Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 17, 1901, Image 7

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    First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro , Ga. , nnd Its Pastor and Elder ,
The day was when men of promi
nence hesitated to give their testimoni
als to proprietary medicines for publi
cation. This remains true today of
most proprietary medicines. But Pe-
runa has become so Justly famous , its
merits arc known to so many people of
high and low stations , that no one
hesitates to see his name in print
recommending Pcruna.
The highest men in our nation have
given Peruna a strong endorsement.
Men representing all classes and sta
tions are equally represented.
A dignified representative of the
Presbyterian church In the person of
Rev. E. O. Smith does not hesitate testate
state publicly that ho has used Peruna
in his family and found It cured when
other remedies failed. In this state
ment the Rov. Smith Is supported by
an elder in his church.
Rov. E. G. Smith , pastor of the Pres
byterian church of Greensboro , Ga. ,
writes :
"Having used Peruna in my family
for some time it gives me pleasure to
testify to its true worth. My little boy
Bovcn years of age had been suffering
for some time with catarrh of the lower
bowels. Other remedies had failed , but
The Stoddard Iltas-
This work lias hail nn enormous snlo ;
sold ou easy payments.
Geo. L. Shuman & Co.
315 Dearborn
MSuccessfully Prosecutes Claims ,
I I > nt Prlnrlual Ex&tnlnar U 8. Pension liuronu.
1 'J Yin m civil or. 15 uiUutlltutmi : claim * , utty Blurb
after taking two bottles of Peruna the
trouble almost entirely disappeared.
For this special malady I consider It
well nigh a specific. As a tonic for
weak and worn ouUpeople It has few erne
no equals. " Rev. E. G. Smith.
Mr. M. J. Rossman.a prominent mer
chant of Greensboro , Ga. , and an older
in the Presbyterian church of that
place , has used Peruna.and in a recent
letter to The Poruna Medicine Co. . of
Columbus , Ohio , writes as follows :
"For a long time I was troubled with
catarrh of the kidneys and tried
many remedies , nil of which gave mo
no relief. Peruna was recommended to
me by several friends , and after using
a few bottles I am pleased to say that
the long looked for relief was found
and I am now enjoying better health
than I have for years , and can heartily
recommend Peruna to all similarly af
flicted. It is certainly a grand medi
cine. " M. J. Rossman.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Pc
runa , write at once to Dr. Hartman ,
giving a full statement of your case
and ho will bo pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman , President of
the Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus.O.
Sleep with the window slightly open
and you will awake brisk.
$148 will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments. Write for catalogues.
Schmoller & Mueller , 1313 Farnam
street , Omaha.
A man isn't necessarily a gardener
because he Is able to remove a widow's
Don't Got Footsnru ! < ; ot FOOT-KASK.
A certain cure for Swollen , Smart
ing , Burning , Sweating Feet , Corns
and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-
Ease , a powder. Cures Frost-bites and
Chilblains. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted , LcRoy , N. Y.
Girls should keep their chins up
when they walk.
Take a light meal only before net
ting out on u bicycle.
Ank your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 1C oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-ccnt starch con
tains only 1oz. . Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
Drown paper under the carpet makes
the carpet wear well.
rnri' . worry and mnlcty whiten the Imlr too cnrljr.
Ilcill'W II Wllll 1'AHHHI * II UH 1UHAM.
UlMiEiuousa. the lottcuio for corn * , ljct .
Palms require llttlo water , but their
leaves must be washed.
There is more Catiirrh. in tills srcllon of the
country tliun nil othrr iltsciihus put tcnruther ,
nnd until the last T.'W year * wns supposed to be
Incurable. Kor n incut intiny years doctors pro
nounced It n locul ( UsoiiHv , niul pro > -ilrlbe < l local
remedied , ami by constantly falllntf to euro
with local treatment , pronounced It Incurable
Selenco lias proven catarrh to bo n constitu
tional disease. , and tbcreforo requires consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. . Toledo , Ohio.
Is the only constitutional euro on thu innrkct.
It Is taken Intornully hi doses from 10 drops to
teaspoonful. It nets directly upon the blood
nflil mucous surfaces of the system. They offer
ono hundred dollars for any caw It falls to cure.
Send for cltcularsaml testimonials. Address
F. J. CHKKUV & CO. , Toledo , Ohio.
Soli ! by DrnitKtstN , 'So.
Hall's Family I'llls nro the best.
A raw egg swallowed will detach a
fish-bone In the throat.
You Con ( Jet Allen's Foot-Knuo Free.
Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy
Roy , N. Y. , for a FREE sample of
Allen's Foot-Easo , a powder. It cures
sweating , damp , swollen , aching feet.
Makes now or tight shoes easy. A cer
tain euro for Chilblains and Frost-bites.
At all druggists and shoo ctorcs ; 2Gc.
The sufficiency of merit Is to know
that my merit Is not sufficient.
Take . \XATlVEllllOMk. . QUlNINK.TAni.KTS. All
IrupKlits refund the money If It falls to cure.
K. W. drovo'.s Mtfuaturo Is on the box. Ste.
After eating onions munch n sprig
of parsley dipped In vinegar.
The beneficial results of Garflolfl Tc.-x
upon the system nr < > apparent after a few
days ' use : THE COMPLEXION IS
Candles and soap improve by keep
ing , and last a long time when used.
Each package of PUTNAM FADE
LESS DYE colors more goods than any
other dye and colors them better , too.
Oil of clothes will often cure an
aching tooth.
I do not believe Plso's Cure for Consumption
has nn equal for COUKDB and colds. JOUN F
IJoTEii. Trinity Springs. Ind. . Feb. IS. 1000.
Daily exercise with light dumbbells
coures round backs.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 1C oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
Ink spilt on the carpet Is removable
with milk.
T7n puy SIB n Woelc
anil eTpentes to ineu with rliis to Introdnee our
I'oiiLinv CojirouxD. JAVKLLE Mm. Co. , Dei't. L > ,
Powder clogs the per > s of the skin
and renders the face course.
The stomach has to work hard , grinding the
food we crowd Into It. Make Ita work easy by
ehowlnn Ueenmn's Pepsin Guin.
White of egg beaten up In coffee
acts as cream.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 1C oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
No matter how pleasant your surroundings ,
health , good health , is the foundation for en
joyment. Bowel trouble causes more aches and
pains than all other diseases together , and when
you get a good dose of bilious bile coursing
through the blood life's a. hell on earth. Millions
of people are doctoring for chronic ailments that
started with bad bowels , and they will never
get better till the bowels arc right. You know
how it is you neglect get irregular first
suffer with a slight headache bad taste in the
mouth mornings , and general "all gone" feeling
during the day keep on going from bad to
worse untill the suffering becomes awful , life
loses its charms , and there is many a one that
has been driven to suicidal relief. Educate your
bowels with CASCARETS. Don't neglect the
slightest irregularity. See that you have onr
natural , easy movement each day. CASCA
RETS tone the bowels make them strong
and after you have used them once you will
wonder why it is that you have ever been
without them. You will find all other disorders
your commence to get better at once , and soon
you will be well by taking
25c. 50c ,
IioivoL trouble * , nppeniltrltln , Till-
Eall , bncl breath , bad lilooil , wind
on tlio Rtomuch , bloated bo\vnln , foul
mouth , Iiandache. ludlzentloit , ] > lmplc ,
pain * utter eating , llvor trouble , n.fiow complexion
uud dlzzliiosft.VlKiii your bowel * don't niovo recu-
larlj- you nro RottlntHick. . Coimtlputlou Ulllw moro
people Hum all other dlvouafa together. It \ a
tarter Tor the chroulo ullmentv nnd long year * of
BiifTbrtnz C at coiiin urtorwnrdii. No matter what
alia you , utart talcing CASOAUIiTS to-day , for you
will never get Well and bo well ull the tlmo until
you put your bowolH rluht. Take our udvlcct Bturt
xvltli CAbCAUKTS to-day , under on absolute guar
antee to euro or mouoy refunded.
TOCTTltEi Flvn ycnr ago
tlin flnt box of ( : A1SCAR-
irrs wui mid , NOW it I *
over > lx million hoxui M
yrnr , grreutnr tliun any
tmtlar uiriltaliic In tlio world , ThU I. iilxolnte proof of
frreut merit , nnil nor licit trrtlnjonlul. AVr have faith nnd
Mill ell t'AHC'AJCin'M iiTxolulrly gnnrnntced to euro or
money refunded , 3o buy today , two flOe lioxe * , ( jive them n
tUIr , uoneit trial , in prr ilmjile direction * , unit If you nro
not utliflvd * nflrruvltiv one aOobox. return the n
box and the empty box to ni by mall , or thn drncfflit from
whom yon t > renn ed It , and vet your money lm k for hotl )
boxei. Tuko our udvlct no nintlnr what iMli , you
day , IlealtU will quickly follow nnd you will bleu tuo duy
yaiiflr > ttartrdthoii orASUAllKTH. Honk free by mall.
