| r BEGIN TO Tlio Nebraska Lcgisluturo Settling Down to Active Work , A RCCORDOF THE TWO HOUSES Bon.tte ComrnUtiiM llmo Horn An- tounroil nml Those of tlin Ilonito Will Soon lie IV.ithcomliii : imlly Dolnpiof llotli ISrnnclict. i \Vucn HIP house adjourned on the 7th tlie republican members went into caucus to consider the report of the vommlttcp on standing committees , iwhlch will bo made lo the senate. Following Is the full list of eoimnltteo noloctlons : . . JurJIcl.try-UnlilrlBf. oJiuirinnn : w \oiniK CiiiuiiHf. owi-iiH. oioHon , nuiiiin. .VanHoxltlrU Iltinsoin. rinancc , WnyH nnil M V'ns ' , AromlH xii , . | , O'NeUlV''uii" ' ' ' ' ' ' WMo 'uii" " ' ) . . , 1'ulillo LandH ' " "I Huiidiiih ! ' " . , ' ! . ' rhalrrniin YOUIIK. ' " " l'l > ' ' " ' ; 'l\r" \ ' , . : . , lot , Owens. Bteolc. Lymmi. Krl . ' . "Vllnmir \ v 'S rc urr:1 , : : : : - ; , Ilrl.lB . nnd Von , clmlriuaii : Nuwcll , lclL Kriimlmek. m..u run In Acr-ountH anil ' xl''nimV1r ' - , M1V chalnntin ; Olcson , llurlun ; , Martin , lit- nnd Counlr noy. clinlinmn. Ituiwom , I'nnfihnl. VatiH'iHklilt. , Mllilnry AITnlrSirrlc , phalriniin , cll. CromiHC , Mol'urucr ( ' ( ' ' , . , M\ii.lol.iH . | AffulrH Idiilan. ' ' " r. UnWrlBO , O'Ni-IH. K < lBur , Wooa t nliol m. intonml liniirovoriipiitfi-IU-rlot imir man. Allun. Urounsc. Mel ' , . ? io' Hctiool , inn < lM uiul ' ' " " "i8" ' Rhalriimn ; Trmipen , AronilB. IVlSOlml . McCartcr , PrlntliiK-KdB.ir , chnlnnan ; Wcwoll , O'Neill. Cninpboll. , . , . . , . . . I < abnr-.Stc lc , ulmlrinunurrlc : < ! , Hur- JI1 , YOIIIII. , IIOllU'CH. , . luilucatinnal-Allrn , plmlrnmn ; VniiUos- l < lrlc. lliirlnn , t'uriloI'lKU'r. . , , . Mhrnry-youiiK , chiilrmunnnlloa ; JilrU.JIarliin , Troniix'ii. I'l'11" " ' ; 'OlnJmH-OI 0" . chalriimn : " cnr. Martin. Cummin * . MuC'iirKi . Hanks anil Curi-uncy-frouiijti- . n.un . , iM-lct , O'Notll , , Mnrtln , Mty'd'th. ( , lvo Htoclc tuiU ' * - " ohnUiimn , Ciurlc , Troi-mnn ° nManufnclnrrH nnd nor , chrj.-nmii ; O'NoIII , 'Wuo ' ClinrlllM-Mnrtln chalrnan Nowoll. Btcolu. IlnUBCJt. t'l < \l IJ. Corporations - - c1mirmunr"AUon. IJiilrtrliio , Martin , O'NoIII. Arcncls. Cinniiliull. University uiul Noriniil 8cJools-O ; - Nolll , chalriiiiinj llulilrliro. Allen , Owcna , Mcro- Constitutional Aineniiinoni" " - : cVul ItolatloitB-YouiiK. c m rmiin , , I i ' ilrlKO , Ci-ounso. Mnrtln. OwenH , Oleson. "SlalTiTteon-Trompcn. clmlrman ; Olo- aun. ArondM , VnnHosklrk , KrjiiiiiHicK. Mivilciil aoclctlcH Newell , chairman , Mlllor. cVouiiHC. 0'Ndll. - ' , { f,1,1- tlmlr. inn 'lUu ittirMartliii ! OompbcllVooatln - iiovnnuc Miirtln clmlrmnn : KilRiir , purrTc. Youiw , , Owenu , Wooatlnholm , / - , chalnnnn : K < | Bnr , nnUlrlKO , ArcndH , Stcolc , VunUoskltK , Currlo. Allen. Mnroclctli. , . . Hiirolllntf Mi l UiiBruvliiB 1 "H-NeWe H , clmlrmnn ; McCarRcr. OluHiin , Jlailan , I'M- K r. HndKCM , Holnler. . . Immlsnitlon-GuiTlo. clmlrnmnf Htrlcl , NttWOU , PftHClllll. l.lllllCll. Solillcrs1 llomc-KilKnr. i rlmlrman ' P. CromiHP. Nowi'll. jjymnn. . icc-O'Ni'lll. clmlrnmn ; irnrlati r. OIVUIIH , llultlrlno. , , , _ clialnnnn ViiiiHoH IrrlBHtlon-Owuii . ; kirk. CiiiTlc , Allen , Tronipim , Mill" . ' 'Cnitofonn School , InHlltutc for Foolilo Mliulcd nnd Homo for ' 'j11'1'1111-1,1 : ' ' " * O'NoIII , ItuutlUB , , IHIU chairman ; Kdgur , A1Jimuto ! Ilosjillnls ArondH , clmlrnmn ; nuldrltio. OlrHon. O'Neill. CuminUm. HcnfV bnmb nnil UHml Asylunm-llul- tlrlno , chalriimn ; ArcndH , Owennounir , Mninna MlnlnB-HnnHom , ( Imlnimn ; Mori-ilnth , Mddoll. Wubbi-r. Cnmpbi'H , noutliiB. PHnuy. IIodKCH. l.yiimn. Oum- inlnH. Mllli-r , 1'nHclml. U'ooslliiliolmolB - lor , iCruinliiick. , . r4uw Coinmlttco Ajnortloiuncnt Vun- llosklrlt. chairman ; "nldfle. " . ° vnit- ; " ! ' rlo. Oil-won , Martin. O'Nefll , Alien , ) lnr- " Coinmlttccs-SaviiBe. clmlr- iimti ; ArcndB , Allen. YUUIIB , Owens. Ual- Urlijc. VniiUoHklrk. KiiloH llurlun , chairman ; Martin , OwenB. irOUSH STANUINO COMMITTKKS. Speaker Scars on the 8th auuonncod the appointment ot the following standing committees. Medical Societies , Sunday T.IIW.I nml KcKulutlonH llutliorni1. chairman : 1-uwi- r ; Bahdnll , Wliltmoro , Coffee ; , Tanner. Ju'dtolary-McCnrtby , clmlrman : I-ane. Powlor. Wliltmoro , Marshall. Ill-own of Oloe Cftln , l-ioomls. Kdwonnon , Uchty. ' nee. Way und .MeiuiH l.uno , chulr- tiiHtt ! Crl.isey. Urown ot Kunms _ , Arm HtrotiK. Wilkinson , hnllln , Mciul. Tcfft , Jordan. Wurlntr. Grcll. , AKHonlture llllibert. ulmlrman. 