Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 17, 1901, Image 5

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    Our Stock is going fast at the following piioes. Come early and goj , your share :
3BntraacJl < icihiJl Ci51Fj3 ICTCiKluiM , NuiMlTO
1 ]
12 Ibs Oat Meal 25o 10 02. bottle Queen Olives lee S
0 Ibs broken Rice 24o 8 bars of Silk Soap 26o
D G Ibs Good Prunes 25o 12 bars of Tepee Soap 25o
3 Ibs Good Now Poaches 24o 1 Ib can HEKIUNS KEN HKECOFFEE 30o
G Ibs Navy Beans 2fio 1 Ib pkgo " MADJA ' 17o
UINTO5BMvitntua l/faTOffFir r grr3ITOt r/iHr TOr C m
Those are only a few peed things foundin this mine. Up on our side is n now line of
Hatn , and every day Now Goods ootno down the shaft that is kept busy btinging them.
Northeast Corner of Public Square.
u iTi'ii
p I
: f-t
THE- . '
- ft1. ? :
- 4 1 - . Commercial Hotel fe' tt :
[ Sjjjj ; C. H. KENNEDY , Prop'r. ft
Southwest corner Square ,
1 ft
The Hotel has been refitted and refurnished ftm
throughout. Sample ropms for Cornmerical men. Bath
rooms in connection. Free Bus to and from all trains. m
m 1
i iT
Try us once and you will come ag-ain.
Wffi .
Headquarters for
Groceries , Confectioneries and Fruits ,
North Side of Publio Square , - Broken Bow , Nebraska
GOAL | We are Out for I GOAL
Wo want to fill jour
With our famous NIGGERI1EAD and CANON CITY Coal.
Wo know our ooal will satisfy the moat pkoptual. Our prices ,
our quality and our wi'ii. hts are in your favor. We will not
Foster & Smith Lumber Go , ,
3Phone 79. WILL RULE , Manager.
Get Our Prices on Eastern Hard.
It Once Was Lost , "but How I Have
Pound it.
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
vorld is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam-
arista stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever
hoard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep
mi : posted on what was being offered for sale. They don'
say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap
Everybody is invited to call and get my prices
Remember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of Firs
National Bank.
'W. S. SWAN , Proprietor.
Supervisors Proceeding
II.V. . Snvajfo , of Sarpout District No. 1
John Cooney , ofVeet Union
G. II. Thorpe , of Broken How "
0. O. Lind , of Gothenburg "
J. F. Ilrochbubl , of Ansclino "
John Vf. Conley , of Oconto "
Uotlob lllper , of Mason Ulty "
Thursday , Jan. 10 , 1901.
The board mot at 0 a. in. , and
was uallud to order by the chair
man. The roll call showed all the
motnbeis present. The minutes of
yesterday were read , corrected and
The morning was spent in ooin-
mittcQ work , and at 12 in. the board
took i recess until 1:30 : p. in.
All the members being present at
:30 : , the uhairman called ( he meot-
ug to order.
The board proceeded to open and
xamine bids for supplies for the
year 1901
Moved and carried that the board
adjourn until 0 o'clock tomorrow ,
Friday , Jan. 11 , 1901.
Board mot at 9 a. m. All the
members being present , the chair
man called the meeting to order.
The minutes were read and ap
proved , after which the considera
tion of bids lor supplies was
The court house and jail supply
committee made the following report
port :
We , your committee on conrt house mid Jill
uppllec beK leave to rubmlt the following re
port : \Vn hate examined and compared tint sev
eral bids for book * and ( supplies for the ensuing
mar submitted by rations peiponn. and finding
bat the bid of I'urcdl liros. to furnish raid boom
md other ( applied Is the lowest complete bill , wi
ccommuud ttiat the contract bo let to sail Par-
cell Uros. G II. Tnonric.
It is moved and seconded that the
report be accepted and adopted , and
that it bo ordered as recommended
by the committee. Unanimous , all
voting aye.
