, XIX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MARCH 7 , 1901-EIGHT PAGES , NO. 38 , YOUR WATCH Con'nlnn ICO fpparnto pieces , ro quirlrik3750 diBtlncC opurntlonH in i lie production The bnlnncu tuns it mile an hour , 24 miles a dnv Ouo wheel revolves 4,730,450 times a year. The biilutiuo makes 1C7.080 000 vibrations every twelve montliF , nud keeps It up fur yenrs. IB It not H faithful pervant ? Are you 11 Roort muster ? I RHirlit \ VntchVruiiKH. . U rail unto of Chicago Oythalmlo College , School Books , Tablets . AND School Supplies , -AT- J. G. Haeberle's. It lHi 't tlie iiiMteriul Unit K < ieH Into your repalrutl wutcli tliat In a perfect flow that iloealliu business , uuy buughtr eiui buy tni- line kinds of material Unit I use la repairing ; but skill is the most valuable ainturml tuut 5 n bu ueed m watch n-pulriug ; and the bungler cun'i buy it. i sell my skill ( or what It Is worth ami H will colt you less than at lowV-r prices. F. W. HAYES , Jeweler nnd Optician. West nido of uquure. MARKET REPCh i' . Wheat „ We. llarloy , „ 47 , Oats . . . „ H- Corn siK. Uyo S9 Huttur lUc KgKS 13 1'otatocs , . 80 : Onions . . . . $1. 0 ChicktnB aw. dozen llous t 4.BO Cows 3.00 Steers „ 3.50 to'.1)0 ) mrkeys Do Straw me . * . Notice of Itomml. A reward of $5.00 will be given for information leading to convic tion of any one tampering or ined- ling with any line , or ( shooting in ( ttlatom or doing auj damage inten tionally on any line belonging to the Itiokeii Bow Telephone Exchange. Warning is hereby given that any persons so offending will bo prose cuted to thu full extent of the law. BKOKKN Bow TKLKPHONK Excri. Kcuiurkublo Cures of KheiiiuaUsm. From the Vindicator , Ruther- fordton , N. C. The edtor of the Vindicator has had occasion to' lest ihe etlicaoy of Chamberliau's Pain Bairn iwice with the most remarkable remlto in each cate. First , with rheuma tism in the hholder from which he suffered excruciating pain for ten dayn , which was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm , rubbing the parts nfliotod and realizing in stant benefit and entire reliefm short tune. Second , in rheumatism in thigh joint , almost prostrating him with aevero puin , which w s rehevnd by two applicatone , rubbing with liniment on retiring al night , and gelling up free from pain. For Bale by J. G. Uaberlie. ' EEDS ! SEEDS ! I ALL KINDS OF SEhDS * & | fcijjf $ Field Seeds , Grass Seeds , Garden Seeds , g5 ! IN BULK AND PACKAGE , AT § f-y ? TiBr nria r nncini nnnrsriiw nr W ; $11 THE PEALE CASH GROCERY lia - k < t > ! IBJULHJI ! _ _ Bfl U 7JSi A NEW COAL. % A big tar of it at Foster & Smith's Lumber Yard. * It Can't ' tie Beat for Heating , Mn as Fire. Order quick. Will scon bo all sold. M Foster & Smith Lumber Co , , Broken Bow , Nebr. tt "Phoue 79. WILL RULE , Manager. . , . . . EfTjimiiiiiiiinii iiujnn. inimiiiiijiiiiiij.iiijuiiiiiiiiijiLiiiiMiiiJ.iii.Liiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii inn mmm nTl tUI H H H HI B H BI IB Bfl 9 H B ) Dhl Business Pointers. Dr. T. W. BaHB , dentist , Broknii Bow. A complete line of lleintz bottle ! * oods. JOHN&KNKUR. Pepsin Gum , two packages tor a nickel at WILKINB' PHABMAOY. Cosmopolitan patterns ten cents. No more. SNYDKII Bnos. Lubricating oils of all kinds at Wilkins' drug store. Ei lit Load of young COWR lor sale cheap. A. T. fob 28 tf Come and get our prices on onn-J ned dry fruita. Wo will not bo un der sold. JOHN & KNKUU Buy your chicken's oyster shell , crushed bone and grit at the Peal Cash Grocery Co. feb26 tf FOB BENT. Store room on north rtide of bquare , Cull or address itb21 tf A. T. SBYJJOLT For Hale. A pair of young draft horses. Inquire at Lee's barn , Seed Oats. For the pure article , leave orders at. J. C. Bowen's at once. Candy , IUUH , fruits , all kinds of breakfast foods , buckwhuat ilour , maple syrup , silver drip , nothing liner , at John & Kuerr's. Houses for lent or sale. I will be at my place of business from now on until 8 p. m. A. W. DUAKK. FOB SALE OB TIUDE Town lots uid a few live acre lots in this citj , for cattle , horses or farm land feb28 tf ALLAN RKVNKH. When in need of a first-class auctioneer , call on or address 11. D. SULLIVAN , Broken Bow , Nebr. tf FOB SALK One P rcheron Nor- uiau Stallion. Eequire of John Wil HH , one half mile west of Broken Bow. f4 tf Fur Hale. Very fine Blue Barred Plymouth Rock chickens for sale , 2 miles west of city. VV. M. VANNICK. 