Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 03, 1901, Image 6
COSTER CODNTI REPUBLICAN D. , .Vublliher. BBOtfEN BO\V , NEBRASKA. ! THE NEWS IN BRIEf. Theodore L. Poole , United Statea marshal for the northern district , and n former member of congress , died at Syracuse , N. Y. , of apoplexy. Rev. Christian Keller , pastor of the German Lutheran church In Racine , Wls. , was. found dead in bed. Ho 10- tircd in apparently good health. Apoplexy - oploxy is supposed to bo the cause of death. Lieutenant Parker , manager of the patent department of the American Bicycle company , Is dead at the homo of his mother In South Lancaster , Mass. Ho was -13 years of ago and graduated from Annapolis In 1882. Secretary Hitchcock of the Interior department Is spending the holidnyn with relatives in St. Loula. Ho says ho Is not going to resign from the cab inet and , as far as ho knows , only Attorney General Grlggs contemplates leaving the cabinet. "Russia offers Roumanlu a loan of 10,000,000 , " says the Vienna corre spondent of the London Dally Exprc'ss , "to assist her in the financial crisis , but the offer was declined because there were conditions attached under mining Roumanian Independence. " John Riley Chamberlain , a veteran of the civil war , died at Cincinnati , 0. , of pneumonia , aged 72. Ho has been engaged in newspaper work In Cincinnati for thlrty-flvo years and most of that tlmo with the Associated Press. An unsuccessful attempt was made to rob the Sonora , Ky. , Deposit bank. The would-bo robbers were evidently frightened away before they succeed ed in forcing an entrance to the safe. They left all their tools lying near the vault. The bank olllclals were unable to open the vaults and business was suspended. Mayor-elect John F. Hurley of Sa lem , Mass. , Intends to give his salary , $2,500 a year , to the poor of the city. lie will rule after January 1. Ho will I' ! not Intrust the money to charitable in stitutions to distribute. Ho will dis burse the funds himself. Every case of deserving poor Is known to him , and ho will poreonaly aid them. Louis Losibardo undertook to sere nade Josop do Parlo In Brooklyn , N. Y. The girl's father ordered him away , but Lombarod persisted In singing a love song , playing an accompaniment on a guitar. At the conclusion of the song , and while , his sweetheart was at her window , Lombardo drew a revolver and with it shot himself In the head. At East Bralntrco , Mass. , the tor pedo boat destroyer Mac Donough was launched at the works of the Fore River Iron company amid the ringing of bells and the blowing of whistles. Mrs. Lucy Charlotte MacDonough Rcado of Philadelphia christened the vessel with champagne. The new boat was taken down the rlvor to the Quln- cy works of the company. At Houston , Texas , government Inspectors specters seized a largo quantity of oleomargarine which retailers had in stock labeled as creamery butter. Fif teen retailers are under bond , and as the punishment Is a heavy one , there is much tribulation among those af fected. A common practice , It is said , has been to mix oleo with butter and sell it as the best creamery. Two men were killed and two wound ed at the Fnrls distillery , Kentucky. Four members of the Slzcmoro family on ono side and Ilpnry Barrett and W. H. Young , on the other , engaged in a desperate fight. Young and oiio of the SIzomores wore Instantly killed , and two of the Slzemores were prob ably fatally wounded. An old feud was the cause of the trouble. All arq frdm Clay county. During the last year Mr. Carnegie gave away about $3,000,0000 for li braries and educational 'Instltutidns , not including the Plttsburg Institute. During 1899 ho gave away about $5- 000,000. Ho has already founded so many libraries in this country that ho is about to establish a training school for librarians at Wlnona , Ind. , in order to make them more useful. The total number of libraries founded by Mr. Carnegie in this country is Blxty-sovcn , seventeen In Scotland and several In England and Ireland. Ho has twenty-four libraries in Pennsyl vania alone. State Senator W , F. Meyer of Carbon county , a banker and prominent citi zen of Red Lodge , Mont. , was arrested on a warrant sworn out by Dora Ful lerton , the daughter or a ranchman who charges that Meyer called her into his Ojfllco , locked the door ant tried to kiss her. She , however , suc ceeded in escaping. Emma Goldman says that the an i archists have decided not to kill anymore moro kings or crowned heads. 