INDULGE IN RIOT. ' . of Hoai of Common Iflnor err * * FlgUt on mon * . LONDON , March 0. In the house of commons , shortly after midnight , Mr. Halfour applied theclotureon the edu cation estimates. The nationalists limited "gag , gag , "and ret used to leave the house when the division was taken. The chairman twice asked them to retire to the division lobby , but they shouted , "Certainly not. " Mr. Falln cried , " 1 protest , against the way all Irish votes are clotured. " Thirty or forty Irishmen remained in their scats. The chairman report ed the matter to the speaker. The Irishmen still refused to obey the or der , and the speaker named sixteen recalcitrants. Mr. Balfour moved their suspension. This was agreed to without a division. The speaker ordered them to with- firaw , but they refused , amid , great oproar. The speaker called upon the them. They oejgeant-at-arm to remove ohouted dellance. The deputy ser jeant-at-arms advanced and asked hcm to leave , but still they refused. Atthlsanumberofotlleersand police men entered to enforce the removal. HAND-TO-HAND CONFLICT. Mr. Eugene Crean , member for southwest Cork , struggled de.sperately against removal , and there was quite a free light on the floor , lasting for T minutes , other Irishmen assisting ti m. Eventually he was carried out bodily byslx policemen amid yells and cheers. The police then returned and carried ach of the remaining recalcitrants in the same manner , although there was no further actual resistance. Many , 43 they were beihg carried out , waved fcheir hands and shouted , "God save Ireland. " The trouble arose through Mr. Bal four closuring the whole education estimates without giving an opportun ity to discuss the Irish voice. Those removed included John Cul- ttnau , Patrick White , Patrick Me- Hugh , William Lundon , William Abranam , Patrick Dugan , Anthony JDonelan ard James Gilhooley. Never before had such a scene oc cur ed in the house as accompanied Ihe removal of Mr. Crean. He strug gled fiercely with the attendants , who ummoned the police , a dozen con stables entering the house. The na tionalists Jeered at them. DRAGGED OUT BY MAIN FOTICE. The nationalists fought and strug- flee frantically , but at length asuper- for force of police succeeded in drug- Ing Mr. Crean out by the legs and arms and carrying him down the floor' f the house , the Irishmen standing nd wildly shouting. "Shame , mur- flerers , South African brutality. " The speaker then called upon Mr. He 11 ugh to retire , but. he defiantly re fused , his companians shouting ap proval. As the body of twenty police gain stormed the Irish benches Mr. Ucllugh fought , struggled and im peded them in every way. Angry shouts rent the air. The benches nelow the gangway on the opposition side were a mass of mad and struggling humanity. Several police i were struck with tlbts. Free fights between the police and the members were fairly general. As Mr. Moll ugh was being carried out , his underciothing showing where the other garments had been torn a ay tn the struggle , , Mr. Flavin shouted from the benches , "Nineteen police to cue lushman , " and cries of ' 'shame" were heard from the opposition bench es. While Mr. Cuhlnun was being re- BIOV d , struggling violently , Mr. Pat rick O'Brien excitedly appealed to the speaker to "stop this most dt-stress- lug scene. " The speaker responded : "The'sccne 8fi certainly as distressing to me as It can bo to the Irish members. " Al'I'EALS KQK OKDER. The speaker , In reply , again earn estly appealed to the members to obey . F the ruling of the house , whether they ' agreed witli tiie course taken or not , } and to leave the house peaceably and decently. In response to this was r . cries of ( > no , no , " from the national- \ fats. The speaker i lien ordered the ' removal of the , others. While Mr. Donellan was being removed the na tionalists rose and sang "God Save Ire- 1 laud. " Mr. Flavin shouted to the mi- ionalists , "Youvill be carried out of Bouth America in the same way. " Mr. Flavin's turn then came. The police were handling him roughly , amid renewed cries of "murderers , " when he exclaimed : "All right ; I don't Intend to hurt anybody. " At 1 o'clock the speaker said : "Tho house will now resume pro ceedings , and 1 trust that the honor able member will now leave the house. " The Irish members shouted that they would not leave. The chairman again put the vote , adding that therere no teller and that the ayes had it. Amid laughter and cheers the Mouse adjourned. The suspensions will last for two weeks. To Multe Trip , il In prctlon , WASHINGTON , Marcli ( i. The house committee on rivers and harbors ar ranged the details of two trips of in spection \\hleh they will make. The fiistill be to Savannah. In Juno they will make a ttIp to the Pacillo coast , going tirst to Galveston and other gulf ports , then on to Los Angeles and northward , visiting