Obituary DuuAdit Margunt llower ? , ditngliter of Mr. and Mt Vincent lowe * wn boru February 13 , UA8 , In Lumu Co .Illinois. ud illeil at her home tiuur Wcl * en. Cuatur count ) , tinbraikn , February 13 , IWI-aged tuctly ! W yean. bhu waH married to Lewis K. Towu , Fob. U2 , IdHO. lu Decem ber , 1883 , they oanio to Cuntor Co. , wlnub ha * Hiiiuu beun ttiuir homo. Bliu leaven to mourn liur IOHH hur hnabaud audsuvon children , her father and mother , two sisters , and a host of fncudti , whose nnmbor is limited only by the upbore oi her acquaintance Several years ago who was truly converted to tlie loving service of God , and ever aftei lived as an exemplary Ohriat- , iaa. In every relation f life , as daughter , ulsters , witc , mother and frioi.'d , her charaetor and life was above reproach , The ordinary phrases of regret , sympathy , condolence or praise sootu trite and common-phou when applied to suoli a life and character. Perhaps no uioro fitting epitaph oould be written for her than that preoious declaration of Holy Writ "blessed are the dead who die in the Lord for they reat from their labors , and their works do follow them. " Cert ainly her works do follow her , in the influence she has had upon her own family and her friendn ; her fidelity to every duty , her simple1 , Hweot , unassuming pity , and her warm affection can never be forgot ten. By her request her funeral ser mon wan preached by her former pastor and personal friend , Kev. II M. Pinckneyand was given in the M. E churoh near her home , known as "Wesley Chaj > ol" , where for many years she had been a valuable member. The crowded house , the sorrowing faces and tearful eyes all bore touching evidence to the OH. teem in which this noble wife and mother was hold. Church Sen ices. KPIHOOI'AL GUUBCll. Palm Sunday , March 31. Litany and Ante-Communion service 10:45 : a. m. Sermon on the Seventh Commandment. 12 m. Sunday school. 7:45 p. in. Vesper service. Address on the 5th Criticism of the Episcopal church , "It is next door to Ko- manibtn. " Miss Pinkerton will siny "The tf Palms , " ( Faure ) at the morning t ' service , and Miss Pinkerton * and Mrs. Mayer will sing1 a duet at the eveningservice. . Next week being"Holy Week" there will be services in the rec tory , Monday , Tuesday and Wed nesday , at 5 p. m. , aad Maundy- Thursday in the church at the same hour. A three hour Passion service will be held on Good Friday from 12 to 3 p. m. _ North aide opera house Monday night ; stereoptican lecture on Ten Nig-hts in the Bar Room. Pro ceeds to go to the public schools. Admission 10 and 25 cents , The revival meetings continue at the U. B. church with fair at tendance and good interest. Sun day morning the pastor's subject will be "By God's Spirit. " In the euening the illustrated sermon on Abraham's Call and God's Prom ises. A cordial welcome to all these services. Mass Meeting. There will be a mass meetsng for the citizens of Broken Bow at the north side opera house next Sunday afternoon , at three o'clock. ' This meeting- will beef of interest to all citizens , of whatever opinion or politica. affiliation. Questions of public interest should be discussed by al. citizens , in a fair and dispasionate manner , and all shotile be willing for that policy to prevail that wil. insure the largest good to the largest number of people. It i the purpose of this meeting to contribut to this end. The meeting- will be addressee. byJ. O. Helms of Kearney , one of the most popular and forcefu speakers in the state. Judge Sullivan and Mr. James White head will also abbress the mee ing- . Good music will be provld ed for the occasion. Let even body come. Ilyito Ryno , March 2 ( > , 1901. Weather has been cold and dis agreeable since Saturday , rait and snow has been hard on stock yet it has kept the soil in fin condition. Seyeral commenced seeding- last week , but the cold am" wintery weather hindered th work. Very little , if any , will be sown this week. Soil to wet. Something- unusual for Nebraska. James Brennen has bought a quarter section five miles east of Callaway. He ia living with Charles McDermott 'till weather permits him to erect builings. Wrn. P. Henman is confined to his bed with a severe attack of inflammatory rhumatism. Af Ur an absence of five mouths