Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 07, 1901, Image 1

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I If It docan't work the way It
ought to , bring It to me. I will
tell you what alia It in short order.
If you leave It with me ( or repairs
you can rust assured thnt It will
receive tbo sntne careful treatment
that 1 would give to my own
If you want a new watcb of nuy
kind tlnd It bere. If it's good
time at moderate cost I have it ,
If Its good time In elaborately or
namon ed anaea of reliable qutill'y
i in gold acd silver , It Is here. To
be brief , it It'p the most wntob
wortb for tbe least money , it will
i pay you to talk watch with me.
Kradaato of Chicago Opthalmlo College.
School Books ,
School Supplies ,
JG. . Haeberle's.
It me
tU.vt Into y i > ur
repnlruclvulcli tliut
In a perf ct
| oi , tt Is ttie
( hut doia Hit1 bu-liit'i-h , m.y b
can buy tin tint ) klr d * < > t Uniterm )
rlmt ' tti > e In repairing ; but skill
U lb uiOBt valuable material that
; an bo need In watch repairing ;
and the bungler cnn't buy it. i
sell my ekili ( or wtiut It In wortb
nnd It will cost you less tnan
bungling at lower prices.
Jeweler nd Optician
West pido ot square
Wheat _ BO
llarley Zr
Outs. . . . . _ . . . . 23
Corn 25
llyc 31
Mutter . . . . 15
ItgKS 17
Potatoei. . . . . . . . . . . CO
Onion * $1.0
Chlckeni , S Oi U ten
Fiogl 4.20
Cows 276
Bteora . „ . _ „ 4.00
rnrkejs s Co
Straw . JOc < . * .
Hay 5.00
A. Cliance for u Huntler.
There is un opportunity for one
of our young men or young womoa
to make money with Thu Unique
Monthly , Debew Building , New
York. This Monthly , which was
formerly The Peony Magazine , has
now become the standard half-dune
magazine of the wo'ld. It wants
ono agent in thia vicinity and will
give exclusive territory to the right
portion. Beaidt't paying big com
missions to its representative , it
sends a present worth more than
the price of The Unique Monthly
to every subscriber that ia secured
by the representative. Better ad *
resH at once The Unique Monthly ,
Dopew Building , New York.
Dr. J. M. McLeod
1900 O etreet , Lutoour , NBB * .
( General Surgery
J and
( Diseases of Woman
v <
Business Pointers.
Dr. T. W. Basa , dentist , BrokW
Poultry , butter and epgs wanted
at Bowon's grocery. febVtf
A complete line of Hointz bottle
Qnm , two packages tor a
UoBinopohtau patterns ten cents.
Lubricating oils of all kinds at
Wilkius' drug store.
WANTED Two or three more
lad ) hoardwn > at Mrs Lillie King'f.
J24 Si
Coin and get our prioua on can
ned dry fruis We will no bo un
der sold. JOUN&KNEKB.
Write Uftydeii Bros. , Omaha
Wholesale Supply House for pnset
and samples. 2 8 lyr.
Bent stock taim in Ouster county
foi sale , at $8 00 per acre.
For Hale.
A pair of young draft horses
Inquire at Leo's barn
. . . ( Jandj , nuts , fruits , all.Icindg . of
focds , buckwheat flour ,
a ii | le syrup , silver drip , nothing
ficu r , at John & Knerr's.
Whin in n ed of a first-clasn
auctioneer , call on or address
Broken Bow , Nebr. tf
Cl > lcU eiiB For Mule.
Very fine Blue Burred Plymouth
R ok ohirkunt ) for sale , 2 miles
went of city. W. M. VANNIOE.
H20 3m
FOE SAI/B A one story cottage
with six 1'irgp rooms , pleasant yard ,
\ \ \ ' \ turroundiiiKH. Price $900
Call on L. J. Gaudy or at Urn
-.ftioe. . 7 I9tf
Farms for sale and lands for rent.
Now is the time to get a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms are all going ,
and prices are advancing rapidly
W. Li. Farrer has opened up a
lunch counter in tbe building east
of Ledwich's law office. Oysters
served in first class order. Meals
or lunch served from ( I , a. m. to 11
pm. Patronage solicited.
For Hale or Trade.
A house and lot in Mason City to
aell or trade for stock ; also a good
leu foot wind mill with tower , that
I will dispose of the same way.
fob ? tf A. Y. SUTTOW.
