> ! ' - YteCOMTAJVIOJ * - * * - * "By Louise "Bedford. CHAPTER IV. Janctta only stayed long enough to listen to a few polite Inquiries as to whether she had suffered any Incon venience from the accident , then rose and asked leave to retire for the night. "You can go If you wish , " said Clarice ; "but please don't Imagine that Harry and I always need to be left together. I am generally down in the drawing room in the evening. To night was an exception , Good-night. Tell mo If you are not comfortable. " Captain Merlvale rose and opened the door. Then Jnnetta bethought herself that it would only bo courteous to return down-stairs and wish Mrs. Mortimer good-night. She found her seated be fore the fire , reading a novel. "The interview was a long one , and therefore I conclude successful , " she said , laying down the volume. "Miss Seymour Is quite delightful , and kinder than words can say , " an swered Janetta eagerly. "And you feel the world beneath your feet ? So It may be for a time. You will be the reigning favorite , just because yon happen to be blessed with a. handsome face and figure. Prize them whilst yon have them ; when you lose them the world will pass you by. " "The world , perhaps ; but not those whose love one has won already. 1 shall think poorly of myself If I have not made a single friend. " It was the second effort Janetta had made in their brief acquaintance to y reach Mrs. Mortimer's sympathy ; ap parently it failed. "Shall you like it when you see an other step Into your shoes ? " Janetta rose. I am very tired. Will you think It rude of me if I go to bed ? " she said , not answering the question. Mrs. Mortimer's attitude towards her did not greatly disturb her. She had u. bright , wholesome nature , and felt It possible to outlive the lady's un spoken jealousy. Besides , the days that followed were so full of delightful and exlctlng ex periences that she had no time to trouble her head with what Mrs. Mort imer thought about her. Clarice Seymour had taken an im pulsive liking for her new companion , and poured tokens of her favor upon her. The very difference of character between the girls possibly made them greater friends. Janetta was strong , self-reliant , and self-contained , oven-tempered , and ac customed to give help rather than re ceive It ; Clarice was capricious as the weather one day all smiles and sun shine , the next at war with herself and the world , railing at the fate that kept her helplessly tied to the sofa. Yet through all her varying moods she possessed a fascination for all about her ; and Janetta condoned her fretfulness and waywardness for the grace and charm that peeped out constantly - stantly , even in her most irritable moments , like specks of blue sky on a cloudy day. "How old arc you ? " asked Clarice suddenly , when Janetta had been with her for about a week. "I believe you are years younger than I am , and yet you have a kind of motherly -way with me when I'm wicked and cross , as I am today. " "I'm two-and-twenty , " ald Janetta , with a laugh. "And I am four years your senior , and yet I feel as If I were a child and yon a woman ; you are so tall and trong , and you make me feel com fortable even when you are sitting In the room. You are making me a monster of selfishness. Do you know you've scarcely been out of the house .since you came ? " "I don't want to go out. I'm never dull with you. " "I've told Harry it must not go on , " said Clarice. "I've sent him off to hire a bicycle for you , and he'll take you out ; It will cheer-you both up. I wonder sometimes if Harry will get tired of waiting for me do you ? " "I think the very fact that you arc delicate , and need so much potting and love , would make me lore you all the more , " said Janetta. "Ah ! that's a woman's view. I won der if it's Harry's. I often want to ask him , and I'm such a coward I dare not. If he wants his freedom ho must ask for it ; I will not give It him. " "I think , " Janetta said , rising toN rearrange Clarice's cushions , "If you N fret yourself over imaginary Ills you won't be down tonight. " "I shall If you leave me quiet ! " cried Clarice , who had not ceased talking for the past hour. "You'll promise that > ou'H go out with Harry ? " "Oh , jes ; I'll go if you like , " said Janetta , who was learning that the simplest way of managing Clarice waste to humor her whims. She looked such a picture of grace and strength when she came down ready equipped for her ride. In a neat ly-made coat and skirt of some dark material , relieved only by n bright- colored ribbon In her