Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 28, 1901, Image 2

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    Custer County Republican
3S.M. AMNl.lIUHYi KilltoriiiKl rtilillftlint
Hio girl rouilora of "I'rutty L'olly I'cr-
klus. " by liubrlulh' 1-3. .liickson , wrllo
entliufrlustlcully ri'KimlltiK It , autl Uio
book Is liiivlnjf u wlilo wilt- .
Win. Dean Howulls , tlie foroinost lltf-
tire In American letters to- < lay , IH to bts
one of .the literary mlvlMits to the reor
ganized house of Hurnor & Bros.
"The Hlo&rupliy of a Baby" Is the
< ltlo of un iiniiuinil volume by Miss Mil-
liceiit W. Slniin. Mli-H Shiini Is u Call-
JTornliui ami still lives there. Shu him
always hocu lutereslod In babies , and
ins nmdo a careful study of them both
Rfl teacher and friend.
Mlsn Martini Hoekco inint , whoso vet
uine of e iys vailed "A Uaiden ot
Samples" was recently published , died
not long ago at the lioine of her brother
In Dutvliess County. Now York. Slid
was the daughter of the late Augustus
Kllnl and Catherine I'.ocUee , who was
a daughter of Judge lloekei * of revolu
tionary fame. Miss Bockco had of late
divided her time between history , gon-
rnlogy , and certain aspects of garden-
Una L. ' Sllberrad. whose "The Lady
of Dreams" has recently been pub
lished by Donbledny. Tiigu k. Co. , Ifl
quite a heroine herself In a humbln
way. She was born In I'Xsox , lOngland ,
tlilrty years ago. The oldest daughter
of a large family , she has been the
head of the household , and It was In
the leisure of Sunday afternoon that
lie wrote the "Enchanter. " This book
JB the fruit of live years' labor , awl
was at once welcomed as displaying
great creative gifts.
Ilalllo Mrmlnle Itlvcfi , whose novel ,
"A Furnace of Earth , " has created such
n sensation , Is a Kentucklan by birth.
Her father owned u thousand slaved
liefoTe the war. Her mother was a
celebrated beauty known as "the beau *
tiful Mary Kngsdale , " and from her
Mlsa Illvcs got her love of horscllesh
which shows so clearly In her novels ,
Amelia Illvcs , who wroje "The Quicker
or the Dead , " Is her cousin. When Hal
He Ermfnle was t.r she wrote a sketel
of Adlal Stevenson , which ii Chicago
publisher at once accepted. "A Fur
nace of Earth" In said to bo the most
ensatlonaJ sex story written alncu
The Quick or the Dead. "
California Will UUll'/.e llyilrnulle
1 1'ower for Hciitrnlnir VcniclH.
.f Cnlll'ornliin some time ago concelv <
ed the Idea of Bupphuitlng steam pow
erftn ocean craft and for several yean
* aw iK'en experimenting with a view
tOgSHibstltutlng hj'draullc pressure foi
the.Btcnin engine. At a shed at Oak
he has built a small vessel , whlel
wll revolutlonlxo the carry
of the world.
Tolf VCHSclt novv ! lllllsl completed
ml already mimed the .John S. Morton
owner and Inventor , Is ex
to demonstrate the superlorltj
f bydranlle pressure as n motive force
If a'Jij il develoi H the necessary speei !
* nd sea-going iinalltles the tlnltec
poveriiiwint will look Into tin
with n view of dlspenslnj
y furuw propellers on al |
its , torpedo boats niul sunlmnts mi
iiuSutufm&rtihu inttvliliiury for wntc
Morton litw t iH > nt many thousands o
&ilMo'uHlT 1"0111 * "nd I > atcnt.i
began work'on his hydraulic pres
WWne years ago. At
speed with whlcl
slloirntu ? lhu "lir ho ( ' ° "
Idea of jiropelling n boat b ;
stream of wtilu
has invented wll
m wn'of. tak
through a jet ii
Is much th. .
