnd Receiver at lili olllru In llroken
low. Nuhraskn , on thU dny lit * 25tlt day of
viirll , 1001 on timber culture Application No.
071) , tor KU | NWM , loti 1 nnd 2 , ot mictlon Nu.
8 , In township No. IT , north range No , ll ! , W.
llo names as witnesses ! Dnnlol W. Corey , ot
ilerna , Nebriioknt Uuorgo .Kelly , ot Merna , Nc-
jraska ; John U. rollani , of Mmiu , Nelin'Hkii ;
; hnrles 11 , Jultordt , of llroken Daw , Nebraika.
- ' ' JAMBS WIUTIIIKAD , " ' '
United Btntci Land Ofllro , I
llrokeu llow , Nebraika , March X'-1 , 1001. f
A iulllclcnt contest anidnvlt havltiK been tlloil
n this olllco by Sainuol Waddltiuton , contestant ,
against bomcstoatl milrv No. 1WK1 ( , made July
y > , 1889 , for north-east quarter , noctlon 1M , town-
bin It ) , north , range vi ; , ncit , by Frances H.
Mlddloton contostou , In wUtch It Is iillc i'd that
KrnncUS. Mlddluton has nnandnucd the saniu
nnd hat fnllrd to erect or placu thoruon any Im-
Mrhatuvur ; that thvro In not now nor
KrovouienM a houro or building of any raturn
ortictud thrrvon and nil ot Haiti defrcts complatiu'd
of exist ut thin uato , and that said allowed nil
sence from the said land was not duu to bin cm' '
ployraent In Ilio Army , Niwy , or Marine ( 'orpu of
thu United Utatpa as n prlratn soldlor , iilllror
soaiuon. or mnrlnc , ( lurluf.'thn war wl'h Upnln.
or ( Hiiln Biiy other war In which the United
States may bu uiiKnxod. Hald parties are hereby
notillod to appear , loapond nnil ffor ortduncn
toncliliiK sald allegation nt 10 o'clock a. in , on
May 1C , 1B31 , boforu thn Knylater and llccclfor at
the Unltnd States Lnnd Olllco , In HroUuu How ,
Tliosaldcontnfllant liivlni ; , In proper allldnrlt
Uluil Uocctnber 0,1UOU svt forth faoU whluli buw
that after duu illllluencu pernonal service of tbii
notice cannot be innde , It Is huroliy ordered ant
directed that Mich notice b * clveu by duoiinO
proper publication.
April 4 , Ot JAMBS WHITKHRAD , ItoRlntcr
To all whom It may concern :
The commissioner nppomtnd I o view u road
petitioned for by B. W White , ot al , commei > c <
Ing ntNK corner of NW BW f soctlan 1) , twp
.Station iitallon
No. lUg.mlu. VI. No.
( 1'Ji ft. N o
from 0 S 11 E ,5I6 to I { tie corner o
iiWawB-14 -
from 1 841 35 K 070 to S
from 2 M K7 35 U l.UOO to U
from 3 S U 10 E 3,1(0 ( to 4
from 4 H II lf > W 886 to 6
from 6 S 3fl > IO K S40 to 6
from fl B 16 10 K 740 to 7
I at Intenec
from 7 8 48 30 K 175 to 8 { tlon with t
( line 16-14-0
UIIH roporled In farcir of the eitabllihment there
of , and to vacate al ) that part of the road ai local
ad throuk'h raid suction U and IB not ai aboro de
tcrlbrd , and all objections tbornto , or claims fo
dauutfs must be died In the countclorkV olllo
on or before noon of the l&th day of May , U'UI ' , o
suoh road will bo granted without re fc rune
In wltuom wberuof , I have hereunto nut tn
baud nnd ral of > ald county , thU I3tb dayo
March , 1UOI.
[ SEAL , . ] J. n. ODBOUIIN , County Clerk.
March 14 , 41 _
To whom It may concern :
The coinmUMoner appointed to yluw a ron
potltloni'il for by Samuel Hoytie , etal , commonc
Hi ) ; at the iiortlio sl corner of bvcllou - . " > , rani { >
24 , thence north 70 dcKroes , aO minutes eutt on
section line to quarter comer on north side of
section 39. township 20 , ranue S3 , thence louth
10 decrees SO mlnuten cult to quarter corner on
south tide suction 80 , thence north 70 degrees 30
minutes east 1.000 foot to station No. 1 from
ytallon 1 , south CO decrees X > mlnntui east OHO
feet to nation No. 2 from atutlon No. 3 , north 00
dOKrxos east I IK feet to station No 3 from < lu-
tlon S , at noutb.eual corner of auction 20 , twn-
ship 20 , range 23 , ho * reported In favor of tbo
enUbllihment thereof , and all objections thoiotu
or claims for damages must bo filed In the county
olirk'n ollice on or befor * noon of the 23nd day ot
Muy , 1901 , or such road will be granted without
reference thereto
In witness whereof. I lure hereunto set my
baud and seal of laid county. thU 20th day of
May , 1001. J. Ii. OsnoUUN , County ClerK.
