uotci ( So. Jlcjwblican fnbltihcd oTcry Thnrtday at thkContitr H at. 0 S. OSIHWNE , - Lucitl Editor A D MANAUIH JOD PmNTINQ U1.PAHTMIHT. O-Cultc lii On t r block , Fourth ATB 'V Kntcrcd nt tli pontoltloo nt Btokcu How , Neb , HI ffoouil-clMn uikttar tor niuiiuilirluu tbrouyu ttiaU. H. MtllR. I'UICK One Veur , In ivlrnnoe ft UO TI1UKSDAY , MAHCIl 21 , 1001. April iHt it IH thought will bo the day that will bo agteod upon for the Icgislnturo to adjourn. Sunators Tliurcton and Carter have been appointed ( : oiiiminnionorH of the World'ri Fair , to bo .hold at St. LoHinin 1903 , by the pruHidunt. Gov. Dietrich IH lo bcuotninundud for hit ) special inuUHago to the legir- lature , accompanied by a bill limit ing the Hulary of ihc olurk of tliu nuprcmo court to $1,500. It HOOIIH lo hnvu bcun thu prauliuu of tli < > clerk ( o appropriate all tliu fees of thu ollioo to his salary and hlu ac- NirilnntHauiountiiig to abotilf ! > 0,00 ( ) . A similar bill wan voted down in the soimto while iho governor WUH nhHunt in WaHhington. It iu claimed by HOIIIU that nhottld the legiHlaturt ) adjourn without olouting two United Stales nennlors lhat Gov. Dietrich will appoint to till the vacancy. We hope the gov ernor will not do it. It has been a long established rnlu of thu Htnatu to reject any appointments thus made , and Nebraska should be com pelled to got along without repru- seutalion iu the upper houuu until another legislature can be ulectud , if they fail tooleut now. There IH bill one remedy that ORU be reuorled lo under Ihe present national law governing Iho election of United Slates senators to prevent the disgraceful proueedirgs of the Nebraska legislature and of other stales where a deadlock has pre vented an election. The remedy is for each political party when in ttato convention assembled lo nomi nate for election their preferences for the United States sonatu. Sub- mil iho choice of the conventions lo a vote of the people. This will practically selllo Ihe' question at the ballot box. The only thing the legislature will have to do , in the mailer will bo lo meet in joint scs > nion on thu date provided by law and ratify the vote of the people Should the domocrzts have a ma jority on joint ballot , Ihe democrat iu candidates receiving iho highesl vole on Ihoir lickel would bo eleol- ed. Should Ihe republicans have a majoiily on joint ballot the repub lican candidates nominated PIU ! re ouiving the largest votu would bo elecled. It would bo absolutelj fair to all parties Should the con voulion nominate an objectionable candidate the right ot petition given opportunity to place a more prefer able candidate on either tickat. Hy adopting llns method there wouh bo no more deadlocks and the op i portunUy for buying their way Into a : the senalo , as was charged to Clark of Montana , would bu removed The cry against corporation inrtu- would also be IOKH ( ffoctivu. Tbe Cltj Election. The oily election is again upoi us with all Iho entanglemenls thn .is usually thrown into a local cam paign. Two tickets have been put in iho Hold. One by the republi can party , the other by the fudiou- istB , under the head of Citiz ns " The republican caucus was held Friday night , and the entire lickel nominated. As is usual , there was quite a contest over the choice for mayor. An unfortunate thing ex isted , thai was hard lo reconcile. Ot Iho several catuhdalcH for mayor only one could bo nominated. Not withstanding that the successful candidate received 55 of the 88 voles oasl on Iho bullet ha was de clared the nominee , thu supporters of thu defeated candidates were not satisfied. Another feature of thu proceedingfi thai wad very objeo- tionablo to some in attend ance , was thai by a vote of the oauous none but republicans were regarded an eligible lo vole in the caucus. Because of this action , tbe dozun or possibly more , who had been participating : u thu oau- oiis touk oll'eucu , and hd slratigu as it may Neem , found sympathizers uuioug riomit of llio republicans who were r.ol pleaHcd with the choice of thu majority. What IH nurprisiug IH thai anyone , whether republican democrat , populist or prohibitionist - ist , could take exceptions to a re publican caucus rewinding the vote lo republicans only. No political party uottld uiHintaiu its individual ity or maintain its principles and do othurwiso. Who over heard of a democratic caucus or a populiHl oauous where llioy would have Hiib- milled lo republicans pjirlioipating Should nuoh a thing bo allowed by any parly caucus , the aolion ol siicn a caucus would ho binding on no one. A democrat could not ex peel lo bu bound by his party cau cus nlion republicans dictated itn platform and nomiiieor ; neither would republioatiH bu bound when dumooratH or ihosu of any olhur political faith had by aiding the minority defeated ihu will of the majority. Thu primary last Friday night WM uallud au a republican oauous. 11 was organized as republican cnuctia , and all who nsHumbluil ihuro , whutlior ropubli- oan.H democrats , populists or pro hibitionists , kuow boforu they cauiu that it was a republican caucus. Evoryonu who participated in th oauuus , by so doing , pledged him self lo abide by Ihe will of the majority - jority , and no one , so participating' had , neither from any law that gov erns political bodies or from moral stand point , a right lo do other than support Us nomincex. Bui as a result of the dissatisfac tion growing out of the proceod- the democrats and fusionisls 311 the following day , issued a call for a fusion caucus , under Ihe name of "Citizens. " Not because repub licans had restricted them from voting , nor because they did not think the republican nominee would not make a most excellent mayor if alected , but , for iho simple reason , that all of the nominees on the re publican ticket , the candidate for mayor excepted , are anti-saloon. \Vlnlu it is true lhal thu nominees are pledged to abide by the will of Ihe majority vote on Ihe question of saloon license , they were not the class of men they wanled lo have charge of the adminisiralion of Ihe affairs of the city should license be carry. There are a few in Broken Bow , OH well as in every other com. munity , lhat would prefer to 6ee gambling run wide open , whiskey to be unmolested , let it come from what source it may , and its victims not be molested iu their hilarious state , dome prefer officers who will wink at the open violation of law or order. 'Ihe RKPunncAx has no apology lo make for ihe nominees of Ihe re publican parly. We believe ihcy are men who have ihe besl interests of the material growth and pro gress of the city al heart , and the experience and abilily lo promote its interest UH far as the means at their command will permit. We believe they are law abiding and strictly moral men , and will dm. charge iheir duty faithfully in tu- forcing law ind order. Wo do not say the candidates on Iho fusion lickel will not enforce law and order. The two tickels ftro before you. Most of you know the men personally. The nominees of thu fusion ticket are all 1cense men , with one exception , and ho is the nominee of iho republican cau cus , and was endorsed afler several allompts to get others to aocepl the place. If the majority of Iho volera believe ihe nominees of iho fusion caucus will give iho cily a belter government iu enforcing law , iu preventing gambling and drunken ness , in