VOJL XIX , BROKEN BOW , CUST-ER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 13 , 1900-EIGHT PAGES. NO , 26 Holiday , Engagement and Wedding Rings , THE RING FORMS AN IMPORTANT LINK IN THE LIVES OF LOVERS AND SWEETHEARTS , FRIENDS AND RELA FIVES. RING SELLING FORMS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURES OF MY BUSINESS , IT IS GROWING BIGGER AND BETTER EVERY DAY. THE REASONS FAULTLESS GEMS. SUPERIOR SETTINGS AND LOWNESS OF PRICE MY HOLIDAY DISPLAY OF RINGS IS AMPLE IN QUANTITY , SATISFYING IN QUALITY AND PLEASING IN PRICE. I | x School Books , } lK Tablets K- AND School Supplies , le AT J , G. Haeberle's. it iHn't tlie mi'terlui Ui. t ROCK Into viuir repaired wutclt tliat lua pvrirct l i . it la tne i pou ; flou ; that doea the bwir.ees , any bungler can buy the fine kinds of material that I use In repairing ; but skill ia the moet valuable material thnt ; an be need In watch repairing ; and the buntflercnn't buy It. 1 eell my skill for what It la worth aud U will cost you less than bungling at lower prices. F. W. HAYES , Jeweler and Optician. West side of square. fi J * * J a V 'J3tf 0 < * MARKBT REPORT. Wheat _ We liarley . . - . „ , . . . . 33c Oats „ M. . . . , , . . . 25c Com X5. lle . . - 34 nutter _ 20 Egfs 2' Potatoes. . . . . . . CO' Onions $1. 0 Chicken 8 ( X drzen Hogs 4.20 Cown , . . 3 T ! BtCOrt . . . . . . . . 4X Turkeys 60 Straw lOc LWC B.OO Business Pointers. Take your eggs to the Racket Store. Dr. T. W. Bass , dentiat , Broken Bow. Cosmopolitan patterns ten cents. No more. SNYDKB BROS. 3,000 pounds of Xmas candy just received at Collom'd Grocery. WANTED Old irou DIKUKS LUHIJEK & COAL Co , Ice ureain soda 5 cents a glass at Wilkms' drug atoro. Cannon City coal at Dierkp Lumber Co. Pepsin Gum , two packages tor a nickel at WILKINB' PIIAEUAOT. stock ( arm in Custer county for i ale , at $8 00 per acre. JESSE GANDY. Go to Mike Scanlon's Restaur ant for the best lunch in town and confectionery. Call on or write Broken Bow Ab stract Co. when in need of an ab. struct of title. E RoysoAbstraotor. Ladiea interested in the Viavi borne treatment should consult Mrs. Ed. Royee at her home. 11 1 tf A full line of holiday goods , such as toys , photo albums , toilet sets , drums and baud sleds at the Racket Store. When in need of a first-class auctioneer , call on or address R. D. SULLIVAN , Broken Bow , Nebr. tf The Racket Stoio has the finest Itae of ohiuaware , in the city , at prices awpy below competition. Call and get our prices. Bang's galleries at Broken Bow and Ansloy , are both open all the time , cabinets at $200 and $2.50 , and fine crayon pictures cheap. Satisfaction guaranteed. Farms for sale and lands for rent. Now is the time to get a farm cheap , as ihe cheap farms are all going , and prices are advancing rapidly. J. G. BRENIZVB. STIIAYED From my place , ere mile north of Cumro P. O , on Sat urday night , Doc. 8 , a roan mare with a white face and a barb-wire soar on right front foot. Weight about 800 Iba. Any one finding above animal please notify mo d3 ! It J. W. LA BOBDB. Curare , Nebr. FOil HAL.B I have for sale 3 head of horsea , 1 mare 5 years' old , weight 950 Iba. , in foal ; 1 mare 7 years old , and 1 mare 8 years' old ; one set of har ness , nearly now , one farm wagon. For further particulars , call on me , at W. J. Woods' afro. DOT20 4t H , MoBUBNIK , Two good quartois of land for sale cheap oigbt miles south of town , do tf A. T. SEYHOLT. Lubricating oils of all kinds at Wilkins' drug store. Got my prices on Christmas candy and iiuta for your Chriatma * tr.-e. A. A. COLLOU. Write Ilaydon Bros. , Omaha. Wholesale Supply House for prtaeu and samples. 