J'nWI ! icilnT ry Tlmrndajr ty Soul. i. AMNItltUltV , KcMtor ! n Cinlnr HlrwU. Kaorth ATII.- tlio | i09tomco nt Hrokc n Itow , Nrlj. , * n HccnniUrlniK innttcr for triiiminlMlon lliroiiKli tlio U. H. Mnll.l. Drift Vonr , In H < ! VIIIICO { I ( JO 7ii7Tuob. NnrriH Hrown , of Kearney , IH a candidate for deputy attorney gen era ! , llin appointment by Attorney ( ju'iioral I'rout would bo highly ploiiRinig to tlio roiiiiblioauH of the Sixth cnngrrHHional dinlriol , where Mr , UronniH porfionally and favorably - ably known. Secretary George I ) Moiklejohn SB being quite ganornlly mentioned in u lavornblo manner , by the Htate prc'HH , for United Htateo flonator. Should liu bo the lortunalo ono , there would bo but little diHatifific- tion , except inn on (4 ( the dinappointed oandidiilcH und their immediate BiipporterH , The Piginnn nnd Kenm oontoRt wnH commenced laHt Saturday before Judge G'Sohwind and will bo re ferred to tlio legislature for a re * count of ImllotB. Thie dooa riot t immn that Mr. Hcam will bo uountcd out , Himply boeatiHO the republican have n mnjorily in tlio legiBlaturcDH W.JH done four yoarri ute , by the pop legirilaturo. II a recount uhowr < that Mr. Hcam has one rnojority he will retain hip Heat , but nhould il nlicw Mr. IM man hnn a majority of ono ho will bo nentcd. 'I'ho ' Callaway Oouri"r adviHOH UK people of Arnold and Grind } not to vote bondn to induo3 the U. I' , railroad to Gaudy. It in evident the Courier , while it haa good argument in UH favor , would muuh prefer to HCO Cullaway remain the torminuH of the tri-wockly rail road , than to havu it pa B on and make of ( Jullnway only n wide Hta lion. In our opinion , when that line of road inxteuded to the Ulaoli HillB , itH ultimate destination , CiiU lawny will got muuh bolter Horvice than U tiocH now , and the Hoonor Arnold and Gaudy 0,1 n got the road the butter it will bo for thorn , un- they have to pay too dear for it The Chief ( Jots its EJOH Open. Tlio tlott'iit of W. J llryin In Uiu nation anil llo ilorent u ( tliu fnnloti eUto ticket In Nobriakii , provtm lt > ) < > iid miy ( mention tlmt funion i nut a UUSIP8 , Clllof In other words , tin Chief nook * to acknowledge in H round-about way that the mid-roaderu were logi. oally correot when they gave out montliH bolero elootion that fusion would not Huooood. It now no- kuowlcdgCH that Doaver , Stookham and Painter were in the right. But why dooH the Chief Hop HO early alter its overwhelming defeat ? Uoen the ( . hiof fear that the Popu- lirtt will undermine UB olaimH of boiug the ollleial organ of the pop ulist party of Ouster uounty , or in it Hhifting itH HailH to oatoh the brcezo for the eloution of county ofliuorn next full ? Lot that bo aH it may , in cither cane the Chief offorH 110 eoiiBolation to itH late boHom friends the domocr tfl. In speak ing of the democratic party , the Chief "It li practically ( Uniired Hint tlm i . crnts "III nu'Hln uct runtrol or Ilicli p rty organi sation , ana it \ \ 111 Iheu drift bick Into Cloviilnnd policies. " Having mot defeat by the nuaim- anco of the demociatH , the Chief would give them the grand bouneo ( \vhou they ask for roproBontition on their uounty ticket ) by joining with Painter in advocating the doc trine of the middle of the road , hoping thereby to carry enough votes that were formerly populibtn to oleot the county ollhtora next fall , and thereby hold onto the public toat. But vro predict , oven at this ouly day , that the Hohomo BO transparent to the taxpayers of Caster county , that they will not again , in great uumborH , support nn oiganirifion , of whatever namn it nicy auBiimo , when its Hole object is to provide phvoon for a few poj suukore. Any party or individua1 deserves 'ho respect of the public when its ambition in to porpottiato a principle , but when they shift from ouo base or party to another for the solo and evident aim ot se curing spoils at the expanse of the commonwealth , they douorvo urn arc fcuro of defeat , The fiiHioiii tH who nm now wor rying over reorganization , do not Huetn to realize that their defeat if not HO much for lack of a oompaot or anixUion ns it wan for lack of judgment. Their organization wnfi weighed down from the start with dcfi'l inHtioH , nnd worst of all , with dead politicians for their Hlandard bearers. The prominent politicinnn of the alMo have como to regard Senator F , AJ. Cuirto's election to the U S. Honati ) as among the ponaibilitieu , Ho ban not made n pornonal canvass for the pl.tce , OH Hovoral oilier can- didatUH aru