120 Bm FOB SALK A one story cottage with six largo rooms , pleasant yard and surroundings. Price $900. Call on L. J. Gandy or at this office. 7 19tf Farms for sale and lands for rent Now is the tune to get a farm cheap as the cheap farms are all going and prices are advancing rapidly. J. G. BliBNICKK. A new spring line of wall paper at J. C. Bowen's. 320 acres of land for snle in Sec. 8 , Twp. 10 , Rge. 21. Good im provements. II. W. HAMMOND. fob7 4t First class farm 'for sale 4 miles south east of Broken Bow , also vnr- lous other lands , write for parti- ouhrs. A. T , SKYIIOLT. Broken Bow. Nebr. For Sale. Good stcck of general merchan dise. For particulars write J J. Stanford , Mania , Neb. , j31 tf We have not moved or sold out , > ut are at the old stand ready to ; ive you bargains as in UK ; past. JOHN & KMIR'R. I have u black Cljdet < dale stallion to Bell or trade for cattle or town > roperty. J. B. Huiimoic , 24 miles N. K Berwyn , Nob. J24 tl You can save moni-y by ordering your reading matter throtiuh the [ { BPUBLIOAN. We can furnish you nearly all the papers and magazins for lens th n publishers prices. Free Offer. For the next 30 days , one lGx'20 photograph with every dozen of one best cabinet photon fcb28 3w BAN OB , the Artist. BKOKKN How , Nob.Feb. 12,1901. To whom it may concern : I herebv aoreo to furnish Hntnhnr'fi Pioneer History for all bonafide orders given by May 1st 1901. fl4 3t E. S , FINCH. For Hale or Trade. A house and lot in Mason City to sell or trade for stock ; also a good ten foot wind mill with tower , that I will dispose of the same way. feb7 tf A. Y. SUTTON. Brokei Bow , Nebr. Remember the Busy Big store. They have anything you want in the grocery line. Drop in ana look around , make yourself at home nud see if our prices are not right. JOHN & KNBBB. Call and get prices on groceries queensware and dry gondn , whether yon want to buy or not. It may save you money later. No trouble to give prices and show goods. Quick sales , small profits , prompt delivery is our motto , at John ant Knerr's. FOUND By John Govier of El ton , a school order , on the streets of 'Broken Bow issued to Dora lliatt for 1(26 ( , by district No. 100. The order has been endorsed by Miss lliatt. The owner can have the order by proving property paying for thu notice , Local Mention. lob printing at this oflioo. Pure garden seeds at J. 0. BOWCD'B. Al. Cohtierwof Merna , nulled Sat urday and ordered the Uui'uunitiVN for a year. Lee Pickett , of Central City , is inthu . He visiting - > city. uatno up lust Thu sdny. A. I' . Cox , of Redforn , made this otlio * a friendly call last Friday and hod his subscription advanced. H M. Brownell has rented the Itinuh room on the north side of the equal o recently occupied by W. H F irrar C J. Voso and Or vice Pike , of Gatee , called Monday and had thnir HUbHunptions to the RUI'UBLIOAN entered in advance. Sheriff Armstrong and Dopnty Sheriff Riubardeon , accompanied Wm. Oxloy and Ifid. Penn to Liu coin Sunday , where they were de livered to the warden of the state penitentiary H. L Frazier and his sister , Leona Frazier , left Monday morn- 111 for Lincoln , where they go with the view of locating permanently. Their mother and other sister , ina Marion , expect to go in about a month. The meetings at the M. E church under the leadership of Evangelist 3urkor , still continue with increaned merest. A largo number is ro- > orted reolaimod , and a largo nutn- ; or of conversions. ROT Barker is i pleasant speaker and an effectual worker. Re v. J. B. Daly , the evangelist , writes from Mosou City , that they are having splendid meetings , and the hole community is being movd. Some