v- A gorgeous costume flashed beneath the brilliant lights of a ball room. The queen of society is radiant to-night. The nervous hands of a weak woman have toiled day and night , the weary form and aching head have known no rest , for the dress must be finished in time. To that queen of society and her dressmaker wo would say a word. Ono through hothouse culture , luxury and social excitement , and the other through the toil of necessity , may some day find their ailments a common cause. Nervous prostration , excitability , fainting spells , dizzi ness , sleeplessness , loss of appetite and strength , all indicate serious trouble , which has been promoted by an over-taxed system. For the society queen and the dressmaker alike , there is nothing reliable as Jjyrtia JE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore strength , vigor , and happiness. Mrs. Lizzie Anderson , 49 Union St. , Salem , N. J. , writes : " DEAII Mns. PINKIIAM : T feel it is my duty to write and tell yon how grateful I nm to you for what your medicine has done for me. At one time I suffered everything' a woman could. I had inflammation of the ovaries , falling of the woinb , nnd leueorrhcca. At times could not hold a needle to GC\V. The first dose of your Vegetable Compound helped me BO much that I kept on using it. I have now taken six bottles and am well and able to do my work. I also ride a wheel and feel no bad effects from it. 1 am thankful to the Giver of all good for giving you the wisdom of curing suffering women. I recommend your med icine to every woman troubled with any of these diseases. " Mrs. Sarah Swoder , 103 West St. , La Porte , Ind. , writes : Mns. PINKHAM : It gives me preat pleasure to tell you how much good Lydfa E. Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound has done for me. "I had been u sufferer for years with female trouble. I could not sew hut a few minutes at a time without suffering terribly with my head. My hack und kidneys also troubled me all the time. I was advitsecl by a friend to tuke your med icine. I had no faith in it , but decided to try it. After taking one bottle I felt so much better that I continued its use , and by the time I had taken six bottles I was cured. There is no other medicine for me. I recommend it to all my friends. " Owing to the fact that some skeptical people have from time to time questioned the genuineness of the testimonial letter ) we arc constantly publishinj ; , we have deposited with the National City Hank , of Lynn , Mass. , $5,000 , which will be paid , to any person who will show that the above testimonials are not genuinr , or were published before obtaining the writers' special permission. LYDIA E. PINKHAM MEDICINE Co. II Must Bonr Signature of of 5ce Pac-Stmlle Wrapper Very small and as oaey to tuko 03 eujrtxr. FOn HEADACHE. ran DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIM. FORTIF.nOMPLEXIOH ! UCTKAVilKIIIATU . _ _ CURE SICK HEADACHE. Cut oul arvl return tlu nj. end we will uml you this lileh crude , htffh urmSO.jvar KUurunterilBenlinrAlHcliliie hy tretghtc O U. fcubjtit tocxaml- luitlou. If you Hud It perfectly sat isfy tory.rqual luih. litf beiltrad.w. nb'dlarft oM .ifryHhtr. At 9SO.M ) anil frt-lpht chartrea. I't * the narblne l Rod If dUtcfliOrd In ART f7 ve villl return v.ur none/ . Comet complete iti ! qullter , n-roilrlvcni. bob- IHIIB , ntwllcs. eauifu , ollcuu and Infraction U9ok l eati * tlful solid oak Wrawrr , drop lu'arl cal.lnot HM on-ry liniiroveinpnt. ) 'n lr > t riinnlnc , lint unrLlnir > rwInif rnnrhlneurrr nfTi-rc.l. IJdbV Hli.Mltllll I R < UIU1r.VKU , IIIAIIIIIIK "rllrtar ttf Ff l sJIithlnt Cat ! iru' . Jddrrn , i SEARS , ROEBUCK & CO. , CHICAGO , W.N.U. OA1AI1A. No. 40 1900 Shot silk Is hardly the proper ma terial for war balloons. FfinnflforealPoneaRj-tcrniR , or rxrhnnvo , In In. , Acb.illnu.orri. 1) . J. Mullmll , Sioux City , Iowa. Every woman Is a conundrum , but there are some that a man doesn't want to give up. CA Kill IMS. "Uro are the Nebraska Belling agents for the Union Carbide Co. , manufac turers of Calcium Carbide for malting Acetylene Gas. Order your