Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 17, 1901, Image 1

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    Btftto UUt Ubratuu ooviuiy
I Good Time
For the New Year
llojjin right.
Ho punctual.
Keeu your appointments to tbe
To do this you must have the
I right time.
To have the right time leave
your wntch with mo.
General watch , clock and jewel
ry repurmg.
Promptness and satisfaction
Qraduiitt ! of Clilcnfo Opthalmlc College.
School Books ,
School Supplies ,
. G. Haeberle's.
it iHii't tlie ni terl
tlii t KOCH Into vimr
repaired \vutcli tliat
In a perfect
on. Ulstne
that does the bueiuees , any bungler
can buy the line kinds nt material
that l use In repairing ; but ekill
ia the moet valuable material that
san bu need in watch repairing :
and the bun ler cnn't buy It. I
eell my skill ( or what It Is worth
awl It will coat you less than
bunllug ( at lower prices.
Jeweler and Optician.
West side of square.
# >
* > C3G / 03
G )
* >
0 = 3
4 *
* f = t
* 0
* 0 = 3
B. a
f Wheat . . W
oats „ . . . . . M 25.
k'Bye 845
flJuttcr „ . . * . . . . . IB.
IPotatoea. . . . ' . ' _ ' . ' . „ . ! . ' . " . . . ' " , , . ' ' . ' . ' . ' . ' , ' , ' , ' . ' . . ' . . ' , . ' ' . ' . ' . . ' . . ' . " 60 :
J Onions ji. o
ICblckens 'JOldrten
IllOtf * 4.20
Scow * 2 75
efitecrs . „ . _ _ 4.00
LTurkeys 60
( Straw . _ ! 0c cw ;
lilay 5.00
To THE DBAFA rich lady , cured
tof her Deafness and Noises in the
\\Head \ by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial
' Ear Drums , gave 925,000 to his In
stitute , so that deaf people unable
to procure the Ear Drums , may have
them free , Address No. D 148 ,
, Tjhe Nicholson Institute , 780 ,
Eight Avenue , New York. janS ly
fc -
i -
: -John & KneiT--
The Big Store in the East End of Realty Block ,
Hava a Complete Stock of
Groceries , Dry Goods , Queensware ,
Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes
and Rubber Goods.
Wo know wo oan fill your order and plonao , as
highest prices for all Country Produoo
Yours for business ,
Sfl At the old stand of Snyder Bros. , Realty Block.
-j , . It is astriotly up-to-date
Grocery and Fruit Establishment ,
Mr. J. N. Poah , who has had years of experience ,
knows the business thoroughly and is not afraid
of work , is moving things at a lively gait. No
$ ? < ? . Stock can bo in better shape to suit your every
> ' . * desire in the way of
Staple and Fancy Groceries ,
We invite you to drop in and examine our stock and
got pi ices before buying. We are always glad to see
you , and shall endeavor to merit a share of your trade.
Yours for btisineHf ,
Business Pointers.
Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist , Broken
Pepsin Gum , two packages tor a
Cosmopolitan patterns ton oents.
Lubricating oils of all kinds at
Wilkms' drug store.
Write liaydon Bros. , Omaha.
Wholesale Supply House for price ?
and samples. 2 8 lyr.
Beat stock tarm in Custer county
for sale , at $8 00 per acre.
Ail those interested in the Viavi
trcumeut should see Mrs. Yauney ,
at Commercial Hotel until Jan. 31.
Call on or write Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. when in need of an ah.
straot of title. E RoyseAbstraoter.
For Hale.
A pair of young draft horses
Inquire at Lee's barn.
When in need of a first-class
auctioneer , call on or address
Broken Bow , Nebr. tf
FOB SALB A one story cottage
with six large rooms , pleasant yard ,
and surroundings. Price $000.
Call on L. J. Gandy or at thie
office. 7 19tf
Bang's galleries at Broken Bow
and Ansley , are both open all the
tune , cabinets at $3.00 and $2.50 ,
and iine orayon pictures cheap.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Farms for Haifa and landa for rent.
Now is the time to got a farm cheap.
as the cheap farms are all going ,
and prices are advancing rapidly.
W. LI. Farror has opened up a
lunch counter in the building east
of Ledwioh'e law office. Oysters
torved in first class order. Meals
or lunch served from ( J , a. m. to 11
pm. Patronage solicited.
Cannon City coal at Dierks
Lumber Co.
Omaha painless dentist at the
Globe hotel Jan 28 and 29. jl7 2t
Jake Johnson has bought the old
Bookhackur barber shop. Call and
see him for farst olass work. jl7 3t
Abstracts compiled promptly and
accurately by the Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. E. Royso , Abstractor
Hotel For Sale.
