Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 03, 1901, Image 4
( So. Republican PnblldieU etcry Thursday nt tueConnty Sent H > M. ncc In Ctiftor Dlock , Fourth Entircd at Hie pottofflcc at II r oh en How , Neb , aa Bccond.claf s matter fur Irani inltelon through tlioU. M.Mslla. BUUSCimTlON One Your , In Advuucu . $1 W The legislature convened TueH- day. For fear the Cudahy kidnappers will not know juat what the Omaha poliuo and detectives arc doing to capture thorn , ( hey daily publish their exploits. The Btand Mayor Moore , of Omaha , lias takou in offering a reword word of * 2GOUO for the arrcnt and oonviotioii of the kidnappers , in highly commendable Secretary Moikltjohn and Con gressman Mercer have left Washing ton , and established headquarteru at Lincoln for the time being , to watch the development ! ) in the senatorial contest , . Both have aspi- ralioLs in that direction. It is a matter of congelation to u the public to know that it id but one more week until the now county board will meet. Thou the delin quent tax conunitto that has been holding down a soft snap for wcokr , will bo retired to private life , and the collection of taxes will bo turned over , to the county treasurer , \ where it belongs. The legislature convened Tues day noon , both houses were organ ised without p hitch. Mr. Soars , : i member from Burl county , wan elected speaker of the house , and John Wall , of Aroadiu , oleik. In the senate Mr. Steele , of Jefferson , elected president 'of thesenate. . The contested members were al lowed their seatp without question. The Sargent Era oornplaines that Sheriff Armstrong is not living up to the promises he made him before his election , The Era Bays , Eli said he would si are his patronage equally between the newspapers that sup ported him before election , but now ho doc ? not give the Era any Sheriff notices , while tliu colums of thn Chief and Beacon are full of them. E. A , Cudahy has reooivod two letters' in the past week , purporting to be froni'tho abductors of his son , which make serious threats against the Cudahy children , unless he withdraws the offer of $25,000 re ward for the arrest and conviction of the criminals. The first letter threatened to kidnap one of his girls , and the last one threatens to shoot the bdy unless the reward is with drawn. Mr. Cudahy declines to accede to their demands. The sanatoria ! question is still in an unsettled state , and there are no indications of its being other wise for some time yet to come. The united opposition of railroad employes of the U. P. railroad against D. E. Thompson's oandi- ' ' ' i I i daoy , ' Complicates matters more than over. It is resulting in a fight between the B. & M. and U. P , roads that may defeat both Thomp. ion and Moiklojohn , as the latter is regarded as the choice of the U. P. 3hoUld < the fight bo continued between twoen tin employes of the two roads , it will doujnlesi prevent Thompson and Meiklejohn from combining their strength , which will have n tendency to help Ouster county's candidate. 1001. The twentieth century is now her a , and no one questions it. The No v Year was ushered in , in Bro. kei Bow by the blowing of the whjistlo at the big mill , the only demonstration of the retiring of the old ! and the coming in of the new. Ofijlng to the strict quarantine in tiiti city , but few watch parties were held. A few of the young folks Bjpont a pleasant time at the home df G. , H , Thorpe , to appropriately celibrato the occasion. Ye scribe wiipesaed the event at his desk in his home writing , the seme as if nothing unusuul wet transpiring. ] Jtwas an event which but few of those bow living will witness again the beginning ot another century. Senator Currie Generally Endorsed. . _ _ - _ _ i The Demand of the "Republican" for a , Western and an Eastern Man Com- I mented upon Favorably. Senator Currie has entered into the onatorml contest in earnest , and will put forth every ponsible legitimate effort to secure roco ui. tioii for the western part of the Dtato , along the lines suggested by the Ilici'unucAN two weeks ago. A number of the newspapers of the Sixth congressional district have joined the KHJ'UUUOAN m demand ing recognition for the west in the election of the two United States senators. Among the number is the Valley County Times , which devoted two-thirds of a page in advocacy of the election of Senator Currie to the United Stater senate , along with other comments on the subject , copied the article from the REPUBLICAN in full. Wo arc relia bly informed that the republican members of the legislature from the Sixth district , and several of the Fifth district , favor the abolishing of the North and South Platte hobby , and will unite in an effort to secure one of the United States senators to be elected from western Nebraska. There are a number of the members of the legislature from the eastern part of the state who recognize the justness of the claim of the western part