Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 15, 1900, Image 7

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    nu SfM'fl Helpful Wife.
The phenomenal amount or work
which the Into Lord Russell was able
to set through Is explained In part by
the fact that he possessed In bin wife
not only a model of every domctlc
virtue , but an Invqlunblo business ally.
She was his account Keeper , his hank
er , the manager of his Investments
and the adviser in all business affairs.
The man who knows enough not to
know too much hardly ever has to ask
for aid.
r us n Hunker.
For some time the corporation ot
Glasgow has taken comparatively
small sums of money on deposit , nml
the experiment has worked well. Em
boldened by thla success the progres
sive element of the city council pro
posed Unit bunking should bo added to
the municipal undertakings.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try It now. You will then use no other
Tlri'il mul Ncrvom
People will iJorlvo great boncflt from Ink
ing Uni fluid liivtduehu I'mvdors ; they nro
inado from lluibs ; IhoysDothu tlrud uervof.
The valueof Mexican oranges sent
to the United States last year wn- }
$180,018 , an Increase of $32,000.
Il.000.WjO ncri't urw IniuU to open to Hcttlempnt.
Bnbscrllie ior T1IK KtOWA UUKK , devoU tl lo lufor-
matlou about th-jro Hilda. One ycnr. tl.OO. blijilo
' ' ! ' ) * . 11V , SiibsiTlliers rocp o frco lllustrotcil hiK > k
mi Oklahoma. Morpm'H Manunl ( Mil ) l > nee Senior * '
< iUliluttli line M.'ctluiml map , ! . ( . * ) . Mnp2.1i' , All
U < \u , ( ! . ? - > . AiWics Dick 1. Morgan , TerryO.T.
Grain-O is not n stimulant , like
coffee. It is a tonic and its effects
are permanent.
A successful subslitnto for coffee ,
because it has the coffee flavor thi1 ;
everybody likes.
Lots of coffee substitutes m the
rnatkct , but only one food drink
Allsroccrs ; 15c. nndSSc.
Must Boar Signature of
5ee Pac-SImlla Wrapper Below.
Very fjinuT ! anil an ctury
to talio C3
I _
Leave Omaha 5:05 : p. m. ; arrive St.
Louis 7:00 : a. ra.
* V. ' Trains leave Union Station Daily for
Kansas City , Quincy , St. Louis and all
points nast or South. Hulf Kates to
( Plus $2.00) ) many southern points on
1st and 3rd Tuesday of Each month.
All Information at City Ticket Office.
141H Farnam Street ( Paxton Hotel
Dlk. ) or write
City Passenger and Ticket Agent ,
Omaha. Neb.
Tim foul worth off. .
T , . DoiiKlnK i.t.OO unit
IS.'I.AO Nlioc-H c niinrfl
'M with ntlior makes id
S-I.OO to & .1.0O.
rnntiot 1 > ciiuiillcil ut
nnv prlrn. O vur 1,000-
DOO KittlHlltMl M furors.
jrn.-aT-- > TrrBTJl I"
Wo nro Uio largest muUurH of inrn'n 83
nncl S.'l-AO fihooa in the world. AVu inaho
nnd Hollmnro 8,1 and Sa.SO shoes than any
other two manufacturers in the U. &
Thu rfiiiitatliiii of W. L.
Douglu i'UOnn.l IS.Mihon far
BEST tjrle , comfort , tnd wearli known BEST
f cr > whi'm thnuighnut thcworM.
They lut\uto tlvo bitter tlil c.
$3,50 ttrm Ihjn olhrr l.nkfi tKctuit $3.00
the tunilanl ho lnty > Lrfn
SHOE. plicni w hijh thit the wntvn
. txpcit inoro tar their SHOE.
th n thry cm get t ! t htn- .
THE Itl.Ah < \ more Vr l..lJuuKU. Jin
ttion ar Mid thtn nnr athrr m > ke 14 txciuie 'I'll 11
AICi : 'J'HIJ Itr.vr. > our dn\n \ ihould io
thtm I we Kire one detler pxrluilru tale la ch town.
TuUo nit nuliilllillcM Inilit on hanng W. ] „
IVuclai ihoci with name and price kltrnj d a bottom.