supplies from us. Pacific Storage nnd Ware house Co. , 91i-914 ; Jones St. , Omaha , Nob. lie who wishes to learn all his faulta must become poor. The sign painter Is also a figure painter. Alnu.VH Holflull , "Let me toll you n strange story of human nature , " said a member of the cabinet to u correspondent of a Chicago cage paper recently. "For nearly four years now I have sat at this desk. In that time I have seen nearly all the members of the senate and thu house of representatives. They have been here , ono after another , some ot them many times. But you will be surprised when I tell you that not a single call have I ever had from a senator or representative on any other errand than one of selfishness. Every last ono of them comes here to asic some thing for himself or for one of his constituents , which amounts to the same thing. Not one of them has over come to see me to talk about legislation , politics , or public business. It is always and forever appointments , patronage , jobs , favors. " I.u mi cy In Irnlmul. The latest official report on lunacy in Ireland shows that mental disor ders are still increasing there. The ag gregate number of patients In the hos pitals for mental diseases is the high est on record , whereas the estimated population is the lowest In recent years. The average number of the Insane per 100,000 of the population has increased from 250 In 1S80 to. 4GO in 1U99. Of the deaths in hospitals for tno insane , consumption Is re turned as the cause In 2S.-1 per cent. "Where there's a will there's always ono or moro lawyer * . The art of society Is dissimulation. Instructions to Conger inHIE Doaliugs with Oliina Soon to fce Sent. \ AN OBJECTION TO PRINCE TUAN Itutirrlnl Government nt I'ckln Notified Thnt Appointment of Itluoily lloxer U TJiuU'slriiblo Hiul Miiy llcimlt In Stop ping All WASHINGTON , Sept. ? S. Minister Conger has been advised by the State department ot the substance of the replica nado by this government last Friday to the governments of Ger many , Russia nnd China , respecting China , which clearly Indicates to him the general nature of the Instructions he Is to receive. Moreover , by this time he Is Informed of the orders Is sued to General Chaffee to reduce his force to a legation guard. The note to China specifically pointed out the lines on which this government will issue Us Instructions to Us minister. The document Itself Is In course of final aproval , Acting Secretary 11111 having completed the draft some clays ago and forwarded It to the president. It was the belief of the State depart ment late this afternoon that the ac tual transmission of the Instructions would bo carried out vey soon , proba bly within the next twelve hours. It Is said that the text of the Instruc tions will not be given publicity at present for diplomatic reasons , but there Is no concealment of the pen- cm ! scope of the document , which Is on the lines laid down In the three notes. In this connection It Is said at tlio State department that Mr. Conger will put these negotiations In motion with out any purpose of acting for any government other than the United States , although the government stead ily keeps In mind that the United States Is but one of the several na tions mutually Interested In obtaining a common end and it Is hoped that the effect of Mr. Conger's milking a be ginning toward negotiations may lie to Induce other powers to follow. This government has never assumed to lay clown any mandate as to the course to be followed by all or any of the other powers. It Is believed that the State de partment already has taken steps through Minister Wu to Impress upon the Chinese government the undeBlnv blllty of the appointment of Prince Titan ns grand secretary and the pain ful Impression this appointment has created throughout this country. The effect of his appointment , If persisted In , It Is said , might be to , retard seri ously the final negotiations , or in fact any negotiations at all. The government feels that It Is much reinforced in its present posi tion by the note from LI Hung Chang In which hp gave positive assurance to the