doing. Hut booAUso of his special litnesn for the ponition , there is a uunornl fouling among runny that pliould there bo n dead- louk , there id no ono to whom the leginlattiro in more likely to go than Senator Currio , from Cutter county. Too Much for Hum Kaiit/iuaii. The people of Ouster county re member Hum kanUmin , the editor of a red hot populint paper at WOH ! Union , and later a ntill hotter out O'Neill , From the following , which wo ollp Ironi the O'Neill Frontier , it HeeniH that the Urynn-Stuvenson dove was too much oven for Ham. In writing to the Frontier ho nays- 11 lifira grmltiAted from the ncvr pn | > cr lm lncci < nil ( ipencu up it cigar Inttory In my old IBM licmio town , I'niioin , Iowa The klnil of rororin which beat niu mil In O'Neill , nmt Unit \vlileli actuated tlio lioud | tii h In Botith Dnkutn nan n llttlu too droiif whin nl/.ed up tir the Oinalm pin form , fur Ilio average old Kroonti&cUor , and 1 cot out of tliu niiWin | > iT Ijtulnosa. Kur lienvoim inko mud mo n ropy ot tlin Kruiiltcr containing tlio odloliil vote of Holt enmity. Flit mo on your mull MM. I will Hi'Bd yon n liox of dpir-i iomo of lliuau diiyt ) , tint 1)0."t you ever nmolcud for nickel , ttic celobrAtcil limcon Llfjlit' " "Wo IIIITU placed Ham on the Hit ( ititl nrn waiting nn niiportllulty to try tliu llencou Mu cigar " What Our Ilxehunjfei Say on Senatorial Candidates. Newspnpors in his part of the state are booming ox-Governor Crounso for U. S. senator and well they may for Judge Crouuse is ono of the cleanest and ablest men in the state. But what is the matter with the western part of Nebraska fur. nishing a senator ? Browstor News. The Fairbury Enterprise bringH out Hon. E. H. Hinnhaw for U. S. senator Iroin the South Plattc. Mr. Hinshaw is very favorably known in York county And hia olco lion would certainly cause no regret here. Ho is a very talented and worthy gentleman and has a largo number of warm friends and ad mirora , especially in this congroH sional district. York Tribune. To flticl' an able modest man aa Guorgo D. Moiklojohu , assistant secretary of war , the kindly reuep tion of hia Aiinouncemont aia cnndi- date for Unittd States oenktor must bo very gratifying indeed. That ho would make Nebraska a inoct acceptable and cRlciuut senator it admittoJ ; that his candidacy is as suming proportions is daily becom ing more cvidrnt. Hero's to "gentle man Grorgo , " MoCook Tribune The Leader pretends to voice th sentiment of no ono except its ed itor when it says that the bust in terests of the state and the republi can party will bo best survod by the olootion of Hon. Edward Itosowator as ono of the two Uni'od ' States senators. . Ho is clean , Ins marked ] ability , grasps now and important issues with a firm bund , by all odds the best po'ilionn ' in Nebraska and has the endorsement of a largo pro portion cf the voters , while ropub HoanB owe him much , for without his Hupport and poisoual .efforts during the fall campaign it will Hoarcely bo disputed that Nebraska would still bj unredeemed from populism. With all duo respect to other oandiciatoH , is there one of whom so much can truthfully bo Biiid in his favor ? Noligh Loader. Hrjau on Ills Defeat. In an urtiulo entitled "Tho Elec tion of 1900 , " in the Daootnbor North American Kovtow , Mr. Uryau atteiuptH to give reasons for his defeat. Ono is the alleged use of money.1 ' As the popular plurality it ) over 800,000 , the largest on record , the so-called "colonization and purchase of votes" must have boon conducted on a ooloHsal scale A majority of 137 electoral votes would look like foolish prodigality buying. Shifting the point of view Mr. Bryan remarks that "tho fear of a ohanuo is merely a political ex- prcpsiou of the conservatism whioh , to a greater or loss extent , exists in every person , " It is oorlninly true that a majority of the American people prefer existing prosperity to an uncertain chase after something better. Common HOOBO would bo a belter name than itotiAorv.ttism for this fouling. Every linij n practical man tan against tliu portonliotin "Void if ! ulootod " phrane , J3ryan H , ho realized the altitude that had been t'ikon by mun of the coolunl buiineds jiidgauient , and that oven a grain of doubt can disturb the grunt currents of national trndo. Mr. Bryan denies that the ropub- limn party has had anything to do with prosperous conditions. But from the day of the election there was a grant upward bound in tlii ) markets. The sweeping nature of tlio defeat was rolloctud in an