building up the malcrial in- lereslsof Iho lowu , or give a more economical or orderly government , it is vour privilege to vote for them. Upon the olher hnud , if you be lieve Ihe gov-jrumenl of Iho uity would be bolter m Iho hands of the republican nominees , and that they will not grant license unless the majority so determines at thn polls , you are invited , regardless of former political afliliations to work and vote for Ihe men nomiualed al lh republican oauoua. Senatorial Vote nt Noon Toduj. The following vote is a strong indication thut Thompson and KosewattT will be the successful candidates for the U. S. senate : Hnclil | t le rniu to Iho UBI-OHLIOAN : Lincoln , March 21 , 1:10 : p m Thoinimon f > 8 ; Uoauwntor 31 , Mulk'e ' John 'JO ; Ciirrlu H ; Uronncu 8 ; liitiHlutw 7 ; MHrtlii 4 Tliompdon galnt'd Martin nud ( Jam ovcryeHtffday'a vote. York in rubera phenomenal cily. It has been without huloo HO long thai iho license qtioslion has ooaned lo bo an IH.IIIO in mun icipal politics. Probably ninety per oent of Iho people artin favor of htruggling along iho bent they may with t o public drinking placuu , except the lown hydiant , nearer tliiti ISr.idsliuw. More than that a bootleggur llndn it very dillicult to do business in York. Thu pooplr won't stand it. In cases of real nuud whoru onu hiiH been bitleti by a raltlesiiako or i in imminent danger of such a cat'iNtropho it is piWible to obtain thu antidote al drug etoro , but the usu of intoxical iug liquors a a beverage is a mat ter of great incnvunienoe in York A. L. Bixby. To the phenomenon above referred - rod to by Mr. Bixbj York can be conscientiously attributed no incoi- Hidorably share of the natural growll and improvmeut thai has made her so much botUr a buianctis plact and so much nicer a SDciiil place than some olher Nebraska towns withml | advantages in thu way of surrounding territory. In the uurly days when the saloon issue was olive and burning at every municpal election , men of principle Blood up for principle and against the go-easy lukewarms who are prone to follow the crowd. They foughl lo build a lomperanoo city , and they built well , anil the pronen' inhabitants and business men of York are today reaping the benefit. Good people who are looking for homes , glance over the map. "Why there's York , " they say. "The town has fine schools and no sa loons. Lei us go to York. " The Republican need not say what clastof people it is lhal is attracted. There is another class that York docs not attract. It is the cla8 that says , "Wty , theroBlankville they have two brewers and a dis tiller there , and lots of saloons' You can hare a dickens of a time in Blankville. Lai's go there and try it awhile , ' York Republican The middle-of-the road fellows captured the fusion conference held iu this city last baturday complelely. The only opposition offered to doing- away with fusion was by Iluse Brown and Jesse Gandy. They' thought as fusion would bo continued by the state convention the county should stay in the same chaunel. But the rest opposed further fusion and passed resolutions endorsing' the Omaha platform the initiative and referendum , and a resolution against fusion in county , state or nation , pledging themselves not to support fusion nominees. It was a regular love feast. The speakerssaid the } ' had never been fusionists and it was the happiest hour of their lives to learn that their brothers were not and never were fusionists , and that they had now got back into the band wag on before the pie was passed. M. L. Lamb of Mason City , was chairman of the meeting , and E. K. Pttrcell secretary of the con ference. Our Annual Hprltii ; and Hummer Opening Hoiurclay , Marcli 23. We will display the linest Pattern Hats , Bonnets , and Chlldrens H end ware evei brought to the city. Al o a tine line ot Lad'cs' Suite , Silk and Waeh VVaistP , Skirts , Capes and Underwear , Fancy Dry Good * and all styles o ( Dress Trimmings and Notions. Wo Rive Cash discount on all cash sales. WeaUo take school orders. butter and eggs and or dera on grocery store * . Every Saturday will have a cheap Hat Bale. H. E. IMtEDMOKK. 