If > oard alcrvrill notgd lh < m for r.-.u. itnd direct ta
( cto/y , tneloilnx I'ni-c and S3. ' titra ft.r ctrriio.
ftatc kind olluttier , die , and width , plain or cap to .
Our { tux ; will reach , you anjwh.n. CaMay * , t < n
WI * . I > ou2loa Mioo to. llrucUtopj Mutfc
The Century In lOOt will have a uc-
rlos of articles on "Railroads curt
Railroad Men. " The author , Major
Charles DoLano lllnc , IK n graduate
of Went Point , who resigned as an offi
cer of the army to brcoruo a freight
brakpnir.ii , from which pofltlon ho
rose through various gnulps to that of
general superintendent , besides llnd-
ing time lo nerve an an oflh-or of vol
unteers In the Santiago campaign. Ma
jor Hlne is now in the service of the
luterslale Commission ns n railroad
expert , and has exceptional opportuni
ties for obtaining Information.
ii lo I.uirn ,
A surgeon from the west reached
New York a few weeks ago to tak j
what is styled a hospital course. The
practllioncr with pill and scalpel falls
behind , remarks Victor Smith , In tell
ing the slory In the Press , unless ho
occasionally visits New York to learn
new devices , fakes and methods. This
surgeon went to Ucllcvuo hospital one
morning to see an operation perform
ed for the cure of hare-lip nnd loft
town next day , Baying : "What's the
use of wasting time ? There's nothing
for mo to learn at Dellevue. Only a
lot of green hoys over there practicing
on stiffs nnd mutilating the unfortu
nate victims of disease and poverty. "
Our Now AmlniHHixlor to Italy.
George von L. Meyer , who will suc
ceed Ambassador Draper at the brad of
the American embassy In Rome , is ono
of the wealthiest men In Massachus
etts. He lives In a magnificent house
near Hamilton , Ksscx county , on a fine
estate of 1GO acres , adjoining the estate
of hla mother , who is herself blessed
with an extraordinary quantity of the
world's wealth. Mr. Meyer was born
in Massachusetts in 18GS and is a grad
uate of Harvard with the class of ISTfi.
Ills debut in politics was made several
years ago In Boston , where he served
as member of the common council and
for one term au alderman.
CoiiHlilecrd the m the Devil's Own.
President Kruger , whoso headquar
ters arc now in a railway train , lo
which he takes kindly , In his early life
was a strenuous advocate of tlio Boer
notion that railways were Introduced
by the Evil One. When first Oem aPul
was persuaded to travel by rail , while
on a visit to Cape Town , ho sat , IBhlo
in hand , and prayed throughout the
journey that he would not be smashed
to pieces for thus having recklessly
tempted Providence.
Playwright u Manufacturer.
Few persons know Mr. Henry Guy
Carlcton other than as a playwright.
Ho is , however , the president of a
manufacturing company with an office
in one of the tall buildings on Broad
way , New York , and there spends all
the time not devoted to theatrical mat
ters. The company manufactures Mr.
Carleton's own electrical Inventions ,
which are many and successful.
Philanthropicliuotlilurlc. .
The proprietor of a Philadelphia
shoe-shining establishment has
adopted a somewhat novel plan to aid
the Galveston sufferers. He bus a
show case filled with botlles of polish
for palent leather and russet shoes ,
and a sign on tlio case conveys the
information that the proceeds of the
sale will be devoted to the Galveston
fund. The price of each bottle is drop
ped by the purchaser into a small
glass globe.
A "SlRht Diihcrn" Kipling Deal.
It is announced that Mr. Kipling hus
received 525,000 for the serial rights
of his new story , "Kim of the Rishtl , "
and it is expected that the sale of the
story in book form will bring him at
least as much more. And yet no ono
knows whether it is worth that or not.
It has been sold or bought on the
strength of its author's name'alone.
A Now " .Shrll
An ingenious mode of advertising is
reported from a watering place on the
south const of England. An enterpris
ing tradesman , who had noticed ho\\
eagerly people picked up shells , bought
In at small expense a wagon load of
mussel shells , stamped an advertise
ment on the inside of each , and scat
tered them seductively over Ihe shoro.
