WALTER CLARK BOUND OVER. 1'robabluinisu ( of ( Jullt of Alias i'rudy Alton's Store itt Welasert. Monday and Tuesday the county court was occupied part of each day in hearing the preliminary in a case of the state against Walter and Harry Clark of the vicinity of VVoiHsert. From the evidence pro duced , it appeared that on the 30th dqy of May , some person or persons torn away a portion of the wire screen ever thu window at thu Woissort store owned by Miss Prudy Alien , out ! entered through the window , sometime in the night and rcmovod a uady of horse shoe tobacco , a box of cigars , part of a box of candy , four pocket knives , and between 5.00 and $8.00 from the cash drawer. No arrests vrcre made at the time , and the matter had almost been forgotten by many who hoard of it , until a few days ago when information charging Walter and Harry Clark , two boys of the vicinity with the crime was filed in the county court. The case was brought before Judge Armaur Monday for a hear ing. MisH Allen , the first witness , went into detail showing the con dition in which she found the win dow and screen next morning whnn she arrive1 ] at thu store , and gava a list of the articles stolen as named above. Jas. Davis , a young man in the community , who with William B. Hendershot , another young man , batched , nnd farmed a place joining the Clnrk farm. Davis testified that he had known Walter and Harry Clark for four years , and that in that lime he had lived with in about a mile of their home. He slid the Clark hoys visited his place Irequonily ou Sundays and at other times. Other boys frequent ly visited his home. On thu Sun day previous to the store being broken into , Walter Clark , Walter Close and W. B. Hcndorshot , was at his place part of the day. They were playing cards before meeting timo. Played for money and for fun. Clark paid he either had no money or only a dime. Ho came again Thursday night and they throw dice for money. Said that Clark said his father had given him plenty of money beloru ho loft for Grand Island. Ho showed his pocket nook and It had silver money in it. Wo talked about the store being broken into , Olark re marked , "him and mo broke into the sloro. " I remarked , "no , it w s not mo ; " and ho remarked , it was not either ot us , " Afterwards , ho said it was him and hia brother , Harry , that broke into th store. Said they got some tobacco , oigars , four pocket knives , some candy and $7.00 in money. At another time as wo were going over to Mr Clark's he told mo about breaking into the sloro and thai they hid the goods in the straw under the shed near their house. Ho showed mo a. black handled pooket knife , npjTl very heavy , which he said was ont * of the knives that ho got out of Miss Allen's store , Said the night they broke into ihe store , it was raining , and they got wet. The last talk wan a few days after ho showed mo the knife ho took from the store. He was whittling wilh the kuifo when ho spoke about it Said ho gave the other knives to his father. Witness said ho bought a black handled knife , not very heavy of Miss Allen nftorwards that very much ropombled the knife OUrk said he qot out of th * > slor * , but as hu did not observe the knife closely could not tell whether it was just like his. Said ho told Clark that if ho had taken the good * ho would not toll it. Wm. B. Hondorshot staled ho had lived \n the community aboul four years , and that ho batched and farmsd with Jas. Davis last season He corroborated Davis' testimony relative to Walter Clark's story about the money ho had at the two different visits to their house. Also told of a conversation ho had with Clark in which he asked him if he had told anybody but ho and Jas. Davis about breaking into the store. Ho started lo loll mo more about it , and I told him I did not want him to tell mo anything about it. On cross-examination Hendorshot corroborated the fctatoment Olark made in reference lo his father g ivmg him money before ho lefl for Grand Island. Slate rested , and court took an adjournm ont for noon , to 1:30 AFTERNOON. Al , Govier was called for defense