Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 03, 1901, Image 3

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r P@ ° ru-na for Coughs , Gelds , Grippe
Catarrh- ' .
- ? Congressman's * Letter.
IN every county of the civilized world
the Sisters of the Good Shepherd
are known. .Jot only do they minister
tothcspirltual and intellectual needs of
the charges committed to their cure ,
but they also mlnibter to their bodily
With so many children to take core of
' '
nndto'protcct'fromclimnte and disease
these wise and prudent Sisters have
found Peruna a never-failing safeguard.
C9lujnbus , 0. , July 10 , 1000. j
The Peruna 'Xfeui'etae Co. , City : i
Gentlemen "A number of years < igx >
our attention was called loDr./Hnrt- /
inan's Pcrnna , and sj nce ttien w'cMinvc '
used It with wonderful results for grip'
coughs , colds , and catnrrhnl diseases of
the head and stomnch. '
"For grip nud winter cjitarrh esper
cially It has been of preatVetvIcc '
inmates of tins institution. " Sisters of
the Good Shepherd. '
The following letter is from , Con
pressman Meekison , of Napoleon , Ohio
Use Magnetic Starch It has no equal.
i ; i s < - > \
Cures a Cough or Cold at onco.
Couqucra Croup , \V liooplng-Cough , BtnachUis ,
Grippe nnd Consqmptioii. Quick , sure results.
Dr. Uull'B PNU cure Constipation. SO pills JOc.
ys Eye
For Top Trleo Ship Vour
O A 31 K3t H 1" O L' 1. T K V ,
To Hcatlquarturt * ' ,1' ,
3. IV. J Uni A Cuiiiimtir.
Batter , m : > , Veal , llldec and Hir : 1'otatoe ,
Onlont Iu Carload I.nts.
Omabn , NeUranka ,
_ J ) I qUlclc.TelIefandcuro8wortt
canon. Book 0 ( tcstlinontnls und iu 1UY8' treatment
rnii ; . DR. n. u. GRIWS SONS , iioi K , Atucu , cu.
from atrnr full of cam , TImt's what yotj
want and tli&t'd wt > youKutwitli the )
Sure Hatch Incubator.
_ Thousands In UPG. fiend forliands m
frco catalogue containing 100 poultryVaUing Tiewsl
Hiiro Hatrh Inrubntnr Co. , Clny Center. Nel > i
WANTED Men or Women , Town or Country.
SOM11TUINQ NEW. Write a once. Address
C. P. & L. CO. . CitUd Bldit. . Chicago , III.
AI > Q jour own homo , we
urnish' the genuine and
J to any reader ot this paper.
r Xo montj It BilTaoeet vrrt * ow
eo > lipi Ul'ioarinle < . COSTS
_ .
with most all other treatments , turn wfcfn all other el .
trie UIU , ppllancn axl rcnidlM fall. QUICK CURE for
morothanbOanmunts. OSI.YbfllKllIlK for alfncrvoui
llieasea. weakneiuos and dlsordcm. For complete
voalcd conQdentlalcntaloffue , ratlbliadont andiaaUtoiii *
The Sioddard Illus
4.OOO Victas.
' This work has had nn enormous Bale ;
sold on ousy paymontx.
Geo. L. Shuman & Co.
315 Dearborn
If you Itilsc up your
hoaii'k in Western t'un-
ndn , the Iwid of plenty.
IllustrttteU pamphlets ,
Klvlni ; experiences of
fanners who lm\o bo-
cotno woalUiy in ruvr-
wheat , rejorts of
- , . , ! , , utc. , and full
moiuiiuum ute ituuail ruilwuy rates can be
had on nppllcotlon to the Superintendent of
IramlKratloii. Department of Inicrior , Ottuwu ,
Catmda. or to M. V. Ueunctt , tOI N. \ . Ufo
llUg. , Omahti , Keb.