United States Will Not Press Proposition
to Separata Negotiations.
Action Taken on Act-out of Opposition of
Sovcrnl foreign 1'nwiTB m-rllii tlio
Uliluf Objfotoi 1'liui to llreiik louil-
lock nt I'oliIn.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. The prop
osition submitted by tbo president to
transfer the negotiation of tlio ques
tions of Inilomnlty mitl revision of
rommorclnl treaties to some other
plnco than PeUln wna designed to fa-
c-nitate the conclusion of the Chinese
negotiations as a whole by separating
these still rotiulrlng considerable de
liberation from these already deter
mined. As some of the powers do not
look with favor upon the separation
and others hesitate to decide the
question , the president has doomed It
advisable to direct the diplomatic rep
resentatives of the United States to
cease to press the proposition.
At the same time , desiring above all
else to avoid delay In the progress of
the negotiations , the president has di
rected Mr. Conger to urge forward
their completion at Pekln. The other
governments have also been urgently
requested to avoid all unnecessary delay -
lay In completing the settlement of the
Chinese question.
The foregoing gives in authoritative
form the Important action determined
upon and carried out today. As spe
cifically stated , the action was brought
about because KOIDO of the powers did
not look with favor upon the proposal ,
while others hold back In giving their
decision. < Under theo circumstances
It was manifest to the olllclals hero
that unity of action was Impossible ,
nnd as long a'a even ono power de
clined to accept the proposition , there
could be no effective agreement for re
moving these two subjects of negotia
tion frum Pokin. It Is understood
that the action just taken does not In
volve the slightest feeling of disfavor
toward those powers which viewed the
matter unfavorably or hold back In
giving their decision. Doth the presi
dent and Secretary Hay acted on the
suggestion of Mr. Conger In the hope
that this might offer a means of'breaU-
Ing the apparent deadlock at Pokin
and open the wuy to a final adjust
ment. Now that this phase of the ne
gotiation Is closed , the ollldalB huro
feel that It would be ungracious to
disclose met what powers did not look
with favor upon their plan and they
decline to confirm the current spec
ulation to the effect that considerable
of the opposition has come from Her-
lln. The instructions to Mr. Conger
to urge forward the completion of the
negotiations at Pekln wore forwarded
late in the day. Mr. Conger was not
heard from during the day.
PARIS , Jan. 11. The correspondent
of the Associated Press learns on good
authority that the suggestion of the
government of the United States to
change the scat of the Chinese nego
tiations from Pokin to Washington
will bo declined by the powers.
It was added that this point was In
significant as compared witri the dltll-
cultles to bet mot with between the
powers themselves , whose clashing , in
terests will have full play In the com
ing discussions. The United States'
proposal to shift the seat of the nego
tiations finds no favor In the European -
poan chancellories.
'Money WiintH it Hinull Army.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 10.
Senator Money today Introduced an
amendment Into the army bill limit
ing its operations to the time between
now and July 1 next and providing
that after the latter date the army
shall bo restored to its size prcviouw
to 1898 , except the artillery arm ,
whore the hicioase Is to be main
Hiilr Aipircnt ; CluiNtlHril.
SHANGHAI , Jan. 11. Liu Kan Yl ,
viceroy of Nankin , has mcmorall/.ed
Emperor Kwang Su to abolish the dis
tinction between Manchus and Chi
Sen We Pao , heir apparent , was giv
en forty bamboo strokes for not paying
duo respect to the emperor. The em
press dowager acqulesed In the pun
Dcrlurn .Joint Niilu Sl
PARIS , Jan. 11. As a result of In
quiries In authoritative quarters tlio
Associated Press IH given the following
statement in regard to the Chinese
situation :
The Chinese plenipotentiaries _ Blgned
the Joint note yesterday , thus conclud
ing the preliminary stage of the ne
Til us AnifiHlniLMit Valid ,
SIOUX CITY , la. , Jan. 11. Judge
Hutchinson , Bitting in a Cherokee
county case involving the validity of
the Titus amendment holds that the
amendment was properly adopted , that
it Is valid , ami that further , the of
ficers elected at the lost general elec
tion are entitled to take their seats
under It.
This sustains the new amendment to
its fullest extent.
1'rrnlcleiit IK Itrttcir.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. At 11
o'clock this morning Secretary Cortel-
you said that the president had Imd
a good night and was distinctly bet
ter. No complications of any kind
have developed and everything is
progressing satisfactorily.
