Win. Oxley on Trial , Jlis ProUmhinry llcforc .ludjfc Armour. Forty Witnesses In tlio Case. Oil Tliumday of Iu t wcok Wm Oxky , the Hupposcd miinlcror of W11 , Kullhart , wai taken before Judge Armour , whore lie wan fir ralgntd on tlic1 charge of killing W. H. Kullharl , on hiH ranoli , IK niilfH norlliwuHt of Anaoltno , liy striking him on the head with some blunt instrument , on or about the Kith of November last Thu clnr cH weru read by County Attorney L.K Kirkpairiok. Tlio priHoner ontori-d a pit a of not guilty. J. II. Duin appeared an altornoy for the defotul nut. On the county attorney mak ing affidavit that he could not got his witnehscH lii-re bi'foro Tuofday , December , lltli the Juclpo sot the preliminary trial for Tuesday , at 10 o'clock. I'llKLlMINAKV TU1AL It waH about 11 o'clock bcfor. the priHoncr was brought into court , but in the meantime the court room had filled up pretty well with sonu forty wituei-HCf , who weru Hiib.m- | naed , and many otherH who wore interoftpd iu heating the evidence in the caso. Among the witucHHOF was George Oxloy , * brother ol the defendant , and by the way quito an intelligent looking young man , who took his Heat by the Hide of hin brother's attornoyn , J. K. Dean and Judge Wall. Miss Ntwy Piornon was court roportor. In opening the case the iirct witnoHS called war- David Parks Jr. IIo gave the fol lowing testimony : Illveut Arnold , with my fatlwr. 1 know Wm. Oxloy. Hi ) lived it our IIOIHO moat of tlio tlinu hlnco Matcli , 1000. Have known him alnco 1HSO. Ilu bad liccn living nonr hie itatcr's ; I have for- notion tliu niuno of county. IIo has been away ntout eight yeumj liml not Keen lilm In that time uut'l March. I know u bay horse Mr. Oxloy used tome lime Iu October. Oxltiv loft father's plact with this horse ttt-out tlin lUtli of October. No one \\fiitulthliiin , lie told us lie was going up to Mi. Gamble' * . Did not see Urn ngaln nnt.l a feu daB bcforo election , ( our or llvo days perhaps ; nt ijurhomo ; cuino on horseback ; ho remained In the vicinity of Arnold until tlio I Mi of Norcmber. Went n ay horse back ; took n llttlo bay inure bo lonplng to my brother , Joe Pu Us. Left uliout 0 o'clock ; took also n gray mare which I think bu. longs to Jlmmla Uamblu. Saw this buy inure again on tbo ! 3d of Novcrcbor ; the caino from Arnold looec ; the nmro gu homo about dark. Had not seen Oxley sitico the 17th ( Oxloy pointed oat la the court room ) , Ituunlng mare ; described the mare ; pulls hick \vhen tied with halter. The defendant wnn well acquainted with the nmro ; be WA > staying with in ; helping when hu fcUIIko It ; he received no wjgus ; ho fluid there newly & 1 thu time from March to Oct. 10th ; had not been away 1 month all the time ; went toMr.tiamhlo'p ; would Btay about 10 days ; made two trlpi. Did not Kuuv > V. II. Fullhart ; never sitw him. Uumblo ranch la between 18 anil 20 iiMne from Arnold ; Gothenburg In 30 mils * from Arnold. CIIOM-KXAIIINEI ) BY UEAM , Uxloy helped train liortce lame ; worked pnrt of the tlmo when hu wan able. 1 think ho helped Mr. Allen a day and n halt ; had no arms about him ; was counted a pcaccahlu citizen ; visitors that cnmo to vUlt tbo family ; co strangers come ; uo wild-eyed fellows came and culled him out. The bay mare belonged to inj brother Jcu ; ho loft With It about the tilth of November ; he took i' gray mare belonging to Jlmmlo Oaiublo ; bo rode the gray aud led the bay ; the bay a valuable ImrBO , worth $ -100 or $500 ; wne not afraid to trust It In bis cnrc. The mall cnriler bronght the mare tuc * from Uothuuutirg ; did not HCO the gray mate iiflcrwarde ; the bay was gene from the K'th to the 33d of NovcuilJer. Gothenburg mull carrier brought tbe nmro back ; the mill rutiH from Goth onourg to Arnold on Monday * end Fridays ; can not