1st door north P. O. Oily Election . Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday. April 2nd , 1001 , there will bo hold an election iu the city of Broken Bow , Nebraska , for the purpose of electing a mayor , clerk , treasure ! oity engineer and one councilman each for the first second and third wards : President of the Council. Are Von interested In I'uultry. It you are , hero IB u chance for you. Pay up what you owe and one yeur In ad vance on tbe Republican , anu we'll send you TUP Westein Poultry Newe , of Lin coln , > Ieb. , B whole year fren. It' big 10'pagit poultry monthly and will help you make more money out of your chlckeua. It also has a Belgian Hare department. SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS. OK TUB niuwu : II W Hetnpc , of Salient . Ultlrtct No 1 Jolm Coolmy , of W ft Union. U. II. Thorpe , of llrokcn llu\t r. o. l.lml , or ( luilionlnirp J K llrochbnhl , nf Aiifflmo John W. ( onlor , of Otonlo Uut.ob . Ulcer , o ( Mni-oii City Wodiii-nilny March Citti , 1901. I'lirfliiriint In mljoiirnmont tliu ootinty board met at 9 si. tn. All ttiu member * pri'HBtil . M Inn tea reud and approved. I'lio morning waa upunl in uotirt work , examining delinquent tax claims etc. ntid nt 1m , recess wau taken ( or dinner The board re-convened i\t 1:30 : p. in iiftcr tun noun recess. It WHB moved by Mr. Uroohbuhl and poconded by Mr. Gonley Unit Vlctorni township bo divided Into live road dis trict ? , sold dlstrluta to bo described as fo- lowa : District No. 1 All tliu BBUtloim cot taincd In town 11) ) run go1. . District No. 1 All sections In town JOrftiiKO - - , ftinl Uin sections * In the onpt ono-hiilf of town UO range ! 2i : Uiattlot No. 3 All ttio suctions In the east ono- half of town 10 range ' .J3 uud Hectiona 0078 17 18 IU i > 0 29 30 1)1 ) and 32 In town 10 range 'J'2. District No. ! . All the auctloim in town ' -0 ran e 21 that are WCHt of tliu Middle Loiip river. District No. u. All of sections 1 S 3 4 0 50 11 12 lit M 15 1(1 ( 2-2 23 24 25 20 'J7 283331 35 undUti in town 10 range 21. The vote was uniiuiinous lit favor of the motion nud tlic chairman declared Hie motion carried nud ttio township divided as provided In the motion. Thursday Mnrch 14th , 1)01. ! ) The bourd met at 0 n. tn. All mem bers present. The minutes of Wednes day were rend find approved. The bridge nnd bridge clnlms commit tee reported as fol'owB : We jour committee recommend that The Standard Bridge Co. , of Omahii , Nebraska be awarded the contract for building all bridges in Ouster county , Nebraska , for the yeiu beginning Murch 14th , 1901 at f3 37 per lineal foot It was moved and carried to accent the to port nnd to award thu contract us recom mended by the committee. At 12 m. on motion regularly made and seconded tliu board voted to adjourn until 9 a. tn. to-morrow ns the oad com nnttrc will be absent examining propos ed roads. On Friday and Saturday. Morning the board met but as the nairman nnd road committee were still absent there was no quorum. The members present spent the time n auditing claims , looking up delinqu ent taxes and in other committee work At 2 p. in , Saturday , the road com- nlttee had returned ntid the board lujii convened with a full attendance. The chairman called