Hotel and furniture at Merna , for
sale cheap. For particulars write
L. G. Gordon. Morna. Nebraska.
See Dr. Withers , Orasta dentist ,
for up to-dato dental work , at
Omaha prices. Set of teeth $5. 20
> ears' experience. ji7 2t
Cliiclteim Vor Male.
Very fine Blue Barred Plymouth
Rook chickens for sale , a miles
west of city. VV. M. VANNICK.
d20 3m
Fen SALE Freeh young cows in
Rose Valley , on W. 0. Luce's farm ,
eleven miles northeast.
jaulO 3t A. MoMoBTBY.
For Sale Cheap Several farmsin
various parts of Custer county. For
locations and terms write me. I am
in town Wednesday and Siturday ,
afternoons. A. T. SEYBOLT ,
Broken Bow , Nebr.
Furin For Rent.
A good farm , well improved , 105
acres broke , good pasture , good well ,
frame barn and aod house.
For particulars inquire at the RK-
PUBLICAN cfiko. 1 19 3t
J. M. Holts is with us , and as he
has a chicken car here every two
we ks , we can pay you the top
prices for chickens , turkeys , duoks
and pigeons , and take them at any
time , You cannot overload us
with poultry , butter or eggs" . It is
just as good as the money to us ,
ahd makes John Belts smile when ,
ever he sees them come.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this otlioe.
T. T. Williams , of Ansley , made
this office a friendly call Tuesday.
WANTKD A girl for general
house work. MBB. Quo. WILLING.
J F. Fpxworthy , of Ryno , was
a social visitor at those hoadquar.
tors Tuesday.
ThoH. D- Gill , ot Genet , made
tlile office a welcome call one day
last week.
F. W. Holdon , of Merna , WBB
among the welcome callers at this
office Tuesday.
This office acknowledges a friend
ly call from Frank , of Now
Helena , Tuesday.
B. N. Predmore , of West Union ,
kindly remembered this office while
in the city last Thursday.
B. W. Kellonbarger and wife wore
city visitors Monday , returning
homo Tuesday afternoon.
Chan. Chappel has bought Claud
Wahl's barber shop. Ho took ohargo
of his new purchase last Friday.
Mrs. A. W. Gandy has been quite
aiok for the pint week with neural
gia , but is now improving rapidly.
District court will convene in this
city Fob. 11. In all probability the
Fullhart murder case will be tried at
that session.
You oan save money by ordering
your reading matter ihroniih the
RKPUHLICAN. Wo oan furnish you
nearly all the papers and raagazins
( or loss than publishers prices.
Clair Cox has resigned his posi
tion of telegraph operator at this
place , and has accepted n position
in the Farmers bank , mndo vacant !
by the resignation of Dean Holcomb. 1
The Broken Bow Political Equality - ]
ity Club will meet with Mrs. N E.
Armstrong , Friday evening , Jan. 18 ,
1901 , at 7:80 p m sharp.
Mits. A. M. SNYDKU , Sec.
Phy. W yt ore , of Callaway , made
this office a friendly call Tuesday.
Ho was in the oily looking after 1m
chances for the contract to build
tbe county bridges , for which ho
had tiled a bid.
Chas. Penii , who last week re
ceived the appointment of com-
rn indant of the soldiers' homo at
Milford , expects to move to Milford
about the 20nd of this mouth , and
will assume ohargo Fob. 1.
Capt. V. C. Talbot has aooepted
the position of clerk in Heaborle'a
drug "tore , the position ho filled so
long and aocoptably before ho ac
companied the first Nebraska regi
ment to Manila. He has secured
the services of Edward Noth to
look after his cattle ranch.
New Line of
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons
and Farm Wagons.
G. W , Apple.
The county board in letting the
contract for superintending the
poor farm to John Pernie , for the
ensuing year , nut the approval of
a largo number of citizens , who
have obeerved his faithful work the
past year. Wo understand that the
proceeds of the 240 acres the past
year , amounts to about $1000.
Ed Royso , who received the ap
pointment as secretary of the State
Banking Board last week , had to
assume charge of the business at
once. He came home Sunday
morning and returned Sunday
night. As his duties on the board
will require his whole time , he ex
pects soon to move his family to
F. J. Britton , of Ansolrno , and C.
A , Sr.yder , of Milburn , were wol.
come callers at this office Friday.
Mr. Sryder was in the oily lo pay
the taxes on a quarter section of
land he had under the irrigation
ditch on the Middle Loup , and he
found it rather of an expensive
experience. His taxes for one year
on one quarter wooliou was over $80.