1-Ved- orlcKS. IJoetlie. llrodurlck , llohwer , Vuii- dorjfrlft , Wixtfion. HmUhherKor ! Hull , Jlroilorluk. CooUui-y' tlei-H. 1'ersliiEfr. Mllltlft-Hiill. clmlnmin : Ijillln , Au- drowH , McCoy , Shollhurn , ! rcdorlok , Hproclier , lloiiMiiliolder. Hoy. VubUo LiuidH mid HulldliiKS Cornocr , clmlnnun : Andrews , lliimpliruy , Twwil. Harrl ' KretlerlekH. lllliliert , lOvuna , Jou- vetwt , Muiiilcnhull , Wilkinson , Coppoc Jordan. Slilnslock , Inteninl linprtivemontH Wenzcl , clmlr inun ; Cornccr. llumiiliroy , Horlon. lU-iim aiHhwollcr , Titylor. Keilcrnl Helutlona-Horton. rhnlrmnn Warner. Wliltmoro , McCoy , Hunter JKiiKroSH l uiul'enrolled IllllH-Marslinll , clialrnmn ; Jouvenat. Uhl , Scott , Mciulen- j liull , Oiiwiio , OlllH. Murray , Tannor. AocounlH anil lOxpondltui-cs StHn- inoyor , chairman ; Andrews. Claww. Jiaiie. nuresli. Wonzcl , llcilinun , Uoyd , CoiislltntloniU Ami'tidincnts Fowler , chairman ; McCarthy , llnrtuii. KVIUIH , Jlrown ot KunuiH. CrlHwqy. Armstrong. WatHon , I-'ollrirs , Iliiwxliy , HunHs. County Uoundarles. County HvutH and Towns ! ' ! ! ' OrRunlzallon KVIUIH , clialr- iiian : Uroderlok , llohwer , llmi-sh. llela- iior , Jonvcinit , HtocUwell , Hunter. lln'llroUds-'SinlthlorKer ' > chiilunnn ; An- drowtf. SWRIISOII. Stetnmoyer , McCoy , llnr- t'Hh. Tweed , Hcott , Cain. MeCurlhy , .Humphrey , 1'croliiBer , Hedinun , llouller , Ponltentlfirlcs Tweed , clialrmnn ; Uhl , fjowo , KVIUIH. Hcott , Uulloffly , IJlerslin - incnnnn , CnHilns. Insane HoHpltnlu Ouwnc , cluilrman ; fltolninoj'jr. Tofft. Wilkinson , Wllcox. Wriltinoro , Ilodmun , OlllH. Cooksey. Other AHyluniB HiiroBh. ehulnnun ; Hlh- Jiort. WllUliihon , Mullln , Olson , Urown of Otoo , 'Boyd , Kuller. AnderHon , .Tnhmion. "Coriorutlons Annstrone. chalrinun ; Powler , McCoy , Ijallln , Mend , " Cltlfri nnrt TOWIIH McCoy , clmlrmnn ; Fowler , Inline , SiKiicer , Hunt , Wulrsun , I.tbrary BeeUly , clmlrnmn : Warner , Marfltmll , McCarthy , l-'owlc-r , Hawxby , Taylor. Hanks nnd Currency Cnln. clmlrmnn ; flwanHOii. Jouvenut , l.owe , Ml.skell mockwell , WurliiB. Public Bcliools Droderlck , chulrinan ; MUkell. Wllklnaoti , Kowler , Stelnmeyer , Crocket , ThumsBcn. Hpousi'holder. Oiilverslty and Normal SchoolH Wur- aer , chftlrnuin ; Urodporlck , Huilionie , ArniHtroiiR , MitrHlutll , 8)icncar , Onwnr , Jlcull , V.linmcrnr. rulillc 1'ilnlliiK ttlil. clmlrmnn : l.nllln , HnrrlH , Ijiiwc * , Olson , WllkltiRou , Miimiy , Tanner , Hpronher. Mint's and MliicrnlH Hamilton ( fusion ) chairman ; Jordan , HoiiHrlioldpr , Amlcr- HOII , HhltiHtofk , Ffllnra , Hunt. IintnlKralliinItohwr.r , clmlrmnn : lix'iuia , Mookott , Hflxner Olwon , IJrown of Otoc , Hcckor , FellnrH , Thomsson , OlllH. Andcr- HOII. Manufacture nnd C'onipmnrcp Mlskrll , nlmtt-ninn ; lnrf > Hli. Mead , Tweed , Cop- lioo , DnhlHtiMi , Xlnimiirmun. School hands and I > 'nnd8 Sncncr-r , clmlr man StnltlilierKer , Hoodie , Crlni.-y , Shell- li ni , Walker , KdinoiiHon , Shlnslock , ( .Jrell. MlHcollaneoiiM Ruhjcctx - - Fredorlckfl , hnlrman. llrown nf Fiirnns , Mr > ndi > nhnli , Snmlall , C'nrnppr. aiHhweltcr. Kiiveny. Clnlnips Wllcox. ohalnii.in : Hwanson. Cain. WpMstel , Marshall. Mm-kMt , TpfTt , Kavony. Crockett , Houllpr , Fuller. l.lvc Stock and OrazliiR Iiplsm-r , t-linlr- nnn : Keokly , Stnlthhi-rRiT. OiilloRly , Ilnr- IH , Sandal ) , ICuvony , Jlainllton , Stock- well. Ilevonuo and TaxationMorkett , chnlr- nan : Jouvonut , Hall , Warner , Scott , I'pfft. ArniHtronif , Crolf , Jhintur , Co\ip \ * > c , hoomls , Johnson. li'lnh ami Gnnie OalloKly. plmlrman ; Ituhwcr , Huthorno , MocUett , Jouvunat , "oppoc , l ichty. Insuranre I.allln , plmlrrniin ; Hrowrr nf Otoo , McCoy. Sinlthhewr. Mi'Hcrtt , Crls- sey , Btookwcll , lloall , Thomssen. Apportlomnont Ilrown of Oloo. chalr- .niin ; CiulloRly , Swanson. Mvnns. Jouvenut , Urown of Furiins Jlpmlcnlmll , Mlskell , Fowler , Lime , Mead , Sroch | r , Jamison , Cooksoy , C'nlkltiB. Hcnovolont JnstltiitlonB Urown of 1-tir- niiH , chairman : Ainlrows. Fowlur , Hortoti , Mullen , Walker. Xlniinerttiun. lltlles Mr. Speaker , clmlrmnn : Mc- 'iirthy ' , ljun > , Andrews , l.nllln , Hamilton , Jamison. I.nbor Jonveimt , ebnlrmnn ; Wllcox , Humphrey. Sencei. llrown of Otoe , Cain , Tweed. Tnyl.ir , Hoiim , Hanks , Jamison , limit. Muriny. Telegraphs nnd Tplopholies Mead , elmlimnn ; Illbhurt. Speneer. MooUutt , Iteckly , Olson , Hamilton , Waring , Mur ray , KCPH and Stilnrli'S Mullen , chairman ; Ill-own of Furnns , Kvaiis. llohwer. Scott , liroderlck. necker , 13ulilAten , VnnilfTcrlft. .Soldiers' Home-llumplnoy. chairman ; Mlbhort , Hnthorne , Shcllliorn , llockloy , Xlmmeter , Fuller. , . IrrlRiitlon HnrrlH. chaliman ; Kvnns , f.owe. Fowler , llorton , Vunderirlft , , Jor dan , Olshwelter , CdlTee. , rjcllelcncles-l.owc , chairman : Mend , Artdrews. Mockett. Swanson , Marshall , \rmstroiiB , Uiers. Calkins. 