Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 17, 1901, Image 8

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    If a Woman
wants to put out n fire she doesn't
heap on oil and wood. She throws
on water.ktiowmc that waterquenches
fire. When a woman wants to get
well from diseases peculiar to her sex ,
she should not add fuel to the fire
already burning her life away. She
should not take worthless drugs and
potions composed of harmful narcot
ics and opiates. They do not check
the disease they do not cure It they
simply add fuel to the fire.
- Bradfleld's Female
Regulator should betaken
taken by every woman
or girl who has the
slightest suspicion of t
any of the nil- ti
ini-nts which nf-
f 11 c t women.
'I hey will simply
In' wnKluiK time
until llicv tnke It.
Thu Keeulittor Is
a purifying ,
strong th en In n
.tonic , which KCIS
'nt the roots of the
dispimi. ' mid cures
thocnuse It does not dmjr
the pain. It ermllcutcs it.
It stopt fill ling of the womb ,
leucoitliia. iiillatunuitlon
and pi-nodical HufTurliiK , ir-
reculm , > r.inty or pnlnful
mc-nsiruatioiij nniltiy dolnj ;
nil this drives iiwny the
imnilrvd nml one aches nnd
pnmfi which drain health
and beauty , Imppincns nnd
good temper from ninny u
woman's life. It In the ono
remedy above nil others
whuli every woman should
know about nnd use.
81.00 per lint Ilo
lit liny ilruj : More.
Send for our free
lllustrntcd book.
The 'Bnctft'ctct
Regulator Co. .
Iteadj Tunffim of Kuclnnd1 ! LaUit
Lord Chlnf Jugtloo.
One day ( a legal correspondent
writes ) before the late lord chief justice
took elclc. ho was slttlne in court ,
when au'otber barrister , loaning across
the benches during the hearing of n
trial for bigamy , whispered : "Russell ,
what's the extreme penalty for big
amy ? " "Two mothers-in-law , " in
stantly replied Hussell. On ono oc
casion Lord Russell wont to help the
Liberals lu a certain campaign. Ho
began his speech of set purpose with
eome very badly pronounced Scotch.
After the confusion caused by his ap
parent blunder had subsided , Sir
Charles Russell ( as ho was then ) cald :
"Gentlemen , I do not speak Scotch , but
I vote Scotch. " Tremendous applause
followed , whereupon Sir Charlea pro
ceeded "and 1 sometimes drink Scotch. "
With this his hold on the audlcnco was
secured. Although unrivaled In the
art of cross-examination ,
on ono oc
casion ho was dlstlncoly beaten by a
witness. "What Is your ago ? " ho
asked. "It is my age you arc asking ? "
replied the witness. "Yes , sir. Newspeak
speak up and ho exact. " "And he ex
act ! Well , of all the - " "Tho court
does not doslro to hear any comments
of yours. Tell the court your ago. "
"Woll , " said the man. "I celebrated
my twelfth birthday last week. "
"Don't trifle with the court , and remember -
member you are on oath. " "It's quite
true. I waa born ou February 29. In
leap year , and my birthday only comes
once in four years. " London Dally
AE of OyMor.
He who wishes may find out the ex-
ict ago of an oyster , though he has not
the tell-tale evidence In teeth. The
Mnes In the groove of the hlngo of the
shell tell the whole story , each line
representing a 'year. An oyster is of
ige nt1 year * that la , ho la old enough
to vote , take care of a family and go
to market. Going 'to market IB n dis
astrous undertaking , for a 4-year-old
oyster is particularly palatable. By
this It must not bo supponcd that after
an oyster has passed the four-layer
.period and has five , six , or < r en ton
wrinkles on his shell ho Is a back num
ber. Indet J , there are records of oys
ters being eaten Just after celebrating
their thirteenth birthday , and In most
cases they formed a delicious meal.
Thirty Is an unusual ago for an oyeter
to attain , because few are given an op
portunity to live so long. If left to
enjoy life in his own way , It Is quite
probable that the oyster would become
in octogenarian , or oven centenarian ,
Minneapolis Journal.