UKAL. ] March Ul-41
liiuiua 11. Uullen aud Cdward J ( 'illltm , de
fendants herein , will take notice that on the 30th
dny of March , 1001. John 11 Hughes , pliilntlll
herein , filed hii petition In the Ul -
Ulct court of Cunter county , Nu-
brukka , uKalnslsald defendautn , the object and
pray r of which arc to fureclone u certain deed
executed br nald defendant ) to nalJ plalntlll upon
th south-eaat iUarter | , of suction 17 , In township
11) ) , north of rauno 17 , west of the Gth p. m. , In
Custur county. Nebraska , to secure the payment
of their note , dated July 11,18 ! , for the HUIII of
$ .20003 , duo uiid payable two years from thu
date thereof There U now due upon said note
and deed securing the name the Hum ot $ JJO,8J for
which > um with interest from this duto the
plaintiff pmyB for a decree thut d fenduntn by
rccjulrod to pny the i > auieor that i-ulil premUua
iiy be sold to satisfy the amount found due.
You are hereby required to kinwer Hald peti
tion on or bufom the l.'illi duy of Muy , tUOt.
JONU 11. lluurs ,
April 4,4t lly CLKMKNU Kites , Ills Attys.
lu the district court , of Cumer county , Nebraska.
Charlotte K. Williams ,
Plalntltl ,
v * . Nolle , of Halt.
Z. Darrell
QeorKO . , Mary
A. L'npsey , etal ,
Uefeudnul * .
Tha above named defendant * , UeorKe Z. D r-
roll and Mary A. Copley , will take notice that on
the Utday of October. 1100 , the above iiuuicd
plaintiff flUd her petition lu the dlitrlot court , of
Ouster uouuty , Nebraska , the object and prayer
of which are t > i foreclose u certain mortgage given
by one Henry U. Morrlsoy to the Lombard In
vcetmsnt Company aud iumKned ! to this plalntltl ,
npoi the following dencrlbod real estate , tu-vrlt ,
Thu south half ot thu north half , of Diction " 7 ,
in towuuhlp IB , north of range U4 , went , lu Custer
county , Nehruiku , to secure the payment of ono
certain proralsHorv note In the tutu ot $700.UO ,
dated November V , It&d , and duu llvo years from
the date thereof , and on which there U now due
tbo sum ot $ lil&.70 ! and Interest from the 1st day
of November , 1000 , aud luxes lu the amount f
Hl.UO , and the plalntlll prays for a decree that
the BU be puld or that toe said premises bu
loldto satUfy said amount found duo thereon
and coils ol suit , as by law provided.
Yon , and each of yuu , are required to aniwer
said petition on or before the Utli day of May.
1001 , or the allegations ot iad ! petition will betaken
taken as true and Judgment tendered thereon
Dated t 13rok u Bow , Nebraska , this lit day
April , 1001. CUAHLOTTK K , WlI.LUXI , 1111.
April 4 , 4t Uy A. U , UuxruiiBT , Uer Atty.
In : tbo Ulitrlct Court ot Cutler Conly , HeVnika
Uarrey I ) . Atidrewt , I'lalntlfT , )
vs. >
A , J. I'earl , Defendant. )
To A. J , Pearl , noti-roildenl defendant ;
Tou will Hake notice thnt on the JOtfi dayo/
Ssptornbor , 1900 , Darvty 11. Andrcwi , the above
named plalntlll , filed his t ) tltlou In the rtlitrlot
court of Onstot ooantr , Nebraska , sgalnat ynn ,
tbe object anil prayer of which said petition nre
to recover a judgment against yon for tbesuta of
W.'fl.W wblch l bal co dne upon a note exe
cuted and delivered by ynu to the said plaintiff ,
llnrtty I. Anilrewa , dated on Murch 15. 1191.
