IS STATE'S EVINCE Placed in the Witness Ohoir Against Democracy , PERTINENT QUESTIONS DODGED By Uryati Which Are 1'ropoiiiidod to Him . by u Prominent rciiinylviinlii Democrat Henllug Around tlio JJush to Savu His 1'olltlfiil llncon. 1 OMAHA , Nob. , Oct , 1. If the fuslon- ists had started In their campaign by destroying the back files of tlie news papers of their party , they might have robbed the republicans of some valti- able campaign literature. But they didn't , and must suffer the coiibe- quences. The Omaha World-Herald Is the rec ognized organ of fusion , not alone In Nebraska , but In the west. The fol lowing figures taKen from the Issue of the World-Herald of July 10 , 1890 , and July 10 , 1900 , not only serve to prove a most significant distinguish- ment between the prices this year and those of four years ago , but they show conclusively that prices have advanced and that the people are much more prosperous now than then. Here are the figures : July 10 , July 10 , 1890. 1900. Cows $3.00 $1.55 Heifers 3.00 4.25 Calves 5.00 G.OO Bulls 2.90 4.00 Stags 2.90 4.25 Stocks and Feeders. . . . 3.55 4.15 Hogs 3.15 5.20 Veal , per Ib 06 % .10 Green Hides ( No. 1) . . .04 .06 Wheat , ( Neb. & Dak. ) . .53 .75 Wheat , car load ( new ) . . .50 . " 1 Rye ' . 30 .54 Flax seed 74 1.40 d'Flour , ( best patent ) . . 1.85 2.25 * } Corn 18 -30 Oats 15 -24 No. 2 Red Wheat 56 % -82 No. 2 Cash Corn 26 % -44 % No. 2 White Oats 18 .27 There are 19 articles enumerated above every one grown on the farm and the aggregate per cent of Increase In price approximates 1.093. Divide this by 19 , the number of articles , and you will find that the average In crease In the price of each article Is approximately 57 % per cent. This Isn't campaign oratory , it Isn't a mass of confusing figures ; It Is simply a compilation showing the prices the farmers of Nebraska re ceived for their products under a democratic and republican administra tion respectively , as shown by market quotations published in the Omaha World-Herald. , An Increase of 57 % per cent. In the commeiclal value of a crop means a great deal to each individual farmer In Nebraska. It means a great deal to the state of Nebraska and all its people , for , when the farmers are prosperous , all lines of Industry are correspondingly stimulated. It means that the same amount of farm prod ucts will net the farmer more than double 'tho amount this year as com pared with 1896. This Is exactly the difference be tween republicanism and democracy as applied to the farmer and the farming industry , for today the re- nubllcans are in power and In 1896 the 4 democrats were in power. In the light of such facts it is difii- lult to believe that the democratic " ticket will receive any material sup port from the farmers of Nebraska. Since it Is proven by these figures that democratic policies enacted into law cause a decline in the price ot farm products , and that republican policies , when enacted into law , cause of farm products an increase In the price ucts , what more Is necessary to con vince the farmer that It is to his In terest to vote for and uphold the re publican ticket and party ? "Well , " but Bryan says , "there U danger of imperialism. " Suppose he does , does that make i so ? He said in 1890 , in his speech ir ' Baltimore , that If McKlnley was elected It would mean four more years of hard times. The above figures from his owi party organ disprove that assertion say nothing of the abundance of evi dence of prosperity manifest every where. And Bryan says , "There Is dange of militarism. " Suppose he does , does that make 1 so ? He said In 1893 tluit if McKln ley was elected the wages of labor am the prices of farm products would fal just as sure as the stone that thrown up. Again the figures from his owi party organ disprove his assertions , say nothing of the purchase of new homes , the cancellation of farm mort gages , the increase in bank deposits , especially In the smaller towns and villages , the decrease in interest raterf and the music of a million hammers in the various factories. , Bryan says a great many things , but every time hla philosophy has boon put to a practical test It has been found faulty\ weak and vulner able. able.You You will notice , however , that there Is ono thing Bryan isn't saying , and that Is , ho Isn't saying anything about the low prices , hard times and Indus trial distress under democratic rule four yeais