BUte HUt Llbrethu Sooloty VOL , XIX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 6 , 1900-EIGHT PAGES. NO 25 , AN IDEAL GIFT , I The gift of a watch to a relative or dear one la always a delicate token , and a con- a hint reminder ot yonr love and cBtccm. A watch posscfecs for women a myn- tcrlouB mil eubtlo cli.irm to which no other Jewel , however valuable , with the possible exception of the ring , can lay claim. I I here this Benson the daintiest and most complete ncsortmont of ladles' fine watchei It has ever been my privilege to chow. I Graduate- Chlcauo Outhalmlo College. School Books , Tablets AND School Supplies , AT G. Haeberle's : It Isn't tlic material tllxt ffoet * Into vour repaired watch tlmt rcmiitH in a perfect < on.it is tne that ( lots tlio business * any bungler can buy tbu fine kinds of material tbat I uao In repairing but skill is the moBt valuable material tbat jan be used in watch repairing : and tbo buutflercan't buy It. 1 Bell my skill for wbat It IB worth and it will cost you lees than bungling at lower prices. F.W.IIAYES , Jeweler and OpUoian. West aide of square cno 0 01 H ( tf tffo 0 CC3 a 00 S 0 , PENN & DORR1S , BLACKSMITHS. All ulnda ot work In our line done promptly and In first-class order. Red Shop on the corner , west of the hose boiiBO. Give us a trial. MARKET REPORT. Wheat . 50f llarley _ . . - . . . . . . . . sac Oats „ . . . . . . . . 25r Corn , S5. Rye. .34 Iluttcr . _ . 20. Eggs . 31. Potatoes. . . . . . . 60' Onions . $1. 0 Chickens . ' . ' Ot dozen 4.20 Cows . . . 275 Steers . . ; . . . . . . . < i.OO Turkey * . , . . , . , . , . Co Straw . _ „ . lOc cwt U 7 . . S.OO Business Pointers. Cosmopolitan patterns ten cents No more. SNTDKU Bnos. 3,000 pounds of Xmas candy just received at Collom's Grocery. WANTED Old iron. DIKRKB LUMBER & COAL Co , Ur P. W Bans , dentist , Broken Bow. Sealing wax good for canning purposes at Wilkins' drug store. Lubricating oils of all kinds at Wilkms' drug store. Ice oream soda 5 cents a glass at Wilkms' drug storo. FOUND A bunch of keys , which the owner can have by calling at this office. Go and BOO the Great Majestic j work and furnplo its work first week in December. Caunoti City coal at Dierks t Lumber Co. Bo sure to attend tbo cooking exhibit at W. J. Woods' furniture store. Two good quartets of land for sale cheap eight miles south of town , do tf A. T. HEYHOLT. Get my prices on Curistmas candy and nuts for your Christmas tree. A. A. COLLOM. Pepsin Gum , two packages tor a nickel at WILKINB' PUAEHAOY. Write Hayden Bros. , Omaha. Wholesale Supply House for price * and samples. 2 8 lyr. Abstracts compiled promptly and accurately by the Broken Bow Ab stract Co. E. Royao , Abstractor. Best stock farm in Custer county for sale , at $8.00 per acre. JESSE GAUDY. Go to Mike Scanlon's Restaur ant for the best lunch in town and confectionery. Call on or write Broken Bow Ab stract Co. wbon in need of an ab. straot of title. E. RoyseAbstractor. Ladies interested in the Viavi home treatment should consult Mrs. Ed. Royee at her home. 11 1 tf When in need of a first-class auctioneer , call on or address R. D. SULLIVAN , Broken Bow , Nebr. tf FOB SALE A one story cottage with six large rooms , pleasant yard , and surroundings. Price $900. Call on L. J. Gandy or at this office. 7 19tf Bang's galleries at Broken Bow and Aufluy , are both open all the time , uabinetB at $200 and $2.50 , and fine crayon pictures cheap. Satisfaction guaranteed. Farm's for sale and lands for rent. Now is the time to get a farm cheap. as ibe cheap farms are all going , and prices are advancing rapidly. J. G. BBBNIZKB. I have on band nine hundred tons of hay , and a fresh range , 0x6 miles. This hay and range is for sale , or I will winter 500 bead of cattle , at $8 per heaa. I have plenty of well and river water. Correspond with dG 3t L. H. HABBIS , Dunning , Nebr. Per Malt : or Trade. A span of horses , harness , a good Wolino wagon , riding cultivator , "The Boy , " a walking hsterwith the latest attached drills , Will sell or trade for hogs or cattle. HENRY MOOBE , One and a half miles northeast of Broken Bow , Nebr. dO-4w KOtt. HA.X.R. I have for Bale 3 head of horses , 1 mare 5 years' old , weight 050 Ibs. , in foal ; 1 mare 7 years old , and 1 mare 8 years' old ; ono sot of har ness , nearly new , ono farm wagon. For further