Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 31, 1901, Image 1

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Nothing more annoying to a
mnn tbsn slilrt fituiis that nr al
wnys and olernally slippinK or
breaking nt Inopportune moments.
Such miphnpe nro nlways Inop-
Tbey come when lonst expected
nt most rnibiirueBlng mnmnntB
Tdey nevnr come , however , with
my novor-pJIp. nnn-pull outnblo
patented shirt nude , made lot
utility ns well as iippt-arnuce.
Try a act nrd you need ( car no-
cldents no trforo.
Graduate of Chlcoco Ombnlmlc College.
School Books ,
t School Supplies ,
G. Haeberle's.
It Imi't tlie initterliu
ixt K * : h into vour
r * ptttrtclvntuli tlmt
In a | > crlt ct
, Ulattie ) io\3J
thai Uoes I lie bumees , ui.y
can buy tin- tine kinds ol material
I tbiit i u < e In repairing ; but skill
ii tbe most valuable material ( bat
: su bu need In wateb repairing ;
11 and the bungler cnn't buy It. 1
eell my skill for wliat It le worth
iiud It will cost you lees thnn
bungling nt lower prices.
Jeweler rind Optioiuu
West eido of gquaru.
u i *
* " * B
. . fa
H S ffl"
CU3 0
Wlie t
Oats _ SSc
Corn 23.
Ilyo . 34j
Hutter . . . IS.
Eg s . 17
1'otntoes . CO ;
Onions . $1. 0
Chickens . , . 8 CH U tea
llogt . H.20
Cow . J 75
Steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . * i.OO
Turkeys . Oo
Str&w . ! 3 < - > .rtt
HayM _ _ . B.OO
To TUB DEAVA rich lady , cured
of htr Deafness ai'd Noises in the
Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial
Ear Drums , gave $25,000 to his In
stitute , so that deaf people unable
lo procure the Ear Drums , may have
them free , Address No. D 143 ,
The Nicholson Institute , 780 ,
Eight Avenue , New York. jan8 ly
At the old eland of Suyder Bros , , Realty block , It
in a Blriutly up-to data
Grocery and Fruit Establishment ,
Mr. J.N Feale , who has had yaara of experience ,
knows the business thoroughly , and is not afraid of
W . * work , is moving things at a lively gait. No stock can ,
: ? $ bo in better shape to suit your every desire , iu the
* of
' way
Staple and Fancy Groceries ,
Buckwheat Flour , Crackers , Petijohn'a Breakfast
Food , Rolled Oals , Grape Nuts and all kinds of
Canned Goods and Delioacie" . Try MuCord-Brady's
Celebrated 'Gold Medal" and Hockin'a High Grade
Roasled Caffeis , the Slandards of the world. Freeh
Fruits aud Oysters a specialty. Highest Matkot Price
paid for Country Produce.
Wo invite you to drop in and examine our stock ,
and got'pricei before buying. Wo are always glad to
see jou , and shall endeavor to merit a share of your
patronage. Yours for burliness ,
Business Pointers.
Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist , Broken
A complete line of Ileintz bottle
WANTED A girl for general
house work Mns Gico WII.MNQ
Pepmu Gum , two packanefi for u
Cosmopolitan patten t > tun cents.
No more. SNYDKR Buos
Lubricating oils of all kind" al
Wilkum' drug nloro.
WANTKD Two or three more
lady boarderH at Mrs.Lillie Kinglr.
J24 8t ' " "
Comu aud yet our prioes on cun-
ned drj fruia We will not be un
der sold. JOHN& KNKKU.
Write llayden Bros. , Omaha
Wholesale Supply House for prv.-et
and samples. 2 8 lyr.
Beet etock I aim in ( Juster eouuiy
lorale , al $8 00 ptr acre
Call on or wnto Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. when in need of an ab.
straot of title. E KoyspAbstractor
For Hale.
A pair of youug dr ft horsen
Inquire at Leo's barn
Abstracts compiled promptly and
accurately by tbo Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. E. Hey BO , Abatraoter
Candy , nuts , fruits , all kinds of
breakfast foods , buckwheat flour ,
uia | le syrup , silver drip , nothing
finer , at John & Knerr's.