W. N. U. OA1AHA.
Bcstttnhflyrup. * Tiu' ° sGx > 'i' duo
Intlaio. Boldly _ _ / " _
The Peruna
Gentlemen 1 have i.zeu sv. . > i lbot-
tjes of.Peruna and feel greatly bene-
fltcd'tliprcby from my catarrh of the
head , nnd feel encouraged to believe
t'hat its continued
use will f.uJly
eradicnte _ a disease
of thirty years'
Standing. David
Dr. rllartman ,
one of the best
known physicians
nhd 'surgeons in Stntes. Congressnian
was the first man
to formulate Pc-
ru-na , It was through his genius nnd
perseverance it wn Introduced to
-the medical profcislon.of. this country.
Send to Hie Pe-ru-na Drug fanufa'ctur
lig ) .Company , Columbus. Ohio , for e
frcejbpok writ.tea by DpIIartman.
Ambition Is often but another name
for' happiness , work and disappoint
ment. , (
C. H. Crabtrec.'lJcli ' Moln . lows , will on rrqup *
expUtaBll abdtit HID jfitadlator Oolil-MlnlDKcoiu- ,
puir I extremely luteri'illUKi i lie inc.
It Is not what wo are but what people
ple think we arc , that counts in this
TO conn A COLI > IN > xn DAY.
IruifttUts refund Uio money if it fulls to cure ,
hV. . Oiovo'.s fciRnuturo Is on the box. 2. > o.
Tliat the only good Indians are dead
Indlans { does not apply to the Indian
ony. } .
$148 will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments. Write , for catalogues.
Schmojler & Mueller , 1313 Farnam
stree't , , Omaha. ,
Keep your bedroom window open all
/Education is composed of little
Garfleld Tea Una .permanently cured
countlcBs cnson of chronic constipation ,
and innny diseases arising from a clogged
systehi , ; It cleanses the system and puri
fies the blood.
Hit , a block with a club and It's
shinny ; lilt a head and its felony.
A vlioronn Krawtti and the original color given to
tlio lialrby I'AIIKKH'S HAIII lULftAM.
, the beat cure for corns. I3cts.
Watch the three D's drinking water
damp , and drains. '
la often derived from an unlocked for
source the Kidneys. Odorous urine
or that which ccalds or stains IB an in
fallible proof that you arc progressing
towardn Brlght's Disease or ono of the
other forma of Kidney Trouble all of
which are fatal If permitted to grow
worse ,
ro\vanl will tin paid for n rasa
of bin tin lie , iHTMiUHiicst , ulcep-
le nant * . \ri-aki.ies , IDHD of vi
tality , lliPlilc [ > iit kUliH'y. bladder
anil urlnury illsoidurc , that tun.
not bo cured liy
the crcal HoIcnllDu dlfioovcrr for ( hattfrcd
nerve * unl thin Impoverished IJood.
people enroll bv Kl < l-no-nlilfl , In writing
tliani plc.iso cnrlubo Htaiupud udilrt-HNcil
vnvulopu. <
Slrn. Lilly 1'ratt. 1010 f SU , IJnrulu. Jo'fli.
MIH. Ilobt. Ilcudi'iaonV. . Uurkut .St. , lleutrlcc ,
Mr II. I , Hmnll UIO Ohio St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wllllum Xlniinertunn. Sin Wlillo St. , Dubuijue.
1'iaiik Itntul. 2nd Ht . I'.att llutmiuo.
-Mrs. Kinm Ilan.ixU. . J.M : : tb Ht . Dubuquo.
N. D. NuBli' , 813 IUVTM Ht . Dilhuiiie |
Jlorrow's Kiil-nc-oldf } are not pills ,
but , Yellow Tablets andf dell at Hfty
cents a box at drug stores.
