IIURLINUTON SKCimUU A PLUM. Through Mull Contrnct Pays n Big Prollt. HOW DUSIMSS : WAS Northern 1'nclilc Threw It Up Cue Day nudtlio IJurlliiRtoii SecimU it In Forty-eight Hours. BILLINGS , Mont. Dee by the recent withdrawal of the Northern I'aoifio railway from a United Status mail contract and n uoumquunt change of route , a OhicHgo road is now operating the lontji'Bt , bi-ut paid mail route in the United Sla'ea , il not in the world. Only a Cow > ears ago the eastern roads got the moBt money for oar- rjmg mail over long routes at fast spfcd , but She wosterii contracts have bei-n in reawing at euoh u ran to plain them among the mo t cluo- rative of the mail carrying world This new finanpeniuut was ooon- fiioncd by the Nor thorn Paoilio tak ing off two trnitiH , ere each way a day between St. Paul and the North 'tru Pacific coast. Tin Burlington - ton people got wind of what was about to take place two days before the trains were taken off , and in thnt short a lime cinched the con tract and began cairying it out b > running an engit.e and Uaggngo oar until it could ohango its schedule to tint the running of a now train The mail which the Northern Pa ctfio had been hauling oarao from the oabt , arriving in Chicago about 3 a. m. , thcrico to St. Paul over the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Parl. The Burlington's contract watt to rush this simo mail direul to Lin coln , thence to Billings , and on to iho coast. From Billings the route is over the rails of the Northern Pacific , but the Burlington care run clear through. Lijst May the road established a through service from St. Louis to Portland biing known 'as No. 11 and running solid from the Mis sissippi river to the coast in seventy- Beven hours. This train is now oonmcted at Lincoln with the Chicago cage train which leaves Chicago at [ " 8:48 : a. in , aftir the heavy mails < ' , s from the east have arrived , and in in Portland at 7:30 : on the evening of the thiid day. The route ir > ' 2,668 miles long , and the service being paid for according to the tonnage and the distance , it earns the largest annual compensation of any one single route in the postal service. Taking into consideration all the mail hauled by all trams it is by odds the heaviest mail con tract in the world. There are some remarkable feat ures about the establishing of this service First was the record- * bre.king ; in which the contract was made , that part of it being handled by Captain E L. West , superin tendent of the Sixth division of railway mail service at Chicago. The weight of the mail ascertained the contract made and the service begun in two days time , consulta tion with the department at Wash ington included. In the second place tlu- train out of Chicago is numbered 13 , which { IH a slap in the face of auperstititon , Duty of No. 13 is to catch No 9 at Cropti'ii , Iowa and No. 0 in turn must uatch No. 41 at Lincoln. It cap'rs aoroes the Mississippi and keeps ohaso until aftfr the muddy Mis- souii is also left behind. By this whole route has been connecetd up , and the trains speed over Nebraska plains and roll through the new region of the northwest , poacerley halting until the panting iron steed sniffs the salt air of Puget Sound. Kn route the train not only hauls tons ot the letter mail of the fcreal east destined to the coast and the orient , but distributes to nil of the L busy towns of the western country. L At present part of the btiPincHS is done by closed pouches , but it is predicted that at no far distant day there will bo fullrailway pontfilioe rervice from Lake Michigan to the . . Pacific ocean. It is said another k . * 5 chanpe will soon bo made by which fiomo stops will be out out and the Hposd made much faster. P. M. CoateR , chief clerk in charge of thp route at Chicago , says that the train jjf. and route in capable of wonderful A- accomplishments and has been .j growing in favor every day since it 1 " wan established. Free Complexion Hemittincr Wo want every lady reader of the REPUBLICAN to try Dwighl'a Com- pltxiou BcautiiitT , the most exqui- BiU1 toilet jrepaiation.