Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 21, 1901, Image 1

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    11UL - * " /
frn , . , 11 1rt 00
The elze of tbe lens has much to
do with comfort or discomfort of
your glasses.
I Lenaea too largo mean Increaprd
weight , annojlng reflections , un-
LCDEUB too email bring still
greater annoyanc B.
Taste and skill in tbe selection
of lenses , and etyle of mounting ,
I as well as an accurate correction
of all refractive errors , go to make
my glasses moet becoming and
most comfortable
Graduate ot Chicago Opthalmlc College.
School Books ,
School Supplies , /
, I *
J. C. Haeberle s.
It Itui't the material
tn t Into vaur
repaired watcli ttiat
rettn tM in a perft ct
lou , uiBtne i rjou ; Jtou ;
that dots thebut'iuees , any bungler
can buy tin- tine kinds nt material
thut i u-e in repairing ; but fckill
IB the. most valuable material thut
jan bu need In watch repairing ;
and tbu bunjrler cun't buy it. l
eell my skill ( or what It la worth
aud it will cost you less than
bungling at lower prices.
Jeweler aud Optician
West fi lo of square.
To whom It may concern ; Thn Commissioner
appointed npon petition f S. K. Uodman , etal ,
to Tiew aroadcomminclng at rortnwe t corner
of section 29 , township 18 , raune 23
Station btutloo
No , dtR.nln. Ft. Mo.
from - S l w 000 to 1
Irom E 300 to S
tat Interiec
from 9 S SI 40 K 500 to S < tlou.wlth sec-
( tlunllno.
from S 11 K 600 to 4 Un section line
from U 44 K SWO to &
from S 10 K 000 to 6
from S 4 W 1000 to 7
from S 13 W 730 to U
from B Hi 41) W 800 to 0
from S 71 W 000 to 10
from 1U 8 41 50 W 350 to 11
tatSW corner
from 11 S 11 B 860 to t2 ! : f BE SB
from n S 11 80 E 030 to &
from V S 31 U 1LU ) to 10
from 10 S 3S 15 W * 00 to 10n
from 11 S S E 808 to 12
from 13 S 23 45 U 400 to 12U
at lnt r oc-
13 S 69 E 310 to U. tlon with sec
tion 111 e
at H cornerou
from 14 H 11 K 370 to 15 W Mdo Seo.
i at S K corner
fiom 15 S 11 E S640 to 16/of Section
bna reported in favor of the ettablls meul there *
ol , unit nil objections thereto , or . for dum-
atoi , muvt be died m tbe County Clerk's office ou
or belorenoon. of theSlthdar of April , 1801 , or
sucli ruud will be entablUhed without reference
lu wliueai whereof , 1 bare hereunto net my
hand and seal of Bald county , thli ! MJth day of
February , 1001. J. I ) . OisoUnN ,
County Clerk.
Wheat _ . . 47"
JJarley _ , . . 30c
Oau „ „ _ . . . , . . itt ?
Corn 85
Ityo 33'
Uuttcr - II.
Eggi .12
Potatoes. . , . . . . 70
Onions „ jl/X )
Chickens , V Ol dcten
llogc 470
Cown 3.00
Btcers ' <
xarkeyi do
traw 13c CMC
ilay > _ 5.00
ni-Mi r AMAH nnnnrrjw nn , '
Business Pointers.
Dr T. W Ba s , dentist , Brok n
Poultry , butter and eggs wanted
at Bowen'B grocery , tebftf
A complete line of Hcintz bottle
gcodt > . JOIIN & KNKBH.
Pepam Gum , two packages tor a
Cosmopolitan pattoniB ten cents.
Lubricating oils of all kinds .it
Wilkms' drug store.
Co mo and yet our prices on can
ned dry fruis. W will not bo un
der sold. JOUN&KNKUH.
Bust stock tarm in Caster county
for uale , at $8.00 per aero.
JPor Hale.
A pair of young draft horses.
Inquire at Lee's barn.
Candy , nuts , fruits , all kinds of
Breakfast foodn , buckwheat flour ,
maple syrup , silver drip , notLing
finer , at John & Knerr's.
When in need of a
auctioneer , call on or address
Broken Bow , Nebr. tf
Foil SALE One Prcheron Nor
Stallion. Kequireof John Wil
it , ouo half mile west of Broken
iiow. f4 tf -
R. D. riokett is again located in
the office with James Ledwich and
is ready to do all kinds of stono-
raphio or typewriting work.