United States that he had suffl- clent authority to protect all Ameri can interests and would cee that this authority was exercised. The govern ment now Jooks upon this assurance as a guarantee which must bo faith fully performed as a condition prcce dent to even the establisnmcnt of re lations with Ll and Prlnco Chlng. If the appointment of Titan promises to obstruct the performance of this pledge In any manner , then It would be clearly violatlve of the guarantee laid down and would wairant the Im mediate withdrawal of Mr. Conger from further relations with the Chi nese envoys. So It appears that much more depends upon what Tuan docs than upon what ho has clone. FiiMorul of ( leu. Piilini-r. SPRINGFIELD , 111. , Sept. 28 Un der leaden skies and with cold ralu falling the remains of General John McAuley Palmer , soldier , statesman , jurist and writer , were laid away In the cemetery at Carllnvllle. All the state offices were closed and flugs on the state house and all public build ings floated at half mast. Funeral ser vices at the residence were brief , con sisting only of prayers , hymns by u quartet and the reading of Christ's sermon on the mount , which was a favorite passage with the decease1 ! general. rfnfHBB mid SupplloH for .Moulin. PORTLAND , Ore. , Sept. 28. The transport Thyra sailed for Manila to day with COO horses and mules and n large cargo of hay and grain. The Thyrn will touch at Hllo. where ttm animals will bo put ashore for a few days' rest. ' I.lciitnmnl Duiiimr Killed. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Sept. 28. A dispatch from General Mat-Arthur. dated at Manila , today , reports thn death of Second Lieutenant .lamos ] J. Danner , Twenty-eighth United States volunteer Infantry , caused by the ac cidental discharge of a pistol. OnKtroyg nil I own Town. CLARINDA. la. , Sept. 28 A cyclone - clone nearly destroyed Sharps , a small town east of hero. The depot , two churches and half a dozen dwellings were all blown down. The storm also Btruck New Market , a larger town , demolishing a few small houses. Sllpr n Iliinkrupt. CHICAGO , 111. . Sept. 2 > S. George SI- lor. the prize fight referee , and Lou M. Houseman , the boxing exhibition man ager. both filed petitions In bankrupt cy here today. Slier Hchjcliiled liabil ities of JC.130 and Houseman of $5.- 7S3. Their combined assets were put at ? 100. llrlcl.ui Klnu- Will PARIS. Sept. 28. "From a source worthy of confidence , " says the Courier tin Solr. "wo learn that the king of the Belgians Intends to nhdlc-ato bo for the close of the present Itolglnn parliament , in favor of the princes of Flanders. "King Leopold counts confidently upor the result of his notion bolnp the sluicing of the quarrtis of the ri val purtloB , which would then unite to observe tlio conditions of the now regime. " LAST MOVE OF RUSSIA. It tun or Hint Ciur Now 1'r opinion to Dlocliutlr ChlncMt Nitrnl 1'orln. WASHINGTON' , Sept. 20. The re port from St. Petersburg , said to have been made on the authority of the Ituaslnn navnl staff , t..at , owing to the hoatllo nttltmlo of the Chinese lleet at Shnngnnl , Russia proposes to blockade the Chinese "naval ports , " created much Interest nt the navy de partment and in government circles generally today. As tncro IB no state ment to tiie effect that It IB to bo pre ceded by a declaration , It Is assumed the blocKade proponed under the designation In International law of "pacific blockade. " A Pacific blockade IB considered something of an anomaly , and though Us JtiBtlhcntlon Is not recognized by Homo writers on International law , It has bc.cn lesorted to on several occa sions during the last century and the majority of writers now recognize It us a niciiHiiro of constraint snort of war. It has been Instituted some times by the Joint action of novel-ill powers , sometimes of a single power In seine eases , against all vessels , and In other cases the vessels of the na tion concerned , The penalties have generally been'the seizure and confis cation of the cargo and property of the offending nat.ion , or seizure and detention. The legal procedure of a legal