DjF pclllch the euttlellsl
ot'r San Kranc'lsco ti
V/-NllX'ton In the now on
Is thlrly-Uvi
lu'iuii , tins t
. ; nnd a rotar ;
to attain n SU > H
of iWo hrwoiliyoiift'ym'f' ' iwwnty l U
JIL hour with ease.
iHig ana uumucn
Dlruot by "Mnil.
wuu'tlonliii : tbe extension of the rail
. .to1ft two year ,
direct from , AkxnndiTn in sixty hours
-tnnee of fn7 inllesf 'Hio e fron
Jlnlfa uni
by ml !
ound-aud-auoU ) r oouoi-
i WJyiti usimlly. Bbiud by husband
8ramSflj ! taaSLii in in
? x > ltom of their hearts thebellu \
to be guilty ,
Aunt ItliQiln Ilonienwuy WHS about to
be tuurrled. IIuvhiK never listened in
her younj ! days to a syllable on love nnd
matrimony , now , at the age of fifty-live ,
Hhi ! suddenly nsluni.slied all her relatives
by bidding them to her mariiiiKe with
Luke Potter , a shrewd , well-to-do farm
er , who had lived a neighbor to her all
ids lite , "With all hur property and her
sot , particular ways ; it can't be possi
ble ! " we each and all exclaimed in dilVer-
out keys , dropping onr letters of invita
I had a special call to present myself
a few dtiys bo font the iiiarrhiKe feast , be-
iiiK considered In the family a favorite
of Aunt Ithoilu's.
Mow to Cousin John. He was Hath-
nhelii's : son , Aunt Uhoda's favorite sis
ter , who married early anil went away
from the homestead with her hnihand
to .suttlo in what was then the "fur
\VoHl , " now a flourishing town In Illinois.
I had always heard of 1dm since I could
lemember , bill had never seen him. That
thure was a person whom I could dislike
more thoroughly than this s.une , loha 1
had never believed. Now it was a I act ,
f < r we had met , he arriving at the Hem-
vnway homestead the day before the
wedding ,
Aunt Ithnda was to perpetrate matri
mony on lOn.ster eve. Shu Uad allower
me. that day to do little services for her
thus showing her favor , so at about T
o'clock we were none of us astonished t (
hear her hay :
"Utm , Hitty , and get my bonnet fron
the spare room cupboard. It's about
time to put it on. 'Pry it on ; It's gnoil
luck. "
Quick as thought 1 drew out the wed
ding bonnet , and threw it over my brown
braid * . It was a heavy affair of gray
shirred silk , without the scrap of n bow
to enlivun it , and only one dull , Miff
feather , looking for all Ihe world like
Aunt Hhoila hcr.M'lf , set straight in the
center. And as I pulled it into place
with the eager lingers of eighteen n a
naughty prank , the old thing settled dis
mally from its own weight over my light
crimps. I laughed aloud , it was so lu
dicrously ( f opposite of a festival bon
net , just as a voice struck my ear.
. "Very appropriate. Don't , pray , te-
inove it. " I turned to Bee Cousin John in
the doorway.
"Much obliged for your opinion , \ \ hleh
was unlinked , " I managed to say coolly ,
dashing aside the headgear , where , I iliil
not .stop to sec , and turning to him. He
bowed with that supercilious mnilo of
his , and took himself ofV. Hurstingith j
Indignation , 1 set about picking np the
bonnet. I could not Und it. Not with
dropping In my hands ami Uncc * to search
that ingrain carpet could that hcmlgcar !
tie brought to light. It was only when I
( i direful smell of something buniing !
struck my olfactories thai ir Hashed up
on me where it was. I Hew Imcl ; to the
heavy , elaw-footeil divs.sing t.ihle that
fuoil "on a" ia the corner of the
room. How I moved it I never could
i ell. At hit the bonnet was in my hand ,
the half-feather that remained still burn-
mi : xnmrlly. At Mght of It 1 gave a cry
belore I could control myself. That I
hud broken up the marriage I had not a
doubt I knew my aunt well enough to
belii'Vi her \\illing to ghe up her great- tu'.iMire rather than to break onu
of the proprieties of life. And to bo mar
ried without a bonnet waa , In her eyes ,
.t custom only lit tor silly little things
not yut escaped from their tceun. And
thure these wedding candles blinked and
t lured merrily , as If glad they had done
To reach the village milliner , Miss
Slack , was my only hope , I know where
her little shop was , hfivintc been dispatch
"il there the day previous for some extra
lutcatring ribbou to tin up the pieces of
cake. No time to lose. Steps sound along
the entry. Even now I may be late !