The finance committee raado report
port as follows :
We , your committee , recommend tbo following
Tinnier bo mode to tbe general fund of 1000 :
From county judgments $1,100.Oi
From adrertlBlng 1,80000
Fiota Interest on sinking fund . SOi ( X )
Total * U'00 W )
That the report of tbe lOldlors' relief commit-
; ee bo accepted
That tbe following estimate ba mudo of ex
pense * for 11)01 :
Salaries of cutinty officers $6,0000'
District court t-zpense 15,00000
Stationery abdoihorsnpplloa 5,000 OJ
Miscellaneous expenses 4,000.0
Agricultural society 70u 00
Teachers'institute 29
Insurance fuud 40000
Ho fund 6.0UOOO
IJrldga fund 1)00000 )
( i. II. Tiioui-K.
J. W. ContKV.
0. 0. UNU.
Moved and carried to act-opt and
adopt report aa recommended.
Claims committee r oornmir'ck ? d
to allow the following claima :
J. B. Oibourn $ I 12
Warren and Bus 1 " 0
Cylde Carlo * 31 W
Heal Urea 17500
WlUonliioi 750
U Carlson BOO
JJTooley 13823
CO Llnd . " 400
FCCarrol 850
enj OBbonrn 8"
K y Keen 1
HK Curr 6300
Ulerks Lumber & Coal Co 1140
Win Hlalr 61 15
JHfsbourn WOO
JS Hoth U 00
Dra Talbot and Day WOO
DriTatbot 4500
Tllla Oebourn 1750
JFBrecbbuhl B 3J
Clyde Carlos 25
Wilson llroi I 20
Otto Ager , S 00
L K Keen 3 CO
IILomax 1100
J T Arthur 17
JT Arthur H
NE Armstrong 825
O. H.Tiiowc.
C. O. I.INU.
It was moved and seconded that
the report be accepted and adopted ,
It was moved and carried that
tbe board reconsider their action in
accepting and adopting the report
of the claims committee , in HO far
aa said report relates to the claim of
G. E Carr.
Official bond , road and road
claims committee reported as fol
lows :
We i jour committee , recommend that the fol-
lonlnt ; bonds bo accepted :
I'crry U Mctcalf , afscator Lillian township.
W M Vannlci1 , assessor Itrokou How township.
O S WhlU'hiutl , assessor Grant township.
Kdward Smith , assessor 'Jarlirld township ,
J N Or 'wl ' srseitor Wood Hirer township ,
A C ( Irlnltli , assessor Triumph township.
The Todd , asiossor Myrtle townthlp.
IU KdliiKton , assessor Cu'lur township.
J II Klunip , justice of the pence Cllfl toMiihlp.
V M liyvrley , Jnstlee of peace Wayne township.
J H Orris treasurer Went Onion township
K Vf Tnttord , treasurer Elk Creek township.
H 0 Chumley , treasurer Wood Hirer township.
Joseph Murray , trcainrcr Myrtle township.
W II I'MlUiis , treasurer Delleht townrhlp.
O t Gardner , treasurer Bar ton I township.
Darld MrCiugln , treasurer Lillian township.
S J Thompson , trcisnror Oarllold township
John Itoynbard , trcnsnrer Cutter township.
00 Parson , treasurer Arnold township.
A 1' ShoMrom treaiuror > nynn township.
Trios V Krllcy , treniurer Kllfoll township.
W II Hilllips , colli-cinr Delight township.
Kilwlu W TulToid , collector Klk Creek Twp.
C 0 l' Moii ! , collector Arnold townrhlp.
Herbert B Hall , collictor Algernon towneblp ,
O O Gardner , collector Sarirent townphlp.
W H Comstock , collector Douulas drove
Joseph Fraud , town clerk tilk Creek township.
H L lleftdley , town eli rk Carter townthlp ,
II U ( lloTor , town cle-k Douglas Orovo Twp.
Chs.8. W Kcdfiiru , town clerK Wood Hirer Twp.