1'rlmarles and Uleollons-Wrltmore. hulrmnn ; ArmalronR1. Marshall , Mullen. lolBiior , llllibiird , Warner. Urown of 'urnas , Hamilton. Tunner. I.oomls. HOl'SE. After pnssliiB the Fowler bill providing' for an appropriation of $115,000 for the expenses of the legis- .aturo and listcnln'fi ; for two hours to the 'first and socoiid rending of bills , tlio lioiiHo of representatives adjourn- d on the llth to meet at li o'clock Monday afternoon. Among the bills introduced was ono by Coffee of Dawca county proposing a constitu tional convention to bo hold In Lin coln beginning on the llrst Tuesday of June , 1902. The conditions of the bill provide for a representation of counties similar to that In the legis- aturo , cacn memucr to receive aanio salary and mileage aa allowed mem bers of the legislature. Other bills read llrst time were ; A bill for an act to protect employes from being black listed through the inachinatlonB of guaranty bond companies or corpora tions and to provide it penalty for the violation thereof. A bill for an act to prevent pawnbrokers In this state from charging a greater sum as Inter est on loans than 10 per cent per year ind to provide for the mode of sell ing unredeemed property , and to pro vide a penalty for the violation of the same. A bill for an act to amend sec tion 2 of chapter xxl of the Compiled Statutes of the State ot Nebraska designated by a compiler as 2504 , and to repeal said section as now existing and authorizing jury to llx damage for death. A bill for an act providing for the holding of a constitutional con vention and apportioning the state In to district for the election of members thereof , the convention to 1)3 held In Lincoln In June , 1902 , to bo composed of 133 members. A bill for an act to dolllne the liability of employers and limiting employers liable for all dam ages in consequence of negligence , and making 1 valid all contracts restricting damage. A bill for an act to regulate bakeries and bnkcshops In the state of Nebraska , and to provide for the san itary conditions of the same and pro vide for a penalty for the violation of this act. HOUSE After a protracted debate the house , on the 10th , voted to have every members of the house supplied with a dally copy of the record of the house proceedings. The duplicate copies will be made by the mimeo graph process from the official record prepared 'by ' 'the ' , uhlef clerk ; they will contain his signature and In all essen tial points will be similar to the olll- clal document. ly the action the cost of producing the duplicates Is limited to $591 ! . The following bills were In troduced and read llrst time : An act to amend sections 110 , AA and IJ of chapter xxvl of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 18D9 , entitled "Elec tions , " , and to repeal suction 110 and schedules'A and I ) of sall ; chapter xxvl as originally existing , and pre scribing form of election ballot , sim ilar to the one now in use , but en abling the voter to vote for straight party ticket by making one cross. A bill for an net to provide for the safety ot employes engaged In the . erection , repairing , altering or palnt- Ing of any house , building or struc ture In the Ktate of Nebraska , and to provide a penalty for violation of this ict. A bill for an act to provide for : ho safety of employes by providing for counter lloors In the construction or erection ot any block , building or structure of two or more stories In lielght In the state of Nebraska , and to provide for a penalty for the violation of this act. An act to provide for the giving of notice to ofllcors of claim of ownership of property taken , or to betaken taken , under writs of execution and attachment , and to provide for the giv ing of indemnity bonds in such cases to ofllcers. An act to appropriate $5- OOQ to enable .lie governor of the state of Nebntska to comply with Joint resolution of the twenty-sixth seHflton of the Nebraska legislature , which em- powers him to purchase medals ot honor for all otHcors and men who belonged to the Nobrnska. volunteer army during the Spanish war. UOUSU. The attention of represen tatives on the Dth was devoted almost exclusively to the first nnd second reading of blllH. At the morning ses sion two bills introduced by Fowler of Flllmoro , providing an appropriation of $ ilo,000 for all expenses of the leg islative Beanlon were ordered advanced and engrossed for third , reading , In 4 tli . t , \ the measure an allowance of $8B- 000 la made tOfSKJam Tor TH1' IfloIIF bor , clorkM and aKxlctants of both branches , and the Incidental cxpenic * of the scflskm. The \iecond roappnr- tlomnent bill to come Ixforo the hoimo was introduced by Oallogly of Urowin It IB different In many jtwpocts from the hill Introduced by IJrown of Lin coln county , but provides similar rep- ri-aentatlon for Douglas , Lunraater and several other counties of largest popu lation. Hoth wi-ru referral to the re- iipportlonnifiit committee , of which the uuthorn of thn two bills arc mom- born HoproHontatlve Stclnin yer of Gage Introduced a Joint resolution au thorizing the appointment of a com mittee of three by l oth branvhcs of the legislature to dra.lt a now luvcnuo bill. Among house i-olls read appear the following : A bill for an nrl pre- fjcrlbing the duties f county nttirnoys in case. ) where changes of venue are taken In criminal cases , and rort.tilrlng the comity attorney l/ > follow nuch cases fo the county to > which thfj may be removed. A bill fez an act to pro vide for the drainage tor agricultural and sanitary pitrposesr and to ropcal article III of chapter Ixxxlx of tlio Complied Statutes of TJD7 , and ! allow ing land owners to drain their property by constructing drainage ditches , dis- carging water into any natural water courio or depression leading to same. An act providing for n. landlord' lion upon crops planted or sown on demised premises , and providing for the- fore closure of such lien an/1 a pcimlty for sollUiE. removing or disposing of such crops during the existence of such lien. An art for the relief of a person ownIng - Ing real property having an Insane husband or wife , ami to empower such person to sell , mortgage or tonvoy such property under power afi the dis trict court. An act to provide for the erection and maintenance of Ji hard- fibre twine plant at the Nebraska state penitentiary at Lincoln and making appropriations therefor and limiting cost to ? 35,000. An act to dlntrlct the state Into senatorial and representa tive districts and for the apportion ment of senators and representatives and to flx the number of the same and i. to repeal section 2 of chapter v of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska. HOUSE. During tno morning ses sion of the house on the 3th forty-one bills were introduced , and in the aft ernoon seven more were added. Mr. Ollis , fuslonlHt of Valley , moved that all appointments made by thv em ployes committee to be submitted to the house for approval or rejection. It was defeated by a strict party vote , as was also a similar motion requir ing the submission of appointments made by the speaker. Among the bills Introduced the most Important pro vide for reapportionlng tno senatorial and legislative districts of tlio state , by1 Evans of Lincoln , free high school attendance , by Mockett of Lancaster ; a different election ballot , by Hum phrey , and making kidnaping punish able by imprisonment for twenty years and a fine ot $20,000 , either or both , at the discretion ot the court , the latter being introduced by Tefft of Lancaster. A bill by Representa tive Miskcll provides that If a fire In surance company refuses to pay a just claim for loss , thereby causing lltlga- lou , It shall be liable to 25 per cent Interest annually from the time it became due to the time it is paid Teachers and school children come Ii for a good round of bills. One o those Introduced provides that wher there are less than eight school children dron in a district the supcrlnteiulen of the county shall designate tin neighboring district in which they shal attend school. Another measure pro vldes that any teacher who has been regularly employed In the schools o the state for six consecutive years who has manifested true professlona spirit and who holds a first or a second end grade certificate , shall be entitle to a life certificate on application t the state superintendent. Represent- allvo Murray Introduced the first anti- cigarette bill. It seeks to require the payment of a license fco of $300 for the sale of cigarettes or cigarette pa per. The new elcct'on ' ballot proposed by Representative Humphrey Is said to lm similar to the one used in Iowa nnd Illinois. It would contain the names of all candidates of one party in one column , with a place at the top for a straight ticket vote. Repre sentative Fowler Introduced a bill pro viding that a majority is suillclent to pass a constitutional amendment. SENATE. The senate session on the llth was u strictly business meet ing and during two hours a consider able amount of routine work was ac complished , n number of the members being anxious to get through with the vork In order that they might