all the harbors ; us far north as Puget pound. The committee bad no otllcia ) existence and the members go as pri vate Individuals. BUYS MUCH STOCK JAMES J. HILL SEEKS CONTROL OF BURLINGTON. Other Inere ! t nt Work I.nrnc't Stock- liulilen , llowpYtr , Sml-llml With rrrirnt Condition. Allen Still Ilv mnliis S u tur. NKW YORK , March 7. The Com mercial Advertiser says : "The heavy buying of Chicago , Bur lington So Qulncy shares within the past few days is partly explained yes terday by the report from a trust worthy sotnce that James.I. Hill and his friend- have been Seeking b > ob tain control of this property In the In terest of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific , Wall street oper ators say both the Union Pacific and Northern Pacific have secured enough stock to be en tilled to representation In the board of control. "The efforts of the outside parties to secure control of the Burlington have boon stoutly resisted by some of the largest stockholders , who have been connected with the property for many years , and who have a strong faith in Its future growth These in side Interests have thus far prevented the newcomers from securing a ma jority of the Burlington stock. Whether their resistance to a change In the control will contlnui to be effective fective- remains to be seen. "It is an Interesting fact that one of the strongest Interests In Burling ton which is seeking to preserve the independence of that property is the same Inteicst that was largely instru mental in preventing .1. P. Morgan and James .I. Hill from getting con trol of the Chicago , Milwaukee St. St. Paul. "The report that Pennsylvania rail road interests were buying Burlington shares \ < - authoritatively denied by representatives of that company. The Pcniii. Ivania people say that they have tot all the railroad property they want. Tim Tor ftatllloKtlon Hxplrrd Murrh 4 , WASHINGTON , March 7. The liny- Pauncefote treaty , intended to replace tliD Clay-Buhver treaty , relative to the construction of isthmian water ways , died at noon Monday. The death was caused technically , by the fact that the last clause of the treaty allowed only the period of time up to March 4 for its ratification. Neither the government of the United States nor of Great Britain appears to have wade any formal effort , to extend that period. Neir Implement uf Wnr. WASHIDTON , March 7. A Swedish army oil ! r has patented an air tor pedo of a construction heretofore un known , and received a government subsidy for exploiting , according to a co-nmunicallon to the state depart- mei t from Consul General Gucnther at Hamburg , Germany According to the specifications the motion of tin : projectile is carried exclusively bv a force that Is developed in the torpedo little by little , from Ignition of a gas generated from slowly-burning mater ial. The tras gradually becomes stronger and propels the torpedo by the arrangement which allows the gas to escape. Once In motion , the tor pedo increases its speed in accordance with the amount of gas pressure. The charge may consist of any explosive , provided the same is Ignited only by shocks of blows. The Inital velocity needs to be but slight , as the torpedo Is impelled by Its own force. Thus the discharge from the torpedo gun constructed tor the purpose occasions no reporter recoil and but little pres sure , making the handling of the de vice perfectly safe. At the trials made BO far the torpedoes are reported to have traversed a distance of 10,000 'eet. Clmndlcr h n Job. WASHINGTON , March 7 Ex-Sena tor William E. Chandler has been se lected as president , of the Spanish claims commission. The other ap pointments will soon follow. The com- nlsion will get to work as soon as pos- ilblc. Allen Still n * * nn'nr ' WASHINGTON , March 0. Senator Allen's name Is still carried on the rolls as a senator from Nchra ka , and It Is understand It will be until the Nebraska Legislature elects or ad journs. There was some contention that his appointment would expire on March 3 , the close of the last congress , but the authorities held otherwise. Willie no formal action to that effect has been taken by the republican sen ators It Is quite definitely decided that there will lie no reorganization of the senate committees during the present session. This decision will have the effect of leaving the appointees of re tiring senators in their position until the convening of Congress next De cember. Co l of WASHINGTON , M'irch 7. Represen tative Cannon , cli.uiuian of the house committee on appropilattons , and Mr. Livingstone , the. senior democratic mem' ' er of the committee , have pre pared statements of the appropi tailon ? of the Klily-sixth coniriess. which win be printed In the Record today Bull' place the total amounts for the con- it i ess at $ l. 400i-J.5t.i ; placing those for the IIrst session at f < 10.150,562 , and for the second