Broken Bow , Nebr.
To TUB DEAF -A rich lady , cured
of h > r Deafneas a. d Noises in the
ead by Dr Nicholson's Artificial
Ear Drum * , gave f'J5,000 to his In
stitute , so that deaf people unable
to procure the Ear Drums , may have
them free , Address No. D 148 ,
The Nicholson Institute , 780 ,
Eight Avenue , New York. janS ly
BEOKEN Bow , Neb.Fob. 0 , ' 01.
To * hoin ii may concern : I take
tbe plfiiifure in recommending Mr.
J. V.7. Davidson as a first class piano
tuner. Two weeks ago he tuned
my piano and his work is eutirely
satisfactory. Those wishing their
pianos tuned would do well to call
on him Signed : MKH Mi TIB ,
New York Store.
Notice of llevranl.
A reward ot $5.00 will be given
for information leading to convic
tion of any one tampering or mod-
ling with any line , or shooting in
sulators or doing any damage inten
tionally on any line belonging to the
Broken Bow Telephone Exchange ,
Warning is hereby given that uny
persons so offondiug will be pron-
outed to the full extent of the law.
Illinois lump coal for sale at
Dierkfl Lumber & Coal Go's.
320 acres of land for sale in Sec
8 , T rp. 10 , Ego. 21. Good im
provements. U. W. HAMMOND.
fob ? 4t
Hotel For Sale.
Hotel and furniture at Morua , for
sale cheap. For particulars write
L , G. Gordon. Mt > rua. Nebraska.
For Hale.
Twenty acres of well improved
land within a milo of Broken Bow
for $700. Inquire at this office.
For Sal * .
Good atcok of general merchan
dise. For particulars write J J.
Stanford , Mt-rna , Nob. J31 tf
We have not moved or told out ,
but are at the old stand ready to
give you bargains as in the past.
I have a black Clydesdale stallion
to sell or trade for cattle or town
property. J. B. BUBDICK ,
24 miles N. E. Borwyn , Neb. J24 tt
Yon can save money by ordering
your reading matter thronuh tbe
REPUBLICAN. We can furnish you
nearly all the papers and magazine
for IOMS than publishers prices.
Bright , honest and reliable young
men wanted to act In tbo secret ser
Address P. 0. box 250 , Lincoln , Neb. ,
J31 4t
For Sale Cheap Several farrasin
various parts of Custer county. For
locations and terms write me. I am
in town Wednesday and Saturday ,
afternoons. A. T. SEYBOLT ,
Broken Bow , Nebr.
Remember the Buny Big utore.
They nave anything you want in
e grocery line. Drop in and look
around , make yourself at ho mi' nnd
see ifvour prices are not riuht.
New Lin6 of
Buggies , Surtreys ,
Spring Wagons !
and Farm Wagons.
G. W.
Call and get prices on g ucones
queonsware and dry goods , whether
you want to buy ot not. It may
save you money later. No j trouble
to give prices and show ! goods.
Quick sales , small profits , ! prompt
delivery is our motto , at Jihn and
Tha greatest danger from cofda and la-
grippe Is tbe Ir resulting in .
If leABonable care IP used , however , nnd
Chnmberlaln'H Cough Remedy taken , all
danger will be urolded. It will cure n
cold or an attack of la grlqpe in lees
time than any other troutmtiu. It Ii
pleasant and aafo to tako. Ypi sale by
J. G. Ilaeberle. /
Letter List. I
Following in the dead letter lint
for week ending Feb. 5,1001 :
Ully , D. B. Smith , W. J ( card )
He unn.Mra. Ii. Warlck.Mr. II. ( card )
Smllb , B. ( card )
Parties calling for the abcve
ploabo say advertised.
L. H. JEWBTT , P. M.
A Convincing : AuMvrcr.
" 1 hobbled into Mr. lilaokman'a drug
store one evening , " say * Welsey Kelson
ol Hamilton Ga. , ' 'and lie aikcd me t <
tryOliamberlttln's P ln I3alm ( orrhpum-
athm with which I bad suffered ( or a
longtime. I told him I bad no faitt
In any luediolne as they all failed. lie
said : -Well If Chamberlain's Pain
Balm dots not help you , you need no
pay for It.'I took a bottle of it bume
and ueed it Recording to the directions
and In one week I waa cured , and nave
not aince been troubled with rheum
atim. " SolilWyJ. G. llaeberle.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this office.