leave or their homes on tlu > afternoon rains. The Introduction of bills was irocpoded with. During the reading f bills the clerk of the house was an- lounced , who stated that house roils and U , both being appropriation illls , were ready for the senate. The ) llls were read and placed on Hie. A arge number of bills came up f ° r second reading , after which they were ordered printed and referred to their eapectlve committees. Among mcns- U-CH Introduced were the fol'owlng An act to amend sections 521 , MO 53la and Ctllc of the Code of Clvl Procedure nnd chapter xxxvl of tin Compiled Statutes of 189 ! ) ontltlei 'Homesteads , " and to repeal mild s tlons 5'.H and CIHa , and to except certain tain claims , debts and liabilities fion the operation of the homestead an exemption laws. An act to provid penalties for blackmail , extortion and kindred felonies. An act to establish a military code for the stnto of Ne braska nnd to provide for the organi zation , government and eompensutlon of the organized militia , and to pro vide for tlio enrollment of the unor- gunlzod militia , nnd to repeal chapter 1. session laws of 1897 , known as chapter Ivl , Compiled Statutes , ap proved April 12 , 1877. An act to amend section 1 of an act entitled "An act to facilitate the giving of bonds , un dertakings and recognizances , and to authorize the acceptance of certain corporations as surety thereon , and to ropual all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith , approved April 8 , 189. ) , and to repeal said section 1 as now existing. SENATE In the senate on the 10th the report of the committee on privi leges und elections recommended seat- Ing the fusion momberffjroni Douglas. The wporl ot the comTnlltco was- unanimous. Tlio following senate files were Introduce . : A bKT Jor nn a C to- goverii the npjwlntmenitrt nnd revoca tion of appointment ! ! of deiks of flic county tourts , irnd other help or . > s- BlBtaneo for the county Judges , und to- fix the ocomponsatlon of such dorks nnd help , and to repeal scv.tlons 9 , 9av 9b , 9c. ! Kf , So , 9f nnd 9g of chapter xxlll , Compiled Statutes of Nebraska , nnd all acts in conflict therewith. Kor nix act to Incorporate cities of the Drst clusH having n population of moro tlmn 40,000 and less than TOO.OOO In habitants ; U define , regulate and pre- scrfbe their organization , duties , lla- bllllilcH , powers and government , nnd to repeal article 1 of chapter 13u of the Compiled Statutes of 1899. An act to provide for the iipolntmcnt of a chaplain at each of the Soldiers' and Sailors' lionirfsIn thibstatin , and to prescribe their duties nnd fix their compensation. For a joint resolution proposing a convention to- submit amendment to > the constitution of the United Statetf to clod United States senators by direct vote of tha people. An act to provide for tQc manner of selecting , drawing and summoning grand nnd iiotlt Jurors In counties bavins' a population of GO',000' or more. SENIATE. Bills on first reading was the llrat order in the senate en the 9th rnd cjulte a number of these were dls- j'oscd of by being ordered' printed and referred to the various committees to which they properly bcloii.j. . A num ber of ! new bills were also introduced , including one by Martin of Richardson to provide a board of rallNv.vy commis sioners , ami to repeal tile present law as It srajuls > It having btren declared unconstitutional. Senator Harlan , at the request of a delegation of mayors and officials , of cities of Nebraska hav ing more than 5,000 and' fesa than 25- Inhabitants , Introduced a bill the purpose of which Is to provide for the iiwo-rporatlon , government , regulation duties and powers of suxb cities. The bill was framed ab a meeting of the ir.ayors of the vaclous dtlcs affected , , \hich was held In Fremont last week , The new law Is for the purpose of rc- one which has been declared. unconstitutional , , and. Is somewhat broader In its provision of government for cities of this class. Owens of Dawson - son , chairman of a special committee appointed to ascertain the cost of printing the dally journal , reported that the expense for printed or inlmeo- graph copies of a sufficient number would bo from ? 