Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 10, 1901, Image 7

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Belief That It Will Bo Forced Through
' This Week ,
Severn'of Its I'rovinlon * Kxprctcil to Kx-
clto Acrimonious Drbitu Tlio Ship
Subsidy HIM Then Next tu llo Given n
WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. The sen
ate will continue to give practically
uninterrupted attention to the army
reorganization bill until that measure
shall bo disposed of. That the bill
iwlll pass no ono doubts , and the gen
eral opinion IH that It will get through
Bomo time during the present year.
Senator Hawley , chairman of the
committee on military affairs , ex
presses the opinion that the measure
will bo in conference Wednesday , but
other senators postpone the date some
what. There are several committee
amendments yet to bo considered , In
cluding those relating to the army
canteen and the veterinary corps.
It was supposed at ono time that the
canteen provision would cause pro
longed debate , but the best opinion now
is that comparatively little time will
bo spent on it. A number of amend
ments suggested by Individual senators
will bo considered at greater length ,
and some speeches on the bill as a
whole arc yet to bo made.
The provision of the bill authoriz
ing the enlistment of Filipinos in the
army of the -United States Is among
the features which arc almost cer
tain to come in for sharp attack.
With the army bill out of the way ,
the legislative , executive and judicial
appropriation bill will bo taken up ,
nnd after It other appropriation bills ,
if any arc In shape to ba consdorcd.
The ship subsidy bill will "be re-
stored , to the "calendar * ab the regular
order of business when 'the army bill
Is passed and It will bo pressed when
no appropriation bills a'ro waltlng-cdn-
Next Saturday will be largely * devoted -
voted to eulogies upon the late Sen
ator Davis of Minnesota.
The consideration of the reappbr-
tionment bill will bo resumed tomor
row In the house. The Indications
point to a final vote upon the meas
ure on Tuesday , but the fight ever the
basis of , apportionment Is a bitter ono
and ther dobato. may bo prolonged.
The outcome Is not clear. Mr. Hap-
klns Is still confident that his bill will
carry , but In order to pull It through
he Is now ready to concede an Increti-o
of three members to cover the ma
jor fractions of , the states of Elorjda ,
Colorado and North Dakota.If.tiis .
bill passes It probably will bo with
this modification.
The opposition Is very aggressive ,
but on 'tho surface seems to lack the
strength necessary to carry tho1 Bu'r-
leigh bill. There are forces at work ,
however , by which the opposition
hopes , through the agencies of Sen
ator Quay , Senator Platt of Now York
nnd Senator Lodge of Massachusetts ,
to swing the delegation of Now York ,
Pennsylvania and Massachusetts into
line , and if successful the Hopkjris bill
may suffer defeat. ' ' "
Mr. Crumpacker of Indiana „ "will
move to recommit the bill with In
structions to reduce the representation
of the southern states , but there Is
no Idea that such a proposition will
After disposal of the reappor-
tlonment bill the river and harbor
bill will be taken up. It Is expected to
consume two days. The remainder of
"the week will bo devoted to appropria
tion bills. The District of Columbia
bill probably will bo the next of the
supply bills to bo considered.
Speak * of Ills Now I'aprr nnd Itollcreg In
Its Supers * .
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 7. William J.
Bryan passed through.Kansas City to
night on his way homo from Galveston -
ton , Tex. He hunted ducks while on
his trip and facetiously said that he
killed seventeen ducks , sixteen on the
wing and one In the water.
Speaking of his paper , the Com
moner , ho said the first Issue would bo
out about January 20. lie feels that
his newspaper enterprise -will be a
great success. Ho said that subscrip
tions were received from thirty-throe
states and territories within a week
after he announced his Intention of
publishing the Commoner. Mr. Bryan
was accompanied by bib son.
IHIsa West Timijile Uend.
DENVER , Colp. , Jan. 4. Miss West
Temple' of the "My Frlond from In
dia" company lias died of pneumonia
at St. Joseph's hospital. She was
taken ill when playing at the Denver
theater two weeks ago. -
Miss Belle Tremonc of the Boston-
lans , who Is ill with pneumonia at the
Tromont hotel in this city , Is in a
critical condition.
