Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 07, 1901, Image 3

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tn h d by Mob In IniUiuin J ll natterrd
Down anil Wrelcli DrngmMl Awny
horltr A k for MllltU , Wlilch Ar-
rlTt'i tog I il -
A Terre Haute , InU , dispatch says
Qiat Justice swift and terrible was
acted out today to George Ward , the
wgro who murdered Miss Flnklcstcln ,
the school teacher , by shooting her
srith a shotgun and cutting her throat
resterday afternoon. In a few hours
4ftor his arrest an angry mob bat
tered down the doois of the jail ,
Iraggcd the miserable prisoner to the
wabash bridge , several squares away ,
m < l hanged him to the bridge. Not
content with the hanging , the crowd
&ufc & the corpse down and laying It on
i Band btr under the bridge , kindled
t lira and cremated it.
It was the lirst lynching that ever
( Centred in this city , and the day
tbounded in exciting incidents. Ward
as arrested at 10 o'clock at the car
< rorks , where he was employed , as a
otborer , and after being fully identified
Oy two citizens , made a confession.
Bis only excuse was that Miss Flukle-
ftein called him a "dirty nigger and
dapped him in the face.
( Sheriff Fiisig communicated with
flie governor , but the mob accom-
dlshed its work before the militia
could be ordered out. Being advised
f the threatening situation the gov-
iraor wired to Captain Thomas of
wmpany B to place Ms company , ful-
-4 y armed , in a position to be immedl-
itely ready for duty Before the sheriff
oukl call on the soldiers the prisoner
ras In the hands of the mob and was
lead before being taken to the place
tor the hanging.
The mob battered down the iron
Coors but were driven back by Jailor
D'Donnell , who fired over the heads
ef the mob. Deputy Sheriffs Cooper ,
Bessiek and Lee Forge were struck by
pattering shots and slightly injured ,
| > ut none of the crowd was hurt. A
ietuil of police arrived and tried to
disperse the crowd , but with poor suc-
es9. The crowd kept on growing and
the excitement increased.
At 12:30 another crowd of Irrestlble
cumbers attacked the jail , battered
{ own the doors , secuvd possession of
foe keys and entered the cell room. A
eleceof railroad timber twenty-five
et long and eight inches thick was
tscd as a battering ram. The side
4 xir was opened from the inside and a
rush was made by the mob. The ne
gro's cell was quickly opened and
Ward was dragged forth. He realized
that no mercy could be expected from
ttoe mob , and he fought with the des
ecrate ferocity of a beast at bay. He
< raa dragged out to the street , still
fighting with all his strength , but a
Mow from a heavy hammer felled him
la the ground.
A noose was quickjy adjusted o his
teak and all the mob started with its
flctlm toward the Wabash bridge ,
f he feeble resistance now made by
toe negro was soon quieted by the
avage blows given him. Face down
ward he was dragged through the
( Ireot to the bridge and across the
tough planking to the driveway to the
ftrawbndge. Many arc of the oppion
lhat the man was dead before the
teen * of the scene of the hanging was
leached. However , the rope wns
thrown over one of the Upper beams
tad the body drawn up.
It had been swinging in that posi
tion but a short time when some one
Ouggested burning at the stake as the
Dearest approach to a proper expla-
Won of the awful crime. The sugges-
Bras adopted unanimously , and a fire
tras quickly built on the bank of the
liver , just south of the west end of
T { he bridge. Into the fire the body.
Bearing no sign of life , was thrown ,
ttnd faggots were piled upon it. The
Itake was omitted.
The lire had barely been started
vhen a man arrived with a can of tnr-
pen tine , which was foil to the eagei
fiames. After that combustible oil
wemed to flow si > ontaneou.sly toward
Che lire , and the flames leaped high ,
while the body of the wretched mar
tcred was rapidly consumed.
Ind'HUH TH Awful Plight.
PIIOIEXIX , Ariz. , Feb. 28. An ap
gcal has been sent to the depnrtmenl
ftf the Interior at Washington for ait
the suffering Zuni Indians in northen
Arizona and northewestern "New Mex
teo. A report from Apache counlj
( ays a portion of the tribe near Ron
man Ulna fearful condition from lacl
of food nd clothing. Rations at tin
igenoy are totally Inadequate am
rvhlU'B have been contributing sup
. So widespread , however , Is tin
rouble that the government li
the only source of substantl 1 aid
Last summer's drouth destroyed tin
Until crops and the Indians trade !
nearly all their blankets and clothlni
tor food.