10 to $20 per day , and after some discussion It was decided not to haven dally journal printed , butte to have tlie secretary of the senate pre pare fixed copies by means < ot n type writer and carbon paper , which would be on his desk and at the disposal of he members the following day. Among ills Introduced was an. act making it a rime to threaten to accuse any person f a crime or offense , or to do injury , o the person or property of another , , vlth the intent to extort money or pe- unlary advantage , or to compel the .Dorson threatened to do any act against his will , and providing punish ment , and to repeal section 40 of the Criminal Code of the Compiled Stat- ites of Nebraska of 1899. An act to repeal chapter Ixv of the session laws of 1885 entitled "An act to provide a joard or railroad commissioners and define their duties und provide for tholr salaries , " and to repeal chapter Ix of the session laws of 1887 entitled , 'An act to regulate railroads , prevent unjust discrimination and provide for board of transportation and define their duties , and repeal articles v and vlll of chapter Ixxll , entitled , 'Rail roads of the revised statutes , ' " and all acts and parts of acts In conflict here with. An act for the relief of a per son owning real property having an Insane husband or wife , and to empow er such person to sell , mortgage or convey such property under power of the district court. SENATE. The senate put in a full day's work on the 8th. The Boer resolution ! elution of Trompen of Lancaster , which had been made a special order brought forth conslerable oratory. The resolution as formerly presented by Senator Trompen , expressed sympatny with the Boers In their struggle against the powers of those who seek to establish a despotism maintained by English power anil English armies , and In this form waa favored by fu sion members. The resolution was amended and adopted. Among senate files Introduced were the following : An act to amend section xx of chap- er vii , title "Attorneys , " subtitle 'County Attorneys , " "Deputies , " of .he Complel Statutes of the State of Nebraska , 1SS1 , win amendments ot 882 to 1899 , and to reepal said section ix of chapter vll as It now exists. : \n act concerning the care of and to jircvcmt the spread of contagious and infectious diseases among domestic : animals ; to provide ror the appoint ment of a state veterinarian and a - slstnnts ; to regulate their powftr nil duties ; to provide for their rornponffa- ion and to repeal sectlona 1. 2 , ? . ' . : . 0. 7 , 8 , SI. 10. 11. 12. 13 , H , 1i. II. 17. 18 , 19 , 20 , 21. 22. 2. ! . 2 , 25 , 26 and 27 , article xi of chapter Iv. Compiled Statutes of Nebraska. 1S ! ) . * . Hitlllwl 'State Veterinarians. ' An ad. lt > de- line fraternal beneficiary tux'toil'-M. orders of association ? ! and to rr-Kiilat the conduct of Harm.- and to provlnn penalties for the violation of the pro visions of this art. An act to provide that county supcrlntendonU of public Instruction shall POHBCBH the ; nncraHiiry educational qualification ) ! t' ) enable them to perform tholr duties of that olllec. An act to amend uiicllon 171) ) of chapter Ixxvll , article 1 of tint An notated Statutes of Nebrauku for 189'J , of an nci entitled "An act to provldii a system of revenue , " approved March 1 , IS79 , and took effect September 1 , 187 ! ) , and to repeal said original sec tion. An act to amend sections 2 and 5 , article v , chapter Ixxvll. Compiled Statutes , 1889. nnd to repeal mild suc tions 2 and 5 as the same now ex ist. For u Hlunton Moiiunirnt. Lincoln's great war secretary , Stanton - ton , was to have had a monument built to his memory aomo tlino since In his native town of Stcubonvllle , O. , but the uahoclntlon formed a few years ago to rnlao the funds has not met with any HUCCCBB. An effort Is now being made there to revive the project. mm BILL PASSE Oonato Adopts tie Mcusnro Junfr as It Oamo From the House , PROVISION FOR TUP. VOLUNTEER tlguroun Attiiult-nit 1'rnpotwil OUurotlim- nrjr Power of I'ro.sldrub In llngiilntt * Sl/o of Army Iliii'iiti , IMitttutiil Other * JJuvn Sciiiivtlilni ; In Siiy. WASHINCiTON. 1) . C. , thn senate today a vigorous attack was made Upon that portion' of the anny bill which confers upon the president disc-retl/inrry power to increase - crease the strength 'of the army to the maximum Jlxjirt by the bill. Mr. Bacon of Cteorgiiii began thn attack , andi Mr. Plart of ( Connecticut , replyIng - Ing ; , , maintained that discretionary power ought to be-conferred upon the president , and expressed astonishment that anybody shouJll entertain a fear thai the power would ever bo abused. Mfc. Bacon declared that Qn would rather HCO nls party coirlemncd to > universal and never-ending1 banish ment from political power than to see such authority placed In the hands of I thcp 'president. AT amendment open- jjj Ing the way to the appointment of " 1 volunteer officers to gnidorf as high , ! as that of captalh In the regular es ' tablishment WIIH uloptcd. .fust before adjournment