Scrlptiiro'x Purls Mvihtl.
The Paris exposition authorities have
awarded a gold medal to Professor K.
W. Scripture , head of the psycholog
ical laboratory of Yale university , for
a device for testing color blindness.
The device is of great practical value
for testing the sight of applicants for
railway and naval service.
At Paris the exposition authorities
have closed the Tnmsvall pavilion be
cause Mr. Pierson , the Transvaal com
missary general , refused lo remove the
Inscriptions insulting England.
A mother's tenderness and caresses
are the milk of the heart. Do Guerln.
A dyspeptic Is ijpver on Kooit terms with him
self. SomethliiK N .Uttiiy.s wrong. Get It right
by chewing iieeumuS Pepsin Uum.
Nature Is in earnest when she malfs
a woman. Oliver Wendell Holmes.
I nm sure PIso's Cure for Consumption Bavcd
my life three jears nco. Mrs. TIIOS. KoimiNs ,
Maple Street , Norwich , N. Y. , Feb. 17.1000.
What Is civilization ? 1 answer , the
power of good women. Emerson.
Tilrs. Window's Soothing Syrnp ,
T'nrchliilrcQ ( entiling , softotn tlir unrns , reduces In
aainiuaUon.allays paln.curos wludcolic. iicaboUlo
A woman finds it a much easier task
to do an evil than a virtuous deed.
What Shall Wo Ilnve for Dessert ?
This Question arises in the famllj
every day. Let us answer It today
Try Joll-O , a delicious and healthfu
dessert. Prepared in two minutes. No
boiling ! no baking ! add boiling water
and set to cool. Flavors : Ixmion
Orange , Raspberry and Strawberry. A
your grocers. 10 cts.
A long prayer may rlso from llttlo
Snails , by means of an acid whlcl
Ihey exude , contrive to bore holes In
Eolid limestone.
Our indebtedness to God Is duo to
Cabinet Espressos Its Approval of Hny'a
. COUIGO in Oliinn.
ISalU of Atui'rlran Troops Arjn to Ho Sent
llnrk to .Mi-Arthur ut Munllu Kttro-
pran UppnrU m lo New Attitude by
United Stutcft Are Untrue.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 10. All the
mcmbcis of the cabinet except Secre
taries. Long and Wilson attended the
meeting today. They remained In ses
sion until nearly 2 o'clock and dlu-
ctisscd the Chinese situation as well as
matters pertaining to Cuba , the Phil
ippines and I'orto Rico. Two of the
three hours that the session lasted
were occupied In a discussion of for
eign mfairs , necessitated In part by
the fact that the president Intends to
treat exhaustively this subject in hlu
forthcoming message to congress. Ref
erence wnu made to the expressions In
portions of the European press that
the United States' policy regarding
China would undergo marKcd change
Immediately after the election and it
to authoritatively announced that after
a most exhaustive review of every step
of the Chinese difficulty , from Its In
ception up to the present moment , de
livered by Secretary Hay , the cabinet
ratified every detail and moreover
unanimously expressed Its judgment
that the policy so far pursued should
) o continued without change to Its
oglcal conclusion. Accordingly the
ircscnt legation guard at Pckin will
jo maintained and such troops as yet
emaln to be withdrawn , according to
.ho original program , will be shipped
o Manila. With this addition to his
'orco General MacArthur Is expected
o renew the campaign against the re-
icllous Filipinos with the greatest
nergy. Administration ofllelals hero
hlnk that as soon as the result of the
election becomes known throughout
he Philippines , the resistance to the
minority of the United States will be
Hnforiuutnry I..TMV IH Void.
