Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 27, 1900, Image 5

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Lias n full line ot
Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet ArtiolcH , etc. Store on
corner of Fifth avenue and Main street , Broken Bow , Nob.
I Commercial Hotel I
Southwest corner Square ,
( I
The Hotel has been refitted and refurnished jj'jjj '
$5 throughout. Sample rooms for Commerical men. Bath } ' * '
HM rooms in connection. Free Bus to aud from all trains. fcij
88 SGT Try us once and you will come again , " © a
. . . . . . . . , , . . .
r'j " - ' * ' 'ii'v'j' * " fi'I' ' " * ' TY " ! * { v'A' " . > " ' ( ' ; < ; : * \---"t.-M va A- * / ! *
! ? ; /e / fei ; ; v ; ; ;
CI1AS. K. FORK , President , Omnba , Neb II. O , liOOKRS , Onshler , llroken Uow
J. M. KIMUEUL1NQ , Vlce-Prcs , Hrokon How. S. II. 1IOTT , Aes't Caxhlcr
. General Banking Business Transacted ,
DiHKOTong :
Chas. E. Ford. J. M.Klmberllng. S. II. Hoyt. U. Q. Kogora. V. B. Cnldwcll
Make a Bpeoialty of loaning money on cattle.
wfep' YI7E v'ANTt ° i E.ay . to the
' W puw ! ° ihat our health
JS l a It ie fairly good , and hav-
t'f,1-s . i . ' IDE ; laid nsido our winter clothes ,
ff. in'rt *
ft r t.
' , ! " taken off our high collar and
iSf-Hi'ii ' with onr eyes turned in the di-
? j"i ! , ! L . rection of businosri , wo are
ready to serve our customers with the beat of LUMBER , LATHS ,
POSTS , in fant ANYTHING usually kept in ft , FIRST CLASS
LUMBER YARD. We make our own SHINGLES and wo know
they are GOOD. We have the FINEST SCREEN DOORS of the
Season. PRICES ! WELL THEY ARE LOW. Oh Fay ! Try our
$4.00 COAL for cooking. Remember
For Nearly Sixty Yerira
The Leading National Family
For Progressive Farmers nnd
An old , stanch tried and true friend of the American People ,
from the Pacific , and the poineer in every movement calculated to
.advance the interest and increase the prosperity of country people
in ever State in the Union.
For every half centuy farmers have followed its instructions in
raising- their crops , and in converting1 them into cash have been
National authority.
If you are interested in "Science and Mechanics" that department
will please and instruct. "Short Stories" will entertain old and
young. "Fashion Articles" will catch the fancy of the ladies , and
"Humorous Illustrations" and items will bring sunshine to your
THE WEEKLY TRIBURK is "The People's Paper for the entire
United States , and contains all important news of the Nation
and World.
Regular suscription price $1.00 per year , but we furnish it
NEW YORK Published Monday , Wednesday and Friday
- TBIBUNBA complete up to-date , daily newspaper
three times a week for busy people who receive their mail oftener
J than once a week.
Contains all striking news features of THE DAILY TRIBUNK up
to the hour of going to press ; and is profusely illustrated.
Regular suscription price $1.50 per year , but we furnish it
Send all orders to
Prosperity in the West.
iebrnska , Kansas , Colorado and the
Dnkotns Toll of Man clous Improve
ments Under McKinloj'a Ad *
S. II. Burnham , President firet
National of Lincoln , Neb ; Says
'Bank deposits have increased
n tbo banks of this city during the
> ant five pears 04 per cent.
"Tbo credit of thie municipality
iaa improved. Wa wore paying flier
ior cent on onr city indebtedness
'our ' years ago , Our bonds are
selling at a premium , at 4 per cent
to-day. There was a largo amount
of floating warrants four year ago ,
while now warrants are cashed on
) rcRontation.