Ladies should not neglect seeing
Mrs. Yauney , as she will be with tit-
but a few more darn. " She goes to
Sargcut Feb , 3rd , j 24 2w
Whtu in need of a first-clan
auctioneer , call on or addrens
Broken Bow , Nebr. tf
FOB SALK A one story cottage
with six largo rooms , pleasant yard ,
aud surroundings. Price $000
Call on L. J. Gandy or at llm
ollioe. 7 IDlf
Farms for sale and lands for rent.
Now is the time to get a farm chsap.
an the cheap farms are all uoiug ,
and prices are advancing rapidly
LOST In or near town , several
weeks ago , a largo blanket shawl
The tinder will confer a favor b )
leavinc it at lha office of Willib
' < V. LI. Farrer baa opened up u
lunch counter in the building east
of Ledwich's law office. Oysters
served iu first class order. Meala
or lunch served from ( J , a. m. to 11
pm. Patronage solicited.
J. M. Bolls is with us , and as he
has a chicken car bore every two
weeks , we can pay you the top
prices for chickens , turkey * , ducks
and pigeons , &nd take thorn at any
lime , Ton cannot ovoiload us
with poultry , butler or eggs. It IB
just as good as the inonoy to UH ,
atid makes John Betts smile when
ever he sees them come.
Cannon City coal at Dierkc
Lutabor Jo.
Jake Johnson has bought the old
Bookhackur barber shop. Call and
see him for brut class work jl7 St
W. R Blaotou pays the highest
cash pfico for old rubber , copper ,
brass and etna. North fide cquaro.
j24 2w
Hotel For Sale.
Hotel and furniture at Mertia , for
sale cheap. For particulars write
L. G. Gordon. Merr.a. Nebraska.
Fur Mute.
Twonly acres of well improved
, laud with'in a mile of Broken Bow
.for. $700 Inquire at this office
For Sale.
Good stcck of general ineroban-
diso. Foi particulars write J , ) .
Stanford , Merna , Neb J31 tf
Wo have not moved or sold out ,
but are at the old stand ready to
give you bargains n iu thn past
I have a black Clydundale Bullion
to sell or trade for uattlo or town
property. J. B. Hunnicic ,
24 miles N. K. Berwyn , Neb. j24 ti
ClilcUwnn For Hale.
Very fine Blue Barred Plymouth
Rook chickens for sale , 2 inilen
west of city. W. M. VANMCB.
d20 Urn
Fou SALU-Fredi young cuws in
Rose Valley , on W. C. Luce's farm ,
eleven miles northeast.
janlO 3t A MoMuBPHY.
Bright , honest and reliable young
men wanted to act In the secret ser
Address P. 0. box 250 , Lincoln , Neb.
J81 4i
For S < ile Cheap Several farmsin
various parts of Custer county For
locations and term * write me. I um
in town Wednesday aud Saturday ,
afternoons. A. T. SHYUOLT ,
Broken Bow , Nebr.
Remember the Busy Big store.
They have anything you want in
the grocery line. Drop in ana look
around , make yourself at home nnd
aeo if our prices are not riuht.
Farm For Kent.
A good farm , well improved , IOC
acres broke , good pasture , good well ,
frame barn and HOI bouse.
For particulars inquire at the RK AN office 1 17 81
Call and got prices on groceries ,
queoneware and dry goods , whether
you want to buy or not. It may
save you money later No trouble
to give prices and show goods.
Quick sales , small pro tits , prompt
delivery is our motto , at John and
Notice of Ilewurd.
A reward ot $5.00 will bo given
for information leading to convic
tion of any ono tampering or mod-
ling with any line , or phooting in
aulatord or doing any damage into"
tionally on any line belonging to the
Broken Bow Telephone Exchange.
Warning ia hereby given that any
persons so offending will bo proso-
outed to the full extent of the law.
Local Mention.
Job printing nt this office.
The county board adjourned last
Tuesday uuull March 12.
C.V. . Beal returned from Lin
coln yoHtnrduy morning.
Have you seen bills for tht Phil-
iptne lecture. The date in Feb lat. 2t
John Grovicr , of Elton , was
among the city visitors Saturday.
Capt. V , C. Talbol returned this
morning from a couple days visit at
Mis. II. T. Coilmau , of Mason
C'ty , was a county seal visitor
Mrs J. D. Ream and family have
gene to Linclon to remain ( luting
the soHs'au of the legislators
II. J. Edmgton , of East Custer ,
uiisamoig the number who wore
veiling in the oity Saturday.
