Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 27, 1900, Image 8

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    Is hard enough na
It is. It is to her that
we owe our world ,
nnd everything
should bo ttindc ns
easy ns possible for
her nt the time of
childbirth. This
is just what
will do. It will make
baby's coming easy
and painless , and that without tak
ing dangerous drugs into the sys
tem. It is simply to be applied to
the muscles of tne abdomen. It
penetrates through the skin carry
ing strength nnd elasticity with it.
It strengthens the whole system and
prevents all of the discomforts of
Tbe mother of a plumb babe in
Panama , Mo. , says : " I have used
Mother's Friend nnd can praise it
highly. "
Get Mother's Friend at the
Drug Store , SI per bottle.
The Bradficld Regulator Co. ,
Write for our free illustrated book ,
" Bcforo Baby is Born. "
One Hundred Members nt First Meeting.
A MuKinloy and Uooaevolt league
wan organizud at Anflloy Tuesday
niqhl , with nearly 100 members.
The ofl'niers elected are J. C.Porter ,
president ; T. T. Varnoy , Int vice
president ; John Thornton , 2d vice
president ; Geo. Zahn , secretary ;
Joe Moor , treasurer. The league
decided to organize a marching
olub. W. S , Jjawtou , Onoar Carter
and Dr. W. 11 , Young weio aj
pointed : i corntnitleo to eoouro uni-
lorniH. Of the number enrolled ,
six vol"d ( for Bryan in 1800 , anil
will Hupport Mi'lvinlcy and Itoosc-
volt tula yo r. The olliuerri of the
olub are confident that the enroll-
rnont will reauh 150 by Saturday
night. Ansloy ie one of the banner
republican townships in the county
and the enthusiasm which they are
putting into the campaign Hhould bi
emulated by every towtiHhip in the
county. It would unsure the ro
dcinpiton ot.CiiHter county UIIH
A Hold Up.
Last Friday iiijht passenger train
No 41 wan held up near Woodlawn
by two men. They relieved th
messenger and local sufo of their
valuables , and then allowed the
train to proceed. It was about 12
o'clock at night , and little or no
elUD to the robbers was gained. It
IB HUppourd that they boarded the
train at Lincoln , when they thought
they wire far enough from the city
not to bo apprehended. They made
their way to the engine , and com
pelled the engineer to atop the train.
They then compalled the messenger
to open up the express car to them ,
by shooting into it several times ,
and threatening to blow it up with
dynamite. A shot was iroj at the
conductor , Lvraan , who ventured
out to see why the train had been
stopped Wo have beoa unable to
learn horn uiuoh they obtained , but
it is reported that they did not got
much money , as the way safe was
not molested Ner Hartley , F. II.
I Young and Dick Bryan , of this vi
cinity , were on the train , but no
attempt was made to molest the
passengers. It in thought that the
robbers live in Lincoln.
A Illrthduy
The good neighbors of John
Robinson , of Fleming Vully to the
number of thirty gave him a happy
aupriso Monday night. It was the
oocassion of his sixty third birth
day. They brought with thorn the
necessary refreshments and furnish
ed a tine supper for the entire party.
rlho evening was ploaaontly spent
in * music recitations and social
conversation. A most enjoyable
time was had by all present. As
Mr. Robinson had boon with the
threshing machine all day ho was
little expecting such a crowd to
groi t him in 'Mtho evening at his
homo and ho was wholly taken by
Wo will pay for all tin tobacco
tags one half cent each in trade of
those denominations ( showing small
star printed on under Hide oi tag ) :
Ilorso Shoe , J. T. , Good Luck ,
Cross Bow , Spear Head , Dnimmond ,
Natural Leaf , Star , old Honesty.
J. ( ' . BOWKN , The Grocer.
FouSAi.K A one story cottage
with six largo rooms , pleasant yard ,
and surroundings. IViea $000.
Call on L. J. Gandy or at this
office. 7 lOtf
Some Achieve Greatness ,
While Others Have Greatness
Thrust Upon Them.