ago. Incontinently loquacious as he Is , ho isn't saying anything about that. You have often heard of a doctor advising his patient to go away from ills business on a pleasure trip so that ho may forget about the cares and troubles that are endangering his health ? Well , that Is why Bryan Is advising the people that there is "danger of Imperialism and militarism. " He wants them to forget tneir cares and troubles of four years ago when the democrats were In power , not par ticularly foi the benefit ot their health , but for fear that they will take their memory along with them Into the voting place and vote against him. That Is the "danger" Bryan Is en deavoring to guard against. FIGURES FOR PLAY TOYS. .You will remember that Bryan T * played with figures in his ISOiJ apeechei ) . He had enough figures nnd exclamation points to build n rail fcnco around Nebraska. Ho hasn't got them today. This tlmo the figures are all against him. Read the above fig ures from his Omaha organ nnd you will see why he Is letting figures alone1 In this campaign. In 1396 Bryan said the hard times were "caused by a scarcity of money nnd that the only source of relief was In the free coinage of silver. " Ho was wrong again. The people discovered the "source of relief" Wil liam McKlnlcy nnd the republican party. They defeated silver , elected McKlnley and unexampled prosperity followed. DEMOCRACY AND TRUSTS. The real position of the democrats on the trusts question was shown in ongress last June , when a proposed onstitutlonal amendment Intended to revent , regulate and destroy trusts as defeated by democratic votes. The amendment was as follows : "Congt ess shall have power to dane - ne , regulate , prohibit or dlssolva rusts , monopolies or combinations , 'hether existing In the form of a cor- oratlon or otherwise. The several tatcs may continue to exercise such ewer in any manner not In conlllct vith the laws of the United States. " This amendment , If Incorporated nto the constitution , would no doubt cccmpllsh the purpose for which 1 * /as Intended. But It was defeated , nd by democratic votes. When it came to a vote , requiring s It did , a two-thirds majority , 151 oted for it and 13 * . against it. Of the 54 who voted for it 150 were repub- leans. Of the 132 who voted against t 130 were democrats. This very clearly defines the attl ude of both parties on the trust ques- ton. Political parties , as well as in dividuals , should be measured , not by heir words , but by their deeds. This ulo Is founded on apostolic doctrine and It Is a pretty safe one to follow. Viewed In this light the Bryanltes , nstead of being opposed to trusts , as hey loudly proclaim , appear to be In sympathy with them. Trusts or combinations Intended t3 estrlct legitimate competition , or ganized primarily for the purpose - > r arbitrarily fixing and regulating prices , are necessarily Injurious to the icople and should bo stamped out. But who Is going to do the stamping out ? Are you going to look to a pai\y that , when it had an opportunity to irovlde a remedy , went over bag and Jaggagc to the enemy the democratic party ? Are you going to look to a mrty that lined up Ita votes In con fess In solid phalanx and defeated a iroposed constitutional amendment ntcnded to crush this evil ? Are yea ; olng to do this and desert the repub- ican party , which not only cast all but four of the 154 votes cast in con- giess for the amendment , but nas written into the statutes of the United States every word of law that appears there against trusts ? BRYAN AN AlttFUL DODGER. W. J. Bryan does not have to go outside his own party to find men who question both his sincerity and con sistency on the "paramount" Issue , particularly In regard to the Philip pines. Hon. J. B. Corey of Pittsburg , Pa. , former democratic candidate for gov ernor of Pennsylvania , under date of September 15 , 1900 , addressed the tol- lowlng letter to Mr. Bryan : "Plttsburg , Pa. , Sept. 15 , 1900. ! "Hon. W. J. Bryan , Lincoln , Neb. : "My Dear Sir I have not received any reply to my letter directed to you at Chicago , asking you If you believed that the negroes of Cuba , Porto Rico , Hawaii and the Philippines , who never had lived under a republican form of government or exercised the right of manhood suffrage , are more capable of self-government than the American negroes in our southern states who were born and raised under our re publican form of