Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 27, 1900, Image 7

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    Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound is Especially Successful in
Curing this Fatal Woman's Disease.
i ;
Of all the diseases known with which the female organism is afflicted , kidney
disease is the most fatal. In fact , xtplcbs early and correct treatment is ap
plied , the weary patient seldom survives.
Ueing fully'aware of this , Mrs. Pinkham , early in her career , gave ex
haustive study to the subject , and in producing her great remedy for woman's
ills Lydia B. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound was careful to bcc that it
contained the correct combination of herbs which was sure to control that
fatal disease , woman's kidney troubles. The Vegetable Compound acts in har
mony with the laws that govern the entire female system , and _ while there
are many so called remedies for kidney troubles , Lydia E. Piiikham's Vege
table Compound is the only one especially prepared for women.
The following letters will show how marvellously oucccsbful it is :
Aug. G , 1800.
" DEAH Mns. PIKKIIA.M : I am fail
ing very fast , since January have
lost thirty-five or forty pounds. I
have a yellow , muddy complexion ,
feel tired , and have bearing down
pains. Menses have not appeared for
three months ; sometimes I am trou
bled with a white discharge , and I also
have kidney and bladder trouble. . .
I have been this way for a long1 time ,
and feel so raisera'blo I thought I
would write to you , and see if you
could do me any pood. " Miss EDNA
FKEDEIHCK , Troy , Ohio.
Sept. 10 , 1899.
"DEAR Mns. PINKHAM : I have
used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound according to directions ,
and can say I have not felt so well
for years as I do at present. Before
taking your medicine a more miser
able person you never saw. I could
not cat or sleep , and did not care to
talk with any one. I did not enjoy
life at all. Now , I feel so well I can
not be grateful enough for what you
have done for me. You arc Barely a
woman's 'friend. Thanking you a
thousand times , I remain ,
Ever yours
Miss EDNA Funnr-mcrc ,
Troy , Ohio.
"DRAB Mnn. PINKIIAM : I have
taken five bottles of Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound and cannot
praise it enough. I had headaches ,
leucorrhoca , falling of the womb , and
kidney trouble. 1 also had a pain
when'standing or walking , and some
times there seemed to be balls of firfe
in front of mo , so that 1 could not see
for about twenty minutes. Felt as
tired in the morning when I got up
as if I had had no sleep for two weeks.
Had fainting spclls.was down-hearted ,
and would cry. " Mns. UKKTIIA OFEU ,
Second and Clayton Sts. , Chester Pa.
" DEAB Mns. PINKHAM : I cannot
find language to express the terrible
suffering I have had to endure. I had
female trouble ,
also liverstomach ,
kidney , and blad
der trouble. . . .
I tried several doc
tors , also quite a
number of patent
medicines , and had
despaired of ever <
getting well. At
last I concluded to
try Lydia E. Pink-
Compound , and now , thanks to your
medicine , I am a well woman. I can
not praise your medicine too highly
for 1 know it will do all , and even ,
more , than it is recommended to do
I tell every suffering woman about
your Vegetable Compound , and urge
them to try it and see for themselves
what it will do. " MRS. MABV A.
, No. Manchester , Ind.
JIKAVAKD. Wo have deposited with the National City Bank of Lynn , $6000 ,
wWchwill be paid to nny person who can flnf * ( lint the above testimonial lotteie
are not genuine , or were published boforc i talnlng the writer' ? pimcial per
rout worth of
hoe * cnniiiaruil with
< > Uifrniukc Ut 4.OO
to * -,00. Wo are the
Urgftt mtkrri and rctallrn
vl men's | . < OUsnd .1.M ) hoi
Inlhevorld. Wcmikond
icll mere (3.00 ami < 3.iO
ibofi Hun any other two
zaiDufaitureni in the U. S.
111 1H7O. JO
\TVlir do you pay $1 to
$5 for shoes when you
can 1 > J' W.L.Douglas
for $3 and
$3.50 which
VIIn ICHASOV more W I. noticing $3 nnd
J" "Jgnoosnre solil tliminnvntlior ninko Is r
Your dealer ihould keep them i we circ one dealer
ejcluuve talc In each town.