It isn't our fault that our New Fall Stock of. Ladies' Wraps is
by far the Greatest Line ever shown in Custer county.
m r
MMH 0)
0) 0)Q. .
o enC
CD i
Q )
Tbeie elegant garments lor tbe young In The handsoiucst line of ladies up-to-date
ks are strictly tbe latest. Our nsb made jackets ever yhown , at prices from $2,90
os lble tbe lowest prices over known. to § 10.
Collnrctts are the chick garment Tor early
fall , a * well UH tliu sensible garment tor
mid winter. All prices. Maku your se
lections curly.
Tlio neatest line of Mlssoi garments ever Alter you bavo become dissatisfied vrltb The prices on these Stylish. MIiBos jack
ebown by any home , It to be found on our inferior kid gloves , try u pulr of our ? 1 et * will surprise you when you consider
couutcru. Kids. Erery pair guaranteed pel feet. tbe make and finish.
We are showing a very beautiful line of
Chlldrons Wraps , tbe newest iblng being
[ .miles Klognnt Crush I'lueli Capos extra In Setts , cloak , hood and muff to match.
and beuvy at ? 6 40 , 7.00 , 0.00. Klegant A look at this line of little novelties will
capes at $5.00,7.40and flO 00. Nont convince you tbat vre are up-to-date , and
cloth and Uouclo Capes at 81.05. 2.50 , 3.00 Unit our clilldreiiB' wraps are par excel
fi.OO and 0.90. lout.
It Isn't Our Fault tnat we are showing a larger stock of Men's youth's and Boys
Clothing than all others , at prices lower than ever before known. 'Twas the Manufacturer's
greed for our cash that put us in possession of this Stock at such prices.
It Isn't Our Fault that we are showing by fnr the largest and only up to date
Stock of Dry Goods , Dress goods , and Shoes , at prices as low and lower than ever known
We want to husk your corn with our 1000 pairs of heavy cotton flannel
HusKing Mits at 5 c a pair. Come early if you want help.
WE SHOULD NOT UE KICKED for selling peed standard dress prints nt 3jjc , nnd all the best full
Standard dress prints nt 5c ; Beat L L Muslins ut 4c ; Hest oil grain Congress nnd Ureedmore plow shoes nt
$1 25 ; Palmer's most exquisite perfumes nt 40c per ounce ; Vaseline Camphor Ice 7c ; Pure vaseline at 4c.
Elegant Damask Portiors at $2 90 to * 5.50 per pair ; n full and complete New line of Men's , Women's and
Ouildrim's Underwear at and below last year's prices. Blankets , comforts , hosiery , Men's furnishing
goods at prices No one dares to meet.
Of course you are going to buy your Carpets , Oil-cloths , Rugs , Lyuoleums window shades'of us ; because
No one moots our prices.
NORTH SIDE. Wilson & Drake ,
RYNO , Nob. , Sept. 25 , 1800.
Wontlipr oool this morning , nearing
tbo ( roat lino.
Stiumnn la outtlDp his alfalfa Deed , of
which bo has a largo crop.
William Oarroll IB on tbe Blclc llai ; It
may terminate in typhoid fever.
Rov. Duller announces n protniotcd
mooting at Custer , commencing on
Thursday night , Oot. 4tb.
El. U. Donncl baa returned from
Lndysmltb , WlsconMn. Ho la favor
ably Impressed wltb tbe country ; anys
they bavo good crops , and farmers arn
prof porous nnd contented.
Letter List.
Following it * the dead letter lUt
for week ending Sept. 'JO , 1000 :
Jai.r. llutter. MM. J. A. Smith.
Jolm Will. MM Maine Morris.
MUi Uruco Standard. Kdwlu Flock.
Parlies calling for the above
pluaho Bay adverlieed.
Half Hates To St. Louis.
See the St. Louis fair. One fair for
Ibo round trip via tbo Uurllngton Route ,
only 817,85 to St. Louis and return.
Tlokela on aulo September 30 to Oot.
D , Inclusive. Utturn limit , October 8 ,
Kor lieketa or further Imtormatlou call
on nearest agent of tbe Burlington
Route , or write J. Francis. Genera
Pitesengur Agent , Omaha.