of the sla'e ' for recognition , ara will lend their support to the accomplishment of the end. What others have to say : Why not 1st the live stock in terests of the state be represented for one term at least in the uppei house of our national law makers ? Hon. FM. . Currio ia the man to make the representation Browstor Nows. Senator Currio , of Ouster county , will have a good many votes for United Statcu senator , especially from the western part of the state , and if the caucus should have a long drawn out seancehowould bo in a position for standing a fair chance. Goring Courier. We heartily indorse all Bro. Barks has said in the above clipping , an Senator Currie is truly a man of the people ; and the work he did in the last legislature proves him to be one who has ability to fill the office of U % 3- Senator from Nebraska , one who could and would find a place in the front ranks of the lawmaking - making liody.-iNorth Loup Loyalist. WOULD FIND A 1'LAtiS IN TUB ! KONT HANKS. Hon. F. M. Currie IP a scholar among scholars , a broad man among broad men. lie ia the only man who could have broken the fusion grasp on his senatorial 'district. Lot us have him for U. S. Senator aim thus aecuro Nebraska in the re publican ranko. We urgohineleo. tiou , not because of local pride , but for the good of the state and country. The more our people study Mr. Currio as a man , and our political ituntion , the more they will recog nise tht wisdom of making him their choioo for U. S. Senator Sar gent Loader. F. M. Currio is as able i man as is to bo found within the borders of the state of Nebraska , admirably fitted to prove a shining light in the chief legislative body of the nation. Should ho be ohoien ne ono of the Htato's representatives. . It is reported that thy Chinesa government has accepted the joint note of the powers. While the populist papera of the county are boasting of the county getting out of debt under their ten years of administration , they fail to note that the county had credits enough loft by the republicans when they went into power , to have paid its indebtedness. With that to their uredit , it has taken the pop oilioialH ten years to put the county on a cash basis. An ordinary school boy , with the means at his disposal that the pops have had , might have accomplished as much in half , the time. ho will , from point of scholarship and education , lose nothing in com * parisjn with any man who had ever occupied thut place from our slate , if , indeed , there ever has bonn ono who had the advantage of an early education equal to his. As to bis native ability , honor , party loyalty and general fitness , h.s public and private record best speaks. Valley County Times. KNT1TLKUTO BOMKTntNO HANDSOME Lot every newspaper ot north western Nebraska come to the front and a demand he made for the re cognition of this portion of Nebras ka , in the way of national represen tation. No better man , in any re spect , can bo found for the place than our candidate , and ho would give to the state a representation that each man might feel proud of. His record from a point of honesty and ability , would be an envious one. Let thn people of the whole state know that this section wants F. M. Currie for U. S. Senator , and that the stalwart republicans who have stood in this storm-centre while the wave of populism swept past , are entitled to something hand some. Arcadia Champion. The sentiment favorable to the election of F. M. Currio as one of the U. S. Senators to 'be chosen next mouth , appears to bo growing stronger as the time for the opening of the legislature approaches. All over the state Mr , Currio in recog nized ae a possibility in the coming senatorial race , and it is generally conceded that in case of a look , up among the 60-oallod prominent can * didates , ho has a show of success The eastern portion of the state does not appear to concede , how ever , that the western portion ia entitled to ono ot the senators , and no delegation from Missouri river territory will accept a western man except as acompromiso. The west ern delegates ought to stand to gether as one man for Mr. Currie , who can bo elected if. they insist upon it , Callaway Courier. TUB MAN WK NliKD. There has never been a time in our country's history when scholarly statesmanship was more needed than at present. Political cunning and intnguo can have no place in upholding the honor of the repub lican party in the solution of its present problems. Men who h ve been trained outside of all party combinations to look fairly and in telligently upon public questions are the ones who can render the safest service to the country. Nebraska has such men , and among them can bo found no one who combines all the present re quirements of statesmanship in a greater degree than Hon. F. M. Currie , Ho is a thorough republi can , a tireless worker and a man whose ability is exhibited in strong er proportions as duties devolve upon him. If the