nnd nhlch note was orlKitmllj foi the mm ot
SIDO 00 , and which VMS du un HID 1Mb day of
Marrh , IS93 , ami wblli said note draws interest
Ht the rule uf leu per rut per annum from date
until paid ,
You will further taku notice thnt on the laid
SOth day of if ptember , I WO , an order of atlnch-
mout was Issued In i > nld action out of laid dli *
trlrt court agnlnU your property , aud that OB thu
31st day of iScpttiulMir , IPw ) , the same was duly
executed by levying upon and altacblnt ai your
proptuly thu nX el thu nH mid lot U of lection
SM , and lot 8 of section Ifi , all la lovrnihlp IX ) ,
tice'JI , sllttnted in t ueter enmity , Nebraska
That them l < due iinon said note n bnlnnce of
$ ' . ' . ' bu , With InterONt on naM sum from tb UOth
day of M | iDiiibfp , ItKH ) , anil plalntlll aska thnt
Imminent be rundrred agalmt you for snld sum
and lutcri'st , nnd that nn nrJcr be madu by the
court tluil Mtlil real citato nnd property levied
upon and attached under ftald order ot attach
ment , uiuy be sold by thi ) ( herlll of Custer county
and the proceed * tl oreof applied to thn pnyiuent
of the amount duo upon mild note , together with
Interest nnd ihu costs nt thm salt
Yon are riqntMl to nniwrr mild pttltlon on or
lefoiv Mommy , the 22nd day ot April , IMJ1.
tly U , L. QuTTKtunN , Ills Attj.
Mi-ll 14. 41
An ordinance Imponlnua llcom > o tax on thoflro
Iniumnco fompnnli ' , corporations or asHocla.
tiniif dnliiK hu I not I In the Oily of llrokon
How. tor tlie 1100 , support nnd beiiellt ot the
Volunteer Pirn Department of paid city , and
repealing onllnimeo passed and upprovcif ,
11 It ordained , by Ihn Slnyor and City Council
of the Olty of lltoVen Uow , Nebritskn :
Section I That a Demise tax of llvo dolbrn per
annum IH hereby linpocul on 01 eb llru lusurmicu
corporation , couipiny or nupoclttlon iloliiK bunl-
uess In thu City ot llroken How , for thn use ,
auppott nnd bt'uellt otthu volunteer Fire De
partment of ald city.
Hectlon ii Any tltu Inaurnnce corporation ,
company or anoclnllon , dei > lrliii ; to eng KO In
the builnosc , or now engaged in tbo builnom of
wrllliig Infuranee In the I'lty of llrokon n i\v ,
clinll pay to thu city treasurer nt th < ( ! lty nt llro
ken llow , the sum ot ilvo dollurii , aud clutll lllo
the receipt therefor wl h the city clerk , who ,
upon pnyiuent ot his feothurofor , shall thereupon
Imue to t'io apti'louut iv oortlllcnto khowlni : that
snld applicant nax paid the license tax ai herein
provided fur the cnrront tnunlclp l > eur.
Section U. - It shnll bu unlawful far nny flro
Insnriiiicu corHratlon | , fompuny or assoclivtlou ,
or any person In their belmll us agent * orothor
wise , to untune In the bnsln of writing tire
Iniutanrn In the City of HroMin llinv without
ImvltiK Drat paid snld license tax and procured
laid cerllncato us hureln provided.
Section ) . The salil tax ihall bo bj the snld
: lty tri'SHtiror accredited to a sueclal fund which
a hereby created and to bo known n a "Klru
) epmtinont Kund , " and the money 60 pild and
iccrrdlted liall bu , by the city trendiror paid out
mlv on warrant * drawn liy tlio miijor und the
Ity clerk when urddorud by tbo city roiinoll of
aid city , upon order * or biliH nuthorlzud by tbo
neildniitor vlcu-pr'C'ldfiu ot the IlioUen llow
'Iru Dopartiuent duly countorslgned by UH
iecretary ami by no other person or porions
section 0. Any llro Innurancu corporation ,
ittrupany , or association , or any person or per-
ions ou their behalf us u entH or othcrwlso that
iliall write flro limuriiucu In enlil city without
mylni ! nald ilcenso as horoln provided shall , up-
n conviction thereof , bo Uucd tti uny um not
.esritlian ten dollars nor more than one huudrud
do'lars ' for caUi otlonao.
Section 0.-That all ordlnuncoH and part * of
.mllnancaH In conlllct hernwlth , are hereby re-
1 Mn ordinance shall bu In force und olloit
rotn and nttor Us publication.