"Something's burning ! " exclaimed a
voice , just as I escaped , wedding bonnet
in hand , through an opposite door and
down a dark and little-used passage.
The passage led to tliw back yard 1
knew , ami out on the Hat stone that
served as a step. I only stopped to
gather np my long , pretty nun's veiling
train. It seemed hours before 1 could
place my hand on the brass knocker
adorning .Miss Slack's little hhop. At
hint It clanged so sharply as to bring al
most immediately a frowsy little girl ,
who retreated behind a tall pewter can
dlestick , with terror in every feature.
"I want to sue Miss Slack at once , "
1 cried , pushing the child aside to hurry
into the little entry and shake off the
damp snow ,
"You can'the's gone , " said the git I ,
taring at me ami the bonnet.
"OoneV Where ? "
"To the wedding , " said the girl. "She
went early so as to see thu folks comu
in , and get a good seat. "
I sank down on the lowest stair , bon
net and all , but immediately jumped up
"See here , little gill , " 1 cried , " 1 want
a gray feather to put oa this bonnet.
Something has happened to it "
" 1 know. It's got burnt. I smell it , "
the girl said from behind her candle ,
"Well , get another one for me as
quick as yon can , and don't stand there
talking , " I cried Impatiently. "It's gray
dark gray. Hurry up you must know
wherts she keeps them. "
"She hain't got any not that shade , "
said the girl , examining the feather.
"Hers are all black aud white , beside
she's got a green one , yes , aud u vellow.
but she hain't got a gray one. "
"Take me to her box of feathers and I
will look for myself , " 1 cried , turninv ; to
the shop door. "I'll pay her to-morrow.
I'm Hitty Ibarra r. Miss llemcnway's
niece. It's all right. Now open this
door. "
I laid my hand on the Knob as I spoke.
"I can't. It's locked and she's got tho.
key. She always does when she goes out
afraid homebody's get in. "
Kvery particle of blood seemed to de
sert me at this juncture , and for a mo-1
ment 1 felt as if sinking to the cellar , j
The first thing that brought me to my
senses was hearing the girl say :
"Ain't you going ? I want to lock the
door. " And 1 found myself out in thu
roid. :
A dark object stood encircled in mist.
It was a carriage. A man sprang out.
It \\.IH my Cousin John.
"Cousin Hitty , get Into my elwisi > , "
he said.
"Not i'or a thousand worlds , " L criud ,
striking out for home and wrapping my
I noggy dress around the poor bonnet.
"Yon slll.\ child ! " exclaimed my cousin.
I Without further preamble he took me
In his nnns , hurried me out to the car-
I Hugo and put me therein , the wedding
bonnet , in the meanwhile slipping to the
"We're almost home ; I want to say one
thing to you "
"Well ? "
"I wnnt to soy "
"Well , if jou nro going to scold me.
pray wait , " I ciled. "I shall have enough
of that soon. "
" 1 , wasn't going to scold yon. " sold
Cousin John , "I was only going to say ,
supposing you and I have A wedding of
our own. Then we can look after your
bonnet. "
"What do you mean ? " And then I
"I mean , " he snid , with extra dignity ,
"that I ask you to marry inc. Will
you ? "
"Goodness no ! " I cried , and , reaching
the hitching post by Aunt Ulioua's door.
I sprang out before he could remon
The next moment I was before the
bride and groom. The buzz of conversa
tion stopped instantly. It was as still
us death throughout the room. !
"Mchitable , " said Mrs. Luke Potter , '
in harsh tones , "you thought best to take
my wedding night to play pranks with
what was given to you in trust. Now 1
take the time to say before every one
present that you shall never touch a pen
ny of mine. Yon may march out of this
house as soon ns you find it convenient.