Phone 155. febH 2t
Detective W. T. 11. Baker , ol
Gothenburg , Dawson county , Neb. ,
was here during the Fullhart mur
der trial. Ho i-- one of the shrewd
est detectives in the west , feb 14 St.
CliicUviiH F > r Male.
Very fiue Blue Barred Plymouth
Rock Ghu-kens for sale , 2 miles
west of city. W. M. VANHICE.
d20 am
FOB SA.LB A ono otory oottage
with six large rooms , pleasant yard ,
and surroundings. Price $000
Call on L. J Gaudy or at
office. 7 I9if
Farms for sale and lands for rent.
Now is the time to get a farm cheap ,
as ihe cheap farms arc all going ,
and prices are advancing rapidly
BKOKKN How , Nob.Feb. 12,1001.
To whom it may concern : I
hereby agree to furnish Butcher's
Pioneer History for all boualide
orders given by May 1st 1001.
114 31 E. S. FINCH.
I-or Bale or Trade.
A house and lot in Mason City to
sell or trade for stock ; also a good
ton foot wind mill with tower , that
I will dispise of the samu way.
feb ? tf A. Y. SUTTON.
Broke i Bow , Nobr.
To TUB DKAFA rich lady , cured
of her Deafness a.-d Noises in the
Head by Dr. Nicholson's ArtiGcial
Ear Drum * , gave (25,000 to his lu-
BUtultHo that deaf people unable
to procure the Ear Drums , may have
them free , Address No. D 143 ,
The Nicholson Institute , 780 ,
Eight Avenue , New York. janS ly
Notice of Reward.
A reward ot $6.00 will be given
for information leading to convic
tion of any ono tampering or mod *
ling with any hue , or shooting in
sulators or doing any damage inten
tionally on any line belonging to the
Broken Bow 1'elophono Exchange.
Warning is hereby given that any
persons so offending will be prose
cuted to the full extent of the law.
320 acres of land for sale in Sec
8 , Twp. 10 , Kge. 21. Good im
provemt'iitH H W. HAMMOND
feb7 4t
Hotel For Bale.
Hotel and furniture at Merna , for
sale cheap. For particulars write
L. G. Gordon. Merua. Nnbraska.
First class farm for sale 4 miles
south east of Broken Bow , also vnr
iouH ether lauds , write for parti-
cuhrs. A. T. SKYBOLT
Broken Bow. Nebr.
For Hale.
Twenty acres of well improved
laud within a mile of Broken Bow
for $700 Inquire at this office.
For Sale.
Good stcck of general ruerchan-
dise. Fet particulars \\rito J J.
Stanford , Merua , Neb. J31 tf
We have not moved or sold out ,
but are at the old stand ready to
give you bargains as in the past.
I have a black Clydesdale stallion
to sell or trade for cattle or town
property. J. B. BUEUICIC ,
2 $ miles N. E. Borwyn , Neb. j24 tt
You can save money by orderiup ,
your reading matter through the
RBPUBLIOAN. We can furnish you
nearly all the papers and rnagaziiiH
( or IORS than publishers prices.
Bright , honest and reliable young
men wanted to act In the secret ser
Address P. O. box 250 , Lincoln , Neb.
J31 4t
Remember the Busy Big store.
They have anything you want in
the grocery line. Drop in and look
around , make yourself at home and
see if our pricey arc not rieht.
FOUND By John Govier of El
ton , a school order , on the streets of
Broken Bow issued to Dora Hiatt ,
for $25 , by district No 100. The
order has bopn endorsed by MISH
Uiatt. The owner can have the
order by proving property paying
for this notice.
New Line of
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons
and Farm Wagons.
G. W. Apple.
Call and get prices on groceries ,
queont < ware and dry goods , whoiher
you want to buy or not. It may
save you money later. No trouble
to give prices and show goods.
Quick sales , small profits , prompt
delivery is our motto , at John aud
To our many customers , you will
find us for the season of 1001 at
our old stand at the old Star barn
north of R. R , ready for breeding
with B fvll line of ( irst class stal
lions and jacks Come and see us
Wo also call the attention of our
laat year patrons who wish to pay
when due aud save the 10 per
cent discount. Call and see whunl
your time is up as wo cannot ex
tend the time on the discount and
if it runs ovur the time you wil
have to pay in lull.
Tbe Christian Endeavor of the
Christian church will give a cookie
social at their church March 8 , 10C1
A tine program will be rendered , 20
people taking part in it , Come and
have a good time it ia FREE.