ponding- their time m Colorado Springs , Colo. , working at the carpenters trade , C. G. and B. C , Ktnptield hava arrived home to- du ) . News scarce , othingof in terest to write. May do better next time. Look out for th assessor. Some Flue ( MUle. The Sargent Leadei gave tin following last week in reference lu a purchase of thoroughbred fchort OFUB recently purdiisod by M. It. fandenberg , one of Custeroounty'd iouceitt and prosperous farmer * of he Middle Loup valley M. K. Vaudeuborg returned Fn. ay afternoon from South Omaha with a Shorthorn hoifpr and bull /hiuh tie bought at the closing out ale of T. li. Westropa & Son. The heifer , Mma Abhotttiburn , is u good young heifer out of the show : ow , Lady Uarriuyton and sired by ho show bull , young AbbotUburn d. The bull id the show bull , Thickset , weighing 1000 pounds at wo years old. That he is all rijjht s evidenced by the following clipp- ngs takei trom the Breeders Gazette and the Iowa liomeataad. Those cattle will be u valuable oquuttton to what is probably the cut herd ot Shorthorns in Central Nebraska. A BOH of young AbbotUburu 3d , , vhich is bound to prove one of the onsational young bulls of the sale , s Thickset , Lot 78. His dam , Fairy Queen waft by Potts bred. Cruick. hank-Lavender bull , Lavender ung 3d , for whom Mr. Weatrope aid $1,000 as a calf. Thiokset as certainly been well named as ie is undoubtedly one of the thick- st , biggest around , heaviast bodied mils on short legs to bo found auy where. Helms made a marvelous development since show time , anil at 20 months old , weighs 1500 pounds. He comes from a splendid miking family and will make a aluablo rhow and breeding bull or some one to own. Iowa Homo toad Among the younc bulls to bo ouud in Messrs. Westropo's sale atalogued IB the roan Thiokset which is two yours old this month. He represents the cross of young Abbcttsburn 2d on a Lavender iviug 3d cow Fairy Queen which 1 of the Huby tribe. It ia worthy f note that no less than sixteen f this Ituby family are in the catalogue aloguo and as A rule the fetualos are of unusual excellence at the pail. It "a ouojthe strains that MessrsWest - rope have cultivated because of ts dual usefulness and these cattle are of a very profitable character Thickset u a bull of extraordinary thickness and mellowness of tlosh , with remarkable derp body , great hind quarters and short leg. Ho in uuoh like his sire in his breath , bulk and Hesh-carrying qualities , ind coming from a tribe of milkers 10 is certainly one of the most valu able young bulls now in offer for use by a man who seeki the produo tion of practiole rent-paying cattle Breeder's Gazette. Our KaccliHU | CM. Aiuloy Chronicle The Advocate , after five years of stormy sailing on the sea of journal , ism , has bid goodly to friends and pulled into the harbor ot silence to be remembered no more. Peace to UH asher. Mrs. McCormack came down from Broken Bow Sunday to visit with her son and to administer unto her sick grandson , Clifford MoCorrnack Callaway Courier : H. H. Andrews was the first to get a building ou the lots left vacant by the tire. James Whiteboad has material on the ground for putting a brick foundation under the house occupied by Will Stevens. C. C. Woodruff , formerly of this place , is now foreman of the yards of a big locomotive manufactory at Richmond W Last week a prairie fire in Thomas and Cherry counties burned over a tract of land lift eon miles wide and ioventy-five mile long. Con sidering the extent of the fire but little damage wan done. Sargent Nenr Era A. L. Couhiser killed a young ta- rantulo on a bunch of bananas Thursday night. So far as wo know this is the first aver seen in Sargent. It is reported that KV. . Davis has received the appointment to the position of deputy wrrdeu of the state penitentiary. , . Notice. Notice is hereby given to the party 01 parties holding orders No. 07 and 08 , on school dutrict No. 118 , Cuator county , Nebraska , to present the same for payment to P. 0. Johnson , treasurer of said district. H , L. YOUK , Director. Dated March 14,1001. at Communicated. From a bushel of corn , the distiller gets tour gallons ot whiskey , which retails The fanner gels 25 cent * ; the U. S. government gets $4.40 ; the railroad lompatn gets * 1.00 ; the manufacturer gets S4.UO ; the drayman gels 15 cctils , the re tailer gets $7.0U ; the consumer UX'U. drink ; the wife gets hungry ; the children gets rags ; the poli tician gets office ; the man that wants license gets what ? - "Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink ; that puttieth the thy bottle to him and makest him drink also.Hcb. . 