1 The largest coal deal ever made In Harrispn county , West Virginia , will bo closed in a few days. The territory comprises 12,000 acres , or nineteen square 'miles ' around Salem. Some anxiety IB felt regarding the health of the aged Grand Duke of Saxo-Welmar. Ho is suffering from Influenza. A bulletin Issued by his physician says his condition is satis , factory , that ho slept well In spite of repeated spasms of coughing and that his temperature is 99.7. The grand duke was born In 1818 ; Andrew Carncglo has given $20,003 to Tuskegeo institute at Tuskegeo , Ala. , the money to bo used for the erection of a new dormitory. A. H , Pierce , the richest cattle man In Texas , has died at Pl'ei'co ' station. Ho was many times a millionaire , with a largo variety of interests in Texas. Dave Owens , a prominent man of Garland City , Ark. , was shot and killed. It is alleged that Hill Ross , a merchant , WQB shooting at a man named Davis , the first shot striking Davis in the leg. Owens was passing and at the second shpt fired by Ross fell dead with a bullet in Ida head. .Ross has nut b en captured. t Porto Eico Moro Generously Treated Thaa Any of tlio Territories , PEOPLE SATISFIED WITH THE LAWS Tiocul I.i'Klfll'itiiro HUN Authority tor Ite- priil tlin TurllT If It \ \ | HIK , hut HUH Hot Doiio Ho All IH rroprnitHlitc ; I'll- CINCINNATI. Drc. 2J. Senator J. B , J'ornkcr has made a reply to the 10- ( cnt njccph at Ann Arbor , Mich. , of lontier President Harrison , In which Mr. Harrison criticised thn Porto Rlcan policy of the government , char acterizing It as a deinrturo from cor rect principles. In a uptech before the Mamittieturers' club of thin city lutu night Senator Foiiker said on this point : All the questions arising under the Porto Rlcan legislation are soon to bo [ mscil upon by the supreme court. For that icascn I do not care to discuss them at this time , but It la In order to Bay that the view taken by congress , as reflected by that legislation , was crcl- ( itnblo to the generosity , patriotism and th6 industrial spirit of the American [ icoplc. Wo found Porto Rico'as poor an poverty could make her. She had , no money , no credit , no syntem of taxation of any kind. She wanted a civil gov- sinmcnt and a revenue to tmnpoit It. We gave her a far moro llbsral civil government than wan over given to any territory prior to the civil war , so far las participation In It by her .icoplo Is concerned , and wo deajt by icr moro generously In providing sup- iort for that government than wo invo over yet dealt with any territory. Jn requiring her to pay tariff duties on Imports from foreign countries we did only what we did with Louisiana , Florida , California and all our other territories ; but In allowing her to put these duties , when collected , Into her own treasury for the support of her local government , wo did what was never done before for , anybody else ; for In all other cases wo have not only required the payment of these same duties , but wo have also re quired them , when they were col lected , to bo paid , Into the national treasury at Washington for the com mon benefit of the whole country , and , an to duties on commerce between Porto Rico and the United States , we did not levy 15 per cent , but wo re mitted 85 per cent of the existing on a number of articles , and the whole duty on til the rest , and provided that the 15 per cent should be remitted af ter March 1 , 1002 , or sooner if the legislature of Porto Rico shall pro vide , nnd that in the meanwhile all collections of 15 per cent b"th there nnd in the United 'States , shall be paid over to Porto Rico for her own support. Wo made this provision be cause It was the best and least bur densome way possible to ralso Indis- pciiBlblo revenue for their govorn- nnd not because it was in any sense of Jmy benefit to either our government or other people. The Porto Rlcan legislature Is now In session , but neither that bpdy nor any member of It , nor anybody else , has taken any stop to repeal or alter the tax system so Imposed by con gress. On the contrary , all testify nllko to the highest satisfaction with what congress has done , and the re quest will bo almost unanimously made that the provisions enacted may bo continued , If not indefinitely , at least until some satlsfactoVy sys tem of proper taxation may be sub mitted. In addition , it should bo stated that congress , also in the same generous nplrlt , exempted Porto Rico from all internal revenue taxation another favor never before extended to any part qf our people nnywhero. Yes , it Is true that the legislation for Porto Rico was a "departure , " but It Is not true that It was a "departure from correct principles. " BOER LEADER NOW IN TRAP. London iii-il the Continent Hour Thut Don fit linn Hern Cnpttirrd. LONDON , Doc. 29. Persistent re ports are In circulation In London tind on Uio cqntlnont that