the meeting to order and the linance committee made thu fo'- owing report : We your committee recommend thai the following request ne granted to t hoard of supervisor. , Ouster county. Nebraska. We. the undersigned , rep resenting the school district of IJrokui BOACtister county , Nebraska , respect fully ask that the county treasurer be in structed to invest the sum of S7SO.OO of the bond fund In registered warrants of 3ild district. Amount of bond ( und on hand 86GG2.00. R spectfully , A. U. HUMIMIHKY , II. LOMAX. It was moved and curried to accep and adopt thu report : The ollbial bond road and road claims committee made the following report. We yrurconimi'.tee recommend thi UIH following claims be allowed. L E. Koou $ Si 0 A O. G'jjchwlnd 31 Wm EngloH si J. S llrowltt y 4 W. it. ( } r er 10 It. II. Eddy. . . . 1 W That the request of Geo.V. . iitouft- lor a cattle shute between 20 and 21 in Kilfoll township be granted. That the road petition by W. A Gtforgu et al and It. E. liroga ct al h granted and damage allowed as follows S. Drake 5180.00 to bo levied agiima road district No. 4 Lonp township. Anna 0 Morgan. $2.00 , Jus. B Eggleston $100.00 both to bo levied against road district No. 1 Trlnmp township , we also recommend tliat th claim of Philander Wymore of $15.00 h rejected. We reeommeud to approve the follow ing bonds. Hit. OviTswir Districts H W Hearer " Ixmn N'o H V Tnytor " Kllfoll No. I ) K Mllle " Myrtl * No. Win EnKi " Triumph No. 1) s lleckraau " Kit Crook No. S Neve ' C1IH No. VHnlcta " OarfleUl No. J (1 lavl " Dellnht No A H Koril " West Uulou No 0 I' Wpscott " Surxoni No. Wm McCaitlln " nnrfleld No. A Warren " Arnold No . ! O Hole * " Hrokaii o\v No 4 J M Kramer " Victoria so. S I , Show " Uelliint No. 1 J VarJeii " S rgeut No I , W V Cole Assessor Sargent tuwctblp U J Kellf Justice ot tbe pence , Kllfoll twp. It Karley jiuUce of the pe oe , West Uoiou twp \ \ m OloiXBon township treasurer , Loop. Homitr Yock t wn lilp treasurer , Cllfl. ( ieo W Dewey township clerk Lillian. i hoi Wrlthi general bond priutlnx contract. Jno Mulvany general bond soldiers relief committee mitteo and that the boudot J. N. Hainan Justice of peace Win Union be rejected. Moved and carried to accept and adop the report as recommended by thu com The erroneoua and delinquent tax olalma committee reported. Wo your committee have examired the following cUima and recommend that the county treasurer bo Inslrnctet to refund ag follows 0 1) Uayfi&Ti , Kolba Hroa. 81051 N. Jsquoteaa.45 , O. M. Hancock lXc ) A. E. Uartoo ? tf.'J5. We also reeommund thst the oluluil ot Htic-kwell and Spoiinor and of & 1. F. Huffmiin liw laid over. Movud and carrltHl lo si-cepl nnd ftdnpt. KYKO , Nib , , March 19 , 1901 liunk Hports n now hike. U.irriHou McOwon oloseii a two iiiunth'ri term of Kchool at Riverside InHt Friday. NaHhy and family nuknowlcdgca a very pleasaiH viHit from Harrison McOwon on lam ThiirHdny uig'lit. lid and ' . .in , banjo maku a full team. 11. G. Donne ) informs UH that lii Hinnll fruit lian j aHHt > il tlirougli the winter in line oonditioii. From present inrornrition there will ho a IUMH orop of umall grain HOWtl tllUl ) llHlllll. FarmorH Htato that the roocnl warm weather hatoh' > d tlie grnHf > - hopper ogUH to the extent that the cold weather following IIUH fro/.e the hopperfl to death. A number of farmers intended lo commence Bowini ; wheat on yenler- day morning but liorciin counter 1 11,1 tided tliu order. J. T. Conlcy , of liuriihtun , MiH- Hfniri , is viniting among relatives in CiiHter. llo and his brother M. Conluy , had not Hoen oauh other for t wcntjlive y < 3arH. Mrf. M. C'on ley's boy IH on a fair way to recover. DisastriotiH as the weather