particulars , call on me , at W. J. Woods' store. novSO 4t U. MoBuBNiE. For Christmas presents , A. W. Drake has just received a new line of frames and mouldings , consisting of Flemish oak , triple venire quar ter stock , in light and Flemish black , gilt ornaments , fancy floor rockerfl , in fifteen styles. Always a line of second hand heating and cook etovee , as good aa new , at preient at ono.fourth'prioo of now. Local Mention. Job printing at this office. P. D. Mills , of Westoivillo , made this office a friendly call Tuesday. S. S. MoCounoll , of Georgetown , made thia office a friendly call Mon day Tom W right , editor of the Ansloy Chronicle , was a oity visitor Tute- day. Arthur Bangs has traded his oity residence property to Hugh Mc- Burnio- Dr. C. Piokott made a trip to Lincoln last Friday night , returning UJ > dav morning. "Warner * Bros. , formerly of Lexmgtou , | ffti bought 'ho B. &M. resturaut of" ' A. Wallace. John H. Ullom , of Milburn , was in the oity Wednesday , making final proof on his homestead. It is reported that Diah Wood- raff , of Georgetown has lost 52 head of cattle with the cornstalk disease. Rov. S. W. Richards , pastor of the Baptist church of this place , commenced a series of meetings at Merna Monday night. Grand Musical Entertainment to So'clook Wednesday commenoo at on day , Thursday of next week at the Fair held in the Realty block. C. E. Gandy , a tjpoof this office , who has been confined at homo for two weeks , began woik again yes. lerday morning. Goo. B. Mair , editor of the Calla * way Courier , and J. U. Chapman , of Callttway , " were city visitors Tuesday night. The county board convened in adjourned session Tuesday morn- ing. It will be the last session for part of the members. Dressed dolls from 15o. up , and dolcious home-made candy on sale at the Ladle's Guild Fair , next Wednesday and Thursday in the Realty block. The dinner given by the ladies ot the Presbyterian church on Thanks giving Day in the Realty block was quite well patronized , Over $100 was taken in. All kinds of fancy articles will bo for sale at the Fair which the Ladies of the Episcopal church will hold at the Realty block next Wednesday and Thursday. The young people's society of the U. B. church will havn a social at the homo of Mr. and Mrs * C.B. Betts , Friday eve , This social is for a good time and all are invited. O. N. Thostosen , of Cliff , called Saturday and ordered the RBPUULI- OAN eont to his address at Alliance , where he will move this week to work in the round house for the B. & M railroad company. Doors will open at 2 o'clock P.M. for the Fair to bo held in the Realty block next Wednesday and Thurs day. First class supper from five to eight o'clock. Supper tickets 25o. Children under 12 years 15c. Benj. Filkins , of Exeter , was a social caller at this office last Fri day , in company with his brother- in-law , Jaa. Cosner. Mr. Filkms spent several days visiting relatives hero and at Morna. Dressed dolls from 15o. up , and dolioious homo-made candy on sale at the Ladies' Guild Fair next Wednesday and Thursday in the Realty block , The young people of Cuator Center U. B , ohuroh , recently or ganized a Y. P. S. 0. E ana will hold devolinal meeting ovorySunday eve. They held a social at the home of their president , Mrd. Royner Wednesday evening. Thankbgiving Day was generally observed as a holiday in tbie oity. Business was suspended by moat of the stores. A majority of those who did not go to the Presbyterian dinner , had company , and enjoyed a rest and a social time at homo , New Line of Buggies , Surreys , Spring Wagons and Farm Wagons. G. W. Apple. Notice to IIuiiturH. Parties are forbidden to hunt on my premises and land under my control , under penalty of the law. d -lrn WM , FBANKLIN , S. Edwards , of Arnold , called last Saturday and deposited the amount necessary to credit his ac count up to 1002 , being the first to reach a 1002 credit en our books. If the rest of our subscribers would thus kindly remember us between now and Now Year's , it would enable - able us to start in with thu twenti eth coutury wall pleased. A. W. Pressoy , of this county , was on board the American cruiser , YoHomito , which was lost in a storm at sna Nov. IGth , off the harbor of Sin Luis d'apra Island of Guam. There were live of the crow lost , hut a collier rescued