11 Never in the history of this
state has money boon at so low a
rate on good securities as it is at
the present time. Farmers can
borrow all the money they want on
first mortgages on their farms ot D
> er cent interest , while four years
igo U wns difficult for them to got
t at all. Four years ago it was al
most impossible for a business man
to borrow a dollar from any bank
in the City of Lincoln , while to-day
wo ate loaning as low aft 5 percent.
"A very low percentage of
mortgages have been paid , or at
least , a portion refunded at a much
lower rate of interst. The merch
ants and business men in this city ,
almost without an exception , are
making money , and never in the
lii&tory of the city was their a
bettor condition prevailing than at
the present time ,
"Unices I am greatly mistaken ,
there will be a very material change
in the political result in this state
this fall. I make it a point to-talk
with formers cowing from different
precincts , i nd from different BPO-
tions ot the state , and nlmodt with
out an exception they tell me they
know of many in their different
localities who are going to let well
enough alone and vote for Me-
Kinloy. Many of them voted foi
Bryan four years ago The gen
eral feeling here is that the Republi
cans can elect a governor , carry the
legislature , and secure the electoral
vote for MoKiney. ) ' ,
Ira P. Nye , Cashier , First
National Bank , Eureka , Kansas :
Says "Deposits have increased
about 25 per cent.
"Borrowers of five years ago have ,
to a considerable extent , become
lenders of money , Many poisons
practically bankrupt four years ago ,
have been enabled to realize on pro
perty which could not have been
sold in 1806.
"Farm mortgages haveQdooreased
nearly one half since 1890 , Tbe
principal reasoa therefor is the
universal prosperity brought on by
a wise and judicious administration.
"Just four years ago in this
county all the gold and greenbacks
were in reserve and not a dollar of
them circulated. Every package of
bills was looked over and green
backs were sorted out until we had
nothing in circulation but silver
certificates and National Bank cur
rency. Dirioounts were reduced
and reserves piled up. No there is
plenty of both gold and greenbacks
in circulation , weld is paid out
freely with bank credits and fre
quently handed back with a request
for paper money.
"City banks send out gold to
country customers freely
"No attempt to increase reserves
is boiug made and diucounts are
freely made at reduced rates. "
The first National bank of
Gunnison , Colorado , answered
through their attorneys , Brown A
Nourso :
"Tho buhincsH of this part of the
country has vastly itnpioved , under
the republican administration ; wo
are unable to give the exact details ,
but it IH certain that municipal and
other credits have very much im
proved ; both value and much
higher ; many of our local debtors
have been able to pay their debts ,
and some have surplus of funds.
"Our immediate community is
both mining and agriculture , this
county being ono of the varied in
terests ; there are many coal mines
and metalliferous miuco , earning
gold and silver ; their is a largo
stock industry , and farming ( ranch
ing ) is quite an industry. Cattle
are north twice as much as tuoy
ere four years ago , sheep twieo or
three times as much , and hay is
worth throe times as mnoh. Many
ot the farmers or ( ranchmen ) have
paid up mortgages existing of years
ago ; collections are much easier to
make , and merchants have little
trouble in collecting.
"While the silver mines have
boon a great reliance in our section
of the country , moro attention is
now paid to gold mines and other
mining industries , and this part of
the country is prosperous and upon
& sound buiincfis basis , and in our
judgement is moro prosperous at
at the proient time than it has boon
at any time since the early ' 80s ,
during the boom in silver mined.
All of our people are prosperous ,
aud wo think wo , oan safely say
that there is not a laboring man
( who desires labor ) out ot employ
ment in the Slate of Colorado.
The wages paid for all manner of
labor are the highest they have
over been in the Bute. , '
Union National Bank , Grand
Forks , North Dakota :
"Bank deposits in our commun
ity as compared with four years
ago , have shown from 25 to 30 per
cent increase , including both saving *
and come erical accounts.
"The credits of our township
during the last four years have im
proved as a whole 25 per cent.
