II Our Stock in going fast at thn following pi iocs. Co mo < .arly and got your nhnrc : IP ) [ PrHE rj f C7Si lCTliW > (3t ( cro iaoiinNiroinMW | 12 Ibs O it Meal 35o 10 oz bottle Queen Olives 15o i s 0 Ibs bnkcu Riuc 24o 8 bars of Silk Soap 26o 0 Ibs Good Prunes 25o 12 bars of Tepee Soap 25o 3 Ibs Good Now Peaches 24o 1 Ib oin HEKIUNB KKN LIvuCovfEit 30o G Ibs Navy Beaus 1 Ib pkgo MA.UJA These are only a few peed things found iu this mine. Up on our side is a new line of Hat * , aud every day Now Goods ootno down the shaft that is kept busy biinging them. B 9a HARRY DAY Northeast Corner of Public Square. HI A N Ei H ! * ! COLLOM'S GROCERY i Having bought the stock formerly owned by A. Wallace , we have added a complete STOCK of Aud are prepared to sell as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. FK.UIT , OYSTRAl * niirt IK SIC ABO W. Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Give us a trial A. A. COLLOM. c iBgBB BJIJi [ 1a We are Out for GOAL EIB EIa B We want to fill jour V Witb our famoiiB NIGGERI1KAD and ( JANON CITY Coal We know our coal will satisfy the mod skeptical. Our prices , our quality and our W MI hta are 'it ynui favor. We will not bo UNDERBID BY OUR COMPKTT IORS. Foster & Smith Lumber Co. , 79. WILL RULE , Manager. Get Our Prices on Rastern Hard. B IBB B Bl Bl a 9 II It Once Was Lost , "but ITow I Save Found it. Where ? At my door. A t the Eagle Grocery. What in the World is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam- mnth stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever hoard of , The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep- in < _ pested on what was being offered for sale. They donM say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Caiidy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap. Everybody is invited to call and get my prices. Remember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First Bank. W. S. SWAH , Proprietor. f TO MAKE A FORTUNE. THE OPPORTU NITY MAY NOT COME YOUR WAY AGAIN k t Twentieth Century parmer t \ OFFEIiS A NDMUKH OF JIAONIFICENT PIUZSS TO TH06B WHO WILL ACT AS AQENT3 1st Prize , 81,000 Cash , I , 2d Prize , $500 Cash AND 95 OTHEll OA8U PHIZES , HANOISG PROM $500 TO S . TUB TWENTIETH CENTUHY KAKMBRIi publlahed by tbo Be , I'ablnhln Companr. of Omataa , and la an aerlcultnm1 and family mac izluo of nnninal iner't ' Tbcre are department for every rcerober of toe family , ipeclal article ) by men of known reputation and Illuttrallona will be a prominent feature. Write for Mmplo copy and ark for ptrtlcnlari concerning tbe prlxM Price Sl.OO. TUB TWKN'JIKTU CEMUUY FARMEIt Bud tbo will be s nt to you one year fer l.M. ( Ttry < r ) I- Dr. Chas. L. Mullins , PHYSICIAN AND SUKQKON. 2d stairway from went ondin Realty block ; resideouo , 3rd west M. E. ouuruh , same side of street. Any one wishing a naw watch increment In an old caeo , call on J. M. SIMONSON , LEADING SnoxMAKm * WATCH Hmvituiu Ot the city , located In Ilyereon's grocery store. Dr. E. M. Hogan , Graduate Dentist OfDce oyer W. 8.Swan's Grocery store. Broken Bow , - Neb. A. THOMPSON , CONTRACTOR AND IIUILUKU. and estimates on short no- tice. Broken Bow , Nob. Lunch Counter , ECV Maltoy , Prop'r. All kinds if soft drinks. Best brand of cigars. iBt building east of Farmer * banK. PENN & DORR1S , ULAOKSMITU8. All Kinds of work In our line done promptly and In tiret-olaas order. Red 5njp on the corner , west of the hno hoiiHO. Give unn trial. J , J , SNYDER , - Notary