JOtyN MORROW & CO. , CHEMISTS , Sprlnjfleld , 0.
ilr.ti Department Makes No Comment 07
the Senate Amcndinoate ,
Attitude of Nlcnrngiu * nnil Ccntn Illca
Towurd the Ainciitlmunt * 1 * UuUiunTii
at 1'rrsout Time Term * of Settlement
WASHINGTON , Doc. 20. The b'Lato
department has decided to Band the
amendments to the lUxy-Pauncpfote
treaty to the British government
through two channels , ouo copy beIng -
Ing transmitted to Lord Paunccfoic ,
the British ambassador , and the other
through Ambaosudar Choato at Lon
don , who will present It to the Tor-
clgn ofllcc. It la 'tlo ' understanding
that the stnto department will iimko
no representation whatever aa to the
changes matte In the treaty ; the sen
ate amendn.cnts will bo allowed to
fa peak tor themselves' , and the action
of the dcpa.tmont In certifying them
to the Bril > .h government will bo
purely formal. As the papers looro
New York on tomorrow's mail utc'um-
er they should reach London about
Now Year's day , BO the negotiations
will certainly lapse over into the , next
century at the very earliest. '
It can bo authoritatively stated that
there has been no1 exchange whatever' ,
either iu the shape of written notes
or oral communications , between the
stnto department and the governments
of Nicaragua and Costa Illca that uas
developed a threat on tho' part of
those governments to refuse assent > tc
the construction of a canal in view
of tho. action of the United States
senate upon the Hay-Pauncefoto
tnaty. All that is officially known of
the attitude of. the two governments
mentioned Is that their representatives
here , Snors Cora and Oalvo , thorough
ly approved of the Hay-Paunccl'otc
treaty as the basis for the canal con
struction. Whether or not the amend
ment of that convention will affect
their attitude Is not known. The im
pression prevails that not being
called upon to come to a decision on
this point until the British govern
ment shall have passed upon the sen
ate amendments , the governments of
Nicaragua and Costa Rica will not an
ticipate that action by any declaration
at this Btago.
The British government hns not , up
to this time , given the slightest Indi
cation as to Its purpose on the amend
ed Hay-Pauncefoto treaty and It is
understood that the subject will not
bo taken up by the British cabinet
until the draft of the amended instru
ment and the advices of the British
ambassador at Washington are re
ceived. The general results have been
briefly summarized in cables to the
London authorities , but In a matter of
this magnitude they woud not act un
til they are In possession of all the
data by mall. Under these clrcumi
stances it is evident that today's ut
terances of the London press to the
effect that Great Brltalnt will stand
firmly on the Clayton-Bulver treaty ,
while indicating the popular and to
some extent official trend of opinion ,
do not announce a polity which has
assumed any. definite sanction thus tar
on the part of the British govern
The Nicaraugua minister , Mr. Corea ,
was asked as to the report that he
had protested in behalf of Nicaraugua
against the amended form of the
troaty. ; He.sald ho did not care 'to ' als-
cuss the matter In Its present status ,
but ho pointed out the unlikelihood
that NIcnraugua and Costa. Rica would
protest while the matter was ono of
domestic policy. Later on , If It as
sumed the concrete form of a propo
sition to bo submitted to Nicaraugua
and Costa Rica , It would be for them
to say whether it was acceptable or
nqt , but In the meantime It was hardly
likely that there would bo any protest
or other action concerning a subject
still in its creative , stacps in this
country and in Great Britain , , and not
yet before Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
Crime nt a Funeral.
BRITON , S. D. , Dec. 2G. A number
of friends gathered at "the * house of
John Pyplar , near Vcblcn , to sit up
with the remains of ono of his chil
dren. During the evening Pyplar was
found lying between the house and
barn with several gashes In his skull
and with his throat and neck severely
Injured. He was picked up for dead.
Upon seeing his condition Moses I a
Frombols disappeared and a little
later was discovered hanging from the
limb of a tree near the barn.
Tortured by Iliirelnrs.