Take no miliilllutc-1 Inilit on havfn ? W. I
Douglaa ihoei with name and priie itamped nn bottom.
11 your dealer will not ftt them for you , n nd direct to
factorr , encloilng price and 2 > c. eitra for carriijte.
titateklndof leather , ilie , and width , plainer c n to .
Our ahoea will reach you anywhere. Catalogue Frte ,
W , L , DOUGUS SHOE CO. , Brockton , Mass.
Stare !
The Wonder
of the Aoe
No Boiling No Cooking
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
It Polishes the Goods
It makes nil garments fresh nnd crisp
no when first bout'ht new.
Try a Sample Package.
You'll like It If you try It.
You'll buy It If you try It.
You'll use It If you try It.
Try it.
Sold by all Grocera ,
That was a remarkable demonstra
tion of what a Mogul can do , that oc
curred on the New York Central the
other day , when engine No. 948 , ono
of the new Moguls , hauled out train
No. ll , the Southwestern Limited ,
made up of two mail cars , five pas
senger coaches and nine Wagner cars ,
sixteen cars In all. The total weight
of the train was 1,832,000 pounds , or
91C tons , nnd the length of the train ,
Including the engine , was 1,212 feet ,
or nearly a quarter of a mile. This
engine made the running time of the
train between New York and Albany ,
143 miles , in three hours and flftcen
There is no railroad in the world
which has a better roadbed , more
skillful engjneors , or better equipment ,
backed by loyal men always alert for
the safety of their passengers , than
the New York Central and Hudson
River Railroad. What road can match
Its corps of men , from President Cal-
laway down the long line of em
ployees , to the humble and faithful
trackmen who watch their sections of
rails through the long hours of the
night and day , In order to safeguard
the lives of the travelers on trains
whirling by their humble shanties ,
many of which nestle closely to the
rails under their guardianship. Edi
torial from the Albany Times-Union.
A great many men who smoke in
this world will also smoke in the
Magnetic Starch is the very nest
laundry starch In the world.
Don't forget to keep to the right
whether riding or walking.
Your clothes will not crack If you
use Magnetic Starch.
Often when a woman shows traces
of genius she jumps over the traces.
tad I CM Can Wear Slioo *
One sire aamllernf ter ubingAlloii's Foot *
Ease , a powder. It makes tight or new-
shoes easy. Cures swollen , hot sweating ,
aching feet , Ingrowing nails , corns nnd
bunions. Alldruygistb nnd shoe btorcB ,
25c. Trial package FREE by mail. Ad
dress Allen S. Olinstod , Lelloy , N.Y.
Don't tell long stories even when
asked to.
Several Powon in Receipt of Notes from
United States Aneht China ;
French , ( lununii I u 1 Kxuslnti Inquiry
Kuch ( Iut Iti PrntHT Itrply I'rfihlrnt
anil Slitto Iriiirtiiirnt Hedge
JMutter with ( Irciit Srcrccy ,
WASHINGTON , Sept. 22. The
United States government has made
full and complete answers to the vari
ous Inquiries that have been addressed
to It by the powers relative to the Chi
nese troubles. Moreover , It hr.s gone
farther and has made a disclosure of
nil Its purposes and as a member of
the administration puts it , U has
thrown its hand open on the table.
The action was taken after the cabinet
meeting today and a luncheon at the
White House that followed served to
reduce the decision to on ultimate
At 3:30 : o'clock Minister Wu called
by appointment upon Acting Secretary
Hill and was handed a memorandum
embodying the response of the United
States government to the request of
Prince Chlng that Mr. Conger or some
other person be Immediately empow
ered to begin negotiations with the
Chinese authorities for a final settle
ment. The minister came away with
n dissatisfied expression upon his face.
Next came M. Thiebaut , the French
charge. A few minutes' conversation
sulllced to Impart to him orally an an
swer to his own verbal Inquiry.
Then Duron Sternberg , the German
charge , who had been notified of the
readiness of the State department to
make answer to the German note , call
ed and was given that answer , lie
hastened away to cable II to his gov
The department then snit the an
swer to the Russian Inquiry forward
ed by messenger and wired cablegrams
containing the substance of the an
swers to its diplomatic representatives
abroad. Thus closed one of the most
interesting and Important phases of
the Chinese entanglement.
