Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 14, 1901, Image 1

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    J * *
! t.A 5
| 4 |
The effect o
many per
fect gems is marred by poor
I I Mount gems at little
cost , in settings that shows
them to best advantage.
If you wish to be pleased ,
entrust your gems to me to
I be set in the latest style.
If you haven't the gems I
shall be pleased to supply
I you.
Graduate of Lhkuiro Opthalmlo College.
| School Books ,
< * -AND
School Supplies ,
G. Haeberle's :
It iNii't tlie material
tliiit into vatir
repaired watcli Unit
ruHUltH In a perfect
) oi > . u is tne Hou ;
tliat Uous tliu bUbinbcS , ! Ly bungler
cau buy UIL- Hue kinds o ( material
that J udu In repairing ; but ekill
ie the uiOHt valuable nutiunnl ttiut
; au bu used In uutcli repairing ;
ui (1 ttui bungler cnn't buy It. 1
sell my ukHi ( or wuut It Is worth
nud It will uuHt you less UIMI
at lower prices.
Jeweler and Optician.
West fidu of equuro.
Who t . . . Me
Hurley . , , , . .47c
Oats . „ . . . . . . .28C
Corn . 2tSc
Hyo . 39.
liutlcr . _ . lic !
. 80 :
Onious . $1. 0
Chicken * . , . a fi clcztn
HOBS ' . l.UO
C'OWM . 3.UO
Steers . . . . . . . _ . 3.50(01.00
inrke > e . 60
Btruw . „ . J2c cwt
H y . - . 6.00
Xotice of Howard.
A reward ot $5.00 will be given
for information leading to convic
tion of any one tampering or mod-
ling with any hue , or bhootiug in
tnilatortj or doing any damage inten
tionally on any line belonging to the
Broken Bow Telephone Exchange.
Warning is hereby given that any
persons so offending will bo prose
cuted to the full extent of the law.
JU'inarkuDle lures or KlieumutlBui.
From the Vindicator , Ruther-
fordtou , N. C.
The odtor of the Vindicator has
had occasion to test the efficacy of
Chamberlian's Pain Balm twice
with the most iomarkabe ) roHulla
in each cane. Firnt , with rheunia-
tJHin in the nholdor from which he
suff. red txcruoiating pain for ten
dajh , wbich was relieved with two
applications of Pain Balm , rubbing
the parts am'oted and realizing in
stant benefit and entire reliofin abort
time. Sioond , in rheumatism in
thigh joint , almost prostrating him
with severe pain , which WHS relieved
by two applicatone , rubbing with
liniment on retiring at night , and
gutting up free from pain. For
Dale by J. G , U&berlie ,
J * Jte
Si Field Seeds , Grass Seeds , Garden Seeds , If ]
imMms < o m m m : msM
W !
Our BunincFB is to GLORI
FY ourselves and our cus
tomers by furnishing BUILD
LOWER Price than our
Competitors will do.
If you intend to build a
HOUSE , or stable , or .porch ,
or need a NEW FRONT DOOR
or WINDOW , rcmom-
ber that
Foster & Smith Lumber Go ,
are SPECIALISTS in their LINE , and a trial order will convince
you that they are right. iTours For Business ,
( > > \ W.L. RULE , Manager.
Business Pointers.
Dr. T. W. Baas , dentist , Broken
A complete line of Heintz bottle
goods. JOHN & KNKIJK.
Pepsin Gum , two packages for a
Cosmopolitan patterns ten cents.
No more. SNYDKR Bitoa.
Lubricating oils of all kinds at
Wilkius * drug store.
Eight head of young cows lor
sale cheap. A. T. SRYUOLT.
feb 28 tf
Come and get our prices on canned -
nod dry fruits. Wo will not bo un
der sold. JOHN & KNKUK.
Buy your chicken's oyster shell ,
crushed bone and grit at the Peal
Cash Grocery Co. feb2& tf
FOK itBNT. Store room on north
side of square , Call or address
feb21 tf A. T. SKYBOLT
For Hale.
A pair of young drift horses.
Inquire at Lee's barn ,
Seed Oats.
For the pure article , leave orders
at J. C. Bowen'Hat once.
Candy , nuts , fruits , all kinds of
breakfast foods , buckwheat Hour ,
maple syrup , silver drip , nothing
finer , at John & Knerr's.
