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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1901)
RELIGIOUS JlKAJUiNG. RELIGION AND REFORMS ALL OVER THE WORLD. Common TliltiB * Ilulp Tlmt Ciunai from < lo l llnty of HcliiK C'ticurful TlitnK * to rorgtt Korirot NclRlilmrn 1'uutu AbstrnclA from HITIIIOIH. Cuiiiuinii Olvo me , dear Lord , Thy magic com mon things , Which ull am eeo , which all may share , Sunlit-lit uiul dewtlroiJS , grimu aud stars and HCII , Nothing unique or now , and nothing rare. , Just daisies , knap-weed , wind among thu thorns ; Sonio clouds to cross the blue old uky above ; Rnln , winter fires , a useful hand , a heart , The common glory of n woman's love. Then , .when my feet no longer tread old paths ( Keep them from fouling sweet things anywhere ) , Writ * one old epitaph In grace-lit words : "Such things look fairer that he so journed hero. " The Spectator. IIolp Tlmt Conic * from Uod. In the time of sore aflllctlon , when the he-art cries out for relief from Ita deep dlatreos , nothing save the help that cornea from the everlasting goupel can avail to sustain the spirit. Sym pathy can do hiucli. A cheery faith that all things wt rk together for good to him who etiltlvates It can also do much to assuage the grief of a friend. But genuine sympathy is akin to that spirit of interest which is fostered by the gospel , and that faith which looks steadily upward and forward , confident that Goodness presides over all worlds , is the product of u prolonged and earn est quoat for the truth which Jesus came to Impart. To thu eager and per sistent quefltioulnus of a soul tried by deep sorrow Christ alone can give plain and satisfying answers. The aid that comefl through the man or woman of faith hus Its source in the Savior's teachings In the truths that He ut tered respecting the Father.the endless life , the heavenly home , and in the same truths that had expression and demonstration in his rising in spir itual habiliments to the eternal world. Through. Him the Father , the giver of life , assures the seeking heart that the departed loved ones live more really than over before , and that the brief separation will bo followed by eiullefls association in a world more glorious. UnlvcrBuUBt louder. Duty of Baltic Olieerfnl. Wo speak much of the duty of mak ing others happy. "No day should pass , " w Bay , "on which wo do not put a little cheer Into some heart , make the path a little smoother for sonioont/b tired feet , or help one faint ing robin Into its nest again. " But wo are not accustomed to think of the duty of being happy ourselves. Yet the one duty is taught in the Bible us clearly as the other. Jesus said his disciples should have tribulation in the world , but he said in the sumo sen tence : "Bo or good cheer. " That is the problem which is set before us as Christians. Wo are to live cheerful. The fact is , however , that not all Christians are cheerfully Christians at all times. Some tire scarcely over cheerful are habitually uncheorful. Others are cheerful only at times , when the sun shines , and all things go Well with them. The truth is , there are in the ordinary life a thousand pleasant things to one unpleasant. I : Is a ahame , therefore , to lot the one roughness or pain spoil us for all tli'o gladness of a thousand good things , the one discordant note mar for us all the music of the grand .yinphony. Forward. of So many people are mooning away their time as if they had a whole eternity to upend , and they pay so much attention to things that can help the individual soul but little , If any at all , and they neglect the weightier matters of the law. Toll mo that my ago will be ten thousand times tou thousand yours , and 1 aay , My broth ers , halt ! let us look into this weed ; bow did it come to be what it Is ? What other weeds are there round about Us neighborhood ? What Is the relation of these various aud apparent ly competing needs ? and halt , lot us gather a thousand llttlo shells from the seashore , and number them , and appraise them , and wonder