Passed aud approved this U7th day ut Miuch ,
001. A MOHUAN , Acting Mayor ,
Attest : A U. IliMii'ituisr ,
City Cluric , 1'ro-tem.
HcuiirH 111 Colin ami
For u yuii'i Oll'f ' or co't ' lrolu -
a tuontli old g\vo \ ono t-aspoouful o (
OliMinburlnln'u Oollo , Oholeru , untl Dlhr-
linorx itctnoily in liitU n Kill o ( watur na
n drniuili iillor cncli opciaUon of Uio
tiowolu innro tlmii initiiriil ; usinvlly ono
tlOBc IB atilllulonl. For oldur auimnls It
limy ho Klvnii tn Jtu'd. TlioiiBiiiuls ot
vultmblu anlinitlH nru Hnvetl by II eutili
your. Thin runiedy IH juat wlmt you
Hhotild tuko yoliraoll wutsn troubled wltb
Dlnrrhoen. For snlo by J. G . Ilitoborlo.
April , 1m.
Wliy "lllcr tmln
CANCliKS from cttncurT
UlvlilJ uit. T. O'CONNOIt cures
cancers , tumors and WUIIH ; no knife , blood or
plaster. Addreis 1306 O street , Lincoln , Nebr.
( Moi.tlon this papor1. ) Jan : PJH
Tcf ( liuoiiliil I'rom ( | < I IC
"I coiiRldur ( Jimiuburliiiii'HCougli Roiii-
ody thu bunt In the world ( or brotictilts "
ways Mr Wllliiuit Hnvory , ot WnrrltiKtou ,
KiiK'Innd. "ItBiived my wlfu'a lifu , uliu
luiviim buon a initrtyr to bronulilis ( or
uvt0 ! six years , being moat of thu timu
aonilticd to hur bed. Slio In now quite
witll. " Sold by .1' U. Heuburlo.
April 4 , liu. <
Ilnrlliititoii it onto , 925 to Cnltf uruU
12 , i j 46
ninrcli S , ia , 19 , 26
April ,
Lowoettrato in years. i
Applies to Sau Francisco , Los \
Angeles , Sacramento , San .lose aud
pretty naarly every other importont
point California.
Through tourist sleepers on all
the above dates get aboard nt any \
station in Nebraska at which train
Btopa ; ot off at LOH
duu neareHt Biirlinuton tiukot
t , or write J. Kranoiri , Guuoral
Agout , Omaha , Nub.
Iltnt itciiiutty for IlluMiimitlmii , ji
Quick Koliu ( From Pain. J
All vvh USD Ohauiburln H'H Pnin Ualtu V
( or rhuumAtlHin nro ( k-li littd with tlio j
quick riilluf from | wln wh'clt ' U alfordd. s
\V'hiii ) Hjicnklng of tills Mr , 1) N Sinks. '
D ( Troy. Ohio , Hftya : ' Homu time n o I J
hail a lovero ititaut ot rhciiumtijin in my ]
tirni and Pliokler. 1 tnud munoroud \
reiiieilicn but KOI no rolR-f uuttl I was
rcconiinuntlml by Mi'Ht'oa Ouo. F. Pureona '
i&Co. , dru iBtB of thin plucu , to try j
Cliainborlaln's-I'iiln Ha'm ' , They rcO' ,
ouunuodud it HO hlulily thni 1 bought a {
bottio. I was soon relieved nt allpuln.
I hnvti ainco ruuonunundod thU llulmunt ]
to many of my ( riendH , who agree with 1
tlmt U In the best ' '
uiu rumi'dy ( or inun-
citlnr rlioianiitiam In iho market , " For \
snlo by J. O. Hacburlu
_ .
- l -II MJ
Thu Burlington Kouto offers twouty
prlzoa , a reRHtiiig $500 for letter * which
can bu used m uncuuralu/r ; itmul rutlun
to Nebraska
Thu lirdt prlzo U n rouud trip ticket *
from any liurliuKtON Homo station in
Nubrttttka to VoUowetonu Park , and a
complete trip through the park. Includ
ing Binge trdiieportatlou aud livu and n
hairditya' iiccotuodatlon at the hotels
of thu Yellowstone Park Association
vnlue 810B
Tbe second prize ia a ticket to Denver
tuunou to thi ) Ulnok Illlld , aud 325 in
cash vnlue 976.
Particulars cuu bu obtained by address-
lugj. Frauds , U. P. A. , Burllugtoa
Rout * , Otnahn ( Nebr ,