Public nnd Jnstlco of tbo Peace. Special attention en to collccllons , Depositions taken , uen vonclicrs neatly executed and all kinds or logitl p l > en writer. OOlco west Hide aquaro , Broken How , Neb. FOR SALE. MY BLACICKUITII HIIOI , xox.O New wood shop In back p'nt. all floored ; front floored with 8-lncb plank ; albo my TOOLS AND STOCK , Everything complete and now : good : rado ; reason for selling , poor health. Will sell lor cash or bankable notes For particulars , In quire ot or address'M , DAVI * . P. O. lloi 817 , Broken Uow , Nebr dl3tf Clinton Day , gHY8ICXAN ANI * Him Broken Bow , Neb. Olflce 1st door north of A.W. Drake's second baud store , west siilu tquaro .Real- denco 6Ui IIOUBO west , of Baptist c.hurcb. ' ' , ' , , , . Kuriiosa . . . . A * ' i. - Oil H. the L " .t prffcer\ui.no of now luuuicr 1 > iiuU ilit. best ruuoMitor < t old I IcuthuHolU , soltens , LUiulc- eus und ] > rotticU. Ut > o ' . * ( > a n j. on your beat Imrnesg. your old tmr- uoa1 * nndour carrlaRPtop aii'l thry will iim only look btttci bu rnr lonp-r s.uicver , > hf rein rn s-nll lroin iiulf pints to Jl\i > ailuiri. laao UJ HUMI1UII OIL tO , z&ssiastt TRADE MARKS s & .c Anyone sending n sketch and description mm ulcklr ascertain our opinion frcu whether .1. .nrantlon U probably patontablo. ( omnium * > dona strictly confidential. Handbook on I'ati > i > u lent free. Oldest natncy for df curliiK' I' ' 1'atonta taken tbroueh Jlunii A. Co. icti- rptcial nottct , nit bout clinruo , In tlie Scientific Ahandaorncly Illii'trMoil wo Vlr Ifi culatlon of any nclentittr ' orn ,1. I rear ) four niontba , { L ! Jid byull novt raacb Qfflcu. Cli F Kt U. S. Lnnd Office. JAMKSVlliTEIlKAI ) K. IlAotJNO RocoUer U. S. Land Onico , North I'lallo , Ncbr , , I Jan. 21,1001 f Notlco In hereby clton that the following named pettier baa tiled notice ni hie Intontlon 10 make Ilnal proof In aupport of hln clnlm. nntl tbattnlil proof will bo made before County Ja < lgo , at llrokcn How , Neb. , on March filli. HOI , viz : ALVA WAKLKK , II. K. No. 172S15 , for the ntf 5 < , H > tiott , See. M , Twp UN. , itio.Sl W , Ho i amca the following wltm-Mcn to prove bin continuous rei-Iclonco upon ai.d cultivation of laid laud , \U : . ThrcKliloy . lluoknor Fredrick lluokncr. I Cbrlfltopbor Orchard anil Kdnard Wlmlen , allot Oconto. Ncbr. GKO. K. FIUNCII , llcglitur junSlCt Laud OOlco at North 1'latta , Nobr. , I Jan. 3,1001. t Notlco U hereby Riven that the following named settler ban Illi-il notlco of his Intention to tnnkn final jiroof In rupport of his claim , and that unld proof will bo made before county Judge , at Kro nen How , Ncbr , on Kobrnary auth , tuol , Tin ! .SAMUKL IIOSIIAW. holrof Jacob K. Hrwhivr , dccnancj , II. K , No. 18294. for the wX noK.Sec. 13. Twp 15N. , Htm 81 W He nnmei the following \vltno ecs to prove bl continuous rctldcuco upou and cultlratlou of said land , viz : Chnrlos Mnnro , William Moore , William Keller nnd Oliver Ulilcnour , all of llrokon How , Nobr. jaulo-Ot UEO. K. FUKNCII , Hcglater. to Ilrl < iicc CoiitrnctorH. St-aled propopala vrlll bo rcrolvod nt tlio ofRce ot the county clerk , of Cni ter county , Nobr. , until noon of the 13th day of Mnrob. 1901 , for the furnishing of nil material and the labor ncccieary to build rind complete al'i brlilgoaln Cnitor county , Ncbr .for the year 1901 , arroirioATioKi. Piling To bo white oak or red cedar .according to Iho order ol the county board , U In.in diameter at tht- top or email end Cup * To bo ttxlO In. , 20 feet In length ; ali > o a BtnuiUln. wide and % In , thick , wrought Iron , pnnMnrf oror cap , oxtenclliiR down piling IS In. , uul ccurely fastened with two ag screws. ! 