ANGERS Why Dffer p 1n aiul de 11'
C inTjr\ | from cancer ?
cancers , tumors and wens ; no knife , blood or
plaster. AUdreu 1806 0 street , Lincoln , Nebr
( UeLUon this pap r. ) Jau 3-Hl !
Local Mention.
Job printing at this ottioc.
P. U. Smith called Saturday and
ordered the REPUBLICAN sent to his
Q. F. Noren , pf Tallin , made this
office a friendly call the latter part
ol last week.
Elinor Bass was down from An-
polmo Monday visiting with his
brother , Dr. Bass
Lorin W. Arhsborry , the younger
sou of yo scribe left for Spokane ,
Washington Tuesday morning.
The ladies ol the Christian church
will give their annual Easter Mar
ket on the Saturday before Easter.
f21 2w
The carpenters commenced work
last week on Wilson & Drake buildings -
ings south of this otlico to got them
in shape for occupancy.
W. II. Robinson , of Cusiertown-
Hhip and \V. W. Bur.ton , of Mania ,
hid ; their names added to the RK-
1'UnucAN list last week.
Walter Scott , of Ansulmo , called
Saturday aud subscribed for tne
RicrunLiOAN for himself and his
daughter in St. Paul Minn.
W. G. Bidgood , of Ravona , was
u city visitor Tuesday. Ho had
been up at Merna looking after his
stock and land interests in that vi
I. A. Reneau moved his oflice
furniture into his now ofliuo he has
recently had fitted up for his ab
stracting and roalestato business
T. T. Winchester and Wesley
Richardpoh , of Hayes township , are
among the number who have had
their names enrolled on the RRPUB
MOAN iist this week.
Preston Weather , of Wayne town
thip and John MoFate. of Elim cal
led Tuesday moruiug and had their
nnmca enrolled for the RitruiiLtnAN
before going home.
Samue ) Waddington , of Ortollo
who is ono of the regular pannel on
the jury this term informs u that
he its feeding US head of cattle this
wintnr for the market.
J. J. Snyder has moved his shoe
Bhop on the west side of the nquare ,
to rooms in the rear of the Bank ol
Commerce , recently vacated by N
T. Qndd and Jas. F. llutchinson.
Wilson liowitt , of Mullen , oamu
down yoMterday morning to nieee
Mrs Hewitt , who is visiting hert
ou her return from Omaha , where
she has been visiting with her sou
for three weeks.
DrsrR. C. and W. E. Talbot
have moved into the rooms over
Haoberls'tj drug store recently va
cated by I. A. Renoau. Their
frienda are invited to call and see
them in their now quarters.
The Odd Fellows , of Broken Bow
will give an oyster supper in the
banquet room after their lodge
mealing next Morda evening. Al
members will govern themselves
accordingly and bo on hand at 0:30 :
The jury in the district court was
excused Tuesday morning from fur
ther attendance until March tinr
as all the cases now ready for tria
waived the jury. The cases that
will be tried this week will bo deter
mined by the court.
Rev. Daly , the evangelist who
closed a series of meetings here laet
Wednesday uight , loft for Mawon
City Saturday morning , where he
was to commence meetings Sunday
Ho was accompanied by Mrs. Daly
whi/ recently arrive'd from Denver
M.1J. A.
All members ol the M. B. A. are
requested to bnug with them pro-
vinous for UioraselvpH and their
guests Friday night. Il ia desirot
to serve a general supper after the
completion of the lodge work , to
which numbers are expected to
bring as many guests along as they
provide provisions for The fol
lowing program has been arranger
for the occasion :
Reading Mien Warrlugton
S , lU" . Mrs Alden
Ilec tatlon Lillian Richards
IterlUllon Carl Mnlth
Coronet Bolo Frank Taylor
Duct Lottlo and Kloruiice Ulchtrili
Hccltatlon MM. Jelfords
Duel J. J. WIUonandDr Day
Uccltatlon I.ucy Jeffords
The greatest dnnger from cold a and In
grippe la their resulting In pnuumouia
If lesBonable care Is used , however. nt
Chamberlain1 ! ) Cough Remedy taken , al
danger will be avoided. It will cure
cold or an attack ol hi grlqpn in leu
time tliuo any otliwr treatmuiu. It I
pleasaut und safe to take. Kot aale by
J. G. Huoborlo.
District Court Notcn.
Ono of the Grat cases to have boon
tried Monday wan the cane of the
Htato against Ed Penn ou the charge
of forqing a ohook on Mike lloggau
of Ooonto for $37.50. Instead of a
trial Penn plead guilty of the of-
touco charged , Uis aontouoo will
not be announced in all probability
until the close of the session.