sailor hat , that Captain Merlvale gave her an Involun tary glance of admiration. "My mistress' orders arc that I'm to take you for a good long ride , " he said , wheeling round Clarice's bicycle. "Sb/3 says she has kept you too tightly tied to her sofa. " "It is the place where I like best to be , " Janetta answered , with perfect sincerity. Yet the swift ride through the bright sunshine of the February afternoon was real enjoyment , and the compan ionship of a clever , cultivated man like Captain Merlvale was intellect ually invigorating. They were racing along the broad road that stretched like a white line for miles along the top of the cliffs when Jenctta began to slacken speed. "Tired at last ? " cried Harry , with a triumphant laugh. "I thought I would lust let you have your fling. You must be magnificently strong to keep up a pace like that. " "I am not tired now , " retorted Ja netta , with shining eyes and Hushed cheeks. "I could go on for miles and miles , but Miss Seymour will bo glad to see us back. " "Do you know why I brought you this way ? " asked Harry , with a sud den change of tone. "Wo are close to Lhe very spot where Clarice was thrown over the cliff on to that pro jecting ledge of rock that you can see If you get off your bicycle for a min ute. " Janctta jumped off , went to the edge of the cliff , and peeped over , with shuddering Interest. "I wonder she was picked up alive ! Were you with her ? " "Yes , " replied Harry shortly. "It was hard lines on us both , wasn't It ? Wo had been engaged Juat a month. " "She's getting better , Isn't she ? " " 1 do not know. Sometimes I think " Harry came to an abrupt pause , and Janctta did not ask him to finish his sentence. They pursued their way home at a more sober pace , and Janetta felt the brightness of the day had departed with the relation of that sad little story. They found Clarice on her couch In the drawing room , every vestige of Ill- temper gone , looking her best and brightest , arrayed In a now gown of soft texture and bewitching hue. "Yes , I hope you are going to say something nice to me , " she said , with an arch smile at her lover. "I had It made as a glad surprise , and came down partly to gratify my own vanity , and more to annoy Doctor Drake , who told me to stay upstairs this evening. Instead , I've invited him to dinner and put on a new frock. " "I care little for the motives that brought you down , as long as I find you looking so happy and pretty , If I may give expression to a truth , " said Harry , sitting down by her sofa. "Mrs. Mor timer , will you be kind enough to give us some tea ? We are hungry and thirsty after qur ride. " Mrs. Mortimer looked more glum than usual. She had employed her af ternoon in lecturing Clarice upon the impropriety of sending out Janetta with Captain Merivale , and Clarice had answered her remonstrance with merry , derisive laughter. "I'm not afraid to trust thorn- Harry is going to marry mo ; but if you feel like that , dear Mrs. Mortimer , take a tricycle and follow after them , " she had remarked , a little flippantly. "If harm comes of it " "No harm will conic , " Interposed Clarice , a little sharply. "Janetta Is the soul of. honor , and of Harry there is no need to speak. " "You have known her for a week , " said Mrs. Mortimer. "And she Is as easy to read as a book , " Clarice had said. And there the subject dropped. "I'll tell you a secret , Harry , " said Clarice , when they were left alone for for half an hour's chat before din ner. "I've ordered a new dress for Janetta an evening dress such a pretty one , and It's on her bed ready for her to put on tonight. I want her to look her best. She knows nothing about it. " "Will she wear It , do you think ? " asked Harry , a little doubtfully. "I shall be furious If she doesn't. I want Doctor Drake to take a fancy to her. " "So that's it , is It you arc turning Into a matchmaker ? A dangerous game , Clarice. I advise you to drop It. " To Clarice's Intense mortification Janetta , who did not come down until the dinner gong sounded , appeared in the simple black dress that she wore every night. Neither did she and Doc tor Drake seem to find Interests in common ; for although he took her in to dinner , and talked to her as in courtesy bound , when he came Into the drawing room afterwards he seated himself by Clarice's sofa , and devoted himself to her for the rest of the even ing. CHAPTER V. "Janetta , I'm going to call you by your Christian name and you can call me Clarice , " announced Miss S-ymour the following morning. Janetta looked