lias boon Hino'j yesterday morning , uold and the wind blowing al n Ui'lO Kate , yet we have onions of the coniii'g ' spring , grass and early yarden herbs are making an appear ance , prairie jhicktMia cockling. birds singing. ' New Line o ± Buggies , Surreys , Sp ring Wagons and Farm Wagons. . G. W. Apple. UUKL.INGTON M.OUTI5. Lo\v Unto * , \VcMt and MurttiweM At n time of yeur" when thousundj will ike advantage of them , the Burlington toute makes sweeping reductions In He utes to the West and Northwopt to Utah , Montana , Washington. Oregon nud British Columbia. DatOBt February 12 , 19. and 20. March 5. 12 , 19 and 2C. April , 9 , 1(5 ( , 2H and SO. Rates are shown below : To Ocdcn , Salt Lake , Ilutte , HelI I < * > QQ ena , Anaconda , and Missoula , j O/iO To all Points on the Northern Pa. \ cific Ky. vveat of Missoula , including ( Spokane , Seattle , Tucoiua , Portland , , as well as Vancouver , and VictonaB.C J To All Points on the Spokane Kails S ) Northern Ry and the Washington i. S Columbia Kiver K.K . J hns the I'nu'.tiu ' been as pros perous an now. Labor Is In constant de mand and wag g urn high . The money making opportunities are beyond riumhor in mine ? , lumber , merchandising , farm ing. fruit raining , fishing : uid all the other Icduetries of a Literature on request free. 0. FrancU , Gen't Pn sunger Omaha , Neb. until apr22 J , j , SNYDER , Attorney-at-Law. Notary Public nutl , ) nHce of tlic 1'oare. HiwclM attention KiT- n to collection * . Utpwltlnnn taken , penslor , voucher ! neatly nsccutoU iiml nil klmU of Inifni paper * wrlten , onice In the rear of Bank of Oommero * Ilioken Dow. Nob. Clinton Day , Urokeu Bow , Neb. Olllno in the roar of the Back of Com merce. Keeli' ' nco Uth houao west of Baptist c.hurob. Lunch Counter , iy , Prop'r. All kinds - > f soft drinkH. Best brand of cigar ? . iBt building east of Farmtm' batiK. I'KNN A DOHRIS , BLACKSMITHS. All Kinds of work In our line douo promptly and in Ilrst-olans order. Kcd Shop on the corner , west of the hoee hovuw. Olvo us a trial. Any cue nlrhlcK a now wiitch movement In an olit ctieu , cull ou J. M. SIMONSON , l.KADINd f IIOKMAKCH \VxT011 ItKPAlHEU Of the city , located ID Ityureon's grocury ctore. Dr. E. M. Hogan , Graduate Dentist Office orcr W. H.Swau'n Grocery store. Broken Bow , - Neb. W , A. TUO.V 'SON , CONT1UCTOH AND IllIILUElt. " ' . and estimates' , I2y"l'lf.n8 on ahort no- lice. Broken Bow , Neb. CAMEUON & KEESE , ATl'OIlNKYS i COUNSEbl.UIW AT LA.W. 11 .oms 8 'J lioftlty hlocb , Hrobcn How , Neb. Wm. F. Hopkins , . AISW I'lftiia ftiul SpoclflcatloiiH on short notice. MA * torlal ( in i tetml nud bulldlugs coinplctod cheaper than nuy min In tliu stato. Satlffactlou guaran tnud as to pUue nun Hpecincatlone. Dr. Chas. L. Mullins , PHYSICIAN AND SUHOKON. 2dHtairway from wt t endin Realty block ; remdonco , 3rd went M. K. ohuroh , same Hide of Mtreel. Br. J. SI. McLeod ISO ) O struct. LI.SCOLN.-NBBB. General Surgery i aud UiseaHCHof Woman I class hospital tanllltlts. < aii3-rJi 'S Having bought the slock , formerly owned by A. Wallace , wo have added a complete STOCK of Q And < jr * prepared to sell as CIUfiAP Aa T1JK CHEAPEST . i'r , ovrtTii/iM aim CUL.UKV rw MCAMO.- * ; . Butter and It s taken in Hxchange. delivered to any part of the city. Give us a trial. A. A. COLLOM. V. C. WOH.NAU , , ITetuieut. J. . / . . . . . . A.n/VUUI8.Ciihl r. A. J. UOHKHTSON. Vice Pres. \V. D. ULACKWKhL.ABi't Cashier" Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BKOKKN BOW , NISB. TranaaotH a General Banking Ua inMa. County Claim * and \ \ arrants Hniujrlit. OHIO ACIU IN TH. BLOOD U Tou cm rviuuTH the CAUFB by Mooring onu of our REX RHEMATIC RINGS , , tfu : uu : , uv