That's all : now go. "
"Instead of going we have a word to
say , " declared Cousin John , at his tall
est , and drawing the roomful within his
glance , "and will use no hesitancy in air
ing it now. We are betrothed , Aunt
Ithodn , " lie announced , turning his hand
some head toward Mrs. Potter , "and , beg
ging your pardon , don't in the least care
for your old money. Now , then , all eoino
on with jour congratulations. "
I felt 11 warning pinch on my cold fingers - |
gers to hold in check the astonishment
in my eyes at hearing a betrothal an- |
nonuceil that had never taken place. And
then such n wealth of peace and strength
came into my heart , that I was happy i
just to bo near him. I was in a world of |
love and protection , and I forgot to sfdv- |
er with the cold , while I smiled nnd
blushed in the right 'places as the rela
tives trooped around us .with their aston
ished congratulations. Uncle Abiel came
as soon ns hu could extricate himself
from his corner.
"Well , young man , " he said , excitedly ,
"you've done well In a short time , too ,
"That's so , " said Cousin John , giving
the brown hand a hearty shake. ( Ho
told me afterward ho was aching to
wring his neck. ) "lint long enough to
know my own mind. "
The first moment I could I drew Conn-
in John out into n corner of the old hall ,
. at least three yards awuy from any
sluirn car.
"Oh , how could you ! " I crioil. "We've
never been ODKHKLM ] . I told you 'No. ' "
"Can't lii-lp it ; your eyi-n wnid 'Yes. '
There'n no stopping It now , Hitty. Wts'll
huve a wi'diUiiK Imiinet of our own. "
Wh t nuwiwiRp frVim thin Kanltsr land ,
Over the Krccii til.N . rliull I Komi's
The lilies that yon luve , Htvci-t friend ,
Woiilil wittier err they touched your htnil.
Anil for this MHIK--HO inuiiy note *
Are rlnttlliK 'ruiiiiil you , It would tic
I.oat In tlu suoi'tiT nii'loily
From the fur tlmmlieH * thrllilnt ; throntn.
What niossnKo , tlicuV Wlmt word of fraco ?
Wluit lilcpsliiK from thu hlllK niul mreams
'I'o uiiikc n iiiunlv In your ilrcniiiH
And Ituhlen with u Hiullc your facrT
Oiilj this wnnl : All thlH BHi-ct time
Mny all ( iuil'x HllcH lunoin for you-
May all thv KaHtcr Hklrit liuuil liluu
Anil sni'Otrr hrlln 111 nil rurtli-lii'lN ehliue.
Odd'x uurlil l > e lioautlful nud hrlnlit
Korovcr when- your fuuihtvpH t < ml ;
.Ills love lie ultli you to the eml >
A MID l ) > < Iay , u Kinr by u Kill.
All KlfH of uv.Utti und fauiu nlinvB
' Still iniiy your life , divinely hli-n.
Itt'iip In tliu Mfjlit-Huci't vii u uf rest
The ili-ithloHs Hies of Ills love !
An Master Kilt-prise.
I'm Tftltlnr , my dtrltne , tor U * . "
JHE after-effects of the grip arc often disastrous. It Is com.
nionly known to the medical fraternity that the numerous all"
mcnts and complications which follow the grip arc apt to be more
serious than the acute stage of the disease.
Some people have the grip very lightly. They may be con
fined to the house only a day or two , and yet a long train of dis
agreeable , disabling symptoms follow. All sorts of tonics and
stimulating remedies have been devised to meet this condition , '
None of them can compare in results with Pcruna ,
Everyone who has had the grip ought to take a short course >
of Pcruna. Read what the following people have to say about Itr
Washington , Feb. < , 1S09.
The I'eniDa Medicine Co. , Columbus , U , :
- - - Gentlemen " 1
' have taken I'oruna
> ' for two
' '
. weeks , nnd find I
, , nni very much re-
. . liered. I feel that
. . uiy cure will be
. , p e r m a n e n t. 1
[ . . have nleo taken It
j , lor la crlpue , and
[ .lake pleasure In
, r e c o tu m ciullns
I'eruua as uu ci-
' celicut lumedy to
tall fellow-suffer-
e r s . ' ' M. W.
- - - * - -
C o n g r essman
Howard's home address Is Fort 1'nyne , Ala.