B Van Busk i"k , ot Merna , was
a oity visitor Saturday. This office
acknowledges a friendly call ,
D. W Thompson now has his
entire stock of goods moved to his
new location in the Really block.
Mr. Will Clav and wife of Broken
Bow were visiting relatives in this
i e'yhborbuod lat > t week. Ansley
Reserved seats for Philippine lec
ture , on sale at post offioe , and Wil
HOD & Drake's. Seats , 36,25 , aud 15
Minn Birdie Skolton returned
Monday evening from Grand Island
where she has bee.n visiting for
Home time.
The number 1.1 the oity Saturday
was unusually largo and the trade
was correspondingly largo with all
( ho merchants.
A. 11 Copnoy.of WestervillepaH- |
Ned through the city Saturday on
his way to Annolino , where his son
is teaching school.
The interest W. J. Taylor , ropn1-
fontiyo from this district in taking
in the normal school location is
highly "commendable.
0 G Smith , of Merna , made
this oflioo a friendly call Saturday
and had his naino enrolled for the
KUPUHLICAN the ensuing year
1 A. Renoati rolurnnrt from Lin-
uloti Tuesday morning , He feels
sanguine that F M Currio will be
elected to the United States Senate.
It is reported that I. A Renoau
l > aH bought the Holonmh building
roiH'iitly occupied by Jas. Largo\'s
billiard tibles , and that he will fix
U up for an oflk'C.
I. A. Reneati , wo are informed
baa secured the control of Ed Royse's
intoroHt in the Broken Bow Abstract
bookn and thatho will have charge
of the hiiRtniHH in the futtiro.
We Itmrn from Coroner Bro < vn
tha Samuel Robinson , son of W.
D. RobuiRon , of Eudoll , died last
Friday with Smallpox. LATBB
Wo learn that it is a mistake , and
that Mr. Robinson is recovering.
Maybe a visit to the Philippines
bj attending the illustrated lecture
at the opera house Friday evening ,
Februiry 1 1001. Tickets for ro -
t-erved seatH , 35 cents , genaral ad
mission , 2r cents , children , under
fifteen , 16 cents. '
O. R Krenz and Con Fleahraau ,
two of the sub-tautial oitijsons of
Dale , were welcome callers at this
office Saturday They inform us
that .las Lindloy , of AiiHolmo , who
has been HPriounly ill for several
weeks with complicated diseases , is
getting better
New Line of
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons
and Farm Wagons.
G. W , Apple.
Jan. Holland , of Gebo Monlanna ,
oamo down Friday morning to look
after his business interests in this
vicinity and to renew his acquain
tance with many friends hero. Ho
IH engaged in the hardware , imple
ment and furuituro bunmeHS in Ge-
bo ; and wo understand ho is mak
ing money.
C. II. Miller says that Supt. J. J ,
Tooley held one of bin district meet-
'ngfl in the King school house last
Fridiy night The school district
participating in the exercises , were :
the King , Lcdwioh and Guilford
A short program had been prepared
and after it had boon rendered ,
which occupied about three quarters
of an hour , the mooting was ad
dressed by Supo. Tooloy and others.
Mr. Miller reports the mooting both
iuterrsting and proliitablo to all in
The State Journal oaya the lloufo
will eotlle the Nornnl question to
day ,
Raa. Audoraon sold the Chas.
Raymond farm , in Custer Center to
Miner Taylor , for | 1,000 , cash yes
The Broken Bow Political Equal
ity club will meet with Mrs. Carlos
Friday evening , Fob. lat at 7:30 :
o'clock. Mrs. . SNVDBU '
A. M. , Seu'y.
Judge Sullivan returned from
Lincoln Tuesday evening , lie re
ports'tho ohauooa for a normal
school at Broken Bow flattc.iiiig ,
but not by any moans certain yet.
J. J. Stanford , of Merna , wan a
business caller at this offioo Mon
day. Mr. Stand ford contemplates
closing out his business at Meina
and moving to Seattle in the spring.
Wo learn by telephone , thnt
Clarence Cad well ( f Mason city
died Tuesday morning after an ill *
ness of two wcekd with lung fovor.
The funeral is to be held today iu
the Baptiat church at Mason oity.