about how long they have boon In their evolution. There might be some little grain of sense in that , but when you toll mo that the days of our years are three , score years and ton , I must reconsider the whole calculation , and get to un derstand if I can which Is the more Important , which the moat important , what is the thing to be done now. Joseph Parker , D. D. Thing * to Forget. If you would increase your happiness * nd' prolong your life forget your neighbor's faults. Forget the tempta tions. Forgot the fault-flndlng , and ctve a little thought to the cause which provoked it. Forget the peculiarities of your friends and only remember the good points which make you fond of them. Forget all personal quarrels or histories you may have heard by acci dent , and which , If repeated , would com a thousand times worce than they are. Blot out as far as possible all the dlsngreunblOB of life ; they will j como , but they will grow larger when you rcmcinbur them , and the constant , thought of the acts of meanness , or , j worse fltlll , malice , ' will only tend to make von more familiar with them , i Obliterate everything disagreeable from yesterday , start out with a clean sheet for today , and write upon it , for sweet memory's sake.only those things which are loveljr and lorablo. ICytio , lOmlttcd lut week. ] Christina * treu nt Success waa a bum mer , passing off without u failure. A , J. Iteevca linn received his organ ami IB muuh elated. It In bettor than be expected. Mr. McNulty. of Ooonto , la wintering some catUu for Mr Nelson , of Lodl LRBI week twenty-six died , Of ( con of them in four lioura time. Christmas was pleuuunt and well ob served , if feasting IH the way to observe It , no there were a lot of big roaats and neighbors invited to store thorn away. Departed attempt to liold up the Itiokun Bow in Ml on laatcek was bloodless , and truthless ; wonder whether thu passengers nnd drivui paw any snakes. U. JJ. HeuUley , of At'tou IOWA , bat fenced his oluUn , located three miles cniit ol Ryno. Ho will put down u well and erect n wind mill , und he aud his brother James will run a cattle ranch. 1) , If. Emptleld renched his tweuly- seventh mile-atone hint Sunday. Several of his relatives hplped him cut a turkey. lie iceelvid ecmo nlco presents. We hupo BIMI will live to enjoy tnuny birth days , mid tjobblers. KYNO , Neb. , Jan. 1 , 1901. U. A. Odllltli has lost four head ot cuttle with corn stalk disease recently. L. H. Emptleld butchered a hog today , olati d by Squire Dean und Lloyd Ituuk. Mrs. Mary Wilcox has left llyno She will etiKiige In drcebiuuklng at Oconto. Andew Horn him finished picking corn lor Squire Denu. He will herd cattle foil , ) 11. Smith. Wallle QrillUI ) , of Johnstown Nebr. , arrived last evening. Ho will vleli among relatives and look after aomo un sullied busmesH. Goodbya old century , good-bye. All hnll the new century , Yesterday this generation saw what they will t > ever see again , the cloeo ot a century. Weather had been cold since Sunday's blizzvd. Mercury below zero ; seems liku theru Is some truth , In the old ndn "us the days lengthen the cold fctroug- theus. " G. A. Grilllth , mutated by II. U. Don nel , raised the remains of a babe that bud been burled on the homestead nine yenrc , and Interred Itboei'Jo its mother , in the cemetery at Cull away on I set Monday. Ourgenlnl rend overseer , John Malr , waa rushing around Ryno y eater Jay , attending town board meeting and re- pairlrg the approaches to the Lisle brldgo. Ho Informs ufi that hla tern ? < > f ofllco has expired for which ho is Cedar Foroats Ar The cedar forests remaining ; in the northeastern part of the continent are In Aroostook county , Maine , the northern counties of Now Brunswick and the counties of Tumlscouata , Rl- mouski , Bonayouture and Qaspe , In Quebec. Hero cedar grows large and there are more trees to th acre than , farther south. It Is found on th high land as well aa in the awampa. ID Nova Scotia cedar does not grow. In southern New Brunswick ther is not enough left to supply