I.eliineii In the New Killtnr.
LONDON , Jan. 4. The new editor
of the Dally News Is Rudolph C. Leh
man , the famous university .Towing
coach , who went to America especially
to coach the Harvard crew , a few years
ago. Lehman , who married the
American daughter of the late Harri
son Davis , Is a strong radical and a
clover writer. He has a largo pro
prietary Interest in the Daily News.
MlHimirl Friirs n , 1'Iitgur.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 7. At a meet
ing of the beard of health of this city
today Dr. S. C. James , resident mem
ber of the State Board off Health , said
that there are cases of smallpox' in
over 100 counties of Missouri and that
the most vigorous quarantine measures
have failed to stop the spread of the
disease. City Physician ( } . O. Coflln
expressed the fonr that Kansas City
will suffer an epidemic of the disease
tills winter. There arc a hundred
now , and new cases are being dally
discovered. . The smallpox-hero is/not
virulent form. * * T" ' > * ' :
of a . .
, . : > K
Mlltlonnlre Pork I'uoher of Cttlcnco ,
Oiimlmnnil Kama * CUr , PRIMM Attnr.
CHICAGO , 111. , Jan. 7. Philip Dan-
forth Armour phllnu-.tiroplstt flna-
clcr and multi-millionaire , head of
the vast commercial establishment
that bears his name died at his home ,
2115 Prairie avenue yesterday.
A muscular affection of the heart ,
known to the medical profession as
myocarditis , was the Immediate cause
of death. He had beeii slowly rccov-
oHng from pneumonia that for three
weeks had threatened his life. At 9
o'clock this morning his heart gave
way under the strain of his recent
lllncso , his pulse running up to 103.
That was the beginning of the end.
Mr. Armour was surrounded by hla
family when he died. Those at his
bedside beside his physician and
nurses were his wife , Mrs. Philip D.
Armour , Jr. , and Mr. and Mrs. J. Og-
dcn Armour , nnd Kcv. Frank Gun-
saulus The millionaire retained con
sciousness until within an hour ol
his death.
During the day ho had realized that
death was near. To those around him
ho had said :
"I know I am very sick , and am
ready for death when It comes. "
Soon after luncheon , nnd Just be
fore the physician forbade his talking
more , Mr. Armour In feeble tones said
that ho would llko to hear the Lord's
prayer read.
Ono of the trained nurses who had
been attending him , drew a chair to
the bcdsldo and slowly read from the
bible the prayer for which the dying
man had asked. It was read sentence
by sentence nnd each was repeated
by Mr. Armour. When the "amen"
had been repeated by him , ho sank
back on the pillow and closed his
eyes restfully. It was the last word
the great financier spoke , except feeble
farewells to his family a little later.
Dr. Frank Blllins , who was at Mr.
Armour's bedside when the end came ,
and who had been almost constantly
in attendance upon the sick man ,
stated tonight that ho had heard Mr.
Armour make no mention of his Inter
est in or pronts arising irom tno gi
gantic Milwaukee-Groat Northern
deal , by which he has reputed to have
made $3,000,000 to $5,000,000 last week.
"Ho looked upon such holdings , "
said Dr. Billings , "as Investments rath
er than from the speculative view
point. "
"Wo were not altogether unpre
pared for my father's death , " said J.
Ogden Armour. "All the members of
the family had been here since the
relapse of this morning , in anticipa
tion of the most serious turn of
events. "
The news of Mr. Armour's death
spread rapidly through the city and
tonight there were many callers ax
the Prairie avenue mansion.
Mrs. Armour retired to her-apart
ments and during the evening saw
only the members of her immediate
family. J. Ogden Armour , who , with
his wife , had been at the bedside of
the dying millionaire all day , received
the callers during the evening.