Rets Pickett , who had boon con
nected with the Central City col-
lugo for tha past year , has resigned
with tht intention of returning lo
Broken Bow to accept the position
of monographer for Attorney .lamen
Lodwioh. Wo underhand ho will
move bit * family here this uook
The UicruiiuoAN extends a wel
come lo Mr. Pickelt aud wife.
Wo understand that J W. Bruce
has received the appointment ol
adjutant ut ihe Milford soldiers
home under the appointment of
Chas Ponu. Mr. Puiiu could not
well have made a bolter appoint-
mint , tlio only bad feature of n is
that it will remove Mr. Bruuo from
Brok u Bow. He is a most valu
able citizen r.nd wo can not well
afford to IOHO him
Among the number thnt went to
Lincoln Iromhero the first , of tl.o
week werr , F H. Young , Alpha
Moruan , bupt. J. J. Tooloy , Judge
Sullivan , I. A. Renoau , Chas. Hoi-
comb and C. W. Buiil. From lluu
political complexion of member it
will'hardly bo charged ihat they
we.nt down for political purposes
But ns most of ( hum wont on ihe
diroct'Oiis of iho Comnuroial club
of Broken Bow , it is evident their
going was not merely for fun and
the Rui'UULiOAN hopes lo be ab'e lo
uhroniclo good roaullH in thu near
1'oBlmaHler Jowott informs u
that the government intends to es-
tabliHh a uaw system in letting the
contracts for carrying the mail on
the mar routes The contracts will
1)0 ) lot only lo persons living in the
loculity of ihe route ho contracts to
carry , and the carrier will bo re
quired to take the mail from , and
deposit in all boxes along bis route
Utnlor the present system , the con
tracts for the nlar lines have been
let to aomo eastern contractor , who
would sublet it to another and by
tbo time it got down to the man
who carried the mail , there was
not living wages in it and the ser
vice has boon anything but satif-
The Hnllot Today on U. S. Senator.
LINCOLN , Nnnit , Jan. 31 , 1001.
Special to RKPUIIIIOAN , Thomp
HOP , 34 ; Meiklejohn , 29 ; Currie ,
20 ; Robowater , 10 ; Hinahaw , 13 ;
Marlii : , 0 ; Hainor , 4 ; Crounso , 7.
Church Services-
Sunday , February 3 Sunoay
school 10 a. m ; Sermon 11 a. m. ;
Endeavor 030 ; p. m. Evening
tbc-ius , "Eternal Lifo a Gift. "
All are coraiully iuvited.
U.ll. OIIUU01I.
R ( v. L. L. Eploy , former pastor
of i ho If. B. church will hold thu
quarterly mooting of that church
next Saturday aud Sunday. Ho will
occupy the pulpit iu tbo morning
but the pulpit paintings will be
used in the evening the sbbjeol
being "The Firat Sacrifice. " The e
pictures have to bo seen to bo fully
approciatou. You are cordially
invited to theau berviuea.
Regular bervicob will be hold at
the Melhodtnt church next Sunduy.
Subject of the morning sormou ,
"Pcntaoohtal Power. " Evangelis
tic service in the evening. Epworlh
League al 0:80 : , Subject "Marching
Orders , " Madge Potts , leader. All
are cordially iuvited to those sor-
The pastor will begin a series of
avangeliatcu . atrvicea about the
second or third Sunday ot February.
He ivill bo assisted in tbeao mee-
linga by Rev G o. L. Darker of
Salem N J.
Baptist RcTirnl
The evangelistic meetings which
began in tbo Baptist church last
week and which are conducted by
EvaugMliat Daly , are very well
attended. The house is well
filled each night and there seems to
bo a very good interest. 1'ho preach
ing of the evangelist ia not secta
rian , but ia a plain und practical
presentation of the gospel of salva-
tbnclean , honest and holy Clirstam
living Mr. Daly puta greater
stress on right living , than ho does
on any ttcctariau or theological theo-
riuH. The moetingH will continue
indefinitely. Mr. Daly will proaoh
cnoh night al 7 30 , except Saturday
niu'ht Next Sunday lit will proauh
at 11 a m. Al H p. m , ho will deliver
a npoeinj address to men only , to
which boys under 10 yoara old will
not bo admitted.
Nebraska's Electors Vlnlt Washington.
The presidential electors of
Nebraska , W. R Barton , Joseph
,1. L Linger , John L Kiiied.y
John F. Nepbit , Jacob JoluiKon ,
Andrew C. ChristonHon and Ed.