at ST-iVJl . & } FEARS IT WILL FAI _ Senator MorRHU Ii iximlfiit Urer UnniU Htuiutoii. WASHINGTON , March 8. Senator William P. Krye , of Maine , yesterday was re-elected unanimously president pro tern of the senate to serve during the pleasure of the senate. This is the second time Senator Frye has been honored by his colleagues. Five years ago on February 7 , 18 )0 ) the repub licans then being In a minority , he was elected unanimously. His servic es as president pro tern , especially blnce the death of the late Vice Pres ident Hobart , have won for him the cordial appreciation for his able and impattial administration of the post At today's session Mr Morgan of Alabama concluded his speech In sup port of his resolution declaring the abrogation of the Clay ton-Bui wor treaty between the United Suites and Great Britain. His speech was really pathetic. He had devoted the best years of his olllcial life , he said , to ad vance the construction of the canal , but-now he did not expect to live to see the work upon the great waterway begun. KKOWKItS KOU 8KNATOII OAM11LB When the senate convened today a huge bunch of beautiful roses adorned the desk of Mr. Gamble , the successor to Mr. Pettlgrew of South Dakota. The vice president announced the appointment of Messrs. Cullom of Illi nois and Cockrell of Missouri .as mem bers of the board of regents of the Smithsonian institution. At the conclusion of the routine business Morgan resumed his speech begun yesterday In support of his resolution declaring the abrogation uf tno Clavton-Buiwer treaty. Mr. Mor gan read that part of the Clayton-Bui- wer treaty which relates to the Nicar agua canal and also the protocols of an agreement for the construction of the canal tmnle between the United States government and the governments of Nicaragua and Costa Rica. He de clared that it was perfectly clear that the protocols entered Into last fall by this government were a distinct violation lation of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. It was equally evident that the United States must abandon Its plighted faith with the Nicaragua and Costa Rica , In order that the Clayton-Bulwer treaty might be fastened permanently upon this government and h.tng like a pall over it or take such a stand as will sustain the president. Allllt LrHVf Irlnncl WASHINGTON , March 7 , General MacArthur has notified the war de partment by mail that In pursuance of aulhority obtained from the depart ment under nate of December 27 last , he was ordered the deportation of a number of persons , whose overt acts have clearly revealed them as In aid of 01 in sympathy with the Insurrection and the irreirular guerrilla warfare by which It Is being maintained and whose continued residence In the Philippine is , In every essential , re garded inimical to the pacification thereof. " THEIR DESTNATION By direction of the commanding general the persons named were de livered to Msijor Orwlg , Thirty- seventh volunteers , on board the Rosencronz , for deportation to the Island of Guam "there to oe held un der surveillance or in actual custody as clicumstancesmay require ; during the further progres of hostilities and until such lime as the restoration of normal peace conditions In the Phili ppines has resulted in a public declar ation of the termination of such hos tilities. " Subsequently another batch of In- suruent sympathizers and agitates were deported to Guam on the United States steamship Solace to be held un der the same condition as the ot hers. This party consisted of members of the Katlpuman society , who had taken the oath of allegiance to the United States for the purpose of facili tating revolutionary operations In the provencc of Hocus Norte. Inducrmt-ii s to Surrender. MANILA , March 8. Additional In ducements have been made to the In surgents to surrender their guns. Gen eral MacArthur has directed all de partment commanders to release one prisoner for e\ery rifle surrendered. An Insurgent who surrenders his gun will be permitted to name the prisoner to be released , provided no exceptional circumstances require the man's de- cntlon , In which case another selec- tl m will be allowed. A large mail lias been received at the war department from General MacArthur. It includes the recoid of many cases of minder , ( reason and 'ither ' high crimes and mlsdcaineanois on the part of the native Philippine. A native named Lucino Almeida was convicted by a military commission of fragrant violations of the laws of war and was sentenced to hard laber for wenty years and to pay a fine of 20 , . OiX ) pesos. Genentl MacArthur com muted the sentence to deportation to Guam. Trio * In Hri NKW YOUK , MarchS B. 0. Ander- Ron , proprletjr of the Jefferson brass * works , Brooklyn , was arrested today on an Indictment luuvh'd down by the federal grand jury , charging him on twi ) counts with attempting to bribe otilcials at the