The State department absolutely refused -
fused to make any statement as to the
nature of the answers , taking the
ground that to do so would be a violation
lation of the diplomatic proprieties.
However , as it was calculated that all
of these answers will have reached
their destination abroad by tomorrow
It was promised that the text of the
communications should be given to
the press tomorrow forenoon. The
ministers and charges who received
the messages here adopted the &amo
secretive attitude. The piesident him
self , It seems , had given instructions
that every effort should be made to
maintain secrecy In this matter until
the official disclosure.
With all this it is known that the
German proposal that negotiations
with China be deferred until the Chi
nese responsible for the Pekln outrages
have been surrendered to the allies
has failed of approval by our govern
ment. The declination has been con
veyed in a manner that cannot giro
offense , but it is believed that the Uni
ted States government cannot recog
nize the principle that a country may
be called upon to surrender Us own
citizens to a foreign power or , powers ,
for punishment. The gpvernment
does not relinquish the idea of the ul
timate punishment of the offenders
when they are properly identified , but
it does not believe that the pursuit of
this object should put a stop to all ne
Scheme to Help Out the Merclmntu of
the Stricken City.
NEW YORK , Sept. 22. The New
York Credit Men's association has pats-
ed n resolution recommending the ad
visability of the extension of credits
to customers at Galveston who suffered
Joss or whose property has been de
stroyed and s'--jgested the granting of
now credit and further concessions as
may be helpful and necessary to en
able the victims of the Gclveston dis
aster to ve-establish themselves once
M Hunt ; Chung nt Tltn Thin.
TIEN TSIN , Sept. 20. via Shang
hai , Sept. 22. LI Hung Chang has ar
rived here and Is domiciled In his own
yamen , under a Ccssa'ck guard. His
reception here was a repetition of his
reception at Ton Tiu , only the Rus
sians and Japanese calling on him
those of the other nations not taking
part in it.
CliiBH Men May Itemune.
PITTSnURG , Pa. , Sept. 22. The vote
on the proposition of the glass chim
ney manufacturers' conceding an ad
vance of 0 per cent In wages was re .
ceived today and is faboiable to all
acceptance of the increase and all the
factories In the country will resume
operations at once. The resubptlon
will give employment to U.700 skilled
workmen and 12,000 unskilled men.
Montiinii I own IIiiniM.
BOZEMAN. Mont. , Sept. 20. The
town of Belgrade was nearly wiped out
by fire today , and one man , West Ill-
ley , was burned to death. The fire or
iginated In the hotel owned by Rlley
The property loss Is $ l.r .000. Nearly
all the business houses were destroyed
thpro being no fire department or ap
Kimh for Indlun I.iunls ,
TACOMA. Sept. 22. Hundreds of
land seekers are arriving at Brewster.
Okanogan county , to secure locations
in the Colville Indian reservation ,
which will be opened for settlement on
October 10. They are diiefly from
Minnesota , Illinois , Iowa , the Dakotas
and Indiana. Between Republic and
the western boundary of the reserva
tion over 100 land agents are engaged
in locating settlers for from $10 to J50
each. October 10 between 5,000 and
10.000 settlers will swarm over the
reserve to secure possession and set
their stakes.
yuotiitloMH frutn South Oninlin
unit KiitHitR City.
< M5G' shrill it cnjfwyp vb UJ | II 11 vbgluiJU
V'nloii StotkaiilH. . South Omaha.
Tin \vurothnriliy enuUKli eattle heio to-
lay to muki * IA U'Ht or thu liuitltot. but
iniyers took hold tuir.y well ami I'ltluiiHl
"I1 what was 'lore .u built humly inltost
nil arotuul.