9 8 lyr. Sealing wax good for canning purposes at Wilkins' drug store. Abstracts compiled promptly and accurately by the Broken Bow Ab stract Co. E. Royao , Abatraoter The Beit Bargain In Reildence Property. Ton room house , a good barn and block of ground , tor $1100.00 cash. This ia the best bargain in resi dence property in Broken Bow. It WILLIS CAD WELL. Notice to IKuuterH. Parlies are forbidden to hunt on my promises and land under my control , under penalty of the law. d -lm WM. FRANKLIN. FOR SALE A one story cottage with aix largo rooms , pleasant yard , and surroundings. Price $000. Call on L. J. Gandy or at this offioe. 7 lOtf FOR SALE , MV UtACKHniXTH HHOI , 20x40 Now Wood shop In back part , all floored ; fran floored with 2-lnch plunk ; also my TOOLS AND sTOCK , Brery thing complete and now : good trade ; reason ( or Belling , poor hunlth. Will soil for cash or bankable note * . For particular * , In- qalro of or aJilresfl WM. DAVIS. P. 0. Box 037 , Urokcn How , Nebr. cllStt I havo'ou hand iiuio hundred tons of hay , and a frcsb range , 0x8 miles. This hay and range is for Bate , or I will winter 500 bead of cattle , at $3 per heaa. I have plenty of well atid river water. Correspond with dG-8t L. H. HABUIB , Dunning , Nrbr. Pur emits or Trude. A span of horses , harness , a good Moline wagon , riding cultivator , "The Boy , " a walking listerwith the latest attached drills , Will sell or trade for hogs or cattle. HENKY MOOUK , One and a half miles northeast of Broken Bow , Nebr. dO-4w For Christmas presents , A. W. Drake has just received a now lint of frames and mouldings , consisting of Flemish oa. , triple venire quar ter stock , in light and Flemish black , gilt ornaments , fancy floor rockers , in fifteen styles. Always a line of second hand beating and cook stoves , aa good as now , at present at one-fourth price of now. Local Mention. Job printing at this office. PF. . Forney , of Merna was a city visitor Tuesday. P. II. Marlay , of Mason , was a city visitor yesterday. J B. Jones , of Omaha is in the city baking bands with old acquaintan ces. Mrs. Mary Baylea of Ortell.o was a friendly caller at this office yes- teiday. Mrs. Will Rule loft yesterday morning , on a visit to her old home in Illinois. W. M. Beach , peat inasler of Ar nold , made this office a friendly call yesterday. Harry Day & Co. bave bad a fine frame awning erected in front of their store building. C. C. Parsous , of Arnold who was hero attending the preliminary trial of Oxley tlm week , mad a this offioe a business call yesterday. There will be no aorvioo in the Episcopal church Sunday evening as Mr. Doggett is to hold a borvice in Anselmo. Morning service as usual. Prof Adamson extended his lolopbono line to Woisaort laet week and mndo the telephone connection Saturday with the Sargent line. It works like a charm and the people of Weisaert are to bo congratulated over the success of their enterprise. Pha county board has contracted with Wm. Blair for court house janitor for aoother year. Billy is the only janitor the county has ever had and he bns made a good one. We understand there would have been other applicants after the first ol January , to come before the new board , but unless removed for cause there is a question whether the now board could sot aside the new con tract. The county board adjourned Mon day evening until Thursday , to give the members that desired an oppor tunity to attend the state convention of supervisor * ? , that met at Aurora Tuesday. The Broken Bow Political Equal. ity Club will moot at the homo of Mrs. D , M. Amsborry , Friday even ing , Deo. 21at , 1900. Everybody cordially invited. Mits. A. M. SNYDBH , Sec. Edward Ilogue and mother , of Miirna , who bavo been visiting in Wayne county , Iowa , the past year , returned home list Friday. They came in on the flyer early in the morning and stopped over bore , the guest of yo soribo , until the evening train , when they wont to Morna. Bishop McCabe , of the M. E. ohuroh , will bo bore next Thursday and will proaoh in the M. E ohm oh in the evening. Services will beheld held all day and other ministcra will preach