BONHAM , Tex. , Dec. 20. At Godber ,
a few miles pouth of here , J. J. John
son , a prominent farmer , was mur
dered by robbers. Ills bo < ly was found
In the yard badly bruised and the
flesh burned from his breast and
arms. It Is supposed the bandits
'burned ' their victim In r.n effort to
force him to tell where his mon v
was hidden. Two arrests have bee.i
Certain He IH In St.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Dec. 20. Pat
Crowe , the much wanted man , Is In
hiding In this city and the whole
police and detective force is hunting
him. Crowo is a frequent visitor to
this city , where ho has many and In
fluential friends , and It Is from the
latter fact that his capture is doubtful.
Cattle IlKTo Diphtheria ,
LEAD , 9. D. , Dec. 20. Word has
been received here from the ranges
west of the Black Hills , in Wyoming ,
of a deadly disease that has broken
out among cattle. In many respects ,
it resembles human diphtheria and It
Is nearly always fatal. The throat
swells up and a mucus forms In the
throat which usually results In strang
ulation. It Is believed by the state
veterinarian tliat the disease was
ctarted by the warm days and cold
nights. The disease Is being watched
carefully by the veterinarian.
' ' !
. , , . / I . . I j
I. lit < -M ( jiiotntlniiK from Sohtli Otcnlia
mid KIIIMII * City
Villon Slock YanN-CattlonAmthir lnV
of umixually llRlit rcrelDM marked tlfo
trntlo In brof rattle , only a few liunehfH
of fed Htcck and fi-w of the ! i > of
decent < : uullty , The market uliowod little
If imv elmnsc'roin that of. ye < tor < lny ,
luit lor tlievt < ck ttrlccH tm.lic.iM' stock
iliow u need mlvnee over liw We'ek. To-
my tlui inurkrt , while ( julcl. wan prartl-
1'iilly Ktcndv on beef steers. I'rartlrnlb
the Mntne cntiuitlon prcvullnl on tlie nwr-
ket 'or ecnvn nntl heifer * nnd liuU'hern'
ntoek that wii't u'ljurenj In the , fat steer
trade , prices shotting no elmtmo from
Uiuse lUvvallliiK on ecnial Rr.ulos yeiter-
lay. Thtro were onh a fr\v inaiN of
liutehrri ) ' stock reeilved , and wlillo UHTC
win no c'.iecial activity to the markets ,
{ moderate number here changed hand *
in very good SOUHOII. The fresh arrivals
of " .lock cattle were of u necoMslty small ,
nut tlu > number reeelved fnily met tlio
rciinlreinentH of the market. Hecclpts
'have heen light the entire week , but l > ul-
ness , us a rule. In the feeder division ban
In on dull nevertliolem.
B The duality \\as very fair , about
iino as ilu > > > ast few days. 1'aekci-fl
wvn > ujjiiln very bt.ulsh tljhi niornliiK.
and as nil other market * were reported
i'oii"llenu > ly Inwo" . sellers weie not long
In making ni > their minds to allow the
ecaeewjlon. The inatkct opened slow , M
s > W lower , nt which Insist the hulk sold ,
I he Ulg bulk went at $1.7651 1.77'fc , ngulniu
tl.M'A. ' the .leading ] > rlci > yeiteiday. Them
seenird to bo hut little choice In wehrhtH
or ounllty. all gniiloji wiling at praotl-
eally the same range In prlceit , and the
market uloslni ; wcalt all aronnd ,
Sheep Quotations : Chelee fed weth
ers , J3.9T(1.'J5 ( ; fair to good wethers. $ , ; ,2S
( < H 00 , choice yi-arllngfl , Sl.SOfr-UIi ; fillr to
tl'r.'i yenrllJiBS. $ . : . ! KWil.:0 ! choice owe * .
* . .Wi3.75 : fair to Rood owns. $ ,100fr3. : ;
choice spring ambsi M.MitiB.M : fair to
wood .spring lambs. $1lOttM / 10 : feeders
ewes. $32.V ? I.OO : feeder wethers. SU.Mtft
373 , feeder lambs' JJ.OOfN.IO.
