- ' - - . VOL XV1X , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 15 , 1900-EIGHT PAGES , NO 22 Ami watch the calendar. Clirlstm i la coming Lets tlmn 40 dsy Intervene melan choly < lnyn , enildcpt of the yunr , > vhu > < man must gi down Into the Innermost recesses of hi * pocket mnBt open bin imtftp Mid hie liuurt. My hoi day stock Is dully arrlvlri ; , and coon my store will Lo Inll oi things prac tical > nd things ornamental ; things for domestic use and tilings for personal adornment , thai host answer the qurntion now uppermost In your thougli . "What Btinll 1 KlvoJ" Watch iny ads and my ( tock. Graduate ot Chicago Outhalmlc College. School Books , Tablets AND- School Supplies , AT J , G.Haeberle's. . I it Isn't tlie material ii t ( < > un Into votir rep l reel watcli remi t In a peril ct 1 Vnat doentuubupineBs , any bungler CUD buy thu line kinds of material that I mo In repairing } but ekill la the most vftluable material tbut : an be need In watch repairing : ntid tbe bunirlercnn't buy It. I ell my skill ( or what U la worth nud It will cost , you less than bungling at lower prices. F. W. HAYES , Jewnler and Optician Wi'St pido of square m It 03 0 0 0t Pk H H § 0 B. Luncl Counter , Ef WinlJoy , Prop'r. All kinds tf soft drinks. Best brand of cigars. 1st building east of Farmert bank , PENN & DORR1S , BLACKSMITHS. All lnds of work In our line done promptly and In tlrat-olass ordor. Red Shop on the corner , wcet of tbe JIOBO house. Give ns a trial. MARKET REPORT. Wheat . W Hurley - - . . . s.'c Oats - , . ! Corn 23 Ityc . . 8 < lluttor IS ! . KgRB . ' 8 Potatoes. . . . . . . 40- Onions H Chlckene , , 3 C ( dsztn llog H.15 ro * k ' . ' . ? & Steers ' . " 0 Tnrkev Cc Btruw ' . lOc KJ 1 Business Pointers. Coamopolnau patterns ten cents. No irioro1' SNVDKII Buoa. Dr. T. W Bann , dentist , Brolo-i- Bow' Hotel at Berwyn for sale. WILLIS CADWKI.T. . Scaling wax need for canning at Wilkuit" ' druif storo. ICIuUIv react 1'ontcr & HiultU'M Ail. In tlilH Liibrieatiug oils of all kinds at Wilkina' drug Htoro. I-"t hl < : r Sk Niultlivli \ NII U 3011 money If > ou bu > > our Iltim COAI * oi tlleni Ice uream soda 5 cents a glass al Wilkins' drug store. Caniion City coal at Dierkp Lutabor Co. Bo sure to attend the cooking txhtbit al W. J. ' Wood's furniture Htore. Write 11 iydon Bros. , Omaha. WholpsaU- Supply House for pnx'fr and sumplec. 2 8 lyr , Popuiu Gum , two pacKayes tor u nickel at WILKINB' PHARMACY. If jc.u want fresh moat , call on Fred Maulick , west side of public square. Abstracts compiled promptly and accurately by the Broken Bow Ab- slract Co E. Royso , Abstraoter. Bent stock tmrn in Cuatur countj for Hali > , at § 8 00 pi-r are JES-K GANIJY. Go to Mike Scanlon's Kestaur- ant for Ihe best limch in town and confectionery. Call ou or write Broken Bow Ab stract Co. when in need of an ab > struct of title. E K yscAbBlraclor Ladies interested in the Viavt home treatmu'ut should contmlt Mrs. EM Royte at her home. 11 1 if When in need of a tirut-ulasu auctioneer , call on or address R. D.'SULLIVAN , ( Jroken Bow , Nebr. if A one story collage with six largo rooms , pleasant yard , and Eiirrontidui H. Price $000 Call on L. J. Gandy or at this office. 7 19tf Farms for sale and lands for ronl. Now le ihe lime to get a farm cheap. in ihe cheap farms are all uoin , .UK ! priuoH are advancing rapidly J. G. BEKNIZM ; . Ono hundred sixty aeren , well im proved farm for s < lo six or eight mi I OH south of Broken Bow Pri > e $1000 , half cash , balance five > earr * . WILLIS CADWKLL Dr. Witnern , Omaha's painless "enlist , will be at the Globe hotel Nov. 23d and 24th. All v/ork at Omaha prices , ana warranted. Set of teolb , $5.00 20 years expert cnce. 118 21 Bring your butter , eggs , lard and all other country produce lo Peale & John , aud gel groceries , queens- ware and fresh fruit , or orders for dry uoods , boots , shoes , hardware and drugs. PKALE & JOHN , The Really Grocers , is iho placo. Fred Mat lick is now boiler pre pared thuu over lo serve Iho public with freoh meal. Ho has put in anew now refrigerator of the latent im provements , aud his meat is kept in first class order. Call and Bee him , on Wf s' Bidu of squire. FAuu Fott SALE At UptonNob. . 