Crip Produces Catarrh.
Henry Ulstln , the Inventor and maker ot
nil tliu baud In&truuieuts fur ihe lleiiry
iJUtm Ills. Co. , ut Wlllliunsiiort , i'u. ,
wiltes : 1441 South Ninth Street ,
Phlluaeiphla , Pa. , May U , 1&09.
Dr. S. D. Unrtiuau Dear Sir : "I write
to Inform you that 1 had a bad attack of la
erlppe last December which lusted more
than three months and which left me with
catarrh , when uereral of my friends ad
vised me to try your wonderful medicine ,
i'eruna. I began with a botile the first week
In Starch , and It certainly did me a great
deal of good. I was so well autUiled that I
purchased another bottle and followed your
directions , which you furnish with erery
bottle , and I am glad to say that It has
cured me. 1 shall certainly recommend the
Peruua to all my friends. "
U. D. Wallace , a char
GRIP ter member of the Inter
national Barber's Union ,
CAUSED writes from 15 Western
avenue , Minneapolis ,
"Following a severe
DYSPEPSIA , attack of la grippe I'
seemed to be affected
badly all over. 1 suffered with a severe
backache , Indigestion and numerous Ills ,
so I could wcltucr cat nor sleep , and 1
thoiiKht I would give up my woik , which I
could not afford to do.
"One of my customers who was greatly
helped by Perunu advised me to try It , and
1 procured a bottle the same day. I used
It faithfully and felt n marked Improve
ment. During the next two mouths I took
five bottles , und then felt splendid. Now
my hend Is clour , my nervei are steady , I
enjoy food , nud rest well , Peruna has been
worth a dollar a dose to me. " D. I * . Wal
If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the
use of Pcruna , write at once to Dr. Hartman , giving a full state
ment of your case , and he will be pleased to give you his valuable
advice gratis. Address DR. HARTMAN , President of The Hartman
Sanitarium , Columbus , Ohio.
I.nbor Wanted.
The shopman went patiently
through the whole stock of blnnkets ,
but his prospective customer paid
leant attention , every few moments
gazing round the shop as though she
Imagined she was being watched.
"A kleptomaniac , " thought the
. "I'm madam " he
( hop-man. sorry , ,
laid aloud , "but I've now shown you
fcvery blanket In the place. If"
"Oh , It docsn'Lreally matter today , "
ivas the reply. I came in mainly because -
cause 1 expected to meet a friend here
Hid or"
"lleally , said the perspiring shop
man. "If you think your friend Is
imung the blankets , madam , I shall
be happy to go over them again for
fou. "
JMonoy Makes thu Mure Go.
Mamma Why , Willie , what do you
mean by offering the horse a penny ?
Willie Pa says money makes the
mnre go ; and [ want to see her go.--
Chicago "News.
Mm. Julia A. Mulluliun , of
Mich. , Hu * a Very Narrow K cni > e
The Doctor Hntl Little Hope.
Owosso , Mleli. . March 2.1. ( Spe
cial.EliteHcbckaU ) Lodgr. No. 2 , I.
O. O. F. , of this town , came very nc-nr-
ly losing their ofltcorned nnd capable
Bcore-tury , Mrs. Julia A. Mnlhihan.
Mm. Mallaban caught n etevero cold
ast winter , and like many others , fall
cd let lecognl/.e the danperous posslhlll
ties until it had settled In her kidneys ,
and left hur with very severe bearing-
down pnlns and almost constant back-
uchc. . It almost curried her on1. Mrs.
Mnllaban tolls the Htory tblh way :
"I caught a cold last - winterwhich I
neglected until It nettled In my kidneys ,
causing severe bearing-down pulns and
almost constant backache. My health
bad previously bcon so K od that I paid
little attention to these symptoms , un
til the dl.scase bud gone so far that my
doctor entertained but a slight hope of
iny recovery.
Fortunately one of our Ledge Mem
bers mentioned Dodd'o Kidney Pills.
