Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 20, 1900, Image 8

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    , JVctu Governor of Maine.
John F. Hill , who will bo the next
governor of Maine , IB ono of the few
phyelclalns of the country who have
entered or have boon successful In the
political field. Ho abandoned practices
many years ago to become a publisher.
Ho was born only forty years ago at
Eliot , Mo. , and was educated at the
South Berwick academy. Ho after
ward studied medicine and took his
dcgrco of M. D. from Bnwdoln Medical
school. After he made a success of
his publishing business Dr. Hill In
vested his profits In Industrial enter
prises In his own Btate. Ho Is inter
ested In several electric railway plants
nnd Is a director In a number of them.
Ho is ono of the developers of Augus
ta's big shoo factory and Is the builder
nnd owner of numerous valuable busi
ness blocks In the same town. Hln ca
reer In the legislature has extended
ever eight years , and because of his
activities in that body ho became well
known in the state.
Lighting Uotetns in Scotland.
The question of light Is still agitat
ing Eovoral of the chief towns of Scot
land. Dalkolth proposes to have the
town lighted by electricity , which , It
is claimed , can bo furnished cheaper
than gas. At present the gas costs 4a
per 1,000 feet , while It Is claimed oloc-
trlc lights of the same luntor can bo
furnished for 2s. Perth Is also talking
of electricity , and wants to borrow
50.000 for introducing It into the
town , and also JCGO.OdO for procuring
bettor gas. The town has not yet got
the power to borrow the money , but it
la expected they will bo granted.
Ex-Secretary John Sherman has sold
bin property in Mansfield , 0. , and will
leave there , with his daughter , Mrs.
J. I. McCallum , for Washington , where
lie will make his homo. Ills Mansfield
property , which includes several acres
in the residence portion of the city ,
has been laid out In lots.
Waldcrsoa's Mission.
Europe Is making much mystery out
of Count von Waldersco's mission to
China. It is said that ho boars special
and secret Instructions from the em
peror , and the Paris Figaro Is deeply
concerned about William's "Inten
tions , " which , it Bays , will only ap
pear when th'i German gunoralisslnio
arrives nt Pekln. It is thU mystery
surrounding Von WnldeiH'o whlcli
innkcs the International situation in
China nt the present tlmo ono of very
great tonally. A Berlin Journal says
the emperor has declared that the
German troops will not luavo Pokln If
It becomes necessary to mobilize every
corps In the German army. On the
other hand , there nro some who pretend
tend to know that the czar ia well ac
quainted with the kaiser's plans. In
formation of which has bcon convoyed
to the Russian ambassador by Count
von Buolow. Meanwhile the allies
must await the arrival of the great
Gorman strategist , whoso presence will
go far to clarify the situation.
Judging from the remarkable growth
of Portland , Oregon , has gained decld-
idly In population and in wealth dur
ing the last decade. The city had 40-
385 inhabitants In 1890. It has 90-126
now. This la a gain of 91.95 per cent ,
and is the largest percentage yet re
corded with the exception of that of
Atlantic City.
Heads Work of "Relief.
Governor Joseph D. Sayera of Texas ,
who has general supervision of the
movement throughout the country for
the relief of the sufferers In the big
storm , Is a Mlsslsslpplan who removed
to Texas aa a child. lie was educated
in the Btato , fought in the confederate
army , and was several times wounded ,
studied law , nnd In 1878 was elected
lieutenant governor. Ho was first
elected to congress in 1884 , and was
returned until his recent election as
governor. lie is fifty-nine years old.
In Lanman's biographical annals of
congress Governor Sayers is given nn
unusually long notice.
Canada is beginning to rcalizo that
however great the timber resources of
a country may bo they arc not Inex
haustible. The United States is but
now coming to a realization of the
same fact , and as a result the extinc
tion of the timber supply is threatened
and afforestation has proceeded slow
ly. The northern forests of the Do
minion of Canada stretch northward
3,700 miles. A now forestry associa
tion Just organized at Ottawa Is arous
ing public sentiment against the
wasteful destruction of those vast for
ests and It haa been promised the co
operation of the Canadian minister of
the Interior. If the Canadians are wlso
they will set apart a certain portion of
their timber as a forest reserve and
also will take steps to provide for the
replenishing of that which is de
"Drops Jfctuspapcr
Joel Chandler Harris hns resigned
his position as the loading editorial
writer on the staff of the Atlanta Con
stitution , and will hereafter devote his
entire time to literature. The an
nouncement of his retirement from
journalism has created a genuine sen-
satlon all ever the south , but his
'Honda ' and admirers all agree that It
s a wlso atop and will be profitable
and helpful to him in many ways.