up from her writing with a swift shake of the head. " 1 should like you to call me Janet ti , but 1 prefer to call you Miss Seymour. "I've been waiting for your fault ? to crop up. I feared you hadn't any ; but I've found you out now you're a very nasty pride. " Janetta laughed merrily. "How have I shown It ? " "Twice already. You didn't put on that new dress last night , you decline to call me by my proper name today. " Janetta's colors came and went. "Did It seem horribly ungrateful ? I had a hard struggle with myself before I knew what to do , and then it scorned quite clear to me that I must keep my independence , and wear my own clothes as long as I can earn money enough to provide them. You am so kind and good to me that you ignore my true position ; but I must remem ber my own , and respect Its conditions. It does not seem fitting to take your Sifts end call you by your name when I am really your paid companion. We nro not on equal terms , " j "It seems to be as If we wore on very equal terms ; both of us are or phans at least , I think you told me that you had neither father nor mother living. " "Yes , they are both dead , " said Jan ctta shortly. "And because I happen to have more money than you , why should you mind if now and then It pleases mo to give you things ? I have not many pleas ures. " "You don't really know me , you sec. In your generous , Impulsive fashion , you've invested me with various qual ities which , as you know me better , you'll find I do not posncss. " "You think my friendship Is like Jonah's gourd that it will wither in a day or so , " said Clarice petu'.intly. Whatever topic of conversation might bo started , Janetta noticed that It always veered round to one or two subjects either Captain Merlvale , or the likelihood of Clarice's recovery. With a heart at leisure from itself , she grow day by day more painfully Interested In what the future might hold In store for the two whoso love- story was being enacted before her eyes. Sometimes she suspected that ( ho passion of devotion must always have boon more on her side than his. Ills manner to her was gracefully affection ate ; but for herself she felt that she would have demanded something warmer from the man she was going to marry. "I shall go to India with a much easier mind now that I know Clarice has some one with her who will inako her life so bright , " said Captain Merl- vale one afternoon , as they were re turning from a walk by the sea. "It la good of you to say that , " Jau- etta answered. "I need not assure you that I'll do everything I can to make Miss Seymour happy. She's the kindest friend I ever had , and I'm glad I've got to know you so well. I like to think that , when she gets bet ter and you marry , I shall feel that I may keep you both as friends. " Captain Merlvale did not answer for a minute , and Janetta glanced up at him a little uneasily , and saw that ho had turned rather white. "Yes , " he said carelessly , "we've been capital friends ever since we met In that curious way on the railway , and I pulled you through the window. " Janetta felt puzzled and hurt by his manner. His tone was studiedly in different , and ho referred pointedly to what had been , rather than to what might be in the future. She thought , with bitter mortification , that in her eager sympathy with him and Clarice she had proffered friendship which had evidently been regarded as an impert inence. "With all my boasted Independence , I've forgotten my position , " she said to herself reddening with vexation ; but her resolve was taken at the risk of vexing Clarice , she would have no more walks or talks with Captain Merlvale. She did not make her way as usual to Clarice's room that afternoon when she came In from her walk. She felt as In her Inward annoyance might find expression In her face. She was con siderably surprised as she entered her bedroom to hear the quick shutting of a drawer , and Mason , with some ap pearance of confusion , began to close the window and draw the blind. Janetta was certainly not suspicious by nature , but the girl's manner made her feel certain that she had been tampering with her things. ( To be Continued. ) MARQUIS OF UANSDOWNE. The Only Man In the Ilrltlnh Cablaot Who Could Hp oak French. When the Marquis of Lansdowne was governor-general of Canada he had to make a speech to the French-Cana dians , says M. A. P. With all Its loy alty to the English connection , this little bit of transported France adheres very rigidly to many things French.and especially to the purity of the French tongue at least