government and had tito right of suffrage for one-third of a century. If not , do you approve of the legislatures of the southern states disfranchising our American negroes , who for one-third of a century have exercised the right of suffrage and insist upon the right of self-govern ment to the half-civilized negro of the Philippines ? I do not wish to be un derstood as defending the McKlnley administration or espousing our pee ple's war with Spain and Its results , but simply as an' American citizen , t wish to learn your sentiments as a candidate for the presidency on the paramount Issue of selr-government. I am , dear sir , very respectfully yours , "J. B. COREY , "Former Democrat Candidate for Gov ernor of Pennsylvania. " It will be observed that Mr. Corey has written more than one letter on the subject , but thus far Mr. Bryun has carefully avoided answering or ex plaining the Inconsistency Mr. Corey points out. A copy of the above letter was handed to Mr. Bryan In person whlto lie was on the stage at Weeping Water , Neb. , on the evening of Sep tember 21 , but he very adroitly ig nored it and made no reference to It. Mr. Bryan's failure to make answar simply emphasizes his Insincerity. Ltko In the question propounded to him each day since the campaign opened , by the New York Herald , asking him whether , If elected , he would Instruct his secretary of the treasury to pay goven.ment "coin" obligations In silver , the question of sectionalism Is raised , and Bryan will lomaln as mute as a Chinese joss and let the people guesa at It. So far as the Herald's question ! s concerned ho Is afraid to say yes , for that would line the eastern states up against him. and ho Is afraid to say no , for that would line the silver states and the populists against him So. too , In regard to the proposition submitted by Mi. Corey. If he says yes ho places himself In a most ridicu lous attitude , whllo if he says no no will have every old slave state alter him with a cat-'o-nlne-talls. But It must be apparent to every one that there Is a wide divergence between these two propositions , and , If elected , somebody is going to be tei- ribly fooled. And this is the same Bryan who ' held up all over the country by th fuslonists , in the newspapers , on tin curbstones and on the lostrum , as the man with a courageous Juwl Altis , poor Yorlck ! WOULD HAVH BAD EFFECT. In the corner of the reading room nt the Omaha Commercial club yo > tcrday three gentlchicn representing varied Interests talked significantly of the political situation. The conversa tionalists wore C. S. Hay ward of the Williams & Hayward Shoo Co. , G. R. Williams , a larmer well Known throughout Douglas county , and E. A. Willis : , president of the Omaha Press * mcn'r union , and the conversation ran ilkc this : Mr. Williams- . Hayward , in your opinion , would the election of Mr. Bryan have any effect upon the manufacturing and Jobbing Interests ? Mr. Hayward Yes ; It would un doubtedly have n bad effect. It would take us back to the conditions of 1890 , when the stability of our currency was seriously threatened and mouoy tightened up. Four years ago , It will be remembered , manufacturing con cerns throughout the country were in a bad way. Some of the mills wore shut down completely nnd the others were greatly curtailed In operation. That condition was brought about by bad tariff legislation nnd the free sil ver agitation , and both of these evils would be upon us again in the event of democratic success this year. Mr. Willis the wt.rKlngmen ot llio cities have as much nt stake In this campaign ns do the mantilaeturors , for they are the first and greatest suf ferers when the mills close down. Thousands of men were out of work four years ago , and now many of the big factories nro unable to get Pfi many operators as they doslro. Right here In Omaha from 20 to 50 per cent , of the members of the different labor unions were unemployed In 1S96 , while this year every union reports Its full membership nt work. I should think that the enforced Idleness of a large number of worklngmen In the cities would have some effect upon the farmers. What do you think of It , Mr. Williams ? Mr. Williams Well , of course , the farmer's prosperity uepcnus very largely upon a favorable market , and you can't have a very good market when thousands of men In the cities are unemployed. During the four years of hard times , from 1893 to 1896 , there was