the remainder , which consisted of 18 officers and 207 mon. Ensign Pressey was among the number rescued. A crow of iivo wont out to endeavor to tind n safe auohorago for the vessel , and were nil drowned. Wilson B. Mordy , of Wostorvillo , made this office a call Tuesday. Ilo hud with him the head of a door with heavy horns , that ho killed while visiting his son in Wyoming. Ho baa been visiting him there for a couple of mouths. Ilo and his son and grandson , and ono or two others , wont out on a hunt and got ten deer , two coyotes , a bob oat pud throe bob oat kittens. The door which ho brought homo with him weighed 210 pounds. Goo. Willing is ono of these expansionists who believes in ex panding. Lees than two months ago ho built an implement building to provide shelter lor his machinery , and now ho is building a tin shop on the north end of his store , in order to oztond tl'o store room back the entire length of thoMbuild > ing , to maku room for his mam moth stock of hardware and furni ture , which ho carries to supply his constantly increasing trade. Wm. Franklin , of Tufford , was a oity visitor Tuesday , returning homo Wednesday. In his locality crops were almost a failure tho. past season , but notwithstanding that , ho is able to rejoice with the rest of us over the result of election. There was a time in Elk Crook township when he and a half dozen others were the only republicans loft , but this year the 100 majority ol the opposition was almost wiped out , which enabled his district to elect a republican county super visor. The Grand Central hotel has boon undergoing an overhauling the past month , which when completed , will make it one of the best arranged and comfortable hotels in central Nebraska. The office room has been extended back twenty feet to the north , and a tire place , with a fancy oak mantle piece , with a mir ror to ornament it. The now ar rangement will furnish a floor space of about 24x40 foot , with wash and cloak rooms in connection. To properly light the rooms , several windows have' been put in , the rooms roplastorod and repapered , seas as to give the house an entirely different appearance. The M. B. A. lodge of this place is holding its own with other fra- tornal organizations , if not a little more. At the regular moot ing last week , six members were initiated , and there are fifteen Ap plicants to bo initiated at s special mooting next Saturday night. The order has a standing second to none of its ago. There has been seven assessments this year , and the supreme premo lodge has a handsome reserve fund to protect its members from excessive assessments in later years. It is ODO of the few fraternal or ganizations that admit men and women on t'o same terms. Its policies provide for an indemnity in case of accident , for a broken limber or the loss of an oyo. R. E. Wright , formerly a typo in the offices of this oity , now secre tary of the Nebraska Printing Co. , of Lincoln , Nebr , was in the oity Monday , renewing old acquaint anoos and looking after business lor his firm. Ho took over $50 worth of orders while hero. Four years ago ho commenced in the office in which ho in now a partner on a salary of $4.00 a week. Ho is now secretary of the company and one-third owner , and employ ! fifteen hands in the office , besides ono traveling solicitor. So , mnol for having boon a resident of Bro ken Bow , and learning his trade on the RKPUHLIOAN , and being an in dustrious ana energetic boy. Two former Broken Bow boys , Herman and Otto Werqor , are working lor him. His office is the only ono ol the kind in the state , which is making duplicating books or coun ter tablets , The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER j ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world eel e b r a t e d for its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes , biscuit , bread , etc. , healthful ; it assures you against alum and all forms of adultera tion that go with the cheap brands. Ahen btklnr powdcri rt low priced , an nlum co .ts but two ctnti a pound ; hut alum Is it corrosive poison and It renders the baking powder daneerous to ns In food. ROYAL BAKING POWDEH CO. , 100 WILUAM ST. , NCW YORK. W. A. Qoorgo und 3. S. MoCon. neil , of Georgetown , who recently bought the grist mill , water right and real estate of A. E. Brigharu , liavo