Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 28, 1901, Image 5

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    U 'A ffl kl _ * _ ! ! II II IV
111111 ii 1110
a Our Stouk is going fast at the following piioes. Come early and got your share :
1 CiiS d ' 9 liEJ W3J L"JO IH * J ll CJ UUU UU3 Ea LITJ UUI l "
K 12 Ibs Oat Meal 25o
( I G Ibs broken Rice 24o
G Iba Good Prunes 96o
3 Ibs Good Now Peaches 24c
0 Iba Navy Beaua 2fio
K cn3ruifjT4i ( -n--f.rirrtnfnnT = '
10 oz. bottle Quocu Olives 15o
8 bars of Silk Soap 26o
12 bars of Tepee Soap 25o
1 Ib pkge " MADJA " I7o
These are only a few coed things found in this mine. Up on our side is a now line of
Hatfl , and every day Now Goods come down the shaft that is kept busy bunging thorn.
Northeast Corner of Public Square.
' " " " ' ' ' ' "
,8'y""fl , H" TI rfi'T'l jr'BFT'I "I !
\ l.V. . Savaifu , of SarRent District No. 1
John CJooney. of W t Union , " ' U
U. II. Thorpe , of Hrokon Bow " ' a
I'.O. Llnd , of Gothenburg ' ' 4
J. F. llrechbnhl , of Aniiulmo , " ' D
John W. Couley , of Oconto , " ' 6
Uotleb IJliier. of MaeonCIty , " ' 7
Saturday , March 10 , 1901.
Tbo judiciary committee made
the lollowiug report :
Wo your committee respectfully
recommend that the following
olaitub bo allowed :
Dr. C. Day . . . $ 8.00 [ McCrenry GOO
Tbos. Turnbull 1U.OO O .Mills. . . . 12.60
JI.ll Andrews 10.00 Oeo. Cox . . . . 800
J. M. 10 Ben. llolcomb . 6.30
U. Kelicubarger. U GO Uco. Dewey 0.00
Ulms. Street. . . . 11.00 . L. Burk e.OO
J.V. . Christ 1000 5co , Uavla. . . 840
J. U. Isoreworthy 13,00 Thoa. Noonuu 0.00
S AuLlns 1200 j. C. Mnnpln. . . 0.00
Vim. Oamblo 1320Judeon Kay 000
w. 1 > . True. . . . 16,50 G. Turplu 6.00
Wm Oront . 8.00 { . C Talbot. . . . 800
G. T. ItoUlneon. 10.40 V , Q. Perkins 17.30
IraKotlcr lOOOT.B.Buckner. . . . 1870
ii. VVaddlugton. . 20 40 James May -000
P. J. Richardson 2J.OO Geo. Coz 1800
M.Secvern. 0.40T. D. Gill U7.00
K.KTJUB I'-.CO lien Holcoub 16.30
H \ouny. . 12.00 Geo. Davis 1840
K .1 Mills 18.00 II. Wllko 19.50
J. II Cosnur 1U.OO U.E.Allen 12.00
G N.insel. . . 7.21 Mora McCormlck. fi.OO
D.'Hrown . . UO Wm. Bunlctt. . . . 600
A. 8. Singer . . . 1' 00 James McCne 0.00
John Mcnary . . 0.10 H B. Schnerluger 0.00
John lluriell . . 11.0) ) J. W. Browu. . 1 .00
W. E.Talbot. . . . 8.00 Jumos Chloe 1350
Die Texley 1160 Jno D. Wells . . . 13.00
Karl Dunning. . 1200 W. Daulclion. . . . 10.0J
Jamca Ulclmrdeou la.oo (1 Kellenbnrger. 7.70
Wm. Koverts. . . 14.CH ) B. A. Elder . . . . C.OO
Elinor b. June 1270 N. K. Armstrong. 8.00
J. W.'c t 14.00 Navy Plemon . . . . 200
T. T. Winchester. 11 SO U W. Hakes 8.00
Uiuld Chllcotto 10.8 S. Finch 12.00
n. L. Unusby. . . . 200 Bdwln Graves. . . . B.20
J. U. ilouaker 10.00 D linker. . . . 15.00
Chas VoKel . . . . 12,00 W. Hlchuideon . 11.50
W. 11 Mmik . . . . 12.10 Godfrey Nuneel. . 1U.50
U. L. Parks 12,00 DonOarlos btarr . 12.50
It. M. Winchester 11.30 G T Uobluson. . 0,40
Chun. Craig 12.00 F. G. Perkins. . . 730
The * Kline 1200 John WcFato 2000
John Mouauau. . . 12.00 James Murphy. . .