LINCOLN , Nov. 10. The supreme
ourt handed down an Important decl-
ion relating to the Nebraska reform
chool law which will open the way for
ho successful prosecution of habeas
orpus proceedings for the dlschaigo of
nany of the boys and girls now con
Inetl in the state's Industrial schools ,
'he decision declares unconstitutional
ho legislative act which provides for
he commitment of boys and glris un-
ler the age of IS years. The constl-
utlon of the state fixes the age Hmtt
at 10 years and the court holds that
icrsons over that age cannot be com
mitted to either of the Industrial
schools unless convicted of crime un-
ler the criminal code. This decision
was in tne case of Scott against Flow
ST. LOUIS , Mo. , Nov. 10. Returns
from 102 out of all 114 counties in the
slate indicate that Bryan's plurality
will be between 40,000 and 50,000. as
compared with 58.727 In 189G. Dockery ,
( dem. ) for governor , will receive be
tween 25,000 and 32,000 plurality , as
compared with 52,428 , received by Ste
phens in 18SC. The total vote in Mis
souri is estimated as follows : Bryan
T70.000 ; McKinley ! J25,000. The lact
; hat there was no fusion in Missouri
lietwecn the democrats and populists
: his year accounts to a great extent
'or the democratic losses.
VTiiiit New aiiin III Ciihlmit.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Nov. o.J.
Leading republicans met today to In
duce , if possible , Harry S. New , na
tional coinmittcemnn , to allow the use
of his name for secretary of war. Mr.
f ew has declined office so far and an
effort will be made to get him to ac
cept the cabinet appointment to which
It is felt here Indiana Is entitled. It
Is argued that no other state has
made a record of republican gains
equal to that of Indiana , which was
regarded from the first as a close bat
tle ground.
Over 100,000 Pluralitr.
BES MOINES , la. , Nov. 10. It is
absolutely certain now that the cor
rected returns from every county in
the state will show a plurality of more
than 100,000 for McKinley and as much
for the state ticket. The total vote ,
Chairman Weaver says , will bo ap
proximately : McKinley , 308.000 ; Bry
an , 207,500 ; scattering , 25,000 ; total ,
541,000. The returns also show that
the constitutional amendment and the
order for a constitutional convention
have both carried.
Tanner for Koimtor.
CHICAGO , Nov. 10. Governor John
R. Tanner has declared himself a can
didate for the Unilod Stales senate to
succeed Senator Culiom. Congressman
Joseph G. Cannon of Danvlllo may ho
n candidate later. He said today that
ho would look over the ground and If
he found the situation favorable ho
would become a candidate.
Horne Thieve * nt Work.
BEATRICE , Neb. , Nov. 10. A fine
driving horse belonging to 0. B. Roed-
er of this city has been missing from
Mr. Reeder's stables and has undoubt
edly been stolen. The disappearance
of several horses In this neighborhood
of late clearly points to an organize. !
Bang of horse thieves working the dis
aiiule to air Ilryan.
LINCOLN , Nov. 10. Mr. Bryan Is In'
receipt of many requestn for a state
ment concerning his future plans and
his attitude on public questions In
view of Tuesday's result. He Intimated
today that he would , before long , en
lighten the public fully , but for the
present ho has private matters which
demand his attention. Mr. Bryan said
today that ho might not accompany
Colonel Wetmore of St. Louis on his
hunting trip to the Ozark mountains.
His health Is good and he does not
feel the need of such a trip.
Latent UuotntloiiR from South Oir.n'nn
nml KiiimiiR City
Viilon Stork Ynnl.i. South Onuhn
Cuttle There worn only about "i.Sl'j ' lioinl '
of cattle on tunic , niul UH the ilemnml wn
Bootl from nil sources the mnfkrt rulnl
nctlvo niul Htronger on till kinds of 1,001 ! >
cnttlo. I
,1'nrKtr * nil wnnteil 0"rnfctl cMMe "iuT
bought up what Ufio nnVu-tl at fioo.l ,
Htrontf prices. Tliu bettor snides In HOitio
CIISCH * old a little higher tlinn tin prices |
paid jcMtvnliiy , iintl even the omnmon
kinds seemed to njovo fairly well. H
wns n Rood market from start tu ! lnlhi
nr l thu prices paid were very sit'-fiie-
About fifteen ears would cover the re-
colptH of cow stuff. There \\t-ro qulto
it few corufed COWH nnd heifers mid they
sold nt Htendy to ntroiiR price * . There
Kecmeil to bo conBlderable tit wind for
the bolter Krades of fecdcin this morn
ing , mill the mnrket was fairly active
mid n little KtroiiKor. The common untile *
did not inoVo quite IIH trudlly. but still
they broiiKht fully Htendy price * Stock
cows nnd heifers were In HKH ! suply and
brought very satisfactory prices in com
pared with ycsterdny. There- were only a
few western KWKH rultlo on the mnrket
today. The steers Rood enough for kllli-in
weld readily at fully an peed pilce * ti
were paid yesterday , and the samn Is
true of the cow stuff. Thu better grades )
of feeders nlso lirotmht KOOI ! utroiiR prices
and miytliliiK at all Kootl was sol-1 uuly.