Oi"loril m III" I'll' * pp'nM.
. WARIUNOTON , Fob. 28. ( Special.
, ' , ' Under the late army order Sergeani
' Wilitenhoff of Washington barracks
District of Columbia , Is sent to For
Robinson to relieve Quartermastc
Sergeant Charl s Koelmlng , who I
ordered to San Francisco lo sail on tli
first transport leaving there for Ma
Representative Sutherland has HO
cured a Spanish war cannon for U
G. A. R. post at Franklin , Neb.
1ft .
Uongrem InUuitrmu. / tll Final So * *
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , March 4. Tin
house , which Is still in the legislative
day of Friday , was in session f torn 2 U
0 yesterday afternoon , and last even
ing from s o'clock It worked on InU
thu night to dispose of the conference
reports which crowded in upon it
Fvcryhody was at high tension , and !
only required a spark to create J
scene. No sensational incidents suet
as usually occur during the closing
huurs had occurred , however , up tc
ml Inight. The galleries were packed
to the doors all day and evening with
Inauguration visitors. The con fusion
and din on the lloor , with the speak *
cr'nguvol going incessantly to pros -
s rve a semblance of order , must have
made the proceedings unintelligibly
to the visitors. Tlierc was a big light
during the afternoon over the senate
amendment to the sundry civil bill
which linked together the fate of the
St. Louis , Buffalo and Charleston expositions -
positions appropriation.- . Cannon ,
chairman of the appropriation com
mittee , led the light and defeated a
motion to concur
A resolution to appoint a special
committee of seven members to visit
Porto Rico , Cuba and thu Philippine *
and report upon conn It ions raised tlu
cry of "Junketing trip , " and was de
bated at intervals while conference re
ports were not before the house.
WASHINGTON , March 4. The firs\
Sunday session of the sixty-sixth con-
i s was held by the 8'nate Sunday.
It will not appear in the Congressional
Record as a session of Sunday , as the
senate is working unler the the legis
lative day of Saiurdiy and will con
tinue so to work until thesessloashall
bo declared a IJour.ivJii llnal.y at in on
ted y. YestcMay's session began at.i
o'clock , the S3iate hiving biien in re-
iu.ti ) iifcimiay nigni ;
galleries were p.i3ked with people here
to attend the inauguration ceremonies
and by reason of important business ,
there was a large attendance of sen
After a spirited fight , hofck in con
ference ami on the Hoer , the tlnal con
ference report of the naval appropria
tion hill was agreed to , the senate re
ceding from the one contested amen 1-
ment authorizing the construction of
t live additional Holland submarine
torp 'do boats.
A conference report on the general
deficiency bill was agreed to without
comment. During the afternoon and
evening the se rue passed a large num
ber of bills , among them being that
to promote the safety of railway era'
Curried on In th L. ilco.
Si&vuu Cii'CUK , N. Y. , March 4.
Twenty-jne Ihhermen were carried on
Lake Erie , < ff Silver Creek , yestenlay
a'ternoo' on floating ice , but seven
teen of thain were res jued The other
four have probably perished.
The last seen of unc four they were
still on the ico. out a high wind wis
blowing up a big se * and the ice was
breaking up They were about four
miles out and thurc was a mile of open
water between them and the shore.
Conilninn Ailnvn * '
CmoAoo , March 4. The Chicago
federation of lv'i ; ' > r , at a mooting ye -
tenlay , adopted asjries of resolutions
espousing the ciiuseof Gunner Morgan ,
who is seeking pro.notion in the Unit
ed States navy. Tue resolutions ,
adopted which will b' forwarded tc
President Me Cinley , declares It to he
one of Che fa'da o iai principles oi
this govern ncnC I , at t.iere should be
no classdlstinctlo i and th it "the Chicago
cage federation of labor , representing
UI..11 ui.ui ltU,0.0 oilers of this city ,
unqualiliedly condemn and emphatic
ally protest against the assumption
pub forth by Admiral Sinptlou tint
rcstrioiion sliould IKJ placed upon the
honorable aspiration ot Gunner Charles
Morgan , who sought at the handof
said S.imrxson favorable inlorsumcnt
of his appeal for promotion to a com
mission , and receive I instead a cruel
and outrageous ImulU"
The resolutions further criticise Ad
miral Sampson for his stand in the
Told T i O anil Sin NT More.