General Dewot has been captured. The British Char tered South African compiny received this information from a source in which It is accustomed to place im plicit confidence. The War olllco. how ever , Is without tiny confirmation of the report. CAPETOWN , Dec. 29. General De- wet's attempts to break through the south have loon frustrated and ho Is now reported to bo at Senoknl with a hirgo commando , holding the country between Fccksbrug , Senokal nnd Win- burg. Gpneral Knox is holding the country between Lndyfcrand and Winburg. The eastern parties of Invadlnc Boers nrojjolng constantly harassed and driven back toward the Orange ilvor. The Yeomanry who wore captured near Brltstown have boon released. JOHANNESBURG , Dec. 29. The Boers damaged the now Klelnfontoln nnd Chinese batteries yesterday. HHV Yon 847 ? WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 29. At- tor January 1 , in making the calcula tion of the per capita wi-ulth of the United States , the Hawnilnn islands Alaska and the Indian Territory will be included. The probable effect wll bo to slightly reduce the per capita wealth , which now Is about $27. I'nbnii K\triiilltli > li Kny. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Doc. 29. A request was rpcolved at the State 'de partment today from Governor Pin Bree of Michigan for the extradition .of Charles J. Thompson , who is char- Gcd with forgery committed at De troit. Thompson Is now in Cuba. The Btato department , taking the ground that the Island Is at present solely under control of thq United State military , did not undertake to go into the merits of the application , bu transmitted the papers at once to the department. MAD A BIO HALL. 100,000 In Money nnd Rotl blo Htolcn from n fllull Muck , DETROIT , Mich. , Dec. 29. A mall pouch containing $100,000 in negotia ble paper and nn unknown amount of money wan stolen from thd Michigan Central railroad passenger Htutloil ut "Wyandottc , Mich , , somd tlmo' Itist night. The last mall for Wyandotte arrives at 10:28 : on the Michigan Cen tral , and , owing to the lateness of the hour , it is loft In the Btatlon until morning. . , When the two mall sacks wcre , thrown from the train last night Night Operator Hlcdiard throw the | ) cuchc3 under n seat in the corner of the waiting room. He then went to iilc home hi Detroit. Tdday , when Mall Carrier John McClcary came to the station for the mall sacks , ho mleuod ono. Alnut the same tlmo Goargd Bessy , n driver of nn old wagon gen , reported at the station that a > oueh , ripped open and cinpty , was lehind an old tank a short distance from the station. ArrhhtAlio | > ( Iocs for Kulooni. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. . Dec. 29. V Times Bpeclitl frdm Dubuque , la. , says : Archbishop Kcano , since his np- lolntmont to the seat of Dubuque , has akon strong grounds against the use cf Intoxicants. On several occasions 10 baa preached temperance Eermcns hat would have delighted old John 3. Gough , If ho were alive , and liquor IciilerH are considerably worked up over his strong oposltlon to their lade. An extensive property on Sev enth and Main streets , belonging to lie church , Is occunlcd by various etifiuts and among them la p. saloon , un by ox-Mayor Ollnger. The latter ins boon served with notlco to vacate ho property ns soon as possible. The archbishop rays ito property .belong- ng to the church can bo used for sa- eon pjirposes. Women liitld a "Hllnil Vlq ; " MATTOON , 111. , Deo. 29. About wonty women of Longvlew Jpst mld- ilght raided a ' 'blind ' pig" that has ) eon running 'for ' some tlmd In spite of the officers of that Httlo town , ) roko In the door , gathered up all the , 3ttles and jugs t ey could find , car ried them to the street ami there smashefl Hhom , spilling the contents on the ground. The proprietors of the place had icon arrested several times , but their rade was so good that they wore wili ng to pay their fines each time , re opening the place immediately after ward. Despairing of having the place closed by this , means , the women de cided to take the matter Into their own hands. > t ' Klttmnn Tpnilorcd Morrln" I'luco. , WASHINGTON , Dec. 30. The prcsi- lent tas tendered to Fred R'ttman ' of Cleveland . the position of , lourth nudi- , or of the treasury , made A'ucant Uy .ho tragic death of Auditor Morris. Mr. lllttman has fcr some1 flfteau or : .wenty years been engaged in tnc Danklnj ? business In Cleveland. Ho is about 50 ycUrs-old elands high in busi ness circles and is a lifelong friend of , Senator Hnnnr. He IB also known by Presldpnt McKlnley. It is expected ho will assume his duties on the first of January. ] Wny Clinnco from Cnvltfi. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 29.-The general board of the navy , presided over by Admiral Dewey , has taken up the question of the transfer of the United States naval station from Ca- ( vlto and its permanqnt establishment on Sublp bay. At the same time the special 'board of naval ofRcrrs now making Inquiries in the Philippines ns to thei best site for a permanent naval station has cabled to Washing ton for n full equipment of boring ap paratus in order to learn wbothor there is suitable foundation at Sublg liny. llnnknr * T.n * Curfo * . PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 29. Several largo collections of counterfeit notes were recently confiscated in this oltv by Secret Service Agent Grlflln. The , collection of Uouua bank notes oven as curios la prohibited by law. i A bank cashier , whore name Agent Grlfiln refused to rovenl. suffered the lofts of the fijiest collection of counter feit 'bank ' notes seen In iccent years. It was with many protests thnt ho parted with his collection. Other cashiers lost emallcir collections. Sltrnnr Hllvi < 'omp Jonn. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 29. Uni ted States Charge Beaupre , at Bogota , Informs the State department that Cnrlos Martinez Sllva. Colombian min ister for foreign affairs , has been ap pointed minister to the 1'nlted States nnd will sail for his post in the course of two weeks. Mr. Thomas Herran has been appointed secretary of lega tion at Washington. f'ntilii , . ' mplr Conrriif * . WASHINGTON , Dec. 29. The cab inet meeting todny lasted two hours , but after the meeting all the members milted in caving It was barren of re sults. "If all the cabiont meetings of the coming century are r,8 burren as the last ono of this century you news paper men will have very Httlo to wrlto about , " was the way one of thorn put It. A thrifty farmer's wife mode her husband throw away his pipe and smoke hams Instead. V'Mlntr tl" IMiittf" " I.Inn. DETROIT , Mich. , Doc. 29. Ex- Quurtornmstcr General W. L. White , who was sentenced to ttn years in prison for complicity in the state mil itary frauds and pardoned by Gover nor Plugroo two days later , today paid $1,000 s the first installment of the $5,000 flno imposed by Governor Pln- groo ns a condition of the pardon. The money was paid to the treasurer of Ingham county. The governor stipu lated that the fine should bo paid in installments of $1,000 before January 1 of each year for five years , to reim burse the county for the expense of convicting White. Contracts for I'riating Incident to Legis lative Session Are Lot , PRICES HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR Hounu and Scn.ite rilvn Will Cost Eight ConlH I'cr 1'uicu Moro limn ITorinrrly Muollpox ltuiortvd ut Itod Cloud MUcullunvnint Hibrmtkii Mitttari. LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 20. The nec essary pruning for the legislature will cost the state approximately $ S- 000. Contracts for the major portion of the work have been awarded by the state printing board. The largest Item of expense will bo the printing of liouso bills and sonata files , which will cajt consldaiably moro than \i \ V years ngo. The successful bldddr for the legislative printing wore the State Journal company and the Hunter- Woodruff company of this city and the Omaha Printing company of Omaha. The contract price per page for printing the house and senate bills is ? 1.18. The tame company did the work two years ago for $1.10 per page. Bill titles will be printed under contract nt a coat of 16 % cents a hundred. An Ir rigation map of southwestern Nebras ka will cost ? 90. Contracts for printing the legisla tive bills , bill titles , 40,000 blanks , 1,800 osE-OEBinent books and the irrlga- 'tlon ' map were awarded to the Journal company. The Hunter-Woodruff com pany was authorized to print 400,000 personal assessment blanks , prlco ? 300 , and 325 tax and cash books. The contract given the Omaha Printing company calls for 125 tax books. nt Keel Cloud. LINCOLN , Nob. , Dec. 2G. Gov. Poyntcr was nptifled tnat several supposed cases of small pox had been discovered in Red Cloud nn at the request of several citizens of that place ho authorize Dr. A. R , Towno of Omaha to make an Investigation and take whatever precautions neces sary to prevent the disease from spreading. Ho also Instructed the mayor of Red Cloud , to exorcise as much care as possible in the treat ment of the trouble. It la not known herb wliethcr or not the cases discov ered are really smallpox. The information mation came by telephone to the gov ernor's office and was very indefinite. Members of the State-Board of Health uay that people should not become alarmed at the reports