The onfio of the state against Fred
Ohapol was continued to next term
as WUH also the case of the Htato
against Joe Moore of Auauhno , who
IB under bond on the charge of Hel
ling intoxicants on Sunday
The case of Peter Rapp against
Prod CttmmingH was compromised
by the litigants. We understand
that Oummings was to pay for the
horse aud each pay their own coats.
Fob. 10th. In the case of Carrie
E. Steward vs John K. Steward , a
divorce was granted the plaintiff ,
also the custody oi the children.
AMDHKWS-Sunday Feb. 17 , 1901 , Mrs. l.'laua L.
Ultbou Aril O\TS , ot tumor and Htonucu trouble
ago 63 years I month nnJ t'l days.
The deceased's maiden name was
Jishop and was a native of Peoria ,
Ilinoifl , film wan married thirty-four
years ago laat Christmas to David
Andrews of Pooria. Three years
ator she moved to Iowa atri from
there came vo Ouster county in 1802.
< ho was the mother of eight child.
'on , live of whom nnd her liiinluml
survive her. Of the five living are
our sons and one daughter , Mrs.
I. A. Owens , hi 1803 iho united
with the church of God of which
she was a member at the lime of
ier death ; she was also an active
member ot the Ladies Aid Society.
The members of the Aid Bticioty
wore very attentive to her wants
during her sickness. The funeral
WHS hold ou the 18 , Rev. John Llin-
klo and wife conducted the services.
Her remains wore laid to rest in
the Jonosvillo cemetery near Ber-
wyn. The RKPUBUOANextends to thoi1
berevod relatives the sincere riypnthy I
of their friends
Nelson Potter died of La Grippe ,
nt his homo in Leo Park , Custer
county , Feb. 4 , 1001 , aged 58 years
6 month * and 18 days. The dcsces
wan born at Northvillc , III. Hie
boyhood days wore spent in Illinois
and he was married there Doc. U ,
18G6 to Hattie M. Porter. Mr. uud
JUrs. Potter rnude their homo in Illi
nois until about 21 years ago , when
ho came to Lee Park took up land
and built the house that now stands
on thu oU homestead. His family
soon followed and since that time the
home has boon in Lou Park. Mr.
Potter was taken suddenly sick with
Lu Grippe about noon of the Tues
day previous to his death , his heart's
action was very feeble and ho came
near dying at that time , but rallied
aud seemed a little bettor until Sun
day evening when he grow worse.
Monday at 3:15 o'clock p. in. he
passed away quietly and peacefully.
The tunoral sarvioo wore held al
the Lee Park school house Fob 7.
Rev. Clark of Arcadia proaohod the
sermon after which the M. W. A.
conducted tLo service , he having
boon amember of that order. The
deceased had known eorrw , on Ap
ril 11 , 1875 an infant son wan called
homo and April 22,1800 the mother
joined the HOD * Three children ,
Darius and Frank Potter of Lee
Park and Mrs. Albert Stone of Ar
cadia , remain to mourn the loss of
the father. The entire community
deeply feels the IOHH of one of its
old respected mernberK.
Llf < > Is a problem , strange In Its completenurs ,
To uiornlui ; , ev'ry nu chull add the night-time.
Khali quafl a cap of mingled call and swoetneiu ,
Until death ilrawi the line and endi n life tltno.
One whom we loved , the problem lm completed ,
Tbe sum baa found which all the world U K
Iteforo the flru he shall no more bu seated ,
No more recolvo our ilttlo ones' enroling.
Ho could not speak to ns , nartli's humulr creatures
11 ut brighter beluga mutt huvu havered 'round him
her Buch a look of joy eamu o'er his features.
And thus It was that the death Angel fond him.
The children long for Krunfathur s returning
To understand the change tnoy arc nnable ,
Wo also ' but 'tis
long' a hoiiloa * yearning
To aoe Mi form beside the hearth and table.
We can bat look by fallh to Heaven's city
Accept tbe band a tiarlour lias extended ,
Commend him to that Saviour's lovu and pity
Anu trust to meet him when tbe problem' * ended.
Life In a problem , strange In IN completcnoHS ,
To irorniiig or'ry one rhill add tlio nlgtit-tlmo ,
Shall qua If u oup of mingled gall and oweeuiusi ,
Until ui'uih draws the Hue
auj ondt a life-time
L , O. P.