an Immense falling off In the domestic consumption of form products. The government statistics show that the average decreased con sumption of wheat In the United States was over sixty million bushels a year for the four years , and the PIT capita consumption of corn dropped from 30 bushels in 1892 to 14 bushels in 1896. This great slump in the do mestic market had its etiect upon the foreign market , of course. No matter how bountiful the crops may bo the farmer can have no good times when the markets are poor , Mr. Willis The decreased consump tion of wheat and corn In the United States during the four years of 1892-0 was undoubtedly duo to the inability of the unemployed worklngmen of the cities to provide a comfortable living for their families. There must have been even a greater decrease in the consumption of meats. Mr. Williams Undoubtedly so. At South Omaha Stock Yards the cattle receipts for the seven months of 1900 ending July 31 was 424,236 , as agalnr 220,321 for a like period in 1896 a gain of nearly 100 per cent. The hog re ceipts for the first seven months of this year were 1,121,171 , as against 717,970 for the corresponding period of 1896. Mr. Hayward No ono will deny that we are having general prosperity at this time. Farmers are having ; oed crops and good markets , work- ngmon in the cities are having stead/ employment at good wages and the [ manufacturers and jobbers are enjoy Ing a constantly Increasing business. Do we owe any measure of pralso to the republican party for all this ? Mr. Willis I think we do. I know that hundreds of big mills In the east that were closed by democratic tanft tinkering have been reopened by wlso republican tariff regulation. Without these mills In operation thousands of men would bo out of work , and to that extent our general prosperity would bo Impaired. Mr. Hayward We must thank the republican party also for sound finan cial legislation , which has restored confidence and returned money to cir culation. If this government should undertake the unlimited coinage of silver at a fixed ratio of 16 to 1 we could have nothing like stability for our currency , and without a stable circulating medium there couul ne no confidence. The election of Mr. Bryan would drive capital Into Its hiding place again , and the farmer , the workingnmn and tne manufacturer and jobber would suffer the cense quences. Mr. Willis I think the worklngmin would suffer first , because a cessation of Industrial activities must neces sarily and immediately follow the withdrawal of capital from Its natural channels of usefulness. When capital avoids permanent Investment and temporary employment , Improvements of all kinds cease , factories all over the country are hampered In their operations - orations and worklngmen are thrown out of their jobs by the hundred. Mr. Williams Are you gentlemen of the opinion that Mr. Bryan Is any more reliable in prophecy today than ho was in 1896 ? Mr. Hayward Mr. Bryan may be a gifted man , but loresight is a quality that ho lacks. In 1896 he predicted all sorts of dire results from a McKinlcy victory. According to his views , the election of McKlnley meant a con traction of currency , lower prices fo > - products of me soil , less work and loss wages for the laboring man , more debt and higher Interest for the farmer and a continuation of the hard times generally. Mr. Willis As far ns the Inborln classes are concerned Mr. Bryan s prophecies of 1S96 have not material ized , workingman luivo not only found the demand foi their services en larged , but their houra ( shortened and their wages increased. In Omaha , in 1897. the Pressmen's union scale was $10 to $18 a week for ten hours' work , today the pay Is the same for nine hours' work. The Plasterers' , Brick- laycra' and Stonemasons' Tenders union had In 1S06 a scale of IS to 17V6 cents per hour ; today their scale is 24 cents per horn , nnd they have an eight-hour Instead of u ton-hour day. The Plumbers' union scale was 45 cents per hour In 1896 ; now It Is 50 cents ; the Bricklayers' union wag'-1 scale In 1S9G was 50 cents per hour ; low It Is 55 cents. The CnrpontonV mlon Rcnle wn 30 cents per hour ; luw It IB 40 cents. The Painters and Decorator. , ' union has advanced Its scale from 30 cents to 35 cents , and : ho Sheet Metal Workers wages have been Increased from 27 % cents to .18 Mr cents per hour. I might go on nnd chow stmllai Incrcasca In all tha trades , but