concerning the outbreak of smallpox. Win * 83oOOO lit Faro. HASTINGS , Neb. , Doc. 26. News of the remarkable luck o"f David Allen , a former Hastings boy , has just reached this city. Three weeks ago David Al len won $35,000 from faro banks "at Dawson , Klondike. Two of the house ? at which ho played turned over their boxes and two others closed their places when young Allen came around. Commcnclag with $2.50 Alen TVOII. in four days , $35,000. Of this amount ho devoted $8,000 to "staking" his friends , but only cno , William Cullen , won with the money. He drew out $4,000 for himself and a Hko amount for Allen. The latter played from Sat urday morning until Wednesday noon without sleep. He said he ate only a little and dran kjust enough to keep him braced up. For I'ollc County Shipper * . STROMSBURG , Nob. , Dec. 26. The Kansas City & Omaha railroad is to soon commence building a spur to Swedehomo and another from Stroms- burg straight west to the Platte river to gather up grain and stock In the western part of the county. The sur veying for both branches has ibeen completed and the purchasing agent Is to arrive soon to acquire the right of way. I'lnd Young Wanderer' ! Parent * . BEATRICE , Neb , , Dec. 20 The parents of Walter Tracy , the young lad who was rescued from a couple of tramps several days ago by tne Beatrice police , have finally been lo- caled. They live In St. Joseph , whore his father is a clerk in a justice of the peace office. The father has scut money to the chief of police with which to send the boy back to St. Jo seph. ' \Vhnt n Defective Sidewalk Colt. FREMONT , Nob. , DOC. 26. At a meeting of the city council it was de cided to pay the Judgment of $500 ren dered in the district court against the city in favor of Mrs. E. R. Follansby for injuries which she received on ac count of a defective sidewalk , the general opinion of the councilman beIng - Ing that the city had got oft easily. For At tempting ; to Ilrllie Juror. PLATTSMOUTH , Nob. , Doc. 26. In district court Judge Jessen fined Sam Archer ? 50 and costs after he pleaded guilty to the charge of hav ing attempted to Induce ono of the Jurymen to hang the Jury in the case where Lulu Taylor succeeded jn prov ing that Lawrence Stull was the fath er of her child. 8tnte Hoard of Acrlcaltnre , LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 26. The state board of agriculture will meet In Lin coln during the first week In January. Presidents of the county fairs are entitled - titled to membership on the state board and n call has been issued for All to attend the meeting. Atinnltcd by COLUMBUS , Neb. , Dec. 26. Henry Blaser , a young farmer living in Loup tqwnshlp , was attacked by highway men while driving to the city. He was about two miles from town and nearing the Loup bridge when three men sprang out from the roadside auc * grabbed his horse. Ono of the men attempted to get Into the buggy. Blasor was driving a spirited horse and when ho attempted to strike at one of the men the hprso broke into a lively run and' thtia ho escaped from his assailants. STATE.LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. A rr ) Jlepresentntlon at the Meeting Held In Lincoln. LINCOLN , Dec. 31. The State Ll- brnry association met here1 In conjunct tlon with the teachers' association. There were ten libraries represented. The first impor was read by P'rof. W , K. Jlllson , librarian of the Doano college - lego library. Mips Dennis of the hin- coln city library read a paper on "Li brary Co-operation In Lincoln. " She urged the systematic planning of the development and management of Lin coln libraries , so that each may com plement the other. Mr. Brigham cautioned the Nebraskans - kans against making the mistake of getting a library commission 'with ' no means of support , as has been done lu. Georgia , Kansas and New Jersey. Ho naid : "No state can afford to lot n popu lar demand for libraries dlo out for want of sustenance. No state can af ford to let the library movement with in Its borders fritter away In vain attempts on the part of benevolent but financially weak organizations to per form educational functions which do not properly belong to them. The duty of the state to lester and develop free public libraries Is quite as Im perative as Is the duty of the sate to foster and develop free public schools. The reasoning which lies at the base of our public school system also sustains the superstructure of that system the public library. If It Is worth anything to the state to have an educated citizenship , it Is worth moro to have a well-bred , intelligent , happy , home-loving citizenship ; and what moro directly to the purpose than the free public library ? The schools that cost us so much money and are worth far moro than they cost on- fortunately lose their hold upon a largo majority of the children of the state before they reach the critical ago of 15. A vital question for the citizen Is : Should the education which makes for good citizenship cease at the very point at which the serlous'buslncss of life first projects itself upon the young mind ? Statistics everywhere confirm the conclusions of the crlmlnologista that the blossoming period of crimin ality 7d between twenty an < l thirty years of ago and the criminal's train ing years are from the first conscious ness of manhqod and womanhood , early In the teens , to that dangerous period of action beginning early in the twenties. The community that has nothing to offer the young but the licensed saloon and the regularly-fined and therefore virtually licensed broth el and makes no move for the enrich ment of community life through the entertaining , Instructing , reforming and elevating influence of good liter ature deserves its heavy expense bill for criminals anijl paupers and also deserves the disgraceful record and awful consequences of criminality. The state that makes no effort to induce communities to raise the standard of citizenship by placing the Incentives to high thinking ana right living within the easy reach of all is throw ing away the opportunity of the ages. " Iiumcimo Crop of Wheat. M'COOL , JUNCTION , Neb. , Doc. 31. Ten thousand bushels of first-quality winter wheat is the amount. Mr. Kuns has just stored in his granary , the yield from 300 acres just threshed. At pres ent prices these 300 acres have paid Mr. Kuns nearly $0,000 or about GO per cent interest on his investment for one year in York county lands. IXr. Kuns has jusl purcnased a $12,000 residence in York , and after this his sons will run his farm and he will live in York. Tnkon to the Penitentiary. PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Dec. 3L Sheriff Wheeler made a trip to the state penitentiary , taking with him Charles Sheppard and Harry Hickson. Sheppard is the young colored man whom Judge .lessen sentenced to eigh teen months for stealing a money bag containing about $51' ' from John Shiap- pacasso's store. Hickson was convict ed and sentenced to one year for com mitting forgery. Struck by I'ussenRcr Train , ORD , Neb. , Dec. 31. As Mr. and Mrs. Hasok were going home Saturday night they were struck by a Burlington passenger train and Mrs. Hasek very badly hurt , though it is thought she will recover. Her foot was crushed and back' hurt. The accident occurred about C:30 : a mllb west of Ord , where the wagon road crosses the Burlington In a deep cut. Recovers Ills Stolen Stock. NORFOLK , Neb. , Dec. 2G. H. E. Glissman has recovered at Pilger twelve head of his cattle that a thief had driven there to ship to Omaha. Tho' ' "rustler'1 escaped , but the station agent gives a good description of him and Mr. Glissman has Instituted a vigorous search. Gold llrlckR In Snnp Wrapper * . NEBRASKA CITY , Dec. 31. Several of the grocers In this city were "taken In' by a smooth young man who pretended tended to bo selling soap at greatly re duced prices. After the soap had been delivered and paid for and the young man had left town it was found to bo a very inferior article. Representative Jesse Overstreet oC Indiana has madq public the fact that ho has prepared a bill relating to the country's finances , which ho will in troduce before the present session of congress adjourns. Hold Illri'il l.lvtry Train , DAKOTA CITY , Net ) . , Dec. 31. On the 17th Inst. William Temple , a farm hand employed by County Commis sioner L. Blanchnrd , went to Jackson and hired a livery rig from Coroner B. V. Sawyers to canvas the immediate territory for a Jewelry concern. After being gone throe days Mr. Sawyers started an inquiry and with Sheriff Sides found that Temple had been in Sioux City with the -lg , but from there ho could not bo traced. Officers in surrounding towns were notified and the other day Sheriff Sides received word from Marshal Booser of Oto , la. , stating tha.t he had his man in limbo. London'Tnj ppnny "Tho 'tuppenny' tubes are a great Institution In London , especially for Americans , " rqmarks a New Yorker , who had just returned from the other side tho.othi'r day. ' "They are among the chief attractions , and 11 Is a fav orable diversion to purchase a picket for a shoot through them. The tick ets arc almost counterparts of our ole- valcd railway tickets In Now York. The 'tuppenny' tubes , " as ho explained , "Is the name of the underground rail way. They nro doing a grtat business in London , and there will bo moro of them uoon. Americans