For many years Mr. Harris haa boon
contemplating this change. Various
publishers made him tempting offers ,
but Journalism , llko the tar baby of
his folk-loro talcs , held him fast , and
ho could not tear himself loose.
Recently ho has received so many
orders for literary work that ho decid
ed to leave the newspaper with which
ho haa been Identified for a quarter of
a century and which ho haa done ao
much to build up.
The Belgian hare as a fad la a thing
of the past. The craze Is over and
now the dangers lurking In It are be
ginning to suggest themselves serious
ly to the public mind. It Is realized
that an animal possessed of such won
derful fecundity la liable to become a
destructive pest If It escapes from cap
tivity. Repressive legislation Is , there
fore deemed necessary. The board of
supervisors of San Diego county ,
( Cal. ) , haa taken the initiative by
passing an ordinance prohibiting the
liberation of a Belgian hare or permit
ting ono that may have escaped to re
main at largo or unconflncd.
A Famous Lighthouse.
The most famous lighthouse on the
Pacific coast la that of Tlllamook
Rock , 70 miles south of the mouth of
the Columbia ilvor , Oregon. The rock
la 92 feet above the sea , yet at the
tlmo Mr. Lord made ono of his photo
graphs a wave was breaking through
a crevasse and hurling Its spray high
er than the summit. On this day It
was too rough for the Columbine's
boat to make a landing. Coal for the
station had to bo hoisted In net slings.
Michael T Family , late legal advis
er to President Krugor , from whose
pen la announced a work on the "Set
tlement In South Africa After the
War , " Is an Irishman who commenced
his career at Trinity college , Dublin ,
whtro ho gained many honors.
Wutselcy to
Ills friends Bay that BO disgusted Is
ho by the mlBmnimgomont of Eng
land's innttora military In South Af
rica and China ,
Unit world famous
general , F 1 o 1 d
Marshal Lord Wol-
Bcley , has announc
ed his intention of
retiring from his
proud position as
c o in in a n d o r InF
chief of the Briti
forces. There
those who are un-p
kind enough to'
suggest that Lord
Wolseloy has been
requested to quit
In order that the
equally famous
"Bobs , " the well-
beloved of the
British soldiery
can assume the Lord Wolseloy.
leadership of England's armies. This
llkencs of the present field marshal Is
from his latest photograph.
King Philip of Macedon removed one
of his Judges because the man dyed hla
hair and beard. "I could not think , "
ho said , "one that was faithless In his
hair could bo trusty In his doedo , "
A close observer was Colonel Carr , a
war veteran and a veteran journalist.
It was his pot diversion to notice
critically the color of men's hair and
whiskers , and he often quoted those
words : "I would not trust that man
were ho my brother , whoso hair one
color Is , his beard another. " This re
ferred to natural color. Undoubtedly
a great many men shave off their
beard In order to bo above suspicion.
New York Press.
Woman Mail Carrier.
The distinction Is claimed for Miss
Sarah M. Burke , of St. Johns , Ariz. ,
that she Is the only woman mall car
rier In the country , and certainly the
only woman who regularly carries the
malls over moro
than fifty miles of
wild territory , pop
ulated only by wild
Indians and wild
M 1 3 s B u r k o's
I route lies between
St. Johns and Jim-
town , Arlz.and the
distance Is flfty-
two miles each
Miss Burke. way. Every week ,
mounted on a fast
pony and carrying a couple of revolv
ers for her protection , she makes two
round trips. She wears a short skirt
of blue serge , a corduroy jacket , and
heavy leather legglns , and has never
been attacked or molested In any way.
Each week she rides an average of 208
miles on horseback , and she always
rides alone except when a prospector
or cattle buyer takes the cross coun
try trail with her. Her route loads
through a country so covered with
rocks that practically no vegetation
can grow.
jDorn and LitJinff Minus "Ribs.