toll hliuamo ; quiet sort of mau. The bay mare Is now at homu. I llvo one-half mile wee of Arnold , Day mare will not stand tied with the bailer ; would tlo her around the body ; did no aeo her when she came home , but I was on the pi co. The mall goto to Arnold about o'clock In thi ) summer time , and about dark In winter. JIEUIKKCT EXAMINATION. The Ural I saw of the bay muro was in th htablo. I did not ceo her when nho came ; my llttlo brother Johnnlo paw her ; It was along I too craning. I do not know where ihu came from no ono came with her , elio cnmo loose ; till I knov about how she came was whntJoo told mo. Wit ucse excused , Joe 1'arks ( .worn. I lire at Arnold ; Dare 1'arLi Jr. U my brother : Iho buy mare Uifcrlbod li mluo ; I was feeding hogs when thu mare omn home ; * nw boracrons the b.ldire ; she l.nd uoth lug on her at all. Llvo half mlle fruni Arnold When Oxloy got the bay horse thu first tlmo I un not at homo , te took mare on the I'Jth. I told hln to take the iniro ; ho mid be thought ho would I back Iu about a week ; ' said ho was going t Uaudy. I have sceu Kullhart , but was not u iiuolutod with him ; raw him at Arnold. UUOaS'KXAtllNKl ) . Saw her In the craning ; ho had pulled Ions before ; stio would always pull lees ; she was a ! right ; did not look as Ihoigh she had been abused James Gamble swoin , Lire In the wild bore , Hits luLogau county ; have Hred there 8 yean have known \Vm. Oxley alnco I was abont 5 year old ; dp tot know how old ho la ; bo le about years older than 1. I mil lift ; haru not soon bin : very frequently tbo past summer ; saw Urn 1 June ; think he was at my ranch three or fou u j , uu enma mere uiu , .u 01 uciouer , riding n bay horse ; h came about noon on thoWd of Oc tober ; itatd that afternoon , Monday , Tuesday and Woduesdar , and left my place on Thursday , the 25th , lomo time In the morning , on horse * b ck , Hire ! . ' 3 miles from Arnold ; ho said bo was going In the vicinity of Ansolmo , and to Arn old. I taw htm acalu ou the 13th of November. lie bronght a gray mare my brother had taken to Arnold on the Saturday previous ; he staid over night , and left about 8 o'clock tlu next morning , on a bay mare he brought with him , and said ho was going over In the vicinity of Dunning Mid Victoria Spring * . 1 llvo about S3 miles from Dunning. I next saw him AVcdiicsday.Nov 19th about dark ; bo biougbt nine baud of cattle and a calf , and drove them Into our i-mill yard near the house ; lie staid over night ; hu did not ray just where be was going , bat bad Ulked of * olug to Gandy and tbo south table , to too what he could buy calve * for ; he wade to arrangements with my brother In my presence In regard to kcepltg tbe cuttln. ( ho here described thu cattle left at thtlr place ) Ue kept the cattle until Mr. Atkliaan , the administrator of Pullharl's eitatn , took them , on December lid. Oxley told ut ho had told four head to Jlmmle Judge. Texlce sworn. ll d worked for Pnllhart In hay Ing about four weeks , and left there on the 25th of October. Defendant ' came to Fnllhart'a the y btforo I left ; said no was from Arnold ; bo ; a til full , art talked about | ice | > fo IMi-M "our Arnold. I believe defendant li the nun ; am not lurulhat ho Is ; made ijiilto n change bv ihivlng his beard I urn sure ho U the mini. Ho had no gun that 1 AW ; liu cnmoon horiebick , Mr. 8tar Hworn. Llvo flvo miles roulhwctt of Dinning , vUlled Piillbilrt the ' . ' 6th of October , slftl'l two hours , A man was there cooking din iu > r. he aald ho was from Arnold , nnd owned HO hemJ of cattle ; he win heavy pet man , with ( jlack hair and inousttohc , 28or 30 years old ; he mid his nainoas Oxlor. The prlsoier rctoui- bus the man , but Crtiiliot Hiy thitt hu Is the mau , my bi > i > t jitdgmout U that ho Is the tnnii. Ue