ties for the lo cal railroads. J SAA I-After ! He Comes lie has A hard enonjjh time. Every thing that the expectant mother can do to help her child she should ilo. One of the greatest blessings she can give him is health , but to do this , she must have health her self. She should use every means to improve her physical condition. She should , by ull means , supply herself with Mother's Friend. It will take her through the crisis easily and quickly. Itisji liniment which gives strength und vigor to the muscles. Com mon sense will > show you 'that ' the stronger the muscles are , which bear the strain , the less pain there will be. A woman living in Fort Wayne , Ind. , says : "Mother's Friend did wonders for me. Praise God for your liniment. " Read this from Huuel , Cal. ' Mother's Friend is a blessing to all women who undergo nature'a ordenl of childbirth. " Get Mother's Friend at the drug store. $1 nor bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. , Atlanta , Ga. Wrtta for our frt Illustrated book , " Ik for * H by U llorn. " COLLOM'S GROCERY ! Having bought the ptock formerly owner ! by A. Wallace , me have added a complete 9TQCK off Aud are prepared to neil as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST , jfft VtlVIT , OVSTimtt mid Cl L.imY IN HI ! AMOK. Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange. Goodu delirered to any pert of the city. Give ua a trial. A. A. COLLOM. TO MAKE A FORTUNE. THE OPPORTU NITY MAY NOT OOME YOUR WAY AGAIN Twentieth Century parmer OFFEUS A NDMBKIt OF MAGNIFICENT PtUZE3 TO THOSE WHO WILL ACT AB AQKNT3 1st Prize , $1,000 Gash. 2d Prize , $500 Gash AND JW OTIIKK OA8U PIU7.ES. KANGINO FHOM J500 TO $25. TtlE TWENTIETH OENTaUV KAHMERls published by the Den Publishing Company , of Dmaha , and U an agricultural aud family mnuBZlno of unusual merit. There are departments for arerr tr.cmbor of tbe family , special articles by men ot known reputation anU Illustrations vrlll be a prominent feature. Wilio for immplo copy find auk for particular * concernlnK the prizes Prlco $1.00. THE TWEN'JIBTll CENTUllY PARMBIt aud tbe HsptrnuoAS will basent to you one ypar tor l.B5. ( every-w ) C' T THIS OCT. IT MAY NOT APPEAR AGAIN. 10 WEEKS SUBSLRIPriON TRIAL , lOc THE TWENTIETH CE2&TUEY FAHMER. It contains n number of appoial arliolpc each week by tbe most compiitrnt specialists In eyerv hr nch of 8rcultnre ! department * deToted to lire stock , crops , the dairy , poultry jarcl , orchard and Kard'en ' , tarm , machinery , Tetotlnwy topics , irrigation and tUo lunrke-ts. The farinerV wife , too , Jms her sham of space , with recipes and necostlons ou cookery , dreiamtklng , fancy work , cnro ol flowers , and matters particularly pleating toner , while the children have a department edited ( or them excluslTolv. Four or five pases are derotud to t complete review of the now * of the -week covering both happenings at homo and abroad , and n ewe In pariltulur lnlere tlng to the great farming weM. 'Iheti too , are ihe stories , choice poetry and hnmor , and all the good thing * tbat one likes to loud after the lampi ure lighted and the day's work la done. An ideal Mieiiilura ! and Family Weekly Sl.OO PEE YEAE. Cut this out and send it with a dime or five 2-oent alnraps to The Twentieth Century Farmer , 1869 Farnam street , Omaha , Nobr. d20-4 THE EFUBLICAN One Dollar Per - Year , WORNALL President. J. A. \nniS. ! Cashier. P. C. , . . . . . A. . J. HO1IKHTSON , Vlw-1'rcs \V. U. BLACKWELL , Ana't Cashier Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BROKEN BOW , NEB. TrauBQOtn a General Bunking Business. County Claims and Warrants Bnnght. The People's National Family Newspaper , Published Mon- OHM BUM MM day , Wednesday I\T 17A / | B AN 4 YV rculltynfln , trc h , oTcry other Jny Dally , KlvInK tno la cst nous 01 , duye of Issue , andcorer- IIIK news of thu other three. Itcoii- tains ull Important foreign cabin IICWH which lu The Dally Tribnno of fbino date , also Domestic aud For eign Concupond- Baaian n cnco , Short Slorlce , P r ? T Elegant 11 r 1C. tone ri * at VOn