thirty-three persona lad made profensiona of faith up to Monday morning. The meetings will continue there this week. New Line o ± Buggies , Surreys , Spring Wagons and Farm Wagons. G. W , Apple. Lewis McCroary and Hall Sohnor- cgor , of Callaway , were in the oily nut Friday , as witnesses in the ease of Holloway against the Bank of Callaway. They were caught on the jury Saturday , and they wore dotaired over Sunday , the jury fail ing to agree until 9 o'clock Sunday night. Robt. French , of Kearney , who : ias recently been appointed Grand Custodian of the A F. A. M. , Grana Lodge of Nebraska , has arranged to lold a school of instruction in a number of the masonic iodgos of the state. lie spent Monday and Tuesday at Ansley , and went from there to Hyannis. Claud Wahl and M. C. Freed liave leased the Frazier building on the wefct side of the public square with the view of engaging in the barber business together. They have ordered anew outfit complete AH they ate both first-class artists in their line , we predict for them a successful business , F. R. Iluxtable , of Dry Valley , has purchased the Maltox property in the north west part of thn city for $050 , Mr. Mattox has moved back to hifr farm in Dry Valley. Mr , Iluxtable will travel for Ward's Li no men t Co. Ho called Monday and ordered his address for the Ru- PumiCAN changed from Wostorvillo to Broken Bow. Albert Shafer , of Berwyn , called Monday and had his credit on sub scription advanced. While in the city ho settled up all the accounts of his deceased brother , Charles , which leaves the family a good homo and considerable personal property uniucumbored. As ho wus a man who did not make a practice of contracting debts , there was little to settle up but the fun. oral expenses and doctor bills. ,1. G , Lerning returned the latter part of last week from the Black Hilh , where he has been for the pant two months working on his mining claims. Ho completed proof on them while gone. lie han in all , fifteen claims. They are very favorably located , and Mr. Leming is very sanguine that they will make him a fortune when de veloped. A claim adjoining has yielded ai high as (10,000 of gold a day. At this season the housekeeper must look specially after the baking powder. As she cannot make good cake with bad eggs , no more can she make cake that is light , delicious and dainty with inferior baking powder. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable for the preparation of the finest food. It imparts that peculiar lightness , sweetness and flavor noticed in the finest cake , biscuit , doughnuts , crusts , etc. , which expert bakers say is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. Tht " Koynl IlaVer and 1'nitry Thete are clicnp linking powder * . , Cook " containing over 800 most rrmilr from alum , but they me ex. practical and valuable cooking re- cceilltiKlylmmdiltolicaHh. fhclr 'celpts ( rte to every patron. Semi aMrltiKcntnnd cauterizing qiialltlrs postal card with your lull address. add n dangerous element to food. ROYAL DAKINQ POWDER CO. , 100 WILLIAM ST. , NEW YORK. Ira P. Mills , of Arnold , was a city visitor Friday nnd Saturday of last week , RaH. Andoraon has accepted a position ns traveling salesman for the Deering machine company. Jas. May , of Stop Table , was in 'he city.the latter part of last week as juror before thu difltriotv court. David Hilton , of Wcisport , called Monday morning and loft an order for several papora on our clubing list. Judge Westover occupied the District bunch in this city last Friday and Saturday for Judge Sullivan. Ex-Lieut. Governor Abbot , of Grand Island was in the city last Friday and Sattirdaj attending court. A. R. Huraphruy roturnes this morning from Lincoln. Ho says the normal school bill will' ' piss thesenat this afternoon. The friends of Clmrloy Robinson gave him a surprise Tuesday nu'ht. It was the occasion of hi * ninth teenth birthday. A joyful time ia repotted. Mrs. Amsborry gave a tea parly last evening to a number of her young lady friends in honor of