wan nlal and plcaitnt. Haw Full hurt again on election day. Peter Fllloy sworn. Llvo two or turce mlltc from Kullhart's place ; have boon there frequently W hi * cattle often ; wont with others to pick out the cattle at Gambia' * which Oxley left there ; ( described the cattle , nud told how bo know them ) they had no brands on them , \Vo selected the m out of a bunch of ono hundred or more , nr.d drove them nut , and Gambia said they ivcro tin1 ones Oxley left there. II II. Andiown aworn. Llvo at Ansolmo ; Oct. ITtb bought two steers of Kullhart. IIo brought three cteers to my place to fell , ono was part Jercey. I bought the t o larger steers of him , and ho took tun othnr ono back homo with him , I afterwards raw the steer ou Tlernoy' * ranch ; I knew thu fitccr as scon an ) saw It. Jag. JtidKu sworn. Live in Logan county , on Tlernoy'B lanch , known ns the T. L V. ranch ; I mil foreman. Have met Wm.Oxloy ; he came to the ranch on the 10th of November , about noon : ho raid he wni going to Gkinblu HMD. ' much , lie iitc dinner ; MM ho had worked at the rnnch n nmifhi-r < > } r.'irti . ' .t'o , whun I'nt Hllcy wax thirc. lln tllcred to toll me a jearJInj ; uteor for S- , I bougnl It. Wlillii I wan gene to thu house to make out the check , hu ami my brother brought thn cnltlo up to the corral. My brother bought ihree cMvcs of bin , for 313 each , for which I gnvo him another chock. One check I drew on D. J. Tlorney , of Antluy , thu other on Tlerucy llrou. ( Ho hero described th ) cattle Oxley had with him , ) Oxley luft my place about ) o'clock ; said he was going to ( Janbio's , live miles south. Our ranch U 10 or 17 miles from Fullharl'B place ( WltuusR pointed oat Oxley at end of dusk , said ho had shaved his mouttacho since ; he look * a little Ihlnnor. Thos. Judge sworn. Ills evidence w s a cor- ruboratljn of hli brother's In the malu , IIo Uld of Atkliion and othrrs coming to the ranch after the CHlllo they hfld bought of Oxluy , and raid that Andrews pointed out the Bluer his brother bought of Oiley. Chap. Vogel sworn. Am employed on Tlernoy'a ranch ; saw Oxley on tlio lUtlr he came to the ranch with cattlo. I talked with him ; he told me ho brought thu cattle by the ulaco I u ud to llvi- 'n the band hiIn , IS nilleo west of Autolm ; told of n fraino houtu and wind mill ho came by. Wm. Great rworn. Llvo ubout four miles Irom Fnlllmrt'it , Wan at bis place In October four or flvo times. On the loth of Movcmbor I was thcro and raw him that day ; ho was ono mlle east of the houeo , building fence , east nnd wist ; ono wire nun stretched to whcro he was ; went there to got my dog. A mnn was there driving staples , whom ullhnrt called Oxley. Wncii I got there , Full- art was a half mlle oil waturlrg the elook i'hu man pointed to where bo woi , and I went to im , and ho cnmo hack with mo ; cannot till whether thu urlscnur Is the man or not ; he ookr HUe the man I saw wlth.Fullhnrl , only he as no uouid. I went to Fullbarl'a on the ! Mtb. ( V. Ulcbirdson wont with mo ; I had boon there wo day * before1. Wo wont first to Murphy's anch to notify him that I bad some of his stock. iVo came back by Fdllhari'ii to toll him that I had jrneof his horuciln the eorral ; bad had them 4 irft dnyn. Wo found n ? one at thu bouse ; we Mjnt to the wnU'ilny tank ind found no one .here ; then Richardson and I went to where I had een ilium bu Idlng fencr , and found him. A sled with three cells of wire on U was near the body ; do not think any wire bad been stretched after I was thcro Body was lying onat and west , with blood on bis face. All that had been doue : o the fence wan about a quarter of a mlle more pouts had been set OlIOSH-EXlHINKU. There Is a generally traveled road from my placu to Kulltmt'a ; went thcro ouco iu two wcok i , generally to see abont