It was announced that the funeral
services would be held probably at
the Armour mansion , either Tuesday
or Wednesday. . They will be conduct
ed by Dr. Gunsaulus , and , in keeping
with the llfo and habits of the deceased -
ceased , will bo simple In character.
Una No Doubt Ho Will Still Ho Champion
Af trr the Ilont.
NEW YORK , Jan. 7. James J. Jeff
ries left for Asbury Park , N. J. , tonight
and tomorrow ho will take his first
exorcises for his championship battle
with Gus Ruhlin , which takes place at
Cincinnati on February 15. The
champion arrived from Philadelphia
early today , where ho closed his the
atrical season on Saturday night. Hemet
met his old manager and trainer , Billy
Delaney , and both proceeded to As
bury Park. Jeffries was looking in
the best of shape and said ho was in
fine condition. Ho said :
"I will go Into training tomorrow to
do my first work for the big fight. I
feel fine now , and , barring accidents ,
I cxepect to bo In grand shape when
I meet Ruhlin. As regards the result
of this battle , there Is no doubt in
my mind that I will still be the cham
pion after February 15. "
' I'liyHlcliin GulH TIIII Yearn.
DIXON , Ky. , Jan. 7. Dr. W. E.
Clark was yesterday found guilty of
causing the death of Miss Cora Will-
Icr by n criminal operation and his
punishment was flexed at ten years'
Imprisonment. Miss Waller was taken -
on to Dr. Clark's office by Thomas
Holt , and when the operation said to
have been performed resulted in her
death In the operating chair. Holt
blew out his brains.
( irovrr'H Itiig nf Duckrt.
GEORGETOWN , S. C. , Jan. 7. The
Water Lily , the small nmil and pass
enger boat of Former President Cleve
land's party , came up to the city from
the Marshes this morning , deeply
down In the water with ducks. Cap
tain Robley D. Evans and Captain
Lnmberton are now at the famous
Murphy Island preserves , while Mr.
Cleveland Is a guest of Gen. E. P. Al
Ilux W < IconuMl ut J'tiel ) .
PUI3BLA , Mex. , Jan. 7. President
Diaz has been welcomed here with a
remarkable display of popular enthus
iasm. Governor Martinez today ex
tended n welcome on the present state
of Puebla and President Diaz formally
opened the new schools and penal law
.Miiy do to Ciiiuiilu.
ST. PETERSBURG , Jan. 7. The
Molokanan , a sect numbering -lO.uOO ,
whoso founders removed in IS 10 from
various parts of Russia to the Can-
lasus and whono delegUtes have just
brought glowing reports from the
Doukhoborn , or Russian Quakers In
Canada , contemplate emigrating to
America. The seot secured state lands
iu the Caucasus at almost rent free ,
but recently the Russian government
announced that the rents would be In
creased threefold. Now the Mole
kanan arc petitioning the government
to restore the formal rentals , or to
permit emigration.
The T.ndy Ilcnt nant QuU.
' .The only worn/in with- the rankof
lieutenant in the army 1ms resigned.
Dr. Anita Nowcomb McGce , daughter
of Simon Nwcomb McGce , the astron
omer , was appointed acting assistant
surgeon in the United army in August ,
1SDS , to aid In the selection and equipment - ,
ment of a corps of army nurses for
field nnd hospital work. The appoint
ment carried with it the rank of first
lieutenant and the right to wear the
shoulder straps nnd uniform of an
ofilcer of that trade , a right for which
she did not avail herself. The work
for which she was appointed having
now been fairly organized , Dr. McQco
has resigned , and no successor will bo
Carrying Awny the Monument.
The Washington monument is said
to bo slowly but surely disappearing.
Vandals are carrying it away In their
pockets. The Interior is constantly
being defaced. In many places the
inscriptions on stones contributed by
the various ntates of the union , as
well as those sent by organizations ,
have been greatly Injured. From the
appearance of some of the marble It
bos been attacked with inron instru
ments. Letters have been broken off
the tablets. While the great bulk of
the damage Is doubtless done by relic
hunters , som i of the highly polished
stones have been Injured simply for
the sake of defacing them.