2-15. Business Pointers. Job printing at this otlioe. Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist , Broken low. Lubricating oils of all kinds at Wilkms' drug store. Dierks Lumber Co. has in utook a * car load oi line cedar posts for the trade. Eight head of young cows for sale cheap. A. T. SKYUOLT. fob 28 tf Buy your chicken's ojster shell , crushed bone and grit at the Peal Cash Grocery Co. fob2b tf Kor Hale. A pnir of young drift horses , inquire at Leo's barn. ( reruian millet seed , free of weed send , for sale. IT. C , STEHKT , Merua , Neb. Seed Oats. For the pure article , leave orders at J. C. Bowen's at once. Houses for lent or sale. I will > e at my place of business from now ou until 8 p. m. A. W. DUAKK FOR SALE ou TUADK Town lots and a few tive acre lots in thin city , 'or cattle , horsed or farm land. 'eb'JS tf ALLAN RKYNKK. When in need of a first-class auctioneer , oill on or address U. D. SULLIVAN , iirokeu Bow , Nebr. tf FOR SALE. One Percheron Nor man Stallion. Kequireof John Wil is , one half mile west of Broken Uow. f4 tf FouSALu A one Htory cottage with six largo rooms , pleasant yard and surroundings. Price $900 Call on L. J. Gandy or at this office. 7 19tf Farms for salt ; and lands for ronl Now is the time to get a farm cheap the cheap farms are all going and prices are advancing rapidly. J. G. BUKNIZKK. Street Talk. When you want good groceries you have to go to BowenV First clnes farm for Halo 4 mile south east of Broken Bow , also var ious other lands , write for parti culars. A. T. SKYBOLT. Broken Bow. Nebr. For Sale. Good Htcck of general merchan dise. For particulars write J. J. Stanford , Merna , Neb. j31 tf For Hale or Trade. A house and lot in Mason City to sell or trade for stock ; also a good . ton foot wind mill with tower , that I will dispose of the same way. fob ? tf A. Y. SUTTON. Broken Bow , Nebr. We have not moved or sold out , but are at the old stand ready to give you bargains as in the past. JOHN & KNKHU. GIUL WANTBU A girl or woman for general housework. Permanent place and good wagas. tf MBH. J. A. HAHKIS. For first class tonsorial work call on Wahl t Freed , west side of tue public square. tf A complete line of lleintz bottle goods. JOHN & KNEUU. You can save money by ordering your reading matter through the UKPUIILICAN. We can furnish you nearly all the papers and raagazins for less than publishers prices. Remember the Busy Big store. They nave anything you want in the grocery line. Drop m ana look arouud , make yourself at homo and see if our prices are not right. JOHN & KNKUB. Call and got prices on groconcs , queennware and dry goods , whether you want to buy or not. It may save you money later. No trouble to give prices and show goods. Quick sale * , small profits , prompt delivery is our motto , at John and Knerr's. Dr. Withers , Omaha painless dentest , will be at the Glebe hotel April 3rd and 4th. Don't fail to see him about your teeth , and have them put in tiisl olais condition at Oraahft price * . 3-21-td. The old and reliable firm of Dierks Lumber do. is the piano tote to ; for lumber or coal. A good supply and grades to meet the w < uiu of their customers are always in stock. 3'JUf JsruA\Eu : From my place near Meruu , aUuut three weeks ai'i > , one Horrol maru colt , about three years old , white stripe in forehead. Ad dress all information to me , at Merna , Neb. C. F. GBAJJEKT. M21 3t I , Notice to tliu I ul > llc. 1 The traveling public is hereby I notified that I intend to fence the private road running through my farm , on northeast quarter of sec tion 1 , township 18 , range 20 , and all parties are hereby forbidden to drive over haid toad under pen alty of law. MAMTIN ELLINOSON. Notice of llenurd. A reward oi $5.00 will be given for information leading to convic tion of any one tampering or ined- liug with any line , or shooting insulators - sulators or doing any damage inten tionally on any