JI oih ; Thetis were n few mnro hojts here
today than arrived any ilny BO far this
week , but Htlll the supply was not lurr.c.
Other point ! ) sent In favorable r < pirttt.
nnd us n result the mnrket lure opened
up Z'.jiSc higher. A few of the pnekers
went out nnd boiiKht up the better Kiwlcn
at $1.72' , nnd a few loads went mi hlRh
as $ ! 73. The bulk of the early milurt
went from sl.70ffN.7G , with the IOIIK strhiK
at Jl.TJifc. After the first forty kinds had
changed hands packet n lovvmd I heir bids
and \\nnted to buy the best hoja at $1.70 ,
nnd the others at $ l.C7'i-
Shei'iv-The few car * of fnt nlu-rp nnd
Inmbs that were offered th's niornlnt ;
wore bought up In a hurry at Rood.
strong prices. As high as Jl'j.wns ; pa'd '
for f l sheep nnd ycnrllnits , nnd $ j.03
was the top on Inmbs. A strlnj ; of west
ern friisn stuff brotiKht $1.00. It was n
Kootl , nctlvo mnrket , and It Is snfo to
nay that the prices paid today nro 1GJO
J3c hltiher than the quotations of a week
aso. 1'nckcrs are all nnxlous for oed
stuff , und ns the supply bus been
they have had to p ly good , stroutt iirlecs
for what they pot. QuiHatlons : Choice
western rass wethers. $ l. r > 3Tl 10 : cholco
BrnsM yourlliiBH , M.7r > 5tl.lO ; eholeo ewes ,
W.2.W3.BO ; fair to good ewM , $ J.OOU3.zrr
cull ewes , $2.uO (3.00 ; choice spilii lambs.
M.OOTI6.23 ; fair to jrood sprlnilambs. . $1.75
ftlG.00 ; feeder wethers , J3.3.,1j3.Cj ; feeder
lambs , J4.005TI.40.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 10. Cut tie no.
cejpts , B.300 natives , 1 10) To.\a".s. Mil )
calves. Market In excellent demand for
all classes nt an advance of iVfilOe : na
tive steers. ; stookers and feed
ers , J3.00WI.2.butcher cows and belf-
ers , $300 < i4.30 : dinner * . $2.fl(1fi300 ( ; fed
westerns , $3.757l.lO ( ! ; wintered Texann , $3.00
1(3.90 ; Krr > a Tcxnns , J.l.lO i .iO ; calves.
HOBS Receipts , 9,300 hend. Market ac
tive nt nn advance of tifilOc : hcavv. $ I.SO
? l.rO ; mixed , 4.7CSH.83 ; UBht , $1.70 .83 ;
lilps. $1 DOJjf4.r : .
Sheep nnd Lambs Receipts , 5.100 bend.
market active and linn ; lambs , $ .l.S.Vfi
1.40 : mixed. $4.00fr4 50 ; stookers and feeders
ers3.23ft4.23 ; culls , J2.50Q3.DO.
Comes Out of tbo Cnmpulffii
AVItli II In Action.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Nov. 10. Mr. Bry
an , talking with a press Interviewer ,
had this to say personally :
"I have come out of the campaign with
perfect health and a clear conscience.
I did my utmost to bring success to the
principles for which I stood. Mr. Ste
venson did all that ho could. Senator
Jones and tne members of the demo
cratic , populist , silver republican and
anti-Imperialist committees did all they
could. Mr. Hearst and his associates
in the club organization put forth their
best efforts. Our ncwspaperH , our
campaign speeches and our local organ
izations all did their part. 1 have no
fault to find and no reproaches. I
cliall continue to take an active Inter
est In politics as long as I live. I ue-
licvo It to be the duty of the citizen
to do so , and in addition to my Intercdt
ns a citizen , I feel that It will require
a life-time work to repay the political
friends. who have done so much for mo.