HlUHtratlniin , Hu moroiiH ItviDo , ID - dustrlouB Informs- tlon.Fssoion itcg , Agricultural Mai- tnrs mid co pro- ilienelve ami rdi- Mo Flnanclrl nml Mnrket icports. UcKtilarsntucrlp- tlon price , SI 60 per year. year Published on ra-apryoMMMM Toured ay , anil \j HIA / Inowu for nearly rftX tirf VV Uty yearilnerury part of the United Hlatci iu a Nutlonal Family Nownpapor of the htgheetclti'S. for farmers mm Tlllngor' . It COL- tains all the moit Tr buno up to the hour of going to picss , an Agricul tural Department of the hlghott or der , has entertain ing rending for every member of the family , old and young , Market Re ports , which are so- < opted as authority by farmers and country merchant * , and IB clean , up-to- itate. Interesting aud Inetruc'.Iro , Regular subscrip tion prlco , $1.00 p r ycur. ycur.Wo Wo furnish V- TRIBUNE with the CAN for $1.60 per year. Send all orders to the REPUBLICAN , Broken Bow , Nebr. Gleason's Horse Book , By OSCAR R. GLEASON , The Prince of American Hoisn Trainers. The Farm and Fireside , ' MONARCH OP THE WORLD'S RURAL PRESS. " In order to introduce them to o'ur reader * , the publishers of the above book aud paper have made UH a proposition which enables us to make the deuidudly liberal offer outlined below. Be sure to read it. BREAKING A VICIOUS KICKER Professor Glenson hus no equal as n boreo-tratner. and his book , llko iti author , bridles comparison. People aeatmblo in great numbers to fcce his public exb billons. His power over vicious borees Is marvelous In Ills book bo tolls In plain , strninht-forwiird language just how to pro ceed in dllllcult cases wltb obstinate animals , and wbat menna will bring BUCOIB9. I hu numerous Illustrations make It Impossible to mieu'jdprptand how to construct bis appliances , and clearly snow how they are to be used. No kind o ( Ill-behavior or dlseitBO tbat affects the horse Is overlooked. I1 tin bonk Is replete from cover to cover wltb vnlusbln information tbat the antlnr hap been years In compiling. As a result the UNITED STATES GOVERN MENT IIBH crfntly honored I'rofespor ( jleason by adopting bis book as the HK ( OLJNIZED AUTHORITY In the euro and control of the horses In the United States c tvaliy. The book contains over 4oo Pages , 300 Special Drawings No more practical work than GLEASON'S HORSE HOOK could be ob tained by tbe farmer. The Information U contains may bs tbe means of sav ing its owner Several Hundred hollars within n Year. A Synopsis of the Book's Contents. History of the horse , educating the horse , teaching hote a tricks , how to buy , how to feed , water and groom , breeding and ralelng horses , breaking and taming vicious horees , metlodn of detecting unsoundness , the teeth , boreOBhoelng , dsi * nscs o ( th horse This valuable book , In cloth binding , was originally sold by agents at (2 00 a copy but our ariangeinont with the publishers enables ua to offer ) a special premium edition Free to Our Subscribers old and new alike. i * ! i xAft , , rJSiJSv- - - 1 the monarch of tlio world's rural press It has oTcraiOWWsnljKrlberj UUiieued twice a month and gives SO to 24 pages each leeue , ench page 11x10 Inches , Its contributor on Bcrlcnltur. subjects are the beat In the land In the course of a year erery feature of larmlnit receive * ? Untlon. The ' Klrcalde" part of the pnpcr Is doroted to the Intercuts and entertainment of the farmer' * wife and family. There are tzccllcnt short and serial stories , cut inner natterni nw receipts for cooking , canning fruit , aud timely articles on home topics , Numerous Illn. . ' tratlona are uied. BARGAIN OFFER-A11 Throe for 51.35. GLKABON'8 HOUSE nOQK , Sold by Agnnts t * ' . , m FAItM AND FUIESIDK. Yesrly Hnbicrlptlon Mco * { TZ CUSTRIt UuUNTY UEPUBUOAN , Yearly Subscription Price. ToUJ Value of , All Three In order to take advantage ! tbisoffdr , oldHubicribBra to the KKPUMLIOAH must balauco all unpaid Bceounts , ant acoompanv their ronnwala wllh oaeh in advance. Don't delay , but eund In your order at oneu. Addrong OUSTER COUNTY REPUBLICAN , Hroken Bow , Nubr.