'About 10 per oout of our local
debtors of four years ago have
become investors and lenders of
' The mw currency has Boemod to
bo already an aid in increasing oiodit
"About 25 per cent of farm
mortgages have been paid off-
"This country is 25 per cent
ahead of four years ago in general
First National Bank , Frago ,
North Dakota :
"The bank deposits in our com
munity show a good increase over
four years ago , running from 20 to
30 per cout ,
"Bonds which had to bo sold ,
bearing G per cent interests four
years ago , need to bear only 4 per
cent now. Our 70 per cent war-
aruts which sold four years ago
five points below par , now sell from
par tel per cent premium. The
new currency lawjiaa already added
a good | dcal to local circulation.
A good many mortgages have beou
paid up since 1800 , some mortgages
which would not in 1800 bo re
new , d at 10 per cent can now bo
renewed at 0 to 7 per oout
' The cheapening of money has
helped out our oity and State
C * L. Olseon , Cashier , Security
Bank of Dakota , Howard , .South
Dakota :
I take much pleasure in informing
you that the deposits of our bank
as compared with four years ago
are now juit 100 per cent larger.
"Tho bonded indebtedness or
School and Civil Township in this
county have boon greatly reduced
during the last four years , I have
not tbo exact figures at hand , but
believe a reduction has boon made
of at least 60 per cent.
"Local debtors of four years ago
in this locality , to the oxtuut of at
least 35 per pent , are now investors
und lenders of money.
' Ten farm mortgages are now
paid off to every ono that goes on
record , while then ( four years ago )
none were paid off , and great
quantities went on record. "
William Solbie , Cashier , Ameri
can National Bank , Deadwood ,
South Dakota :
"This community is not a criter
ion of general prosperity , for gold
raining is our main industry ; and
some of our heaviest savera among
the laboring clasaes have taken
their savings , often considerable
in amount , in going to
Alaska , South Africa , eot. Now
men have ootno in and taken their
places , so that any comparison
would bo misleading.
"Strange it may seem , tbe
general prosperity hau really hurt
this part of the country and killed
Borne low-grado proposition , bo-
flidcs largely reducing dividends ,
unproduotivo properties. This
you can ensy BOO , for our produts
is cold , whiah IB practically the
same value as before ; while coal ,
coke , iron , copper and about all
supplies have doubled in value , or
possibly moro thus increasing opera
ting expenses enormously ,
"In the agricultural district
round us , however , the change has
been very marked. A great many
debts have been paid off , and the
bank deposits huyo nbout doubted.
I was talking today with a loading
populist of this locality , who used
to bo a republican. Ho is going
to vote for MuKinloy this time , and
there are lots moro like him. IU >
sayn Mi-Kiuloy could not have done
anything else than what ho has
done in our fcroign relations , and
that he has managed things as well
as anyone could have done. Soiuo
mistakes have boon made , hut
everyone makes some. Ho says
the ailvur question is dead as long
as the bianco of trade is coming
our way. lip is quitoa representa
tive man , aud speaks for a largo
element of Bryan spportors of
1800 in this community. "
Now Is The Tlmo To Subscribe.
The State and National campaign
for 1000 is now on. Every body
should keep posted. The National
campaign at > well as the state's bids
fair to be both exciting and interest
ing. No body who has any inter
est in the result of the campaign
should bo without , a county and
state paper In order that every
citizous in Custor county may keep
posted , wo have decided to make a
special price on UiuKKPunuoANHoan
put it within the roach of ovorbody.
To all uuw subscribers as well as to
all who pay up arroargos wo will fur
nish the RtruiiuoAN for 25 cents to
the first of .January 1001 , nr tlio
RKPUUMOAN aud State Journal to
Jon. lut 1001 for 50 ; the Hew York
Tribune or Bee and Rui'uiiuoAN for
05 cents to January 1st 1001. Kansas
City Journal and UUPUIIUOAN t > 0
A Good Thing.
