HARRY DAY & CO ABB KKCK1VING NEW DRY GOODS Constantly , and have a Large Stook of Iho LATEST PATTERNS of DRESS GOODS. Their now Goods inolmlo Shoes , of the Best Quality and Latest Designs. B * For comfort and durability. They have added a fresh and oomploto line of .S3 .S3H .S3K STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES , * w Which they are Helling at prices that defy competition. They have just reoeivi-d a car of K ' ECj ! Which tliey arc rotriling at a bargain. Remember their new location , 3 n : Northeast Corner of Public Square. innHH ; . 7v. j''i' v.fW'vv.yw:4'v : ; : 1',4-t" : ; rti-V. v mKF'fKFy : 'KFy&tffi tffiVXlffiv totfta * ' ' < * 3sft THE L 1 1 - 8 Commercial Hotel 1 ffir1 : * * A * HORACE F. KENNEDY , Prop'r. ! . Snutbwcet corner Square , Jii jj ! BROKEN BOW , - - NEBRASKA. SJS * si _ The Hotel has been refitted and refurnished $ $ throughout. Sample rooms for Commerical men. Bath . | * ( rooms in connection. Free Bus to and from all trains. $ ! ? ' : s& 2 7 LIVERY IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOTEL , " ; ? S srt Si Try us once and you will come again. -Y E. L. BUNCH , Headquarters for ; n Board and Lodging. BEST Sl.OO A DAY HOUSE IN THE CITY. Groceries , Confectioneries and Fruits , AT LOWEST 1'RIVKS North Side of Public Square , - Broken Bow , Nebraska ere Out for AVe want to flll 5 cur fyj m With our famous NIGGEHHKAD and CANON CITY Coal Wo know our coal will satisfy the most skeptical. Our prices , our quality and our wni/.hta arc in youi favor. We will not bo UNDERBID BY OUR COMPETITORS. Foster 4 Smith Lumber Co , , BPbono 79. WILL RULE , Manager. Get Our Prices on Eastern Hard. W GOAL nnnn ! nnrnininiri i H It Once Was Lost , but ITow I Have Found it. Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a rnnin- in' th stock of Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever hoard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep ing posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap , i > Everybody is invited to call and get my prices. I : Remember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First Bank. W. 8. SWAN , Proprietor. Dr. Chas. L. Mullins , PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKON. 2d stairway from wobt ond.in Realty block ; residence , 3rd west M. E. church , same side of street. Any one wishing a DOW watch movement in an old caeo , call on J. M. SIMONSON , LEADING SHOHMAKEII * WATCH RKPAIHEU Of the city , located In Hycrson's grocery store. Dr. E. M. Hogan , Graduate Dentist Office over W. 8.Swan's Grocery store. Broken Bow , - Neb. A. THOIW 'SON. CONTKACTOH AND UUILPEK. t6y"Pl&DB and estimates on abort no tice. Broken Bow , Neb , Lunch Counter , Er * Malioy , Prop'r. All kinds if soft drinks. Best brand of cigars. 1st building eaut of Farmort ban * . Clinton Day , PHYHICIAIS ANI > BURKEON , Broken Bow , Neb. Olllce lot door north of A.V. . Drake's Bocuiid band store , west side squnru.Koal denco 6th houao west of Baptist church Wm. F. Hopkins , CONTRACTOR AMD IHJII.UUW Flans and Specifications on short notice. Ma terlal f mulshed and buildings completed chosic ( ban any min In tbe state. Satisfaction guarai cod as to pHns ana specifications. J , J , SNYDER , - Notary Public and Justice of tbe Peace. Special attention glv- en to collections. Depositions taken , prndot vouchers neatly executed anil all kinds or legal papers wrltcn , Ofllce west elde square , Uroken How. Nob. J M Scott Attorney at Law BROKEN Bow , - 0AM EBON &RKKSK , 6.TrWNKY8 & COUNSELLORS AT LAW U > on > 8 9 HfaHy block , Hroken Dow , Js'ub. PKNN & DOIIBIS , in.ACKSMITHS. All KlndB of work In our line done promptly and In firet-olasa order. Red Shop on the corner , west of tbe hosr house. Give us a trlnl. team , eaves weir expense. Sold every wl MADE I1Y STANDARD OIL CC THIS SI'ACE IS RESERVED FOR C OLLOM7S G RQCERYl To every gentlemen , lady or obild in Broken Bow or Cua tor county thut enters our store , wo will present them with a SOUVENIR , MONDAY ONLY , DEC , 24th , OUE OBJECT- Wo are ( tranters , and would bo pleased to innko jour Acquaintance , whether you buy or not. Will taku pleasure in showing you the < Finest Line of Candies and Groceries In Broken How , or will ask you to show us. Wo are from Missouri , and hero to stay. Butter and By s taken in Exchange. A. A. COLLOM. . Una n full Hue of Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper. Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , .Toilet Articles , oto. Store on corner of Fifth avenue and Main street , Broken Bow , Nob. P. C. WOUNALL , President. J. A. HAHUIS , Cnnhler A. J. KOUKUTSON , Vloo-1'res. W. 1) . ULACKWKLL , Ass't Cashier Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BROKEN BOW , NEB. Transacts a General Banking Business. County Claims and Warrants Bought. TIME TABLE , BROKEN BOW , NEB. Lincoln , Denver , Oninha , liolena , Chicago. Unite , tit. Joseph , Portland , Kansas City , Halt Lake City , tit. Louis , and all tian Francisco , points cast and south. and all points west. No. 18 Veillouled express dally , Lincoln , Onm lia , St. Joseph , Kansas City , tit. Louis , Chicago cage and all pttnts vitst.nnd uoutb 11 44 pm No. 44 Local express tnlly , Lincoln , Omaha , Ht. Joeopli , Kant-OS Cltv St , IxiDlP , Chlcii o and all points east and south 021) am No. 40 P.eight dally , Unvcunn , Qroud Island , Aurora , Scwardand Lincoln 000am No. 48 Freight , dally except Sunday , Itavcnna and inturuiLilKlc points , 115 pm No. 41 Vestlbulod cxprcits dally , Helena , Hem- tlu , lirttc , Portland mil ) all Paclflc Coast polntH 414am No. 43 Local cxprcps dally , Ulack II11U and Intermediate points 6 ' 5 pm No , 45 FrelKht dally , Aiisohuo HonectWhitman and Alliance 1068 a m No. 47 Freight , dally except Bnmliiy , Sfitcca unit tnturuiedlato points 1:85 um Sleoplnp , dh.liiK and reclining chair cars ( seats ( reo ) on through trains , Tlckes Bold and bag gage chocked to any point In tin United States and Canada. No. 48 has merchandise cars Tuosdnys , Thars- ilnys and Haturclays. No , 40 will carry passer gors ( or Havount Uriuid lelaud , Seward and Lincoln , Information , niups , tlmu tnblci and ticket nil on or wrllo to 11. L. Oruisby , agent , or J Krancli , O. P. A. , Oinahv. Nobraslca. U. L. OiiMHBr , Aeont. U , 5S. Lund Office. JAMES WIIITKIIKAD Keglster r , H. YOUNG ItocelTOr Land Olllcu at Lincoln , Nobr. , Xor.'M , 1900. Notice U hereby nlvcn thnt the following * named settler ha tiled HOI Ice of hur Intention to make final proof In support of hur c'alm , and that sal.I proof ulll be maduheforo Judson C. Portur , U. b. Comm. at MBBUII City , Ncbr. , on Tuesday , Janiinry 8th , 1001 , rU : .MAUV U. IIANNAFOIII ) , for tbe nwM of Sec 15. Twp. 13 , Ilgu 17 W. Shu names ine following \\ltucsvcs to prove her continuous rcvUlunco upon , and cnltlrttlon of. . raid land viz : Hubert F. Jlempkln , LewlH 11. . Thomas , Thus. F llemphln and Ulrd K. Cla > pool , all of Lltchfluld. Nebr. iioviB t J. W. JOHNSON , Register. Land Offlco at llroi on Dow Nobr. , I Nov ! mbcr Ii8 , 1UOO. f Notice is hereby I'ivcn that the following named pettier has tiled notice ) nf his Intention to maLu filial proof In support of Ills claim , and that raid proof will bo miidu before UcuUtor unu HccelVL-rat Uroken How Ntbr. , on Januar/4th , lKl. ! viz : iU\V.\HD F. HAltrJKS. of Round Valley , Nvbr. , for the ll , K. Nu. 45U , wii ut-M , und nuH uwK , Bee. 17 Twp 18 , HKU 19 Ho immeH the following wltnci'tca to prove hie continuous residence upon and cultivation of v Inucl , vl/ ; Juece L. WtstDrook , John U. Klebb. Ocorgo Kyrcond Caincst Klabh. all of Round Vuiley Ncbr. JAMES WHITEHEAD. ItegUtor. 