Pierce Stetter . 12.70 . Plckett 800
John Bales . . . . 12.00 H Peace 1300
H M GrHlmm. . 11.00 N H. Armstrong. IliS 75
J. 1 > Parks 12.00 J L. Hark it 00
David Parks 1210 L. K , Klrkpatdck 63.21
Jaini'S Judge. . 1SJ.70 Mrs. Porter a oo
N. K. Armstrong 44709 l ) . J Life 28.60
K.S Skinner. . . . JOO P.O. Weathers 21.00
J O.ltucBell . . . 7.75 James Ma iy . . . . 10.00
Black lliob It .1 Mill Is . . 8.011
J U. Dean 300 John McFate U'.OJ
U. O. Talbot . . . . 8.00 E O Mills 16.50
C.T. Orr GBOIohnFlnch la.oo
W yuo Weathers. 11 00 Thos. Judge 12.70
P. 0. Weathers . . li.UO Hay Keen „ 8 00
M b. Allen 12 00 C. 11. llolcomb and
Jo.i. o g 11.50 J. a. KlrkpKtrlcU 200.00
LewlsFilley 130 ( . Aaron Wall 11X1.00
Ueo Itlugo . . 35.10)J ) K Dean 100.00
Ktmtroxioy . . . 28.00 U House. OUJ
Kvcrott lislcy. . . . 28.00 James Gamble 1320
Jos. Pease 1350 w. U. LIICO. 8.00
M. M. Pnrkhurst. 2000 11 llolcomb 26.00
11. C. Kennedy lib 00 ( Jims LUCL 200
! Wo further recommend thut te !
claims of James Judge , $0.70 ; und
John MoDermott , $5.20 , bo laid
over. J , F. BKEOHHUIIL , )
11. P. SAVAQB , j
It was moved and carried to
accept and adopt the report.
Moved and carried to adjourn
'till Mouda } moimng at 9 oclock.
Monday , March 18 , 1901.
The county board met at 9 a. m. ,
.Monday morning , and wore called
to order by Chairman Lind.
Roll call showed all present ,
Minutes of Saturday read and
Air. Coonoy presented the fol
lowing resolution relating to the
Halo oi town lots , in Broken Bow ,
Nebraska , owned by Cuater county :
Whereas , thu Couuty of Omter Is the owner of
loin T , U ami U , in block VI , of the original town of
lirokon How. Nebraska , according to the original
put ! ; und lots 12. U. II uud 15. of block I' ' , a :
shown by the ttub-plut of the urlgliul town of
llrnkcn Uow , Nebraska ; and
Whereas , it Is the wind of this board to dls-
} joi < i > of Bald property , therefore bo It
Unsolved , that the couuty clerk of said county ,
bn , nnd hereby IB Instructed to Insert a notice In
tl.o ( JUKTSH COU.NTV Itei'UBUCAN , calling for bids
to imrchaiu any or all of raid lots
bald bide to be filed with thu ctJuntv clerk , on
or before thu next meeting of the county bourJ.
The otlioial bond , road and claims
committee reported on the claim of
M , Furrow by ruuaon of damage
done to couth half of section 3 > l ,
township 17 , range 21 , by reason
of the location of a public road
petitioned for by T. O. H. Bayr-
holler , etal.
Wo your committee recommend
that the claim of M. Furrow for
$360 be allowed , and levied against
road district No. 3 , Broken Bow
The vote on the motion rrgularly
made aud seconded , was as follows :
Voting ayv Cnnley , Savage ,
liiuer , Thorpe 4 ,
Voting nay Brecbbubl , and
Conley a.
The chairman declared the mo
tion carried and tbo damage , $350
allowed to M. Furrow.
KecoHH theu taken for dinner.
The board met at 1:30 : p. tn. , af
ter tbo noon recess , aud waa called
to order by the chairman.
The O. 0. Murphy , etal , road
petition came ou for consideration
and the petitioners and remouatra-
torH wore hoard in the matter.
C. 11. llolcomb , Esq. , appeared
for the petitioner and J. R. Dean ,
Esq , for the romonstrators.
Mr. llolcomb lilod a supple
mental petition , to which Mr. Dean ,
iu bnhalf of the remoustrutors , ob
jected on the grounds that said
supplemental petition is iuoompoU-
ant , irrelevant and immaterial , aud
filed out of tune , not authorized by
the law relating to roads , aud not
properly authenticated.
Signed by "II. M. BUAOUAM , otal.
By J K.DKAN , Atty. "
It was moved und carried by a
vote of the board that tbo objootionn
be overruled.
Exception by above romoiiHtru-
tora , by J. R. Dean their attorney.
The committee made the follow
ing report ou the O. C. Murphy ,
etal , road petition :
Wo , your committee recommend
that the petition be granted from
station 4 to Htation 22 , ard tbo rent
of the petition to be rejected.
It was moved aud seconded to
accept and adopt the report and
to grant the road as recommended
by the committee.
The vote was as follows :
Voting aye Cooney , Coriloy ,
Savace , llisor , Thorpe 5.
Voting nay Brechbuhl , Lind
The chair declared the motion
curried , aud the road granted trom
station 4 to station 22
Mr. Dean , for remonstratorp , ex-
oepts to the action taken by the
ooard in granting part of tha peti
tion , upon the part granted
It was moved and socouded that
the remonstrance to the O. C. Mur
phy , etal , road petition , signed by
II. M. Braoham , otal , bo rejected.
1 he vote was as follows :
Voting aye Conley , Cooney ,
Savage , lliser , Thorpe S.