Houses for lent or sale. I will
be at my place of business from
now on until 8 p. m.
FOB SALE ou Tn DB Town lots
and a few live acre lots in thin city ,
for cattle , horses or farm land.
fob28 tf ALLAN
When in need of a tirst-olass
icliuneer , call on or address
Broken Bow , Nebr. tf
Fou SALK. One Perchoron Nor
man Stallion. Eequire of John Wil
lie , one half mile west of Broken
Bow. f4 tf
Clilckttiirt Fur Male.
Very 6ne Blue Barred Plymouth
Rock chickens for sale , 2 miles
west of city. W. M. VANNICE.
d20 8m
FOB SALE A one story cottage
with six large rooms , pleasant yard ,
and surroundings. Price $000.
Call on L. J. Gandy or at this
office. 7 19tf
Farms for sale and lands for rent.
Now is the time to get a farm cheap ,
as iho cheap farms are all going
and prices are advancing rapidly , '
A now spring line of wall paper
at J. C. Bowen's.
MY HOUSEHOLD GOODS , on sale for
FIVE DAYS , beginning March 20th.
Mrs. M. E. Frazier.
Broken Bow.
Street Talk.
When you want good groceries
you have to go to Bowon'a.
First class farm for sale 4 mileg
south east of Broken Bow , also var
ious other lands , write for parti
culars. A. T , SKYHOLT
Broken Bow , Nebr.
For Sale.
Good stcck of general merchan
dise. For particulars write J J.
Stanford , Merua , Neb , J31 tf
Wo have , not moved or eold out ,
) ut are at the old stand ready to
you bargains as m ino past.
I have a black Clydesdale stallion
to sell or trade for cattle or town
property. J. B. XUKUICIC ,
24 miles N. E. Berwyn , Neb , J24 tl
You can save money by ordering
your reading nn'ter through the
WEPUHLIOAN. Wo can furnish \ou
nearly all the papers and magazine
[ or let > s than publishers pncoH.
Free Offer.
For the next 30 days , one 10x20
photograph with every dozen of one
best cabinet pbotos
feb28 3w HAN(38 , the Artist.
For Hale or Xratie.
A house and lot in Mason City to
sell or trade for stock ; also a good
ten foot wind mill with tower , that
I will diHpcae of the same way.
fob ? tf A. Y. SUTTON.
Brokei Bow , Nobr.
Remember the Busy Big store.
They have anything you want in
the grocery lino. Drop in ana look
around , make yourself at home and
see if our prices arc not right.
Call and get prices on groceries ,
queenvware and dry goods , whether
you want to buy or not. It may
save you money later. No trouble
to give prices and show goods.
Quick sales , small profits , prompt
delivery is our motto , at John and
FOUND. By John Govior of El
ton , a school order , on the streets of
Broken Bow insure ! to Dora Hiatt ,
for $25 , by district No 100. The
order has been endorsed by Miss
Hiatt. The owner oan have the
order by proving property pacing
for thu notice , ,
Local Mention.
Job printing at this otlico.
Pure garden seeds at J. C.
Bo wen's.
Judge Sullivan is visiting at Lin
coln thic week.
Arthur and Guy Case of WoisBert
li ft Monday night on a trip to Boise
The county boaid of supervisors
convened in adjourned session
Tuesday morning.
Arthur Doman and Wife are ro-
joioing over the arrival of a girl at
their homo Monday March llth ,
J , N. Grim was among the num
ber that called yesterday and had
his subscription advanced a year.
W. II. Osborno Jr. nnd wife are
the proud parents of baby girl that
arrived in their homo Tuesday Mar-
Prof. J.M. Scott icturncd Tues
day morning from Lincoln , whom
IIH was an interested visitor the first
af Iho week.
Dr , Day hau moved his oilice to
the rear rooms of the Bunk ot Com
merce , formerly occupied , by Ed-
Royio with his abstract books.
L. L-Saleo , of Scocia , oamo up
hut Tl-ursdny to visit his sister
Mrs. Jas. Dooley a few days before
sliu loaves for Spokane , Washington.
Joe lleffele. of MoKinloy , was
in Tuesday morning after a casket
for the baby boy of Daniel Barrott ,
on West Table , that died Monday
Sherman Ready called yesterday
to have his addoss changed from
Milburn to Morua. Ho has moved
onto the Swiok farm five miles north
east of Merua.