and he staled the talk was general about the tobocoo , knives , oigars and candy , being taken out of the storo. Said the boys of the community - munity would jokingly offer another s chow of tnbaoco and stale it was some of Prudy Allen's tobacco. Said such talk was general among young men who used tobacco. Said Jas. Davis , the former witness told him that he got the goods , and nainud tobacco , cigars , knives and candy he got , On cross-examina tion ho was asked if ho had told any oi the oilicerH of the law or Miss Allen what Davis said. Said ho did not. Said no one way pres ent when Davis told him , but said it was at a dance , Ho said that seven others were in the room at thu time and named Kelly , Allio Calhoon and Leonard an throe of them. Said ho had told bin folks at homo , his father and brother. Davis told him ho broke into the store and took the goods The defense rested. Neither side argued the case , The court said that from the evidence that a general bluff had boon indulged in by a number of the boys. But it was not a bluff on the part of the defendant when ho said to llonderahot that ho and Davis were the only oncd ho had told Unit he got the goods , and from the evidence is probable causa that Walter Clark is guilty as accused , and I will require him to give a bond of $500 for his appoaraucu at thodinlaict court , but there is no evidence that Harry Clark is guilty. The request of county attorney thatJns. Davis and W. B. Hendor shot bo required to give a bond for their appearance as witnesses at the district court was granted. Woman Suffrage. Mrs. Howard Gould objects to being required to try ou her dresses before a jury , in order that twelve men decide whether or not they fit. The law suit is botwueu her and her dressmaker. The plain- liffrt , the Misses Mary F. South and Margaret Dillon , claim a ballanco of $1,176 for gowns , waists , skirts and petticoats , the total bill originally amounting lo $2,1535 The reason assigned by Mrs. Gould tor not paying the whole bill is that some of the dresses did not fit , and in others the material was soiled by alleged improper handling. At first the oaie was to have been tried before the former Judge Henry U. Bookstaver as referee. Mr. Marks , in behalf of the dress makers , secured an order from Judge McCarthy sending the cam1 to a jury. From this Mrs Gould's lawjers have appealed to the Supreme Courl. Next month that august body will decide whe- tlur she shall bo compelled to demonstrate the fit of bor dresses before a jury. Nether Judge Booketaver nor twelve male citizens are likely to bn exports judges as tolhc fit of gowns. If ever there was a case that called for a jury of matrons , or at least a jnry of women , this is one. It illustrates iho folly of ihe law which oxoluds women from the jnry box The result in this case may quilo possibly bo a miscarriage of juslio , since a jury of men will have to pronounce upon a question of which most men know almost nothing. Alice Stone Blaokwoll , in Woman's Journal. Uldtrlct BleotliiK I. O. O. V , The following program has been p * f ) red for the I. O. 0. F. Diritriol meeting to bo held at Morna , next Tuesday evening , March IS ) All Odd Follows in this Ticinity are cordially invited to be in attend ance : Prayer Oilo Thii Members Address L.W. Wilson , 'JOS Hesponsa T J. Wood. 807 What are the Objscta ot Odd Fellowship . . . ' " ' ' ' ' " ' Why'ami"an'6dd'Koiiow'lK. ! ! D. Qlaio ! 110 What are the duties ot Odd Fallen . . . . v..v HOT. Naylor , ISO What are thi LoMoni ot Onr Chart , Who are Ellclble to BacomoOd'd Vu'llnw * ' II K.Atkinson , 302 INTKUMIBIION. what nro th Uonuflts Dsilred from District Meetlniei W Q 1'urcell , 119 What should in1 0 to 1'romoU Odd Fmlow . l'H ' > U. It. 1'aruur , 188 S5tiarn an Odd Fellow. . . . Frud Itluule , 1IU Krtondahlp a. Hotlinuu , 207 ; ° - M. J.Knapp , 1UO Truth A Il.TuriAn IM Chailty o D Uowey , J59 General Discussion led by M. L. Lamb , tt)7 CloMngOdn ThoMombera llenodlctlou. GeorjcctOTrii. Last Friday evening , March the 8th , a very pleasant entertainment was given by Miss Pearl Hunter and bur pupils , at the Burr Oak school house , at Georgetown. The pupils acquitted themselves very creditably , and it was voted , by those present , to bo the bout enter tainmt nt of its kind ever given at Burr Oak. Great credit is duo MIHH Hunter fur the palienl and careful training which she has always given her pupils. She was kindly anmted in the music by Miss Marjous Campbell , who has csnsiderablo talent in line , ONK WHO WAS THKHK Tlio Normal School UIU Defeated In the senate Tuesday afternoon the bill providing for the location of two Stale Normals , one in ihe Flflh , Ihe other in the Sixth Con gressional districts was recommend ed for indefinite postponement , byn vote of 17 to 13. The bill had been hanging tire in the senate three or more weeks with favorable ] pros pects of its passBgo. Twenty ono of the senators were committed in favor of thu' bill. Could a vote have been forced on the measure before \ . the burning of ihe penitentiary there i but litllu doubt of its HUUUCHH , Thu heavy IUHH siihtainud , by thu tire nnd thu Governor's veto of the Hp- pi'opnalion for thu Peru normal caused several , who had been supporting - porting the bill to weaken when thu Gnat tt'M cninu. It can bo said to the credit of senator Currio that ho rumamud loyal to thu bill to the lat nnd in ado a hard fight on ihe floor of thu Hcnatu for it. Communicated bj Dr. C. l > . Mulling. Broken Bow , Neb , March 0 , 11)01 ) EDITOU Kit PUBLICAN : Sly attention has been milled to u gricv- rua oiror and injustice done a young lady resident of thin place , ftliHH Eva Benjamin , by two of our county paper * . And with the hope that , this article muy bo eopiod by all puporri. who may have fallen in to thu Hnme error , I feel , in justice to Miss Benjamin , compelled to give thu truth of the mattor. In the Callaway Courier of thin week and the Ansley Chronicle ol laHt week , appeared an article stating that MISH Benjamin had been arrested for theft from my priratu hospital. MIBS Benjamin did network work forme ; had nothing whatever to do with this stealing , nor did nho know anything about it. The guilty person was named Minn Blanche I. Benton , who confessed her guilt. The similarity of names doubtlonH caused the error , and 1 feel that every effort should he made to correct it. A good name is the host heritage ot any girl but Homotbing easy to do irreparable damage. I had asked you to make no mention of the theft in your paper , as I hoped that this would be a good lesson to the wrong dopr , pnd desired to giro her a chance to go elsewhere and make a new effort at right living , but this un fortunate circumstance seems to leave me no alternative but to give these tacts. DB. 0. L. MULLINB. Church Services. BAPTIST council. Preaching services at the Baptist church Sunday at 11 a. m , and at 7:30 : p. m. Sunday School at 10 n m. Junior B. Y. P. U at 2:30 and senior B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 The public is extended a cordial invita tion to attend any or all of these fervices KKV. S. W. RICIIAKDS , Pastor. M. K. CIIUHCH. The regular services will be held at the Methodint church next Sun day. Sunday School at Ten o'clock preaching at eleven and Seven thirty. Subject of morning sermon : Reasons If or Uniting With the Church. " Public evangelistic service in the evening. The rev ival is still in progress , and souls are mill boinp saved. Rev. C. A. Mastin , presiding elder of the Kerney District is assisting in the work this week. The Doors of the church will bo thrown open on Sunday morning for the public re- ooption of all those who desire to unite themselves with this church. Thirty six were rocieved on laet Sunday morning. Ilyiin. RYNO , Neb. , March 12,1001. Judging the ground hog according - ing to the old haying , ho is making good use of his six xvcoks , and will got in a little extra time if ho keeps ou. Nasby acknowledges a pleasant visit yesterday morning from W. P. Uenman , of Upton , Nob. During those spare days between winter and spring , it might save you annoyance when seeding lime arrives , to see that your farm im pleinents are in good order. Re