Our Groat-Grondinothor'H
- garret
containing the same , herbs of all
healing found in Karl's Clover root
tea. They gave our ancoHtoi
strength , kept the blood pure , oiul
will do the same for yon if you Hay
so. Prioo 25 ots. and 50 cts. Sold
by J. G Haoborlo.
Free Complexion licauttlllcr
Wo want every lady it-adur of thu
RUPDIILIOAN to try Dwight'ri Com
plexion Beautifier , the mont exqui
site toilet preparation. It is pure
and harmloHHmakes the face smooth
as velvet and fair as alabaster. To
induoo a fair trial of it wo will for
a short time only send FKUIC a full
size , Fifty cent box to evury lady
who will pend us bur post office ad
dress silver dime to pay for packing
and postage. Only one PIIKK box to
each address but ladies may order
for their friends. Each box mailed
separately. Send this notice and
your order at ONCK to D. W. CUSTICK
ACo. , Huntington W , . Va.
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaba , Helena ,
ChlciRO. liutte ,
Ut. Joseph , Portland ,
Kaneae City , Halt Inko City ,
bt. Lonli , and all Han Franclrco ,
polnti eait and south. and all points west.
No. 43 Veitlbulud extent dally , Lincoln , Oinn
ba , St. Joseph. Kansas City , ht , LouU , Chicago
cage and all pilots cuat und noutb. . . 10 21 pin
No. 44 Local ezprees dally , Lincoln , Omaha ,
Bt. Joiepb , Kansoa City , Bt , Lnulr , Cl'lcjitro '
and all points east uud south . Oi.'Oam
No. 40-F.clnbt dally , Uavennn , Grand Inland ,
Aurora , Seward and Ltu < oln . OoOmn
No , 48 FrelgbU dally except Sumlny , Huvcmm
and lut ruii.dlUo i > olnte , . 1 16 pm
No. 41 Vestlbulod oxprets dally , Helena , Beat-
tie , Drtto , Portland and all 1'aclfic Const
point * . 414am
No. 43 Local expreis dally , lilnck Hllli and
Intermediate points . 4 63 pin
No , 45 Freight dally , Anielmo , llulsoy , Scncct ,
Whitman aud Alliance . 1068am
No. 'U Freight , dally except Hundny ,
and Intoruirdlate polnti. . . , , , . 1:35 : pin
Hlooplne , dlLlug and reclinlnK chair cars ( neat
free ) on through iralnn. Tlckes sold nnd bK >
KBUO checked to any point In thj United Stiiten
and Canada.
No. 48 baa merohtndlae cars Tuesdays , Thur -
days and Utturdays.
No. 45 will carry passengers for Anselmo , Ha !
ley , Heneca , Wbltmun und Alliance.
No , 46 will carry passer j-w ( or Haveun
Orand Icland , Howard and Lincoln ,
Information , rnupe , lime tables and ticket
call on or write to 11. L. Ornisby , agent , or J
Franch , Q. 1' . A. , Omuhv , Nobnuikn.
11. L. Uimeur , Auont.
Pouch for west will clouu at U p. 111 , except
Sunday when It will clone at 7pm ,
I'oacb , nast ( or train No. 43 cloH a at 6,30 n m
and tot No. 44 cloies at , 11 a in. Mall for Ansley
and polnta east of Grand Island Curried on train
No. 41.
Oconto via of llyno acd Tuckerrllle , dally ex
cept Snuday closes , at 7 a in : ruturnliiK name day
Callaway tla , Mc'Klnley dally except bunilny
clones at ? a m , rctnrulntname day.
Hound Valley via Urern and. Ultun cloiu ul7 H
in , Uouda ) , Weducidy and Fridays , returning
saice day.
Humner via Qurnsey , Uvorgetotrn and Uptou
arrrlven at 11 'M , Tucrday Tuursdnjr aud aatur
day , r turnluK leavei ut 12,30 sauiii day.