John Matz , town clerk Grunt township.
0 A Allen , town clerk West Union township.
N A Hmltb , town clerk Girflold township
J 1) Amiberry , town clerk Algernon townihlp ,
U It Duncan , clcik Kllfoll tnwniblp.
J S Sinllli , constable Delight township.
C K llcncktspr road oTOiecor DIst.Nu 2 , Grant.
W S Mutcalf , road orotsevr Dial. No. 9. Lillian.
S Gntcs , road oror ior lli t No. 1 , I.lllUn.
.1 0 Spencer , road ovcreo r Dlit.No.lAlgernon.
Ira .M Foiturrond ororsecr Hint No. 3 , victoria.
II Gugenn\o9r nd overseer Dlnt.Nc.C , Horncnt ,
David Uarrlson.road oyencor Dlst.No.4 , W. U.
Jai. S. Main- , road overf oer Wood Itlror.
H , Livingston , roml ovt < isccr DUt No 9Victoria.
John Khlnchnrd , road ovorn'r DUt.No. 3Cnslor.
Keltloti Hay , ro d orvrsccr Dlst No. 1 , Arnold.
O A Whlton , road ovvrreur Dlst da , a. Myrtle.
w cstoy Millerrond overseer DI UNo.4lirrwyn
John O Sntdor.roudoTursoer Dlst No 1Victoria.
H Conier.rnad overseer Dint No.4 , WeMcrTlllo ,
Win H Millroad overseer Dlst. No B.Trlmnph.
And to rpject the bond of Hall Schnorlniar ; , for
jUHllcaof tbo pence , on thn grounds that luero U
nlruiidy a justice ot thu peace lu Delight towntblp.
Moved and carried to aocupt and
adopt as recommended.
Court IIOUHC nnd jail mipply oom-
nutti'o ruoominpiided that the fol
lowing ol.iunn ba allowed :
W J Woods S < 0 SB
Ooo. W'lllni ? ID as
licniliiKton Typewriter Co , cl'd 810(1 ( ; nll'd W 43
J tl llnebcrle 11 14
M K Httgadorn Tl 80
Moved mid carried that report bo
accepted aud adopted.
Bridge and bridge claims com
mittee recommended that the fol.
lowing claims bo allowed :
Alf. Schroyer $380
UPSaviigo 1165
JW i onley 10 S5
John Mater 3 ( K )
Moved and carried that report bo
accepted and adopted.
Judiciary committee recommend
ed that the following chums bo
allowed :
M Kornoy $ f > GO
Al. Morgan 10 in
H K Stove eon. . . . . ' 0 00
J K Simpson 800
JllHnnrr 170
W Wlllett' 1 fiO
N K Armstrong a M
J A Armour 9 10
Helen Morris 320
Mrs. Gco Gross 3'JO
N EAnnstrong 85 M
IIUAndr.WB a 00
Wllracr Went 700
JRB Slopgclt 310
Dr. Hoblnson 000
It K Allen 600
David 1'nrUaflr 0 00
W H Deiirdorf 000
I ) OStiirr B W )
Dr Williams 4 U )
LH UarrlH 600
Harrison l'ca 700
Joe I'urks 000
Jolm Powers 460
ACMcLead 135
K Kirup.'ttrlck IC3 10
HL'o ( bounty 1 70
, l Simmering 340
J A Armour 033
Helen I' Morris 100
N K Armstrong 1310
Madge Morris 380
Dr loui'K 8 OJ
r - \ Armour 15 40
larry Andrews 800
J I ) Wells 700
John Finch 000
D L 1'arkH 0 00
( Ico.DOxIcy 000
Win. lleltz 000
iCTpzley 440
Jos Murphy 000
H K Atkh on 3 00
Chun Street 10
MS Alle 600
Jan Gamble 060
. . 'as Judge 0 70
Olms. VoK l 70
Woiiloy lilchardion & 60
Wra Great 2 00
Elinor June 000
Peter I'llllB 0 00
ADHrown 000
tValter Ileach 000
Jhas Jurtge 070
DrUllnton Day U 00
W.I Woods a 00
rn Pouter. 400
. oulv I'llllo 000
Swum Finch 600
! il iilowem 600
) r CTalbot 200
Moved and carried to accept and
Poor farm committee reported :
Claim of II a nogcr > G'II
Accepted and adopted ,
The claims committee reported as
follows on the claim of G. E. Carr ,
for work as special committee on
delinquent tax work :
By authority vested in me by tbe Co.