Cattle UecelptH. 2,000 ; market slc'.idy :
imtjyo steers , UGOfiMO : Texan steers. US" ,
on ii ! ; Texas cows. $ a..r./i3.ii ( : : natlvo cows
and helfdrs , $1.7.Vfi4.60f Mockers and feed
ers. Ji-iOTU.OO ; hulls , $2i in.CO : o-ih'es , rs-
celnn , , 200 ; market steady ; SI..W.VJj ,
_ _ HoKS-Recelpts , l.rtW ; mnr'-cit weak to
ne lower : bulk of naltn , $1 SOfH.iZ'fc ; heavy
11114 packers. JI.80I.S7' < . : mixed and llnhf.
* ln _ 4.b5 ; Yorkers , JtOUr4.s | ! ; ; ) ) lKa , $ | . ; iOJi'
Sheep Itecelnttf , 11,000 ! mnrknt steady ;
lambs , $ l.cofiC.rn ; muttons , $2.70fiM.13.
Coierninnnt Cnlln Honiitn Ainnndiiinit a
"Ship for I'-iiclniid "
BERLIN , Dec. 29. The Krouz Zei-
tung , conservative , the ohicf mouthpiece - '
piece of the government , whoso edi
torials nro often prepared by govern
ment officials , devotes two long arti
cles today to thp Nicaragua' ca'nal con
troversy , pronouncing the Davis
amendment of the llay-Pauncefoto
treaty a "slap for England. " It con
tinues :
"Treaties could not bo moro reck
lessly brushed aside than they have
l-ppii In this case by the United States
senate. This disregard of the law of
nation1 ? , which hnd already been man
ifested during the peace negotiations
with Spain , Is In the highest dqgrco
rpgrpttsible. It is the counterpart of ,
England's treatment of the Boqr re
public. v '
"President Mc.Kinloy's administra
tion has been placed in a highly dls-
am-coable position , Inasmuch as the ac
tion of the senate is a grave provoca
tion to England , , and it | p Imnpsslblo
to face the nnti-Ensllah feeling in thri
country. The administration could
not thus wound Yankee pride.
"If the president adopts the senate's
position England will have a moral
right to prepare a Fashoda for the
United States , but judging from p'revlt
ous experiences she will not do so.
The present tone of the British press
toward the United States is in strik
ing contrast with Its ferocious tone
toward Franco In 1S08.
"England Is not likely to play hef
strongest trumps against the , TJnltcd
States , but if she wore to do so she nud
not Uio United States would bo the
sufferer. Fortune is fickle. "
Germum Deny Humor. , y ,
BERLIN , Dec. 30. The Frankfurter
Zeitung prints a letter from Copen
hagen , In which the writer savs Ger
many intends buying the iHl"nd of St.
John for a coaling station if Denmark's
negotiations with the Un'ted ' States
should miscarry. The letter refers to
the organization of a German syndicate
for the purpose of acquiring land on
the island of St. Jonn , the syndicate
ncludlng Hcrr Ballln , n director of
the Hamburg-American Steamship Co. ,
and further tays the syndicate sounded
ihu Danish government nome time ago
regarding tenciulstlon ) ) ( | of the island
by Germany , und that Denmark ans
wered that it was unable to dlfecusa
the qustlon owing to the pending nc-
fio'atlsns with the United States. Now
however , according to the letter , the
" 'an ' for German ncqitlsltlo'i of the
Island ' Is apro.ichhig' realization.
Four IOHK of l.lvo Stock.
WALSEN'DUHG , coio. , Dec. so. A
blizzard has been luglng In this part
ot the state during thojlant twenty-six
hours. Cattle men expect to lose much
stock on the range. Reports received
horn the vicinity of Mont Blanco toll
cf an unprecedented fall of snow.
ItcadH are imi usslblo and the gulches
are filled with snow. Some serious
iLilsglvlngs are expressed for the safely
of the miners who arc working In the
Colorado and ether mines on Mount
I'ecuilnr Vnrloty of .lolcn.