line belonging to thi > Broken Bow Telephone Exchange. Warning is hereby given that any persons so offending will bo proHB- cuted to the full extent of the lav. . BBOKUN Bow TKLKPUONK Excir Maiitl. Sand for plastering furnished ou short notice from the old Gaudy sana bank Z. O. and WJ. . CROSS 3-14 tfl Order To whom U may concern : No tice is hereby given to anyone not to purchase school district warrant No. 27 , on district No. 100 , of dia ler county , Nebrask , qiveu. to Dora Hiatt , for $25.00 , as the same has been paid and lost by mo before canceling it. A. H. FORD , March 14 , 4i. Treasurer. STRAYED : Shorthorn bull , com ing two years old ; on February 4. Last seen , about two inilos north ot Broken Bow. Liberal reward will bo paid for his return. tf TlERNKY BltOB. Itcuiurkitble Cures of IHicumatisin. From the Vindicator , liuther- fordtou , N. C. The eutor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy' Chamberlian'H Pain Balm twice with the most remarkable results m each case. First , with rheuma tism in the sholder from which lu > suffered excruciating pain for ten dayn , which was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm , rubbing the parts affictea and realizing in stant benefit and entire reliefm short time. Second , in rheumatism in thigh joint , almost prostrating him with severe pain , which was relievpd by two applicatons , rubbing with liniment on retiring at night , and getting up free from pain. For sale by J. G. Uaberhe. t.'YV In .e > M : r . Tourists to the Yelowstone National Park next season will bo treated to a brand new Attraction en a wonderful geyser. A man named Jatnes King , wbo ban been living in tUe Park during the pnH winter , has just iufomrmeit the Helena Record that in the unrly morning of February 13 bo was awakened by terrtlce explosion similar to that of the explosion of a large xuanttiy ot powder. Ho soon discovered that the Fountain geyser basin had given birtb to a new geyser. The now wonder ia located abuut 20C beet Immediately south to the famrn Fountain geyaer. At the time of Mr. King's discovery , and lor a loug time thereafter. It was Bending a solid column of hot water fully 500 beet into tbo air , the wftier gushing forth Irom a subter ranean hole about tive beet In diameter with n loud roar. For an hour and half the nionetnr column of hot water shot heayeward It tban Piibiided and has since been ulaying at regular inter vale of about two hours Singular enough the EyeUior geyser thb largest , and in soruo respects * the most wonderful geyser in the IMrk which has not been a statu of eruption for several yemi past , commenced to piny on Washington1 * ! birthday , and continued in full play for over five noure. To TDK DEAF A rich lady , cured ot i i Deaf ness and Noises in the Heaa by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums , gave 525,000 to his In stitute , so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums , may have them free , Address No. D 143 , The Nicholson Institute , 780 Eight Avenue , New York. jan3 ly Epnorth Leaguers Send me your name and address aud I will mall you about April 1 , \ \ bemiti fully illustrated folder given full Infor- niatlonjabout the special rates and trum service to California via the 15urlm ton Kout , at the time ot the Epworth League meeting at San Frisco in July 'ihe ; folder will enlighten you on everj point in connection with the trip to San Fnmclac * cost of tickets ; how to makt tht ) trip moat cheaply and comfortable what ttieio ia to BOO on the way , and why your tickets should read via the liurlmg- ton Rout. The round trip rate open to everyon from Oman to Frunclico via the Burlington Kout ts $45. Tickets are good by way of Denver and Salt LuV city.J. . J. Franols General Paanonger Agent Uurliugtou Uout , Omaha , Neb. Mch76t. How to Millie IICHH ! . < > v. The Republican baa a proposition th * may not exactly solve the question "Ilo\v to Maktt Hans Lay , " but it will help you tu roaki * more money out of your litms tliHii you are now doing. If you pay up nil arrearage and one \ erin in ml Vance , w will itend you I'll * Wiwt ern Poultry News on * * yt ar free. It l H big IC-page pup r published nt Lincoln , Neb. , And l recognized authority on poultry mutters , tunny of the bust known