at thn morning and afternoon services , at 1030 ; a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. New Line of Buggies , Surreys , Spring Wagons and Farm Wagons. G. W. Apple. Gnu. WANTKD $20 a month , to do general housework in a family of four people. House hap water gas and furnace. One orw to milk Middle aged woman of experience preferred. Write MRH. M. F. BAUKOW , Douglas , Wyoming. d3 2 At a mooting of the physicians o this city last Thursday night , they passed a resolution , suggested b ; the city health officers , recommend ing all persons who have not beet vaccinated for small pox to have i attended to at once , a precaution made expedient by the provalono of small pox in the state and ii cities with which our citizens hav t business relations. The corn stalk disease among cattle , has not entirloy disappoarec from this vicinity. G. T. Robin- HOII lost a throe year old cow Mon day and wo lost a thoroughbred Jersey heifer , yearling past , Satur day. TlioHO who have adopted the plan of feeding straw or millet in the corral in the forenoon before they turn their cattle on atalka ropoit but few deaths. THE STATE OF NKIIKASKA , ) 12th Judicial District , j It is hereby directed ard ordoroc that the term of the district court heretofore sot to begin on Doc. 17th , 1000 , bo and the same is hereby adjourned until Deo. 20th , 1000. Dated thi" 10th day of December , 1900. IJoiucn M. SULLIVAN , District Judge. C. T. Qua , Clerk. Church Services. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 3rd. Sunday in advent , Deo. 10th , 1900. Morning aorvioo 10:45 : a. m. Subject of sermon , the 3rd Advent theme "Tho Life to Come. " Sun day Honool at 12 ra. There will bo no evening service. Everyone cor dially invited to bo present in the morning. WALTON HALL DOQOKTT , Rector. A. 0. U. W. ElectOlllccrs. At the regular mooting of the A. 0. U. W. Tuesday night , the fol lowing officers wore elected for the eusuing year. Master Workman. .A.K. Humphrey Foreman F. W. Hayes Overseer Jan MoMilhan Receiver J. S. Baiaoh Recorder W. B. Easthara Financier. . Fred Kmno Guide , V. J. Stedry Outside Watchman. . .I. A. Reneau lumde Watchman..R. W. Wilburn Trustee for three years' terra , J. G. llaeberlu. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up , on the 1st day of Doc , 1000 , as an entray , on HO ol Sec. 33 , Twp. 17. Rge. 19 , by the under signed , one * black male hog , weight , about 300 Ibs. The owner can have the same by proving pro perty and paying expenses. Dated this 8th day of Doc. 1000 doolS 5t WM. RoicssLKit. A Good Thing. Our Great-Grandmother'n - garret containing the same herbs of all healing found in Karl's Clover root tea. They gave our ancestor strength , kept the blood puio , end will do the same for you if you aav so. Price 25 cts. and CO ota. Bold by J. G. Haeborlo. Does Your Baking Powder Contain * ' t Alum ? Prof. Gco. F. Barker , M.D. , University of Penn. : "All the constituents of alum remain ( from alum baking powders ) in the breadand the alum itself is reproduced to all intents and purposes when the bread is dissolved by the gastric juice in the process of digestion. I re gard the use of alum as highly injurious. " Dr. Alonzo Clark : "A substance ( alum ) which can derange the stomach should not be tolerated in baking powder. " Prof. W. G. Tucker , New York State Chemist : "I believe it ( alum ) to be decidedly injurious when used as a constituent of food articles. " Prof. S. W. Johnson , Yale College : "I regard their ( alum and soluble alumina salts ) introduction into baking powders as most dan * gerous to health. " In view of such testimony as this , every care must be exercised by the housewife to exclude the over and over condemned cheap , alum baking powders from the food. Baking1 powders made from cream of tartar.which is highly refined grape acid.are promotive o ! health , and more efficient. No other