blockade Is DO unsettled as to the attitude of the blockodcrs toward the vessels of states not concerned that their course has varied In almost every Instance. The first pacific * blockade over Insti tuted was In 18117 , when the coasts of Ctreccc , then nominally subjec-t to Turkey , wore blockaded by the 12ng- llsh , French and Husslan squadrons. New Granada was blockaded by ling- land In 1SCC , Mexico by France In 1S38 , La Plata by Franco in 1838-10 , the Greek ports by England In 1S50 , the coasts of Formona by Franco In 1SSI , Greece by Great IMrtain , Ger many , Austria , Italy and Russia In 1SSG and Crete In 1897 by the six pow ers of Europe. When Formosa was blockaded by Franco In 1881. the blockade was In tended to Include neutral vessels as liable to capture and condemnation , despite the fact that Franco had not assumed the attitude of a bollgoront. Thin position wan assumed because France continued to coal at Hong Kong. England refused on this occa sion to adniit that under the circum stances that France had the right to capture and condemn neutrals. In 1807 when ho European powers blot-leaded Crete the flhlps of neutrala wore allowed lo enter and discharge cargoen , provided they were not In tended for the uao of Greek troops In the Interior. Previous to that , In 1887 , the Institute do Drolt International aodpted n declaration to the effect that a pacific blockade was only per- mlsHablo on condition that vessels under foreign Hags could freely enter blockaded ports and that vessels of the offending nation which might be sequestered when the blockade ceased should be restored to their owners without compensation. CAPT. fntDf.ltICK DENT SHARP. Well Known ICx-OHlurr of tlio Army Tiikrx an OvonloKn nf Itroinlilr. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Sept. 28. Captain Frederick Dent Sharp , U. S. A. , retired , cousin of General Ulysses S. Grant , died today In this city from an overdose of bromide , taUen for the purpose of relieving nervousness and pain. Captain Sharp was totally blind and It Is supposed that he had been unable to properly gauge the quantity of the drug. Captain Sharp was appointed to the regular army by President Grant dur ing his first ndmlnistatlon. Ills moth er and JUrs , Grant wore sisters. Ho saw hard service on the frontier and was stationed for several years at Fort Asslnlboln' . In'lSfltihe was promoted to the rank of captain of company II , Twentieth Infantry , the regiment with which ho served from the time he entered the army. During the later vcarn of his milltay service he was stationed with tin1 regiment at Fort Leavenworth , where his family lived. Work nt C.iilvrHlon. OALVESTON , Sept. 29. The rc- recclpts of cotton today were 0.000 bales. The grain receipts are only moderate. Seventeen hundred men are working along the wharves and 1.-100 arc clearing away the debris. There Is need for as many more. Corpses are being foi'ml dally and burned. Tnc nuinuur Discovered Is twenty-five a day. Forces In Olilnii. VIENNA , Sept. 28. Trc > admiralty has received a dispatch from Taku giving the strength of th-i forces land ed there by the allied powers as fol lows : Austrian -lO-I , German 8.178 , Hrltlsh S.353 , American r.C08 , French ti,57G , Italian 2..ri-M , Russian 20,93-1 , Japan ese 12,570 ; total , C8,2iJ3. Continue * to I WASHINGTON , Sept. 29. The- pop ulation of the city of Spokane , Wash. , as officially announced today , Is : For 1900. 30,818 ; 1890 , 19.922. These fig ures show for the city as a whole an Increase In population of 10,926 , or 81.9G per cent from 18)0 ! ) to 1900. llnlf tin * Cokn OVCIIH Clour. CHARLESTON , W. Va. , Sept. 29. Fifty per cent of the .100 coke ovens in McDowell and Meyer county have been put out of blast in the last week , throwing out of employment 1,500 men. This Is said to be due to the dull mar ket for the product. I.itTK" Cattle RAPID CITY. S. D. , Sept. 29. The record of cattle shipments for the Black HlllB has been broken by Cortln Morse of this city , who Is now con sidered the cattle king of this part of the ranges. On Sunday he shipped from Ilrcnnan thirty