pair and oil your harness ; clean your seed wheat and look , up your need corn. ' Miss Ilattie ROOVOB is still at her migrating habits. She is starting in route to Afton , Iowa , this morn ing , but is likely to return again this fall. I rlMc For LetterH AUout JSe- briinUu. A round trip ticket from any Burlington Rout station in Neb - b ka to Yellowstone Park and a complete trip through thu Park is one of twenty prizes offered by the Burlington Route for the beat letters about Nebraska. Other prizes are ; Trips to Colorado the Black Hills , Chicago , and St Louis. There are also tevoral cash prizes. The Burlington oilers these priz ° s for letters that will encourage im migration to Nebraska * Loiters descriptive of tuouessful farming , cattle raieing , dairying , fruit grow ing , and similar pursuits are avail able for the purpose in view. The. contest loses May 81 , 1001. Circulars giving iull imformation will be mailed on request. J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb. We will furnish the Kansas city i Journal and REPUBLICAN for $1.25 per year. Died. Uniu : Kridsy tuorniutc , M r ti 8,11)01 ) , at tier homo , riuar Urucn , Nt b. , Mrs. Duughurty , wife of Iliirvo Uatiguerty , utter n short Illnuen of only two weeks. Thu funeral of thu deceased was held at the home of thu family Sat urday , Rev. W. 'i. Powers ofh'ci- ating. Mrs. Dui lierty had em- btacod the Christian religion sev eral years before , and was prepared to go. Shu leaves a husband and an adopted boy about tive years old to morrii her death. DIID lliimsiT Moiuluy , Alntch 11 , 1601 , Hn- KIMIC , the jouuKPil child ot Mr. anil Mr * Dan- lol lluriett , ot tuuVecl Tablu , ngn ten weeks and two days. The funeral was conducted Tucs day afternoon , by Rev U. A. Knight. Not withstanding thu very iuulem ont weather the house was tilled The RBPUHUCAN extends 10 Mr. and Mrs. Barrett sincere sympathy , n their great bereavement. DIED I'AINIS At his rujldenco south cast of Wcetcivllle Sunday , March 10 , 1P01 , Oeorgo 1'iiluc , agi > 81 lust June , The deceased was in Maine , June 1811) ) . 11 isife preceded him to ; he betteiland Homo eight years ago lie Kirno to Custer county nearly twenty yoats ago and located a ionic stead on which he resided at the time of his death. Ho leaves : ivo ohilderu living to mourn his oss. Thuy arc two sons. George md Will , daughters Bell , Airs Emma. Uuxtablo of this city and Mrs Mettiu Guylo of Wisconsin All the children , but Mre. Guyl" wora with htm in his dying hour. The Rui'ULOAN extends to the joreayed relatives the sincere sym pathy of their many friends. Caret CtTlmiilcM , We hereby extend our sincere shanks to our friends and neighbors 'or their kind assistance during the sickness and burial of our beloved Eugene. MB. and MBS. DANIEL BAUIIUTT U , S. Land Office. JAMES WHITEUKAD Kcglster F. H. YOUNG Ilecelrer D. S. Land OfUcc , BroXcn Bow , t > ebr. , I February 14 , 1001. f Notlco is hsrcby given that PATKICK MclINN mi filed untlci ) of Intention to make final proof be- ere resistor aud receiver , a < hie on ce In Broken ) orv , Nebraska on rid * } ' , the Kid da ; of March , B31 , on timber ou'ture application No. 11007 , for he wh neH , seK nw ! , and lot 2 , of section No " , la township No. 30 N , range No S3 W , 6th P.M Jo Dn.ueaa witnesses , James S.McUlnn , Joaoph ilooro , GeorK" Wlllluun , of Anselmo.Neur. , and W. Flnlen , of Broken Bow , Nebr TCB- liLouy of iilmant ti be taken bvforo Iho clerk ot the district court at Lincoln , Nebr. JAMES WnitEArAD , Rtgletcr. U S. Land Offlc , Broken Bow , Neb , 1 Fcbruar , 27 , 1801. f Notice Is hereby Rircn that the following nnmed cottier has filed notice of his intention : o make final proof in support of hu claim , and : hM said proof will bo made before Keul-ter mid ilecei"er at tllrnkcn Dow , Nchr. , on April 4 , 1001 , Tlz : ALLIK 0. DEC1OUS formarlyAllle 0. rhoman , ofOutes , Nobr. , for the ee > 4 , fcec 7 , Two. 20 , N. range SO , W. bnc names tbo following witneises to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land , viz. William Btal Ing , of Genet Nebraska ; ChrU- ilan Dreaaen , ot ( Jenot , Nebraska ; John W. Ucard , ot Gatep , Nebraska ; Ab Butcher , of Gates , Nebraska. JAMKHTIUTKHEAD , U. S LandOnlcu , Broken Bow , Neb. , I March 7,1 01 f Nolle ? is hereby Kiven that the following named settler has Hied notice of his intention U make Una ! proof in support of hla claim , and that ( aid proot will bo made before Register and llrceiver at Broken Bow Nebraska , on April a , 1901 , Tlz : WILLIAM II W.