Voting nay Breohbuhl , Lind 2 ,
The chairman declared the mo
lion carried , and the remonstrance
To all of which the remonstrators -
tors except.
Mr. Humphrey presented the
ollowing resolution , relating tn tix
on ground of Custer County Agri
cultural Association which was
filed with the olork-
Before the Board of Supervisors , Ouster County ,
n the Matter ot tax on tract No. 1. 2 , 3 , i
So Ne , and tract 1 , Sw No , 'J3 , 17 , 'JO , liu- [
"onglne to the Cnstor Oo Agrl't Ais'n. )
Whereas , the above deecrlked real vstato be
longi to the Cualer County Agricultural Asiocla
tlon , and said asioelatlon has since the year 1687.
owned , used and occupied uald tract for fair and
agricultural dUplity purposes , und
Whereas , nald tract has bcon ueed exclusively
for i > nid purposes , and for no other , Hud
Wherea * . said real estate has bo u lilted nud
sed for elflto , county aud other purposes , and
Whereas , said real estate It exempt from taxa
.Ion under section 2 , of Art. 0 , uf the constitution
o ! Iho Htate and thu statutory law mudu In con
fcrmlty thereto , therefore , be It
lieeolved , by ald board of rupurvleors , tha
nId tax levied and aaseesed auaiust said real
OKiutx for the years 1889 to 1000 Inclusive
tun muling the sum of 3173 03 , as computed b )
the county treasurer of said county , and allaccru
ed Intercut , be , and the same U hereby declarnf
null and void ; aud uald tax Is hereby declarei
cancelled and hold for naught , und that no lieu o
any kind exbts agaluit said real estate by reajo
ot aald assessment aud tax levy ,
It waa moved and carried to ad
opt tbo resolutions , and to order as
provided therein.
It moved by Mr. Savage and seconded
ended by .M. Breohbuhl that the
bridge committee bo , and hereby is
instructed and authorized to use
their judgment in the matter of
ordering the construction of bridges
and to order them constructed
either according to plan A or plan
B , as submitted by the Standard
Bridge Company of Omaha , Neb , ,
at the price per lineal foot named
iu their bids.
The vote on this matter waa
unamiuous all voting in favor ol
the motion.
The chairman declared the mo
tion carried.
Mr. Savage was excused by the
chairman from further attendance
at this session , and the board ad-
jouiued until 9 a. in. tomorrow
Tuesday , March 19 , 1901.
All the members being present at
9 a. m. The chairman called tbo
mooting to ordor.
Minutes read and approved.
The road and road claims com
niittee reported as follows ou the
O. C. Murphy road claims :
We recommend that the follow
ing claims bo allowed :
L.B. Keen S U.OO
A.P. Johnson 8.00
O O Murphy 2.00
N IS. Armstrong 4.71
J.B. llolcomb 8.3i )
C. G Heaps 8.80
Jos Slahoncy " * 0l
Frederick Schroyer , damage claim 10J.I ! '
Ira MoConnoll , drmago claim , 17 d
Otto tirhnller , damage claim 77.7 !
Kllza Vallonw Ider , damage claim , 350 Ul
All to be levied against ro d dis
trict No. 2 , Delight township.
We also recommend that the
damage claims of Alfred Sohroyer
Howard Blowers , II. B. Sohner
inger and Robt. Gordon , bo re
We recommend that the petition
for a road commencing about GO
north of the north-west
roas - quarter
of 30-10-23 and terminating
ter aectiou - - ,
ating at station 4 on the O. 0. Mur
phy road. Said petition Digued by
O. C. Murphy and 11. E. Blowers
bo granted.
It was moved and carried to
accept and adopt the report , and to
ordoi as recommended by the com
mittee :
Moved by Breobbuhl aud second
ed by J. W. Conloy that a commit
tee bo appointed to obtain a memo
randa of the description of the lots
and blocks in the various towns in
the county , with amount of taxes
due thereon. The different towns
to bo made in separate lists. Said
lists to bo obtained for the general
information of the board on tax
Motion was carried and Mr. G ,
U , Thorpe appointed as such com
Mr. Breohbubl presented the fol
lowing resolution :
Whereas , one. J. II. Worley , was by J. M.
Bavldgu , constable of xald Ouster county , arrested
upon a warrant Issued from Allen county ,
Kauins , and upon a requisition ISBUCI ) by the
governor of the state of Kani-an upon thu gover
nor of the plat * of Nebraska , and
Wtieroas said W'irley , on tu count of his hick-
ness , was not In condition to be taken uway , ami
Whereas , he waa not [ osscKcoil of any property
or mnaus In mild Custer county , uud had uo legal
tottlonieut therrln ; and
Whereas , thii * ald J. H Worloy was maintain
ed , treated and bearded at ptihllo expense bydaid
Unstnr county ; therefore , bolt
Resolved , that thu county cleric be , and hereby
Is orderadto tile u uurtlfled and Itemlicd claim
with the authorities of said Alien county ,
Kansas , for payment ,
Adopted by vote of the board.