- ia pun. and harralegpmakes the face smooth as velvet and fair as alabaster To induce a fair trial of it we will for a ehort time only Bend FBKK a full size Fifty ceiu box to every lady who will i-ond us Inr post office ad- drffls bilver dime to pay for packing and postage. Only one PRKK box to each nddrcfp but la'dies may order for their friends Each box mailrd teparatcly. S < nd this notice and your order at ONCK to D W. CUSTKR &Uo. , Huntington W. Va. TIME TABLE , BROKKN BOW , NEH. Lincoln , Denver , Omaha , llolena , Chicago. Untie , St. Joseph , Portland , liana * * City , SMI Lake City , St. Lunla , and all fin Kranolcco , points cast and south. snd > ! ! foluts west. No. 43 Vestlui.lcd express dally , Lincoln , Oma- lia , hit. Jonepn. ilan ( i Ulty , M Louta , Chicago cage and nil pilau vntt.nnd ronth 11 44pm No. 44 Locnl cxprcM ly , Lincoln , Om ln , Bt. JoKOpb , Kauson CltV ht , Loul * , OlcnRO and all points cast nnd outh 02'Jntn No. 40-F.clRliHlally. Ka\cnnn , Utand Island , Aurora , Scward nnd Lincoln OoOara No. 48 Freight , dftlly except Sundny , Havonn * and lulcrmulUto point ? , . . . . .116pra No. 41 Veatlbnlod express daily , llolona , Beat- tic , llrttc , Portland and all Paciflc Coast points 414am No. 43-Local express dally , Ulnck llllli and Intermediate points 6S5pm No , 4&-Frilglit dally , Aniolmo Seneca , Whitman ami Alliance 1068 i m No. 17 Freight , dally except Bnnday , Since * anu Intermediate points , lS5pm Sleeping , dlLlng and reclining chair car * ( seats rco ) on through trains. TIckea sold und \ > S' nge chcclcod to any point In tli United States , n3 Canada , No. 48 has morchandlao cars Tuosdnyi , Thurv iiys and Saturdays. No. 40 will carry tas crRor * for llavenn * rantl Island , Suward and Lincoln. Information , mnpn. time tables and ticket 'ill on or write to II. L. Orrnsuy , agent , or J 'rnncli , Q. P. A , , Omuhu. Nebraska , 11. L. OiiMpnv. Acnnt. SCHEDULE OF BROKEN BOW MAILS. Pouch for west will cline nt 8 p. 111 , , except nnliny when It will cloa at 7 p m. Pouch , cast for train No. 43 closes at 0.30 a m nl fet No. 41 clo'cs at , II u m , .Mull for Anslur iid points Oust of Uraud Island Carried on tralu No. 44. Oconto tin of Uyno atd Tuckervllle , dally ex- ept Sunday clonus , at 7 u in : returning same day Callawuy via , Mc'Klnlcy dally except Sunday loses at 7 a in , returning same day. Hound Valley via Green and Elton close at 7 a i , Momla ) , Weduesdy und Krlilnjr , returning ncu day. Stunner via Ournsey , Georgetown and Upton rrrlrcsatll 30 , Tuei-diiy Thursday aud tfatur- ay , returning loaves at 12,30 same d y. OfUo hours froin 8.00 n m to 8.00 n m. Suu- av 8.30 tn 0.80 a. m. Lobby open week days from n in to 8 H til I * . U. JuvtntTT , P.M. U , 8. and Oi'icv JAMES \VJirr.&EI A , - Ketlst ; r K. 11. YOUNG. - - - - RcQO.ve ; Land Office ut Lincoln , Ncbr. , NOT. 26,1000. Notice la hereby ulvcn tlmt tbn followlue- ained Bottler has tiled notice of her I tcutlou to make llnnl proof In eunport of nor c.ilm , and tint aui nroof lll ba n.nilo Imforo Jutlsoa C. 1'ortur , U. S , Com in. at Mnauu City , Ncbr. , onTueeday , anunry 8tb , 1001 , Tlz : .MAHY U. IIANNAFOUD , for the nwW of Sec fi. Twp. 13 , Kgo 17V. . She nnmci tne following wltnctBCR to prove her ontluuoiiH reeldencu upon , and cilltlratlon of , alii laiui viz : Hubert F. Himpkln , l.ewlc II. 