DES MOINES , la. , Dec. HO. A tele
phone message from What Cheer de-
iliiros .there . is not " word of truth
to the story of forty-nine drowning
lher while skating. A conversation
with woman in charge of the exchange
at that point fctated that the story
\vas a < eke of some trainmen and that
they first told the accident had occurr
ed at PeUiy , a little town near What
Fortieth Iolii flood Work.
MANILA , Dec. 30i A pushing cam
paign has been carried on by the
I'ortlcth Infantry during Dccemborr in
northern Mindanao. The town of Je-
monlz was captured , as was also the
Insurgent stronghold In the mountains
further Inland. The coast town of
Ixuigarln wan captured by a detachMent -
Mont cf 100 troops , who scattered the
enemy In that vicinity , killing and
capturing scvc.hl. A portion of the
ti OOP'S thus engaged have returned to
Cngnyn and joined In the campaign
which Brigadier General Kobbc IH pro-
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
Blarslu i ; , ' ' , . A
Some people think It IB better to
have loved nnd lost than never to
have lost at all.
The New York Alnmnaa for 1MJ. In-
sued by Clms. II. Kleteher of New York
City. ha sot a hlch mark for blmllnr
iniblicatloiiH OnrliiK the now century , and
nhowd fcmnrkablo entcrpilHo on the part
of the publisher when wo consider that It
U Intended Nolcly for fieo distribution
The uumcrotm publication * of this char
acter are \isiwlfy Kdttvn up with the fin-
lo Idea of cheapness , \\hdo the thought
of oxpeiiHU had cerlainly been not asldo
In ( ha cunt ) of the New York Almanac ,
The urtlsUo colorings of ( h ° cover , the
accuracy of Its calendars ami Us fund of
iliifonnntlon all KO to make It well worthy
of perusal and preservation. It has In
numerable hints for rnothcrn as to the
earn of children. A unique IWKO la the
"Uaby's llecard" PUKI\ which IH In blank ,
to lie tilled In with hnliy s name , date
of birth , cut Urst tooth , etc.
Tlid whole Is a very creditable plcco of
work and may bo prociuod at any drui ;
Htoro or direct on , trio.
Taxes are like hurdles , you fall on
them If you can't jump them.
Don't < l t Vuutvoroi lot I'OOT-KASIJi
A certain cure for Swollen , Smart-
ins. Burning , Sweating Feet , Corns
nnd Bunions , Ask , for Allcn'n Foot-
Ease , n powder. Cures Frost-bites and
Chilblains. At all Druggists and Shoo1
Stores. 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmstcd. LeUoy , N. Y.
How weary the shoulders of these
Eolf-thought Athison must be ?
x Magnctl < J Starch is the very best
laundry starch In the world.
When a Hiiro-thing man taken an
other in out of the rain It Is aptito
bo a questionable transaction.
IloWn Tills ?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars reward forany
rnvj.of Uulnrrli tUatcAnuot bo uurpcl by Hull's
Cntrtrrh Cure.
P. J. CHUNKY ArCO. , Props. . Toledo. O.
V/e. , the undui'hlKiicd , Imvo known F. J
Cheney for the Inst ! . " > yours and bollovo him
| Ktfcctly honorable In nil business tninsuoilons
nnd lliiunoliilly nlrio to carry out any obliga
tions mudo bv tholr tlrm ,
WcstfeTrunx. Wliolcsnlo Drurelsts , Toledo ,
0.Valdlnir : , ICIanan & Marvin , \Vliolcsulu
DriiBBlsts. Toledo , Olilo.
llulrsCiitnrrliCiiro Is tnkon Internally , not-
h\K dtroct. v upon the blood and mucnusHurf 11001
of the HVRU'in. Tosttinonlals neat frco. 1'rloo
J5o per bottlo. Sold by ull ( U'
Hull's l''umly ! IMflst are Vim
Before the bud bccomua a rose it
must arise.