I have given sulllclotu facts to demonstrate that Mr. Bryan's1 prophecy ot lower wages has not been fulfilled. Mr. Williams And as to farmers. Mr. Bryan wan also mistaken. Thi ? prices paid for all kinds of farm prod ucts have advanced from 10 to 200 per cent. Money Is easier to get and In terest rates are lower by from two lo tin co per cent. Mr. Hnyward As to the contraction of currency which Mr. Bryan predicted as a certain result of the defeat ot hit ) free silver scheme , I might say that it has not come true. The j > er capita circulation in 1896 was $21.10 ; on May . of this year It was $26.58. WHY THE DEMAND ? During the first eight months ot this year the number of head of llvo stock received at South Omaha mure than doubled the number received during the corresponding months of the democratic year of 1896. For the first eight months of 1896 the receipts were 1,305,622 , and for the first eight months of 1900 , 2,772,021. This tre mendous Increase of receipts has been accompanied by steadily advancing prices. The loans and discounts of the Union Stock Yards National bank have Increased 148 per cent , and the deposltp JJl per cent , during iho past four ycart. All of this Is a certain in dication of prosperity not only at South Omaha but throughout the country. South Omaha would not bo enjoying the benefits of a rapidly growing stock market and packing In dustry unless there was a good de mand from the country at largo for meats. Why the demand ? Because under an administration that guaran tees safety to business Interests In general by providing a sound financial system and a protective tariff the fac tories have been kept In operation , labor has been employed and all workingmen - ingmon have been enabled to provide adequately for themselves and their families. If we are to have cheap money , no confidence and even a par tial shutting , down ot American mills , the demand for meats and all the other necessities of life will slacken and South Omaha , with its live stock HIM packing Interests , will be one of the first and greatest sufferers. The people ple of this city can have no good rea son for desiring a Ci.ango. LIVE STOCK. The tremendous Increase of busi ness at the South Omaha live stock market is an unfailing sign of pros perity. It indicates a strong and ad vancing nftrket for the products of the farms , which would be Impossible without general prosperity among the workers of the cities. The following table shows the live stock receipts at the stock yards for the first eight months of this McKlnley year and foi the corresponding eight months of uio democratic year of 1890 : Cattle 310,315 512,103. . 62 Hogs 798,039 1,501,302 88 bncep 190,019 758,616 238 Here Is an Increase In the number ot cattle received of 62 per cent ; hogs , 88 per cent. In other words , 195Vob more cattle , 702,664 more hogs and 567,967 more sheep were marketed at South Omaha diirlng the first eight months of this year than during th corresponding months of 1896. This Immense Increase in the number of cattle , hogs and sheep received at South Omaha Indicates a correspond ing increase In the demand for meat which could not have appeared hail the Industrial conditions of 1896 con tinued. It might be sttld that the re ceipts ut South Omaha have been In creased by the additions to the packIng - Ing houses at that point and that a large number of stock raisers who formerly shipped to Chicago are now marketing at South Omaha , but this would not weaken the assertion that the increase In receipts shows a cor responding increase in the general de mand , for the receipts at Chicago have also been advancing utendlly during the past four years. With the heavy Increase In receipts there has also been a steady advance In price. Steers , for instance , sold July 31 , 1896 , at from $2.75 to $3.70 , and on July 31 , 1900. they brought $5.50 ; hogs sold July 31 , 1890 , at $2.77 , and July 31. 1900 , the price was $5.09 , sheep on July 31 , 1896 , ranged from $2 to ? 5.50 , and on July 31 , 1900 , from $4 to $5.15. This shows conclusively that the farmers and stock raisers of this spctlon of the country are no : only spiling a great deal more stock now than they were in 1890 , but they are receiving much better prices. Another certain Indication of pros perity for all these connected with live stock Interests Is furnished by a compaiison or uio latest statement or the Union Stock Yards National bank with tilt * s'talcment of the same insti tution dated October 0. is'JO. In 1VJU the loans and discounts amounted to $740,977 , and now they bum up ? ! , - 838,280 , showing an Increase of $1,111.