carloads of Bloora , on Monday sixteen , and on Tuesday twenty moro carloads , mak ing in all sixty-six carloads , or six trains. Moreo owns the largest herds in this part of the Hills. His yearly income from his cattle is about $ lee - 000. A few years ago lie wna a cow boy oil the ranges , working for a sal ary. It Is hnrd for ono ( ot base parentage to personate a king' without overact ing his part , Men who spoil Mblos and build air castles Indulge In-fancy. FITSlVrm.itirni'jr Cuml , r.ofitnori.rvTotti'nriMaflrr flmt d y' n "t IIP , KMnt'n Ulcul Xtrvc hr t irr. Prnil fur Flt.r.1' : BU.im tiUI 'iiittlr mil ! ! iratl . Int. U. II. Kl.1.11 , lUI.V3t Atx-UHt. , 1 hllailclt hla , I' < u A flddlo Is a violin and an Inferior hotel Is also a vile Inn. Cnrtfr * * Ink In tlio tiost Ink tlmt cun bo miule. It coiU you no wore than poor niun not ill to wilto with. A dog's tall , like the heart of n tree , is farthest from the bark. The Ktomnch hns to orU hnrd , KrlmlltiR the food wo crowd Ililo It. Mulco Us work eusy by Dcemiui's 1'ciislu Uvim. People who pose as practical jokers arc apt to Joke once too often. If you have not tried Magnetic Stait-h try It now. You will then use no other. Many of the most troublesome tlslugn In Ufa spring from wrong Inferences. I do not believe rise's Cure for Consumption lins un o-iuul for rouitbH uiul coMn. JOMK V ilOTEit. Trinity Surlnca. Ind. . Feb.f \ > . 1UOU. Many a straightforward man Is oc casionally to bo scon on pleasure bent. , .Tolt-O , tliu Nmr Donor t , pleases all the family. Four flavors : Lemon , Orange , Raspberry and Straw berry. At your grocers. 10 cts. Try It today. Two men who are half-witted may have un understanding between them. Mr * . AVInuhiw'n Sootlilnu Syrup , ForchlMti'ti tcollilmt , coftotmtlir itnms , roclnros In- UaimiiuUunalluyiiiainuuro.4 wlml colic. lUiiuloHli > There Is always room at the top , but the careless youth never reaches It. Magnetic Starch is the very best laundry starch In the world. Lean dogs growl moro tl an fat qncs. licit for din Itnwrlih No matter what alia you , hcndarho to , a cancer , you will never got well until your bowels arc put right. CASCARKTS help nature , euro you without u grlpo or pain , produce easy natural movements , cost you Just 10 ccnls to start getting your health back , CASCARETS Candy Cathartic , the genuine , put up In metal boxes , every tablet has C. C. C. stamped oil It Beware - ware of Imitations. A woman's age Is an Imaglnory quan tity. llow.tro of uintim'uU for Ciitnrrh Tlmt Contain Mnrc.ury , As nicrniiy will mircly ilCKtroy the srmo of smell iimleompli'tulyilrniiiKothuwholuNvslom \vhoii mitatliiK It throiiK'Utliu IIIUCOIIN mirfnci'K. Such tirtlclpH should nnvor 1 > tifcutl oxoopt on Iirchcrlpllnns from ruinilublo nhyNluliiiis , untlio iliumiKO tlipy will do IN tenfold to tint K" d you run possibly drrlvo from them. IliiU'N C'litn'rrh l'uru. inunufuuttm-il by F. .1. Chanciy & Co. , Toledo , O. , contains no morriiry , mid Is tulccn Intm-milly , iiotltiK dlrcrtly upon the blood nnd muooiiH MirfiUTs ot the jiytaum. In buying Hull's Ciiturrh Cure bomiroyouucttliOKomilnu. It IK taken In lurnully , and iniido In Toledo , Ohio. byF. .1. Clicnuy&Co. TustliiionluUfruu. 3olJ by UriiKtflHts , iirlco 7Bo per bottlo. lIull'H Family 1'llls are the bust. As a rule the man who talks loudest in an argument is In the wrong. To noirlort tlio Imlr l to lonn 5oulli nnO comclliieu. tiiiva It with I'AIIKKII'N HAIII HALHAII. lllNDKIICOII.NK , ILO Lu > t CUIC I0f Cums. 13ct > . If you would luivo a good servant select neither a friend nor a relative. Beware of the bottle especially If it is broken and you arc a blcyulo rider. WHAT IS WHEAT-O ? It Is an Abfiolutcily Pure Health Food , prepared byta Steel Cut process that removes nil Indlsostlblc ! parts of the wheat and retains the nutritious strength-giving parts , which render this food very easily digested and as easily cooked. When served with sugar and cream you have a most delicious and palatable article. Wheat-O Is made of choice wheat , thoroughly cleansed and purified , and Is especially recommended for children and nil thoao