U. S. i and O Rifle , JAMK3 P , H. YOUNG. Land Offloo at Drokon How Ncbr. , I September IB , 1HOO. f Notlco I * liorobv riven that tbo following- namcd icttlcr line died notice of his Intention to make Qnnl proof In support of big claim , and that eald proof will bo made before Hoglitor and Receiver at Broken liow Ntbr. , on October S3 , looo. viz : IHA 8. BTUUDEVANT. of Gonct , Nobr. , lor H , E. No. 753. lot 1 , Sec. 2fi , T 20 N , l ( . 81 west , jind'oteS , 8 , 4 , nnd eetf sw& , Soo. 30 , T. ! M N , U. 20 west. Ho names tbo following wltncf so to i tore his contlnnoni resldonco upon and culthatlo'i "t pa.d land , vlr : Ctmrlcs Freeman of Sargent , Nebr. , Monroe Freeman and James Fnrloy , ( if Oonct , Nebr . and William A. Stnnlerant. < if llroken Uow , Nebr. JAMSSVHITKHIUIJ , Register. 20-flt Land Olllco ut Broken Uow Nobr. , I bept. Ititb , 190U. | Notice l hereby clTon tbat tbo following named pettier baa tiled notice of Ills Intention to make final proof. In support of bis claim , and that said proof will bo made before Register and Recover , at Broken Bow , Neb. , on Oct. 56th , 1900. vie : DAVID H. AL9PATTOU , of Broken Dow , Nob. , for H. E. No. 760 , noM Bee. 13. T IS N , 1131 W Ho tames the following wltnopfCB to prove Ills continuous reeldcnco upon aud cultivation of said land , vlr. : William SprlnRstubo. Mike Qcanlon , Klljfth Hunch and Lamboit Warrlrg , all of llrokou liow , Nobr. siU-Ot JAMKS WHITKHBAD. Register. U. S. Land Ofllco , Ilrokcn Uow , Nobr. , I Sept. 18 , 1000. f Notice Id hereby given that the following-named Bottler has flleil notice of his intention to .nuho flunl proof It MJppo t of hli claim , and tbat eald proof nil ! bo made before HcKliter and Receiver , nt Ilrokcn Uow , Neb , on October" ? , 1000 , viz : KLDORADO SK1NNEU , of Urukcn How , Neb , for II , K No. 610 , < " ' ,4 BeM , S awX , tec. 2 ( , T 18 N , limyr. He natncs the following witnesses to prove hi * cnntlnhoua residence unon and cultivation of said land , vlT. . W. Mjera.Georpo Myers and Os car 1'orter , of Green , Nuhr , , and llarvey Uaugh- erty , of Urokcn Uow , Nehr. eop0-Ct JAME9 WHITE11EAD , Register. NOTICE OP FINAL , SETTLEMENT. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA , I . . . Ouster County , j " " ' In county court , before J. A. Armour , Judge , In the mutter of tbo estate of John F. Oosner. deceased. To the creditor * und heirs and to all who arc Interested In tbo oetato of John F. Cos- ner , deceased : Take notice that A. L. Conner , administrator of the aforesaid estate , bas Hied a report of his doing * aa such , and asks tbat the same be approved , and that ho be discharged from further obligation therein , and that the county judge make such order nj to the distribu tion of tbo asset * belonging to said estate aa may Beem juet und equitable ; and to ufplgri the dower of the widow heroin , designate the heirs entitled to a share in said estate , and to grant such other relief as may bu deemed necessary In the finnl settlement of said estate Said mutter has been act for hearing on the lUth day of October , 1900 , at 10 o'clock a in. , ut the county court room. In liroken Uow , Nebraska , at which time and place all parties Interested may appear and bo heard concerning the same. bated this 17th day of September , 1000. BOMt J. A. ARMOUR , Co. Judge. In the district court of Ouster county , Nebr. In the matter of Ole J. Estby , deceased. Order to abow cunto. The cause came on for hearing upon tl.o petition of M. \Vnrrlngton , adminis trator of tue Cf-tote of Ole J. Estby , deceased praying for license to sell the following real es- tale , to-wlt : $ /i eei ! , mid uVi swK , of bee. 8 , and the nl/t nwW. and nVt ne , of See. 17. all in town 1'i N , of R. 17 W , In Ouster county , Nobr. , or a sufficient amount thereof to briny ; the sum of $557 , for the payment of debts against suld estate , and the further sum of 8150 , said sum being a monthly allowance of $10 per month to Carrie Kstby , the widow of Ole J. Kstby , deceased , and the costs of administration , there not being sulll- clont poreonal property to pay the said debts and expenses. It la therefore ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before me at tbo court liouau in Broken Uow , Nebr. , on the 10th day of October , 1900 , at 10 o'clock a m , to show cause why said license should bo granted to raid administrator