Tliurti is n vessel nailing under th
Turkish flag which Is manned entirely
by monks. It Is called the Holy Proph
et flja ( Elijah ) and Is of about 300 tons
burden. The captain Is a Joroinonach ,
a monk ranking higher than a friar
and all the sailors are expert seamen
M well as monks or brothers. The
pilot , Father IrakllJ ( Heracllus ) , haa
galled over all the oceans , having clr *
eumnavlgated the globe. The ontir *
crew speak both Russian and Greek
and service on ship alternates with
eorvlces In the little church In the fore
castle. One of the most curious slghU
connected with the ship Is that of the
monks In their religious costume *
climbing up the ratlines and out on th
jrardorm , reefing sails , and doing other
work aloft New York Tribune.
Them Atlnotlo
"There Isn't any truth in the Jokt
About colege graduates running street
cars , la there ? " asked the inrjulaltlvo
"No , " said the superintendent ot the
trolley line. "We tried two or three ot
them , but they would twlot the brabt
wfay Dfler p ' "i >
CANCERS from cancer J
Vi\EU Du'T. O'CONNOU cum
ctuceri , tumors ud wens ; no knife , blood o
plaster. Addreu 1806 0 ttreet , Lincoln , Nebr.
( Metlioa thU u per. ) Jin 3-2U
8iurKulmtlo Blmfcr , of U'eitorvlllo , Nolir. ,
Kiioay , January -ail , 11)01 ) , ot heart troulile and
droppy , ago S8 ysars , 8 montU mitl a cln > .
The duuoacjt'd WUH horn in Win-
nesliuolc uounty , Iowa. Ha moved
From tliero to Gentry county with
hiH parontH w.'jcn ' six yearn old , and
at the age of 21 was inatried to
Lizzie Gardner , daughter of T. C.
Glardnor of VVeetorvillo. Ho located
in Ouster oouuty in 1883 , near
VVcHtervilli' , whore ho lian ninoo
ived on IIIH hotnestuad. Ho had
boon niok for the past four yearn ,
but had not been confined to IIJH
hud until about three weeks bufoio
10 died , lie loavoH a wife , two boyn
and a girl , mother , four sisters and
ono brother of hid immidnto family
to mourn hie death , .At the ago of
ten IIIH father died and the support
of the family depended upon him ex
olunivoly until IIIH brother Albert
Jocamo old enough to assist him.
ilo made profession of religion in
1884 , iind has sifiuo boon a faithful
member of the M. E , ohuroh. Ho
expressed himself before his death ,
that ho was ready to go. " The
'uueral was hold last Sunday week
at 11 a. m. in the M. E. ohuroh , in
Westcrvillo , by Kov. J. Q. Hulburt ,
lie former pastor , and his remains
were laid to rout in the Wosterville
cemetery. Ilo loaves his wife and
children in good circumstances fi-
lancialy. He has a farm ol 200
acres well improved , well stocked ,
ind was out of debt. The REPUB
LICAN extends to the relatives the
sincere sympathy of the community.
Church Services.
Second Sunday after Epiphany ,
Jan. 20 10:45 : a.m. Morning serv
ice , Hormon on "The miracle at Ca-
uaof Galileo. " 12 m. , Sunday school ;
7:30 evening prayer. Subject of
sermon , "Tho Virgin Mother and thu
truth in Moriolatry" . A cordial
invitation is extended to all.
At the Christian church Jan 20.
Sunday school 10 n. m. ; church
fiervico 11 a. m.j Endeavor 0:30
p.m. Eleotoin of officers. A good
attondnuco is desired. Subject ot
evening discourse , "Historical
Authenticity of the Now Testa
ment. " A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all.
u. n ciiuucii.
liov. H. E. Myers will begin j
special eories of illustrated Her
inona at the U. 13. church next
Sunday night , Largo panoramic
paintings in oil and beautiful
colors will aid in presenting the
great themen to bo studied. Tin-
first subject will bo "Tho Creation. "
It will bo followed by studios in
the lives of the Patriarchs.
WicaTKiiviLLB , Nob. , Jan. 14 , 1901.
At the M. E , parsonage , Wcstor-
ville , on Saturday morning Jan. 13
at 10:30 : by Rev. U. E. Matthews ,
Harry F. Burnham and Maggie
May Copsoy were united in matri
mony. There wore present as wit
nesses the sister of the bride , Miss
Amy Copsoy and Mr. John Mills.