Oaloihouru from 8.Uu mloB.dO n m Sun
day 8,30 to 9.80 a. tu , Lobby open week days trom
7a ia to.8 p m , L , II. JKWBTT , l'M ,
U. S. Land Oiiiee ,
1MI , YOUNG. . . . - fleecier
Land Onion nt llrodnn How N < il > rn L
Soptrmbor 18,1900. f
Notlco it hereby I'lrcn tliat the following-
HAinctl fcttlcr linn fllcil notice of hid Intention &
mate fliml proof In support of Itla claim , anil that
'Mil proof will lie Hindu before Itoglator and
} cclvernt llrokcn How Nebr. , on October W ,
IUA H. Hlt'UOUVANT , of Genet , Nobr. , for
II. H. No. 7Kl , lot | , Sic. an. T SO N. , U. 81 west ,
ftiiil loin , 3 , ntiUBi < .WswUSoo. 30 , T. 20 N ,
H. 'M wo t.
Ho tiniiic * tliofollouliiKttltiicncitto proro Ills
roiillnuons residence upon nml cultlratlon of Bald
Innil , ylr.t Cnnrlos freeman of Surgent , Nebr. ,
Monroe Frcpinnn nml Jnmcn Fnrloy , of Oonot ,
Nebr . nmlVllllfim A. Htimlorniit , of llroktn
How , Moor. JAMI s Wufrmiiui ) , Hoglstor.
Land onicc nt Ilrokon How Nebr. , I
Sept. IHtu,1000. f
Notice l Itercliv ulton Hut tlio following
nninoil fotllcr Ima tiled nollco nf Ills InUiutlon to
make Him I proot In tupport of hi * clnlm , nml
tlmlBMil proof wIII bn nimlo lioforo UoKltttor and
I i-co vcr. at llrokim How , Null , on Oct. Sfllh ,
lud ) , vl/
DAVID II. ALPl'AtlflIi.fIlrokcnIlow. ) Nob. ,
for 11. K. No. 700 , ii X Hoc. la , T 1H N , Itiil W.
Ho i mm' § tlio follou Ing wltnuJKCH to prove lilt
cnntlnuoiiH reelilrnco upon ml ciilllvntlon of
snlil Iftiulla : William J-prlni-ntiilio , Mlko
Sotwlon , KHJnh Hunch nml LnmboitVnrrlug , nil
of llroken How , Nubr.
D-Ol JAMK8 WHITKHKAD , Uogletcr.
U S , Lnml Omco , llroken How , Ni-br. , >
Sept. 18 , 1000. f
Notice Is hernliy Riven thut tlio follnwlng-namcd
BCIllor Imn llleil notlco of Ms Intontlon lo iiiako
uiml proof In B I po t of Ills clnlm , nnd tlmt said
proof will ho nmilo Muro Hcicl'U'r ami Hocolvcr ,
nt llroken How , Ndi , on October S7,1000 , viss :
KLDOUADO KlNNI5ll , of llruken How , Neb ,
fJf | " . .KN" . BIO , siisoH1. swM , dec. ' . ' 4 , T
( !
o IN11C * it i
Ilo immi'n tlio following \\ltnoHfnfl to prove hi *
contlnuoiiH runliloiicu upon ntid cultivation of Bnld
Iniul , tlz : T.V. . AIi > M.ionrKo Myur * nml Os
car 1'ortor , of ( Ircon , Nebr , , nml Hnrvoy Uaugh.
crty , of Hrokun How , Nolir
sopVOUt JAMICS WllU'KHUAl ) , lloglstor.