160 acres of good farm land , 80 acres in cultivation , and iho resl fenced iu paslure , with ibroo wiies. Good four room sod house ; corn ortb and granary , each 12x10 feet , connected ; stable and chfcknu house , etc. For particulars call on J. J. Snyder , Brokou Bow , or Slephen Wile ox , on premises an 10 Local Mention. Job prinlinc at this office. L. B , Russell of Anaolmo , waa a friendly caller Monday. S.uuuel VjnBinkirk of Blorirt , was a ciiy vimlor Monday. John Welsh , of Woslorvillo was a friendly caller al this oflico Tuesday. J. H. H. Cross has boon goinp ou crutches for some lime , thu result of ft fall. Go and see the Great Majestic work and sample its work firsl week in December. August Morrow Jr. ol Arnold , was a wilnes : ) iuJiiHlico G'Schwiud's courl in this city Mouday. Harry Day and Co. have moved their Btoro to the Wilde building on iho norlh aide of iho square. They hnvo added a line of groceries ( o Iheir slock. R. E..Brega of Callaway , was in iho city Monday , as jolly as if he had not been defected by an over , whelming vote , on his county di- vu ion Hcliemo. A. G. Hoffman , of Arnold * as in the city Monday uvening , witness in the ca-o of thu Fairbury Mutual Icsurunco Co. against Win. Rob inson of Arnold. Snyder Bros , ana Will Penn and Co , have consolidated their stores , moved to the corner room in the Realty block , recently vacated by Harry Day and Co B-irm'fi gallorys at Broken Bow ind AtibloT , are both open all thu t.imo , cabinets at $200 and $2:50 , and line crayon piulures cheap. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rev. Myerc , pastor of the U B. jhuroh reports an additional mem ber to his choir. It is a youuir lady of recent arrival and she is already dtveloping quite a talenl for music. Jcno Powell ot Weifiort , was a oil ) visitor , Monday. Ho inform ) d us that his brother , E J. Powell , who has been in Colorado for the last year , is on He way back to Ouster county. Custer county ! Thu k of CusUr county giving Currie 300 rnajort } ! Custer county , iho mother of pops , Iho hot-bed of popdom iho progoni lor ( f pop office seekers ! Il is not hard lo read Iho signs of the 'times when Ouster county does thai. The Ord Quiz. New Line of Buggies , Surreys , Spring Wagons and Farm Wagons. G. W , Apple. "Is Iho Bible the word of God ? " Will bo the btibjecl , at the U. B. church next Sunday , both morning uid evening These Iwo sermons are Iho result of a great deal of study and investigation , and will bo quite a revelation of wonderful truth , lo ihoso who hoar them , All are invited. The Ouster County Agricultural Society met Tuesday and elected the t olio wing officers for the ensuing year : J. O. Taylor President , Thou. Finlon , vice president. E. R. Purcell seerolary , F. W. Hayes as BHtaut secrelary , W. D. Blackwoll Ircasurer. The directors elected are C. II. Miller , E. C. Gibbons , aud P. F. Campbell. Justice G'Schwind's court was engaged Monday night and Tues day , irying a case of Fairbury Mutual Insurance Co- against Wm. liobinson , of Arnold , on an insur ance note for $42:72. : The defense claimed as sot off , § 141:75 : , damage suslainod by had. L , E. Kirkpat- rick aupoajed as altorney for com pany and R ; E. Bregoand and C. L Gullerfon , for Iho defendant. The jury awarded to Robinson $72:78. : ISEHJEEIZfES Cay of Fancy Hew York Ht J. 0 , BOWEN'S ' , Winter Apples-buy some. W. M. Bonoli , post master of ar- uold was a city visitor Tuesday. Ho was. a witness in a law suit , Jerome Shamp of Lincoln , at * tended the Mid-road ratiiiotion Fri day night in this oily , and addrcsod the meoliug. Eugene Westorvolt , editor of the Scons Bluff Republican came in from the went , Saturday morning , reluming homo Monday. The Ladies Guild are busy getting ready for the Fair and Supper , to beheld hold on Deo. 12 and lath. The Doll Table will bo of especial in terest. Rev. S. VV. RiohardH will preach in the Baptist uhutoh at Murna ; Sunday afternoon , at 3 o'clock. The people of the vicinity are cor dially invited The republicans elected 17 Rona- lors and 64 representatives , which gives them n mnjorily in each branch , as well as on joint ballot. This ahsuros two republican United States Senators. J , M. V.iuBuskirk of Alia Iowa , who has bcon visiting in the county for the past week , with his brother , Sim , oi Merna , was a friendly caller Monday , lie returned to his Iowa homo Monday night. B. VV. Blair who moved to Kau nas about ton months ago , arrived in Broken Bow this morning with the view of moving back , provided ho can get into business that will support his family. The Ladies of the ProBbytorion church will eorvo dinner on Thanks giving day , from 1 to 3 , in the building fcnnaly occupied by Win Venn and Co. Fancy articles will bo on sale. Coma and buy your Christmas presents. Samuel Uoshaw , who advertised his farm for sale two weeks ago , in the Riri'UJJLiOAN , came in Saturday and ordered the advertisement dis continued , as he had sold it to W. P. llenniau. This is another evi dence that it not only pays to advertise vortiso but for quick returns the RKPUJILIOAN is the paper to advor- UHO in. YES OUR SPECIAL JACKET , CAPE , FUB AND SUIT SALE WILL BE A HUMMER , AND THE PRICES WILL BE AT BOTTOM , THOMP SON , RUBLES , STuiV- ENS CO. Entertainment by the 0. A. It. The members of the C. C , Wash- bum Po.it will hold a campfiru on the evening of November 22. All citizens are invited to attend. The department ofiiooiB of the Grand Army and the Relief Corps are expected to bo present together with visiting comrades of other posts and those of the Spanish A-merioau war. A most interesting program of speak'ng interspersed with vocal and instrumental music will be furnished. Come one , come all. The place of meeting will bo an nounced later. JAMES WUITKHBAI ) , Com. 1'ulilic Sale On my ranch , four 4 miles south and miles east of Broken Bow , ou Tuesday , November , 20 , 1000. 40 head stock cattle , 10 milch cows , 8 head oowa and heifers , will be fresh in 00 days 1 thoroughbred bull , 1 grade bull , 1 Jorsy cow , -1 head grade Norman horses , 1 span bay drivers , 2 brood mares , 2 yearling oolts , 2 sucking colts , 1 Buckeye geared feed grinder , 1 road wagon , harnesses , 1 heavy saddle farm implements , houshold goods , from a darning needle to it cook stove , 1 largo book case. Ono year's time ou approved se curity , at ten per oont. All Bums under 10 dollars cash. Begins at 10 oclock a. in. INSTANTKII. G. E. OADWKLL. Auctioneer Sales cried in Custor and adjoin , ing counties. Terms reaonablo. JUD KAY. Broken Bow Nebr. I'nblic .Sale. I will offer at public sale at my place of residence , 14 miles north of Broken Bow and one mile south west of Lillian Postotlico , Novembei 23 , 1900 , commencing at 10 o'clock a. in. , 40 head of cattle , 10 head of horses , 31 head of stock hogs , farm implements , household goods and other articles. J. B , GWIHN , 1OUS from a Royal Baking Powder bisciait whets the taste of such a biscuit sweet , creamy , deiicate and crispy is a joy to the most fastidious * OYAL Baking Powder improves the flavor and adds to the healthfulness - ness of all risen flour- foods. It renders the biscuit , bread and cake more digestible and nutritious. \ Royal Baking Pow der makes hot breads wholesome. Food raised with Royal will not distress persons of delicate or enfeebled digestion , though eaten warm- and fresh. Imitation baiting powders almost invariably con tain alum. Alum makes the food unwholesome. ROYAL DAKING POWDCU CO , , 100 WILLIAM ST. , NEW YORK. ! Republican Ratification A. liig Crowd iimln Uommil Uooil Time Enjoyed by All. The republican ratification that wo advertised for last Saturday night , wan ponponod until Wousday night , owing to the unfavorable weather. Not only the people of the uity participated , but a number from surrounding communities helped to swell the crowd , and joined - ed in the oxcroisoB. At precisely 7 o'clock , by direction of P. M. Rub- lee , steam whistles began to blow and the bolhi to ring , to notify the cit