Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 04, 1901, Image 1

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    „ X l-jl"
' * * -V
Ilullt like watch ,
That's the watchword tint denotes er-
c.illonclpi In 'In' bicycle , the eutvlni ; OIK-
rhiiir. toil Mil instruinonts wolrh ap-
| ir < irtcb the acme uf uivrhnalcnl perfection
"Unlit like a watch" means the em
bodiment ut acmracy
Tliero la no ilnir machine , and rene for
thci adjustment of which greater uechanl
cnl skill U re < iuloe < l.
Anybody can Us" a watch , but only
the highest skill can proparly replace a
broken part can nnko It mvaturu time ,
c < n tfUHrsutet. reliability.
1 make timekeepers out of that machine
tailed a w ten
.4 *
rhilnate of Chicago Opthalinlc College.
I School Books ,
89 Tablets
School Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle's :
itiHit't Ilie material
Unit ; ; ott * tutu > our
repaired -\vutclt tliut
results ii > a perfect
I. . ; . , u is t > ie
jlou ;
-bueiimas , any
CHII buy tin Hue kinds < ( material
timtJU'c In repairing ; but skill
a the most valuable material that
; an bo used invutcn repairing ;
uod the bungler cun't buy it. 1
eei ! m.y ekili ( or wlmt It la worth
nu i ii will coat you IOBS than
nt lower prices.
Jeweler and Optician.
\\Vst hide of Bqunre.
Job Printing.
A Large
Stock oi
New Line oi
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons
and Farm Wagons.
G. W , Apple.
Flour !
We will sell Flour as
cheap as the manufac
turer. J. C. BOWEN.
reft. .
Business Pointers.
Job printtnir at thiri office.
Dr. r. W. Bass , dentist , Broken
Lubricating oils of all kindat
Wilkius' drug store.
Dierks Lumber Co. has iu stock : i
: ar load of fine cedar posts for the
Eight head of young cows for
sale cheap. A. T. SKYBOLT.
fob 28 tf *
Buy your chicken's oyster shell ,
crushed bone and grit at the Peal
Jaah Groceiy Co. fch2& tf
Kor Male.
A pair of young draft horses ,
[ uquire at Leo's barn.
Seed Outs.
For the pure article , leave orders
at J. C. Bowen's at onco.
hay for Halo.
'fjoaintond ' to build call at
a Lumber Co. and get prices
Pepnin Gum , two packages tor u
Corn wanted in trade , at Tin
P ale Cash Grocery Co.
( Jomo and gut our prices nu uun-
ued dry fruita We wvll not be UL-
der sold. JOUN&KNEBH
WANTED : Girl for general house
work tf MBS. BANGS.
Houses for tent or Hale. I will
be at my place of business from
now on until 8 p. m.
and a few live aero lota in this city ,
for cattle , horsed or farm land.
feb28 tf ALLAN REYNKE.
When in need of a first-class
auctioneer , call ou or address
Broken Bow , Nebr. tf
NOTICE : Our offer of a 16x20
picture with a dozen cabinets con
tinued until May 1.
Id BANGS , the Artut.
LOST : Sometime during Febr
uary , a school order , dratn on
disirict No. 67. Ficder will please
forward same to Emma Reyner ,
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
Fou RENT. Store room on north
suie of bquare , Call or address
fcb'21 tf A. T. SKYBOLT.
Candy , nuts , fruits , all kinds of
breakfast foods , buckwheat flour ,
maple syrup , silver drip , nothing
finer , at John & Knerr's.
STKAYED About March -20th , a
black and white sow , weight 225
pounds , heavy with pig , slit in righter
or loft ear , strayed from my place
1C miles north of Brokeu Bow.
Finder will be well paid for hit )
trouble , tf C. VV. BOWMAN
WANTED : Two boys , from 13
to It years old. to work in cigar
factory. Call at cigar faotoiy over
Po.ilc'd store. E. II. DALBEY.
to the atatomcut made by DaviH on
the stand , I want the pubhc to
know I have never intended to
try to get thooe boys in trouble , not
never said such a thing to any one.
Broken Bow , Neb. , April I.
I have for sale seven head of full
blood Galloway bulls , at the Globe
barn ; fine ones. Will trade for
horses or ell on time. Sire of
bulls imported from Scotland.
4-5-9t R. PEOK.
Fou SALE. One Percheron Nor
man Stallion. Eequire of John WiU
lis , one half mile west of Broken
Bow. f4 tf
FOR SALE A one story cottage
with six large rooms , pleasant yard ,
and Hurroundin H. Price $900.
Call on L. J. Gaudy or at this
office. 7 19tf
Farms for salt * and lands for rent.
Now is the time to get a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms are all going ,
and prices are advancing rapidly.
Call and got prices on groceries ,
( jueoncware and dry goods , whether
you want to buy ot not. It may
save you money later. No trouble
to give prices and show goods.