'lioraan , The . F llempklri and lilrd U. Cla > - pool , all of Lilchfleld. Nobr. nov29 Ot J. W. JOHNSOS , Register. Lixnd 0illco at ItroKou Bow Ncbr. , I r < ovfmbcr28 , 1900. f Notice is hereby L-lvcn that the following named pettier bag tiled nottco of bin Intention to male finul proof In snuport of bis clnlni. aud thai aid proof will bo made before Itcgletcr anu iecuiveriit Broken liovv Nibr. , on January 4th , uoi. viz : UDWAKU F. UA11NK3 , of Hound Valley , Neor. , for the II. IS. No. 450y imJi , and noK uwW , Sec. 17 Twp 18 , Hge. 10 llu immcH tbo lollowInK wltncesce to prove hla : ontlnuous residence upon and cultlratlon of eii.d and , viz : Jcfeu L. vveMDrook , John U. Klobb. George C > reand Kutnest Klabl ) . all of Jtnnnd Vuiluy , Ncbr. JAMES WillTKUEAD , Heglstor. nor O 6t Land Ofllco at Broken How Nebr. , I NOT. lytb , 1000. f Notice Is hereby ciron that the following named rettler has fllcd notice of his Intention 10 make llnal proof in support of his claim , and hut said proof will Do made before lieglster and { eccver , at llrolicn Bow , Neb. , on January 4 , 901 , viz : JESSE L. WE9TIJUOOOK , of Hound Valley , Nebr. , for II K. No. 061 , oVa ncKi Sec. 17 , oii 60'i , Sec 8 , Twp 18. Ite. . 1U. He i ami1 s tbo following witnesses to prove lile continuous residence upon aud cultivation of eald land , viz : Kdward F. liarncB. John U. Klobb , Earnest Klebb , of Itouud Viillcy , Nobr. , und Frank II , Ci.Ulit , of bomi-tford , Nebr. nJO-Ot JAMK3 WHITEUEAU. Ileglster. Land Office nt Lincoln , Nebr. , NOT. 27,1000. Motlco U hereby given that the following- named pettier 1ms fllcu notice of his Intention to m tko flual proof In support of hit claim , and thtit -aid proof will bu made before J. A Armour , county Judge , In Broken Bow , Nubr. , on January 8th. 1901 , viz : QUO KGB V. TRUEUAN , for the nc of Sec. 33. Twp. 13 , Kge ID W. He names the following vf Itncoscs to prove his contlmions residence npou and cultivation of said lard , viz' H Win T. Clonse , John Snnrr , Fred Nobles ami Lclgbton Flock , all rf Stunner , Ncbr nov29 OIT J. W. JOHNSON , Hculstor. In the DUtrict Court of Custer County , Nebr. Hatvoy B. Andtoirs , 1'laintlff , ) TS [ A J. Pearl. Defendant. ) ToA.J. 1'cnrl , non rcrldent defendant : You will tnkcnoilco that on the 20th diy of Septem ber , 1POO , Hiirvoy H. Andrews , the above named piutotltf. Qlcd hie petition in the district court of Custer county , Nebraska , against you , the object and prayer of which tfild petition are to ricover a judgment against you for the sum of SKM 60. wntch IB a balancu duo upon a note executed and Delivered by you to thu raid plaintiff , Harvey B Andrew , listed on March. I6lh , IK'S ' , and whlcli note win originally for the eum of $15000 , and which was due on the 15th day of March. 1808 , and which tiild note drawn interest at the raie of 10 per cent per annum from date until pa'd. You wlil further take notice that un th eald 20th day of Soi tembcT , 1000 , an order of attachment was IxiDCti in eald action out of ca'd district court against jour properly , and thr.ton tboSUtday of September , 1WHJ , thu i&me was duly executed by levying ut on and attaching n& VOF.r property the u1 , of the nw'n. und lot ! 