The Ilunnrnhlo Mines 11. Crnuo of Ta-
coiuu , Wnsli. , Tolls How Olil Soldiers
Muy Help Thomselvvi.
Tacoma , Wash. , Jan. 5 , 1901. ( Spe
cial. ) "I used to have Heart Disease ,
but thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pills I
now have Heart's Ease.
"Five years ago 1 was a continual
sufferer of Heart Disease. Exposure
during the war , and a tendency to grow
over fleshy , had greatly aggravated
this dread disease. I often had to sit up
halt the night. I had It so bad when I
would llo down. Life looked pretty blue
to me , as I thought there was no relief ,
until one day I read an advertisement
of Dodd's Kldnoy Pills. I bought a box
that same day , nnd It was the best
day's work I ever did. Before I had
used all the first box I could cat and
sleep better than I had done for many
years , and after three months' faithful
treatment , my health was completely
restored. I am an old man now , but
my step-is as elastic and my brain as
clear as when I was thirty years of
age. "
These are the words of the Hon.
Moses B. Crane , secretary of Odin
Lodge , No. 123 , I. O. O. P. of this city.
The Hon. Mr. Crane is also Senior
Vico-Commandor of G. A. R. Post No.
5. Tacoma.
Those who know Mr. Crane have the
fullest confidence In his honesty and
truthfulness , and know that ho would
not give this unsolicited testimonial
unless he had actually experienced the
relief which he indicates In his letter.
Dodd'a Kidney Pills are having a won
derful sale among Mr. Crane's friends
and their name is loglon In this
part of the country. There does not
seem to be a single case of Heart Dis
ease , Kidney or Bladder Weakness , or
Rheumatism , that Dodd's Kidney Pills
do not permanently cure.
The candidate who expresses him
self is often beaten by another who
pays the freight.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
Many a man starts out to gather
wool and gets fleeced himself.
spot , streak or give your goods au un
evenly dyed appearance.
An old toper says he envies acorns
because they always remain In their
cups until they drop.
Mlio average man thinks olhor people -
plo need church more than he does.
TTfi r" T * ' " i Week
aim eipen n to men with rljti to Introduce cur
roruiiv CONI-OUND. JAVKU.K Uru. Co. , UciL ( 1) ,
1'ARto.Mi. KAXIA .
A set of false to'cth is nn emblem of
1 Tlio b noi1rnl | rp ulta of OHrfH'UI Ton
upon tU > synU'iu io uiMiifiit | ufl ? r u few
rtiiys use : T11K
1'XJll THE 13LOUU 11AB
The man who possesses a million is n
capital fellow.
FITSr rm ii9nt'jrCur ii. Itu
Rut lUy'c tire nf Dr , rCllnr'n ( Unit Xt > r > p llotnlcr.
Krml fnr FKKK B'J.OO HIM tuitllx unit IrrMlio.
1m. 11. II. Kusn. Ltd.,831 AlxU.IU. llillnlfllihll. l' < u
Every little vice is the subject of a
lot of advice.
The ( Avorlto for rcMorlnc llfo anil color to tlio hair
| i I'AiiKi.n't lUin UAI.SAU.
s , tlio ben euro forcorui , lcti.
The oftoncr a man Is in the wrong
the louder ho crows when ho happens
to bo right
TO cum : A COM > IN ONIS AY.
TdUo . jAXATlVK HltOMl , QU1K1I4K T.UII.K1S , All
IrupcUts refund the money If It fulls to cuic.
K.N. . Grove's signature Is on the box. > c.
No matter how changeable a man
may be ho always wants a little nnro
$148 will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments. Write for catalogues.
Schmollcr & Mueller , 1313 Faruaui
street , Omaha.
love doesn't laugh at the minister ,
nnd he Is love's locksmith.
Throw physio to the doss If YOU don't want
thodoRs but If you mint Kouil ultostloii chew
Hccmuu'K 1'epsln Gum.