MUSKOOKB , I. T. , Match 4. Tha
winding up of the Snake trouble came
In the United Spates court as agreed
to last week between Chltto llarjo
a id his bund of Indians , through his
atKirnoys. It was agreed that all
plead guilty before Unlted States Com
mission rSanim to conspiracy. After
pleading they were called Into the
U ii i led States court , which was In
regular session , Judkie Tnoinas presid
ing , and then , after a very forcible
charge on the grave offense charged
against Snake and Ills bind , ho sen
tenced them to eight years In the pen
itentiary and a tine nf $ i"K ) each hue
agreed to suspend sentence If they
vvnuld go home and not commit any
mch acts again.
llcmiri ! uf th Omifrm *
WASHINGTON , Mirch 4. The vol-
jme of work done i > y tin * congress just
closing was shown .vestcrdiy in a sup
plement to the IIOUMJ calendar pre
pared by Tally Clerk Waketield of the
house staff. The congress was in PCS-
> | iui 1CZ : d.iys , which Is less than any
onuress for yenis. The following Is
riven of bills , ac"R , eic. Numbcrof
1U , 14.m : ; iininber nf rcrxirts. : { , iiOO ;
U tile acts , 3t.i ; private acts 1,2Mi ; to-
.1 acts. 1 , ' > W > . nuintkr ; of Juiut
A Fire tn Wyoming "Ml no Clultui
Vlctiui * . j
CnEVKNNC , Wyo. , Feb. 27. Tlio'
worst disaster In the history o coal
minln-ln Wyoming since the Almy
horror , eight years ago , occurred at
Dlamondsvillo last night when tire
hroke out In mine No. 1 , of the Dla-
mondvllle Coal and Coke Co. , which
ws attended with great loss of life
ind destruction of pioperty. Twenty-
itx minors perished and their charred
todiestiro still in the mine. I
The lire was discovered shortly nf-
t r the night shift commenced work.
Its cause is not known but the llamca
nadc such progress that only one man
escaped from the two entries in which
it was conllncd. Ills name Is John An-
crson , and ho was frightfully burned
in running the gauntlet of the llamcs.
I lo Is unable to give any account of the
ccident other than that ho was sud-
Icnly confronted by a wall of lire and
.moke and wrapping his head in an
ivcrcoat ho ran in the direction of the
itmin entrance. The llrst Intimation
the miners In the other entries had of
i lire was when Anderson came rush
ing into the upper level , his clothing
in llamcs. Ho fell unconscious and
was carried to the mouth of the mino.
The alarm was sounded and hun
dreds of miners at work in the mines
and on the outside rushed to the res
cue of the imprisoned comrades. The
tires had by this time made such
progress that it was impossible to en
ter the rooms of the llames. The en
tire night was spent in confining ttio
tire to the two entries , and tills mornIng -
Ing it was necessary to seal them up
to prevent the flames from spreading
to other parts of the mine. This step
was only decided upon after all hope
of saving the lives of the men had
been abandoned.
The scenes at the mouth of the mine
during the night and yesterday were
heartrending. , Relatives and friends
of , the entombed miners rushed to the
m'ine , frantically waving their hands
imfl p.pvlnotn t.lm tnlno ntllHnla nnrl
miners to sive their dead ones. Many
of the women and children weresllght-
ly injured In the crowd and by falling
over obstacles in the darkness.
Dlamondvillc has been the scene of
a number of disastrous lines since the
coal mines were opened there ten
years ago , but the conflagrations were
never attended with serious loss of
life. Almost all the mines at Dla-
mondville are owned by the Oregon
Short Line railroad. The output of
mine No. 1 , is about 175,000 tons of
coal per annum and upward of 7000
miners are employed. The victims are
nearly all Italians and Finlanders.
As nearly as can be learned there
are about thirty-live men entombed.
The lire is now supposed to have been
started through a spark dropping on
old waste and oil in a room in which
they were stored.
As soon as the lire was discovered by
a boy driver , mimed James Hetsoii , ho
bravely ran and told the men who
were inside. Richard Fern , fifteen
years old , also ran through the levels
Kos. 0 , 7 and 8 , and notltled the men
and many were saved through his
courageous action.