un- oxpuclod degree of general activity , and the wave in still mounting and spreading. The boom instantly followed a great reptibliuan victory , and it is vain to dispute its cause. It was not duo to good crops or the increased prcduotion of gold but to the assurance of continued republi can control of nil departments of thogovornment , and n moHtomphatie reassertion of the principles tli\t an American dcllar must bo the equiv alent of 100 cents everywhere throughout the world. Mr. Bryan liibists that the election of 11)00 ) wan not decisive on the money question. A popular plurality of 000,000 in 1890 , iml of 800,000 in 11)00 ) will convince nearly ivorybody olsu that the United States will never go into the business of money debasement. Glebe Domooral , STATE CAHUfGOSSIP. Specml CoTCstiomleuoe. LINCOI.M , Nebr. , Deo. 10 , 1000. There is a general hope that the republican caucus will bo hold and the senatorial fight disposed of before the 15th of January , the time for the joint session , in order that necnesary legislation may not bo retarded. So far rs the state in general in concerned , there is no great demand for legislation at the hands of the coming session. The uuedof anew revenue law is renognized , but the difficulty of passing one id also rec ognized. Attempts along this line in the last two sessions failed. Two years ago the fudioniat otli- oiali , although all elected or ap pointed on a platform demanding small salarius , came before the leg islature and asked for increases. Under their atreuuoui representa tions many of the state house depu ties received larger salaries than had over before bnou paid. Tun incoming republicans will reap thu biueiit of thia example , but no doubt they will bo criticised by thu fusiouistrt for desiring to keep the salaries at their present figure. It is conceded that this move is quite a proper one. They will feel at home. Nearly every one of the whole crowd of lenders lived south of Masou and Dixou's line before they came here to "reform" Ne braska. Now they have concluded thai the wintore are lee cold iu ibis latitude , and that it is too hard to manipulate elections. The now attorney general will inherit : v number of buncombe law suils against starch factories and other instiUiticiis , and it in not beyond the possibilities that the Smyths and Oldhams will ask to bo allowed to nibble at the public crib until these ouita are disposed of. A long-haired attorney general who has maintained a private ottioo in Omaha and allowed the stale lo shift for ilsolf excepl during politi cal campaigns , may declare himself to he indispensible to the settlement of these campaign law suits , The new attorney general , however , may decide that an official who uses hair oil externally and an tx deputy who uses it iutprnally will bo ol little assistance in these suite. 'I ho pretended contest against Dietrich to prevent him lakiug his seal has fizzled out. The fusiouists know that the cane was a hopeless one , and bolides , the dieappoaranet of certain of their campaign funds has given them troubles of the ! own. There is well-grounded SUB pioiou that high moculs of the fueion crowd uaed up the funds to bet on the election. Now , whil they aooane each other , the legili rniUo I campaign expenses remain h unpaid. It ts bolinvcd that this interim i ! quarrel has only just begun , and i that before the colony leaves for H Oklahoma there may bo Homo startling developments Under the circumstances < the leform leaders will go pietty slow about their < 'on test , nnd will ning low thu song of the lisa and abuse of campaign iundp. " Governor Dintrioh HI cms to be ijoing about the making of his np * pointmeiils in a business like way. Whan ho finds n man in every way jtmltliod for a pluco ho nnnouncuH ho appointment. So far no oriti- oinm has boon heard. At least two of thu placoH nt thu dispoeal of UK- governor were given out by com lion ooiiHoMt. John Mnllalioti a' .he huad of the Kearney school wa in unqualified suticous in the you jo no by , and the dcapornto attempt of the MillKniflling oommitton to ! > laukun his character three years ago wan a dismal failure. It wnn concedud that Mallahon was thn : > roper man for the old placn. Di. Green , of University Place , for th lead of the Lincoln asylum , wan another expert whoso qualifications and claims were generally conceded In regard to the ( ther nppoiulmonlH so far made , qualifications hcent lo liavo been the best indorsement , ADAM GKA.NOKU. Auctieucer Sales cried in Cuntor and adjoin ing counties. Terms reaonable. JUD KAY. Broken Bow Nobr. FAUJJ KOH SALB At UptonNob. . 