The bride has a largo circle of ac
quaintances and well wiehers , being
well known as the post mistress
at Weatorville. We understand
that the young * couple intend to
make their homo in Cherry county.
They carry with them to their now
bouio the respect and hearty good
wishes of all their ninny friends
and acquaintances.
At the homo of Peter M. Case ,
Woissort Nob. , on Sunday Jan. 18
at 12ra William R. Ward and Lulu
Alberta Barne were united in matri
mony by Rev. W. E Matthews.
Wm. Ward is the son of Uov. VV.
Ward , of Borwju , who is well
known as a preacher of the Church
of God.
The bride is the step daughter of
M. Case , who is n proaohor of the
M. E church. Thus oaoh of the
young people ocuio from the borne
of a preacher of the gospel , and
their union is consummated under
most favorable conditions. Surely
the prayers off those godly men
shall follow aud surround thorn ,
making theirs a happy home. The
revival meetings which begun at
Westcrvillo on Jan , 1st , were con
tinued on the 10th to 13th by the
Free Methodist District Conference ,
which met in the M. E , church ,
when soul stirring addresses wore
delivered by Rovs. Clawsou , Hawk ,
Dunkiu and othera. The pastor
continues the ( services on the 14th
assisted by his faithful , loving ear
nest people , whose efforti have al
ready lad several to seek a now
life , aud a number more to enquire
after the things of God. Rev. W.
G. Eeastman , of Lee Park , supplied
the pastors place at Wostorvillo M.
H ) church , to the delight of a largo
congregation on the evening of
Jan. 13th. Yours truly.
Pastor Wostorvillo M , E , ohuroh ,
Having bought the Htook formerly owned by A. Wallace ,
we have added a complete *
STOCK ; of
And are prepared to Holt aH CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST.
Butter and Hggs taken in Exchange.
Goods dolirerod to any part of thu city , Give UH a trial.
F. C. WonNALL , President. J. A. II Minis , Cnihler
A. J. ItOUEHTSON , Vice-Proa. W. D. IILACKWKLL , Ass't Cashier
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
Trausactfi a General Banking Business. County Claims and
WarrantB Bought.
Twentieth Century parmer
1st Prize , 81,000 Cash ,
2d Prize , $500 Cash ,
THE TWENTIETH OKNTUHT FARMKU In published by the Ben Publishing Company , of
Omaha , nnd la an nirrlcnlturul and family niBKHZlno ot nnuaiml merit. There nro departments fur
ovury member of tliu family , special artlcUs by men of known ropntatlon and Illustrations will tie n
prominent feature
Write for sample copy and auk for particular * concerning thu prUes I'rlco $1.00.
THE TWEN'JIKTH OENTUJtV FAllMliK aud tbu KEPUIILICAX will beseut to you one yr-ar
for 51.55. ( ftvery-w )
Published Won-
day , Wednesday
NEW ami Kflilay , la In
reality a fluetrend ,
every - other . day
Dally , giving thu
lult'Kt neweoudayH
of Untie , ml cd > cr
inp iiew of the
other three. It con
YORK talus all important
forrlgn cable IICWH
which appearx In
The Dally Tribune
of HIIIUC duto , alt-o
Domcttlc and For
eign Corretpoud-
enco , Short btorler ,
THI- Eli'Kant Half-tone
- Illustrations , Hu
morons Items , In
dustrlotiB Informa
tion , Fashion Noteg ,
Agricultural Mal
lei s and compro-
IhenMvo aud reli
WEEKLY able KlunncUl aud
.Market icporti.
tloa price , II 50 per
We furulrh it
THIBUISTE with the Uirunu-
CAN for fl.50 per
I'llbl i sh a il on
Thtirf a ay , a n < 1
HEW known for nearly
sixty years in every
part of the United
States as a National
Family Newspaper
uf the highest class ,
for fauncri and
villagers. It con
tains all the most
Important genera !
news of The Dally
YORK Tr buns up to the
hour of going to
pi ess , an Agricul
tural Department
of the highest or
der , has entertain
ing reading lor
every member of
the family , old and
young , Market He-
ports , which are : c-
WEEKLY cento * } as authority
by farmers ami
country merchant * ,
and la clean , tip-to-
ilata , Interesting
and Instructive.