\RDor Berwjn Nebraska , for the homestead entry No. 43i for NKMi of sec. 27 , township 17 , north raupe ltW ) He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous re'ldeuco upon and cultivation ot eald laud , viz : Kvan MoBcly , of Elton , Nebraska , Jacob Hurcus , of Green , Nebraska ; Charles Williams , of Green , Nebraska ; Henry Casnman , of Bcrwyn , Nebraska. JAMES WHITUHKAD , Hegiatcr. March 14 , fit. U S. Land twice , Broken Bow , Nrb. , I March 11 , 19U1 f Notice is Hereby given that SAMUEL AUKIN& , of Auoelmo , Nebraska , has filed notice ot Inten tion to make final proof before Register and Ke < celver at his office In Broken Bow. Nebraska , ou Thursday , the 18th day of April , 1001 , on timber culture application No. U040 , for Kii 91 U. Nrt'HSEH , NEkiSWU , of section No. 36 , IL township No. 20 , range No. 20 He numi'D a * wltntsseii : William Andersoc , of Ansclrao , Nebraska ; Granvllle Dlshman , of AnBelino , Nebraska ; t'barlle Str et. of Hooslor Valley , Nebraski ; Kd Graves , ot Aunulmo , Ntbraska , JXMKH WIIITSIIEAU , Itceieter. March 14 , 61. In the District Court of Cnster County , Nebraska liarvty B. Andrews , Flulutiff , ) y . > A , J. Pearl , Defendant ) To A. J IVarl , nou-rcsldeut deiendant : Tou will take notice that on the "Dili day nf September , l&OO. Harvey B. Andrew * , the above lumed pUlutUI , flled tile pet'tlon in tba district court ot Onstel county , Nebraska , agalnat yon , the object and prayer ot which eald petition are to recover a judgment ncnlnet yon for the sum of J828.M which Is u balance duo upon a noiu ezo- cu edand dullvored by you to the eald plaintill liarvtj it. Andrews , dated on March 1C Ib'A and ft hloh note was originally for the sum of 1150.00 , and which waa due ou the 15th day of March , 183 ] , aua which Bald note drawajtitercat at the rate of ten per cent per annum from date until paid You will further take notice that ou the said 20tn day of September , 1900 , HU order of attach ment was issued In paid action out of said dis trict court agnluet your propurtv , and that on the 21st day of September , 100U , the same was duly executed by levIng upon and attaching as your property the n > t of the mvH and lot 2 of section 22 , and lot 8 of nectlon 15 , all iu towniblp 20 , r nge 21 , situated In Custer county , Nebraska. That there \ due unon eald note a balance o ! tZZ6 60 , with Interest on tii'.J utiin from tbu fcOtu day of September , 1000 , and plalutitl aska that judgment bu rendered against you for snld sum nnd interest , and that an order be made by iho court that tatd real estate find property levied upon aud attached under said order ot attach iiient , may be nuld by the sheriff of Custer county and the proceeds tl.ercof applUd to the ixivmina of the amount due upon eald note , together will Interest and ihe costs ot this suit You are rtqnlr. d to answer f aid petition on o lefoie Monday , tile 22ud day of April , 1W1. HxnvET 11. AMDUEWH By 0. L. GUTTEIMOM , Ills Attj. Mch 14 , 41 CHATTLE MOHTGAGE 9ALB. Notice Is hereby Klveu that by virtue of a Clmttl Mortgage , dated Octobur Ifltli , 11XK ) , and ezccuiet by L U Hobu-u to T. W. Kduardu , to secure th pit\inpnt of the sum of one protulesory notii , datei octobar 19th , 1 ( < 00 , for JIOO ( X ) , maturing January IU , 1901 Default linvliiK bcenmado In the pay mcnt of stild note , nnd there having been inetl tutfd no suit at law on said note ami us there i yet due on raid note tbo sum ot75 , I will b virtue of the terms of said mortgage eell ut pnbll auction , at Leu's barn , In thu City of llroko Bow , tscbon thr 30th day of March , 1901 , at o'clock p in , the following property describe * Iu