as It was spoken in the eighteenth century. Few viceroys have over ventured accordingly to leave the safe security of the English tongue , and It was wIMi some trepida tion that the French-Canadians heard that Lord Lansdowne was going to de liver a speech to them In their own language. But he had scarcely uttered the word "messieurs" when the whole audience burst Into cheers ; they rec ognized at once the accent of the true French tongue , the accent only possi ble to a man of French blood , and one who had spoken French as his mothei tongue. It is perhaps this accomplish ment which had something to do with Lord Lansdowne's latest appointment. When some one remonstrated with Lord Salisbury for retaining the two offices of prime minister and foreign secretary , his reply -was that he could not help himself , there was but ono member of his cabinet who could speak French , and that was Lord Lansdowne. And now Lord LanHdowne will receive the foreign ambassadors every Wednesday aftornoon.and what ever else may be found fault with , hln French will be faultless. Lord Lans downe's mother was a daughter of Gen Flahalt , one of Bonaparte's officers. Toronto Star. IIoolc Sfnde or Money. A devout Spanish lady , who was an enthusiastic admirer of the Pope , re cently sent him a present of a book It consists of 250 leaven , elegantlj bound. Each leaf is a duplicate of 1U. brother and is simply a thousand-pe seta note. State Capital © bsevvatfons , Expressions Emulative for the Good of Republican Supremacy , LINCOLN. Jan. II. At this writing the senatorial situa tion scents to bo as far from a solu tion as It was before the legislature met. The tension Is becoming a tre mendous strain on the constitutions of the candidates and their aides-de- camp , anil the members of the legis lature are becoming a trlllo weary over the outlook. Diversified Interests , state , personal and otherwise , are In evidence , and the average legislator who will bo In the fight to the end is hardly able to de- cldo which way he will jump. It Is conceded that there are many of the members pledged to support and use all honorable means to secure the election of certain men , but not all of them are bound. There arc many in both the house and senate who arcs possessed of a free hand , and it Is to these the not directly Interested citi zens look for a happy and honorable solution of the struggle. It is a question whether any pt the present aspirants can win. The sit uation each day seems to get more complicated , and Is fast approaching a tangle that may only be unravelled by the throwing over board of every one now dead sot on being elected , and choosing from among the wealth of splendid material In the rcpubllca.i party of the atate two of the ablest and cleanest men to be found , without re gard to what has happened In the past The situation may call for this readout out of the difficulty , and If It should , wo see no reason why It should not come as an agreeable surprise to ev ery Nebraskan who regards the state's Interests : w paramount to all else. t t * * t W9 While the partisans of each candi date are extremely anxious their man should win , a desire superinduced by the hope of "getting something , " the average Nebraskan is Interested most in having the state represented In the senate by able and pure men , who will not only be able to do something tangible for the state , but also reflect credit and honor upon the common wealth through dignified and conscien tious efforts to legislate for the people of the nation In all matters which may arise In the senate. The partisan does not care for any except himself , and he desires most the man from whom he can get the most. Contrary to the partisan who thus hopes is the citi zen who desires that the man elected be so fairly and honestly In a clean fight , and agalnbt whom there can arlpe not tJie faintest breath of sus picion of having secured the position coveted by foul or tricky means. IP An attempt was made last week to secure a second meeting of the six loading candidates for United States senators , but resulted In partial fail ure. The Indications , however , arc more favorable than they have yet been for tlio candidates getting to gether on the calling of a senatorial caucus. Four of the six hold a second moot ing. Those present were D. E. Thomp son , George D. Melklejohn , Frank M. Cttrrle and Edward Rosowatcr. With them was Speaker Soars. They ad journed to meet again at 8:30 : the next morning , when Governor Crounse and E. II. Hinshaw , or his representative , are expected