100 acres of good farm land , 80 acres iu cultivation , and the rest , fenced iu pasture , wilb three wires. Good four room sod house ; corn crib and granary , each 12x10 feet , connected ; ulablo and chicken house , otc. For particularn call on J. J. Snyder , Broken Bow , o- Stephen Wilcox , on premises , agio CHEAP TK1P TO LINCOLN. The Burlington will sell tickets from Broken Bow , Neb. , to Lin coln and return for $5 15 on Dec. 25 , 20 and 27 , on account of the annual meeting of the Nebraska Slate Teaoheib' Association. Re turn limit Dec. 20. To California in Tourist Sleeper. In no other wny can you go to Callror- uin so quickly , so comfortable , nnd yet BO economical , aa In it tourist sloeplng car. car.Thu tourlet ct ra used for the Burling ton Oy'orlatid Excursions urn models of comfort md convenience , hluhbnek BOMB and double windows- They nre lighted by gas. The beating arrangment ura admirable and the bed lurnlshlngs are clean inicl of good quality. The Burlington Excursions lenvo Omaha every Tuesday and Thursday ard go through to San Francisco and JJOB- Angeles without changes or delayed of any kind. You can iotn them nt Lin coln , Huttings , Oxfotd , or any oth < r station at which the train stops. Thu route IB through Denver and Salt Like City , past the tlnoat scenery visible from car trindowe anywhere on the globe. An experienced excursion manage ! Is m charge of each excursion party and n un- Iforuird porter accompanies each cnr. Folder giving full information mailed on request Beautiful Illustrated 72 pnge book ubctit California sent on receipt of eix cents In stamps. J.FRANCIS. General Passenger Agent , OmahaNe\ noyS 0- . is very much like the blossom ing of a flower. Its beauty and perfection depends entirely upon the cnre bestowed upon its parent. Expectant mothers should have the tcnderest care. ] They should be snared all worry 1 and anxiety. They bhould eat J plenty of good nourishing food _ and take gentle exercises. This will go a long way toward preserv ing their health and their beauty as well as that of the little one to come. Hut to be absolutely suie of a short and painless labor they should use resularly duringtlio months o tlon. This is n simple liniment , which in to be npplU'U externally. It K'Vcs strength ami vi or to the tnticcle : ) und prevents nil of thuducumfoi ti " . prn - nancy , which women used to think were nbauUiti'lv necessnrvVhcn M ther' ) . 1'riciiJ is ut > cd there is no dunj ; r whatever. Get Mother's Friend nt the drug store , SI iirr botllu. THE BtuuFian REGULATOR co. ATLANTA , OA. Writ * for our frt * took,11 J ! for Hibli Bjrn. * i j < ; Santa Glaus Headquarters , ' . Thirteenth Visit of Saint Nick to us in Broken Dow. vn m mffi 1 Mi * ffi 1 Wo will give a SAUK OP CANDY to etery child In Cuetor County who \vlll call for It , on MONDAY ONLY , BEG. 24th. Yours for R Ilnppy Xtnus , w 1 & J. C. BOWEN. 5) ) s CIIAS. E. t'OlM ) , rropldent , Oiimlie , Neb H. O , ROGERS , Oaher ! , Broken Bow. J. it. KIMUEKUNO , Vicc-Prca. , Urotion Dow. 8. 11.1IOYT , Aes't Cftshlor. BOW STATE BANK BROKEN BOW , NEB. General Banking- Business Transacted , DIRBUTOUS : Chns. 13 Tord. J. M. Klmberllng. S. H. lloyt. U. Q. Rogers. V. B. Caldwell Make a specialty of loaning money on oattlo. Wo want lo till your Wilb. our famous NIQGBHIIBAD and CANON" CITY Coal. We know our coal will satisfy Iho most pkoptiial. Our pricep , our quality and our woif hts are in youi favor. We will net be UNDERBID BY OUR COMPETITORS. r ir O. WILL HULE , Manager. Get Our Prices on Eastern Hard. It Once Was Lost , tat How I Have Found it. Where ? At my door. t the Eagle Grocery. What in the world ia it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a inam- stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever hoard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep- ihu posted on what vras being offered for sale. They don't say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy The Eagle has 2,000 pounds ot candy for sale cheap. Everybody is invited to call and get my prices. Remember the place , on the big corner , just east of First Bank. Proprietor , A. W. BRAKED Hn- JIM rocelvcd an Invoice of . , r iu Artr OOODS , PXCTVJUB JTUAMSO , S11A.M nOE. CU9 , And a full Uno of Mouldlnif of the l te t Tnttorns. nnd \\ill muko 1'ictu'o Fr mi'H to order , am s it1 , nt i ncra that will suit over ) bouy. llrlngtnjuu. ptclurca nmllmto tnom framed \VCNt Hide Nqiiar IlrnUuii Il .