Royse visited Washington the lirat
of the week , carrying with them the
vote of thu elate on president and
vice president as provided by law.
The oltutorn ) wore cuoorted Monday
into the picsonueof the president of
the senate by Senator Thornton.
Gen. John C. Cowon of Omaha , and
CoiigresHiuan Burkelt when th y de
livered iho vote. Later they wont to
the White IIOIIHO , and were roooived
by thu prcaident. The entire party
lunched with Senator Thurston ,
the spread being laid in bin oom-
mitteu room at the oapitol. This ia
iho only instance of record where
Iho mnmbtrs of the committee have
accompanied their messenger.
Population of Cinder County.
Thu following gives the popula
tion of CtiHer county and ill minor
divisions , as shown by I ho twelfth
COIIHUH , taken June 1 1000 , com
pared with the population of 1890 :
IDCO 1800
T. Ul population nt Cu t r comity .10,7511 Ul.OTT
Algernon townrhlp , Including Maion
City t.'J'M is , j
VIMOII City vlllnt ! * ' -11
Ansley lowunhlp , Including Annley
VlllnKO U37 750
Al nlny Tllliit ; ' ) 4 8
Arnoldiortinhlp . . . . 04,1
Uurwyn tuwnohlp < , , . 7i2 use
Uroktn How township , luclaillnjt
llriikun llowclty ii.4.13 2,811)
llniuoii How clly.j 1,375 i.air
Ullfl township fM 6M
Custcr townililp 879 927
Delight Twu. IncliMllnK Cullaway . . HCU 1M
( Julluwuy vllliwu 409 234
Douglas OroTO townihlp. . . . . , . . HIS 7M
Klk creek township 8-)4 ) UJ2
lllm towuohlp 631 B73
( Jarflold townihlp < 60 B1U
Ornnt lo\Tn lil | > , 410 830
yt'B lownililp . IA9 tit
Kilfoll township , lucladlrg Munm. . 84
Morna Tilli . . .
UllUn township . fl'W
I-oup townitilp . 805 WT
Myrllo township . ( KM 741
Hhrcciit township , Including Sargent
Tlllago . . . . . . . . . . . 1,370 1 , 584
SlFRODt VlllllKO . -if )
Triumph tivrnihlp . 3)3 30
Victor ! * towiiBulp , Incluillng Annol-
movlllK . 730 I.10J
Anielmo vl.lnuu . . . . i . 14&
Wsyuo towiirhf | ) . . . 4(13 (
Wintorvlllo towiiBhlp . 714 BID
Wei > t Union townrhli . 099 730
Wood Hirer town ! il | . 8"J
Itodmoud la lloiuluil this Way.
Our people will bo pleased to
learn that the Redmond dramttiu
company will appear in Broken
How on Feb. 9. Mr. Redmond is
t'.iiri He.iaon pordticing "Prinuo Iluiii-
ire , " a high class comedy , and ia
mooting with great BIIUCOSH. The
company has appeared iu Broken
Bow a number of times and it is a
favorite with the people. Atudo
from the fml that Mr liedmond
ul way H carries a company of good
actors. It has been frequently com
mented on by our oHi/.unn that the
members of his company are all
ladies and gentlemen , others cannot
remain iu Ins employ.
Do you waul to buy a farm ?
How would you like thiri one ? 100
acres only 4 miles from Broken Bow
40 aoie.H pasture , 1 wire around east
ern quarter. Hydraulic well and
windmill , good sod benne , 3 rooms
uorncrib l'Jx21 ft. , granary 13x10 ft
Binder shed for two machines ,
board stable & IIOHOH , hog house ,
nod hen house and 95 acrea in cu'- '
livation $750 GO cas'i ' anb J450 00
on lime. Wo have a largo amount
of unimproved land aud wo can
sell you from ouo to six quarters
of land in one tract with well , wind *
mill , tanks and cistern.
The Broken Bow Dairy Co. will
hold their annual im-oling for the
election ot ollioort ) , Monday Febru
ary 4th , 1001 , at 2 o'clock p , m , , at
tbo court hoiiBO.
L. McUANUi.BBB , Seo'y.
You can save money by ordering
your reading imtter through iho
UKi'unuoAN. We can furnish you
nearly all iho papers and magazina.
ior let's ' than publishers prices ,