There \.en * about II vo ears of corn eat-
Uo fii the miirkol mul packers iMtiRht
tlu'in ui > at JiiHt about HI * inly prices as
iwml with ji-Bterday , There have
ii so few com cattle ( ninlni ; this weolc
i packers huvo not boon able to near
in"it I their wants nml coii-eiucntly | huvo
not l boon very active IUI.MTS of what illil
itrrlvi' . There wi-re oni ) a fi-w fi-eili-rs
huru tutlay and , although it \\iis the last
end of the \\i-ek , they \\cro picked up
ut about stfiuly prlcvtt. The temlency at
tlio luwt eml of thuU'OU Is to buy the
stuff littAiM , an > anl trader * * are afralil
oriielnu obliged to i\my It over , but tills
week the supply has been small slnuo
\\tJnmlny nml prices have not ehaimiHl
HUH h. There weie no western beef rattle
Ineluded In today's .nrrixa'x , so tht-ro
was nothing- make a test of the mar
ket. Thu duinand has been good and
prices strotiK all tliq week for that clnsi
of stulT and It Is safe to say that had
there been any here they would nuvo noli !
satisfactorily. Cows btoiiKbt Just about
steady prices today and the few feeders
that \veit ! ofteted on the market also sold
about steady.
Hogs There were about C.O.X ) hogs on
sale today , and at ) the demand was In
good shape today they all changed hands
ut an early hour. At the opening ; thcro
was a little weak spot and a number of
louda sold a trllle lower than the gen
eral market yesterday , but aside- from
that the market was In Rood shape. H
kept tinning up as the morning pro-
Blessed end the llnnl wjndup was a sh 'Jo
higher than yeslentay s" Echoi'iil market ,
and active. The bulk of the sales fell In
the sumo notches as they did > esterday
and the average price iloes not show
imii-h difference. The range of prices la
not quite as great , the top being $3.30. as
against $5.o5 yesterday , but theie were no
hugs on tlio market today as good as the
load that topped thu market yesterday.
The eXticmo close wa.i very strong , a ,
t.nuy luad of heavy Jiogs selling at J5.30.
Sheip 'I heie was a liberal run of sliecp
n--iu today for thu latU end of 'the wc-ek ,
twi'tity-i'lght cars , or " .Clio head , being on
Mli > . 1'ackers were pretty well tilled up
and for that reason the market today
was \ory dull and weak , l anibs for the
wei-l ; may be ( iiiotcd 2Vuf > Ue lower for the
liotU't' grades and on thu common slulV
the ileeltnc Is still greater. Ohlcago ie-
ports good stuff 7&c lower and commoner
stulT $1.00 lower for the week. Quotations :
Choice western grass wetheis , ll , > < iH.W
choice grass yearlings , M.7.VI/4.UO ; . eholeo
ewes. } ; i.i5 < i'-l.r > 0 ; fair to good ewes. $ .l.0l,6
S.'X ; cull ewes , JJ.SOfi 11.00 ; choleo spilng
lambs , } 5.00f.23 ( ; fair to good spring
lunibs , $ l.75'f(5.0 ; feeder wethers , $3 a
3.DO , feeder lambs , $4.
Cattle Receipts , C.UCO ; market steady to
strong , native steers , $ l.uoii.45 { ; Texas
steels , JiirilbS-CO ; Texas cows , SJ.SMifi.H.'i ;
butcher cows and helfeis , } 'J.H5'y4.75 ;
stockers and feeders. ? 3.xn/4.f / > 0 ; bulls. J2.2. >
fto."o , calves , receipts , 300 ; market steady ,
Hogs Uecelpts 1,000 ; market strong , 5c
higher and active ; bulk of sales , I3.255 | )
,1.35 ; heavy , $5.20iiO. : ; puckers , $ : > . ; ! .VLI >
f.7'4 : ; mixed , $5.2iii5.32 ; light. & .lTCu )
& .37 ; Yorkers. J.3Wl6.37ia ; pigs. $5.05115.25.
Sheet * Heeelpts , 2,000 , market steady ;
s 3.0
UuiiRiirlnn minor nnd Llulu ( ilrl Killed
by Bliotn frniii KliurllT I'OSHO.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Sept. 22.
The tragedy that lias boon looked for
sluce the coal workers' strike wan In
augurated , came suddenly and unex
pectedly at Shenandoab this after
A posse hurriedly gathered togetliei
by Sheriff Toole of Schiiylkill county
to meet an emergency was forced to
fire on a mob that was threatening
workmen on their way boir.e under esc -
c rt. A man and n little girl were In-
staiitly killed nnd seven others fell ,
more or less seriously wounded.