It is supposed that many of tlioseyet
in the mine could have been saved hud
they understood or heeded the iirst
warning of dan er. Seven brave men
headed by Mine Foreman Grillln , made
several desperate attempts to reach
the men through the lower level , but
their efforts were in vain , four of the
Bevon being knocked down by damp ,
and thu others being compelled to
carry them to frcsli air.
Just fourteen months ago yesterday
this ill-fated mine took lire. At that
time the fire was desperately fought
nnd oveicomo by brave men headed by
Superintendent Sneddun , That tire
was far greater than tills , but this one
has cost more lives , if reports be true ,
a.s given at the mouth of the mine yes
terday by men who worked there.
rnjiul ulun of Onriuunr.
BrenuN , Feb. 27. The census taken
December 1 , 1900 , shown the population
of the empire to be 68,345,014 , of which
number 27,731,007 are males.
Thirty-three of the largest towns
have populatieas over 100OoO each , or
an aggregate of 8l9 < < ,814.b
Since 1895 the increase In the popu
lation of the empire lias been about
4,000,000 or 7.0 per cent , the highest
rate of Increase for any quinquennial
period during the last thirty years.
CnoxuKita , Feb. 27. Emperor Wil
liam returned yesterday to BrrHn In
order to be with the < m press upon the
anniversary of their wedding , which
occurs tomorrow. Her majesty Is de
tained In Ucrlln , owing to the Indis
position of her daughter , the Princes
Victoria Louise.
King Edward , by special request of
his sister , the dowairor empress Fred
erick , will remain until Saturday.
Empress Frederick took an airing in a
wheel chair this morning , King lid-
ward walking by her side.
A'tHcUcil bv I lii- Nit I TCI
MosiniiAHA , East Coast Africa , Fob.
27. A British expedition of fiOO men ,
after makinn a march of 114 miles IIIKJ
the Somnlls country , to punish them
fur killing Jenner who was attacked
February 10. at Sannasa , twenty-nine
miles from Affmadu , and lostfieventeen
killed , Including Lieutenant Colom-l
Maliland. The Somalis were tx'aten
off with the loss of 160 men killed.
I he cattle captured were stampede * !
and lout *
Tim Wur It T mt Rciluotton Hill U
Aarroil to.
WASHINGTON , Mar. 1. The confer-
ocs of tlio senate anil house upon ttia
war revenue reduction hill yesterday
announced the result of tholr deliber
ations upon that measure. The report
of the. committee shows a compromise
all along the lines of the hill , the
changes in ttio present law bolnft as
follows :
Tobacco Twenty per cent discount
of the original tax of 12 cents per
pound , as n gal list 2 , " ) per cent reduction
ns ilxcd by the senate and none aa the
bill passed the house. The rate agreed -
greed upon will make the tax $0.00
per hundred pounds.
Cigars On these weighing more
than three pounds per thousand the
house rate of $3 per thousand was ret -
t incd as against $3.30 as ilxcd by the
senate and $3.00 as in the present law
On those weighing less than three
pounds per thousand the senate rate
of 18 cents pur pound was allowed to
stand ( us against the rate of $13 per
thousand us fixed by the existing law ,
which was not disturbed by the house.
Clgnre'.tB On those weighing not
more than throe pounds per thousand
the senate action llxlng the rate at 18
cents per pound prevailed. The house
did not chang the existing law.
Beer The house rate of $1.00 per
barrel and repealing the 71-2 per cent
discount was retained.
Bankers' capital Present law re
tained , the sonata rccedinir from its
Commercial brokers' tax Repealed
In accordance with original section of
both houses.
Certillcatcs of stock transfers The
rate of 2 cents fur each $1,000 Is re
tained and the senate amendment , in
cluding the transactions of bucket
shops , was accepted by the house con
Sale of products at exchanges The
senate amondincntexompting the Kales
of merchandise In the actual course of
transportation was accepted , but the
rate of 1 per cent for each $100 as Iked
by the present law was retained , the
senate amendment making the rate $2
being disagreed to.
Bank checks Repealed in accord
ance with the house action.
Certllicates of deposit Tax repealed
Promlsory notes Tax repealed.
Money orders -Tax repealed.