- 303 , or 148 per cent. In 1896 the de posits amounted to $1,096,770 , and now they foot up $3,339,163 , showing an In crease of ? 2.212,393. or 201 per cent. May Won't I'luy. Lady Francis Hope tonco May Yohe , of hiirlcsryto renown ) refuses to act in America. She suya HIO'B ! tire 1 ot the whole business and is going back to England. Plans for the New Yoi k np- pearanco of Lady Francis lu.l boon made at the Savoy theater , hut tho' Savoy Is In the throes of litigation , and nothing Is doing there In the amuse ment line. Her ladyship ban snub bed several anxloun Americans who are willing to arrange for a Now York dobut. Last week , for Instance , uhe turned down an oifcr of $1,500 a week to appear In vaudeville at Kostcr & Blal's. The Coal Minors in Marklo Slopes Acoopt Part of Tirni's ' Terms. ARBITRATION OF DISPUTED POINTS Sheriff of I.II/PMIO County Mnkm Ar- for Hushing Troop * from U Ocriiiloii for Thulr U ci Arlim l't < iioo to Ilu Maintained , HA55LETON , Tn. , Sept. 27. The -rl- els nt the mines o ( 0. n. Mnrklo & Co. has been readied. There wore many expressions among the rr.en today ot dissatisfaction with some of the firm's answers to their demands. Tlio prln- clpal grievance Is the wage scale. They ask for only about half of what the United Mine Workers nro demanding. Operations at the Marklo collieries wore suspended today so that the em ployes , could hold n meeting to dlacuss the firm's answer. The mooting was held In the fornoon and thlH afternoon the committee composed cf employes ot the several Marklo mhics , with the exception of Kborvalo , which la" com pletely tied up , made known to the firm the decision of the employes. They accept the firm's proposition In regard to the hoisting men from the slope , ao qulcaco In the rcfunal to pay the engi neers by the hour and want , to further arbltmto all the other grievances ex cept these relating to BomlMnonthly pay and the Ideation of powder houses , which have boon adjusted by the nn- Bwor of Marklo & Co. The men also decided to remain at work pending the arbitration negotia tions nml agreed to ask the linn to "deduct from the pay of each family that returns to work their quota for the payment of the arbitrator selected by the men. " Judging only by the talk ot the men It looks ns If a coiiRlrlorablo num ber ot men will not KO to work to morrow morning. The force ot men at oacJi of the Marklo slopes Is now very ahorthanded. The firm for , the tlmo being rofu&es to discuss anything In connection with Us future actions. The request made yesterday by Sher iff Harvey for troops , although not ro- fuBoil , waB not granted by Governor Stono. The sheriff nnd the atntn offi cials at Harrlsburg , however , have an understanding and If M'-J necessity arlRos soldiers will bo thrown Into this region in short order. If this be done the first to arrive would ' -e one of the commands now stationed at Shonan- donh. There wore no disturbances report ed In this region today. Rumors of contemplated marches of strikers are constantly In circulation , but as far ns can bo learned there Is no truth In any of them. With regard to the gMierul strike situation In the Lehlgh Valley It can not bo said that many great gains were made on either side today Some who quit work yesterday at the Tomhlcken , Derringer and Cowan mines returned today. The Lehlgh Valley Coal com pany reports more men working to day than any time since the strike be gan. gan.Tho The labor loaders claim accessions to their ranks from both the mines fit Eckloy and Lattlmer. The dally pro duction of coal In the district Is stead ily decreasing. This Is shewn from the shipments of coal from the region today , which Indicate a falling off of more than 75 per cent. POSITION Of THE POWERS. Auntrln nml Itnly Only CJovrrnmont * tlmt ICeply FMTiinilily. PARIS , Sept. 27. It Is asserted from excellent diplomatic sources that Aus tria and Italy are the only powers which have replied favorably and un conditionally to Germany's note. It IB certainly a fact that the replies of Russia and Franco are almost Identi cal , Involving the punishment of the originators of the anti-foreign assaults but not making their surrender an nb- Boluto condition of the peace prelim inaries. Japan takes a