her neico , Miss Addie Peck , of Corydon Iowa , who will leave for homo this evening on No 43. A. G. Bullock , of Saratoga , Wyo , , is visiting in the city with the fam. lies of John Croon and C. E. Shop- pard. Mr. Bullock has a horco ranch in Wyoming. Jlo is an uncle of Mrs. CroHi and Mr. Shoppard. The farmers who put off moving to new farms last vreok until Mon day , are out of luck , AS far as the weather ia concerned. Friday and Saturday of last week wore excep tionally fine , while Monday and Tuesday wore very disagreeable , owing to the cold north west wind , A. H , Shoemaker rotutned recent ly from a trip to Beaver City , whore ho was looking after a law suit in which a large estate is in. volvod. Mr. Shoemaker is one of the interested heirs in the estato. LIe informs us the case was decided in his favor and that it is only a matter of disposing of the properly until the heira will realize on the estate Attention U. A. It. Members of the C. C. Waahburn Post arc requested to attend the next reguler meeting iho 14th inst Business of importance will bo transacted. An oyster supper after close of the post. A. W. DUAKU , Corn'r , J. VV. BBUOK , Adj't. There will be a special meeting of all persons who now are or have been members of Sons and Daughtoro of Protection at lodge room lattirday evening , March 10 , at 8:00 : p. m. sharp. Do not forgo ! nor neglect to attend this meeting an matters of special and vital importance will bo discussed and atteled. Remember the date P. A , WALTON , President , KonubUuiui City Caucus. Th" republican oli'otorB of the City of Broken Bow , are hereby culled to meet in caucus Friday , March 1 5th , at eight o'clock p. m. , in the court room , lor the' purpose of placing in noin- uation candidates for thu follow- 'ng oflio'os : , Mayor , < olorkiwtrohHurWy police judge , out' councilman , each tor the first , second aud third iard , and for the transaction of such other business as may properly cotno be fore the meeting. G. II. Tiioui'is , Ght'ui. Com. Cnllnway Iiulcpuudont : Ray Gadd came over Tuesday from Broken Bow with the county fumigating machine , and went over to Roton vallov to fumigate the IIOUSOR where the small pox existed. Aneloy Advocate : The homo of John Simms was the scene of an enjoyable gathering on last Thursday , it being the 77th birthday anniversary of Mrs. Sunms lather , S. C. Rumoryr Mrn. W. Z. Amsbory was taken quit sick while at Msson ono day Una week. She was taken to Guy FrainurV residence where she is now aud is reported to bo much improved od , Sargent Leuilsr : Howard Savage in homo again from Lincoln where lie wuut to visit his father , also to attend a state meeting of the supervisors on the 1 0th ' inst , John Coonoy arrived homo Friday evening. lie wont to Lincoln Mon day morning to attend a mooting of the supervisors of the slate on the 19th innt. On his way homo ho stopped oft a't Norfolk to visit his daughter. Cnllawuy Courier : Charles Uumphory , of Stop table who hart purchased the old Sprouse farm northwoat of town , expects to move on the same this week. Readers of this paper inay re member an accout of the falling of Mri. Jake Horn into an irrigation canal at Boise City Idaho , and her narrow escape from drowing in consequence. Mr. and Mrs. Horn brought an action against the Boise Irrigation Canal Co. paying for damages in thu amount of $000. The cam ) was triu I in the dristriot court , and the jury awarded the full amount to the plaintiff The acci dent occured on thu night o'f a re ception to Senator Shoup Mr. and MTH. Hern wort ) returning from the reception in a hack. One of the horscb beonnio unruly aud tlioy.had to alight in the middle of the street. While Mr. Horn was assisting the driver with his hoisoMr'tj. Horn started to go to the sidewalk and , in the darknosf , walked right into the canal and was almost carried under a low bridg before she was rescued by her husband. Notice. The county Board of Supervisors willtuoetin adjourned sesaion on Tuesday , March 12 , 1001. J. B OdiioouN , County Clerk ,