eald mortgage to satisfy said note with Inter est to date and coat * , vU : N lue cowe three ) oars old ; onotcow eoveu yenr old , all branded ; teu calves , being the Issue o tbo rows purchased cf sala T.V. . Edwards , ant uue roan bull , two yrara olJ , branded ; one calf tout of hay in stack ; ono gray mare seven yearn old ; oue black uoree , eight year old one bay mart ) five years old ; on * black and whit horse fourj earn old I'drutlfcBlou glveinto tell hay aud apply pro c eili on notu. T. W. UPWARDS , &lortKtge . NOTICI'.OF AI'i'MUATIOM KOIt LIOEN3K. Notice Is horttby ulreii that the nnd rilKned , Alfred Kandn , of Wood Illvcr towimh'p , I lifter oouutv. ieb'aka , bus filed with the County rlork of c'uster county , Nnbrntkn hla petition praying that llci'iifo lie granted him to sul malt , splr'.lniin , nnd vinous llino . at the village of Ocontii. In said imn.ty nnd elate ; Hint ralil tietitlor was tiled npoh Iho 2nd < 'ay ' of.Mnrcli , 11101 , nltli i > uld C'olinty clirk and thit the hear ing tiion enld petit on will ho hnd before the tonril ot fupervl < orof gild county , at tbo court IHJUBH of aald county at ttie toun of Broken Bow , Nebrpjika , on the lrd day of .March , 1VOI , or R" soon thereafter a < tlio sumo KII bu hoardbefore n ! il county tionrd Dated this 1th ilny of Mnrch , 1901 ALFIIEB FONDA KOAU NOTICK. To all whom it may concern : The cointiili * loner appointed lovlow a road petitioned for by H. W White , ctal , coinmenc- iiiK at MJ corner } ! NW aW f section U , t p. t Intcrscc from 7 8 48 30 K 17u to i tton with M line IO'14-'U IIIH reported In furor of ttiu cstubliihnit'tit there of , mill to vacitto nil that part ut tliu rtmtl as Incit ed tlirotmli rniil Bcctlun 4 and 1(1 ( not ss nbaro tit- scr.boil , mill nil nlijcctloiiH thereto or clfilms for iliutuKt'i' must liu tiled In lue county olurkV ollluo on or buforu noau of tbu 15th day ot May , 11)01 ) , or xucti roul will bu granted without roteruiico thereto * In wltiies * uliori'of , I have hereunto put my hniid nuil real of aiild county , thU 13th duy nf March. 1U01. [ PEAL 1 J. 1) . OsiiounN , County Clerk March IIII HOAI ) NOTICE. To whom It may concern : Thu Commissioner appointed upon pulitlnu of s. K. Itcdm > m , ctal , to view a roiid commencing nt norttmcBt corner ot ( section 25 , township IB , ruuu-o''J. mnllou Station No. duK.mln , Ft. No. from 0 8 1 311V COO to 1 from 1 S It ) 15 K 300 to S tut Intorsic- from 2 8 21 10 K WO to 3 < tlon with BUC- ( tlun lino. from 3 U 11 U COO to 4 Oneectioii line from 4 S 44 50 K 200 to C from & b 19 30 K (100 to 6 from 6 S 4 W 1000 to 7 from 7 S 13 W 7SO to 8 from 8 S L"j 40 W IMO to U from U S 71 W COO to 1U from 10 S 41 60V 350 lo 11 rntSW corner from 11 S II E 3(10 ( to IS ! f SKcorner from H S 11 80 K 030 to 9 from U S 'Jl K K'OO to 10 from II ) S 33 15 iOO to 11 from 11 8 t K 00 10 ' from IS S 23 45 400 to 13 ( at In ersec- tram 13 S 59 B MO to 14 < < lion vl hecc- { tlon Hi o 1 at X co ) ni'rou from 14 S 11 K 370 to 164 W cldi Seo. i 85 18-23 i at S corner from 15 9 11 K 2640 to \6 < of buotion / 85-18-23 bus reported in faror of the CBtabila imcul bcro- of , and ill oojectlonc thereto , or clu ma fo dam- BROS , mast bu tiled m tbo County Cleru'e ot ccou or before noon , of tlio "lib day ot April , 1 01 , or such rotd will be cslabllehod without rcforenco thureto Invli ness whereof , I bare hereunto sot my lnuid ai 1 seal of said county , this 20th day of Fobrui y , 1001. J. B. OiuoUuN , IEJ L. ] feb21-4t County Clerk. Assessor's Meeting. The annual meeting of Uusl r county asaessorH will be held at the ( Jourt house on Tuead.iy , March 19 , 1901. 1901.J. J. B. OHUOIWN , County Cleric. Notice. Notice is hereby given to the jirty o partieH holding orders No. } 7 and 68 , on school district No. 118 , CtiBter county , NehraHka , to jruHoiit the same for payment lo P. C. Johnson , Ireasurer of said diatriot. 11 , L. YOHK , Director , Dated March 14 , 1901. 