P. G. Green
, who has boon a
regular subscriber to the
RKI-DBLIOAN since it started in
1882 , called yesterday and had his
credit marked up to 1902 , which
ronncls up twenty years Ho paid
the subscription to the paper the
first two years with two well foalps ,
the subscription price then being
$1.60 per year. Mr. Green is one
of the number of the first subscribers ,
who has been faithful all these year ? ,
and IB but seldom in arrears ,
The contest of Pigman against
Roam wan decided in iavor Roam
retaining his seat.
J. R. Orvis , ofVost Union made
this office a fricnly call Tuesday and
had his subscription advanced.
The postponed Sunday fcohool
Christmas festival of the Episcopal
oburoh will bo hold the coming
Friday evening , January 18th , at
7:30 : p. m.
Prot , Adamson informs us that ho
has his telephone line completed to
Wosoott and Comstook. The line
has boon extended from Snrgont to
Taylor , Loup county.
Otto 0. Agor gave a phonograph
ontortammont Monday night , over
the telephone vrirca. The aubaori-
bora to the entertainment , included
120 phones iu this city and several
at Analey.
Chai. Chrysler has sold the Book-
hacker barber shop to Jaoob John-
sou. This mokes two changes in
the barber shops within a week. Mr.
Johnson will discontinue his shop
on the north aide.
S. K. VVarriok , cashier of the
Brokou Bow State Bank , who haa
been confined to his bed several
weeks , with typhoid fever , wo are
pleased to announce is now able to
bo out part of the time.
C. G. Bronizor has just received
from the Woodman accident associ
ation of Lincon $18.84 , for injuries
roocivad , Deo. 10 , 1900 , while work
ing at carpentering , This ia the
second time Mr.Breuizer has had oc
casion to test the reliability of the
Walter Clark , a young men 18
years rid , of Weisaert was arrested
last Thursday , by sheriff Armstrong
on the ohargo of breaking into John
Friskhoru's houao and taking n rifle
The ycung man was brought to the
oity and put under bonds for his ap
pearance before Judge Armour to
day , The trial was bad today. The
Judge sentenced him to jail thirty
Last Monday a mooting was hold
at the homo of Mrs. Amanda Hol
comb , eight miles northeast of the
oity , for the purpose of organizing
a missionary Baptist church. Rev.
J. R. Wood , pastor of the Mason
City and Ausloy churches , who had
been holding special meetings in
the Holcomb settlement for ton
dajs previous , was moderator. He
wns assisted in I ho organization by
Rev. S. W. Richards , of this place ,
and ye scribe. As a result of Rev.
Wood's rneetinps a church was or
ganized with ton members , with
prospects favorable lor more acces
sions soon.
Ed Penn was arrested at Kearney
last Friday , and brought to Broken
Bow that evening , on the charge of
having forged a check on Michael
Koohm for $37.60. Hie prelimin
ary trial waa had before Judge Ar
mour Saturday , when he was bound
over to the district court in the Hum
of $350. From the evidence , it ap.
peared that Ed wont to Roohin's on
the morning of the tenth , and got
two blank checks on the Farmura
Bank of Broken Bow , Ho went
back to Lon Moore's , where he had
staid over night and secured pen
and ink and made out the ohook in
Jimmio Moor's presence , for $37. 50
Accompanied by a young boy by
the name of Henman , ho went to
Ooonto , where the Henman boy got
A , E. Brigman , a merchant , to cash
'ho oheok- They loft logether for
Kearney , where Ed wan arrested , the
following day. The sheriff found
on his pernon about $10 00. Just
how much of the evidence produced
in the oounty court oan be substan
tiated in the district court , is to be
OONLET WILOOI- Tuesday , January 16lb , at the
ottico ot tba eountv Judge , M. Conley , of Hyno ,
and Mr * . Mary Wllcoi , of Oconto , Jndpu Ar
Tl e groom is one of Cuteer
county's highly reypeoted citizen *
who has been a resident of Custer
oounty since 1883.
His bride is a lady of long
residence in the oouuty and enjoys
the esteem of her acquaintances.
The REPUBLICAN extends oongratu.
lationa. _ _ _ _
Notice of Reward.
A reward ot $6.00 will be given
for information leading to convic
tion of any one tampering or mod-
ling with any line , or shooting in
sulatora or doing any damage inten.
tioually on any line belonging to the
Broken Bow Telephone Exchange.
Warning is hereby given that any
persons so offending will bo prosecuted -
cuted to the full extent of the law.
BBQKHN Bow TxLirpnoNB Excn.
E. H. Dalby , of Logan Iowa ,
was in the city Monday looking
over the town with the view ot es
tablishing a cigar factory hero.