middle course , leanIng - Ing a llttlo moro strongly toward Ger many , while Great Britain declines. A powerful argument used against Germany's ponltlon was Its establish ment of a precedent that would per mit the powers in future wars to de mand personages considered by them to be guilty leaders and that their pun ishment Is deemed fit bcforo peace ne gotiations are undertaken. Aropptu CarnoRlo'i I'mpntltlon. OTTUMWA , la. , Sept. 26. Ottumwa has accepted Andrew Carnegie's ap propriation ot $50,000 for a free public library , the election on the Issue giv ing a majority of almost fiOO in favor of the measure ; 272 were ca&t by male voters. The women wore also permit ted to vote and their majority Increas ed the total to almost 500. The meas ure lost last Juno , when the judge of the district court hold that the women were not entitled to vote. The male vote In Juno gave a majority of 81 against the measure , the issue carryIng - Ing only by the votes caat by the wo men. The election settles the ques tion. Arrtiril HK n llnlil Ui. BEATRICE , Neb. , Sept. 26. The police locked up a suspicious character and put him in the sweat box. Ho soon was spotted as the party who held up a Bohemian named Zlvanskl , liv ing near Virginia , six weeks ago. 551- vanskl was sent for and at once Iden tified Bllger as his assailant. The prisoner denies that ho had anything to do with the hold up , but It is now known that ho served tlmo before. Hliitn Muy IO1 | > ( inlvi'iitnn. GALVESTON , Tex. , Sept. 27. Near ly 2,000 men were engaged clearing the ctrccts , removing debris and disposing of dead bodies today. Twonty-fivo bodies were recovered today and thir ty-five yesterday. Governor Sayors loft hero this afternoon for Austin , where ho will consult wt'h the attor ney general relative to a proposition from the city government for a fund with which to operate the municipal government from now until the end of the fiscal year , February 28. About J100.000 will be required. rl THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. Latent UuotntlniiN from South nil ( I Kiuimin Cltr * KOt'TH OMAHA. I'nloii Block Ytmli-eiiUlf > Thcro were only a few mi ttlo on miU > tndny nnd about Ihn tiHiiul Kililuy comlltloiiH provnllcd. UttyoM us U rule wore not particularly anxious for Mtuck oattlinml tlio initrkot ' an a wliolevnn not very active , llecelptfl ll'ClluliMl utmiil 7 i-ur.t of cunt foil Mtui'ln. I'lU'kerH evidently lnul to linvo a few llu today nnd In MOIIHCIIHOH pitld n llttlu hlRltiT prlci's for thorn tlmn they illil y .t- torilny. Clenernlly Kpoukttig the tnarkut could lie culled ntoudy to ntroiin. Cow liuyiTH woto not tiulto ns on nnxiotiM for fresh Hiipplk'H today an they were yi'Htcr- iltiy , but us a nile the as ciira of cow Httut on the market clumped Imndu lit clown to steady prleoH , thiniKh In Homo CIIHOH sollorN lnul lo Hike off n little. Can- no r were In need demand today nt iiliottt yosturdny'H price * . The demand from the. country for Hloek ealtln continues heavy. but yard trailers have iiirltu n few on hand , which fact nutitrally tnado them little careful about hiiyltiK moro today unloMH the cattle wcru of jjootlve.iht | and quality. Much us could answer Unit ( lOrtcrlnllon broiiKht Just about Htendy l > rleon. but common Htuft wan rather no- Klooti-d and HOnora found It dlllluult in Koino ciiHnti to got fully Htciuly prlecB. Ihoro were practically no wcHtcrn hoof cattle on xalu today and conmcqucntly nothltiK ullh which to inuka 11 test of thi > market. lloKH-Thoro wore n few over 109 toads of IIOKH on aU ) today , but the domund was fully equal to the nltiply. | The mar ket Htnrted out not much different from yesterday's close , a few puckers Rottlnc jnlxetl IIOKS ill : i.l2 s and $5.15 , but the market soon tinned up and the bulk nf the IIOBH ohaiiKod hands at about steady prices with yesterday's Rcnornl market. The trnilo was active and nnvctlcally everything was sold at an earlj hour. The top of $5.27 Vt was a shade hlKher tlmn yosterdliy , but the lions were primu nnd fully IIH K od as anything that linn come hero In tho'Tast couple of days. Sheep There wort ) 24 cars of sheep on the market pds morning , but the bulk of thorn were feeders , only about U cars of Kooil sheep bolntf ion'sale. . Most of the trains were late In arriving , so the market was slow In opening. Sheep , how ever , were about steady with yesterday. although Chicago came steady to lie ) lower. Thcro were