The following resolution relat
ing to the D.ile and Tabor children
wan adopted :
Whereas , there U now under the charge of the
board of supervisors , th < Tabor and Dale child
ren , viz : Charles Dale , Tabor , and
lisle , Dale , Dale , Dalu , and
- Tabor ; and
Whereas , said children have no proper home ,
and are now or Will probably btcoino county
charges , and
Whereas , the couuty Mis no Ugal mithorlty to
provide permanent homes lor said children , or to
properly provide for thulr future welfare ; there
fore , be It
Itesolvpd , that the county attorney ba , and
horohy U ordered to apply to the county court ol
said Bounty for the appointment ot a guardian for
sa'd Children.
The following was read by M
Couley :
Whereas , the county of Ouster Is the holder of
a largo number ot tsz certificates covering laud In
paid Cnstur county , now , theref re , bo It
Kesolved , that the county treaiurur ofiaid
county be , and hereby Is authorised to sell nny or
all of said certificates upon payment of the
umouut due with Internal thereon , and HIM county
clerk Is hereby authorized and directed to assign
any and all certificate * so sold by iald county
trouiurer , for und In the name of iald county o
Ca tcr , to the purchaser thereof Be It fur her
Itesolved , that the county clerk DO directed t
cartlfy ttiU action to tbuoounty treasurer.
It was moved and seconded to
adopt the resolution.
The vote was as follows *
Voting aye Brochbuhl , Conloy ,
Coonoy , Thorpe , llicer 6.
Voting nay Lind 1.
Tht chairman declared thu mo
tion carried.
The claims committee recom
mended to allow the following
claims :
0. O Llml S 03.S8
H. P. Savage 81 l
J. W Conlt-y M 40
O. H Thorpe MOO
J. U. Osuourn 116.40
K. J Wallers 4.0V
J. H. Dnan 8.00
Mrs 1'criiio 4.10
Wilson Hros 34.00
U. llarrntt 15.30
Johu&Kuerr 10.09
8.1' Uroat 11.7B
Scott Cooper S.60
1 * . Slmoniou 1.00
J.O. IMoborlo , 8.1X1
Mrs. Plrulo 4.10
O. Illner % 34.50
J. IMIrochlmhl 41,50
John Coonoy ! W.H )
F D. Alklsson 67.92
O.D Day 1.80
A. K. llrlghnm 7.65
It. C. Talbot 8.00
, ( ohn I'lri-lo 178.17
U.T Orr 14.00
L.C Morris 10.00
Dlirku Lnmbor ACoalOo 51.10
A J. SlcArthnr B.OO
D. M Amsborry U.75
John Coonoy 31.W
Kay Qailtl. . . 15.00
Accepted aud adopted aud claims
Ttie ollluinl bond rotd : untl road claims
coimnlMeo reported.
\Vo.jour committee recommend tu
Kraut 80111110 ! ViinBuakirk the privilege
to construct und maintain n nnttlo chute
across highway near south.wo t corner o (
Bt'i' . IU 18 21 and to approve the follow
ing botulfl.
W. A. Gardner constable Westorvllle
township. W. J. Fcott road overseer
district No. 2 Douglas Grove township.
Report Accepted and adopted.
Erroneous and delinquent tax claims
committee reported ;
Wo your committee recommend that
tlm following claims : tux paid under
protest , be allowed nnd the county
treasurer ordered to refund aa follows :
C. L. Smith 5 U 03
Willis Cudwell 16510
The clulm of Wm. C. Sopor to bo re
jected. Report accepted and adopted
'luu court house and jail supply com
mittee reported to allow the
claims :
Puroell Bros fSOS 11 U Pluttorfiold.18 ! 80
M E Harris 133 1 J OHaeberle 8U ID
Wilton Bros. . . . Ill 40 John Johnson . . . . 7 75
U Armstrong 1 25 \YJ Woods 49 U5
J M Klmborllne. 13 00
Report accepted and adopted and
claims allowed.
The claim ot R. C. Talbot M. D. , 3
75 , Poor Fnrm and Jail Physician
from Deo. 11900 to March 1 1001 was
reported on ( IB follows :
I recommend that tmt ! the claim bo
allowed for $21 70. JOHN COONKV.
It WHB move'd nud seconded to nccop
the majority report.
The vote being In favor of the motion
( bo chairman declared it curried nud the
claim ttllowed for 921.70.
The claim of II. E Potter M. D. , fo
attending persons continue ! In county
jail was reported on as follows :
I recommend that the claim bo rojuct-
od. G. II. TIIOKP.
Wo retioniracnd that the claim be tU
lowed. JOHN COONKY ,
J. F. BitEOUiiuiiL.
Uwaij moved and carried to nccup
the minority report and allow ttie claim
The bridge and brldge claims committee
We your committee have exatnlnoi
tbe brldga built for Ouster county by D
A Vansant across Muddy Creek on sec
tion line between section 21 , 22 , 10 , 1
and hfivo found the fame to bo according
to plans and specifications. Wo there
fore recommend that the said bridge be
accepted by the eounty board of super
visors and 11 warrant drawn on the 1901
brldgo fund in favor of D. A. Vansant
to pay for tbo eamo.