AbtttraulH compiled promptly am
accurately by tbo Broken Bow Ab
Btract Co. E. Royso , Abstraoter.
F. C. WOItNALL President. J. A. IUIUUS Caehler
. . , . . . ,
A. J. 110UKUT8ON , Vlcc-1'roB. W. U. 11LACKWKLL , ABs't Cashier
Farmers Bank of Custer County ,
Transacts a General Banking Business. County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
Attention. Cattlemen ! '
I have a line section of pasture
land and want at least 100 head of
cattle to pasture. Plenty of water
and salt guaranteed.
FAKM FOH SA.LK At UplonNeb. .
100 acres of good farm land , 80
acres in cultivation , and the rest
fenced in pasture , with throe wiies.
Good four room sod house ; corn
crib and granary , each 12x10 feet ,
connected' Htablo and chicken
house , oto. For particulars call on
J. J. Snyder , Broken Bow , or
Stephen Wilcox , on promises , agio
Fen SALK 353 head of 3.year-
old Hteere , 100 head of yearling
hfliforf ) , four saddle horses , well
broken to cattle ; at our ranch , 18
miles south of Broken Bow.
Lone Tree Cemetery Association.
The members of the Lone Tree
Cemetery Association are hereby
notified that a meeting ot the
association will be hold at Wesley
Chapel , Saturday , October 0. at 2
o'clock p. n . for the purpose of
electing oilioers and for the transac
tion of any other business that may
come before the mooting.
WANTED. Three or four more
boarders. Enquire of Mr * . B. W. K
wards , in Really Block.
Judge II. M. Sullivan will pay a
liberal reward for the return of his
hound that strayed during the fair.
It is an Irifh welt hound , long
shaggy hair , long head burling
downward , lone ; shaggy tail.
, ( New Firm )
Pcftlo & Jolm have atrocl&tcil with them In business .
Mr. Jluslincil , recently of North Carollua , and Imvu added J
to their
A New Slock of ,
< Dry Goods-I
aad Shoes ,
J This IB entirely a Mew Stock , and contains quality and
i variety to salt all. The public Is r > meetcd to call and ecu
J their goods and got prices
J Wholesale nnd Retail
Northeast Corner Kealty lllock , Broken Bow.
A. W.
Hai just received an Invoice of
And n full line of Mould In > of the Intent I'attoriis. and
will mnko 1'icturo KriimcB to order , nuv BZU ! , nt uriccs tlmt
will cult everybody , lirin ; ; In j ou ; ] ilctiirei ) and have them
Went Hide Hciunre , ( liroUen Mo-vv.
I ' " 1111111111"1"1" " ' iii T n Ouster and adjoining counties , In ' " ' " " " " " > ' " " > ' " " " " "J
-L from 80 to i.oou Acre : " ff
J See
TractH.-GOOD PAUM LAND , | O ,
j Seybolt FltOM $4.00 PKU ACKE UP. j Acres (
One section of line pasture land In "
I for Dawton couaty. j for" !
One-halt section In .
- Gosper connty. §
Land. 1,000 acres on Tallin Table. I Sale , i
Ono of the best quarter sections In |
Custer county , four miles eoathuaet " Imj :
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiitiniii ( ) Ulll „
from Broken Uow.wlth rnnnlnt ; water ,
and various other pieces. Alee STOHE BUILDINGS AND LOTS FOK SALE IN
LINCOLN PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TRADE , or will trade part of farm land for
part Lattlo or Cash.
Call ou or address me for particulars , Yours for biz ,
Wholesale and Retail
. .AND. .
Clocks , Pickles ,
Lamps , Extracts ,
Patent Pickling
Medicines ,
Vinegar ,
. Spices.
will not break with heat ,
will not rust or corrode
Tea and Coffee Pots , Boasters , Etc.
Use ttiis "Weire for Health.
It Once Was Lost , "but Uow I Have
Pound it.
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. ' What in the
world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam
moth stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever
hoard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep-
mu pested on what was being offered for sale. They don't
say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
Everybody is invited to call and get my prices.
Remember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First
National Bank.
W. S. SWAN , - - Proprietor.