to sell so much of the real estate of Bald deceased art shall be necessary to pay paid debts and expenses. Dated this 80th day of Sep tember , 1900. HOMER M. SULLIVAN , B2Mt ( Judge District Court. We Have Added to our shop a full line of wood work ing machinery , and therefore would ask a part of your patronage in this line , ia which wo oan save you money. Also ask carpenters and ( tontraotora to let us do their job work , such as planing , ripping , scroll work , in fact everything that ia done in a first class job shop. In our old line we are upto-dato. Wind Mills. We carry all standard grades. Pumps. We carry a full and complete stock of all ptylea. In pipe and well material we always have it at the lowest poHsible price. Fittings and brass goods , hose , belting , tanks , feed grinders , horse powers , in fact everything that belongs to our trade. We carry in stock the IJ JACK OF AL.X. TRADES GABOL.INE : for pumping or power. Also second end hand gasoline engines , steam engines in which wo can give you a bargain. In hydraulic and casing wells we have the beat and quickest machinery that is manufactured in this day and ago of the world , andean oan guarantee our work in this line. Yours Very Resp'y , 0. H. CONRAD. J , J , SNYDER , - Notary Public and Justice of the Peace , Special attention riv en to collections , Depositions taken , pension vouchers neatly executed and all kinds of legal papers wrlten. Offlco west uldo square , Droken How , Neb. CAMERON & REESE , ATfOUNBYS Jb CODN8KLLOH3 AT LAW. coma S 9 Realty block , Urokcn liow , Neb. JM Scot ! Attorney at Law BROKEN Bow , - NUBK. $ are Born Great , Im Achieve Bnalnitf , While Others Have Greatness Thrust Upon Them. It isn't our fault that our New Fall Stock of Ladies' Wraps is by far the Greatest Line ever shown in Custer county. m CD OR ! ft ) 3 - * O CD 03j O j | o' o m to&T (0 ( These elegant garments lor the young la The hundsonioBt line of ladles up-to-dato dies are strictly the latest. Our cash made nckots over sliowu , nt prices from $2,00 possible the lowest prices over known. to $10. Collarotts nro the ohlok garment for early fail , an well as the sensible garment lor mid winter. All prices. Maku your so- leoilons early. The neatest line of Hisses garments over Alter you have become dissatisfied with The prices on these Stylish Misses jack shown by any house , is to bo found on our interior kid gloves , try u pair of our ? 1 ets will surprise you when you consider counters. Kids. Erory pair guaranteed poifect. the make and finish. Wo nro showing a very beautiful line of Childrons Wraps , the newest thing being Ladies Elegant Crush Plush Capos extra in Setts , cloak , hood and mulTto mutch. long and heavy at ? 5.40 , 7.00 , 0.00. Elegant A look at this line of little novelties will Plush capes at $5.50,7.40and 51000. Neat convince you that wo are tip-to-duto , and cloth and Boucle Capos at $1.05 , 2.00 , 3.00 that our chlldrcns' wraps arc par excel 5.00 and 0.90. lent. It Isn't Our Fault that \ve are showing a larger stock of Men's youth's and Boys Clothing than all others , at prices lower than ever before known. 'Twas the Manufacturer's greed for our cash that put us in possession of this Stock at such prices. It Isn't Our Fault that we are showing by far the largest and only up to date Stock of Dry Goods , Dress goods , and Shoes , at prices as low and lower than ever known before. before.We We Want tO husk your Corn with our 1000 pairs of heavy cotton flannel HusKing Mits at 5 c a pair. Come early if you want help. WE SHOULD NOT BE KICKED for selling good standard dress prints at 8c , and all the best full Standard dress prints at 5c ; Best L L Muslins at 4c ; Uest oil grain Congress and Creedmore plow shoes at $ [ 25 ; Palmer's most exquisite perfumes at 40c per ounce ; Vaseline Camphor Ice 7c ; Pure Vaseline at 4c. Elegant Damask Portiers at $2 90 to $5.50 per pair ; a full and complete New line of Men's , Women's and Children's Underwear at and below last year's prices. Blankets , comforts , hosiery , Men's furnishing goods at prices No one dares to meet. Of course you are going to buy your Carpets , Oil-cloths , Rugs , Lynoleums window shades of us ; because No one meets our prices. NORTH SIDE. Wilson & Drake , Clinton Day , [ IIVHICIAPi AMD HURO Broken Bow , Neb. Ofllco over Ryoreon's grocery. Real- ilonco Oth houao west of Baptist church. Wm. F. Tlopkins , CONTRACTOR AND DVIL.DCK Plans and Specifications on short notice. Ma terial fmtiUlied and buildings completed cheaper ban any mtn In the state. Satisfaction guaran eod ai to pltna ana epeclflcatlons. Dr. Chas. L. Mullins , PHYSICIAN AND SUKQBON. 