poultjy uxperts contributing thttlr exper ience. $25.000 Our Grand Ornithological Contest , Sotnrtl lni ( entirely n < w mid Interesting. Hand \\-hnt you are to do. Von rosy get SIQUO. Our contcct U to ! > wlio can rouko the Ihtgcat Hit of name ( or kludHi t f blrdi from th" following lift of letter ; W U O O O C C K Q U L I A P K TARID G E S P N I E L V E B U D 1 M W A D O II T L \\o will recognize 119 a bird nnythlntr belonging to the foatutred trlbt , whether HOP a tlen. Crow , Singer or any other kind. You inn u e any letter as many timus to make a name It appears in the Hit of letters above , \\oodLock , l'lu > er , Snow Bird , etc. To auy persons ho utu innkn n ll t of y > or moro dllferunt i sine ol birds , nc will g\v \ * absolutely PUKE a beautiful prUe , value , or left leftBio Bio PIUZKS AwAieuKO DAILY. When you lmvo madu ont year ll t llll out tha Ilrif on tue bottom of this udrertUeinent , and send to us with n flumped addretwd envelope Htamp ot jour lonutr ; will do , thsu If you art ) awarded a prize you on it yon deelre pet the prize IIT becoming a tiibfcrlbor to the Woman'- Wiitli. We snallawaid n iirUe to every person who fends the name ot Ji birdi < , and our KltU will DO as f < II nvs ! For the bent lut , ntelved each dny , H uoldVnt < lr for the setoud b st nomtiou i-aeh day u beautifnl linpotird Tea & * t , for the seven next beet solutions oarb d v , a Konrah a a. Ui'i Diamond and Buby King , for the next n > t colntion. a Gold t'lccc , and lor all oth-r correct solutions , pcizes of oed Tnlue. Thr e ptl7M will bo forwarded dull } , you will not have to wait a long tlmnin uncertainty 0'foro you know thi result. There 1 no cleniiut of lottery in our plin , it make * no .llrterunrw wlie'hur we ei your olutiou late or eirly m tn d iy Al yea need i" to null this Adtl to u-ind on th f diiy It reHLlin u * , If your \ltt \ la thu liast , you b ll liavit tUu Gold v-TftUU , or if second bo-it the beautiful ; t but , ami i-o on. Vo gnaranteo tliat ne will award you a prb.e There ia abajlutcl ) no oppor tunity for dvcvption on our part we cannot afford U Wo want to et 1 OCU.OUO wil eatl-Hcd nub ecrlburv and for that re isouvu don't wuut you to eeud any money until you know exactly whit prUn yjn have gained by answering the purzlue As soon after 4 u ui. each day a * pofnlbiu , the eiamiuere will judiio the 11 > 'o the botit of their ability , and will designate the pri/es. \\e \\ill write to yon a * once notifying you what prize has been awarded jou , then If yon are satlftied , you can * cud your subscription to fhoVomau't < World , and your prize will go by return of mall carriage paid To a pereou ot narrow Ideus it CPIUH linpoeslblo tlmto Hhould be able to make snub u gigantic ollar , tint we have the money , brains ind reputation , wo know exactly what we are dou g , and if wo can legitimate ly gain a mil lion ut scrlbert ! by Una grand idea , we know that million of well pleased subscribers can be Iniluctd tore > otiimend Tht ) Woman's World to ull frleLdrt , thereby building up our circulation still further. Wu nr willing to si/end 5 6,000 in tlila contest In bniliiuiK up a blxenbjcriptiot Hat , -.nd A hen this money s upout we reserve the right to publish a notification thu' the coute-t has been dlricoLtlnued. Lion t deity until it li too late. 1 be contest will continue until July Int. 1901. 1901.We We give a bonus prlza ot JJ50 Independent of all others , to tlm p rsou u ho ueud4 in the Ills ott n up lu the beet and handsomest m nat-r Our commltti'u will decide and award prizes , , alj , bnt thu epc'lul $ 50 prUe ' .Mil be awarded In bvptcm- her , I'.Hjl Auy bird a natue found In the diction aries accepted. \ VliuVe Are. The "woman's World ' U a thoroughly coucwrn , we are known to do exactly a * wrellaole tlbc. AM to our reliability wo refer to an o adver tising j0-uat or budinei mnu ot Londony advur- York. or > e- Name Street' . Towu .Country N' B. Be careful and prepay your letter 5c , , we do not recelva nnderpald letter * . Addn n > - THE " \VOMAN'I Womm , " UUSSIJTOIUJ , LOKUOM jan'3i W. Es.el.XNO. Are Vou interested In I'uultry. If you ire , here u a. chance for you , Pay up wlm you owe and one yt'nr in d Vance on tto Htpubhcau auu we'll send you Tne Westein Poultry News , o ( Lin coln , Xeb. . 