Bills of exchange : Foreign The rate
fixed at 2 cents for each $100 , In accordance -
cordanco with the senate amendment.
Bills of lading and export Repealed
Express receipts Repealed.
Telegraph messages-Repealed.
Miscellaneous bunds Tat repealed ,
except upon bonds of Indemnity.
Certificates of andcortill-
catcs not otherwise spool iled Re
Charter p-irty Tlbpe.alefl.
Conveyances Exempted below $2-
COO , above $2,5 K ) 2 > cunts for each $500
In accordance with senate action.
Telephone messages-Tax repealed.
Insurance-Tux repealed on all kinds
of Insurance , In aico'danco with the
action of the house , the senate con
ferees recoding on all t > onate amoud-
Leases Tax repealed.
Manifests Tax iepealed.
Mor gages Tax repealed.
Steamship passage receipts Ex
empted belo $5) ) In value and the rate
fixed i.t 50 cunts for each $50 in cast of
that price and over.
Power of attorney Tax repealed.
Protest Tax repealed.
Warehouse receipts Tax repealed.
Proprietary medicines Tax re
pealed in acoroance with house action ,
the senate amendment being disa
greed to.
Perfumery and cosmetics Tax re
Chewing gum Tax repealed.
Legacies Law modllied so as to ex
clude from taxuctlon legacies of chari
table , religious , literary or euMaca-
tlonal character.
The total reduction of the revenues
as made by t'io bill as agreed upon
will amount to about $41,000,000
as against $40,000.000 as it passed the
house and $4 * > ,000,000 as amended in
the senate.
The provisions of the bill as agreed
upon will lake effect on the 1st of next
Fltzlin t I.en on It I ii | I < 1 t.
WASHINGrov , D. 0. , Mar. 1. ( Spco-
I al. Brigadier General Fiuhugh
Lee was placed on the roll red list of
the army. This is in acordanco with
the provisions of the special act of
congress under which he was ap
pointed brigadier general in the regu
lar army a short time ago. It Is ex
pected that lie will at once bo relieved
of the command of the department of
the Missouri.
Hospital Steward Fred Welch , now
stationed at Fort Crook , Is tobj trans
ferred to Manila , and will s.ill . on the
llrst transport leaving for the Philip
pines after his arrival in San Fran
To L. < y I ) > wi A in * .
LONDON , Mar. L The Dally
Chronicle , which has received a report
it believes trustworthy , though It has
no means of verification , that General
Botha h is Hu.irenJcrud to Lunl Kitch
ener , says :
"According to earliest information
General IJotha was to have been re
ceived at Lord Kitchener's camp aixwt
the end of this week , but if the fore
going report Is correct events liavo
ripened with unexpected rapidity. "
Extra BfiMlon Hrrvlrd OT-Hnll Dtfrnd *
HI * 11. citrtl Hi p 1m to the Iii.lmm.
tlinift AKiiliul Him I'rnnkly Admit !
it lutwrcit In 1'hllippluci Kiiterprli * .
WASHINGTON , March 2. The house
removed all possibility of an extra ses
sion yesterday by concurring in the
senate amandmcnts to the army ap
propriation bill. The vote stood 159-
134. It was a strict party vote , with
t c exception of Mr. McCall ( Muss. ) ,
Mr. Loud ( ( "al. ) Mr. Drlscoll ( N. Y. )
a id Mr. Mnnn (111. ( ) who voted with
t ic ( lemcc ats. Mr. Cooper ( Wls. ) an
swered and was not paired. The bill
now goes to the president.
The house was brought to a vote by
a special order proposed by the com
mittee on rules which permitted an
hour's debate on n side. The debate
wns not especially noteworthy. The
Philippine and Cuban amendments
were defeated.
The only exciting Incident occurred
at the close of the debate when Mr.
Hull , of Iowa , whose numo has been
o inneoicd with a lumber and develop
ment company in the Philippines ,
frankly acknowledged that lie had in
vested money in It. Ho said It was a
legitimate enterprise , which was not
lKking for government favors. Sub-
Bcquentlv , when ho stated that the
company would not have Itm-sted
money if Bryan had been elected , the
democrats jecrod an-1 hissed and
( houted that it wns because If Bryan
hud been elected the Philippines would
not have been exploited. Mr. Lent * ,
( Ohio ) challenged Mr. Hull's right to
vote , but Mr. Hull voted aye.