izens that the rodublican wore still ihvo , The exploding of giant fire crackers and guns , and the attention of sky-rockets , on the streets , near the Public Square , soon attracted the crowd to the State Bank corner , where later the programe was car. ried out. Both of the Bands , under tho'dirootiou of Dr Wilkins were on hands to provide music for the ocoassion. But that was not all the music that rent the air , the old men were boys again , and with the boy and girla of the city , they joined in with tin horns and whistles and filled the air with music galore. A torch light procession , in charge of Hod George , was formed m front of the Broken Bow State Bank , which accomanied by both bauds paraded the principal utreots. On their return to the place of starting - ing , a largo bon lire was lighted tin. dor the direction of J. S. Baish , which made liglit and heal for the assembled crowd , while the speaking - ing was in progress. The speakre were Lieutenant Governor Elect. Savage of Sargent , 11 , 1J. Andiowh of Callaway and Simon Cameron , .las. VVlnthoad , L. II. Jewott I. N. Porshall and Dr. CO. . Piokott of Broken Bow. The speaking WUH prccuedud with a wontr by Messrn J. M. Belts , N. T. Gadd , B. W. Blair and Will Johns. Several sacks of Hour and corn meal , beans and millet seed were iudisoritniu- atly scallerod in the crowd and but lew escaped having their clothes covered with il For a good lirno Iho meeting was a great success. Notice ! The ojunty board cf supervisors will meel on Tuesday , Doe. 4th 1000 for Iho purpose of irausaoling gen eral county buiencBB. J. B. OBBOUBN , Co , Clerk , Married. MotiAUuiiMN UuiiK-Moiulav , Nor. 11. , 1000 , at ilia ollliu at the county Judge , Clmrlo | Me * Ltutlillii. ; of Murnn , mul Mir * Ida Ilurlc , of llrukeu llciw , Judge Armour olllclntlUK. Aflur taking dinner at iho Globe , Mr. and Mrs. Loiighlin left 1'or their home , already prepared by iho groom , two and one half miloo south west of Merna. May happi ness and prosperity attend them is the wish of tin Liswi8ToMi'KiNS- thu residence ! of p touts. Tucudny , Nov. H , WOO , nt Alliance , Noli. , I.orlu lo win of llroKon How , and Mlb Florence TompMus of Alliance. The bride is a young lady of cul ture and rotiuomciH and is highly OHloomod by ihoso who know her. The groom is an industorious young o.irpuutor by irade. Ho grow up in Broken How and enjoys the oatcoru of a host of aquaintainces. lie has boon working at his trade in Alii. ance during the summer and rolurn- od Ihoro Iho first of the week. Ho Inn a liomoslead in Brown county to which place ho will move soon. While in the city ho and his bride were the guests of Mr. and Mrs \V. K. Bruce. The RICI'UIILIOAN joins iheir fnonds in oougralulalions. x Died. AI.I.HIUUIIT Monday ir.orulni ; Mr ? wlfo of Joseph Allbrlght , twelve miles north ot thu citj. Wo have boon unable to learu the particulars of her death except that sl < o had been sick about a week , Her ago was 45 yoar.s The deceased was the molhor of Mn > . E. L. Bunch of Ihis city. The funeral services were hold at the homo of the do * ceased Tuesday. The RKPUIU.ICAN extends sympathy to the bereavod. Ityim. Wheather pleasant since Salur. day's cold snap. L. U , MoCdll aud J. II. Prelly- man pro feeding cuttle. G. A. Griffils' children aro'shout well afler Ihoir f > igo of typhoid fe ver. Considerable corn is soiling at 2U and 25 cents lo those who are feeding calile for ihe easlorn mir- kul. Some days since when Mra. An ton Bohman was scrubbing Iho floor her feel slipped from under her Jel- iug her Tall backwards , fracturing her lefl arm , just above the wrist. A Literary has been organized at Riverside and a good time is an ticipated. Question for tomorrow night's debate is , , Shall Custor Co. bo divided ? " Meets on Wednesday night : all are invited , J. 11. Protlyman is improving his ranch by orooling sheds aud by pulling in scaled. He proposes lo build a now house in iho near future ture- Others will allow Iheir cat. lie lo shutter on the leo side of a wire fence and complain next spring that they did not do well ,