2d stairway from west endin Realty block ; residence , 3rd west M. E. church , same side of street. Lund Counter , Ef M alloy , Prop'r. All kinds - > f soft drinks. Beat brand of cigars , let building east of Farmert bank. P. C. WORNALL J. I1A.RHI3 CndiUr. President. A. . . . . , . . . , A. J. KOBKKTSON , Vlco-Prea. W. O. ULACKVVKLL , Ass't Casbler Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BROKEN BOW , NEB. Transacts a General Banking Business. County Claims and Warrants Bought. Has a full line of Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper. Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , oto , Store 01 corner of Fifth avenue and Main street , Broken Bow , Neb. Game Wanted ° MAUA NKHK Bauer & Einiis > SATISFACTION. - ' > l ClUC/1 U L/11U1O , aa i HadelpUla , ! ' . Aw : Wliolesale Butter , Eggs , Poultry and Gaim Important toi Our Customers and Friends , _ \Vo HiippoBod tlmt every ono know that wo worn giving ortlorfl on other Htoroa for goodri tbat wo do not ourry in stock. Cotnmonoing Oct. 1 , 1000 , wo will Give Ordara for aU Goods , INCLUDING DRY GOODS. HOOTS. aiiOKS. DHUQS , HARNESS. HARDWARE. MILLINERY , DOOTOK8. LAWYERS. HLAUKSMIT118. KTU. liumoinhor wo have a very largo Htook of UroccrlcM , JJuecnnwnrc , Cutlery , l atcnt .llccllclucn , Wall I-apcr , ClocUi , Utc. Wo buy Produce , Game , ChiukutiH , oto. Wo want your butter and cg s , and lotH of it Wo will soil you good goods , aa low ne they oan bo sold. After Ootobor IGth , 1000 , wo will not buy tobncoo tags ; got them in , Youra for healthy food products , TRADK PURK ClDUU VlNKOMt. B H B B MARK. J > * J8 A. W. BRAKED linn JnM received an Invoice of . . . . . . , , . . . ART C30OU3 , PICTURE EA9ELS , MENAtLlON3 , WALL , I'OCKUTS , TOI&CT CASES , uotunna , And n ( nil line of Monldln of tin' littoxl I'nttoma , nnd will mult e 1'lcturo Frnmcn to onlor , nnv xlzo , nt prlcen tlmt will eult everybody. Itrlnf ; In you picture * nnd Imvo thorn framed . AVcHt Hide UroUutt Kow. { ; " ' " " ' " " " " " " " ! T n ( Junior mid ndjolnlng roiintlCH , In 'm ' ! , in iiiiimmu iiiiiiiini * ' 'j C1 S. -L from Ho tt 1,000 Acre ( TractH.-UOOl ) 1'AUM LAND , 5,000 UOUOII OKAZING LAND. LAND I'ROM $1 ( X ) I'liR AORIC Ul' . Acres One section of Duo pnvturn Innd In Dawpon county. for Ono-liulf lection In Uospor county. Land. IXXI ncros on Tnllln Tnlilu. Sale. I i , Ono of tliu bent quarter ncctlons In | . CiiBler county , fonr inllaei ( outheiiBt " a tiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiinitmitititiiifi . . . . . . . .tiimnmiiiuiiiiiiitiiiiiiniimiiitniiiri from Ilrokcn llnw.wltli running water , and YiuloiiB other plucos. Also STORK BUILDINGS AND LOTS FOR SALIJ IN BROKKN IIO\V. ONK STORK ROOM FOR RUNT. FAItMB FOR RRNT Also LINCOLN 1'ROI'KRTV FOR SAMS OR TRADE , or will trndo part of fnrm land for part Cnttlo or Cnfli. Cull on or nddruHH me for piirtlcnlnrs , Yours for lit ? : , A. T. SEYBOLT. aJlTLTLTL JUT-TUT JUT-TUT JlJIJTJIJIJTJiriJTJTpl . hAAAJkAA A.Jt * A > t A A k A A A t \ Peale , John & Bushnell , [ . ( Now Firm ) . I'calo A John Imvo ncsoclntcil with Uiimi In buatncit Mr Bunhnoll , recently of North Otuollna , nnd Imvo added to tbelr MAMMOTH HTOCIC < > ! < < i .A New Stock of. . Dry Boote Shoes. Thla In entirely a Now Stuck , nnd contains iimlity | and rarluty to tuilt all. Tliu public U ruiiucxted tu call and sco their cnnUi * ami got prlcea. FRESH HRUITS AND FANCY GROCERIES , Wholesale and Itctall Northeast Cornur Itealty lllock , llrukcn How. oiJTrLTLrirLrLTLr irLrLn-r TJiJirLJ-LrLru LrT-rLri It Once Was Lost , but How I Have Pound it. Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the world ia it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam moth stock of Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever hoard of. The Eugle has been reading the papers and keep- ints pested on what was being offered for sale. They don't say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap. Everybody is invited to call and got uiy prices. lle/nember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First Bank. W. S. SWAN . . , Proprietor.