( . IIlBEH
T. I Com'
0.0. LiNDf '
We recommend thut the bridges pntl-
ioned for by B. E. Robinson otal across
bo South Lioup river , one on the one
inlf section line running oust and west
n center of sec. 18 , 17 , 25 und one a
county line bridge on or nnar the county
ino between CuAter and Logan comities
be grunted , the county line brldgo note
o be ordered built until Logun couuty
igreoa to pay one half the coat of oon-
Wo albo recommend that the follow-
nK oliiltiifl bo allowed :
lee jDulohnr. . . $ 1 26 J V Conlfl } . . . , JM BO
lormlin Wurtte Jno Huffman . 3 00
toe Kruemun . ft ! M Ujht Karloy. . . . 85
} K Vun Avon t 80 ClnolIuiTinaii. . . . 3 50
I'Wjmoro 34 W ) ( ion Dubria . . . 1 2.1
Thos Ijflep W r Gladstone. 9 60
I'hll Hnrfeut 11 ? > I ) A Vaneant. . . . H < X >
Whenler Lumber and Hrlil o Hnpply Co. $ U40
Report accepted nnd adopted.
The judiciary committee reported.
We recommend that the following
ulalniR bo allowed :
NK ArmitronK $158 16 OT Orr $8 26
I'A HoRKland. 1 < LHPringlo . . . . 10
Jill ) Kralka. . . . 1 00 Mrs LJonlou. . . . 510
Hurt A Hhlur . 'A OU Dr. A K itoborlson 4 hO
L KKirkpatrlck 6953 Jno Loostrom . . . 1 00
/ It Dcnu . . . . 3 00 1' C WltnoiH 4 U
Jmnoi Uhlttlclc 8 16 U K Keen - . . . U 10
M 11 Hrowncll. . 11) ) CO tt 0 'lulbot - . 8 00
Mno WurrlnKlon 4 10 Kd Ilurrowi 4 60
I'A Cnrliou. . . 480
And we recommend that the following
Chilian he laid over :
Curtis Elder JO 00 II K Atkisson . . $ 00
C 0 1'nlhura 00 Kr nk Huttou . . 6 10
dim Unwell G 40 I' U llnsboll. . . . . U CO
Uoo Williams t > 00 llerlie ICHIor . . . B W )
II U Androwl . . . B 00 J It Williams . . 8 00
Andrew Taylor . . 8 00
Wo also recommend that thn claim of
H. M. Brownnll , Constable fees earned
in CUSB of state vs. Hough & Collies as
certified by thn criiuty judge bo rejected.
JouwCooNhV /
Report accepted and adopted.
The poor farm committee reported.
Wo recommend to allow the following
claims :
John IVrnlo JH ii
1'ealf John A llmlmell 950
11C HnmnlUK 1W
KilMoi'omas . . . .4060
Jno ilHlor 1600
Report accepted and adopted.
It was moved nud cnrrioi ! that nil
claims of persons owing delinquent per
sonal taxes , when the clalmi have boon
audited and allowed at tliU session of
the board , delinquent tuxes.
On motion regularly made and seconded
ended the borad voted to adjourn until
On. m. on Juno 19th 1901.
J. 13. Oououim , County Clerk ,
By 0. W. HAKKS , Deputy ,
C. 0 LIND , Chairman.
| Builiitit TIME TABLE ,
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaha , Helena ,
Chlcano , Untie ,
St. Joseph , Portland ,
Kansas City , Halt Lake City ,
tit. Lonls , and all Man Krauclcco ,
points enit and south. and all polnta west ,
No. J-Ve > llbuled express dally , Llncaln , ( Una
ha , Ut. Josepn. KaniasCltv , tit. lx > nls , Chi
O KO and all point * enst aud south.11 44 p.m.
No. < 44 Local oxproM .lolly , Lincoln , Omaha ,
Bt. Joseph , Kantos Cltv , tit , Lonl , Chicago
ntul all points ea t nnJ nouth Ui'jRui
No. 40 Freight dally , lUvonna , Uraud Island ,
Aurora , Seward aud Lincoln OtiOani
No. 48 Freight , dally except Sunday , llavonna
and HUeriuulUto i ottit , 105pm
No. 41 Veatlbulod express dally , Helena , Beat-
tie , lluttc , Portland and all PacJUc Coast
pofnU 414am
No. < 3-Local express dally , Ulack Hills and
Intermediate points t > 'J ! > pm
No , 46 FrelKht ilally , Aniolino SunecwWhitman
aud Alliance lO&tinm
No. 47 Freight , dally except Unnday , Sineca
and Intoriiu-dlftte poluU USApui
Ki dltliiK and reclining chair cars ( noats
free ) ou through trains. Tlckeg sold aud haiv
gngo checked to any point In tin United Stiktei
and Canada ,
No. 48 has merchandise cars Tuesdays , 'lliurs-
days and Saturdays.
No , 40 will carry posiergers for Uaveuni
Oraud Island , Seward aud Lincoln.