promise to have control of nearly all the systems. " Itcforrecl Him to Ono Who Knew. A now bit of Washington gossip tolls how one day last winter Senator Chandler , of New Hampshire , being about to enter the ssnato chamber from the public corridor was accost ed by one of two Httlo girls , who had wandered In there. "Mister , what docs it cost to go in there ? " said the child. At thnt moment Chandler saw Clark , the Montana millionaire , ccm- Ing around the corner. "Ask that man , " said the New Hampshire man , "Ho knows all about iti" I.c-ft HI * I.HW ItooUn In Ills Onire. The late Senalor Davis was known as one of the foremost students of Shakespeare of the present day , and In his homo ho had a magnificent library. A remarkable thing about this library was that th3ro was not a single law book In the collection , for during the lust twenty jearo of his life he made It a rule never to bring his business 3arcs to his fireside. IJewoy Arch ( Joes to Churlcftton. The navy arch In New York City Is not yet to deparl into the rubbish hoaj ) though it is to be disposed of as rubbish , for President Gitggenhelmpr of the municipal council says that un der the city charter there Is no qthor way. So the South Carolina Inter state and West Indian exposition will > - , receive the trch , which will bo taken ' down with all the care possible , and transported to Charleston , where it , will be reconstructed. LOW RATES TO THE SOUTH , Excursion tickets at reduced rate ; , nro now being sold by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Rnilway to the prominent resorts in the South , in cluding Jacksonville , Fla. , Mobile , Ala. , Now Orleans , La. , Savannah , Ga. , El Paso , Tex. , which are good for return passage at any time prior to June 1st , 1901. Information regarding rates , routes , time , etc. , can bo obtained on application to any coupon ticket agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Eat little meat and see that it is cooked. Try Magnetic Starch It will last longer than any other. Running water often gets its start from a spring. There Is a Class of People Who are Injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed In all the grocery stores a newpreparation called GRAIN-O , made of pure grains , that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress , and but few can tell it from y coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth r as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try It. Asft for GRAIN-0. The fewer airs some musicians can play the more they put on. Your clothes will not crack If you UBC Magnetic Starch. A pessimist is a person who doesn't expected the expected to happen. Yon Cnn Got Allcu'g Foot-Kane Free. Write to-day to Allen S. Olmstcd , LeRoy Roy , N. Y. , for a FREE sample of Allen s Foot-Ease , a powucr. it cures sweating , damp , swollen , aching feet. Makes new or tight shoes easy. A cer tain cur' ) for Chilblains and Frost-bites. At all druggists and shop rtores ; 2Ec. It is a remarkable fact that only sen sible persons ever agree with us. If you have not tiled Magnetic Starch try It now. You will then use no other. No matter how changeable a man may bo ho always wants a Httlo more change. Thirty minutes Is all the tlmo re quired to dye with PUTNAM FADELESS - ' LESS DYES. Some people seem to think that they have an inherent ability to make mis takes. STOCK MEN ALL GOING. The fourth annual convention of the National Live Stock Association at Salt Lake promises to be the largest and most Interesting gathering of stockmen ever held in this country. Salt Lake City i& going to cover itself with glory In the manner in which the visitors will bo entertained. The con vention will be held in the Assembly hall of the Moimon church and a grand concert will bo tendered the delegates and visitors lu the Tabernacle on the first evening. The programme of the entertainment committee contemplates events for each evening of the conven tion and after the convention adjourns , there are excursions to the mines and elsewhere. Colorado Is going to send a largo delegation and the Denver & Rio Grande railroad will run a special train , leaving Dbnver Sunday , January 13 , which will reach Salt Lake City the next day In time for the committee meetings. The fare for the round trip will bo $18 from Denver , Colorado Springs or Pueblo and one faro from other points in the state. Those con templating going should engage sleepIng - Ing car accommodations at once. Wrlto to S. K. Hooper , general passenger agent , Denver , or see any Rio Grande ticket agent. It will be a delightful midwinter trip , and no stockman who la interested in the industry can af ford not to attend the meeting.