stock , lomctlmes mine nnd sometimes his. Nev r told or bought etockot him ; sold him a rake and provisions , buttorand egg * ; we never visited , only business. Novwr changed work , but have worked for him ; did not wurk for him last summer. Have bad rows with him ; I shot oue of hi * boraea two yenr * ago ; wo had another row In Augnit. I had to knock him down to keep him from shooting mo. I gave htm back the revolver nmj told him to keep bis horse * oil my bay. While 1 hold him down hu promised not to uio hi * revolver if I would let him up. I vlilted htm In two week * after. I i hut up hi * horiea oa the 16th of November ; I went to toll him. I bad a written notice to serve on Murphy that I bad sotno of his cattle. I was there whan the sheriff eearclnd fnlllmrl's clothing ; ho had something ov r 18.00 , some buttons , some tobacco ; no tire arm * or knife. Uody was within a rod of thosled ; I did not tee any tools except the wire stretcher ; saw a spade about 41) rods west ; ho had on pair a folia on his feet ; canton llaunel mittens on haud/ / < thrco pair of overalls , a coat , vctt , two shirts nnd a blanket suwod on over his shoulders. He hai from ; to to f > 0 head of cattlo. I suw thorn fro ( jiicutly , anil knew them a-t well a * I did my own Henrd 'Fnllhart nay frequently that ho woul never cell a cow or hotter , Wesley lllchaulson iworn. HU testimony cor , roborated Groat's In reference to finding the bed of deceased on the ' 'lth of November. Ira Foster enorn. Llvo at Ansolmo. I kneu Kullhart ; hv was about 01 years of nge , an strong for his age ; he had no family ; lived alomi I reached his place on Saturday , Nov. 4J4th , abou U o'clock p , iu , ; found a watch flru and thrco o four men there ; body of Fullhart wa * thrue-quar- tors of a mlle cant of honso , lay ou Its side , will ono arm underneath. I had charge of the cattl until administrator was appointed. Chrriey Street enorn. Said ho went over to wheto Fulllmrl' * body was found about 3 o'clock on Nov. > llh. Hauled tbo bouy to Ansolmo next day , starting about 10 a. in. Mr. Great tlrst told mo of his death. hhtrlll Armstrong cworn , Uot to the ranch about 0 o'clock on Nov. 2Ith ; found Fullhart dead , clone to a wlro fenoo ; did not touch tbe body that night ; esit ot body a red or two wua a ulro itrelchor ; a tied with tno cells of wlro ; \\C8tofnhorotuo body uaa found \vaa a spade ; loil rnriK'ru made of 2x4 planks , thrco feet long , two feet apart ; next morning found eled tracks from Vullharl's house to where rled stood , on the ground , and tracks looked to have been mido by two different persona ; the smaller track kept near the sled track ; the other track w s kind ot u bonglcromo track , and Kept farther away from tied track We too * tlio body to Anielmo , and hold an Inquest 1 came home ; stuld around thrco days , trying to et evidence ; wont to Arnold , from there to Gothenburg , then to Sonth Omaha , Sprlngtlcld and Louisville ; met MOxley , ar. rested him aud brought him back , CflOlS.XXAXINBDi Snow was on the ground , but bad melted off wlierc the tracks wore visible. My judgment in i that noth tracks worn made at the same time , ouo larger than the other ; the larger tracks looked though shoes might hav < > raia tied around them , 1 helped disrobe the body ; blood was on the' shawl pinned nbont him ; would say large track was made by the deceased. Dr. Talbot tworn. Wae at Inquest held on body of Fnlllmrt at Anselmo. Ulood on face ; one eye well filled up with clotted dried blood ; ou side of head above anl behind tt ar. skull rras THIS SPAOE IS RESERVED FOR COLLOM'S' GROCERY i To every gentlemen , lady or child in Broken Bow or CUB tor county that union our store , wo will present them with A SOUVENIR , MONDAY ONLY , DEC , 24th , OUE OBJECT s Wo are rtraugors , and would bo pleased to make your acquaintance , whether you buy or not. Will take pleasure in showing you the Einest Line of Candies and Groceries In Broken Bow , or will ask you to show us. Wo are from Minsouri , and hero to stay. , Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange. A. A. COLLOM. ornthod ; another wound acrot-tf the oar , hole cut jncar , blood ou ouo mitten on left hand ; took sculp oil and examined muscled nnd bone : thu wound on cur uxtcndeJ through It and In front of ear , The crashed place on tLull covered n epace of iibnut two Inches ; fracturu extended ever the head ; blood on face , which came from both wounds , the nound had been nude from ono side ud allghtly behind. Found the other vital or gans normal Death was canned by A blow upon the he&dbad ; been dead three or fonr dayp.poBiilbly longer ; but llttlo uvllcuco of decomposition. Ulow was evidently made by some blunt Instru ment , with sharp prolrudlnK points , that cut tbo liolcx In scalp ; could not bo possible for any rrmn to strike himself such a blow ; cannot conceive Of any other way than for It to liavo been canted by hnmnu agency. CronB-eXnmluatloii developed no additional evidence. Elmer June sworn He had 'teem ' at ftillhurt'B on the 15th of November , and Oxloy was them then ; ho went to Kot Fullhart to help burn lire breaks. Nothing uioro was shown by his At this juncture the court adjourned - journed to 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. On resuming the testimony , sev eral witnesses wore recalled ; also Dr. Day , who assisted at the inquest - quest , but only the former evidence waa corroboratod. The ' oxauiina- tion was concluded just before nooc , thu defense offering no evi dence. The evidence establishes clearly that Oxley was at Fullhart'e a few days prior to finding bio body , and that Oxloy had Homo of Fulihart'a cattle on the 10th of November - vembor , aud on that date Hold four head to Jas. Judge , foreman of Tiernoy'a T. L , V. rauohj and on the aaino date left nine head of the cattle at Gamble's ranoh , But the evidence as to who committed the murder IB lacking , except that cir cumstances point to Oxley. The court bound the prisoner over to the district court. County Board Proceedings. Tuesday , December 4 , 1000 * Pursuant to adjournment tbo county board of auporvisorB , Ouster county , Nebraska , met at the oonrt house in Broken Bow , Tuesday morning , December 4 , 1000 , at 9 o'clock , a. m. , and was called to order by the chairman. The roll was called and all members an swered to their names. The clerk read the minutes of the September 20th session. The following from the county treasurer wns rend by Mr. Arthur , who moved UH adoption : To tbo County Io ) rtl of Snporvlsom of Gnitor county : On account of thu great amount of cxtrn \ > ork c uee l by itio umixpoctuil dilo of l nd for tnxm In November. 1 Unif It Impossible to do tbu work ot the otflco with tbo allowuuce for clerk h ro granted thU otllco at your January meeting 1 therefore a K that I bo allowed for clerk bin $175.00 In addition to said first allowance. M. U Scbuorlugor , oounty treasurer. Motion seconded by Mr. Nicholas V Ho taken ; motion carried. The official bond road aud road claims oomtmteo presented the fol lowing report. Whereas the road petition signed bf Jos Ulanko . et al. which was acted upon at the June meeting of this board , provided for tbe vacation of uctrUli publlo road described In said petition , mid where as the said vacation wi not mentioned In the ( uUeitlacment of * ald petition , therefore , wo. your committee , rccjtnend that the county clerk be , and hereby U , ordered to advertUu eald vacat ion In the manner provided by the . . statu.o. Con- ley , Arthur , BrccbuLl. Moved and carried that report bo accepted and