Brooklyn navy yards to ass hi Us rendered by him for goods not deliveied. Hewaslii-ld in $7r > oo 'Kinds. ' The first Indictment against vndiM.son charges him with having at- einpted to bribe Lieut. W. V. Powel- > n GE IN A RIOT 3ORTO RICANS ON RAMPAGE FOR SLIGH1 CAUSE. alien Still n Srimtor Ulbion VTini the Mniilinm SomttorUI KlRlit llcaiUocU llroknn liy the Ultlitlruwul or II. IT. Frit ilk. SAX JUAN , Porto Rico , March A. serious riot occurred here Thursday. At 0 o'clock in the evening live artil lerymen and a corporal of artillery , named Hitchcock , left iholrguard past without orders and charged across the plaza into a street In which a mob of people had assembled. The soldiers llrcd a volley into the air , dispersed the mob and rescued School Superin tendent Armstrong , who was besieged by a mob. For hours previous to the rescue of Superintendent Armstrong the city had been overrun by a riotous crowd of probably 1,600 persons , who shouted "Down with the Amelcans" and other similar cries. The excitement originated In a trl- vlrl school Incident Involving Superin tendent Armstrong and Illustrating the excitable nature of the Porto Ilicans. The superintendent repri manded a girl ten years of age for dis obedience and forcibly but harmlessly marched her to the front from the rear of the school room. Her dress caught in a desk and was torn and the girl reported to nor mother that she had been kicked and abused , This excited the girl's mother and sensational stories were circulated which caused the disturbance. Gov ernor Allen deplores the unfortunate occurrences , especially the action ol the artillerymen. Corporal lliscock has been placed under arrest and is now In the guard house. It is prob able he will be tried by court-martial. The teachers who have been ques tioned on the subject have made state ments agreeing with those of Superin tendent Armstrong to the effect that the girl was not harmed It Is probable that four-iifthsof those who took part In the rioting did not know why they were mobbing the Americans. The rioters mostly be long to the unlmployed worklnginen. Allen Still n Member. WASHINGTON , March 0. Final ad journment of the extra session of the senate would have been taken today bad the new senatalor f join Oregon , Mr. Mitchell , been present to take the oath. He could not reach here until tomorrow , and adjournment was postponed until thai time. Mr. Hoar ( Mass. ) ottered a resolution providing for the appotnlmsnt of a committee of senators to call upon the president and Inform -him that the senate was ready to adjourn without delay. Mr. Morgan ( Ala. ) objected to con sideration today , saying that Senator Mitchell of Oregon would be In Wash ington tomorrow and it was due him that the senate remain In session until his arrival. After the transaction of some brief routine business Mr Lodge of Massa chusetts moved that the senate pro ceed to the consideration of executive business. On that motion Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts requested the yeas and nays , saying that lor a particular rea son it was desirable the toll should be called at once during the session. The motion prevailed unanimously , fifty- six senators voting in the alternative , and at 12:15 : the senate went into ex ecutive session. i The "paitlcular reason" for a roll call referred to by Mr. Hoar was that the name of Mr. Allen of 'Nebraska should be Included thus otHclally In the roll of senators. Some question was raised as to the right of Mr Allen to draw his pay in the new congress under his appointment by the govern or of Nebraska. Although Mr. Allen did not vote up on the motion , being absent from the I chamber , the calling of ills name set tled his status as a senator. UlbKuii WIIIH n Toga , NA , Mont. , Marcli 9. At3:3& : yesterday morning , although the leg islative clock testified that it was not yet midnight , Hon. Paris Gibson ( dcm. ) of Great Falls , \\as elected United States senator lor the term ex piring March 4 , UK,1) ) . For almost the entire term of the life of the legislature that body has been voting daily for a senator , but with no result. Thursday at noon the joint assembly met at noon as usual and took one ballot , adjourning at 7 p. m. , for further balloting. After tak ing a few votes without ellccting the result the assembly took a recess un til II o'clock , at which time began the session ending with the election ol Mr. Gibson In all , twenty-two bal lots were taken during the day. At the conclusion of the twenty-first bal lot , II. L. Frank , who was tin * leading fusion candidate , announced his with drawal fiom the contest , In favor ol Mr. Gibson , who had not up to this time bud mote limn a nominal chance , KenMii ky iidmm At II. " " LONDON , Ky. , March , 0 A desper ate Unlit occuried at Manchester yea- terdav nlxmtnoon between Whlief and Gnrrads In which over lntishoU were liied. TheJarrads ( were Ir town and In the olllce of Sain dinh , tilling ball bonds for .lule Webb , Taylor Spin-lock and \ \ illiam and Dennis McCal , chained wlih murder when the contcnlMil a shotgun liied from the couit house , entered the window of cash's oljloe. A genera tight followed. NAVAL HERO DEAD. &Mlitant KiiRlnexr of the Oregon Kill * SIDNEY , Neb. , March tl. < Spcclnl. ) John Murphy , a passenger on Union Pacific train No. 3 , this morning en- route from New York to the ojast , I jominltted suicide by shooting him- fielf twice In the head with a No. 38 Smith Wesson revolver. The shoot ing was done while the train was at Chapel. The tlrst shot struck above and a little front of the right eats The second shot entered the right temple , producing a mortal wound. Death ensued soon after the train reached ' -Sidney. " The shooting was evidently done during a lit of temporary Insanity , as he had for some time appeared to the trainmen as not In his right mind. He was not considered dangerous enough to require guarding. The body was taken in charge by Coroner Bossett , who had It embalmed. It will bo held awaiting word from relatives. llo has a brother at Williams , Ariz. , and a niece and nephew at college in San Diego , Gil. The deceased scorns to have been an unusual character. Papers , letters , books , etc. , In his possession show that he was the assistant englnee' on the battleship Oregon , and was with this vessel during all her service In the Spanish-American war. He accom panied the vessel to Manila whore he was discharged. He Immediately en tered the service of the English navy , from which he was discharged later , and he soon after returned to tin- United suites and was apparently re turning to the west to re-enter the United States naval service He seems to have been a traveller , having visited neany every country on the globe , gathering novelties and cu rios from every place ne visited. Now the collection is In the hands of Cor oner Bosseit. U contains man ) things both unusual and Interesting. Storm Wit * Hi vent. DALLAS , Tex. , Match 11. Furthei repot ts fiom yesterday's tornado at \Villls Point have made noaddiiions to the death list. As stated in List night's dispatches four persons wore killed outright. The piopuity loss will be heavier than at tlrbt estimated At Willis Point alone It is said to be $50,000. From Willis Point the course of the Sturm's fury , dotted with wrecks can be lollowed to the Arkansas line. At New Boston and at Teiaikana \\ereconsldorably damaged. In Colin county about thirty miles north of Dallas the wind was very strong , but it did not attain tuu strength of a tornado. Hall was fol lowed by torrents of rain. At one place 1.1(4 ( inches of rain fell In forty minutes. LITTLU HOCK , Ark. , March 11. A heavy rain , wind and thunder storm accompanied by liirhtnlng visited Ar kansas yesteiday. At Van Buien lightning Ktruck the residence of Jas. Morcomt ) , rendering his wile uncon scious and a boy was knocked down in the street. FIHTKEN HOUSKS UNROOFED. At Conway fifteen houses were un roofed , many otbeis blown down and others unioofed Dispatches fiom Pine Pr.ilne say the storm stuick there , wrecking everything In its path A boy named Turner was killed. KANSAS CITY , Marcli 11. Last night's was one of the worst this win ter In western Missouri Pacific bum- dies but they have no Sunday trains. Two engines \\ero n.n on all trains to day. Wind and sleet au some points caked on the wires and caused more or less interruption of telegraphic and telephonic communication. DA3IAOICS CHICAGO IMIOI'KUTY. CHICAGO , March 11. One of the tvoistwlnd slormsof the season struck Chicago early today and during the UNO hours it was at Its height * dam aged propei ty to the extent of $175.0(1' ( ' ' . Many heavy plate glass windows were blovtii in. Tclegiaph and telephone compan'cs wore the \\oist sufferers and it , ulil ho some time bciorcHmlcrcan be restored Thousands of poles were blown down and Chicago was plastically isolated from the west and north west by telephone and telegraph all day and Loniuht. The long dls. tance telephone service was crippled so "adly that It was of little value- Up to a late hour tonight neither Aiil- wuuiu'e nor Minneapolis could be readied by telephone. The sturin is bulL-ved to have been ino > t. severe in southern Wisconsin. Along a long sttetch of Milwaukee ioa.1 in southern Wisconsin f > 00 tele graph poles are down. Reports fiom inatiy points in India and Kentucky also indicate heavy damage from the siorm TiaKOUAI'II COMI'ANIKS SUKFKIt. The Western Union and Postal Tel egraph companies suffeied sevetely by fillun pules. It was estimated there were not fe\\cr than 5,000 poles in the city thrown down by the fury of the wind and storm. A KIIII-MH IIIlk ItnlilnMI. AitooNiA , Kans. , March 11. The 1 private bank of J. II Springer w s burglarized hero last Highland $ 'Jtu ) I In