kind should be used in leavening food. Royal Baking Powder is the highest example of a pure cream of tartar powder. -BAKINO POWDER CO. , 100 WILLIAM ST. , NEW YOPK. Business Men Moot. Aa per adjournment , a meeting of the Commercial Club of Broken Bow waa held Tuesday night , in the court houfeo , for the purpose of effecting a permanent organization. The secretary bad already re ceived a number of letters from parties who seek to establish indus tries in cow fields. From the proa , out outlook , the executive commit tee will have ample opportunities to work , and and it ia reasonably certain that if they can have the necessary support from the citizens of the town , much good will reault. The following offioera wore olootod : President , G. W. Apple ; first vice president , A. R , Humphrey ; second vice president , I. A. Rouonu ; sec retary , Jaa. Ledwioh ; treasurer , J G. Haoberlo. Executive board , J. C. Bowen , C. L. GuttorHon , F. M. Rublee , J. A. Harris and Judge Sullivan. Judge Item's Mission to Washington. Judge Reese returned a few days ago from Washington , whore ho went on solicitation of ( Jen. Sickles. The State Journal of the 8th has the following in reference to his trip. Commander John Reese of the G. A. R , department of NobraHka , ar rived in Lincoln yesterday from Washington. He waa called to Washington by General Sickles , chairman of the national league of veterans , to consult with other Grand Army men in regard to the interests of the veterans of the country. The first day commander Reese was in Washington he called on President MoKinley iu company with thirty other Grand Array men. On the following day he wan one member of a committee comprising General Sioklea , Mr. Kay of Now York , past department commander of the New York department , an'l chairman of the national league committee , and Major Warner , of Msrourilhat ! called on the president in the interest of the veterans' prof , erenco bill. This bill provides that veterans bo given the preference in the matter of government employ ment when they are competent. The assurance that ho would use bin influence to have the bill paasod at this session of congress. Mr. Reese and the other members of the committee - mittoo feel greatly encouraged ever the prospect for thin favorable legis lation for veterans. At the first meeting of the G. A. R. men the preaident shook hands with each of the thirty visitors. Mr , Reese waa the last in the circle to receive a greeting , but when the president saw him ho said with a suiilo "Iwant to congratulate you on the vie- tory in Nebraska. " The president made a secondroforoncc to Nobr- vi ka when General Sickles who was , spokesman , spoke ol the state and 'its roprnaauativo present and the recent victory there. There was other evidence that the president was greatly pleased over the vote given him by Nebraska. The bill includes the soldioni of the Spanish-Ameri can war. ALOMO IIUCKLlHItillllY IIL'UE. Ho Is un lleir to tlie Itig Fortune lu Germany. Alonzo Huckleberry , who moved from Clark county , Ind. , to Ne braska thirty-one years ago , is vis iting hiHiirphuw , Dallas llulkleberry in Louisville. Ho is one of the heirs of the supposed fortune now awaiting the Huckleborrys in Gor man y , and a visit was paid to Jof- lerHonvillo on Saturday to see what could bo learned of Dr. John Huuk- loburry of Little York , who in going to Germany after the money. Aa a result of paralysis , Mr. Buioklo- berry , who is a voryold man , in al most helpless. Ho says he has hoard of the fortune nearly all of his life , but no defmato action has ever been taken to get hold of it. The above ia taken from a paper published at JofTorsonviile , Indiana. Mr.Huckleborry lias been in the east since last , February , but hid family ia still living horo. Ilia many friends hero would be pleased to learn of him securing a good chunk of the Huckleberry fortune ,