Ho now has a factory m Logan
where ho is employing several
hands. Ho has an opportunity to
sell his Iowa plant , and in ease
hu does , ho will locate in Nebraska ,
Ho is a man of consdorablo means
nnd will put in a plant that will
employ from aovcn to ten hduds.
The business men of the town fool
very friendly to the enterprise and
have assured Mr. Dalby that ho oan
depend upon them for their patronage -
ago and good will to the extent that
his goods will merit. Ho in a of B. VV. Kollonbar-
ger , of Morna , and from what wo
have boon able to learn of him wo
feel confident ho would prove a
valuable acquisition to the city.
Oyster Suppor.
The gentlemen of the Baptist
oburoh will give an oyster nipper
in the store room just north of Rin-
IIU'H resturaut , Friday evening Jan.
18 , 1901.
As this is an innovation from the
usual method of conducting church
suppers , wo solicit the patronage of
the general public , in order to do.
tormino the practicability ot the plan
on future oooaaioufl in Broken Bow
Ladies arc especially invited.
Supper will be ready promptly at
6 o'clock and continue until all are
A committed will bo on hand to
take charge of the babies. Bring
them along.
The following persons have
kindly promised to serve on the
various committous :
Chief Cook Onpt. E. II. llurnhum.
CommHleu on Itooni W II. Andrews , J. W.
Wliltu , M. E. HarrU and Wm. Dlulr.
Kntortalnmant Co.nmlttoo 0. II. Moris * uU A.
It Humphrey.
To Superintend Tables J. A. Armour G. W.
Appluand Dr. It. O. Talbot.
Com on Cake nnd Coffee T. C. II aid win.
Com. on ProrUloun HOT. S. W. Itlclmrdi , D.
11. Ainsberry and J. M. lUmberllng.
Dlsu Wa liurn 1) . M. AtuMiorry , L. A , Parmon-
tor , K. L. uril Uon.V. . IluntE ,
Waltors-W. L Hole , Dr. CllnUu Day. J. H.
Smltb , II. L. L'rttLlur , dlinon Cameron , U. B ,
Gaudy. 0. H. Martin , Allan Hey nor , Mr.ttuglnnd.
Dr. WilllB Talbot , Doim llulcomb , lluy Armour ,
Obal Maui > ln.
Ctablor J. M. Kiuibcrllng.
MILL or rxuK.
Orators. Cracker * . Celery.
Plcklm. Salad ,
Cake. Coffee.
Salt I'cppcr. Tootbplcki.
HOT. J. W. Crooks Dead.
From the Rooky Mountain Bap
tist , published at Boulder , Colorado ,
wo learn that ttov. J. W. Crooks
died at Monte Visla on Monday ,
January 7 , 1001 , of pneumonia.
He was sick only a short time. He
reached Monte Vista on the Ibt , and
preached there every night. At the
close of his serviooa Friday evening
ho complained of being sick , and
Bout for a physician. Bis wife was
telegraphed for on Sunday , and
arrived in time on Monday to bo
with him in his last hours , lie loft
Broken about ton years ago , gradu
ating the following your at Morgan
Park. Since then he has boon dis
trict missionary in Minnesota two
years , pastor at St. Paul , Minnesota ,
one your , at St. Cloud two years , at
Jowa Falls three years , : it.d the
remainder of the titno hu haa been
general missionary in Colorado.
Ho was born in England Jan. 9th ,
1863. Ho leaves n wife and seven
children. It ia said of him ; "Ho
was a most efficient superintendent
of misdions. lie worked too hard ;
ho never spared himself. During
the last year ho traveled 35,000
miles. Ho was wide awake and
aggressive. Ho was alwajH aotu-
alod by the loftiest motives. His
heart was set on doing the will of
God. Ho looked for the good that
wus in men , and found it. For him
the spots on the sun had no charm.
Hu was kindly , genial , gentlemanly ,
loving. He possosHod the instincts
and had cultivated the gracou of a
true gentleman. His kindness of
heart was unfailing. It was his
delight to bloHri , but never to smite ;
to heal , but never hurt. His wat
the foot lo turn amdo to spare tha
worm , that it might move on , " Hia
last visit here was during the state
convention iu October. Hia hair
had greyed in his absence of ten
years , but his face was young , and
he manifoHted tlo ; same life and
energy characteristic of him in his
younger days , and his visit waa
greatly enjoyed , especially by his
old acquaintances. It is sad to
learn that ho has been cut off in the
prime of his usefulness. His re-
mainu were laid to rest last Friday ,
in Denver , the funural being con
ducted by Rev. Dr , Vosbaugh ,
pastor of the First Baptist churoh.
Fur Hue. |
Twenty acres of well improved
land within a mile of Broken Bow
for $700 , Inquire at this office ,