Remarkable among anatomical won
ders Is the case of Francisco Brash-
ella , which has just been brought to
the attention of the surgeons of one of
the great hospitals of Continental Eu
rope. Brashella's claim to distinction
( says a writer In Science Sittings )
lies in the fact that ho was born mi
nus three ribs on the right side over
the lung , and has retched the ago of
42 years without the supposed to bo
necessary bony protectors. Ho is an
Italian , and Is engaged In the fruit
business , but his "misfortune" is real
ly of no trouble to him.
It might be well to consider the ad
visability of imposing a soTero penal
ty for the careless handling of firearms
when such carelessness results in
death or Injury. The number of
"dldn't-lcnow-lt-was-loaded" accidents
la alarming. The man who , carelessly
handling a gun or pistol , shoots and
kills his friend is to bo pitied , but ho
Is likewise to bo blamed. Every man
knows or should know the peril in
volved in what is commonly known as
"fooling" with firearms. If ho tempts
that peril with results fatal to Inno
cent people ho should bo punished ,
not only as a chastisement to himself ,
but as a warning to others.
Mechanical Man.
Louis Porew of Tonawanda , N. Y. ,
has been trying for nine years to make
a man. At last he has succeeded. Hid
man stands 7 foot
8 inches high and s - , . , ,
is as strong as
steel rods and
wires can make It.
The man wears a
special suit of
clothes , made to
order because of
Its great size , and
Its wax face is as
natural as such
things over arc.
W h o n properly
wound up and connected with an sn-
glno the man can walk at a great rate
of speed and can pull a heavy loaJ behind -
hind It , It is in this way that Mr
Perow proposes to make his Indention
useful us well as ornamental.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles "iVatsou of
Jackson township , DeKalb county ,
Ind. , have lived on one farm for sixty
years. They have just been celebrat
ing the sixty-first anniversary n :
their weddlns.
H. "B. 'Ofelsh
CHAPTER III. ( Continued. )
They talked for a little about the
reception , about the last new book ,
the most recent concert. Then Iss
Lennox said , half carelejjly :
"By the way , Mr. Dalton told mo
an interesting story about having seen
you on Westminster bridge with n
girl a bare-headed girl , ho said
about one o'clock In the morning. It.
was some poor girl you wore befriend
ing , I suppose ? Do tell mo all about
her. It sounds so romantic. "
Enderby laughed rather uneasily.
"Yes , she was a girl whom I thought
I could help , but I can toll you no
moro about her , Miss Lennox. I am
under a promise to her. "
Miss Lennox's purple-gray eyes 5-
garded him for a moment as if in
sheer astonishment. Then she said ,
in her soft , caressing tones :
"You can trust me surely , Mr. En
derby ? I am a woman ; if the poor
girl requires help , surely I could give
it , if not more effectually , perhaps ,
at least , more well , naturally than
you. " She smiled right into his eyes ,
her enchanting , friendly smile. "You
see , a woman always understands a
woman better than a man. And surely
you will let mo take this much of a
shnre In your life and HH work. "
"You know that there is nothing
on earth I desire moro than that , Miss
" said little hoarse
Lennox , Endorby , a
ly. "But I am afraid this is a matter
In which neither of us can do any
thing. I have given my promise. You
would not ask me , I am sure , to break
It. "
"No , no ! " Cecil smiled again into
his eyes ; "but I see you have no con
fidence In me as being one whit better
than the rest of my sex , Mr. Enderby.
If you had , you would trust me with
this secret. But lot us change this
subject ; after all it cannot concern
me In the least. I only thought I
might be of some service to you. "
The subject dropped , but Enderby
was conscious of an almost impercep
tible change in the atmosphere. Cecil
was as caressing , as fascinating as
over In her manner ; but there was a
feeling as of some barrier that had
risen between them in Enderby's mind.
He could not utter now the words
that ho had almost dared to think ho
might speak , and not bo said nay to.
Ho was about to leave when the en
trance of Sir Henry Lennox himself
compelled him to wait a little longer.
Sir Henry was a man looked upon
with a respect approaching to rever
ence by the younger members of the
Bar. Ho was a stately and fine look
ing man still , on the right side of fif
ty , and ho was considered ono of the
shining lights of his profession.
Paul Enderby , the rising young bar
rister , was a favorite with Sir Henry ,
and the latter had always made him
welcome at his West End mansion.