Uuntvr Comity ,
In county court , before .I A. Armour , Judge ,
In tlio iiinltor of tlio uitnto of John F. Cojner ,
ilcccnacd. To ttio creditor' nnd bolrn and to all
who ere Intorotttrd In the etlatn of John F. Cos-
nor , ( ljoem > c l : Tuko notlco tlmt A. It , Cotntr ,
nilmlnUtrntor of tlio nforcBiilil vatnto , tins fll l a
roportof his doliiK'rt no micli , nml nskB that th
8MHU bo npprovul , and Hint tic no illrchnrged
from further olillKUtlon ( lieri'ln , nml that tbo
county Jmlfio mnko finch onlor in to the distribu
tion of tlio nimutH liulonKlni ; to suld t'ttnto m may
HCom JUKI mid viiiiltnblo , nnd to iii-dun the dower
of tlio widow liuroln , lUMlgnato the heirs entitled
o n Bliuro In salil estate , nml to grant Bach othci
relict ltd may bt < doomed nccoi-snry In tbe final
pultlrracnt of H ld UMtito Snld inuttor 1ms been
et for hearing on the luth day nf October , 1000 , at
0 o'clock n. m , , nt the county court room. In
Irokon How , Nubr skint which tiino nnd iilnco
all pnrtlos Interestud may iippciu and bo ficard
conutTnlnj' the cniuu. Dated thU 17th day of
Koptombcr , IPUO.
6M-lt ! J. . \ . AHMOUU.Co. Judge. .
Notice of Sulc Under Chattel
Notlco 1 licrrbv itlvi'ii tlmt bv virtue of n chat
tel tuortgago , ilalod Alurch 1st , I80H , nnd duly nied
Tor record In the olllco of thu county oloik , ot
Cnsti'r county , N'nliriiclUKUI Olli , 1IKK ) . ktid
Klven by Win. llnulliurn , F M. Hllllngr itnd O.
0. Montgomery , ( in tlm following ( Inscribed
iirnporty , to-wtt : Ouu J I Cnec Hopnrntor , No.
1M74A , cnmi > leti < ; onu buy none nix years old , on *
grny luiriii tvn yenrHohl , 01 ororrolirnro ten > ears
old , one inouno colored niulx tun yonra old , to fO-
cure tin payment of their t\\o certtilii promissory
notcH , ono for tlio Hum ot SI 10. nnd one for tlio
BUIII of ( I3ilu0 , ' ili due Jin.imry l t , 1HJ' ) , and
cuoli drnulng eight per cum Inloroi-t pur tiimuiu.
Hald noten and mortgnt-'D glvnn lo tlio fuld J. I ,
I'nso Threi < liliiK Muchlmi Coiiiininy , nnd by It duly
iisulgned to H I1 HloH . u no In now tno owner nml
holiler of thu came , nmlMI befuiothu maturity
of raid noUm Di'fiinlt buvlng heun mnilo In thn
pajiiiuiit of Miilil notes , nnd tbi'ro bolng now duv
il eruon tbu i < lild HUM of J'7l'0ltli ulgtit pur
cunt Interest ihureon from thu li t iluy of Mnrcb ,
18118 , the Mid ntrlgnco will ollor the nbo o do-
fcrlbnd propo t ) nt public snle , nt therunr of tha
ftoreroom now ocoiiplrd by I ) . \V , TliompHon , la
Hrokun How. Nebr. , on S.iturdny , the 'd day of
feptcinbiT. IIK ) , ut U o'clock p. m otaid dayto
tbu hlKhint b.diler . for each In hiiml , to eiiltsfy tbo
paid nolim ami InteruBt , TnKcn as the property
of Iho fiild Win. llrnilbnrn , K. M. Hilling * mid U.
( J. Montgomery , nnd In fnvor of the tmld 8. C ,
HloKH. IMIod nt Hrokcii How. Nobruaka. thin
li'Jtti day ( if Angtlitt. 1000. H. C , HLOHd ,
' lly hln Attorney , Alplm Morgnn.
CoiitCHt N llce.
L' H I.iuid OlUcu , Ilrokon How , N'onr. , I
.1 uly S8 , 1000. f
A HUinclont content ntlldavlt hnvlng been tiled
In this olllco by Clmilcn U , Vogcl , contpstnnt ,
Kgalnat timber cultnro entry No. H'L'7. mnilo
March t4th ! , 1W ( ! , for H'I mvMi ' "id n'j swU , SL'C.