E. II , Purcell has moved into the
Poun residence , in the south west
> art of the city.
Claude Wahl wont to David City
Monday night , where ho expects to
remain lor awhile.
Mr. J. W. Davidson haa been ap.
jointed choir master at the Prosby-
orian church of this city.
John Foxworthy , of Ryno , waa a
city visitor Saturday. This ofllcu
acknowledges n friendly call.
A. II Copsoy , of WoBtorvillo ,
and C. E. Clark , ot WeiRHort , wore
u thu city together yesterday.
J. S Kirkpatriok , of Lincoln , who
ias been in the city several days ,
returned home Tuesday night.
Chaa. Penn and family moved to
Uilford last week , where Mr. Peun
assumed charge of the Milford Sol
dier's uomo ,
Our genial county clerk , it is said ,
WHS consoled over the death of fu
sion on learning that the Populist
had died also.
Senator Currio came up from Lin
coln Saturday morning , and drove
over to his ranohob to look after his
private busineis.
The Cueter County Tcaoben As
sociation will meet in Broken Bow
Feb. 23 , 1001. The program is
published in this isiue.
The reports from the snow storm
Saturday night and Sunday indicate
that the snow was much heavier
east and south than hero ,
B. W. Blair is trying to organize
a clans in music , with a view of
teaching the rudiments of music to
those who desire to become mem
bora of quartets.
Homer Woodruff has again
accepted tb/- position of foreman of
Kennedy's livery and feed barn ,
run in conne-jlion with the Com
mercial hotel ,
It is said there was great rejoicing
in the county wigwam , when they
read Painter's valedictory in the
Populist last week. Joe and Eli
rejoiced greatly.
Preaching services next Sunday
morning and evening , at the Bap.
ist church by tbe Evangelist Rev.
Daly. Evtry one is cordially in
vited to come out and hoar him.
The men who spent last week in
Lincoln in the interest of the nor
mal school for Broken Bow , came
back the last of the week feeling
quite jubilont over their success
thus far.
Mayor Royso arrived homo Sun.
day evening , from bis visit to
Washington. Ho reports having
enjoyed a pleasant visit at the Nat
ional Capital. lie returned to Lin
coln Monday.
Several inches of snow that fell
Saturday night and Sunday morn
ing , cooled off the atmosphere very
materially. The thermometer reg.
istered eighteen degrees below zero
ot 7 o'clock Monday morning.
Dr. Talbol has had several bands
employed the past few days raising
and leveling the Custer blockwhioh
had become considerably warped ,
caused by thn sills decaying. Bar
rett and Henry have charge of the
Wo learn that Mrs. Robert Lang ,
who moved with her husband to
Howard , Colorado , some five years
ago , died on the 24th of January.
Mrs Lang had many friends in this
vicinity who sympathise with the
family in their sad bereavement.
There is a move on foot to or
ganize a ladies' band in the city
We understand that several ladies
have signified their willingness to
become members. The REPUBLICAN
favors the move , and anticipates
that the undertaking will bo a suc
Among the number of our citizens
who are at Lincoln this wotk are :
F. H. Young , Alpha Morgan and
I A. Renoau that wont down the
first of the week. J , A. Hams
D. M. Amaherry and others went
down last night to wroitle with the
normol problem.
The address of Evangelist Daly
Sunday afternoon in the Baptis
church , "to men only , " drew a ful
house , A number of oompotoni
judgOH , who have heard a number
of prominent men on similar occa
sions , state that they had never
heard a bettor and more practioa
address , or one presented in BO oul-
tnred a manner.
The Baptist Sunday school
elected the following officers for the
ensuing year : Supt. , D , M , Ams-
berry ; Ans't , Supt. , Mrs L. A , Par
mentor ; Soo'y.Rny Armour ; Treat ) . ,
Eatio Eolsey ; librarian , Eva Cad.
well ; chorister , Florence Riohardp ;
organist , Mrs. LUcio Cadwcll.
Supt. Tooley hold ouo of his pat
ron's meetings in Snake Run die-
riet Monday night. The meeting
was well attended , and a program
jy the children was rendered. He
lold another in the Prairie Center
district Tuesday night , when he
delivered the prize awarded the
district by the county fair.