to be present. Tlio four who met succeeded in reaching this agreement : That they will acquiesce In the calling of a joint senatorial caucus , which caucus shall make its own rules ; that the call for the caucus must bo signed by sixty members to become effective ; that forty-five votes shall bo required to make any candidate the caucus nomi nee for United States senator. The meeting of the republican state central committee , which was to have been held this week , has been called off. It was rescinded by Chairman Lindsay In order that there could be no misconstruction of the committee's position. The committee officers In sist thnt the organization will main tain strict neutrality In senatorial mutters , and for fear a meeting just on the eve of balloting for senator would bo an Incentive for some com mittee to mix In the fight , It was re garded best to postpone the call , which was alieady to bo mailed out. Talk of the holding of a committee mooting stalled tongues to wagging about the unfortunate episode of two years agi when the executive committee was dish-Hided at a stormy session just as tin legislature was opening , the pres ent ofllcors seem paiticularly nnxlou.i to avoid subjecting themselves to criticism and particularly to head oft oven the possibility of lopctltion of the wise. Charles Ponn. ex-sheriff of Ouster county , has been appointed comman dant of the soldiers and sailors' home at Mllford by the board of public lauds and buildings. Mr. Peiin is an old soldier and has an enviable record as an officer and a commander of men. Ho and other Ouster county people wore congratulated freely on the icc- ognltlon given to that county. After an exceedingly warm session the state banking board made Its ap pointments for secretary , clerk , sten ographer and four bunk examiners. Ed Royso of Broken Bow was chosen secietary of the banking board , A. M. Dodson of Wllber was solo'-tot1 as cli rk and Frank Smith of TokamaV was elected as stenographer. Quite u fight for bank examiners fol lowed the selections for secretary , ot nl. Auditor Weston Insisted on each member of the hoard being allowed to appoint ono examiner , but Attorney General Prout and State Treasurer Steufcr refused to agree to that propo sition. A majority vote was required. i The Douglas county contests In the louse were settled last evening by the louse committee on privileges and lections In favor of the contestecs nf- er a session after the adjournment of ho house. A number of law points vore discussed and the attorneys wrr < 5 resent to make citations from the roe- > rd when necessary. The outcome was ii doubt many times and when the nal decision eanio It was on a vote vhon t j republican members wore Ivldcd. . . The ontlro house committee was ircsent with the exception of Dies- ler of Tliayer county. The only mat er remaining undisposed of was vhothcr the votes alleged to have icon illegally voted In South Omaha , imountlng to a few over 150 , should 10 thrown out of the count entirely This proposition was decided in the legatlvo by a unanimous vote of the oinmlttco ns the members found that ho contestants had not shown that In- ostlgatlons to discover the voters : il- cged to have been fictitious were car- led on In a thorough manner. The onte.ptcce disproved enough of their lalms to make the committee hesitate o act further against them. V. V The next question was over the votes cast by persons who swore In their votes and failed to comply with the election law by depositing their nlll- lavits In the pioper hands. This af- 'ectcd particularly tae vote In Inn first and ; hlid wards , thirty-eight otes In the former and five In the lat er having been recorded where tlio iroper affidavits wore not In evidence The committee by n vote of 7 to a on stuct party Hues , voted to strike out ill votes where the law governing the Bwoarlnt ? In of votes had not been com- illetl with. Tnore remained then the question of fact as to the number ol votes to strlko out. . * It was alleged that concerning iho forty-three votes In the wards nbovo uamc'l not a word of evidence had boon Introduced to show that the voters ers did not take the proscribed oath or Furnish their affidavit. Ch/.irman Whltmore of the committee held the view , following the rules of law , th.it the presumption wan the work of the election judges had been lawful In ev ery particular and ho would hold that tin votc-i recoulod had been cast le gally until It was proved otherwise. In these precincts named bo held there was no evidence shown by the con- testantn that the requisite