3 of Sec. 1TJ , and lot 8 of Section If ) , all In Twr 20 , Itgc. Ul , situated In Cutter county. Nebraska That there Is due upon said note ft balance of S'J-'O50 , with Interest on snld sum from the -Olh day of September , 10CX' , a d platntlfl asks that Judgment bo tendered agaluetjon for said sura and Interest , and that an order be made by the court that snld real OB- tate and property Uvlcd upouand attucheil under Eald order of attachment , may be Hold by the thcrltl of Custer countyand thu proceeds thereof applied to the payment of tbo amount duo upon ram note , togcthur with Interest m d the costs of this suit. You are required to answer said peti tion nu or before Monday , the 21st day of Febru ary , lUOO. ' IIAIIVHY B ANDREWS , dl3. < t lly C. L. anttcrson. Order on Hearing Petition for Administration. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA , I Custer County , f ' At a session of the rounty court , for the county of Duster , tu.lden at the court room , in Broken Bow , on the 1ft ( lay ol December , 1900. 1'reneut J. A Armour conntv Judge. In the matter of thu estate of W H. FnilUrt , deceased. On ap plication , by petition , ol J. B. Schldolcr , repru- renting , among other ihlngn , thM W.1I. Fullbart , an tnhibltuntof Ainclmo , said county , residing therunt o" tlie 17th day of NoTcmber. A D. 1900 , died Intestate , leaving estate to ba administered. That the petitioner ls a half brother of said dv. censed , nnd pray * that administration of said deceased bo granted to II. K. Atkisson It is ordered that 6ald application bo heard at the county court room , at the court house , In the city of Broker. Bow , on the Sbtli day of December. 1EOO , at 10 o'clock a. m. It Is farther ordered , that notice thereof bo given to all periona by publication of snch notice at least threa SUCCCSH * ivc weeks , vrtviou- the time appointed , In the I UBTKH CODMV HiruuUCUN , weekly newiipa- per tmblUhul tn saldcouuty. True Copy. ) J. A. AHMOUR , Co. Judge , dtce-lt NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. | Notice U hereby elvcn that by virtue of B cliat . tel uiottKORc , dated July 30ih , IVOO , and ciectiti'd i bv It. J Ilovry to A. w , Slovenn Compsny , of 1 Miirtnclto , Wlsconeln.n coiporatl n toscctiratho rnymcnt of Iho turn of hli fotirp oml * ory Hole' , dutrd July 30tb. 1WO. anil one for f IUOOJ tnali'f Ingon the l t day of September. KHX1 , nnd emu for } 300.00. matnrlni ; December 1st , 1900. mid onn for $1(0 ( tx ) maturing Drcombcr 1st , 1001 , snd cno tor 3400 00matnrlnK December tut , ItKtt , ench I hearing Interest at 7 per cent per nnnum , from their date * Default having been made tn thu payment of the first above described n tc , and It , providing In said inortcf.tc "that In raiio itrfanlt ihall bo made In the puj tuent of the notes afoto- said , or anv pnrt ( hereof , or the Interest thereon , on the day onlays tvrpccllTcly on which the pnmo shall become dnn nnd pnjable ; nnd In nny or either ot aforesaid esses , all of sndl notes and mm of money , both principal and Into'cst , shall , at the option of the suit ! mortgagee , become at. onn duo and payable , and the talil mortgager , ' U * successors or assigns , or nny of them , stiall thereupon have the right to take Immediate pos ecsalon of said property , nnd sell and dispose of Kill propnty at public auction to satisfy nal < l dtbt , " and no suit at law liavlnK been hud ( n said notes ot either o' them , and siild mortuvro hav tin * having been fllcd for record in the olllco nf the county clerk of Cutter county , Ncbr.iska , on the 31st day of August , 1900 , therefore the sold niort cageowlll sell the property therein enumerated , to-wlt : One sixteen horse power traction enulno , on. ) water tank , with truck , hose , pumpsetc. , one pump and wire suction hose for water wagon nno b \ horse , cloven } c r old. weight about lt < 0 pounds , called Duke ; one bay mare r.bout tuclvo years oldweight about 1,100 pounds , inll > d Hess : one bay uiurn about nine years old , weight nbout I. " 0 pounds , called Clydo ; onu buckskin borso , tuelvo ycatH old , weight about 825 pounds , called Tope ! onu second hand farm wagon , t < oeii run six vi'im ; one sot of harness , half worn. Snld prop erty wlil be sold in front of I'onn & Don Is' buck smith shop. In Broken How. Nebtaska , on the U2d day of December. 