Sheriff Toole lost no time In calling
on the commimder of the National
Guard of Pennsylvania to send troops
to aid him In keeping the peace. After -
ter consultation the state authorities
at Harrlsburs decided at midnight to
send troops to the turbulent region.
ShenandoaYs trouble \vas precipi
tated by the closing of t'.x colllorlas
there this morning , through the ef
forts of strike leaders. More will close
( omorrow as a voluntary art , It Is said ,
on the part of the Heading company.
This is done at the request of Sheriff
Toole , who hopes In this manner to
avoid further rioting. The outfook at
midnight , however , Is dubious , as the
foreigners affected by today's events
are In an ugl.v mood.
Elsewhere in the utrike region every
thing Is 'quiet , although preparations
are making for an outbreak In the
Huzlcton district and armed sheriff's
deputies are much in evidence there.
The Reading company has about dis
continued the sale of coal for future
delivery and tonight's rioting almost
certainly means the shutting off of
' oal production everywhere hi the an
thracite field , temporarily at least.
rlrxt Train for Cliilvmton.
GALVESTON. Tex. , Soft. 22. The
first train arrived here at 0:15 : this
morning. Trains are coming and go
ing slowly , but steadily. More people
are arriving than departing.
The building of the temporary
brldgo two and one-eighth miles long
was one of the most remarkable ac
complishments of construction work In
the history of the world.
The frleght situation will now ail-
just Itself. Martial law ended at noon
Thorp s a big demand for laborers
along the wharf front , afso a great de
mand for stweet cleaning labor.
IiKllun Killed by Iiulliui.
PIERRE , S. D. , Sept. , 22 News was
brought to this place today by Spotted
Bear that while a number of Indians
and helf-breeds were qrarrellng at
Forest City , Iron Moccasin was killed.
Honoslt nnd Iron Moccasin engaged In
a fight , and the former knocked the
latter down with a club and Jumped
upon him. bursting his head open and
killing him instantly.
I n mi no Son's Awful Deed ,
ROXBORO , Mass. , Sept. 22. Tfavltl
Ix-wls Shepard and his wife , an aged
couple who have lived In this town
for many years , were found murdered
in their beds this morning , their
throats having been cut with a knife.
Their son , William P. Shepard , -12
years of age , who has shonn evidences
of insanity for pome time. Is missing ,
and there is reason to believe tbat bo
oommitted the crime whlo mentally
deranged. Mr. Shepard and his w"o
were both about 75 years of ago and
quite well-to-do.
A Dutch Remedy , or How to Malco
Your Own Bittern.
Farmers , LaborlnjniuMi nn ' Every
body , use thusu Hitters for Iho cure of
Dyspepsia , Loss at Appetite , Dizziness ,
lilood Pur I Her , Headache , Kidney nntl
Liver Diseases , A perfect stomach
rcKtilntor. Now IK the Uini ? tonwtht'tn.
On receipt of 30c I'tiitcd States post-
ape stamps I will M'tul Miepai'ltn oiiiul
receipt how to make omBallon Hitters
from SteUctoe's lry } Hitters. A deli
cious flavor , Mndo from Imported
Hoots , Herbs and Ibrrlcs from IIolluiul
mid Uornwny. Ho .vour own doctor
and use tlii'-e Dry Hitters. Henil to
Oeo. (3. yteUeteo , Grand Hnplth , Mich.
For sale by
A great man is seldom taken at his
true value , but lots of others sell out
for more than they are worth.
The Do Laval Cream Separators
have been awarded the GRAND
I'RIZE by the International Jury of
Awards at the PARIS EXPOSITION ,
over many separator exhibits from va
rious countries , the Do Laval superi
ority being unquestionable In every
material respect.
Lessor awards of different grades
of medals , wore made to several other
makes of separators.
The Country club Is made of city
Sweat and fruit adds will not dis
color goods dyed with PUTNAM
Fault Is one thing that may bo
found where there Is no defect.
WP pardon Infidelities , but wo do
not forget them. Mine , tie la Fayette.
Try Magnetic Starch H will last
longer than any other
There will bo 1,522 polling places in
New York city this year.
Use Magnetic Starch it nas no equal.
, DnKuood In IMiioM of Kbony.