A schoolboy says there arc too many
switches on the road to knowledge.
Donfnii.g Cannot llo Cured
by local applications , us thny cannot reach the
dlsoa ed portion of the car. There Is only ono
way to euro dcnf ness , nnd that Is by constl-
tuUonnl remedies. Ucnfncss is cnusod by nn
Inflamed condition of the mucus llnlnj ? of the
Eiihttichlnn Tube. When this ttibo Is Inflamed
you huvo n rumbling sound or Imperfect hear-
Inc , nnd when It Is cntlioly closed dnifwss Is
the result , and unless the Inllaramiilton can betaken
taken out and this tube restored to Itrt normal
conilltlon , hoarlncr will bo dcstrovcd foruvor :
nlno cases out of ten nro caused by catarrh ,
which Is nothing but nn Inflamed condition of
the mucus surfaces.
Wo will clvo Ono Hundred Dollars for any case
ef Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that cannot
bo cured by Hull's Cutnrrh Cure Send for
circulars , froo.
froo.F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold bv Drupulsts , 7f > c.
Hall's Family Pills arc the best.
When a tricky jockey holds the
reins the race isn't always to the
I'lso'n Cms is the Iipst mrdlclno wo ever used
for all affections of the tliroit and lungs. Wu.
O. E.NDSI.ET. , Ind. . Fob. 10 , 1000.
Some men arc BO very good that It
is a question what they are good for.
Magnetic Starch Is the very best
laundry starch In Iho. world.
llnro Mexican Exploration * * .
Professor Frederick Starr , of the
University of Chicago , with a photo
grapher and guide , has gone on an
other visit of Investigation among the
unknown tribes of Mexico. Ho will
bo absent half a year , and expects to
complete with his journey his studies
of the South Mexican Indians.
'What Do tlio Children Drink ?
Don't give thorn ton or coll'oo. IIuvo yon
tried tno now food drink culled GUA1N-O1
It is dollcioiiH nnd nourishing , and tiikes the
plnco of colfeo. Tlio moro Grain-O you glvo
the children tlio moro health you distribute
through their systems. Ornlu-O i iniulo of
pure grains , nuil when properly prepared
tlistos llko the choice gradas of calico , but
costH about X as much. All grocoro tell it
15a and -5c. !
Tuwn'H Oliloit Voter.
In a newspaper hunt for the oldest
voter in Iowa , Wiliam Zimmer , of
Clinton , has been found , who sa > his
first vote was cast for James Monroe
In 1820. Ho wiis then living in Now
York state , and had just passed his
21st year , which would make him
now above 100 years of age. The rest
of the country Is challenged to pro
duce a voter who can beat this record.
This picture tolls its own story of sisterly affection. The
older girl , just budding into womanhood , has suffered great
ly with those irregularities and menstrual difficulties which
sap the life of so many young women.
3Jydiu E. Piiiklmm's Vegetable Compound can
always ho relied upon to restore health to women who thus
suffer. It is a sovereign cure for the worst forms of fcmalo
complaints , that hearing-down feeling , weak hack , falling
and displacement of the womb , inflammation of the ovaries ,
and all troubles of the uterus or womh. It dissolves ana
expels tumors from the uterus in the early stage of develop
ment and checks any tendency to cancerous humors. It
subdues excitability , nervous prostration , and tones up the
entire female system.
Gould anything provo rttoro clearly the of"
ffotoncy of Mrs , PSnkham's Motlfofae than the
following strong statement of Grace Staexsbury ?
" DKAU Mns. PINKIIAM : l was n sufferer from fcnrnlo wcnlcncBa for
about a your and a half. 1 have tried doctors and patent medicines , but
nothing helped me. I underwent the horrora .of local treatment , but ro-
ceivcd no benefit. My ailment was pronounced ulcerntion of the womb.
1 Buffered from , intense pains in the womb and
ovaries , and the biiclcnchu was dreadful. I had
Icucorrhncn In lt wor ? > t form. Finally , I grew so
weak 1 had io keep my bed. The pains were BO
hard au to almost cause spasms. When I could
endure the pains no longer , 1 was given morphine.