1900 at 2 o'clock p. m. of naiddny , to the hluhest blddur lor cash In hniul , Duted at Broken Bow , Nebraska , this t'Otli dav ot November , 1900. A. W. STKVBNS CO.Ml'ANY , uov22.4t lly Alpha .Morgan , Us Attorney , Dr. Chcas. L. Mullins , PllYf-IOIAN AND SUKOKON. 2d stairway from wobt oudin Realty block ; residouco , 3rd west M. E. church , Hnmo Hide of street. Any one wishing a now wntch moTCincntln an old case , call on J. M. SIMONSON , 1.EJU1IM ) SlIOKMAKGUA 'A'ATCII Of tlio city , located In Hycreon's grocery etoru. Dr. E. M. Hogan , Graduate Dentist Office over W. 8.Swan's Grocery store. Broken Bow , - Neb. W , A. THOM 'SON , CONTRACTOR AND IIDILDKK. and estlmntcs on ebort no * lice. Broken Bow , Neb. Lund Counter , Er Walloy , Prop'ri All kin da if soft drinks. Boat brand of cigars. 1st building east of Farruon bank. Clinton Day , fUYHICIAN ANI > HUKOBON , Broken Bow , Neb. Cilice 1st door north of A. SV. Drake's second band etore , west side Fquuro .Resi dence ( I'.h bouee wcetof Baptist church. Wm. F. Hopkins , COMTKACTOK. AXO IHJII.DICH Plant and Specifications on short notice. 1MB terlal foi nUhcd and buildings completed cheaper banany minlu the itato. Sattafactloa guarar ocd as to pltns ana epeclflcntlons. J , J , SNYDER , - Notary Public and Justice of tbo Pence. Special attention git * on to collections , Depositions taken , ponMoti vouchers neatly executed anil all kinds of legtil papora wrltcn , OOlce west eldo square , Rrokon How , Nob. We Have Added to our shop u full line of wood work ing machinery , and therefore would auk a part of your patronage in HUB line , ir > which wo can nave you money. Alno auk carpenters : inc ooutruclorB to lot us do their joh work , Biich UH plauiuf ; , ripping scroll work , m fact everything thai is done in a lirnt class job shop. In our old line wo are up-to-date. Wind Mills. Wo carry all standard grades. Pumps. Wo carry a full and complete stock of all styles. In pipe aud wt-l material we a'ways have it at the lowest pOHaiblo price. Fittings an < brass goods , hose , bolting , tanks feed grinders , horse powers , in fau everything that belongs to our trade. We carry in stock the , ITTLIi JACK OK AI..I. T it AIUCH OA80I.INU KNO1ISIJ for pumping or power. Also second end hand gasoline engines , Htoan engines in which we can give you a bargain. In hydraulic and casing wells we have the best and quicken machinery that is manufactured ii this day and age of the world , niu can guarantee our work in this line Yours Very Resp'y , 0. H. CONEAD. ( "Not Garbled. " ) Commencing Dec 10 and Continuingtmtil sold. Our sale on Ladio's and Misse's Jackets hns boon fully up to our expectations. Still wo have a few left , and they MUST BE SOLD regardless of cost , ALL UP-TO-DATE STYLES. Ladios' Jackets Misses' Jackets. Formrr 1'rlca $4 50 Now , 82.75. Pot mor Price $3.50 Now , $2 25. " 5.60 " " 3.26. 450 275 " GOO " 3 CO. 550 25. 050 it . ' 1.75. 000 u ! ) 75. 7.00 41 _ 4.GO. 0.50u 4.25. 18.50 IIII 0 00. IK 00 II 10.50. 