I shall not be a senatorial candidate
before the legislature which has boon
elected. Senator Allen deserves the sen-
atorshlp which goes to the populists.
Mr. Hitchcock and Mr. W. II. Thomp
son are avowed candidates for the sen-
atorshlp. They are both deserving of
the party and I am too gratful to them
for past support to oppose them.
Iluy Htittn COIIKHH.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 10. The
population of the state of Massachu
setts by counties and minor civil divi
sions was officially announced today
The population of the state in 1000 is
2,85,31fl , as compared with a popula
tion in 1890 of 2,23C.04a , showing an
increase of r > GG-103 , or 25.2 per cent.
For the preceding decade It was 2.1.5
per cent. The rate of increase has
been exceeded but once In the history
of the state , namely , from 1810 to 1850.
when the population increased 31.8 per
cent. The total land surface of Mas-
imchtiBotts is approximately 8,040 miles
( square. )
Hinnllpnx Aiming ; Iiidliiin.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 10. The
Indian bureau has recclvcB a telegram
from the Shoshonc agency , In Wyom
ing , announcing that smallpox had
broken out at Lander , near tne Indian
reservation. Vaccine virus for 1,700
persons , which the agent aslis to have
dispatched him immediately , him
Honiitor UuvlH Ilntti-r.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Nov. 10. United
States Senator Davla spent a gooil
nignt and was feeling comfortable to
day , his injured foot causing him lltllo
Inconvenience. The senator's pulse and
phylsclaiiH anticipate rup'.d recov
Mulno Victims' Mnminutnt.
NKW YORK , Nov. 10. Gen. .lamca
Granl , Wilson , chairman of the com-
mlttco on Hlto nnd design of the mon
ument to the sailors who perished lu
the Maine disaster and the soldiers
who died In the Spanish-American war
announces that the committee , nfler
examining forly-lhrco submitted de
signs , Delected as the bast three In tlu
first competition those of the follow
ing : Austin Hays , sculptor ; O. Plcci-
rllli , associated with H. Van Buron
Magonlglc , architect , and George Jul
ian Zolnay , sculptor.
Every mother possesses information of vital value to her
young daughter. That daughter is a precious legacy , and
the responsibility for her future is largely in the hands of the
mother. The mysterious change that develops the thoughtless -
loss girl into the thoughtful womnn should find the mother'
on the watch day and night. As she cares for the physical
woll-heing of her daughter , so will the woman bo , and her
children also.
When the young girl's thoughts become oluggish , when
she experiences headaches , dimness , faintncss , and exhibits
an abnormal disposition to sloop , pains in the back and lower
limbs , eyes dim , desire for solitude , and a dislike for the
society of other girls , when she is a mystery to herself and
friends , then the mother should go to her aid promptly. At
such a time the greatest aid to nature is .Lydia N. Pink-
haiu's Veprotublo Compound. It prepares the young
system for the coming change , and is the surest reliance in
this hour of trial.
The following letters from Miss Good are practical proof ,
of Mrs. Piukham's efficient advice to young women.
Aliss Good asks Airs. Pinkhum for Help.
.Inno 12th , 1800.
"Dr.A Mna. PINKIIAM : T have boon very much bothered for name
time with my monthly periods beingtrrcjfular. . 1 will loll you all about
it , and put myuclf In your euro , for 1 bavii heard , o much of you. Kach
month menstruation would become less and less , until it. entirely ntoppctl
for six months , and now it ban stopped again , 7 have become very ner
vous and of u very bad color. I am a young jfirl and have always had to
work very html. I would bo very much "pleased If
you would toll mo what to do. " MIHB l'iAiuOoon. :
Cor. 20th Avoutio and Ycslnr Way , Seattle , Wash.
The I lappy Result.
February JOlh , 1000.