Mr. Carter- of Montana called up therlill appor tioning the representatives of the- United States among the several states. . Without debateIt was passed pre- ' ul'soly as it enme from tlluhouse. . It HOW goes to the presidout for life idgnnturo. Consideration : was resiiTiicd in tile senate of the anny reorganization bH1. Mr. Hawley , chairman of the com mittee on military affairs , withdrew the committee amendment , providing- for the retini ment of officers on the active list of the army. Senator Tel ler then alsi > withdrew an amendment to that seutlon. Mr. Hoar ( Mass. ) formally offered the amendment of which he had giv en notice , providing- that no ilirther military force shall be used in the Philippines except Birch as majbe nec essary to keep order in places in the peaceable possession of the 'United States , etc. Mr. Carter , a member of the com- mlttL e en military affairs , moved that the amendment be laid on the table. The motion prt-valjed , 32 to 19. Mr. Pettlgre\v's amendment provid ing that one-tnird of the appolntmets to commissioned rank fn the regular army should be made from the officers of the volunteer army the amend ment which Avas under discussion when the sennte adjourned last even ing was defeated 38 to G , Mr. Bticon ( Ga. ) moved to strike out. the provision that the president in his discretion may increase the number of corporals In any troop of cavalry to eight nnd the number of privates to seventy-six. He said he did not believe the president should have discretionary power to regulate the size of the army. Mr Daniel ( Va. ) offered an amend ment providing that volunteer officers may be designated for examination and those who establish their fitness may be appointed to the grade of cap tain in the regular army as well as to the grade of first and second lieuten ants as provide for by the senate com mittee's amendment. Mr. Daniel said he felt It was due the volunteer offi cers that they should have proper op portunity for advancement In the army. The amendment was adopted , 24 to 22. In response to a question by Mr. Berry ( Ark. ) , Mr. Platt said ho feared the pending bill did not confer upon the president the authority to Increase the army from 58,000 to 100,000 at any time. That power , ho thought , ought to be conferred upon the pres- trinnt Continuing , Mr. Platt said he was astonished at the fear expressed LSy > some senators that the president would not exercise such an authority with due regard to the country's inter est. There need bo no fear that the United Staten would ever have a pres ident who would ubuec the power con ferred upon him. He urged that the l power to InsreuBo the army be left In the hands of the prcHldt-nt , who ought to bo regarded nH a connrlen- tloua. able and patriotic man. "If we could eliminate polltlcH and idm argument ! * for political effect from thin chamber for a Minn'1 ' day , " litde clared. "I bdlevu It would IMS the ipmnlrnoiiH mmtlmunt that ri fthnulil he Korno flexibility In ll iII - army. " Kftplylm : to Mr. PIntt. Mr. Huron said tin UiwirM th country bad fill- IIor an upon anvll dny wliun a Hunnior rli > In tlila rhambor nnil f x- vlw which IIH mJcnnlHl an dan- In the llb irtl i of thi ! people mid piwliif tlvii < f one-mini power , aud It wuw tin evil tiny truly when the n'liuiior refloi'ted the nltlliide of the dominant pnrty. Climiillrr llmlly lln.iH-n. CONCOHI ) . N. M. . . .Inn. 11. Judgf Munry K. llurnham of Manchester won tint nomination of the republican mo in born of the luglHlntiirc ) for United : JJtatim Hi'tmtor ever William M. Chan dler and otlmr cunillilhtuH. , J : llurnham won on the llrHt , ballot. Cliiuiilliir nieolvfd .47 votes ; Uiirnhain. l'J8 ; ConnroBHinan Hulloway , 23 ; Hen ry U. Qulnby. 22. and II. W. Ulalr , , un1. . lUnnar liny fur "WAHHINOTON , Jan. 12. Not since tli Plfty-Ilrnt eongrcfls has the house panned au many prlvato pension bills at n single flitting a It did today. In all 170 special pension bills were pasflod at today's session. The mos important WOB ono to increase the penalon of General Amerlciifl V. tico < from ? 