1750 II 12.00. CHILDREN'S .lACKErS. Former Price 82 25 Now , 51 35. " 2.50 " 1.50. " 550 3 f.O. Theen tire unheard ot prlooa. Coruo whllo you onn secure n Jnokut nt ulmoat rcnl Vnlue. This U not all wo have nt Bankrupt prices A Rood Print for 3 } o ; n tow Cotton Bntta lit Cc ; Outlngo nt 4o. Plenty of Ltullo's Ho o nt Co. A complete line ot Uiulerwonr. MOU'H ROOI ! wnrm shirts nntl drnwcra ut ; i.ro each. A line HBOOB lined nt-15o. A good WOOL ot OOa. Lvllo'e winter vests und pnnta na low us IlOo. In chlklrona , we lmv > n ( nw to CLOSE in nlco warm winter goods nt 16 to 30c. OH YES , wo have a few CORSETS. ( Son nnr outs ) The mnnufnuiurur did not euro to "Suit All Hu IIiul , " tuul wo only bou lit pnrt of his Block ; j ct wo can eoll tlium nt less prioea than over offered , and ilioy ate tlio BE T Koodd on tlio mnrkot.Vo hnvo KOOC ! Coreots for > 10o. Nor did wo got "ALL THE ( "APS , " but ! mvo a line of BiunploR boiiRht nt 3nv per cent d iconnt. Vim unn luivo tlio bci - i1 fit of this purchase. In SHOES , no onucan moot ua. A mnii'a Dress Shoo 91 10 , Children's good shore ( > 0r , Ladio's A 1 fllioo nt 81.50 , Lidie's AlnsUns , ( OOD GOODS , NOT SEC ONDS ) 75r , Ladle's nrotlca 95 ; , Men's A'nBltno $1,00. Wo carry NO SECONDS ; ADVERTISE ONLY FIRSTS. o i And wo still have more GROCERIES to se1 ! ; Rootl fresh prunes 221bs for ยง l.oo , to bars Soup for 2rcfcs , a A. 1 ton it 85cts per Ib , 8 onus totmitooa 25cts , 2-ciins cornlGcta. Then tlioru is the celebrated - ebrated ULAN ICE COFFEE lhat all wbo buy once come for more nnd will have no other. Wo KUiiraiiteo every pound to bo to stronger mid better thnii any cotteo on the marled at sumo price , And don't forget that wo wnnt nil the Butter nnd E RS nnd other produce in exchan o for goods at cash juices. Wo menu business and our steadily increasing trade confirms na that wo are selling goods right. Our "combination1' prices IS RIGHTnnd wt are hero for business if others do squirm aud howl. Dent forgot our SLAUGHTER SALE on Jnckots. Rublee Stevens Co. Thompson , , . i > 10 < 7VV7V7VTVV77VTVTVVWVTTT * 777777777777777777T77777 * V77777777777777V77777V77 * ca m ai BH BB kl BUta * / : HARRY DAY CO. l | AUK ItKCBlVING NEW DRY GOODS Constantly , and have a Largo Stack of the LATEST PATTERNS of DRESS GOODS. Their new Goods include Shoes , of the Best Quality and Latest Designs. * For comfort and durability. They have added a fresh and complete Hue of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES , Which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They have juet received a car ot Which they are rotriling at a bargain. Remember their now location , Northeast Corner of Public Square. I H B 1 GO YEAR3 EXPERIENCE . . COPYRluHTS &C AnTonn nomllnt ; : i hltetrh ir I rippcrlptlnn nmv quickly ascertain our opim m free wliutlior nn liivontlon H probauly nntontnblii. ( 'omniiinloii- dons strictly contlilentlal. lluiiilbnokon I'utcnU unlit fn-0. oldcnt iiu-oni-y for Hocurlnit i > itcnio. I'liti'iitM tiikcil tlirnueh JIuiui ft t'o. n-culvo iftcM notlcr , nit limit cbnru'o. In tbi < Scientific fltncricaii. Almiidsoincly Illii'li 'toil wc"klv I.prccut rl' cnlHtloii of nny K'IcntitIn Iminnil ' 'IVriiiH , tJ ynnr : four niontlia , tl. r"l l by nil new * iU > > ilvr * Urancl ) tilllcu C2.p > 1' Sf. Wiuluuytpii. 1 > . C. J M Scott Attorney at Law BKOKKN Bow , - NKBR. GAME BON &KKKSB , AT rOHNKYS & COUNSIJhLOUS A7 LA ft. i 8 9 lUalthU.ck , Ilrokeu How , Net ) . Wi W : 8 Commercial Hotel I * : * | .v If * HORACE F. KENNEDY , Prop'r. 1 Southwest corner Square , BROKEN BOW , - - NEBRASKA. i V'ti ls The Hotel has been refitted and refurnished * J throughout. Sample rooms for Commerical men. Bath $ ? < ivl ] rooms in connection. Free Bus to and from all trains. $ ti'i * * . I LIVERY IN CONNECTION WITH TllE HOTEL , | | i I Qy Try us once and you will come again.