31 Enrortli | Leaguers. Spud me your mime and address and [ will mull you about April ] , a benuti- nlly illustrated ( older given full Information mation about the special rates and tram s < rvica to California via the Burlington Hout , at tbo time ol tbe Epwortb Loiigne mpotin nt Sun Frisco in Ju'y. ' Hie folder will oiillgliton you on every ; ioint In connection witb tbo trip to Siu ; fraticleco cost of tickets ; how to make tbe trip moRt cheaply and oomfortabli' , what UHTO is to see on the wayand why your tickets should read via the liurlmg- ton Rout. The round trip rate oprn 'o everyone from Umah to Francfcn via the Burlington Hout IB $45. Tickets are troort by way of Denver and Salt Luke city.J. . J. Franoin , General PftSfonger A ent , Burlington Rout , Omaha , Neb. Mob 7 5t. is very much like the blossom ing of u flower. Itsbcautyand perfection depends entirely upon the cnrc bestowed upon its parent. Expectant mothers should have the tendcrest care. They -liinild be spared till worry and aimety. They should eat plenty of yood nourishing food and take gentle exercises. This will pg n Ions wnv toward preserv ing their health and their beauty as well as th it of the little one to come. But to be absolutely suru of a short and painless labor they should use regularly during the months o Resta- tion. This is n simple liniment , which IH to bo applied externally. It gives strength and vigor to the muscles and prevents nil nf the discomforts of preg nancy , which women u ed to think were absolutely necessary When Mother's Friend is used there is no danger whatever. Get Mother's Friend at the drug store , $ per bottle. THE URAOFICU ) REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA , CJA. Writfor onr fre book , " Itcfare luby It Horn * * Au Jloucitt Medicine for La Grippe. Ccorge VV. Waitt , of South Gar diner , Me , says"I nave bad the worst cotigb , cold , chills and grip and have taken loin of tradh of no .uiuount but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Uough Remedy' is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used ono bottle of it and the chills , cold and grip have all left me. 1 congrat- nlfUo the niHnufauturefl of an nonet medicine. " For Hilo by J. QHae - berle. M > h 7 1m A Poultry I aper Kree. The Republican una inadGrirrang whereby we can s ; nd "Tue Western Poultry Newfi" oue yenr free to auy pur son pnyln > ; one year's subscription in advance. Old subscribers who pay up and pay one year in advance can take ad vantage of this offer also. The Western Poultry Ninva Is a oii 10-page moutuly chicken paper , uublished at Lincoln .Neb. , and is an icknowh'Kud authority on poultry methods. It not only inter ests lancy breeders , but the housewife In town or country , who wants to make some protlt from u few hene. It nleo baa a Belgian Hare department. If you want a poultry paper , hero in your chance How to axalcc HeiiB L.HV. The Republican has a proposition that may n t exactly solve the question , "How to Make liens Lay , " bui it will help you tn uiaki' more money out of your hens than yon are now doing. If you pay tip all arrearages and one year in advurce , we will send you The West ern Poultry News one year free. It Is a blii 10-pHtro paper published nt Lincoln , Ni'b. , and U recognized.authority on poultry matters , many of the beat known poultay experts contributing their exper ience To THE DKAFA rich lady , ourod of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums , gave 825,000 to his In stitute , so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums , may have them free , Address No. D 148 , The Nicholson Institute , 780 , Eight Avenue , Now York. jan3 ly fZt't' .tJSK''v VvJffit'tlA'W : ' : / t.--v'ffit'.y > i'i'tl'ii : ' w"W. ? v W.oV' ; . . * " * " * * * fl/i All parlies indebted lo the Eagle Grocery , are requested $ # to call and settle their account by cash al once. I must have > * % money to pay bills , I oaunot do business on wind. ? 'j ? Yours truly , 1 . w AN9 ftym Proprietor. $ | 10 Bars of Soap for 25c , ? | | ' . ' ' ' "V'f f'i /'J.- M.J.WM..J\\-.W \ f- - E. L. BUNCH , Headquarters for oard ing. BEST * 1.00 A DAY HOUSE IN THE CITY. Groceries , Confectioneries and Fruits , * AT LOWEST PRICES : North Side of Public Square , - Broken Bow , Nebraska.