Information , maps , lime tables and ticket
oil on.or write to U. L. Onnsby , agent , or J
I'ranch , G. 1' . A , , Omnhv. Nebraska.
11. L. Unxsir , Audit.
Foit UKNT. Store room on north
rtido of square , Call or address
fobiU tf A. T. SKVUOLT.
A niortt I.lttcrnt Oiler.
All our furuiur ruiulorti choultl ttiko ltd-
vantftRo ol tlie unproeetlotiliitt ulnbblui ;
offer wo this yuiir make , whleh liieludtw
with this pupor Thelowit llomateiul , KB
special Fnrmors * Instltutu Edition niul
Tim Poultry FarmerTutso tliruo pub-
lleatloiifl mo thu beat of their etnas tviul
mould be iu every fitrui house. To them
we ntltl , for local , county iind general
Down , our own psper , untl mitUo thn prlee
ot the ( our one your only $1 60. Never
before waa so tmieli Hiipenor rending
matter offered for BO email rut amount of
money. The three pupors nHtiiod , wbloh
wo elub with our own , are well known
throughout the went and commend them
HelyeH to the roudor'u ( avorublo attention
upon mere muution. ' 1'he loVfa llome-
flteitd IH tno great ngrletltural and live
stoek jiiipor of the west ; The Poultry
Farmer In the moat praotleal poultry
pitpt-r for the iarmnr , while The Spooia"
Farmora * Institute Edition are the UIOBI
practical publlcationti for the promotion
of good farming ever puhllehud. Take
advantage of tills great offer , ad It wil'
hold good for a short tltno only. Sump
IOR of thcau popura may he examenud by
culling ut thin offlco. till jn 1 01
Wl'y BnlTor ptl"
CANCHKS from cancort
UKiilJ Hit. T. O'CONNOH curei
cauiers , tninors aud wens ; no kulfo , blood o
plaster Addrcts 1300 U street , Lincoln , Nobr
thin paper. ) jnn : i-'J4t
Coiiiplcxloii Ilcuuttlflur.
Wo want every lady reader of the
Uiti'UiiLiCAN to try D wight's Com
plexion Boautitior , the moHt oxqui-
Hito toilet preparation. It in pure
and harmloHBmakeB tbo faoortmootl
UH velvet and fair aa alabaster. To
induce a fair trial of it wo will for
a abort time only send PBKB a ful
aizo , Fifty cent box to every lady
who will feud us her pont'oflioo ad
drone silver dime to pay for packing
and postage. Only ono KRKIC box to
each addreeu but ladioH may ordo
for their friends. Each box maile <
separately. Send this notioo aud
your order at ONOK to D. W. UUBTUII
% Co. , HuntinRton W. Va.
A Hood Cough Medicine for Children.
I have no hositenoy in recommend
ing Chamberlain'H Cough Remedy , "
Hays P. P. Morgan , a well known
and popular baker , of Petersburg ,
Va. "Wo have given it to our
children when troubled with bad
cough * , also whoopiug cough , and
it baa alwayn given perfect flatia
fautoir It was reccomouded to me
by a druggCBt aa the hoot cough
medicine for children aH it containH
no opmm or other harmful drug.
Sold by J. G Haeborlo.
Candy , nutH , fruitH , all kind of
breakfast foods , buckwheat ilour ,
maple syrup , sirvor drip , notbiug
finer , at John & Knerr'u.
To all whom It may concern :
The commissioner apiiomtPd I o view u road
petitioned for by U. W White , etui , cotnmo"o-
InKBtNK corncrof NW HW of section tt , twp.
14. raugoSO.
station Station
No. dv .mln , Ft. No.
( IK tt. N of
from 0 811 K 8,516 to 1 < Bo corner of
< iwswv-14-30
from 1 S 44 35 E 67U to D
from S H W M K l.'JUO to 8
from 3 H 9 10 K S.HO to 4
from i S It 1& W Sflfi to 6
from 6 8 3 40 E S40 to 6
trom 8 a 15 IU E 740 tu 7
( at luteriec-
from 7 8 48 30 E 175 to 8 < tlon with S
( lluo 1B-14-SO
has reported In favor of the eitabltihtnent there
of , mid to vacate all that part of the road ai local-
til tlirouKh said outtoii H and It ) not ai above do-
icrib'd , and all objections th reta or clatnm for
damiHss must be filed In tbo county clerk's oltlco
on or before noon of the l&tli day of SUy , HWI , or
Huch road will bo Krantuil without rotcruncu
In wltneii nhureof , I Imvo hereunto set my
hand and real ot nald comity , this ISth day of
March. 1001.
[ SEAL. ] J. B. USBODKN , County Clerk.
March 14 , 41
U. S. Land Office.
1 n. TOONO. . . . . . " " .nooeiTor
U. 3. Land Odes , Broken Botr , Nebr. , >
February 14. WL f
Nolle * ti hereby ( thin tknt PATIUOK McGINN
ha * Hied notion of Intention to make final proof bo-
fora ropliter tad receiver , at hli n 111 re In Brok u
How , Nebraska , on Friday. IhoZM day of March ,
UMIi on timber cn'tnro ' aiipliottlon No. 11WT , tor
the wM noM , soi < utvU , and lot S , of section No.