'O ct Land Ofllcu at Uroken liovv , Nebr. , I Nov. iMth , 1WX ) . f Notice Is hercbr given that the following named pettier has tiled notice < > f till Intention 10 make tlnnl proot In support of his claim , und that said proof will bo made before Register and llecu ver , al llrokeu How , Neb. , on January 4 , 1601 , vU : JKSHK L. WESTIIliOOOK , of Round Valley. Nebr. , for II K No Odl. e ncK. Sec. 17 , o'/i teU , Sec 8 , Twp 18 , It e. 1U llu i.amcs the following wltnecucB to prove bis continuous residence upon ud cultivation of alJ land , viz ; Kdward F. BarnesJohn U. Klebb , KarneH Klebb , of Round Vulley , Nebr. , nud Km nit II. Kulpht , of bomvtford , Nebr. u .Ct JAilEH W111TEHEAO Register. Und Oillco nt Lincoln , Nnbr. , Nov. 27,11)00. ) Motlci ) U herehy given that the follonIng- named settler linn tiled notice of liU Intention to ronko llnnl proof In support of nil claim , and that paid proof will bo made before J. A Armour , county judge , In Ilrolccn How , Nobr , , on January Sin. 11)01 ) , vizi GKOROE W. THUKMAN. for the nol'l of Sec. 33. Twp. 13 , Rgo ltl\V. Ho names the following wltnecucx to prove | IH coutlnuoiiB resldunco upon and cultivation of said land , vl/ ' Win T. Cloufo. John Hnurr , Krcd Nobles and Lolgbton Flock , all nf tiumnur , Nobr non 0 Ow J. W. J011NKON , Ueelstor. In the Dlitrlct Court of Custer County , Nebr. Harvey II. Andrews , Plalutlir , ) vs } A. J. Pearl , Uofendant. ) To A. J. Pearl , non retldont defendant : You will take no.llco that on the SOtb dty of Septum- her , 1CW , Ilnrvoy U. Androwd. the above named plaintiff , tiled bin petition In the district court of Custer county , Nebraska , against yon , the object and prayer of which said petition are to recover a Judgment aitalnstyoa for the sum of giSO 60. which Is a balance due upon note executed and delivered by you to the said plaintiff , Harvey II , Androwp , dated on March 15th , 1893 , and willed note was originally for thn um of $16000 , and which was due on ttio 1Mb day of March , 1808 , and which said note draws intoreit at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from dito until pa'd. You wlit further take notice that on the salil 20th day of Soitember , 1UCO , an order of attachment wan Ipaucd in > ald action out of sa'd district court against your property , and that on tlio UUt day of September , 1000 , the same was duly executed by levying upon and attaching ns. your property the n4 ofthenwKi. and lot 2 of Hcc. ' i , and lot 8 of Section 15 , all In Twp. 20 , Rgu. ! il , situated in Cutter county , Nebraska That there IB due upon ยง alil note a balance of { 33050 , with Interest on said sum from the SOU ) day of September , 1000 , a-d pUlntllt asks that judgment bo rendered against you for said sum and Interest , and that an order bo maile by the court that said real es tate and property levied upon and Attached under laid order of attachment , may bo sold by tbe sheriff of Cnstor couutyand the proceeds thereof applied to the payment of the amount due upon said note , together with interest and the conn of this salt. You uru required to answer said notl- tlon on or before Monday , the " 1st day of Febru ary , 1900. UAUVKY 11 ANUREWS , (113-n Uy C. L. anttersou. Order on Hearing Petition for Administration. TUB STATE OF NEURASKA , I . . Custer County , ( " Al a session of the county court , for the county of Unstcr , boldou at the court room , in llroKun How , on tbe 1st day ol December , IVOO. Present J. A. Armour countv judge. In the matter of the ei'Ute of W. 11. Fnllbart , deceased. Ou ap plication , by petition , of J. i ) . Hchldoler. rnprc- srntlntt. among other things , that W.U , Fullhart , on Inhsblmnt of Aueelmo , said county , residing thereiU on the 17th day of November , A 1) . 1WO , riled intestate , leaving ci > tate to bo admlnUtcrcd. That the petitioner is a half brother of said de. ceased , find pray * that administration of said dcconstid bo granted to II. K. Atkinson. It is ordered that said application be heard at thu county court room , at ttie court house , In the city of Drukor. How , on Iho 28th day of December. 