republican party of this state wants a man who can reflect the greatest honor upon our people and giv Nebraska a proud i coord in congress , lot the legislature elect lion , F. M. Currie for United States Senator Sargent Leader. The Nebraska Press Association will hold itH annual mooting at Omaha January 22d and 23d. The city council of Omaha has offered 135,000 for the arrest and conviction of the kidnappers of Edward Oudahy Jr. Three dollars a day is not to be picked up every day , and the old members of the board , with their clerks , whoso time expired the first of the year , should not be censured too strongly for holding onto their job until ousted by the now board. It may he the last soft snap they will got for borne time , and they propose to make the most of it. The 1'ast Ccnlurr. In looking backward upon the century junt closed , wo view with amazement and gratification the most wonderful achievements in any like period in the history of man The slow plodding meUiodn used at the beginning of the onntury just closed , eem inciediblo when com- pared with the modern appliances of today. The spinning wheel and hand loom used by our grandparents to furnish clothing for the family , has boon supplanted with powerful machinery , that enables ono mill to manufacture more cloth in a day than was possible by one person under primitive methods in a life time. The shingle , when made at all , was blocked out with a hand frow and afterwards dressed to proper proportions with a draw knife , with the manufacturer sitting astride a wooden horse. A few hundred shingles was the result of a hard day's work , where now , by the use of the machinery in vented by American genius , ono man can make thousands in an hour' as easily as he could have made dozens in a day at the beginning c f the century. The improvement in the manufacture of lumber has been equally as groat. The march ot progress has been even as remarkable in methods em. ployed in the homn and on the /arm. The farmer then plowed his ground with an ox and a wooden mould board plow , and dragged in bis grain , after sowing it broadcast by hand , with a small tree cut from the forest. The muzzled ox plowed his corn , and with the hoe the weeds were kept down. The whaat was harvested with a hand sickle and threshed with a wooden flail , and carried to mill on horseback. The corn was gathered and cribbed by the use of a basket. A wagon was unknown , and a sled was the popu lar Damage on which wood was hauled to keep up the winter fire , and on wnich were marketed the pork or other products which the industrious farmer might chance to have for sale. The cookicg was doue exclusively on the hearth of the fire place , both winter and summer , and exceedingly fortunate was the housekeeper who was provided with a crane attached to the fire grates , on which to hang her pots for cooking purposes , The needle has been supplanted with the sewing machine , and the knitting needles have become a thing of a past. The stage coach of half a century ago ban bion sup planted by the ateam engine and railroad , that by its system of trans portation skips across the country at the speed of a mile a minute , and cariiea tees of merchandise from oceau Co ocean at a similar rate. The traffic on the ocean has been no less wonderful in progress. Electricity , which had not boon brought under the control of man , is now ono of the moat useful agen cies at hia command. By it mes- snges can be conveyed around the glebe in a few seconds of time Machinery is propelled by its mag netic touch , and human hfo may be invigorated or extmguinhod by its volts. The great strides that have been made in all kinds of machinery , manufacturing , printing , music , art and science mark the closing cen tury as the period of the most wonderful and grand achievements since Adam and Eve were placed in the garden of Eden. Think of the Webb perfecting prass , the typesetting - setting machine , the eleutrio oar , the'tolegraph , the woolen fac tories , the wheat and corn harvesters , the threshing machine , the gang plow and riding cultivator , the telephone , and a thousand other works of genius , and yon got a faint idea of the world's progress during the nineteenth century. Wheu wo look back on the great progress of the past century , and its wonderful achievement ? , we feel that the limit hae been reached , and inventive genius cannot exoeid in the present century the record of the past. While with man it may seem impossible , in the language of Christ , with God nothing is impos sible. We are his creature ? , and as long as it is his good pleasure to allow his children to remain on the C1HAS. E. FUtm , I'rceldcnt , Ornshn , Nob. II. Q , ROOEnS , Owhlor , Broken Bow. J. M. KIMBEIILINO , Vice-Pros. , Broken Bow. S O. HOTT , Aes't Cftfhlcr STATE BROKEN BOW , NEB. General Banking Business Transacted. Chas. K. Ford. J. M. Kimberllng. 