Quick naluH , small profits , prompt
delivery is our motto , at John and
The Door is Locked
at our old place of business , and
we are like the young boy that
leayes home for the first time
there's man } ' pleasant recollec
tions about the old spot over there
on the north side , where we did a
successful business for more than
12 ' years. The pleasant neigh
bors , the ever faithful , sturdy
customers who learned by experi
ence to know that ) an article
bought from us was right , not
only in quality but in price as
well , together with the persistent
labor which we always devote to
our business in the search for up-
to-date merchandise at lowest
prices j , all combine to impress our
minds with solemn thought. But
we are not sobbing ; we're still
like 1 the young man but with a
new found joy. We are now
pleasantly located in our elegant
newly fitted store room , 4 doors
north of Broken Bow State Bank
where we would be pleased to
meet all our friends. Our buyer
has just returned from a very
successful trip east , and we are
very busy receiving and placing
on sale the finest stock of goods
over shown in Broken Bowwhich
we will tell you more about in
future issues of thib paper.
Thanking our inuny friends lor
past favors , and assuring them
of our ability to more than main
tain the record in the future , we
are , most truly ,
Your Obedient Servants ,
g > Local
Representative Taylor , of Merna ,
returned from Lincoln Friday.
Fred Palmer of Alliance , has
been in the city for several days.
Patrick Kelley , of New Helena ,
wag a business caller lust Tuesday.
Taylor Flick was an eastern
bound passenger last Sunday morn
John Fugitt lost seven head of
cattle during the recent big snow
( Jhas. Seoley , of .Ravenna , has
purchased the Mason City Mill
The genial Jitu JOIICH , of Omaha ,
wan a Broken Bow visitor the lirat
of the week.
D. M. Auidborry is in Omaha to
day attending a meeting of the
Baptist state board.
Chas. Heaps shipped a car load
of fat cattle to the South Omaha
market the first of the week.
The Central Nebraska Summer
School will open its session Juno
10th and continue for a period of
t\x weeks.
Chas. Penn arrived in the city
Tuesday night fiom Milford , and
forthwith wont to the polls and
east his ballot.
W. ti. Purcell sprained htn ankle
badly a short tune fiinee , ana tins
only been able to get about with
the aid of a cane.
Hon. J. D. Ream and family returned
turned Sunday trom Lincoln , where
Mr. Ream has spent the winter an
a member of the legislature.
Little Mint ) Violet Osborue oamt
up from Ravenna the latter
part of last week , and visited wil
her grand parents for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank John are the
proud parents of a tun pound girl
which arrived at their homo lasi
evening. All parties are dom
Lieut. Governor Savaqe wa
banqueted by the South Omahi
officials last Tuesday twining , n
appreciation of his efforts in bchat
of the South Omaha charter ,
B W. and J. A Kelleubarger , o
Merna , returned Monday from Iowa
uhere they bought a car load o
thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls
which they brouyht back will , them
Dr R. C. Talbot had his ankl
quite badly hurt last Saturday
He was making a profcrinional ca !
on horseback , when the horse fell
catching the doctor's ankle undt
him and spraining it severely.
Tbo mother of C.V. . Uowisats
has been sick for some time , and on
Tuesday evening her daughters
Mrs. Rboda Carries , of Greenwood
and Mrs. Lizzie RunBell , of Lincoli
arrived and will remain with her
'until ' ue improves.
'Rene Wostorville , editor of the
Scotttt Bluff a Republican , wa * in
the city Tuesday on his way from
Lincoln , where he hold a clerical
position in the legislature during
its HGHriion. The legislature ad
journed Monday.
The Lidies Library Association
will jive an entertainment , the
"Sequel to the old maids conven
tions , " at the north side opera
homo , Tuelday , April 9 Reserved
seat , twenty-five cents , general ad-
umtuon , fifteen cents ,
II. G. Rogers loft for Chicago
Monday morning , where he will re-
ide in the future. Mr. Rogers is
no of the pioneer citizens of Bro-
en Bow , having settled hero iu the
arl > 'SO'n , and it is with regret we
nnounoe his final departure.
S. D. Butcher returned from
Jonver latt evening , where ho wont
o make arrangements for ongrav-
tigh tor lu book. While gone he
losed a deal with the Williarason-
Jacfner Engraving Oo , for 175
ncravings , which will bo ready for
lelivery in two weeks.
D. C. and F. O. Potter , of Lee
ark , spent several days in the city
ha last part of last week and the
[ rst of this , looking after matUrc
u relation to the administration of
h ir lather's estate Mr. Murray ,
f Lee Park , was appointed admin
s'rator of the eatato.
Jehu Cav uti was in the oitj
yesterday from Georgetown , and
made this office a pleasant call. He
repoits that the tUtok in his iioigh-
jorhood withstood the late storms
n splendid shape , and that the
OHt < es of the South Loup ranchmen
are practically nothing.
Mr. Dalby , of Logan , Iowa , has
ooated in the city with the view of
establishing a oigrr factory for the
wholesale trado. Mr. Dalby wan
lore last fall and scoured favorable
nducemeuts from the business
loused ot the city in case he do-
ided to locate with us. His wife
will arrive the litter part of the
w ok.