My memory grew short and I gave up all hope of
getting well. Tims I dragged along. To plcaso
my sister I wrote to Mrs. 1'iiudmiii for advice. Her
answer came , but meantime I waa taken woruo
and was under the doctor's care for a while.
" After reading Mrs , I'lnUlmm's letter , I con
cluded to try her medicine. After talcing two
bottles I foil much better ; but after using six
bottles I was cured. All of my frlenda think my
cure almost miraculous. I thank yon very much
for your timely advice and wish you prosperity
in your iioblo work , for surely it Is a blessing to
broken-down women. I have full' and complete faith in the JLytllu
E. Plnklinni Vegetable Compound. " GUAOB , B. STANBUUJIY ,
Heringtou , Kansas.
Owing to the fact that some skeptical
people have from time to time quo itioncil
the genulneneitef the testimonial lettcra
we nre constantly | iubliihing , we have
tlepotitcd with the National City llnnk , of Lynn , Mnu , $5,000 ,
which will lie paid to any perton who will liow that tlm aLovo
tritimonial it not ucnulne , or was published before obtaining the
miter's ipccial permission. I.YDIA 1C. PiNKIlAM JlnniciNit Co ,
When It comes to word painting the
sign painter Is at the top of the lad
Every time a man's wife loolcs happy
ho natters himself that ho Is the cause
of It.
No man over expects hlu wife. to
make as may mistakes as he docs.
Use Magnetic Starch It hag no equal.
No matter how tall n man is ho is
not nbpvti criticism.
You're bilious , got a cold , you have a throbbing sensation in your head , a bad taste in your mouth , your
eyes burn , your skin is yellow with dark rings under your eyes , your lips are parched and you feel ugly and
mean , as if you wanted to kick a lame infant or kill a canary bird. Your system is full of bile not properly
passed off , and what you need is a cleaning up inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself
and those who love you , but send out at once for a box of CASCARETS and work off the cold while you sleep.
Be sure you get CASCARETS ! Don't let them sell you a f.e substitute.
II iioi. . _ uu In. i , .cll l J Ilia LU11-
cers Dccenioer ! , 1783.
"I Iinvc iifUMl your vnlmilile GAS-
CAlllC'i'S and llnd them perfect. Couldn't
do without them. I have used tlu-m for
, omc > time for Indication nnd biliousness
nnd am now completely cured. Recommend
thorn to every one. Once tried , you will
never bewithout them In tlio family. "
EDW. A. MAUX , Albany , N. Y.
A movement 1 on foot in Xcw Y'--k
ift * ihi * T ? < - * . . '
R > " .
capv. .
< $
11 ! U
Belf , i
25c. 50c.
OrAltAXTiniTO ClVIir nil tin\v1 , niiiK-nillrllli , l.lllon
Iinil Ill-mill. liiil lilnoillnit nit I Inndiniuph. . liluali-il turn cl * Ion I mouth
lii-iKlitclii ; , liiiHuotloii , iiliiiiilm , | iiiii nCor cunnic. llvi-r trouble , sullmr com
nlrx-lou mill ilurltico.vlicii jour hnwrU tluu't murrxiilurly jou nr <
grttlnif KlrU.on f Ipiidiiit KIIU morr pco | > lr tliiiu nil iilhrr ilUi-nti liiuvllu-i- .
II I * it starler Tor I lie rhronlu iillmuiil * mill loiiu- year * ol'tiillf rliiif Hull fonix
itltvruariln. A < > miillfi * it hat nil * Jim. utiirt tuklnu < 'AM'.V KI'1'.S liiilny , for
joi ; will iifVfr lent veil unit IIBill all llm ilm.i until you mil your liotvrl >
rlrlit. Tuku innmlvlrtt iailvllli CANL'AIti'l'.S loiliij , under an ulmolulo
cuaruutcu to euro or money lefnnUciI. IJU