oaths had not been administered ln accordance with law. It was a fault In taking the testimony , perhaps , as it could have been secured , but for his part , ho could not see his way clear to rejecting the votes without this needed evidence. On the vote Brown of Furnaa , Tnnne" of Nance. Hamilton of Butler nil I Loom's ' of Dodso , stood with the chair man against Marshall of Otoo , War nor of Lancaster , Armstrong of Nemu- 1m , and Hinbort of Gage. Tills wart sufficient to declare thnt Rohwer , who Is contesting Johnson's seat , will not caln rdii'Ittance to the house. Th.j Youngs-Hunt ; ase was decided in the vole not to exclude the votes alleged to im\o boon ll'egully ' brought Into the district. V. K The need of Important legislation on many subjects tills session becomes more and more apparent. The call for radical changes In the law brings the necessity of close attention to work. The legislators therefore fool the senatorial light a big burden. It is the unanimous opinion that it should lie settled at the earliest possible mo ment. As a great many of the diffi culties expected from diversified though Important legislation In the middle of a heated senatorial fight may bo obviated for a constitutional convention or tl' < > appointment of .1 commission to codify the laws aim suggest needed changes , It Is likely that sonto action that will raise a srcnt burden with ono lift may bo ac complished. k V. The tall men of tlio senate who can not get their kneea under the dcskR provided for tlio f-tato are Tiompon ( if Lancaster and Owens of DawHon. Mr. Trompcn , the Boor senator , has th distinction of being six foot six Indies in height and Mr. Owens roaches about the Hamo altitude. Tim custodian of the senate recently raised the desks of those two senators by placing large luss Insulators euch UH are used on telegraph poles under tlio bottoms of the l"gs. Tills probably g.ivo rlso to the rumor thnt the two desks had boon placed on telegraph poles. The raised desks will bo source of comfort for the two tall senators , but they may obstruct the \ low of the other solons. The state printing : iourd has an nounced the appointment of L. A. Williams , editor of the Blair Pilot , tin clerk of the board. Mr. Williams had eliargu of tl > o literary bureau of the i-j publican state central committee dur ing the last campaign and ( "id efficient work. Ho will continue the puhiica tlon of the Blair Pilot. His duties at the state house will keep him busy n ' trout part of tlio time , nut he Intends to duvoto an mucl < tlni as poBHlblo tn his newspaper. Ho succeeds A. E. Sheldon aslerk of the board. l-l * After the decision of the content. Ed P. Smith and W. F. Giirley , weri fooling pretty good. Mr. Smith con gratulated the committee by saying : "Tills is the first legislative contest , gentlemen , that I know of that liar boon decided strictly on the points of law Involved. " Gen. A. V. Cole of Hastings has been appointed commandant of the soldiers' homo at Grand Island by Governor Dietrich. This appointment was not unexpected , but It was not made until a host of candidates had gone hrougii the mill. The naw commandant will take charge of the home February 7. WILSON.SIDES WITH THE COW IIu AddrciMcs Hoimto Committee In Snp- | iort nf the OlviilfiHriurliin lltlli WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. Secretary Wilson made nu nrgumont before the senate coininlttco on ngriculturo today In support of the Grout oleomargarine bill. Ho atihl the measure was Intend ed to protect the fanner and the pub lic ut largo and should become a law. Speaking of the consumption of butter mid of oleomargarine , Mr. Wilson uahl that the amount of butter disposed of annually Is about eighteen pounds per capita and of oleomargarine something over one pound , and he said In re sponse to Judge Springer that ho con sidered this dangerous competition. Ho was of opinion that there was danger lu the Imitation of butter by the use of coloring matter and thought that , In time the tiso Of Improved methods would result In driving renovated but ter out of existence. The secretary said ho did not accept the opinion' that the regulation of oleomargarine business would Injure the beef cattle business , and said that farmers will find It profitable to keep and fatten their own beeves. Incidentally , ho ex pressed the opinion that fanners o the south would get far more in the way of returns by raising cattle and crops necessary to that end than they would out of the sale of a few thou sand barrels of cottonseed oil to the oleomargarine