" Tr.An ) Mns. PINKIIAJI : 1 cannot praise Lydia
K. Plnhham'o Voifutable Compound enough , it IB
just simply wonderful the change your medicine
has made in me. 1 feel lil.-o another per.son. My
work is now u ] ) ! c Mirn in mo , while before using
your nifdiulnn it was a bunion. To-day I am a
healthy and happy girl. 1 think if more women
would usa your Vogotnblo Compound there would bo
loss MifVi'i'hig in the world. 1 cannot , express Ibo
relief I havix'xnerlcnct'd by lining Lydln 0. Plnk-
ham's Vegetable Compound. " MUM PIIAIU. ( Joon ,
Cor. S'Jth Avenue and Yoslar Way , Hcattlo , Wash.
\ iV3 ITft Owing to the fact that 'nine skeptical
\ ! LV ! Q N | ieupc ! Imvi ; from tliuf. lo time incntioncd |
UUtaEiy tliCKrnulnciicn ( > f ilir leMimnninl letter *
. . . we arc consiimtlv ( iiiMUIiiiiK , we Iwve
ilcp-jJiteil xvull thr National City Hunk , of l.ynn , Mai" . , $5,000 ,
which will bo ] nkl to nny peis.ii wl\o ran allow tlmt the obovc
tistlnmnlal h nut ffcnuinc , or win puliliilicil lictnic nbliilnlnitlie .
wnler'a tpecial prriiusjlon. LVOIA K , I'lMkiiAM MUDIC/NU Co.
Tor starching fine linen use Magnolia
Starch ,
The capital invested in ornngu grow
ing in the stale of California IB ctit- !
inaled at ? H,000,000.
FITSronnaiicnt'y fuii'cl. KontJ oriifn-mmnM affcr
' . ( nrHt Nrnn llo'toier.
! r t il v'B u > nf In. Kilnun
H ml for rilKi : N2.IO tilnl iittl ninl IrpBtUe.
IJB. It. H. KIIXK , I UI..WI AKlilit. . 1 hlli lLllilil . I
The man who la driven to despera
tion usually 'assists in the driving.
Joll-O. tlio .S'uw lo rt ,
pleases all thu family. Four flavors :
Lemon , Orange , Raspberry and Straw
berry. At your grocoiH. 10 cts. Try
It today.
The finest poetry was first experi
ence. Emerson.
Try Magnetic SUarch It will last
longer than any other.
it. Injures nervous Hyslcin to tlo RO. BACO-
CUHO Nlho only euro tlmt nEALI V CUnES
unit not I lies you \vliun to btoj ) . Hold wllli it
b tlnuu \viilcuromiycJiKO
lH\rKC'.iibluu > ulmrinlCHK. ) Illins
curi-'ilthotiwitulH , It , will oura you
AtiUl ilniKKlBH or by mntl iiroiialtl. 81 a Cox ;
: il > oxps82.W ) . Unolth't fri-o. VVrltn
Tlio Nluixliinl ( iiiH Lump. "A
uonderlul liiM'iitton. 1 ( I tlio ciionni
or Lenncnt1 , oril tlmos llm Unlit. Per
fectly unit41 illfTrrcntntylcx. ItctulH
Iroin H up. All lirui" . Country pnoplu
run now lm\n IlKhl lirlRlilcr limn elec
tricity mill fhrnpcr tlmu kciweno. Can
liirnlhli lli'iiii-niiilH uf lentlmonlali ) from
pviplo inlnw them fur iiiimtln. AnunL
lololiiK iiioiioy. Wrllo for * c\clitiilru
lo'rllury. hlauilanl Uan Lamp Co. .
114 Mldilpiu St. ,
_ _ . . . . . _ quick relief awluiirciiwoit *
llookof teHtlinonlnlHi'm ) 10 ntva * troatmoDt
I ULIt. Ult. II. 11. UIILLN'M BU > H , lloi 1 ! , AlUcU , U .
' " ' '
/ ana
Intht upon luving tLeiii , take no others anil you will get the best shells that money can buy.
well laundered jj a thliif ?
of beauty , but you cannot
do good laundry work with
inferior htarchcb.
is prepared c.-pcolally for
use In the Homo and to en
able tlu * housohcepcrtogot
up the linen equally as well
as thu bchthteum laundries.
Try a package. All grocers
cull it ut loc.
; ' ; ; ; REQUIRES NO
nasr noucHT NEW
= =