practically no fat lambs offered , consequently theru was nothing to make a test of the market. Koodors woro. In good dumnnd again to day and prices ruled steady to strong for both sheep and lambs. Quotations : Clioleu western trnisa wethoro , JS.75ffl.lX ) : choice grass yearlings , $3.76 1.00 ; cholco owes , $ .l,25iiri.riO : ; fair to good owes , $ .1.00 3.23 ; cull OWOH. $2.EO(3.00 ( ! choice spring lambs , $4.rir4.75 ; fair lo good spring lambs , $ I.Mir4.r ( ; i ; feeder wothtirs , $3.3o < i0 3.CT , ; feeder lambs , KANSAS CITY. Callle Receipts ti.COO : Hloady. Deslr- able natives , $5.60 } Hlookern and feeders. $3.MW4.30 : bulohcr cows and heifers , $3.00 ( fM.SS : oannors. $2. 0ff3.00 ; fed westerns. | { ; wintered Texniisl ' $3.CKf.t85 ( : grass Texans , $3,00 3.35 : calves , $4.0010 5. no. Hogs HecelptH , n.OOfl : active. 2V4(5c ( higher , closed strong. Heavy and mixed , $ : .2.HJir.35i ( light , $3.25 < iK.30 | ; pigs , $1.605 ? Sheep Hocelpts. 2.100 head ; market nominal. Kiit lambs are bringing $4.75 © ! > .r,5 muttons , $3.MJi4.00 ( : stockers and feeders , $3.0iW4.00 : culls , $2.50 < Il3.00. CARRIED A FORTUNE WITH HIM. : W. V. Wnlcott Died nil Triilu With Over ii Iliilf Million In II Ir I'ockot. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. , Oct. 1. W. V. Wolcott of Boston died at St. Vincent's hospital from a stroke of apoplexy sus tained on a Big Foilr train yesterday. Mrs. Wolcott arrived tonight from Bos ton and Miss Camilla S. Wolcott. his daughter , came In this morning from St. Louis. Mr. Wolcott was a native of Onon- dagn , N. Y. , and located In St. Louis about thirty years ago. Ho became a member of the firm of Wolcott & Hume , publluhorn of the Journal and Times nt St. Ixmls and later was president of the Street Car Coupler company. Ho owni'd large Intdroats In Missouri and at his death was senior partner In the banking linn of Wolcott & Co. , with fifMnna * i f fl7 Qtfi t/\ tit * * i\\t Tlnntnti .1 n Wall street , New York. A search of hla effects brought to light the fact that ho carried with him a hu-go fortune. Ho had In his valise $500,000 In gov ernment bonds and about $2,000 In cash on his person. ClilriiRniin Ontfi Contract. CLINTON , Mass. , Oct. 1. MucArthur Bros. , Winston & Sooner of Chicago have been awarded In Boston the con tract for building the Wachusott dam > y the Metropolitan water board , the specified price , which was the lowest , n the list of bidders , bolng $1,003,035. The dam , which will bo ono of the largest In the country , is planned to ! > o 1,800 feet long and 200 feet high , nnd Is to hold In check the waters of the Nashua river , which ftiippllcs the Metropolitan district. The back water will form a lake some six miles In length. nt Tlrn T ln. TIEN TSIN. Sept. 27. Count von Wnldersco and his staff arrived hero at noon today. Guards of honor from all the allies received him at the rail way station , which was decorated with the ( lags of Germany , Russia and Franco. The flags of Great Britain and the other allies were conspicuous by the absence. tint Ulniiin on Hteyn. LONDON , Oct. 1. An Interesting report comes from Komatlpoort to the effect that Mr. Krugcr , In a letter to his wife announcing mat he Is going on a six months' holiday , said , In sub stance , that after the capture of Ma- chadodorp ho knew the struggle was hopeless and counseled moderation , but that Mr. Stoyn's "arbitrary be havior" overruled nm counsel. ' I.lttln Doing N < > r Miinllit. MANILA , Oct. 1. The Filipinos in the vicinity of Manila have been moro quiet than of Jute , although last Wed nesday night there were brisk attacks at Las Plnas and Paranuque , south of Manila , as well as outpost . ring at ImiiH , Bacoor and Muntln Bupa. The American officers are satisfied that the alleged amlgos living In and around : the towns In question participated in these attacks. ICniul Dlri'ftoriVI1I Meet. NEW YORK. Oct. 1. The Mull and Express today prints the following : The directors of the Southern Pacific railroad will hold their rouglar monthly meeting next Thursday , but It Is not llkoly they will select a pres- dent to succeed the late C. P. Hunt- Ington. A report from San Francisco says the presidency was offered by the special committee to H. F. Hun- ' tlngton , the first vlco president , hut that ho declined it. D. Ogden Mills , one of the committee having the se lection of a president in charge said today he knew of no such oiler.