7. In township No. SO rt , range No.8 W , 6th I'.M.
Ho name * as wHeeiies , James S.McUInn , .Joseph
Mooroi O riro William , of AnelmoNour , , and
Tnoinut W. Pinion , of llrokon U w , Nobr. Tes
timony of t'alraant ' to bo taken before ( no clerk
of the district court , at Lincoln , Nebr.
febSl- JAMM WmnAr.AD. Itegliter.
U , H. Lund OOlc , Ilrokou liuir , Neb. , I
Kcbrunry 87 , 1801. f
Notice l hereby glton that the following
aniLMl cottier has filed notice of his Intention
to mnko final proof In support of hla claim , and
tlmt nald proof will bo mnde before Hejjl t r and
Ihicol'crnt Illrnkcn How , Ncbr. , on April 4 ,
IMJ1 , Tin : ALLIKO. OICCIOU8 formarljrAlllo O.
Thomas , of Unten , Nobr. , for the sotf. Hoc 7 ,
Twii. 20. N. raiiKO 'M , W.
Sue names the following wltneitcs to prove nor
continuous resiliency upon and cultivation of
Midland , viz :
William Stalling , of Oonot Nebraska ; ClirU-
( Ian Urrtnun , of ( lonot , Nobrnikn ; John \V ,
Heard , ut Uslcs , Nebraska ; Ah Hntcber. of Uatei ,
N bra Ua. JAIIKS WIIITIIURIII. lleijtitor.
U.9 LamlOllIci ) , llroken Bow , Neb. , I
March V , 1W1 (
Notice U hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of hi * Intention
to make dual proof In nitpport of hli cUlin , and
that said proof will liu nmile buforo Hoglitur aud
Ufcolvor nt llrohrn Uow Nebraska , on April
83 , IVOI , Yl : WILLIAM 11 WAUO.of llerwju ,
Nebraska , for the homcslond mitrv No. 433 for
NKMi of ice. .7 , township 17 , north raiiyo 10W.
Hn imnifi the following wltnoiiui to prove his
ooutlntiouB roaldonco upon and oaltlrntlon ef
aid land. vl :
K nn Mosoly , of lillon , Nebraska , Jaceb
Marcus , of ( Irren , Nebroaka ; Charles Williams ,
of ( Ireon , Nuhraika ; Henry L'ashmau , of llerwyn ,
Nebraska. JIMKBVinrKHKAD , Holster ,
March 14 , 01.
U S. Land Ulllco , llroken lloNeb. . , I
March U , IWI f
Notice In Hereby given that SAMU1CI. AIHUN8 ,
of Ansolmo , Nebraska , hus filed notleo ol Intvu-
tlon to make Until proof before lii'glslur anil Ito.
culver athlioniooln llrokon How. Nebraska , on
Thursday , the 18th day of April , UOI , ou ttiubor
otiltnro application No. > rJ040 , for Ki } BK ,
, Ynu. > i , NKJ48WM , of sectlou No. 34 , fu
toxvnshlp No. 'M , rannoNo. 'JO.
Ho niimrs a < witnesses : William Andvrsor ,
of Aimeliiio , Nobrufkn ; Uranvlllo DlKhman , of
Annclmo , Nubraskit ; Charlie Street , of Hooslor
Valley , Nebraska ; Kd Graves , of Aniolino ,
Nebraska. JAUKH WUITBUKAD , Iteglster.
March H , 61.
U. H. UuiTonicii , Hrokeu How , Neb , , )
March W. 11)01. ) t
Notice li hereby given that CHAHLKS W.
KODUIf , of Ilrokou How. Nubrnska , hai filed v
notice of Intonllon to mtike Html proof bofot * . j
Hvclster and Itocelviir at hli oRlcu In llroken
Ilow , Nebraska , on this dny the USth day of
April , 1001 , ou ttmbor culture application No. ,
IsiWU , for KW NWM , lot 1 and a , of Bectlon No. t
IH , In township No , 17 , north range No. 21 , W. * "
Ho names a * wltnecsesi Daniel W. Corey , of ,
Merua , Nubraikn : Ut > ergo Kelly , ot Merna , Ne- I
brai > ka ; John O. I'ollanl , of ilutni , Nehrnska ;
Charles H , Jeffords , of Hrokeu Uow , Nebraska.
3-21 tlw JxMun WIIITXUKAD , Kegtslor.
To whom U may concern :
The comuilaHUiiior appointed to vluw a road
petitioned for byHarouul lloguo , otal , comumno *
Ing at the northeast corner of section itt , innga
SI , theme north 70 ilvKroos , 30 mlnuton cant on
fcctton line to quarter corner on north ulilo of
ectlou ! iO. township UO , raiiKQ S3 , thoncu lonth
.0 de recs 30 mlnutm oiiet to quarter corner on
pouth vldu Hcctlon U9 , thence north 70 Jugrooi 10
mlnutua east 1.0UI foot to stutlon No. 1 from
Mtullun 1 , RoMtn 00 denied 35 'mlnutvi cast 480
fuel to utatton No. U from itnllou No. 'J , north 00
ilourfos caul 1141 feet to itatlun No. U from lift-
tlon a , at touth.onnl corner of Bccllou n ) , Uwn-
ship > W , raiiKO 13 , hui reported In favor of tbo
cMtabllihment thereof , and all objections thereto
or claims ( or damages tnuDl bo fllnl In the county
clerk's olllce ou or before noon of the -iaii doy of
Mao , 1001 , or such road will be t'nmteo without
reference thereto.