Mrs. L. B. Wnmbaloy and daughter -
tor , Nada , of West Union , left
Tueedpy for Boise City , Idaho , to
visit Mrs. W. D. Cole Jr. , M > H ,
Wambsley's daughter
Rov. W. T. Powers , of Weissort ,
accompanied by IJJH brother in law ,
B. B. Ferris , of Loup county , and
C. E. Worden , of Garfield county ,
made this oflico a friendly call
Rov. Barber , the ME. . evangelist
who has been holding meetings hero
tor the past two weeks left for the
east Monday night. The paator , as
sisted by the presiding elder is con ,
tinuing the moetiugs.
New Line ot
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons
and Farm. Wagons.
G. W , Apple.
A. E. Horn has sold his Ryno
farm to M. B. Eggolnon for (000.00
cash. Mr. Horn does not intend to
leave but expects to invest his cash
in cattle , on which he thinks ho can
realize a greater profit than on the
farm , as ho haa eighty acres loft.
J. S1 Swanson of Dry Valley made
this ofiico a social ( tail yesterday.
Ho informs us that the Swoodiuh
Baptist church of his vicinity intend
to build a church tba coming spring
The walls will bc > sod , but the roof
will bo shingled and the building
ooilo'j overhead.
W. II. Ford , of Gates and treas
urer of school district No 100 was
in Tuesday to claim the school order
found a few weeks ago , by John
Govier and advertised in the REPUH-
LIOAN. Mr. Ford lost two orders
ho paid off about the first of Feb.
while in the city , before cancelling
them. He has not found the other ,
Alva Walker of Ooonto made this
oflioe a friendly call last Thursday.
Wo learn from Mr. 'V ° lker thai his
native homo is Marion county ,
Iowa and that he resided in White-
breastBendneai the birthplace of ye
seribo. Many of the readers of th-
REPUBLICAN know his father , Bud
and his unola John and many other
ui HIM inn ruiauvos. no was in ino
city making proof on his homo ,
The meetings that have boon in
prf-grt e in the Baptist church , at
Ma on City , for tho. past three
weeks under the leadership of Rev
J. B. Daily , closed Tuesday night ,
O , II. Moornoy informs us by telephone -
phone that the nicotines were very
successful , and that there were
about forty conversions. Rov.
Daily wont from Mason to Ansloy
whuro he will conduct a series ol
meetings in the Baptist church oi
that place.
My Lady's when the
hot-bread ,
hot roll or
muffin is
is Well Served Powder Baking * *
Stale bread for breakfast is barbarous ;
hot , yeast-risen rolls are dyspeptic.
adds anti-dyspeptic qualitievS to the
food and makes delicious hot-bread ,
hot biscuit , rolls , muffins or griddle
cakes whose fragrance and beauty
tempt the laggard morning appetite ,
and whose wholesome and nutritive
qualities afford the highest sustenance
for both brain and body.
The "Royal Baker and Pastry There
nrc cheap
" pow
most containing over 800 ders , made from alum , but they
practical and
valuable nre
exceedingly to
cooking receipts . free to health. Their astringent and
every patron. Send postal
cauterizing qualities add
card with full .
your address. dangerous element to food.
dial. Maiipin han accepted a po
sition , as olork in Harry Day&Co's
Gen. Bonjamiuo Harrison in very
low with pneumonia and but hide
hope of bis ruooory is entertained.
Mr. and MrH. George Horn ) ) , who
liad boon visaing in Iowa , Kansas
and Missouri for two months
returned homo last Friday ,
James Dooley has sold bis resi
dence property , in the city to John
Low of Bprwyn , who will move
lore. Mr. Dooley and family ox-
! > cot to IUOTU to Spokanu Wnshiug-
.ou next week
At the regular mooting of the
A O. U. W. in this city Tuesday
night , WillisJCadwoll W.IH clouted
delegate to the Grand Lodpo to bo
> eld at Nebraska City in May and
Fred Riuue was elected alternate.
The county board awarded the
bridge contract for the year , today
to the Standard Bridge Co , of
Omaha , the price paid is $3.87.
Their bid was a 80 oontsa foot lower
or than Van Sant's bid and $1.22 a
foot less than the work was done
for last yonr.