The high prlco of ebony has led
American piano makers to UHO dog
wood , stained , oiled and polished , as
a substitute for tlio ebony hitherto
employed for the black keys. The
wood Is cut .into strips and piled up
cob house fashion out of doors until
thoroughly seasoned for use.
A Fargo ( N. D. ) dispatch says : A
heavy frost this morning Damaged late
corn and llax. especially In the north
ern part of the state. Flax was the
dependence of many farmers who lost
their wheat by drouth. The loss on
llax throughout the state will be heavy.
I3I5-I3R Fdrnam St. 0 ta , Nebraska.
$100,000 stock of fi-esh , Mew furniture
Purchased at large discounts for "SPOT CASH , " enables us to offer
better bargains than ever before. We arc now permanently
located in our new building and invite visitors In Omaha
to call and sec our Stock and inspect the very
many BARGAINS we have to offqr
\\'c are Just reoulvliiK a lar o Hhlpmcnl of
Iron licdH. I'urchiiHi'd In many UEIHCH
at k'HH than 'Oc on the dollar , and
commoneliiK Sept. 23rd , we will quote
Hpeclal prices for this balancu of thu
No. fcUU Iron UcdH white enamel trim
med with liniHH canters the reg
ular $ L' . . * > 0 llt'd. } 'urchannl at a grunt
discount , wu will soil for 31.00 any sl/.u.
No. 310 Half UniHH Hod-lower half dead
black flnlth solid brass spindles no
knobs roun'il top a bed made to ro-
tall for J2.S.OO. In the new lot wo lu-
celvetl a InrKo tiuluctlon of tllcse for
Wo also have ( his Hed In all the now Hn-
lnlit'H en moo bronze enameled eloc trie ,
etc. . at the low price of $20.00.
SpeclalH on nil klndH of CouchCH wo man
ufacture these- any wny to pleaoo our
Our No. 242 Velour Couch heHt inako ,
full size 0 feet Ions , 28 IncheH wlilu
any color upliolHterliiK beat canlciH
n couch Bcnerally told for $8.00 now
$5.M ) .
No. It ! IKainono Leather Couch very
liandxomo frame and HtyllHh dcHlKii l'i
upholHterlnK extra IUTRO In width and
loiiKth an exceptional liarKaln at $20.00.
No. 239.J Iilnh 1'olnt has plain center
LoulH XIV. borders very linnilHoinu defer -
for $ SfK ) . At the Hprclnl price. $ S.2.- .
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St ! Paul
rnllwny will soil regular.Homescekors'
Excursion tickets to all points In South
Dakota , at one fare plus ? 2 for tlio
round trip , on September 18 and Oc
tober 2 , 1&00. This will enable parties
to visit the Corn Belt Exposition to bo
bold In Mitchell , S. .D. , September 26
to October , 1900 , Inclusive. This ex
position Is bold to demonstrate tllo
great i ni'iloiilturnl resources , wealth
and possibilities of tbln thriving state.
The exposition. Is hold In a figrgeojjijly
decorated' corn palace which for beauty
can hardly be excelled anj where ib'y n
building of a temporary nature. There
am thousands of acres of cheap lands
left In South Dakota that will' , under
the nrescnt conditions In that state.
rapidly Increase In price , and , tlic hold
ing of this corn palace with Its many
attractions , that both amuse and In
struct , should be an opportunity tbat
all land and Investment seekers
nhoulil embrace.
For further Information apjily to any
ticket agent of the Chicago , Mllwnukso
& St. Paul railway , or address Goo , , II.
lleafford , General Passenger Agent ,
In the United States and Canada
there are JCO,0 M Odd Fellows.
Dropsy ( rented frco by Dr. II. II. Grcon'a
Born , of Atlanta , ( In. Tliu grimttht dropsy
t-peclnllhtHln the woild. Head thulr adver
tisement in another column of this jinpor.
Love requltted IB often nothing but
grateful vanity.
Important to Mothers.
Ex .iiilno cnrt'fiilly every liottlo of CASTOHIA ,
n rafonml mro iuncdy for Infinite anj children ,
nuil sco that It
lli'nr ) ( lie
Slurntmo of
In Uoo For Over ! IO Ycnrt , ,
Tlio Kind You IIiwo Ahvayn Uouelit.