8.11. Hoyt. Q. -Rogers. . V. B. Caldwall Make a specialty of loaning money on cattle. Hoc JUKI rocolrcd an Invoice of . , . FIND ART GOODS , PICTUBO EASELS , MEBAKKIOK9 , WAI-I. CASES , And a full line of Moulding of the latcet I'attorna , and will mnko Picture Fri'incs to order , nnv size , at prlcea that will milt everybody. Bring In } ou pictures and have them framed . Went Hide Mquare , IlroUeii Ilo-vv. Has a full line ot Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper. Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , etc. Store on corner of Fifth avenue nd Main street , Broken Bow , Neb. earth , he will provide mindn with works of usefulness , nor will ho coniine them to the HUta rehearsal of the past. The recent discovery of the penetrative power of the X ray but meagerly indicates what is yet in the realm of science undis covered , that would , bo useful to man. And who knows but that in the course of another l-undrcd years , methods for transportation through the air may supplant the steam rail way and electric earn of today , and the telegraph may be succeeded by wireless telegraphy , and by tele pathy friends on opposite side's of the globe may hold conversation with each other. Such achieve ments would not be .in greater contrast with the methods employed at the present time than are present conditions advanced over thoio in vogue at the beginning of the last century. There will be some hard tights in congress on the question of the reapportionment of representation in the House and the oleotonal col lego. The plan reported to the House by the CUIIRUH committee had only one majority in the committee , and it is antagonized by several other method ? , any one of which may be substituted for it before the measure passes the Ilouae. The Senate , too , has several schemes of its own which will be ready for ex ploitation as soon as the House bill reaches that chamber. Tim is a question of high importance to the whole country. There is a , chance , indeed , that tha measure may fail of passage in this congress , accord ing to some of the Washington gos sips. The House oho-en : iu 1902 will have to bo elected on some sort of an appoitionment bused on the census of 1900. If none is made by March 4 , next congress may be called in special session to provide one. Globe Demosrat. The coming legislature will have many problems to deal with , but nothing needs "fixing" worse than the revenue lawB of Nebraska It will be a sweet day when a farmer or stockman of western Nebraska knows he is paying taxes on his possessions at the same rates paid by the properly owners of the east half of the state. 'Ihero is only one way to do it make the la.u so rigid that it will bo as unsafe to as. SOBS at less than actual selling value as to commit any other crime. Goring Courier. Its uinusiug to hear some of the belated fusioriiatR who have been traveling at a tortoise gait to get back into the populist party sinbo election clamoring for a "confer ; once ( ? ) " with the mid-roaders. How tnuny are there of you , hey ? Oil ! Quito a crowd of us. Let me soo. There is Charley Beal and Emerson Purcell are ono ; Lish Taylor - lor and Eli are two , and Stedry is throe. By the holy Biuoke I thought there were tivo of pa. The Populist , Ignalious Douuelly , the late can- V | didate for vice president on the populint ticket , died Tuesday morn , ing. Heart failure was the cause. s lie was at his father-in-law's , in > Minneapolis at the time be was stricken He never gained con- eciousnoss from a few minutes after he was ta'kon ' ill. ' The Boeru seem to be getting the best of tlio English again. They have woDi two victorloa in the past ten dayu , to the great surprise and uho.griu of our EngliHh neighbors aorosd tbo waters. California Tnuel Increasing. ' The increasing popularity of tourist sleeping cars for transconti nental travel is a subject of much , among railroad men. It is said zliat 85 per cent of the pas- songurn to and from California travel in tourist sleeping-cars. Those cars are comfortable aud not nearly so expensive as palace sleeping-cars. The Burlington riilroad is doing a great deo.l to encourage tourist-car travel , haying increaatd its Califor nia service thin siwon trom oute-a-wetik to three limes a wetk. Free Complexion Dcniittlflur. We want every lady reader of the REPUBLICAN to uy D wight's Com plexion Beautitiur , the most exqui site toilet preparation. It is pure and harinlcB8makes the face smooth as velvet , and fair as alabaster. To induce a fair trial of it we will for a short time only send FBKK a full size , Fifty com box to every lady who will fond us her post oflioo ad- drt'HH silver dime to pay for packing and postage. Only one PKKU box to each address but ladies may order for their friends. Each box mailed separately. Send this notice and your order at ONOB to D. W. CUBTKB feCo. , HuntuiKtor , W. Va. " Dr. J. M , McLeod 1301 O street , LINCOLN , NKBU , f General Surgery HIMJCIAJ.XHT J and ( Diseases of Womem , Flrit-clast hospital facllltUi. janS-it 1