L"0 , twp 17north , rgo'JI went , by John U Van *
Fleet , contoatoo , In which It In alleged tlmt tlio
nnld VauFleet has fulled to lirenk , cultivate mid
plnnt to truce , tree needs , nuts or cutting ) * , ton
iicrcn of mid tract us required by law ; unit no
replanting tins buori done on wild tract for moro
than HCTOII yenrr Inot putt ; that Bald entry Is
dovold of n growth ot trees , nnd no iittcmpt bus
been miulo by I bo raid VanFluet to promote u
growth of trees thereon elnco limiting ot mild
entry ; that ald entry has been nti.mdoncd for
more than ton jcnre , niid thnt ull the dulectn 1-
luged herein cxpt | nt thin dulc .Said parties are
hereby notlUed lo appunr , nuoiiil : nd olfor
evidence touching mill nlli't-iilloii nt 10 o'clock A.
in , , on Sipt' 17 , 1WX ) , licrorii the n-gli'tnr nnd re
ceiver , at Urn U H , land olllco , In tlrokun How ,
Nubrnakn. I'lio paid umlcHtnnt Imvlng , In a
proper ulllihvll , Hied JIIIKI U ) , 1000 , net forth
facU wMch tdiow IhutnilurdUodllUcnce personal
service of thlx notice ciinnot bu made , It U hereby
ordend and directed tlmt such nutico Do given
by duo and proper publication ,
fiiANu 11 YOUNII. Htccher.
In the district court of ruetiT county , Nubr.
In thu mutter ofOloJ. i ulby , deccnHod , Order
to ahow uilupe. The cnllnu cnmo on for hearing
upon ttiO no Itlou of M Wurilngton , udmluls-
tnitor of tliu oftate of Ole J. Ketby , dcccapid ,
prnylufor [ llcenao tojell tli" following real os-
late , to-wlt : H'j i-t'Viinnl c't ' BW > { , oft-c'CH , mid
the llV'j iiv/if , Hnd li'i tn > U , of Si > u. 17 , nil Intowu
Kl N , of H. 17 U' , In i natur ( .oiinty , Nubr. , or a
nulUclont ninonnt ihuriof to tin intlio i-uin of
$5V , for the payment of d ht > ugalnst Biiltl ostntu ,
and HID furthur KUIII of 15' ' ) , fidd f uni being n
monthly allowunco of $ | i ) per month to i urrlo
Kstby , the wlilow o' Ole I Kaiby , deceased , and
tbi ! COHIH of nOmlnl-trnU > n , there not beingnufll-
clcnt personal | ir pirly to pay thx xuld debts and
uxpenHU ! ) . U 1 the vtoio ordered that ull pcreoiu
IntureBtfd in mid entntt appear lit fore inu m the
court hoii o in Hiulien H"W , Nebr , on tbe 10th
iluy of October , 1000. t 10 o'c look a ra to enow
cnuhe wh > mid Ikciipo nhould be grunted to raid
adinlnli-tnilor tu soil HO nnicli uf tin rial etluteof
Hnlil di'cuni'od n Hhiill i > u nui-oHpary to pay mid
( lubin und i-xpenauH. Dated tlitn liili ) .mv of tep-
lember , l0. HUMUIl iM SULLIVAN.
f'M U Judge District Court
J , J , SNYDER ,
Notary Public
ami Juetlcit nf tbo I'cnce. Nmclal nttcntloa t'lr-
cn lo collections , lfioltlona | UU-n , panBlon
vouchers nuntly nxuculuil nnd nil kinds ot legal
pattern nrlti'ii OIllc ucat nhlu rquaro ,
Hrokun lluvr , Ncl > .
oiis89 lua'ty ' nl.iqk Urokun Dow , Neb.
Limcl Counter ,
E rnal'.oy , Prop'r.
All kinds if soft drinks. Best
brand of citar.- ; . lot building east
of Farinen bans.