Her description of the cures they had
effected founded like it fairy tale , but I
sent for a box , deciding to jjlvo them a
trial I soon found that fhe had but
balf told the. story of what they could
do. I bless the day I tlrst tried them ,
and have nothing but tbe highest
pralfe for thorn. "
Muuv very valuable lives have been
kaved by the timely use of Dodd's Kid
ney Pills , and not n few of these huvo
been In Owosso and other neighboring
Michigan towns. There seems to be no
case of kidney trouble or backache tbat
Dodd's Kidney Pills will not cure.
They are 50c a box , six boxes for
? 2.W ) . Buy them from your local drug
gist If you can. If be cannot supply
you , send to the Dodds Medicine Com
pany , Buffalo , N. Y.
Fifty thousand tons of oysters are
eaten in London durin ? the season.
Washington , April 24 , 1900.
The Pcruna Medicine Co. , Columbus , O
U e n t 1 a niuu - i
"About two"
mon ihs ago I wan "
taken very 111
with In g r I p p e "
and wus obliged
to go to bed. J
took three bottles " i
ot Peruna with TO *
very b c n e U c lal
resultfi nnd was
able to leave my
bed In a week ,
nnd rejj.ilned my
usual strength , .
- - . .
< o , .yvn/r-w
very soon. I Gave | Frances .M. Andennn. .
nothing but the p p pv tf.T . y-
Highest praise for Peruua and recommen&t
It to those similarly nlllletca wherever I
can. " Frances M. Anderson.
Crip Poisoned Her Blood.
Mrs. T. W. Collins , Treannrer or tba 1 -
dependent Order of Good Templars ot Everett
ett , Wash. , writes :
"After havl.ig a severe attack of la jrlpp
I continued In a feeble condition even niter
the doctor called me cuicd. My blood seemed I
"I also sufteicd with dyspepsia , and had
either to starve or suffer from what I wae
eating. A neighbor who was using Peruufc
prnlsed It so highly that she Induced me to !
try It , and 1 noon found this was what I
really needed. '
"I could goon cat my regular meals with. ,
relish , uiy system was butit up , my health ,
returned , and I have remained In excellent
htrcngtu nnd rigor now for over two year * . * * '
Mrs. T. W. Collins.
Mis.-i Alice Drctsler ,
of 1313 N. Dryant ave GRIP
nue , Minneapolis ,
Minn. , writes as fol LEFT HER
low * concerning Penina :
"l.nst spring I suffered BROKEN
from in prlppe nud wan
partially cured , but the DOWN
bad nft"r cff"cts remained
through the unniner , and somehow I did AOA
get rts titrnug us I was before.
"In the fall I en light cold after getting mj
feet wet and attending a lecture In a cot < 3
hall , and suffered a relapse. Catarrh of the-
throat and head followed , and as I was In
a weak condition physically previous to this ,
It look but little to break me down com
pletely. One of my college friends , who woe
visiting me. asked me to try Pcruna and I
did so and found It all and more than I bad
expected. It not only cured me of the cr
tarrh , but restored me to perfect health. "
Alice Dressier.
Cave III in Awuy.
They had been at the masquerade ,
where she had recogni/.cd him atonoe.
"Was It the loud beating of niy
heart , my darling , that told you I wa&
here ? " he murmured.
"Oh , no , " she replied : "I recog
nized you by the size of your feet. "
Town Topics.
K y ami pleasant tof
uue. Contain * co hi- |
lurlnua drug.
It U < | tilrkly absorbed.
( liven Itollcf at onto.
onto.COLD'N ' HEAD
Heals nud I'rotccb ) the Membrane , lleitorea th
briuiva of i aoto and HmetU Large Siw. so ctnU ak
mull ; Trlil Size ,
lor Slie-p. Swine , Citllt ,
Will U w .lk (100 to jou U
Billion Dollar Grass
111 potlilnlj n t < jw ttth , U tan
„ " ° -V Wbfjws
lim ( * *
For this Notion and 10o.
Ct < OT > 4U. , dlly vulth H | H ftlllUt
J'nrH * . 1 loli.di
uynts nntKt ML tu > t twta.
Il st Couch SJTUP. Tn5ie Oooti.
In tliu > i 'il bi ilrjt.-
N.N.U , NO.660-13 YORK , Ht&J
! *