4iO n. on onrh slilu ; caps to bo fastened to each pll- Ingultli K In. drift bolts , 18 In. long. Sway llrnceg 8x8 , "I fcotlong , to cross piling right and loft , cxlcmlltiK to op , fastened with H In liolti , with burr nnd washers. Joistn To bo U lines of Jolete , 3x12 , on nil rpani 20 feet or lets In loniUh , nud all npaui over'JO feet to bo 11 line of Sxi : Joists. Joists to be fas'cncd by 40 d wlro nails to cape , and each onteluo and center line of joists to bo fiiBtonoil to caps with Ml In , bnlt through rap iiml Joists , with burn and uushers ui derncntli cip Flooring t < > bo 3x1 ; ; , umlre ecil,10 feet In length , to nonplkrd with 40 d. wire nails , two splkos to erch juut In cvtiry plank Iliad rails To bu drcstnd ; posts to bo 4x1 In , 4 feelloiift nnd 8 feet put , securely bolted to lohts , wlth2 > i tu. Dolti , wltd linir nnd wapbers ; railing to Lo I'xB ; dub-can to bo 2i4 In. ; hub plank to bu 2x8 In , nil to bo securely fattened to potts with 40 d. wire eplkes , and braces from post to cap. to bo 4x4 In. , securely fastened to cap nnd poati by 41) d , splkos. Pro * * llraslng To bo 2x8 , pccnroly fastened lo each Joint by menus of 3 40 d. wire spikes , said t > ruces to run liotn corner to center aud from coa ler to corner. I"ankln for Grading Each bridge shall have ouu 3x12 plunk , 10 ( tot tour , at each end of each bridge , lecurely fastened to end of Joists. Palntlne To be painted with one coat of min eral mid oil pulnt. A 1 material except pillnj to bo of Oregon flr. t.ontractom will bo required to ftirnleli two nidi only , first on bridges of 41) feet and under , second on btldgcB of grouter length All bl > 's not ac cording to specifications will bo rejected , Alco iinnd lo' faithful pcrfornianco of contract , to oo ipprovtd by ttio bridge coiuintttee ; HKO oomplotr [ piano nnd ipcclfloitloiiB n to all brldgus mimed In l > Id. and each bid to bo accompanied by a certilled : licrk lor $100 , pityhblo to tlio chalrmun of the board of supervisors , us a guarantee that conlr ct will lie enters ! into If bid In accepted. Work to be paid fo in warrants drawn on bridge fut d. Proposals luuei bu addrorscd to the county clcrU of Uustur county , and mnrkul "Proposals for Bids on Itrldtgea ' ' 1 he bridge coinmlitco will meet on the 14th day if March , lUOl , nt D o'clock a. 111 , at which tluiu contract will bu Id. 'lliu comu llteo reserves the tight to reject any nnd all bids , ( .Hen iiniler my hand nnd teal this Sltl day of Jitnuari , 1IKI1. J H OonouiiN , Co. Clerk , Ouster County , Neur. liy UV UAKKD , Deputy. IC < > act Notice. Touliomlt may concern : Tbo romtntalouur appointed to view a road petitioned for by 1) K. Cooper , ct ill. , commencing at northeast corner of te < i of nwH. of Sec. S , Twp. 14 , Htfo ill , SUUou btatlon No deg mln. Ft. No. sii a 1020 to li SS"0'8" ! * from 1 S St ) K 460 to 2 from a a u ao K 17W ) to u f nt lutcricc' with 8 , hoe of Sec. 8. U-B1 , 401 ft. K of X corner , KOMI a s 44 K 3io to r > from ! SWJ K. 720 to ( i from B S UI ) ] ; 450 to 7 from ( J d I ) ISO K 430 tu 8 from 1 SUS IU R MX ) to 0 trom 8 H 88 45 K 140 to IU front I ) S 6. ! KU K & 0 to 11 from IU S 57 K MO to IU from 11 H ! 