organized a company under the name of Georgetown liollor Mill < & Power Co. , with a view of ox- bonding the business in the manu facture of flour and meal , and have in view the developing of the water power and to oroot and maintain an eleotrio power plant , fhoy pro pose to oztond the operation of the eleotrio power in Cuator , Buffalo and Daw.scn counties. Among the enterprises contemplated is to trans mit the electric power necessary to operate the machinery of Broken Bow and also for eleotrio lights , as well as to any other towns con veniently located , where the busi ness of the community will warrant the expense. BuBlneus Men Moot- As per ajournment , the businessmen mon of Broken Bow and vicinity mot at the Court house , Tuesday to receive the report of the committee - mittoo on constitution and by laws tor the business men's apsooiation. The attendance was again good 6. W. Apple aalUd tbo mooting to order and after Secretary Lodwioh had stated the business transacted at the former mooting , the report of the oomm.Uteo was called , which was made by A. R. Humphry , chairman of the committee. After considerable discussion of the sub- jnot the constitution and by laws wore adopted. Mr. Tuck of the ezporimont station of the state uni versity , was presented and on motion was invited to address the meeting on corn Htalk dosoaso. Ilia talk was an interesting feature of the mooting. On motion the chair was authorized to appoint a committee cf three to eolioit mem bership. The chair appointed as such committee , F. M , Kublee , I. A. Ronoan and J. C , Bowen. The meeting ajournod to meet Tuesday night to elect officers. Wedding. Eastman and Clawaon , at the U. B. parsonage , Sunday morning at 10 o'clock , Rov. II. E. Myroa offi elating , Mr. George T. Eastman , of Kingston and Miss Delia Claw- eon , of Broken Bow. The groom is well and favorable known in the vaoinity of Lee's Park as a success * ful farmer and Miss Clawson was one of Broken Bow's estimable young lauiea. The young couple took their departure on Tuesday after the wedding , for Washington state , where they expect to make their future homo , Their many friends join with the RKPUIILIOAN in wishing them a happy and * uo- ooiiful journey through life , Church Servlce . u. ii. oiiuiiou. At the U. B. church Sunday morning the text will bo "For Jesus Sake. " 2 Cor , 4:11. And in the evening , another chalk talk pormon will bo given. The subject will bn , "Jacob's Ladder. " The line interest and many good words spoken of those chalk talks warrant their continuation for a time. You arc urgently requested to attend these sorvisos. Married. EIIKKTSinus I'rltluv , NOTomb.ir. 30 , at the reel lencu of Judge Armor , Fred Ktiurt and Mrs . Mary Sllcei , both of this clljr , Judge Armour The groom is one of the beat known citizens of Broken Bow. For a number of years ho has had charge of Tiornoy'a meat market in this city , which not only includes the business of retailing stake but of buying hogs , cattle corn , poultry and chocking out the cash > there fore ; ho is ono of thoao individuals who u absolutely trustworthy and regards the business of his employe with the same care and prudence as ho would were it his own. Ilia bride is a lady who injoys the es teem of her aquaintcncos. They have gone to house keeping in rooms in the second story of the Union block , over Walton's drug store building. The RBPUHMOAN joins their many friends in oong ratula- tions. A. 0. U W. At the regular mooting of the A. O. U. W. loduo next Tuesday night will bo the election of officers. All members of the lodge are urged to attoud. Remember , 8 o'clock sharp. The Hand Separator Is fast taking the place of the skim station. Dairymen with from 10 to 20 cows iiud bettor satisfao- , : lion to skim the milk when fresh , ' und feed the akiui milk while warm to the oalvep , than to haul the whole milk to the station und return with skim milk , First , the item of expense in hauling is loss. Second , calves will do better as the chance of sour milk is elimi nated. Third , the milking , skimming and feeding of the calves is all done at onoo. onoo.Fourth , and not the least , you don't have to depend on the local ekirn station for a market for band separator oroam , but any creamery in reach by rail will bid for your cream at your at your local station. UAUWBLL ,