Board , through the following resolution ,
passtd on Juno , 28,1900. Thnt Qeo. B
Oarr , ( Jtmlrman of the Co. Bonrd.bu and
hereby la Instructed to take charge o !
thu collection of the delinquent personal
tRXfo due Cuflter Co. and to employ
whatever apeiBtiuico IB neocBHurv In the
prosecution of said collections , nnd to
direct the Co. Attorney of said Co. to
InfltlUite mid miilnUtlnt any nnd al
( ul'o nt'opesary in the cnlleotton of said
tixu" , I herewith nubralt the following
report rf my vork.
On oomraencloR my lubore , [ fonnd
the amount ot personal taxes in the
various precincts , then due , wl'hou '
Interest , for the years 1800 to 181)8 ) In
ulualve , to be as tolluws :
Ilrok D HO\T olty . - > -9:89 8
liiouen How twp 86110 :
Algernon 2B16 71
Dollshl i(800 (
Kllfoil 24810 ;
UarBitnt 2M1 II
Arnold J481 K
Wood Hirer ! W8 I
Cmtor WJl 3
lonp 1757
Werwyn 18M 6
Wn ne and Ortnt 1767 &
Victoria 1711 "I
Ani-ioy MOSS
CUM , 1014 8
Wentorvlllo 1IU7 7.
Klk Creole 14U1 7i
Mytle . . 1457
I.llll n 1S8U 9
HouKlna trove 1180 1
West Union IOB7
Kllm 1028
Triumph eta 95
Oarfiuld 8833
Ha > o8 2J7 7
Totul anit due at t'.inn cow. began work , JWiit
Ami. of warrants jnucU agalunt tUoro , JJi i
Totul uwtuuut collected } 3li9 1
K Carr 191)45
da mated It 00
Total W38 40
I run thoroughly convinced thnt there
re thousands ot dollars ot HIOBO taxes
tint cnn never bo collected either by dig
ress or otlierwUc , but which might
ave been , nt the time they beoamo do-
luquont. Therefore , to prevent n rc-
urronco ot this condition ot affairs lu
ho county , I would most earnestly ro-
ommtnid the collection of personal tnx-
fl IIR they become due :
Hespeoitully submitted , this 8th day
f Jan. 1001. Q. ! $ . CA W.
I solemnly certify that to the beet of
ny knowledge nnd belief thnt the above
eport Id true nnd correct.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
hla Sill day of Jauuary 1901.
J. 15. Oabourn , County ClorU.
Recommend to allow bill.
. Moved and Hccondi d to accept
oport and allow bill.
Adjourned till 1:30 p. m.
At 1:30 : p. m , , the membcrH all
) omg proHont , the chairman on Hod
ho mooting to ordur.