35 U II.HI tu 13 from IU S 50 15 K 380 to 14 fat Intorsuc- I tluti with laid from 13 S 77 K fill ) to 15 } out road run- I i IIIK to Ocon- .1' : , Has rcpurttd tu favor of tbu establishment there- or , nnd nil objections thereto , or clalnu lor dam- iigi'K , must bu flltd In tb cnuntv clcrK'ti oUlcu on or bcforu noon of tbu U7tb day of Munch , 1UOI , or such road will be uutabllclied without refuruncu thereto In wltnoB whereof I bavo hereunto out my bind nnd aenl uf s.ild county , tills IStli dny of Jxuuary , 1U01 , J 1) OdiioUltN , Co , Clerk , ItOllfl To whom It may concern : The commissioner appointed to view a road petitioned for by U U Uarducr , et al. , commencing ut southeast corner ot nt'ctlon IU , towiunlp " 0 , rauge 18. Station station No do ) ; inln. Ft. No. from 0 N 13 30V ( MO to 1 from 1 N 0 W 380 to 2 from a N 18 K 160 to 3 from 3 M U 10 W 1140 to 4 from 4 N 64 20 W 40C to fi trora 6 N 78 SO W 170 to 0 from 0 N 3'J ' 40 W 400 to 7 from 7 N 11 W 770 to 8 from 8 N 27 DO W 400 to 9 from U N 1 30 W 170 to 10 ( N side Pee- from 10 N 11 30 K 130 to < lion If ) , 80 ft ( wof nucorn'r from 10 N 11 30 E 700 to II frcm 11 N 44 40 K 350 to 18 from IU N 50 15 K 4/iO / to 13 from lit N 18 W 400 to 14 from 14 N 30 40 W 670 to 16 from IS N 18 IB W 12.W to 16 Irom 10 N b 45 W tK)0 ) to 17 from 17 N 7 30 K 500 to IB frcm 18 N 15 30 E 30 to IU ( at 1-10Cor on from 19 N 63 45 K 3'J5 to 'iOi r > ldu nw , Seo. 10-20 18 , from SO N 68 50 R 810 to 21 from 21 S 05 15 E 47tJ to 22 ( M Corn. ldt from 23 N 70 U 1SS to ] Bee. 10 , Twp. (20 , Hue. 18 , f din SS N 79 E 370 to IrornSJ N 23 31 W 1200 to 21 Iroml-'l N IU 20 W 071 to 25 from 2" N aa 20 W 890 to 80 from 20 N U IB W fc J tu 27 from Sf N 41 30 W 180 to 1M from 28 N 3 15 E 4UO to S fromlW N 1(8 ( 3i W 400 to 10 from SO N 25 40V 4GO to 31 fat luterscc I tlon with n from 31 N 11 30 K 620 to 3S { line dec 820- I 16 , 85'J ft. W , .of H ' or , liai reported In favor of tbo location thereof , and all oblecltnie thereto , or clalinn for dumue | { < mn tbofli d In tlio county clerk's office , on o before noon of ( tie llth do > of April , lUul. or anch road will lie ertabllsheU without reference thereto. In witness whereof I bure bereanto no my hind nnd teal of tald county , thli 30th day o Januaiy , 1801 J li OSBOUHN. Co. Clerk. fej-4t | Itoiicl Notice. To whom It may conceru ; Tbo cotnmliiloner appointed npon petition of C 0 Uaidbur ot al. aHklni ; to vacate it road commencing at or nea the northwuet corner of section iweiity.two.tovrn ihlp twenty , raiigu elgliKeii. Ouster county , Ne brauka , bin reported in favor of tbo vacation thereof , and nil objections th rcto , or claim * f j damaKCi , must bo Clod In tto county clerk' * office on or bclore noon ot the lltli day of April , 1001 orcuch road wl > l be vacated without reference thereto. In wltnenn whereof I have hereunto * e my hand and Haul or raid county , ible UUlti day i January , 1901. J 11 OHUOUIIN , Co.OlcrK. febT-4t Ucmti Notice. To whom It may concern' The commlneloner ari'olnicd to Tlon n rend notltlnneil for by A , Mar * ow. it1. ( . commonrlrirKl fi-ot conth of north- weft coiner of Seo. 30. Twp 17. H n. 86 , on Sec. Ineal Mutlou No It from tttuUon 1,881 ( lr ( rrcen , K 87 foot , to Btntlon 8 , from oUtlon 8 , N 81 do- irrcM , 10 mlnnloK. K WX ) fcou to ftatlon 3i from Hatlou S. N 16 dtiRrocj , K IV ) feet to atatlon 4 , At ntemcctlon lth Sec. Hi e , N. * lde , 00 17-33 , linn reported In favor of tbo r tinll hment thereof , and ill objections thereto , orclalmi for damages must bo bled In tbo county clerk'n ofllce on or before noon ot tbe 37tli