ordered as recommend ed by committee. Mr. Bnohbuhl , chairman of the erroneous and delinquent tax claims committee , reported that he has ex amined the claims of 0. S. Baylen for tax paid under protest , 1800. and being convinced that the tax was erronuoua on the ground that there haa boon a double assessment , reooinontls that the amount , $3,00 , BO paid be refunded. Moved nnd carried to accept and adopt report and to order oounty treasurer to refund tax. The afternoon waa spent chiefly iu committee work , and at six p. in. adjournment was taken until 0 o'clock tomorrow morning. Wednesday , December fi. Board met at 0 a , m. ; was called to order by chairman ; all mombora present. Minuten of yesterdayV Hession read and approved. Mr. Arthur reported for the bridge and bridge claims committee recomonaing to allow claims of F. D. Mills for $22.00 for furnishing material and hauling lumber for Wcstorvillu bridge. Moved to accept and adopt report as > ec- ommonded. Claims committee reported , rec ommending to allow claims of Robert Farley , Judge ot Election , West Union Precinct , and W. J. Loop , Judge of Election , West Union Precinct. Moved and car ried to accept report and allow claims as recommended. The chairman of the board ap pointed MoBscrs. Nicholas and Lind , i special committee to examine tbe 1800 tax-list in tbo treasurer's office and report to the board the number of persons delinquent in the several townships. Committee reported as follows : Wo find that In Victoria township t'tero 203 perrons aeiessed , nnd that 81 have not palil : azofl ; Douglas Grove , 211 neresscd ; 69 not paid ; Wood Hlver , 55 assessed , 105 not paid ; Broken Dow nspeased , 103 not paid ; Broken Dow city , 428 aeseiscd , 152 not paid , . O. LIND. 1) . L. NICHOLAS. We will furnish the Kansas city journal and REPUBLICAN for $1.25 yr year. California Travel Increasing. The increasing popularity of tourist sleeping oars for transconti nental travel is a subject of mucli comment among railroad men. It is said that 85 per cent of the pas sengers to and from California travel in tourist iloepiug-cars. Theae oars are comfortable and not nearly so expensive as palace sleeping-oars. The Burlington railroad is doing a great deal to encourage tourist-oar travel , having increased its Califor nia tourist-oar service this season from onoe-a-weok to three times a week. Norr Is The Time To Subscribe. The State and National campaign ; for 1900 is now on. Every body should keep posted. The National campaign as well as the state's bids fair to bo both exciting and interest ing. No body who has any inter est in the result of the campaign should , be without , a oounty and state paper In order that every citizens in Custor county may keep posted , wo have decided to make a special price on the REPUBLICAN so as put it within the reaoh of evorbody. To all new subscribers as well as to : all who pay up arrearges wo will furnish - nish the REPUBLICAN for 25 cents to the flrst of January 1001 , or the REPUBLICAN and State Journal to Jon. 1st 1901 for 50 ; the How York Tribune or Boo and REPUBLICAN for 65 cents to January 1st 1)01. ! ) Kansas City Journal and REPUBLICAN 60 > cents. PENN & DORltlS , BLACKSMITHS. All Kinds of work In our line done promptly and in Hrst'OloBS order. DOd Shop on tbo corner , west of ibe Lose house. Glvo UH ti trlnl. t fralta , J oil lea , jilcldos or cntsup are mora eiully , raoru quietly , mora ImiilUifully beulitl with Jtetlnod , Pamtllno War than by uny other Jl * method. Downs of other uses will bo i frttnf * * _ _ _ Refined tusMk"-.i unit oilorlfia ulr , nnter and acij proof , del a pound cuke of from your drnrgtator grocer. Haa n full line of T Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper. Also a Fmo Line of BonkH , Stationery , Toilet Articles , etc , Store on corner of Fifth avonno and Main atreot , Broken Bow , Neb. E. L. BUNCH , Headquarters for Board and Lodging. BEST $1.00 A DAY HOUSE IN THE CITY. Groceries , Confectioneries and Eruits , AT LOWEST PRIUES North Side of Public Square , - Broken bow , Nebraska. P. C. WOHNALL , President. J. A. ll/VUniS. / Cashier A. J. 11OBBUTSON , Vice-Pros. W. U. DLACKWKLL , Ass't Cfisblor Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BROKEN BOW , NEB. r Transacts a General Banking Business. County Claims and Warrants Bongbt Gleason's Horse Book , By OSCAR R. GLEASON , The Prince of American Hoisn Trainers. The Farm and Fireside , "MONARCH OF THE WORLD'S RURAL PRESS. " In order to introduce them to our reader * , the publishers of the above book and paper have made us a proposition which enables us to make the decidedly liberal offer outlined below. Bo sure to read it. BREAKING A VICIOUS KICKER Professor GleaBOn has no equal as a borao-tralner , and tils book , like its author , bnQles comparison. People ftseemblo in great numbers to tee his publlo exhibitions. Hi * power over vicious horcea la marvoloua. ' In his hook he tolls In plain , citraight forward language just how to proceed - coed in dllflnilt cases with obstinate animals , and whnt moaiiB will brlnj ; success. Thu numerous Illustrations make U impossible to miuundemnnd how to construct his Appliances , and clearly show how they are to be used. No kind of ill behavior or disease that affects the horee Is overlooked. , 1'ho book Is replete from cover to cover with valuable information that the author 1ms bepn years In compiling As a result the UNITED STATES GOVERN MENT hoe greatly honored ProfesPor Oloason by adopting his book as the RKCOGNIZBD AUTHORITY In the care nnd control of the horses In the United Stales cavalry. The book contains over 4oo Pages , 300 Special Drawings No more practical work than GLEASON'S HORSE BOOK could be ob tained by tbo farmer. Tbo Information It contains mny be the means of sav ing its owner Several Hundred Dollar * ; within a Year. A Synopsis of the Book's Contents. History of the horse , educating the horse , teaching hotsvs tricks , how to buy , how to feed , water and groom , brooding and raising horses , breaking and taming vicious horcos , uielbodn ol detecting unsouudness , the teeth , horseshoeing , diseases of the homi. This valuable book , In cloth binding , was originally sold by agents at $2.00 a copy buc nur arrangement with the publishers enables ua to'offer a special premium edition Free to Our Subscribers old and now alike. r fiwti , .fe Wr l : T ? { KADI A et.I I * tbo monarch of tbo world's rural press. H has JLireSlCl6ovur310000eu > criber * It i issued ? and gives a ) to iM pages cich UBUO , aih psge 11x10 Inches. KB contributors twice a month subjects iiro the beat In the land , In tlio course of a > oar every feature of ir.rmlni on agricultural . ' " ; receives at tention. The 'Ktredlda" part of thii paper Is devoted to the Interests and the firmer' * wife aud family. There are tzcellunt short aud serial atoilos.cut entertainment of , tratlocs mw recalpte are used. for cooklug , cannlnK fruit , aud tiino'y articles on homo topics , Numerous paper patterns Illn * . BARGAIN OFFER-A11 Three for $1.35. GLEASON'S HOUSE BOOK , Sold by Agents at FAHM AND KIIIESIDK. Yearly Snhicrlptlon Price . > m CUSTEK COUNTY ItKI'UULIOAN , Yearly Sulwcrlptlon Price . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. i I. ' . . ' . ! ' . ' . ' . 1 00 50 Total Yalne of All Three . " , "S SO In order to take advuntORO of this offer , old subscribers to the REPUBLICAN muet bnlaccn nil unpaid account ? , and itccompany tbelr renewals with oaab advance. Don't delay , but send In your order nt once. Address m CUSTEK COUNTY REPUBLICAN , Broken Bow , Ncbr.