The Hpooial committee , appointed
t the July and September moetingt
0 look after delinquent real estate
axes duo to ( Junior county , made
ho following report :
Hy authority of tbo power vested In me , by
csolntloni passed by the county hoard , on July
8. 1POO , iitid J-opt SO , 1900 , authorlcliiK me to sect -
ct lands In Custer county against which taxes
ore li < arrenra , and to Instruct the county nttor-
iey to commence suit for the collection of ald
axes , 1 wish to make the fo'lowlng ronort of my
orlt. On cotnmcncliiR my laboru , 1 found the
mount nt delinquent taxes flroyoarsor
nioro In arrears against Cnstnr county
lands , rxcliislvo of townsttos , to be . $18,807 TO
.mount of delinquent city tax lifted . „ ' 2IUIS
Total 8I8.0JIIU5
, mount of aborn tnx paid 11,000 00
\mount of aboro tax collected by sale. . Bttl3BQ _
Total amount collected . . $ ilVO3 CO
mount yet nolluquent and ordered fore
closed iM7983S ; _
Total $18031 b5
Ixnenie of committee In collcctlnif the nbovu ;
1 T Arthur | 19730
"lyclo ( Jnrlos 2340
Total 8 fti 70
Jxponscaof county uttornoy ou foreclosure -
closure to dnte ( t ! 60
Kosnectfully submitted thle llth day of Jnuu-
ry , 1001. J T Aimiuu
Subscribed to beforu mu , thla llth dav of Jmm
ry , 1001. J 1) UHIIOUUN , Co. Clerk.
[ SEAL. ]
It was moved and carried to ao-
copt and adopt report and discharge
Moved and carried to adjourn
until y o'clock tomorrow morning.
Saturday , Jan. 13 , 1901.
The members all being present at
o'clock , the chairman called the
board to ordor. Minutes read and
Committee appointed to examine
petition to bond Arnold precinct
reported favorably.
Report accepted and adopted.
Dr. K. C. Talbot appeared before
the board and presented the ques
tion of preventing the spread of
smallpox , recommending that a
committee bo appointed by the
board , whoso duty it shall bo to
attend to properly disinfecting
houses and promises whore the dis
ease and infection exists , It was
moved and oairied that the chair
man appoint a committee to invosti-
jato ; these matters , and if in their
opinion it is necessary to do HO , to
purchase and have charge of appli
anccs for properly disinfecting
promises and buildings whtro con
tagious diseases have existed , or
where they deem it necessary to
take such precaution. Chairman
appointed Thorpn , Hreohbuhl and
Tbo matter of Arnold petition to
vote bonds was taken up.
The beard voted on motion regularly
larly made and seconded to approvn
the bond proaontod by petitioners
providing for expense of election in
case proposition does not carry at
said election. Tha following reso
lution was road by clerk ;
Notice Is hereby ulron that a apodal election
of the quallr.ed electors of Arnold lowuBbln , In
Custer county , and state of Nebraska , will bo
held In aa.d township , on the 19th day of Febru
ary , A. D. 1901 , it tbo ui-uul voting places In said
township , ( he special election b ln culled upon
a petition of at lean fifty freeholder * ot paid Aru
old lownfchlp , duly presented lo the board of sa
person , asking that tbo proposition herein
after sot forth bo snbmlttrd to tbo legal voters o :
said townablp , and at tbe regular meutlni ; of nald
board of snperrlsorit , held on the liith day of Jan
uary , A. D. , 1801 , said board of superrUors , n
iJustor county , Htate of Nebraska , oy resolution
duly passed by said board , and entered of record ,
did direct the colling of said special election to
be held iu said Arnold township , ou the 19th day
of February , A. D. 100lat which special election
there xball be submitted the following proposi
tion : "Shall township bouda of Arnold township
Cutter connty , Nebraska , In the sum of slxty-foui
hnudrcd dollars , twclre (12) ( ) bonds , In donomlim
tlori of 8500 each , and one (1) ( ) bond lu the denoml
nation of four hundred dollii s , be Issued in aid o
the conntructlon of the Callaway. LnupValley and
Nortborn I lull way , on tbo line ot Its survey , a
ihull bo shown by a plrt of u ld surrey to bo illei