dixy of March , 1001 , or tnch road will bo cttabllihcd ulthont reference bt > roto. In wltn whereof I barn heronnto fet ny hand and Real of laid county thin 18th dny of January ,1601. J 11 OSBOUKN , Co. Cloti. J n2Ht Uoatl Notice , To whom It may concern ! Thn commliflonor appointed upon petition of A Morrow , ct al , , to vncato n rend commcnclnc at tbo norths c t cor ner ot Sec 30 , Twp. 17 UKO , 2R , and running eivit oiertopof hlt'h bill to tbe foot of tald hill , ban reported In favor of the vacation thereof , nnd all nbjectloni thereto , or claims for ilamaves , muni be nicd In the county clork'a office , on or before loon of the 4th day of April , 1BOI , or ouch road rill be vacated without reference tboroto In vltnotn whereof , I have tioreunto lot my I nnd and aval of ( aid county , thli lit ilty ot Kobriuty , 001. J U OSBOUHN , Co. Ulork j fob7-4t NOTICE OP SPECIAL BLUCT1ON. Notice la hereby given that opoclal election of the qnallCed electors of Arnold township , In Uutor county , aud state of Ncbr M < n , will bo bold In aa.d townthlp , on the IDth day of Febru ary , A. 1) , 1W1 , it tbo upunl voting : places In mid ownililp , tbe special election being cnllud upon a petition of al least fifty freeholders of raid Arn old town&hlp , duly proicnted to the board of iu > lervlior * . asking that thn proportion herein , ifter pet forth bo inbmltlrd to the legal vrturt of aid townthlp , ana at the regular innotlni ; ot aald loird of nnpcrrliors. held on the 12th clay of Jan- lary , A. U. , 1901 , said board of uporvliors , of Inator county , atate of Nobraaka , by resolution duly passed l < y nnid board and entered of record , lid direct the ciillliiK of said special election to ie held in ld Arnold tonuahtp , on the 10th day > t February , A. I ) , lUOI.at wbloh special oloctlon hero shall bu submitted the following propoal- Ion : "bhall towns hip bonds of Arnold township , Inntcr county , Nebraika , In the sum of alxty-four inndrcd > ollati , twelve ( IU ) bonds , In donomlnn. Ions of $500 each , nnd ono (1) ( ) bond In the donotnl- mtlouof four hundred dolUii , be Issued in aid of ho construction ot thoCnlUwny , LoutiVallov nnd Northern Itnllway the llnu of Its . 'nvu ' MU .to ui 4to ouiTtijr , an hall bo fhoiru by a pltt of said survey to bo ( lied > y said company or It * nnthotl'Od agent , for rvo- ord tu the olllco ol tbo county clerkof said UnMcr tounty , nt least two weeks prior to iho day tlxeil lorelii for holding antd special election , allowing hu exact line of iho route across said township , nnd when constructed not to viiry more. lh"n forty odi nt any point from itnld route. Maid bonds to nu twenty ) oars from thu datu ot their if eito , to bu made paytible to bi nrer , to drnvr intorurt at 5 ier cent per nnnuin , payable annually , wlttt tn- orestcouponi ntlnched , principal nnd Interest to > e payable at thu flttcnl nKuncy of the state of No- iratkn , In thu city of New York , In the utato of low York , and when BO Issued , to bo pieced with bo Merchants Nntlounl llnnk , ot Omahn. Ncbr , , n cicrow. upon the following condition ! , to-wlf To bo delivered to thu Wudu Conitruciou Com- > any an soon ns Iho truck ot said railroad bull bo completed from Callitway , In ( iMier county , to Arnold , in < lister coui ty , nnd n depot uatiibllelied at Arnold , Ncli > oska , and ti | on tbu said line , and not varying therefrom nt any point moro than ortr rods , such cnniplulion to bu shown by the certificate of thuchlut cnulnoi'rot the Cnllnway , onp Valley nnd Northern * Hallway Company , Hod with the clerk of cnld Cutter county , and to ovy a tax annually for the | nymcnt of the Inlur- cst is thn ciinio nball become due. and In addl- Ion tl.eroto , in the ynnr A 1) . 