Uncle Isaac Crablo has been eor
ously i'l ' for the past week. Ilii
sons , Frank and Jack , wore notified
of hia condition And came down
rom the west Monday to BOO him.
Yeetorday he had regained conscious
ness and was considerably better ,
Dwing to his advanced age , ho now
joing MI his 80th year , there in hut
little hope of his complete recovery.
The tenth annual institute of the
Douglas Grove Farmers' Club will
1)0 held at Wosoott , Nobr. , February
13th and 14th , 1001 , tl-o program
of which wo received too Into for
publication. As Mr. Butcher ex
pects to be present Wednesday
afternoon and take a pioluro of the
club for the history ot Custor
county , it is requested that all old
members try and bo present ,
The district court will convene
bore next Monday. The first case
to bo tried is the state again it Win.
Oxloy , who is charged with the
murder of W. H. Fullhart last No
vember on Inn ranch northwest of
Anselmo. As the public is gener
ally interested in this case , there in
likely to bo a largo attendance dur
ing the trial , especially from the
west and northwest , part of the
I. A. Reneau is having the old
Largoy building remodeled for thu
reception of hia abstract and real
( . state buBiuoBi. Ho han divided it
into three apartments. The front
room is for the reception of his
customers and for general business.
Just back of thot ho haa a large
uized private room , which will be
occupied by his lady copyist. The
back room will be used for his ab
stracting business , and it will also
contain n fire proof vault. The
rooniH are conveniently arranged ,
and when completed , will make one
of the bi'st and moat commodious
businesH offices in the city. Mr.
Reneau has employed H. Lomax , J.
C. Moore and Miss Beard , who will
bo permanent fixtures in connection
with his business.
H. B. A. Officer ! Elected.
The M. B. A. lodge of this city , at
ita regular mooting in January ,
elected the following officers for the
ensuing year : President , Rev. S ,
W. Richards ; vice president , Mrs.
J. B. Smith ; secretary , D. M. Ams-
berry ; conductor , Mrs. Helen Wells ;
treasurer , Mrs. D. M. Amsberry ;
chaplain , Mrs. 3. P. Richardson ;
physicians , Dra. Clinton Day and
C. Piokett ; watch , L A. Wells ;
sentry , R. T. Baker.
The order hat between 90 and ICO
members , and has been built np by
a continued , rather than by a spec
ial growth at one time. When the
lodge was organized hero two years
ago last May , there wore only about
twenty members , While it may
not have the largest membership of
any order in the city , it ia second to
none in substantiability. The offi
( floors am to bo installed Saturday
night , and several candidates are
expected to be initiated. Oysters
will be served after the exorcises.
The claim ot tun other cough medi
cines to bo a * good ni Ohamberluln'a are
effectually set at rest in tb following
testimony of Mr , C , D. Gluts , an em
ploye ot Bartlett Ik Dennis Co. , Gardi
ner , Mo. Ho Bay B : "I bad kept adding
to a cold and couah In tbo winter o
1897trylDg every cough medicine I heard
ot wltbout permanent help , until one
day I waa in the drug store ol Mr ,
IToulobnn and be advised me to try
UbnmborUIn'a Cough Remedy and offer
ed to pay back ray money if I was no
cured. My lungs and bronchial tubas
were very pore at tbli time , but I was
combletoly cured by thla remedy , and
have Bloce alwaye turned to U when
got a cold , and teen Hud relief. I also
reccommend It to my frlendi and an ?
glad to Bay it Is tbe bcit of til cough
medloloei. " For sale by J. Q. Hie-
We will furniih the Kaniai city
Journal and RSFDBLIOAN for $1,25
per year.
Normal School Dill.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. 7 , 1001.
RKPUHUOAN , Broken Bow , Nobr. :
Our normal school bill will pass
the senate with not IOPS than 21
vole * . D. M. AMSDRRRY ,
The Ballot Today on U. M. Senator.
LINCOLN , NKDB , Fob 7 , 1001.
Special to RKPUBMOAN. Thompson
34 ; Moiklcjohu , 20 ; Curriu , 22 ;
Rosewater , 17 ; Ilinnhaw , 12 ; Mar.
tin , 0 ; Crounso , 7.
Unptlst ItcTlval Meetings.