Regular subscrip
tion price , 81.00 pur
We furnish
TRlBUttE with the ItEi'OBU-
CAN for $1.W p r
Send all orders to the REPUBLICAN , Broken Bow , Nebr.
Notice Is hew by given that a bnoclal election
if the quallCod electors of Arnold township , lu
unior county , and Btato of NebraaUa , will bo
old lu townnhlp , on the 10th day ot Febru
ary , A. U 1001 , tt the ununl voting phiccs In said
owiuhlp , the pcclal election b lng culled upon
a petition of At least flf ty treouolderH of eald Arn
old township , duly presented to the board of en-
purviiors , asking that the proposition heroin ,
after set forth be submitted to the legal voturs of
mild towuahlp , and at the Tegular mooting of said
ooard ot hupvrvliors , held on the 12th day of Jan
uary , A. D. , 1M1 , unlit board of supervisors , of
Unster county , state of Nebraska , by rvsolaUon
duly paired by said board and entered of record ,
did direct the calling of said special election to
[ > e held in laid Arnold township , on the 10th day
ot February , A. I ) . which spccliil election
there shall b submitted the following proposi
tion : "Shall township bouds of Arnold township ,
Ouster county , Nebraska , lu the sum ot slxty.four
Hundred collars , twelve (1'J ) bonda , in denomina I
tions of $500 each , aud one (1) bond In tho. denomi
nation ot four hundred dollar * , be lieued In aid of
the construction of the Oallawny , LoupVallev und
Northern Hallway , on th j line of Its survey , a
> hall bo sbowu by a plat of said survey to bo tiled
by said company or Ita authorliod aiicnt , for rec
ord la the oulco ol the county clerkof eatdOaater
county , at leaot two weeks prior to iho day tlxeil
herein for holding aald special eloctlou , showing
the exact line of ibe route across said township ,
and wbcu constructed not to vary more turn forty
roils lit any point from nald route. Said bonds to
ruu twenty year * frtiin the date of their issue , to
bo made payable to liearer , to draw interest at 6
par ceut per annum , pa/nblo ; annually , with lu
torcut coupons Attached , principal and Interest to
be payable at the fiscal agency of the state of No-
braekn , In the city of New York , lu the state of
Now York , and when so Issued , to bo placed with
the Merchants National llauk , of Omaha , Nebr. ,
lu escrow , upon Iho following conditions , to-wlf
To be delivered to thu 'sVado Construction Com
pany as soon as the track of eald railroad -hull be
completed from CalUway , in Ctmter comity , to
Arnold , lu rustor county , and a depot established
at Arnold. Nebraska , and upon the said line , and
not varying therefrom at any uolul more than
forty rods , such completion to be shown by the
certificate of the chief engineer of tne Callnuay ,
Loup Valley and Northern Kaltuay Company ,
filed with thu cleric of Maid Ouster county , aud to
levy a tax annually for the payment of the inn-r
est as tint name shall become due , and lu addi
tion tLurulo , lu the year A U. 1U11 , and auuually
thereafter for the per ! * ! ot nine yeari , to levy a
tax ot ten per cent ot the principal uui named in
said botuU , for thu payment ot the same when It
rhall become duo. "
Dated at Hrokeu Bow , Ouster county , elate ot
Wobraska , this 1'Jtt ) day of January , A. D. 1001.
ISriL.l J. 1) . Osiiouiw , County Clerk.
jaul7-U Uy U. W. lUim , Deputy.
Order on Hearing Petition for Administration.
Cuater County , I
At a session of the county coui-t , for the county
of Caster , holden at the county court room , in
llrokon llow , on the 12th day of January. 1601.
I'rcsont J. A. Armour , county judge. In the
matter of the estate \Vllllam ll'rcock. deceased.
On application by petition of Hannah It. Illnock ,
of Cliff , Nobr. , repiOBontlne among other things ,
that Wm. lllrcock , an Inhnbltant of said county ,
residing therein on thu i7th ! day of Coo. , A. D.