rash and $ -1,000 In teg'Steied gi.v- , . percent bonds weiesecuml , | About $140 in gold and $8,00,1 in bun s i was left , iiiitouched. The robbers M-- ' cured their tools from the Santa lo 1 hC'-tiou house nearby. The vault WHS entered toruugh the brick wall and the safe was blown open with nitro. NEI1KASKA NOTES. West Point is In a turmoil over tb : Ipproachlng election time. The Gate City cornet band eonccrtat Crawford and cleared * Wausa farmers are trying to fuiuls to erect a co-operatlvo elevator. Columbus Is maklnga heroic Lo make bellcvo that the town is Sntu of smallpox. There arc five persons In West Polal * who declare that Sunday show * have got to "go. Preparations are being made to wort * the Weeping Water stone quarica o a big scale this year. Bloomington papers are com plaining , that the farmers near that place cao * lot boriow any money. The Gothenburg Sun Is confident that spring Is here , because wild gees * have made their appcrancc. Corn Is being hauled Into Elmwoo * BO fast that the grain dealers are u * able to secure cars to move It. The Wayne normal school Is qua- intincd on account of an epidemic ol iinallporofa very light nature. Harris the gambler who killed farmer at 121 in wood two years ago , hat gone crazy at tils home In Canada. Thieves broke Into G. 0. Lloyd's confectionary store at Grccley ant * carried off about $300 worth of awcoW meets. The Santon Methodist church Is Ivy- Ing enlarged and expects to materially Increase the output of religion for Ihfe coming season. Cass county will finally pay for tt * court house clock af.tcr several years" litigation with the Seth Thomair Clock company. Fremont Is making as much prep arations for the meeting of the stata firemen us it would for a national political convention. Ed Stanton , who has lived with hl3j family at Union for several years pasl vanished the other night and no trW of him can be found. The farmers In the neighborhood ol Ilumholdt will soon be telling tljt country merchants what they thiitli of them over the telephone. The grocers are now cqposlng hora raddlsh and parsnips for sale and lift crocuses are coming up. Oh Joy U spring ! Fremont Tribune. Tust when the fairies of Chndrov were busy starching up their summci gowns , a monstrous bllz/ard struck the town and ( lustrated their plans. The thief who stole Frank Morsc/i saw-buck from his backyard at Nape * IB warned to return Itatonccor Franfc will use some very strong language Professor K haras , the magnetic healer of Omaha , has been looking over the ground at Elgin with the ln tent ion of starting a branch ofllor there. A. J. Harrington of Hamilton killed the largest wild goose that has been seen In that vicinity for years. Wiior geese are said to be plentiful along ] the Plattc. i The Hev. Mr. Toms , of Nehawka has stepped down from the pulpit aria will work for Ins living by going InU the Implement business at Graft Graft Is a good name. 1 Father Rueslng of Wo t Point ha the assurance of a donation of 315,000 to build a hospital and old folk's norm at that place. Ho expects the town to give ten acres of land for a si to. Fred Beerman. a farmer of Dokota City , rejoices over the recovery of a set of fine harness stolen from his barn a week ago. The harness wan found In an Omaha pawnshop. ' Mayor Booth of Skunk Hollow gava one of bis ' 'grand socials" last Friday evening. Cake and oysters , turtfo soup , frog legs and nightingale tongut formed the chief articles on the racna. The Dakota City Eagle Is of tin opinion that the time may some Uma arrive when the Ingcnlus Yankee will provide a means whereby a criminal may be sentenced to a century or two In bell. Several years ago a number of wells were bored In the neighborhood of Madison , but were abandoned without a ( low. A few days ago one of th old wells commenced ( lowing to beat the band. Constable Maori of Peru swlpedi David Beck , a Jolntlst , over the head a few days ago , and yesterday mornIng - Ing Beck passed In his checks. The constable has been exonerated front any blame. Art Hoagland , a business man of North I'laltfi , believed in having something working for him while ht slept , so he set his slot machine out. side the store at nights. He Is now looking for the man who stole th machine. Mrs. Amelia Rider's residence to West McCook was totally ( lest royed bj tire. Loss $800. Insurance * W)0. ) Mrs. Rider lives In Crete , this state. Tin renter , L. M. Smith , lost about 3.10i on household goods , fully cuvercd by Insurance. Someone kidnaped a cat from th premises of J. M T. Schneider at , No hraska Cltv , Hie-other night , and now Schneider is offering a reward for 1U iecoverr. The Knights of Pythias are doing some tine work In the third decree al Kllvhorn and "he who dares to break the stillness or eternal night , whIU standing at the gate of Pluto's wild domain is welcomed Into Irulghtbocxf with outstretched arms. ,