who may bo troubled with dyspepsia , constipation , or headache. It keeps the well healthy , makes the weak strong , and as a nerve food it la un- emialod. All teed croccrs sell It. High angel-fire Is that from guns at all clov&tloms beyond llftcon degrees. Try Magnetic Starch H will last longer than any other. I believe there arc hearts that could cut diamonds. Use Magnetic Starch It Has no equal. Thus far in 1900 England has Im ported 19 per cent less foreign grain than In 1899. THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE Grain-0 is not a stimulant , like coffees. It is a tonic and its effects } arc permanent. A successful substitute for coffee , because it has the coffee flavor that everybody likes. Lots of coffee substitutes in the market , but only ono food drink Grain-O. ; 15c. nndSSc. Many \vomnn , fitclc nncl weary of life , dragged down by weakening drains , pnllmil ir- rcgnlnritics.dcpr''S'ilon , nntl the hundred and one ailments which affect women only , 1ms found in IVriMia n bright ntar of hope , which has changed her misery to joy , her KufTcr- liig to health. * No woman need differ front the cleningcincntn peculiar to her r.ex , if phe wjll give Po-ru- nn n fair trial. > The majority of weaknesses which make woman's life n burden , spring from n simple cmisc. The mucoua membrane which lines the pelvic organo become ! ) weakened nucl in flamed owing to strain , cold , overwork , etc. This cnunea cntnrrhnl congestion , inflam mation , painful Irregularities , depression of npirits. Irritabil ity , weakness mul suffering. It shows in thu haggaicl lines of the face , the dull eyes , the fiallow Complexion nncl angular fonn. 1 lpor thn prompt euro of nuclt ull- montntry ro-ni-nn. Jtclrlvcurtway "tho blues , " clunri ) the complexion , lirllilciui | the cyoschatiKi--n thin- iirnntopliimpnpns.undcurotipiiln. ) , iioln-i nnd drnliia , bcctiusc it fmmo- illntoly Htrlkosnt the root of oucl ) ti oubluil nnd romovoa tbo cnneo. 1'oru frco copy of Health and Beauty" AiUlrcssnr.nnrtmnn.l'rpsldrntoHliolInrt- innn Hnnltnrlutn , Cnlumliui , Ohio. ' 1'lin rnnlvortli of our V3.OO mill * 8IJ.1U > lMF > icnmnarrvlcli otlx'rKiiiUvxIntjl.OO l Wrt.OO. W am the UrRfit nmVcri oiM mailer , of mrn'n t.1.Uiml 11.N ) thor In jliovuiild.V < MM kc nt.l nil lntiri $1.00 mil .1..V ) .li'Ki than stir olhrr two uiiuuUcturora In the U. U. Iff JCiIiil.lltliod lu 1U7U. jn do you pay $1 to $5 Tor HIOCS ) when , you canbuyW.l. Doiigjas Nliocs ft , * $3 and $3.50 Which urojuritnu good. Your dmlfr liouM keep tlicmi wo clro ono dealer srlunrn mlo In ch tovrn. 1'iiUe nil ttit llllit < ; t Inilil on hnvlnr W. I. . Donglm tlinra wllli ninin nnj price ilaniiwl oa Ijollonu It yonr.dralcr will not Ret Ihtm lor jou , xncl illrrcl to factory jnclndnff rriro anil lie. utra for carringe. Htalrklndof Icathrr.alir.ond wMUi , plainer cnii toa. Our theca will mii-li you ony whm. Calaluaut trtt. I W. I. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , Brockton , Leave Omaha 5 05 p. in. ; arrive St. Louis 7 ; 00 a. m. WHERE ARE YOU COING ? MANY SPfCIAl RATES EAST 08 SOU1II. TrnhiB leave Union Station Dally for Kansas City , Qulncy , St. Louln and all points Kast or South. Half Rates to ( I'lus $2.00) ) many ( southern points on 1st anil 3rcl Tuesday of Kach month. All Information at City Ticket OlHco , 1-115 Karnam Street ( Paxton Hotel Dlk. ) or write HARRY E. MOORES. City Passonnor and Ticket Agent , Omaha. Neb. ' NEW DISCOVERY ; Rlvos quick relief anil euros worn ! llMik nf tcHilniunlalu nnil lu lUYK' trontrueat lilt. II. II. Ulll.rK'H ECIH8 , llm I ! , Alltata , Ua. nPCWTt ? lUAHTCn Hither tax , llouiohoM flGENTSWANTED u * * * H t , tuUr drum & Co , TJI Aduiiit hx | > , llldK. , Ulilcago. Tells nil about Winchester Rifles , Shotguns , and Ammunition Send name and address en a postal now. Don't delay if you jire interested. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. iSoWINCHESTER AVENUE . . . . NU\V IIAVKN , CONN. 2,000 Bu. of Grain Five Cents In Flno Condition to IVUiUo Nlonoy. Send for Frco Hook , "Successful Speculation. " J. K. COTflSTOCK & CO. , Traders Bldg. , CHICAGO.