1000 , died Intestate , leaving estate to be admin
istered. That the potitltlouer la widow of said
deceaecd. and prays that administration ot said
deceased bo granted to her. U U ordered , that
said application be heard at the county court
room , at the court house , lu the city of Broken
llow , on the 2d day ot Fcbiuary , 1001 , at 10
o'clock a. in ItIs further ordered that
notice hareof bo given to all persons bv publica
tion of such notice ut loait three weeks succos-
alvely , previoua to the tlmo appointed , lu the
CUBIER COUNTY IttrouMOAN , weekly newspa
per published lu said county.
[ 8EAi. . | J. A AIIMOUB , Connty Judjto.
( True Copy ) Janl7-4t
team. Saves wear and
cvjicui-c. Sold every AV he re
Wm. F.
. . Hopkins ,
Plant aud tipaclacatlous on ( hort notice. Ma
terial tut nldiod and bnlldlugg completed obeaior )
than any man lu the state. Satisfaction guaran
teed at to pUns ana speclflcattons.
Gleason's Horse Book ,
The Prince of American Union Trainers.
The Farm and Fireside ,
In order to introduce them to our roaddrn , the publishers of the
above book and paper have made us a proposition which enables us
to make the decidedly liberal offer outlined below. Bo sure to
read it.
Professor Qleneon 1ms no equH aa a lioree-tralner , and hifl book , like its
author , bnflles rompnriBon. PeopiO nBecmbln In great numbers to see his
publla exhibitions. His powur over vicious horses Is marvelous.
In his book ho telle In plain , strniKht-forwurd language juet how to pro
ceed in dlfllcult cased with obstlrnte nnluials , nnd what mennq will bring
BUCOPBB. The numerous Illustrations roalte it ImpoBaible to misunderstand
how to construct hie appliances , nnd clo&rly show how they nro to be used.
No kind of 111-behavior or disease that nffects the horse la overlooked. The
book Is replete from covpr to cover with Valuable information that the nuthor
has been yiwra In compiling. As n result the UNITED STATES GOVERN
MENT IIBR Rreatly honored Profea or Olenpon by adapting his book as the
HKCOGN1ZKD AUTHORITY In the cnre and control of the horses in the
United Status cavalry. The book contains over r-
4oo Pages , 300 Special Drawings
No more practical work thnn GLEASON'S HORSE BOOK could be ob
tained by the farmer. The Information It oontnlns'may be tno menna of sav
ing its owner Several Hundred Dollars within n Yenr.
A Synopsis of the Book's Contents.
History of the horse , educating the horse touching hoisca tricks , how to
buy , how to feed , water nnd rnorn , breeding nnd raising horses , breaking
and tamiug vicious horsey , methodR of detecting uneouudnuBB , the teeth ,
horseshoeing , diseases of the horf-e.
This valuable book , in cloth binding , was originally sold by agents at $2 00
a copy but our arrangement with the publishers enables UB to offer a special
premium edition Free to Our Subscribers old and now alike.
IB the monarch of the world1 * rnrftl press. It hag
. over 310,000 Bnlxcrluors U is issued tvvlco a month ,
and give * " 0 to VM jinire ? each l-t ( > ue , each pngo 11x10 inches Itf contrlbutiirs on. ugricultiiral
iiabjccts are the bcbt in the land In thu course uf a year every feature or larmlni ; receives at
tention. The Kircslde" part of thu paper IB devoted to the Interests nnd entertainment of
the fanner's wife and family. Thorc are iiceliunt short and serial stories , cat paper patterns ,
inw receipts for cooking , canning f rnlt , and tliaaly articles on home topics. Numerous illtu-
tratlons arts ueed.
- $1.35.
OLEASON'S IIO SK HOOK , Sold by Agents nt . ' BJ 00
FAKM AND FlltKSIDE. Yearly Subscription Price so
CUbTEH COUNTY UEFUUUCAN , Yearly Subscription Price l QQ
Total Value ot All Threo. . . . , , 3 50
In order to take advantage of this offer , old eubjcrtbera to the REPUBLICAN
must bftlaneo all unpaid accounts , ami accompany tnuir renewals with cash in
advance. Don't delay , but send in your order ut ODCD. Address
Broken Bow , Nebr.