The average youth would rather
come Into a ready made fortune than
to become a toff-innilo nian.
( lit < iut am ) rt'lurn tluil ail. anil
we will fend you thin hlgb
eruilr , Muli urin.l 30.tear
(17 fnlKlit , U. O. l > , , HUtijrtttoiiianil-
nation , If you find It pctfivtly nt-
JHR norhUui tulil Krfjnkfrr il (10.00
lo * 50.00 , pit lh frrlbl til Olt
driillnrBiiiUltrrrl'llrr , glllfcU
nnd fri'lulitclinit-cs. r eb ntthlor
If dlislliflrd la tnr wiy wft will rvlarn four
Mont ; . Coinef rouiplrtn vrlth qulltt'r , pcrewtlrlTcra. bo * >
liin , nrrilim , cuuiic , oil ran rul Inntructlon book , lleau.
tUul notld oak Mlrawrr , ilrop lirud ftiMnot , IIi\fl every
lrn | > roveniont. ICnolot riinnlngr , br > l warklngronnlng
ninrhlni < evrr iilfcrril. HObl WllsilKIU'i : ! , ntluUlK KYuB
IlkAIIIIIIK. "rllf rorfri Hf lotnichln ( l' l.lou . Adilrrii.
A iimmiraotiiriTH' Hiirplun Htock of Huf-
frln HooltcaHLH nml Clilnii CIIBCB.
HoiiKlit at 33 1-3. ncr ct'nt ' illncoiint for
Hpot caul ) , to lie gnlil ilurliiK thu coming
ui'ok at proportloiiiilc illHcoiinlM.
No. S70 Combination UonkriiHc ami Desk ,
( iniirtcr-Kawoil Kolilun otili ( wo
inlrioi-M , H/O | hx4U nnd 12x18 thrco
ilrawt'rs twell front to top draw
er twlwt curving * nml twlBt IIOHIH on
Hlik'H iiuido to Hull lit ? 3S.OO. Special lot
prlco , $ ) .
No. CIO Combination Ilookcnuo and Peak ,
Holld < iuarU'rHnwril Kiildcn onk , live largo
Hhclvi's In ilookcaso IIIIH lillKi ) , roomy
dunk , with biwli'il French plain mirror
top-cijpboard , uiiilOr ir > 8k tllvuly carveil
and well ( InlHlied a ilcnk inado to well
for $ li.OO. ( With the 'Hptcfal lot this one
IH JI.7C. !
Wo have the larfjoHt utock ot these BOodB
over Hliown In umaha thft now ntock
WIIH hoiiKbl low and our prices will in-
teroHt thotio who contrmplate purclms-
IIIK anything In thlavllnu. '
No. C27B Saxony HrimnolH Uico Curtain
n $2.ri,00 Curtain for $13.r,0 , '
No. CIO IlattciilmrK I-acc Curtnln-n regu
lar I2Tj.K ) Curtain nliio special prlco
of $15.10.
lnoo CurlalnH and I'ortlc'r'j-all kinds ot
Urnpery HllkH. utq.
\Vo liavo a blK lut of vooil scat
at 30c each.
We give our stock niinhbor on each piece and the articles mcntbncd may
be ordered by nur.fb' . You are Invited to call qnd see the store , \ybolbcr
Intending to piirelmso or not.
I3I5-I3IZ St. Neb.
Made in Iowa from the finest Iowa
wheat by our patent process , retnov-
iny from the wheat all impurities and
indigestible substances and retaining-
all the- gluten and nitrogenous
( and phosphatic elements which
nn > CM.IOWA us * yakc perfect health , bones and
Not made by the Trust
I Nature's
Good to eat the year 'round by all the family.
Received the diploma at the 1S09 Iowa State Fair over all
competitors. Once tried , always used. Price IS cents for a
two Ib. package. 2 packages 25c. Coupons entitling- you to
valuable prices free in each package.
Margins 2,000'Bu. of Grain Five Cents
Markets In Flno Condition to Mnko Money.
Send for Free Hook , "Successful Speculation. "
J. K. COMSTOCK & CO , , Traders Dldg. , CHICAGO ,