Gov , DoitriohH reasons , as given
for vetoing the appropriation for
the now baildings forjtho Peru for
mal are logical from the Executive
stand point of view and his sat will
doubtless moot the popular approval
of the public regardless ot the merits
its of the measure.
Tuesday was one of the mont
disagreeable days we bare had this
wintor. The wind blow from the
north at the rate of abont sixty miles
an houracoompanied by snowwhich
mttdo it hard on stock and those who
had to face it. The snow molted
about as last as it foil.
There will bo a special mooting
of all persons who now are or have
boon members of Sons and Daugh
ters of Protection at lodge room
Saturday evening , March 10 , at 8:00
p m. sharp. Do not forget nor
neglect to attend this meeting as
matters of special and vital import ,
anoo will bo discussed and settled
Remember the date.
P. A. WALTON , President.
Sand for plastering famished on
short notice from the old Gaudy
eanu bank
Z. O. and WJ. . CKOBS.
3-H 61
Hcliuol Order I.oHt.
To whom it may concern : Notice -
tico is hereby given to anyone not
to purchase school district warrant
No. 27 , on district No 100 , of Oua-
ter county , Nobraak , given to Dora
Hiatt , for $2fi.OO , as the same has
been paid tnd lnnt by mo before
canceling it. A. H. FORD ,
March 14 , 4i. Treasurer ,
Scliool District Caucus.
The annual meeting of the elec
tors of Broken Bow school district
are hereby called to moot nl the
south Hide school house , Friday ,
March 15 , at three o'clock p. m. ,
for the purpose of nominating two
memburs of the school board , and
discussing affairs concerning the
district. A. K. HUMPIIRKY , Proa.
W. B EABTIIAM , Soo'y.
Republican City Caucus.
The republican elpetors of the
City of Broken Bow , are hereby
culled to moot in caucus Friday ,
March 10th , at oiglil o'olouk
p. m. , in the court room ,
lor the purpose of placing in nom
ination candidates for the follow
ing oflicon ;
Mayor , olork , treasurer , police
judge , one councilman , each tor the
first , second and third vtards , and
fftf tint trnnunnftifhri nf uiirli ntlmr
business as may properly come be
fore the meeting.
G. II. Tuoui-K , Clir'm. Com.
IleuU Letter K.lHt.
The following is the dead letter
list , for the week ending March
12 , 1001 :
Mre. Margaret Williams , E. M.
Pettit , John Larson.
Parties calling for the above ,
please say advertised.
L. 1J. JKWKTT , P. M.
Teachers and Patrons Meeting.
A mooting of the teachers and
patrons of Custer county , will beheld
held in the south side cohool , at
Broken Bow , on Saturday March
23 , 1901.
Hon. W. K. Fowler , state super ,
iutondont ot Public Instruction will
bo present , and teachers and patrons
are urged , as a matter of local as well
as professional pride to attend and
give our state superintendent a
hearty welcome. Arrangements
are being mud a to provide free en
tertainment for all.
iKieioK , 10 O'CLOCK ,
u , Ojieulng Kxurclaeti Hettlis Crtwfonl
b ) The Library AUry L. Murray
( c ) Aupirutui I'rln. Kobt. Thornton
( tl ) Text Uouki Lola Uolcomb
Otneral Dlsoncdon 1'rlu. Oco.
A. F. Norton
t'mur "Kecent Kyi-nt * oflntereil to
the Teaching Profem'on" Mkdg * Kay
ArrBBNoOH elusion , 1:30 : O'CLOCK.
Homo and School.
( a ) Tiie Parents View Mil. 0 Flckett
( b ) The Te cber View H r n Z. Border
General Discussion M. 11 Cirllou , trln ,
L. M. Ueuiiu , Mr . Curloa
Symposium , "Oar School System , What
U la and Uow U May bu Improred'1 A
1C llnmptiruy. Homer M. Hullirau , Itar. Ur.
Hicbardi , J. It. Dean , Ur. U. i'lckelu Talki
lluilled to tuu mluutee.
Addreia lion.V. . K. Fowler , SUta
tiupt. Public Initructluu ,
Arrangements will be made for
an evening meeting at which Supt ,
Fowler and others will talk ,
G. D GUNN , Prea.