1100 , at 10 o'clock u. ui. It Is further ordered , that notice thereof bo given to all persons by fubllcatlon of such notice at least three succern- ro weeks , creviout to thu time appointed , In the ( DSTKH COUNTV RKI-UIILIOAH , u weekly newupa per publhhed In eaidcouuty. ( TrueCopy. ) J. A. ARMOUR , Co Judge. ilecO-U COPYRIGHTS &c Anyone M-nillnif n nkutrh und rtenrrlntlon niiiy quickly * uscortiiln our opinion frt-u whether iu < invention-l iinitinlily iinU'iitatilo , CmmnmilrM tloiiiittrlctlyconUttontml. Haiutlinnkon I'ntciita ont froo. Olilost iiueney furnccuriiii ; imtvntH. I'utents tukon UirmiL-li Munn ti ( ; u. rvculvu tptclal nvtlct , without tlniruu , 111 the Scientific fltwricmt Ahnndioincly llhiMrntnd wo klr Inreritrlr eulutlon of any HclentiUn Jniirnul. 'IVrniB , 4) n ynnr : fnur tiioiitlin , ( I. Hold by all iHiwuloiiler" . MuNN&Co.3GlDfoai ) New York Uruuch OUlco. C5 Ii < BU Wunhluijiou. U. C. CONSTITUTION AND WY-LAWS Of the Coiuincrclal Club of Jlrokon UOIT. CONBTITUTIOK L The name of thlrorcanlzsllon uliall be Tin CouuruoiAt , Otun or IlnoKiN How , Nrn. Ant. 2. Th object and unrpoto of snld oresnl- rntlon shall Im to piomnto the frnnoral welfare nf the city and connty In which inldclub la situated to promote ) cntotprlimof nil Kinds beneficial to said city and county ! to Incouragomanafacturlng and Immlcratlnn , and to combine the business , stock ratling ami farming Industries of paid town and county into a community of tntnrestit for the development , proirrois and well bcliiR thereof. AIIT. 3. The officers of the organization llull consist oi a I'rosldont , two vice 1'tcsl- dfiits , a Heoretarjr , an Aislrtant Hccrctsrv. and Treasurer , whoi > o duties sliull be the nunal npon said olllccrs In Ilka bodies , provided that In the [ \tn-enco of the president or socrclary , s Id second otUccrs ihnll not in Us. 'teid Kncli of said olllcers named heroin nhnll hoid oince fortho term of tmu year and until itircopsors aru c'tctcil and qunlltlcd , iHT , 4 Said orginlzatlon tlmll elect from Its inembcrplilp an executive ronmiltteu of lire , two of uliom slmll bold said olllce for un year , two for tm > yr r , niul one for three years. The dnt > to * of raid exciitlvo commlltoi ihtll ba to proinoto riiterptlecs and manage thu snino ; to Inquire Into and Inok aftfr the interest * of the town and country contiguous thereto , niul In a general way to act HP a promoter of business for said or- nmUatlon. AUT , R Mumborslilp 'U thin nigmlratlnn shall ba contingent upon the In lawn 1'oTuri Infc the same Hinl the nunitirr of vetcH cnst by fnlil mom- born shall bo governed and regulated by the bt- ltt\s thuri'of ' I'rovMed that any uiombcr of said orKimlriitlnn phall h'vo tha right to dlscnst any pruporltlon pondlni ; lioforo said club , subject to the usual rules governing debate. AUT , U This oaiiHtllullon may bo amended. altered ur ctniueil upon notice of paid proposed mot , ilm out , nlteratlou or chnugu being given In upon intotlng at the regular meeting proceeding the vote on stld cluingu or amendment by n majority vote of paid members , us provided by said by-laws. HT r.Aua AliTicr.K 1 , The n'liulnr meeting nf this club shall bo the f.ret NY'cdnoadny of each oaleudcr month , at the hour of 7i3U p. m. AUT. L . The place of meeting sball bo In the city of Hroken How , ftebraiku AUT. ' ! Tui. members of said orKSiilzitlon shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of buslnuts. but n less number ir.ny adjourn to a certain time , which time shall stnnd as H regular meeting of said club. AKT , 4 , The ofllcera of said club shall bo elect ed by ballot , \vlth or without nomination , and slmll hold their respective olllocs for tbu term of one year. AUT. B- Any persons drslrlng to Join snld club shr.il pay a meint > ornlilp fee of 81.00 , and no one shall bo eligible to vote or hold olllce or address themnetlngof said club until tald membership fee ban been pnlil , provided said club may Invltu any one to address raid niootlngi Hhelhor a uiom- her thereof or not , AUT. 0. Tlio right of franchieo In said organiza tion shall bo dependent upon tbe puymont of thu membership fee , herein fixed at one dollar , and each member of sold oluli shall bu entitled to CHHt our vote on any proposition before caldolub tiicludlui ; the election of olllcers of ra d organi st Ion for each one dollar paid by such member Into the treasury of attld