11)11 ) , and annually bcreiiftor Mr the period ut nlno years , to luvy a tax of ten pur cent of the principal sum named In suld bonds , for thu payment of the same when It fhall become duo. " tinted at liioliun How , Ouster comity , state ot NnbrasUa this 12lh day of Jntmnry , A. 1) . 1901 IHKil , . ! J II. Osnouim , County Clone , JuiilT 4i Uy O.V. . HAICC.B , Doputy. ORDER ON GRANTING ADMINISTRATION. I'nr. STATE or NKIUIASKA , I Custer County , | B8 < County court for inU county. At a suislon of ihu county court , huld at tbe couutv court room , in and for iiid county , at llrnkun How. on thu 3d dny of January , 1001 Pioseiit J , A , Armour , county jiiugu. In thu mattnr of tbo a'tato of W. II. Kiiilnarl , deceased. Wheruas , letters of ml- mlnlitrixtlon bavo this day hi on granted to II. K , Atkinson , at administrator of thu astnto ot W. U HtillhMrt. Ordered , that six monlhi bo ullowud fur creditors to prusent thtlr claims against tiatil estnto for adjustment nn.l nllownnoo , nnd one year bo allowvtl Mild ailmlnletrator to settln up Bnld estate , frum tbu llth day of January , 1001. And It U further ordered , that notlco bo K'ven to tbo creditors of eald estate , to appear boforu me , ut the county court rooir , In nuld county , on the llth day of Jlnicb. 11)01 ) , on tbu llth day of May , 1001 , and on thu llth day of July , 1001 , nt 10 o'clock a. ui , cneh ilav , by publication In tbu ( Jus- TKII COUNTY HHI-UOLIOAN , a nenipapcr printed In eald county four weeks successively , prior to thu llth day of Matcb , IDOL for the imrpuso f pre- BeothiL' their clalmi for adjustment nnd allow anco. J. A. AHMOUH , County Juduo. Copy. JHlllO.flt Order on Hearing Petition for Administration. THE STATIC or NxnnARKA , I Cuiter ( Jonnty , | " ' At n tc'sulon of the county court , for tbo county of Custer , holdon at thu county court room , In llrokcn How , on the 12th day of January , 11)01 ) , I'rcicnt J , A , Armour , county Juduo. In tbo matter of iho estate uf William 111 r COCK , iiecciieil. On appllrntlon by potlllou of llanunh IS. lllicock , of Clill , Nubr , , repiesontliiK among uther tiling' , that VVm. Illrcook , an Inhabitant of suld county , rrBldlh ? therein on tbo 27th day of L'oo , A. D. 11)00 ) , died Intestate , leaving estate to be ndinln- letorcd. That the petltltloner U widow of anld leceuscd. and prays that administration of Bnld deceased bu granted to hor. It Is ordered , that raid application be heard at the county rourt room , at thu court houso. In thu city ot llrokcn How , on the 3d day of Fcbiuary , 1U01 , nt 10 o'clock a. in. It .In further ordered that uoilcu hereof bo given to all persons by publica tion otxuch notice nt least tnreu weeks succes sively , previous to thu tlmo appointed , tu tbo CumEU COUNTY llr.ruuuoiN , a weekly newspa per published Iu said countv. [ 8EAI..1 j. A AUHouii , County JudMo. ( Truu Copy. ) Janl7 4t ( JAMKUON &KKKSK , ATroitNin8& COUNHBLLOH8 4.T 1MW II omsSOiKvnlty block , Ilroken ilow , Nnh. Wm. F. Hopkins , COrtTIlACTOIt AND UUI1I > ICII Plain and Spaclflcatloun on short notlco. Ma- tnrlal fui i-tishod and buildings complottMl ehoapei than any mm In the state. Satisfaction t > > edas , to pltna nnu upeclflcatlons. To Calllornia In a Touni