In ultneiii whereof , 1 Imvo horennto let my
hand and sunl of iald county , thin SUth day of
Mny , 1U01. . ) . U. OxiiouuN , County Olern.
Mnrch Ul-41
In the Ulatrlct Court of Cuitcr County , Nebraska
Harvey 1) ) . AnUrowi , I'lulutllf , )
vs. V
A , J. I'earl , Defolidunt. )
To A. J. I'earl , nou-reildent defendant :
Yon will Uko notice that on the UOth day of
yeiitember , 1UUO , llurvoy U. Andruw * , the above
named plaintiff , tiled his putltlon In the. district
court of Onstef county , NobrftBka. against yon ,
the object mid prayer of which Halt ! petition are
to recover a jmlKinont nvuliiBt you for the sum of
$1KO.OO which Uatmluuco duo upon a note iu-
cutod and delivered by you to ttifl iald plalntlH ,
llarvoy it. Andrewo , dated on March 10 , IWJ ,
and which nota waa originally for thu HUUI of
l&O.UO , and which wan due. ou the. Iblh day of
March , IBM , aim which fald note draws Interest
ut the rota of tea per cunt pur annum from date
until paid.
You will further take notice that on the said
0th day of tivplcmbur , 1000 , un order of attach1
niout WM Usued In mild action out of iald dis
trict court aualnet your property , and thai on the
Hint day of September , 1VIX ) , the same was duly
executed by levying upon and nttuculnii as your
property the nK of the n\vH and lot a of section
: . ' , and otBot uectlon IB , all iu towniulp 'M , i
range ill , situated In Cuiter couuty , Nohraokn. " |
That there li duo upon said note a balance of ;
J21M 50 , With tulerCNt on f aM sum from the i-Oth -i
day of Uoptember , ll > oo , and plalntllf auks thut
Judgment be rendered a altm you for Bald sum
and Interest , and thai tin order be made by the
court that ald roul uituto and property levlud
upon and attuched undnr raid order of attach-
iiiont. muy be nuld by the shurllf of Cuuter county
and the proceeds tlorcof applied tu the miyrueia
of the amount due upon said note , together with
Interest and Iho costs of thlu suit.
You are rtqnlrtd to answer r ald peUtlonou or
Lefure Momlay , the 22nd day of April , 11X11.
Ily 0. L. UUTTHUKON , Ills Alt ) .
Mob U , 41
1'rlHcn l or i.utturH Aliout ISe-
A round trip tiokuL from any
Uurliugton Hunt statioa iu Ne-
braslin to YullowHlonu Park and a
coinpluto trip tlirou li tlio Park in
ono of twotity pnzoH offered by
the Burlington Route for tbo beat
loltorri about Nebraska.
Other prizoH arc ; TripH to Colorado
tlie Blaok llillH , Ciiiuago , and St.
Tlieru are alrio rovonil cash prizuH.
The Hiirlinglon oil'nrri thoHo pri/.oa
for lettorH that will encourage im
migration to Nebrauka * Lottora
duuuriptive of tuoeuHHftil farming ,
cattle raising , dairying , fruit growing -
ing , aud Himilar purduitH are avail
able for tbo purpone in view.
Tbo uonteHt oloHCH May 81 , 100 1 .
CiruularH giving full imfonnaliou
will be mailed on request.
J. Francis , Genornl PaHHeugor
Omaha , Neb.
Wo will furuitm the Kansas city
Journal aud RKPUUUOAN for 91.25
per year.
I'ouch for wcit will cUme tit 8 p , m. , wcept
Sunday when It will cloeo at 7 p m ,
I'ouch , east for train No. 4'j close * at 5SO a in
and fet No 4-4 close * ut , 11 a m. Mall for Ansley
and points east of Qraud Islund oirrled on train
No11. .
Oconto via of Ityno and Tuckervllle , dally os-
cept Sunday cloccs , at 7 a m : returning same day
Callawuy via , Mc'Klnley ilally except Buuday
cliuea at 7 a in , returulliK oatne day ,
Hound Valley via Urtoii and Elton cloau at 7 a
in , Monday , \vcdnusdy and Fridays , rutornluu
suue duy.
Sumner 7l Uurncey , Georgetown aud Upton
arrrlvod at 11 'JO , Tuifday Tnursdur aud Satur
day , returning leavi-i nt 12,30 samu duy.
OUlo ) hours from .00 u m to 8.00 p in. Sun
day 8.30 to U.bO a. ra , Lobby open week days from
7 mtn.Bpm , L , U. JiWlfT , P.M ,