11 whole yeir Ireo. It's A b16psg \ poultry monthly and will help you uiaVe m < re money out ot your chickena. It also has u Belgian Hare depar'tueut. ' IS LIKEX DELICATE MUSICAL IffsriJUMEHT In good condi'ton sh is sweet and lovabla , and sing's life's song on a jo/ful harmonious strinf. Out of o-Jer or unstrung , there is discordance and unhappinsss. J ust as there Is one k > note to all music so there Is one key note to rreaith. A woman might as well try to ( ly without w1n 5 as to ( eel well and look well while the.organs that make her a woman are weak or dseased. She must be heatthy Inside or she can't be healthy outside. There are thousands of women suffering silently all over th * country. Mis'aken modesty urgea their silence. While there Is nothing more admirable than a mode t woman , health U of the lirst importance. Every othr con sideration should give way before it. Brad- field's Female Regulator Is a medicine foi women's ills. It is Ihemfestandquick * etway tocureleu- corrhsa , falling of Ihe womb , nervous ness , headache , backache and gen eral weakness , rotr will be Astonished at tha result , es pecially if you have been experiment ing with other so- called remedies. We are not asking you to try an uncer tainty. Bradfield's Regulator has m ade happy thousandsof women. What it has done for others it can do for you. Sold in drug stores forl a bottle. A fren Illustrated book wdl bf ( put to all who writeto IliC BRADtlELD REGULATOR CO. Atlanta , Go. An lloiiusl Medicine Tor LnUrlppc. Ceorgo W. Want , of youth Gar diner , Mo , says"I nave had iho worst cough , cold , chills and grip and hive taken lots of traah of no .uicouut but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ia the only thing that ban doiio any good whatever. I have used one bottle of it and the chills , cold aud grip have all left me. 1 congrat ulate the manufactures of an nonet medicine. " For sale by J. GHae - berlo. Mrh 7 Ira A X'oultry I'aper Kree. The Republican has uiadeairangemeiit whereby we CRU send "The Western Poultry Newa" one year free to any per sou piijmg one j ear's subscription in advance. Did subscribers wbo pay up and pay one year in advance can take ad vantage of tbia oiler also The Western Poultry Ncwa is a big It5-page monthly chicken paper , published at Lincoln Neb. , and is an { .cknowleged nutnority on poultry methodu. It not only inter ests laney breeders , but the housewife in town orcounti'i , who wanta to make some protit from H few lieua. It also has a Belgian Hare department It you want n poultry paper , heron vourchiinc" U ii. Laud Orilcu , liroken Uow , Neb , I JIarth "U. 1'JOI ( Notice li hereby jtlveii tliat CHARLES W FUDGE , of Ilroken How , Nebraska had filed cotlLO of Intention to make flrul pruof txfoto Itf lstir and Receiver a : biu olllce In ItroVen Uow. Nebraska , on this day ttinJtli day oC April 1'JOI on tnnbor culture npiilkatioti No. 1.U7U , for Klj N\V )4 ) , loti 1 ind 'J , of Bt-ctlon No. IS , iu towtirbip Nu. IT , uorth rant'e No 21 , VV. Uo names & wl'mi ae * Dnniul W Corey , of Mtrna. Neuri la , George Kully , ot Merna , Ne- tira ka John < . PulIsM , of Merni , Nebraska , 1 liurleiU Jollurdf of llrokcii Bow , Ncbr kn 3-21-tivs jAMKb WiiiTauEAD Itegntor. Selln the David Bradley , John Deere , Grand Detour , Listers , Riders and Walkers They are the besit made. A - the Ohio and New Departure Cultivator , Disks and Seeders , Kacibi' LJuggies and Wat-ons. Tl e best harness all kinds at prices that hvi put competition to think ing Sue me for Stoves , Furniture , Carpets -new patterns , Tinware , 'd Garden Seeds in bulk , etc. A full line of Undertaing Goods. ' , ? . . , . „ * ' * { . ' . ' . * . 'itsf . < * _ * . . . . . * * * . . ; jr- : * t-l7l / - . . . . . * . .A-m. ' ' ! ? * , * . . . * ' - : . . . * . . * ; -t ' ' - . . . .J r-r-w7 * ; : . . * - / ; " . . . * , sit EAGLE GROCERY. 1 ' * , . ff ; „ * - 2 * All parties indebted to the Eagle Grofery , are requested f. call and settle their account by cash at onco. I must have -v * ; money to pay bills , I cannot do business on wind. * JV. $ l Yours truly'y ; i < > * * > Proprietor. ' ; ] E. L. BUNCH , Headquarters for I3KST il.OO A DAY HOUSE IN THE CUT , Groceries , Confectioneries aud Fruits , NortU Side of Public Squarn , ' Broken Bow ,