The final conference report upon the
Indian appropriation bill was adopted
nnd a nuiiiher of minor bills nut
through final stages.
The conference report on the St.
[ /mis exposition bill , which agreed to
Sunday closing , wns agreed to and the
Dill wns sent buck to conference. A
motion to concur In the Charleston ex
position amendment was defeated , 84
l > y 132. The revenue cutter service
bill was sidetracked early In the day
by a vote of the house.
Pnfo I'roin th Mob.
CAnnoiT/roN , 111. , Mar. 2. Guarded
by four companies of state militia to
protect him from' a mob determined
on lynching , Albert Shcnkle , who , on
December 25 last , criminally assultod
the sixteen-year-old daughter of Chas.
II. Glller of Carrollton , was early yes
terday morning taken from the Spring
field county jail , put on board a spec ;
lal train and brought to Carrollton.
Through streets lined wlthsilcntBpco-
tators ho was hurried to the court
house. An hour after the arrival of
the train Shcnklo had pleaded guilty ,
been piomptly given an Indetermi
nate t-cntcnce by Judge Owen Thomp
son and was on Ills way to the south
ern Illinois penitentiary tit Chester.
Although threats of lynching had
been freely made by the citizens of
Carrollton , and , although the streets
[ ind grounds around the Jail and court
holme had been patrolled by an armed
mob determined upon using summary
measures , ever since It wns announced
that Shcnkle would be brought hero
For trial , iliero was no disorder attend.
l.ig bhcnklo's arrival and departure.
Hiit flultlrd Tlii-lr Wnr.
Nicw YOUK , March 2. The price of
roasted coffee has been advanced one-
liulf of 1 cent per pound to 10J cents
net by the WooKen Splco company
which Is controlled by the American
Sugar Refining company Interests.
This brings the price up to a level
with that of the Arhuckles , the first
time that tills bus been KO In two years.
Mr. Willettof Wlllett & Gray said :
"The coffee-sugar war has been s'et
tied beyond any question by a com
plete arrangement on coffee between
Lho ArbucklcH and the American Sug-
ir Refining company. All sugar and
.xjllee imprests uro now In entire bur *
aiony. "
J. N. Javle of Arbucklo Bros , says
that the report that hi * firm has
bought the Woolseu company is un
PlnUIng bitmiuvr
LONTKW , March 2. The British
( tcumer Indiana , from Venice , Jan.
15 , via Mcsseim , for London , wasslglitr
Ed off Worthing at daybreak this
morning In a sinking condition. A
strung sea was running and a life boat
which was sent out f iled to discover
uiy signs of 11 fo on the .steamer.
Id Hi'h Avr > fin nl
111. , March 2. In a
( ui hour's session yesterday evening
the sub-joint committee of mlnersund
upcraloru of lllli ois accomplished
more than was done by the joint scale
UdiumllU'e In lour wuh. They readied
an agreement on the mining scale tor
tno district where the huidcbt tight
wfti promised.
Klnhtlnir > n ill * I'rnnlUr.
NKwYoitK , March 2. A dispatch
to ihe Journal und Advertiser from
Cape lliiytien says ;
'Ihe situation on the frontier of
Ilaytl und ban Domingo la more ser-
iuus. Thtre IH fighting every nlylit
b tween tn.ops of the two countriis
and soldiers have Ix'cn killed , lioth
sides are massing troops , though all
the talk Is of a peacaule settlement o' '
thu trouble. All b quiet hero and at
uortdu Prinoo.
The Work of Making Laws Gow
Rapidly on In Doth Branches
of the Body.
Sifting Committees Appointed and
tlons Made to Push the Duslnesj of tb *
Legislature as Rapidly as Possible
The house received and adopted
standingcommlttco reports as follows
House roll 163 , by Crcssey , for
binding twine factory at the peniten
tiary , to be postponed.
House roll No. 10 by Mookctt , a fret
attendance high school bill , for general
tile.Houso roll , No. 54 , by Fowler , a fre
high school bill , to pass. These lw
bills will be taken up tx gcthcr.
House roll 400 , by Miskell , raising
tlul salary of secretary of banking
board to $2,000 , for general lllo.
House roll No. 294 , by Jouvcnat *
rolaUng to the appointment of rcoelr-
era for banks , for passage.