3G to J100. General Illce was : wounded several times during the clvl war and lost a leg ut Vlcksburg. He wan formerly a member of congres from Ohio and was the author of the arrearages of pension act. ltlillnjrciv Slmrk. , . „ of the more- wonderful fish ) nto- rtesftf century'W told In lh > Now Yorlr1 Press oC Dr. Halpli Smitlit a * noted' ' jurgoon of .HwksonVlllc * While In bathing In surf about up to 11I waist aver cm the East coast at big : shark awnm bctwcoiv his legs , forcing ; him' ' to a sitting posture and swimming , out to iien with hit * bunion astride. The sensation nearly oost the doctor , lilB Itnlr and whisker * He declares ho was on the shark's back fully half a. minute. When the monster got > ni deep water ho slid ofC. Ho Oivm Tin-in Wlmt They AVuntod. "Soon after I arrived In this coun try on my present vlidt , " says Bishop > Partridge : , ( Episcopalof Kioto , Japan , who IH n. . graduate of "Male , "I waa In vited to ai University alub dinner , and was told Umt I wnu to speak to the toast ' of 'Yale University.1 When I. n' arose In ray turn my fellow banqueters i-rled vociferously , 'Nfever mind Yale , old man talk to usIn Chinese , ' I- entcred Into their spirit , and for twcn- ty-flvo minutes I orated In Chinese. What did I say ? Stil'ioe It to say. that IIs sfloko only the count cialect. Tho- strangest : part about It Is that all present seemed to enjoy It even , monv Uinn.I dfil. " Nervy About the coolest1 thieves on- record ! did a jt b of work , lm Philadelphia ! a few days ago. Early hi _ _ o morning- , while hundreds of people were golngto ; jwork , half a dozen men arrayed as me- ohanics-appeared In ftont of a Ttirliish bath establishment osi > Walnut street , and with chisels , hammers and wrench es toolt down tile handsome bronze or naments and railing which ornamented , the prnce. Than they calmly walked away with the plnndbr. LIEUT. MABLt C. HUNT. A Bright Saluatlon Armf lJ ii lt > , . "Who Kiiutm lloir. to. > ice | ) Her Cuaa In ( looili llcultli. Ogden , Utah , Jan. 12 , 1901tr-Spe- ( clal. ) The Paclflts Coast Division of the Salvation Armr , whose no l work in the Interests off fallen humanity has done i so much for this ivcstoRn- country , has Its lueadquartors In thia city. One of the bclghtosb and most enthusiastic- w.orkcm isLieut Miss A'JubeL Clarice Hunt. Everyone knows how these devoted , - voted people parade the streets day or night , exposing themselvua. to all kinds- of weather , that no opportunity may be lost of rescuing soira- poor unfortunate nato from , sin and suffering. In some- cases , their recklessness in thus expos ing themselves has been commented upon as almost srilcldaL Their anawer- to such criticisms invariably Is thelr unfatllng faith In hbe Divine Injunc tion to "do right and fear not. " Lieut. Hunt explains onoof the means she employs to keep her "Soldiers" In good , health , as follows : " 1 have found Dodd's Kidney Pills of great value in cases of Kidney and Liver Trouble tcad Diseases contracted from severe colds. Several of our lads and lassies have been repeatedly ex posed to coliS weather and rain , and have spoken for hours oui of doors , often with \ret feet and chilled to the marrow. As a consequence of this ex posure , Pulmonary Trouble , Rheu matism and Kidney Disorders often en sue. In such cases I always advlso Dodd's Kidney Pills , for I have no ticed better results , quicker relief , and more lasting benefit from the use of Dodd'a Kidney Pills in such cases than from all other medicines I know of combined. They cleanse the blood , regulate the system and destroy dis ease. " A medicine which can do what Lieut. Hunt says so positively Dodd's Kidney Pills do Is surely worth the attention of all who suffer with any form of Kidney Trouble , Rheumatism , or Blood Disorders. Many good servants are bad masters. A heated knife cuts freshly baked bread well. Cocoanut oil thickens and darkens the eyebrows. SCALDING WATER voided in the morning and that which contains a sediment after standing , certainly indicates dangerously affected Kidneys. Don't worry and make mat- torn worse , but nt once take the remedy which you can depend upon absolutely. Monnows are guaranteed by the proprietors un der $50 forfeit to cure any case of Kid ney Disease or Pain in the Back. This is a tempting offer and is made in per fect good faith. Other distinctive symp toms of Kidney Disease are Backache , Dizziness , Puffing under the Eyes , Rheumatic Pains , General Weakness ; and frequently-all the troubles peculiar to women. KM-ce-oids will restore you. NEBRASKA AND KANSAS peopla cured by Kld-ne-oidt , In writing them please enclose ( tamped addremd envelope. H. U .Small. 1810 Ohio Kt . Omulm , Nob. Henry Wlpiwnrmn , K. Court St. , llcntrlcn , NVh. Mm. Mlly I'ritt. 1010 I' St. . Lincoln. Neb. Slrn. Itoliort Hruilprxon , Wrjit Market St. , Heat riot * . Nrl > . Wiu. Noble , firwerynun , T pku , Kan. Anilri-w J cot)8ou , KM Lavlnle St.tcblion , Kou , Mm. ( Jiii Oonovnr , lltli ami Kearney Sis. . At- ctitaon , Hun. Morrow's Kld-ne-oids are not pills , but Yellow Tablets and sell at fifty conta a box at drug stores. ' ' JOHN Monnow A oo. ,