A. C. Elliott , supreme Hooretary
of the Modern Jrothorhood of Am
erica , arrived in the city Wednee-
lay from Tip ton , Iowa , with a view
if viHiting a few lodges in the state ,
broken Bow has one of the best
edges in the state , bonce hia visit ,
le held a mooting with the lodge
esterday afternoon iu the secret
work , and an open meeting with a
jauquet was held last night. Ho
was given a warm reception by the
nembers of the lodge here , and
heir efforts were very much appre
ciated by him.
The City Election.
The city election Tuesday , aa
usual , was hotly contested in a
riondly way , both upon the ques
tion of saloon license and the can-
lidales for office. Both the repuh-
icau and citizens tickets wera
jledged to carry out the will of the
as expressed at Uio polls.
lrom the result of the vote it in
dicates that practically all the
icenso voters uupported the citizens
ticket a well as a large number of
the furiiouitUb who voted against
license. The fact that the republi
can nomiuefti were anti-license did
nut have sufficient weight to over
come their prejudice against the
name republican. But many re
publicans who wore moru in favor
of licanse thap they were in the
success of the republican nominees
voted for the licunso nominees and
lor license. The out come is , we
have a council who are in favor of
hoeUHe , but are pledged again * ! by
the popular votu. The situation is
amusing , and , is anything but sat
irfaotorj to thu duoccsfful candi
dates. And what makes it still
moru interesting , as well an em-
barraMiung , IH the fact that the re
cent legislature passed a law extend
ing the term of office of all city
officers to two year * Some who
have been elected have uxpreisud an
inclination to deoliup to accept because -
cause license did not carry. But
wo do not anticipate so rash a step
will be seriously contemplated by
any of those who have been chosen.
It would not bt conmstant nor the
right thing to do under the oiroum
Btancea. They accepted the nom
inations with the situation plainly
before them and pledpod I hem-
helved in a published statement that
if elected they would abide by the
will of the majority. This we be.
heve they will do. They are men
fully capable to till the several
positions to which they have been
elected , and they have the welfare
of the city at heart an tnnch as any
of eur citizens , 'ihey bare been
For a third of a century American
housewives have found Dr.Price's Bak
ing Powder invariably a guarantee of
light , sweet , pure and wholesome food.
Always makes the perfect biscuit ,
cake and bread.
NOTE. tlnklnjf powders made from ntum
and other huruli , cuusttcuclils are
mice BAKING powocn oo , lowerln ( irlco.but inferlorliuvork
CHICAGO , and Injurious to the stomach.
selected by a huge mijorityof : | the
voters to the several portions anil
in justice to the will of the major
ity , whose suffrage they nought , wo
hope to HUB thorn assume the ad
ministration of the oily and wo be
lieve they will do it- They may
not be able to put iu ait electric
light plant or build a town hall out
of the surplus of thu city finanunfl ,
but they may be able to keep the
expenses within the legitimate ro-
ceipta , and are to it tint law and
order prevails , and that the good
name of our city is maintained.
The following is the vote , except
for the offices of oily troanurer and
civil engineer. J. M. Kimborhnc *
and E. F. McGluro , two republican
nominees , who woru elected without -
out opposition :
For Mayor , , Maj
Harris , J. A 53. 5
Wood ? , VV. J 48.
For Clerk ,
Holoomb , C , II 03. 30
Smith , J. B 31. !
For Councilman ,
Finlen , T 52. 3
Munb , P. II 49.
Against LioouHe , 51. 4
For LicoiiBo 47.
For Mayor ,
Harris , J. A 66. 4
Woods , W. J 34.
For Clark ,
Holoomb , C. II 1)3. ) 30
Smith , ,1. B 33.
l < Y > r Councilman ,
lIotiHO , E < 1 03 25
Thorpr , G. II 3S.
Against License , 01. 24
For License , 37.
For Mayor ,
IHrri , J. A 70. 20
Woods , W. J 60.
For Clerk ,
Holoomb , C. 11 78. 34
Smith , J. B 44.
For Councilman ,
Martin , 0. S OC. 10
MoOluro , K. F 55.
AgniiiNt License , 04. 8
For License , 50 , , °
Total Against License. . . 30
Dean J. H 250 5
Rublee , Mrs. P. M 201. 1
Sullivan , MrH. II. M 250.
Osborne , W. U 1 -
You can save money by ordering
your rohding matter through the
REPUBLICAN. We can furnish you
nearly all the papers and magazins
( or less than publishers prices.
Komoinburtho Busy Big store.
They have anything you want iu
the grocery line. Lrpp in and look
around , make yourHolf at homo and
see if our prices are not riuht.
$5 Field Seeds , Grass Seeds , Garden Seeds , Sz
y Ti - *
Our BuHineHH ia to QLORI.
FY ouraelyeH and our out )
tomen by furnishing BUILD
LOWER Price thau our
Oompetitora will do ,
If you intend to build a
HOUSE , or stable , or porch ,
or need a NEW FRONT DOOR , or VIEW WINDOW , remem
ber that
Foster & Smith Lumber Go.
SPECIALISTS m their LINE , and a trial order will convino
you that they are right. Youra For Buu'mesa ,
W.L , RULE , Manager.