organization , AUT. 7 Tbu exccutlcv committee of this oltib sliull linvu the power to appoint any sub comult- tou If they dtcmlt expedient und to thu host In- torcptR of this organization HO to do , to Investi gate nud rupurt upon any business or coimner- cl.il proposition coming before said executive committee. Bald sub ctinunlttoo , when so ap pointed , uliall report to tlio executive committee , and thu > auie shall bo laid buforo tlm club at Its rcguUr mectliiK by said exocntlvu committee. AUT H. All propositions which contemplate thu pnymuit of inonuy shall hay thu sanction of the executive committee In writing. Said oom- inlttou tlmll koup an unthentlc account of the ills- inifHcinent of inoiileH autburlrod by It , and report Ihu Buno to said club In open meeting. AUT. U , Tbe treasurer ol suld orgatilzallou sball par out monies upon the chock or warrant ot wald club , Hlguod by the prethlui.t and rocrotary and by no other persons , and shall render an ao > count of monies m illsburxcd o tbu club , with the warrcntsfor p ) inuiitoxhlbitul and attached to Htich rotiorl AUT , 10 , No olll or of tltU club shall receive any salary or compensation for his sorvlcu aa such olllcer , but Biild or iiiil/.ntlon glmll pay nil Jui > t uxpenioi1 , If mi ) , upon thu lecoinini'iidatlon of thu executive com nlitio AUT. II. The executive comiulltue limy appoint viirloui standing sub committees from , time to lime nn ( boy drcni lulvlfiilde to fnellllitto the huhlnesn and objuuL of the organization , salii slnudlng committees cluill be reported to the srcrulary and read In open session for thu gen eral endorsement of said clun. AUT. -Tlio uxucutlvu committee U empow ers ! to fill nil vacancies \\hlcb may occur In thu llcoM ot said org.iulr.ull on ART. 13 Thusu I y-lm\H may bo aineiulud or ropcaloil at any regular mietliiK ol said organi zation by a majority votu of all memuorH thereof. Kyuo. lOmllted last week. ] Corn Mluiukliig wall tidvauuod. YiolU bettor tlmu WAB tiutlulpnluU. Lullior Pickctt held thu tuimbor that drovv A. liooinnnii'a horse on Tueeduy light. I oitnnul recall the lliuo vvliun the soil wita any morn moist in DuceiuUur thnn t la at prtrient. Cattle dtauase abating. None died alnuu InHt vvuukrxuupt Miss llattlu Ilocvea hna loBl a liorstt. Titm the dleeiioo liua run ita fatal couriu. llev. lianaom.of Cullaway , IB conduct ing a very BUCoceaful protrnutcd tniiuting til Mfttr'H Hchoul houeo No. 85 , Seine have buon converted. May the goud work continue. Miss Buokloy will bo ngrocubly eur- when sbo arrlvc.fl nt thu bchool hotiBo to rcBiimo her euliuol , to ecu u now Htovo that vvi8 put in last wouk. Mlsa Nollli ) Emplleld ruached hur seventeenth mlle Btonu tulny. Ae u reeult H hen ia childless. Long may eho live to enjoy many pleasant blrthduyc , is thu wish ot thu writer. MAKUIKD On Suridny uv niiiff , Dec. 2d , ut tL'o ruBidenct ) .if Mr , and Mrs. A. Bouhtnun , of Callnwuy , Mr. Harvey II. Deal , of Callaway , and Miss Luolk Cooper , of Kyno , Kiv. 11 M. llardivan iuiutliiK. All vtish tliein a full ineas- nrii of happinuBH and prraparlty. Llterariea booming , solving knotty problems nt JtiverMilu on Wednesday nlt'ht ' , and Success on Snturduy night , iinl arriingeinentH tire about completed ( o- three C'hriKtintiH irct'H nt Miilr's school houeo , ( Juslcr Canon ani ) Success , respectively. Who BiyH ; wu are not a progressive people ? W. P. iJeninan now has threu teams of muled. lie brought onu team from Kau- ba * ' , traded corn with UrorgeHoltinin for one team , and a mart * and u cow to Jack Curler tor another. HehHsanid a thousand buahelfl ot corn to J. II. Pret ty in iui. and ia delivering It at the ranch with Ilia long eared poniea KAK.M I'oii SALK At UptonNeb. . 100 acrnH of good farm land , 80 acrcH in oultivution , and the real fiinced in pauturo , with three when. Good four room nod IIOUHQ ; uoru crih and granary , ( noli 12x10 t'eer , , oonneuted ; Htable and chiukou IIOUHO , ntu , For jiartiuularH call on J. J. Snyder , Broken Bow , or Stephen Wilcox , on promiHes. agio