by said company or Its authorised n unt , for reo
ord lu tbu ornce ot tbe county clerkof saldQastei
county , at least two weeks prior to ibo day fixed
herel < i for holding suit ! special election , snowing
tbu exact line of > be route ncross said township ,
and when constructed not to rary more thru forty
rods at any point from said route. * ald bonds to
run twenty years from the date of their issue , to
be made payable to bearer , to draw interest at 6
per cent per annum , payable annually , with In-
toreut coupons attached , principal and Interest to
be payable at tbe nscal aKuncy of the state of Ne
braska , In tbe city of Now York , lu thu etate ot
How York , and when so Issued , to be pUced with
the M'rchanta National Hank , of Omaha , Nebr , ,
In escrow , open tbe following conditions , to-wlt'
To be delivered to the Wude Conitrucilon Com
pany a uoon aa the track of eald railroad -bull be
completed from Callaway , In fuller county , to
Arnold , In Custer coucty , and a depot established
at Arnold , Nebraska , and tipou tbu tuld line , aud
not Tarylng therefrom at any point more th n
forty rods , such completion to be ihown by tbe
cer'lllCHte of tbu chief engineer of tuo Callaway ,
Lonp Valley and Northern Kill way Company ,
filed with the Cleric of said Carter county , aud to
levy a tax annually for tbo payment ol the Inter
est us thf ) same shall become due , and lu adill-
tlon ttureUi , In thf y ur A U. 1UI1 , and annually
thcrehfter for thu period ot nine years , to levy a
tux of ten per cent of the principal sum named In
said bonds , for the payment of tbu same when It
dull become due. "
Dated at llioken Dow , Cnitcr county. etat of
NnbraiKa this liiili day of January , A. D 1901.
I HEAL. ] i. U. Osuonim. County Cleric. Hy U. W. UAUKH , Deputy.
I ' ,
It was moved and Bocondod to
| adopt the resolution , All members
voted ayo. Carriod.
It waa moved and seconded to
reject all bids for county printing.
Iho vote waa as follows : Aye , ,
Broohbuhl , Hiier , Savage and'
Thorpe ; nay , Coonoy and Conloy.
Mr. Cooney stated in explanation
of his vote , that in bin opinion the
bids rucoived for count } printing
wore as reasonable as we can ex
pect. The four bids received range
rom MOO to $375 , and the Sargent
Deader , a republican paper , being
he lowest bidder , I am iu favor of
iving thorn the contract.
Mr. Thorpe presented the follow-
ng resolution :
ItKsoLurioK ON UOUXTY Piii.vriNU.
\VIIKURAR , tbe law requires the publication of
lie delinquent lax list , the proceeding of tb
unrcl , vnrloim notices and oihur innltera , and
\VIIKHKAS. There IB no p per lu thn connty.of
nullolent olroiiUtlon , to reach th citizens , Ken-
Tally , In every purl of tha comity , ou tccountol
U Urge nlzo , nnd
WUKltKAs , the KrealiMnjorlly ot cltUenn take
he imper or pipers published In their rcspeo-
Ite localities , for the purpoao of obtaining the
tocal lions , and
WIlRHKAs/rho Cnnter County Uepuhltcan ,
CtlUwiij- Courier , Ansloy Chronicle , nnd b rgont
Iiuniler are locally slluntod , DO aa to best servo
the nenor l pulillo , Thoreforn. bo It ,
Hr.noi.VKD , Thnt the board procoodliiRB Ira
pulllnliiMl In osoli of said pnper and that the
sum of $100 , he allownd eao'i. ' the Cnllaway
Courier. Aimloy Chronlclu , and BarKeiit I < oa4er ,
for sulil net vice , and
\VIIKIIKAS , The law rixjnlrna , Hint one news
papurol Keuerally circulation published in the
c , iinty. be defllRnntcd , as Iho olllcUl paper for
I'1 bo purpose ot publishing the delinquent tax
lint , ronil ntid briilKnnntlopH.
TitKiucruRK , Dr. IT UKCOLVKD , That the t'nstor
County IteiHilillcr.n ho ilestKnaled is tlio odlclil
pniier of Cimter County Nebraska , and the aum of
$300 , be paid HRld paper lor publishing thn said
delinquent tax list , road and lirldpo notice * and
board proceeding , anil all lettd ! notices for thu
nBuluir , yonr , of ii'Ui ,
UK IT KuiiTlinn , KICNOI.VE , Thttrachof > nUl
> pers lie reijulrBil lnnlve ulioml , ncceptablo to
ilt ) board fur tbo fnlthful dl9chnr ie ot tbo duties
herein required.