IMso's Cuiu IR the best medicine wo ever used
for alt nftcctlAns of tlio ( broitand Junes. WM ,
O. ENDSL'EV. ' Vunburcn. Ind. , Feu. IU , 10CX1.
In Prussia an Income tax Is levied
on all whoso incomer exceeds $225 a
If you have never used Garllcld Tea , the
original herb medicine , nund to the Oar-
neld Tea Co. , llrooklyn. N. Y. , for FKEIS
SAMPLE. Ourncld Tea cures.
An old bachelor says that a widow
will jump nt an offer of mnrrlage
quicker than she will nt a mouse.
Dyspepsli ) Is the buno of the human system ,
xruiect. yourself ncalasi Its ruvugc.s by uiu usu
uf liccuiun'H I'cpi-lii Oiiiu.
Do not have your bedstead agalmit
the wall.
i iMiiliiimillllBllllllUlllllllllIIIH1IHl'illlll' | | | | ' I lin 111
lablq Prcpnralionfor As -
slmilating HicFoodondRcduIa-
ling ll\c Stomachs andBo\vcls cf
Promotes Digcslion.Chcerful-
ness antinest.Conlnins nelllter
0uupiMor'pliine | nor > Iiiicral.
IC .
( Xartft'tJ tQ
Hlntrtyretn. rlanr
Apeifccl Remedy forConslipa-
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrlioca
Worms .Convulsions , Ireverish-
ncss find Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signalure of
as a rule find it very dif
ficult to get up their linen
in a satisfactory manner ,
chiefly owing to the
of inferior starches. TJy
using flagnetic Starch
you will find it a simple
matter to turn out as
good work as the best
htcnm laundries. Your
grocer sells it. Try it once.
It costa only lOc a pack
age. Inslbt on getting
Is the most Important period In a'wqf. '
moil's existence. Owing to motlorfa
mcthotlM of living , not ono woman In
a thousand apptoiichcs this perfectly
natural change without experiencing
a train of very annoying and home-
times painful ttyinptoms.
Tlmso dreadful hot Hashes , sending
the blood Kurglnj ? to the heart imtl } it
hi'tmirt ready to burst , and the faint
fooling that follows , sometimes with
ehillH , a if the heart wcro going to
stop for good , arc symptoms of.a dan-
rrcrous , nervous trouble. Those hot
Hashes are just KO many calls from
nature for help. The norvca are cry
Sins. JINNUO ; Nonta.
Ing out , ft > r .iKsistsiiice. The cry nhonlo !
bo lu-fded in timo. Lydia H. Plnlt-
ham'H Vegetable ( impound was pw
pared < o meet the needs of woman's
Hyrttem at thin trying period of her life.
It builds up the Weakened nervoiiH
nVHtcm , and oniiblos a woman to pasa
tiwit , grand change triumphantly.
" 1 was a very nk'lc woman , caused
by Change of line. 1 iiuiVered with hot
Hushes , and fainting spells. I wan
afraid to go on the street , my head
and back troubled me HO. I wau > un- ,
tirely cured by liydla 1C. Plnkham'a
Vcgotahiu Compound.-- . JKN.Nia
NOIII.K , 0010 Jvcysur St. , Gurmuutowu ,
1'a ,
SPECIAL , Tours to FlorIJa , Key Westj
Culm , Itoriniuln , Old Mexico
and Ilia Mcdltcrranoan and
HALF Hntes for the round trip to
many pulntn Houtli on snlc Ilr tj
and tlilrd Tuesday cauh month.
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' nioun wntor reoort of America ,
on snln nvcry ilny In the year. )
TIcl'.otH now on Hiilu to nil the winter
rcHorts uf thu noutli , iood returnliiK until
June 1st , 1001. K * r rutos , descriptive mnt-
tur , piunphlGtH nnd ull other Inforinntlon , ,
onll nt C. & St. I . n. U. City Ticket
Office , 1415 Fnrnam at. ( Paxton Uotcli
llldg ) or wrlto
C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , NeW
For Infants and Children.
ind You Have
Bears the