A Convincing
" 1 hobbled mto Mr. Jilackman's drug
store ono evening , " snyo WelHuy Nelson ,
of Hnmlltnii Oa. , 'and he naked me to
try Chamberlain's Pnlti 13 ill in ( or rheum
( Kit m with which 1 had Buffered ( or a
loiitf time I told iilui 1 hud no faith
in any medicine as they all ( ailed. lie
said : -Well if Chamberlain's Pain
Halm dOL-a not help you , you need not
pay ( or it. ' I took n bottle of it home
and used It according to the directions
and In one week I wait cured , uuU have
not since bueu troubled with rheum
atistn. ' ' Sold by J. 0 . liaouerle . i
Church ScrvlccH.
Revival meetings are now in
progress at the Mothodint church.
They are being conducted by the
Pastor this wook. Boginiug with
Saturday night he will bo assisted
by Rev. L. Barker of Salem , N. J
There will bu meetings each night ,
in the afternoon of each day.
Music will be furnished next week
by a largo ohorun oholr. Rev.
Barker will preach both morning
and evening on Sunday.
u.u. oiiuuou.
Services at the U. B. church , Sun
day school nt 10 a , in. , and preach
ing at 11. Subject "Servants and
Service. " A chalk talk will bo
given in ll o evening instead of the
piinonunio pictures , as the roll for
next Hubjoot has not yet arrived.
Mr. Chas. Belts will make the pic-
lurec. The subject bung ' 'The
Ark , a Typo of Christ. " Tim meet -
ing al Ouster ( Jo nt or continue with
good interest and line attendance.
Preaching there also Sunday , at S
p. m. A cordial wolootno to all of
these servicoH.
[ Omitted last week. ]
RYNO , Neb , Fob. 12 , 1001.
L. M. PiuUett lost a horse last
week with cornstalk disease.
J. P. Iloadly is marketing two
loads o ( hogs at Oconlo to day
6. A. Grith'th sold a team of
lursus to Mr. lioud of Merna on
No mail delivered ut Ryno last
Friday aud Saturday the carrier
says roads wore impassable.
After nine months absence Mi ohol
MoDormalt has returned , he was
working with : i bridge gang on the
U. P. R R
Judging from the ice ou the river
it looks like wo miuht have ice the ' . oming summer , if it
( loop not thaw.
J. fl. Smith informs UH that his
uattlo are in line oundition , ho has
forty fresh cows and has lost several
calves and one cow that was tntrod
in the crook.
While Will Phelps wan swooping
the Custer school house last evening
George Hoffman came to the door
and called him out and charged him
with abusing his children at school ,
which Phelps denied ; the lie passed
and Phelps struck Hoffman over
the head with the broom. Hoffman
got the coal shovel and struck at
Phelps , ho threw up his hand to
protect his head receiving the blow
on iiis hand bringing the blood ,
after eomo more BOiiilling , Hoffman
getting the worst of it , he retreated
saying ho did not wish to light on
the school grounds.
RYNO , Fob. 10 , 1001.
Mrs. Vina lligby , of Ouonto , is
visiting al M. Conley's.
J D. Shumau and family are vis
iting relatives in Aurora thie week.
Born to Mr. aud Mrs. W. H ,
Millegon Feb. 1C , a sou. Dr. IV-
bet in attendance.
Weaver Hcadloy has gone to
Alton Iowa aud will work for his
uncle Harvu the coming neason.
About an inch of snow fell on
Sunday night all disapi-aring on
Monday , clear and cold this morning
Jessie Donnel has trapped seven
coyotes , Ray Griflith three and
Holly Deal two with several skunks
to break thu monotony.
It boats all how tningri have
uhangud since I was a kid then
ladies rodn a side snddlo now they
have changed their position and a mans saddlf , at least two of
them did so lasi Sunday.
The claim of tint oilier coti li medi
cines to bo as good as Olmmbarlaiu'a art )
effectually set m real In tli following
testimony of Mr , C , D. GRPS | , nn em
ploye of Uartlett & Dennis Co. , Gardi *
uer , Mo. lie eays : " 1 bad kept adding
to u cold and couch In the winter of
1807trylig evury cough medicine I heard
of without permanent help , until ono
day I was in the drug store ot Mr.
Uouluhnn and he advised me to try
'JnuuiberUin's Cough Ilcuiedy mid offer
ed to pay back my money If I waa not
cured. My lungs and bronchial tubes
were very tore at this time , but I was
combletely cured by thla remedy , and
huvo slncu always turned to It when I
got a cold , and soon tlnd relief. I ulso
reccooirnuud it to my friends and an ?
glnd to aay it la the bebt of all cough
medicines. " For aalo by J G. Hae-