makers. Ho said that more than half the substance used In Washington for but ter Is oleomargarine and that to make certain of getting the real article .ho had butter for his own table shipped direct from a creamery in Iowa. DOER fUHCliS Allt ACTIVE. Attack the MrltUli Alone thn I.lno of I.orrnro Mnrqili'7. Itullroiul. LONDO'N , Jan. ll. General Kitch ener sends news of a serious simulta neous attack on thn night of January 7 by the republicans on the British positions between points sixty miles apart , along the line of the Pretoria & Louronzo Marques railway. The losses on both Bides were heavy. Ac cording to reports tlio Boors wore beaten off after prolonged fighting. Following Is the text of the dis patch from General Kitchener : PRETORIA , Wednesday , Jan. 9. On the night of January 7 the Boors made simultaneous attacks upon all of our posts at Belfast , Wonderfontoln , Nooltgcdacht and Wlldfonloln. In tense fog prevailed and taking advan tage of the cover It afforded , the Boers were able to creep up close to our position. A heavy lire continued until i:40 ! : a. m , , when the Boers were driven off. Ono officer was killed and three wore wounded , while twenty men wore killed and llfty-nlno 'wounded. The loss of the Boers was heavy , Iwcn- ty-four dead being countcl. A convoy taking supplies to Gor don's brigade , north of Krugersdorp , was attacked by Beyer's commando yesterday ( Tuesday ) . The Boors wore driven off , leaving eleven dead on the Hold. Our casualties were four slight ly wounded. Irrigation In NrbniMtu. WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. Congress man Sutherland IH taking u great Interest In the subject oC Irrigation tliene days , and lately ho 1ms boon on the still hunt for a hearing before the Irrigation committee of the house , of which Rep resentative Tongue ot Oregon Is chair man. Sutherland has a bill pending appropriating JM.OOO for Irrigation purposes , to be spent In Nebraska , and ho desires his bill reported out of committee. " 1 believe my efforts to got a hearing on the Irrigation prob lem will bo successful , " ho said , "and that a bill will bo reported , which will bo of Incalculable benefit to the arid sections of our country. " I'itt IH Will AdvnrtUoil. OMAHA , Jan. 0. Over 5,000 de scriptions of Pat Crowe and his sup posed pals , with the $50,000 rowan ! offered for arrest and conviction of kidnapers , are being mailed to chiefs of police all over the country from cities the size of Now York down to the place where the "chief" comes In at night to get Ills mall after plow ing corning or cutting Ice all day. Nnillln Slightly Ilettur. WASHINGTON , Jan. 9. Congress man Neville was reported a tnlla bit ter this afternoon , although there is still the gravest fears that ho can not recover. Speaker Henderson tmid that he had sent his secretary to ascertain the congressman' ; ) con dition and from reports received had doubts as to the recovery of the rep resentative from the Sixth Nebraska district. After lllc Kiicl * > iii iit lrund CLEVELAND , O. , Jan. 11. At the mooting of the board of trustees of the Chnutnuqmi assembly tonight the old officers were re-elected and reports on the last year's work were submitted. It was decided to make an effort to laiBe a quarter of a million dollars , tlio endowment fund started by Mlsn Helen Gould with a gift of ? l > 5,00n it was also voted to erect a monu.lal at the assembly grounds to the late Lewis Miller , ono of the founders. IncrniKn In Moral Force , WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. The house commute on naval affairs today prac tically completed the naval appropri ation bill but It will not bo In shape to make publle until tomorrow or Sat urday. The question of the Increase- of the navy which usually entails thu largest contest was easily settled this year by the acceptance of the recom mendation of the secretary of the navy for two battleships and two cruisers. Another NchrHRktt < ) udce. WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. Senator Thurston today favorably reported from the committee on judiciary his bill providing for additional district judges In the districts of Minnesota and Nebraska , with an amendment providing that the senior circuit judge of the Eighth circuit or resident cir cuit judge within that district shall make all necessary orders for the di vision of business and assignment of cases for trial In either of said dis tricts. The report states that there arc strong reasons for the appoint ment of additional district judges in Minnesota and Nebraska.