In nu other way cnn you go to Califor nia BO quickly , go comfortable , and yet HU economical , HH In it tourist elauplng car Tbe tourist cure used ( or tbo Burling ton Overland ErcurfloiiH tira models o ( comfort and nonvpniuncn , blubback euatH and double windows' Tbey are liubted by KU9. Tbo heating nrrftnginent tire Hdmlrnblc and the bed lurnlahlngH uro clean unit of good qunilty. The Kurllngton JCxourslnnK Ivnvt Omiitia every Tuwtlny nnd Thurmloy and go through to Sun FrunciRCo and LOB- Angeles wilhout chMigcs or iclap 'a uf ankind. . You can loin tncin at Lin coln , Iluetinga Oxfoid , or any other Htutio i at which tbe train stops. The route ia through Denver and Salt Lake Olty , pant the lineal scenery visible from cur windows anywhere on the globe. An experienced excursion manogei ID in charge of etch excursion party and u un iformed porter accompanies each car. Folder glvlog full information mailed on request Beautiful Illustrated 72 puge liook about California Bent on ruqeipt of fix cents In stamp ) * . J.FltANCiH. General Piiseorjger Agent , Omaut , Neb. norSOc. We will fiiriiiHli tiie Kansas city Journal and UUPUUI.IOA.N for 81.25 jior year. TIME TABLE. BROKEN BOW , NEB. Lincoln , Denver , Omaha , Helena , Chicago , llntte , Ht. Joseph , Portland , Kansas City , Salt Uko City , Ht. Lonls , and all Han Franoleco , point * cast and aonth. and allpolnU west. No. 43 Ve 'lbuled cxprcst dally , Lincoln , Oma ha , Ut. Josep KaiiS48 City , at. Lonls , Chicago cage and all point * n tnnd foulh..ll 41 p.m. No. 44 Local express iinlly , Lincoln , Omaha , tit. Joseph , Kanros Cltr , Ht. I/Uli , CMcnco and all points east and south 62Uatn No. 40 Freight dally , Hft\cnDa , Grand Island , Aurora , Seward and Lincoln 6 ( > 0nm No. 48 Freight , dally except Sunday , llavonu * and tntoruiLdUto points , 1 C6ptn No , 41 Veetlhnlod express dally , Helena , Heat * tie , llutto , Portland nnd nil Pacific Coait points ,414am No. 43-Local cxprcrs dally , lllack Hills and Intermediate points 535 pin No , 45 Krtlhl | dally , Ansolmo SenecaWhitman and Alliance . 1038 m No. 47 Freight , dally except Sunday , Sineca nnd Intermediate point * IsSft pin Sleeping , diking and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tlckes sold nnd baggage - gage chocked to any point In thi United tJtalos and Canada. No. 48 has morohandlao cars Tuesday * , Than- days and Saturdays. No , 40 will carry pastorKera for Ilavoiini urand Island , Seward and Lincoln. Information , maps , time tables and ticket fall cm or wrllo to U. L. Ormsby , agent , or J Frunoh , U. 1' . A. , Onmhv. Nebraska. U. L. Onxemr , Aecnt. 80HEDULE OF DROKCN DOW MAILa Touch for weut will clone at 8 p. in. , except Sunday when It will close at 7 p m. Ponoh , onet for train No. 42 olosos at O.SO a m and fet No. 44 closes nt. It a m. Mail for Ansloy and points east of Qraud lolutul carried on train No. 44. Oconto Tla of Ityno and Tuckervlllo , dally ex cept Sunday closes , at 7 n m : returning same day Callawny via , Mc'Klnley dally except Sunday closes at 7 a m , returning same duy. Hound Volley via Hruau and Ulton close at ? a m , Monday , \Vodnosdy and Fridays , returning SRicu day. Sumner via Gurnney , Georgetown and Upton arrrlvosatll SO , Tuesday Thursday and Satur day , returning loaves nt 12,30 same day. OHIO ) hours from 8.00 a in to H.00 p m. Sun- lay H.SO to O.SO a. m , Lobby open week days from 7 am to 8pm. L. II. JBWITT , P.M. IIUICL.INOTON uovrirc. I. < f\v , \VcMt mill MorlltwcHt