The game bill was , considered la
committee of the whole with Cain !
the ohalr. The bill was amended mak
ing it illegal for the shooting of quail *
for two years and afterwards leaving
an open season of one month.
Mr. Lallln offered the following re *
olutlon and moved Its adoption :
"Where is the time for the Intro
duction of UK > has expired , and arc a largo number of house bills
ind senate bills on the general Die *
ind also unreportcd in the hands ofi
these vein ! committees , and It being )
necessary for the more Important oil
the e hills to bo advanced , In order to
Insure action thereon ,
"Therefore , Be It resolved , That *
3ommltlco of seven bo appointed by
the speaker , to bo known as a siftltta
committee ; to serve the remainder of
this twenty-seventh mission of tin
legislature ; and further , that nohousv
bills or senate tiles , bo considered out
of their general order , or advanced
unless It be that the said sifting coin *
mlttee shall have recommemlc.i thcll
advancement , or consideration out oi
their regular order. "
The motion prevailed.
Mr. 1'owlor moved that the houst
resolve Itself into a committee of tin
whole lo consider house roll 133 an *
after that house roll : 05.
The motion prevailed. " *
The house went into committee a
the wliolo wlth Warner of Lancanstel
In the chair. The game bill was tall
en up again. It was discussed utgredt
length. A provision to compel tta
construction of tishways In all mil
dams was stricken out. The amend
mcntof Stockwcll of Antelope tha4
the killing of quail bo ahsolutcly fo
bidden , was reconsidered and the bit
was left finally providing an open sea
son for quail of ono month each yens
after two years of complete protection
The bill was recommended for passaga
House roll No. 303 by Fowler , oreafc
Ing a state health Inspector and gi
the ixmrd of health wider powers foi
the suppression of epidemics of dia. was next considered.
i The hill was Indefinitely postponed
A committee WUK appointed to ooi >
fcr with a senate committee oti ad
Currlc of Ouster moved to take ni
in committee of the whole the bit
creating two now normal schools. Thb
mot Ion was defeated ami an adjourn
ment was taken immediately on mo
tlon of Ilarlan.
The defeat of the proposition t
take up the normal school hill , togcth
cr with the appointment of a siftln |
committee , caused a heated dlsciiKsloi
between several members after th <
senate had adjourned. The friends el
the hill a.ssert that at the proper tlrai
they will secure enough votes to tuki
up the hill. The opposition is detcn
mined to defeat the bill.
Martin of Richardson moved that i
sifting committee of five he appointed
to sift out the bills on general ( lie , tlu
proposer of the motion not to bo In
cluded. Miller wanted a cominlttxy
of seven , hut his motion received ni
second. Mr. Martin's motion won a
doptcd without discussion ik'fort
the senate adjourned for the day Lieu
tenant Governor Savaire appointed ai
such sifting committee , Crounse o <
Washington , O'NcIl of Lancaster ,
Ilankin of York , Llddell of Douglai
and McCarirar of Salln.
The only bill to come up for passage
was house roll No. f fj , by Miskell , pro *
vidlngthati In counties under towtv
flnp organization the townthlp road
tax shall bo p.ild In cash , The bill
passed by a votu of 27 ayes to 1 nay ,
In committee of the whole the son/
ate. considered the publication of tin
prnpoNed Constitutional Amendments ,
You MLuf Sum on move I that that
part of Hie bill requiring the work ta
In ! glvun 10 the lowis-a bid ler bo strick
en "ill. and In lieu thereof a cliuisa
limit Ing the rate to ft ) cents a square
fur the llrst Insertion and 25 cents foi
each subsequent Inseitioti In nonpareil
typtHo ur.'od that this limit ougnt
txi ! > < adopt/ because It was half the
li-iral rate. Hall rates for three mom ha
wis fair when com pared with the or
dinary legal rate for four weeks. Ha
pointed out thai wlthouta limitation
in the hill Ihe newspapers of a county
eiMilil pool anil chargn one dollar pet
square lor the llrst publication ai > d f 0
coiits foi eaeh subsequent publication.
Mr. Young did not desire the stale to
be at the nvre.y ot the newspapers ,
yni , he deslied to pay fair rates. In
his opinion the amendment .would ha
leiial , rv > > It would mnkii .1 sk'clic | bill
In nowise conflicting with tno present
Mniuto governing prices for legal no-
tlcta. _