Drittli for KlilimporH.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Jan. 11. The
sixth second general assembly of Indi
ana convened at the state capital to
day. The feature of the first session
was the farewell message of Governor
Mount. The mossagn says of kidnap
ing : "Whom Dm kidnapers have no
legal or blood claim , where the abduc
tion Is for ransom or for any other
unlawful purpose , it should bo made
in extreme cases punishable by death
or Imprisonment for life. "
Governor-elect Uurbln ( republican )
will be inaugurated next Monday.
Took tiio O.itli on it Directory , i
The perfunctory manner In which
witnesses are sworn in English courts
was illustrated recently In a Ixmdon
court after some twenty wltneoscs had
given their evidence. It was then dis
covered that1 all had solemnly sworn
on and kissed a guide to the law of
landlord and tenant. The mistake
came to light only when a court offi
cial saw that the supposed bible was
much more clean than usual , and , as !
a consequence , looked closely nt the
Ask your grocer for DEPIANCR
STAHCH , the only 10 or. , package for
10 cents. All other 10-ceiu starch1 con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
Al Act ho us K\or lit lit.
A story comes from Lancashire , Eng
land , of an old women In her 91st year
who acts as parish clerk , attending all
weddings , I'hrlatcnlngH nnd funerals ,
keeps the church In order , substitutes
for church warden In taking the col
lection when that ofllclal Is absent , and
has even acted as organ blower and
bellrlngcr on occasion.
( MNKi It In of Inestimable value In nil
ciiflpM of stonmoli , llvor , kidney niul tmwol
disorders ; It piomotcs 11 healthy action of
all tlieso organs.
White of egg brushed over morocco
leather freshens It.
[ §
is R ;
ti Cold Agony |
: § Pain Intensified by
5 cold lr uubcarnblc.
= 5c 3j
In winter must seek
i Jacobs Oil I
for the purest relief
nnd prompted cure.
Cold Water makes the eyes look
bright and keeps them strong.
High-heeled boots nro known to cauao
spinal trouble.
And light dressings of CUTICURA , purest of
emollient skin cures. This treatment at once
stops falling hair , removes crusts , scales , and
dandruff soothes irritated '
, , itching surfaces ,
stimulates the hair follicles , supplies the roots
with energy and nourishment , and makes the
hair grow upon a sweet , wholesome , healthy
scalp v/heti all else fails.
Assisted by Ct'TiccnA OINTMKNT , for preserving , purifying , and beautify
ing the skin , for cleansing the scalp of crusts , scales , and dandruff , and tlio
stopping of falling Imlr , for poftenlng , whitening , and healing red , rough ,
and sore hands , for baby rashes , Rollings , and clmflngs , and for all the pur
poses of the toilet , bath , and nursery. Millions of Women use CUTICURA
EOAI > in the form of baths for annoying irritations , inflammations , and
Ixcorlatlons , for too free or offensive perspiration , In the form of washes for
ulccratlvo weaknesses , and for many antiseptic purposes which readily sug
gest themselves to women and mothers , j , No amount of persuasion cart
Induce these who have once used tlieso great skin purifiers and bcautlflera ,
to use any ethers. CUTICUIIA SoAi1 combines delicate emollient propertlea
derived from CuTicuiiA , the great skin cure , with the purest of cleansln'g
ingredients , and the most refreshing of flower odors. No other medicated
soap Is to bo compared with it for preserving , purifying , ant } beautifying
the skin , ficnlp , hair , and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap , !
however expensive , ia to be compared with it for all the purposes of the
toilet , bath , and nursery. Thus it combines , In ONK SOAP at ONE PRICE , )
viz. : TWENTY-FIVE CENTS , the IIKST uldn and complexion eoap , the ?
DEST toilet , NEST baby soap in the world. " |
Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor ?
Corulitlne of CUTICUIU Hoip ( J6c. ) , to eleanie tbo > kln of cruiU and
eaten RDU toft u the thickened cutlcU ; CUTICUIIA OINTMENT ( Mo. ) .
( IMicura to ln > t ntly nllay Itching , Inflammation , and IrrlUUlon , and lootho ana
bnl j and Ctmcuiu RIBOLTINT ( Mo. ) , to cool nnd clcanio the blood.
* > tir > < ti-v , ABinaLE8sTl ofuniufnclenttoeur8thomoittorturlDdl flgurln ,
THF > FT 11 9h J e iln .burnliiif.anJie lTtk naealp1iinJbljodhumgr lw hlo SOl
.1111. OLI ) 4 > li J Lair , when all eUo fall * . Bold throughout tbo world.