At u tlmo of year wtutn thousands will uko lulvftiitaRu of thiMii. the Utirllnton { Kotito itidkea sweeping ruduotlone iu KB rntt-B to the West nud NorlliwcBt to Utah , Montana , Washington. Orcgjn iiiut Urllish Columblii. Dutre : Fcbruury 12 , H ) , imtl ' 20. MnroLiB.ia , 19 nnil ! iO. April'J , I ) , 10 2i : tunl 30. lire shown below : To Ogden , Salt Lake , Uutte , Hel- cna , Anaconda , and MlHsoulu , 1 823 To nil Points on the Northern Pa. clllc Ky. weit of Mlssonla , Including Spokane , Siattle , Tncoma , Portland , a well a * Vancouver , and VictorlaB.C To All Point * on the Spokane Falls & ) Northern Ky and the Washington & j Columbia Klver R.R Ncvr IIAB iho Poultlu been nn pros- poroita na now. Lulur It * In oon.Httuit do- uiiind itntl wiiK-R i ' ' 'K1'1'hu ' ' inonoy iniiklii opportnnlili Hru liurond nninbor HI mini's , lunibur , nHTctiaiidloliin , ( nrtK > Ing. fruit raising , lleLln iiml nil the other Indtifltries of iinrc\trtndKrowliijcountry. Llturnturc on rrqueal ( ri'o. J. Francis , Oon'l Pnotun er Agent , Omnlin , Mub. until | iri2 ! Free Complexion Ilcaiitttllcr. Wo want every lady reader of tlio iLiOAN to try Dwiyht's Com plexion Lioautiliur , the moHt exqui- HIIO toilet preparation. It is pure and harmlosflmakcs the fncesniaoth as velvet nnd i'.nr . an alabaster. To induuo a fair trial of it wo will for a short time only Hond FUKK a full size , Fifty com Ixix to every lady who will r > oud us her post oflioo ad- druHH silver dime to pay for packing and postage. Only one VKKK box to onoli address but liuliofi may order for their friends. Eauh box mailed separately. Send this notioe and your order at ONCK to D W. CUSTUK o. , Huntin ton W. Va. HOW tO IlltllCU IICIIH IMV. The Ropubllcnn hiis u proposition that may not exactly solve thu question , "Mow to Make HODS Lay. " but it will help you to uiakn more inonoy out of your hens thnn you are now doing. If you pay up nil nrrt'iiniycs nnd one yeer in advance , wo will send you Thu Went- orn Poultry News ono year free. It Is a MK lU-pnco pupur publiehrd tit Lincoln , Neb. , and la recognized authority on poultry nmttors , nmny of thu beet known pouluy experts contributing thulr expur- 8500.00 FOK LETTERS AUOUT NEBRASKA. The UurlitiKton liouto offers twenty prlzi'H , aKgroRuting 8500 for li'tti'r < < which can bf upcd in encuunigin. ; immigration to Nebraska The tirHt prlxo ta a round trip ticket from any HurHncton Hotno pt-itiou In Ncbmeka to VellowBtoiii ) Park , and u complete trip through Iho purk. Includ ing HtngH transportatlou > tud tlvo and n halt duyn' accornotlntloii nt the hotels of tin ) YelloNvutoue Park Association Vftltio 8100 L'ho s cond prize is it ticket to Denver , tiiencu to the lihok llllln , and $25 in cnali valUH $75. Partioulnrs onii bu obtained by address- It'gJ. ' Prniicls , ( i. P. A. , Utirllngtin Uoute , Omaha , Ncbr. A Poultry 1'apcr I "rcu. The Republican hn ; made arrangement whereby we can sand "The Western Poullry News" one year free to uny per BOII paying one year's bUbsoriptlon in advance. Old fubscrlbura who pay up and pay ono year in advance 01111 tskood- vantngu of this pder apo. | Thu Western Poultry New * Is a big 10pagu monthly chicken paper , published at Llooolu Neb. , aud is an oknowlvgud r.uthoniy on poultry mcthnda. It not only Inter- pels fancy breeders , but the housewife In town or country , who wiuila lo mnko some prollt from a ( t w IHMW. It also ha a Uelglnn Hiiro dupurtment. If you want a poultry pupur , herein your chunco