The vet was as ( ollows : Ayep ,
Broohbuhl , iliser , Savage and
Thorpe. Nays , Coonoy and Couley.
The chairman declared the motion
The ( inanec committee reported
on thu following requisition from
ho clerk of the district court :
C T Orr , clerk of the dlftrlct court asked Iho
ourd tu allow him one deputy , at tbo statutory
alary , In place of ana clerk at $40 per month.
Wo recommend that the request
be granted. Moved nnd carried to
accept and adopt.
Court house and jail committee
approved Purcell liros. ' bond. Ac *
opted and adopted.
UUOCBS taken until 1:30 : p. m.
Board reconvened at 1:30 p. m. ; '
all preRont.
The proposals from nursons bid-
ling for position as superintendent
of poor farm and for physician for
poor farm and jail were considered.
The poor farm comtuittoo re
ported :
We , ycur committee , would rccoiumaud that
the contract for { hyglclttii tor poor farm and Jail
bo awarded to Hurry K. rotter for JIM , according
to bis bid. J , F , liuiioiiuoiiu
C. a. LIN i ) .
It wad moved and carried that
the board reject all bids for superintendent -
intondont of poor farm. ,
It wan moved by Mr. Cooney and
seconded by Mr , Broohbuhl , that
Mr. John Pornio bo and boroby 'is
appointea as suporiutoudout of the
Ouster county poor farm for the
year 1901 , at a salary of 91,100 per
year. Contract to bo drawn and
signed by Mr. Pornio and the chair
man of the county board of super
visors A vole was had , and the ,
chairman declared the motion car
Moved and carried that the chair
man appoint committees to ohook
up the various offices in the court
house , lie appointed the following :
Co Treasurer Thorpe andConley.
County clerk Coonoy and Ilisor.
Register of deeds Broohbuhl
aud Savage.
Moved and carried to adjourn
until 1:30 : p. m Jan. 16 , 1001 ,
To California In Tourist Sleeper.
In no other way can you go to Califor
nia BO quickly , BO comfortable , and yet
so economical , &B In n tourist eloeplug
oar.Tho tourist euro used for the Burling
ton Oyorluud Excursions nro models ot
comfort and convenience , blijhback eeats
and double windows- They are lighted
by gas. The heating nrrBngrnent tire
Hdmtrnhlo and the bed furnishings aru
clean and of good quality.
The Hiirllnpton Kxciirniona leave
Otuahn every Tuesday and Thursday and
go through to San Kruncieco and Los-
Angeles without changes or dolayee of
anv kind. You can loin them at Lin
coln. Uastlngs. Oxfotd , or any other
Btutioa at which the train stops. Tha
rotito io through Denver nnd Salt Luke
City , pant the linest scenery visible from
oar wtudowB auy where on the globe.
An exporioiJOtid excursion mituugei la iu
charge of eaoh excursion party nnd u un-
Kormrd porter accompanies each car.
Folder Klving full imtorniatlon mailed
on request lientillfiil Illustrated 72 page
liook about California Bent on receipt of
cix cents in btampa. J.FiUNCiS ,
General Paeaonger Agent , OmahaNeb.
novS 9t.
I'ree Complexlou iicauttlOcr.
Wo want every lady render of the
IluPUULiOAN to try D wight's Com
plexion Beautifier , the most exqui
site toilet preparation. It ia pure
and harmlessmakes the face smooth
as velvet and fair as alabaster. To
induce a fair trial of it wo will for
a short time only send FBBB a full
size , Fifty cent box to every lady
who will pond us her post oflioo address -
dross silver dime to pay for packing
and postage. Only one FRBB box to
eaoh address but ladies may order
for their friends. Each box mailed
Hoparatoly. 8 nd this notice and
your order at ONCE to D. W , CUSTKB
fcCo. , Huntington W. Va ,