The evangelistic meetings in the
Baptist church , which arc conducted
by Evangelist Daly , are very well
attended. The preaching of the
evangelist is not Bcotaiian , but is a
plain and practical presentation of
the gospel of salvation , clean , hon
oat and holy Christian living. Mr.
Daly puts greater stress on right
living than ho docs on any sectarian
or theological theories. The meet-
nga will continue indefinitely. Mr.
Daly will preach each night at 7:30
except Saturday night. Next Sun
day ho will preach at 11 a. m ,
Church Services. '
U.B. onunoii.
Those beautiful colored bible
scones are being used every Sunday
evening at thu United Brethren
church. The subject next Sunday
light will bo "Tho First Murder. "
Thu morning Herman will bo on
education in harmony with the day
of prayer for colleges. You are
invited to theao aerviooa. Co mo
and see the pictures while they are
: ioro , and bo instructed and profited
t > y the subjects treated.
u. to. ouimoii.
Next Sunday will bo Decision
Sunday for the Methodist Sunday
school. Parents arc requested to
come to the Sunday school with
their children , and to urge the chil
dren to remain for morning Horvioe ,
An opportunity will bo given for
all the children who so desire , to
unite with the church on probation.
Subject of Borinon , "Tho Pearl of
Great Price. " Evening theme ,
"Esau. " Epworth League at 0:30
p. m. ; Rev. E. A. Knicht , loader
Subject , "If Christ * should Come
Tomorrow. " Special music will be
rendered at the evening service by
the now male quartet.
Attention Company M.
Company M. ia ordered to aa-
uoinblo at the armoiy , on Saturday
night , February Oth , 1001 , at 8 p.ui. ,
and proceed according to law to
elect one 2d lieutenant , vice Lay ton
resigned ; alao two corporals and
one lauco corporal ; and to do such
other business aa may come before
the company. By command of
Adj't. Gen. V. C. IALHOT ,
Frb , 1 , ' 01. Captain Co. M.
Bodmond Ii Headed this Way.
Our people will bo pleased to
learn that the Redmond dramatic
company will appear in Broken
Bow on Feb. 0. Mr. Redmond IB
this aoaaon porducing "Prince Rom-
ire , " a high class comedy , and is
mooting with great success. The
company haa appeared in Broken
Bow a number of timea and it ia a
favorite with the people. Aside
from the fnnt that Mr. Redmond
always oarriei a company of good
actors. It has been frequently com
mented on by our citizens that tbo
members of his company are all
ladies and gentlemen , others cannot
remain in his employ.
Meeting of ( Justcr County Teachers
ABHoelutlou ,
To bo held in the high school
room , Broken Bow , Nebr. , Febru
ary U3 , 1901 , at 1 o'clock p. m.
( School Iloom I ) corntlou 1'aper bv Mlii Bmiua
Itiynor. Dlicoulon , led by Mr. A , P. Norton ,
Mr. 2. C. 1'tckett , Mlti Nottlu lUnniwaJrt.
General dltoanlou.
Mttbodi of Conducting a Recitation Paper , bjr
Mlti Marr Geeiemau. Oeueral dUcn lon , lea
by Prln. Oeo. Zabu , 1'rlu. Robert Thornton ,
Mlia Millie Warrlnffton.
Co-operation of School K ctor Paper , by Mr * .
U. V. AlcKlnney. Ilicu8itoii by Mr. Herbert
Coniey , Prln. Oaoar Uoar Ueuvral 'llicuulou ,
Tbe Value of Practical KiiiorliccntgUy Supt , J.
B. Adauuon. Dlecanlon by Prof. ii. 11. UUtU
General dlecaitlon
Muiloln Ihtt Bchool Iloom Mies Mary Bharplees.
Qentral dlicaielon.
IdeaU : ( a ) flow can we Btrenplhcu Qoodldaaltt
-MlBi Mabel llall.
( b ) llow Cau w Destroy lUd Idealst Paper
by Ptln. A. J. Macy. General dlictuiton , lu-
trodoced by Mlii Madgo UertU and Prln. L. 11.
JtuilneBi MOD tine ,
All teachers , patrons , members of
school boards and others are invited
to be present at this eessioi. , and
take part in general discussions.
Come , see and be aeon ; near and be
heard from.
GEO. D. GUNK , Prea ,