Besides that , Enderby had several
times visited at Sir Henry's place in
the country the beautiful property
of Courtwyse. from which Sir Henry
derived his wealth.
Ho looked rather careworn and
anxious today , and Enderby conclud
ed ho had some unusually trying case
on hand.
"Ah , Enderby , glad to see you ! ' ' ho
said , extending his hand in a friendly
manner. After a few minutes desul
tory conversation , he turned to his
daughter. "My dear , I expect a gen
tleman to dinner tonight ; perhaps
Mr. Enderby would remain and make
a fourth ? "
Paul began some excuse. Ho was
not In evening dress , and the rules of
society were always strictly obaervcd
by Sir Henry.
"Never mind , " said the latter , as if
guessing Endorby's reason. "Or , If
you care to do so , you can leave us
now , and come back for dinner. I
wish you particularly to stop. I
should llko you to meet Doctor Lyn
don ; ho is an exceedingly clever man ,
and a specialist on the most interest
ing of all medical studies brain dis
eases. "
Endorby started. Doctor Lyndon !
As in a flash ho remembered the
name. In that moment ho determin
ed to meet the man.
"I shall como with much pleasure , "
1 said , "if you will allo\v mo to do
as you have suggested. "
Ho felt strangely unsettled , vaguely
apprehensive , as no returned to tno
'Lennoxes ' In the evening. Oddly
enough it was less of Cecil Lennox ho
was thinking than of the man ho was
going to meet. Who and what was
ho ? There was really nothing singu
lar In the fact that Sir Henry Lennox
should know this man , to whom * ho
daughter of David Lloyd was going
for h-slp for her father ; yet somehow
the thing seemed an odd coincidence
to Endorby. And taken along with the
fact that Cecil Lennox knew of his
chance meeting with the girl , and was
evidently for some reason deeply in
terested In It , the whole affair began
to assume the appearance of an irri
tating and perplexing mystery to Paul
Ho found the other guest in the
drawing room with Sir Henry ; Cecil
had not yet appeared. Sir Henry
cAme forward and Introduced the two
Dr. Dundas Lyndon Mr. Endorby. "
Bndcrby looked at the other man
with curiosity and Interest.
Doctor Lyndon was a man of about
thirty-live , of a slight , but remark
ably agllo figure. His face was not
a handsome ono , yet no ono would
have decided it to be the reverse. It
was somewhat full In contour , with
a healthy enough complexion , and the
only features that seemed to call for
any special notice wcro the mouth and
chin , the latter of which , in its
breadth of jaw and set firmness , gave
Enderby the impression of a man of
extraordinary strength of will. His
eyes were a cold grey , his hair
rather spare on the top a mouse
colored brown.
His manner was suave and pollto ,
as it Is to the Interest of a physician
that It should be.
When Cecil appeared he was deput
ed to take her Into dinner , while Sir
Henry and Enderby followed.
Lady Lennox had died a few years
Enderby wondered if ho should
have the chance of mentioning the
name of Lloyd to Doctor Lyndon.
Dinner was a cheerful enough af
fair. Doctor Lyndon proved himself
an excellent conversationalist , and he
and Cecil kept the ball of dinner talk
Sir Henry still wore the same anx
ious expression , though sometimes he
made an evident effort to throw it
off , and Enderby was absorbed in
watching Dundas Lyndon.
When Cecil had retired the three
men sat over their fruit and wine.
Enderby was next thing to an ab
stainer , and never drank wine , and
ho noticed Doctor Lyndon was equally
"By the by , I have a recollection of
having heard your name in connec
tion with St. Thomas' . Doctor Lyn
don , " ho said , as carelessly as he
could. "Might I ask if you were there
at ono time ? "
"I was , " said Doctor Lyndon , quite
readily. "I wished to get a little in
sight Into one particular branch , and
I gave my assistance to Doctor Bal-
lantyre gratuitously for a few months.
It was of great use to me. "
It was on the tip of Endorby's tongue -
gue to put the question : "Did you
happen to know any one of the name
of Lloyd during that period ? " when
Sir Henry spoke.
"My dear Enderby , perhaps you
guessed that I had a professional rea
son for bringing you and Doctor Lyn
don together tonight. I think I can
mention the matter now.
"It is with regard to a case which
is expected to come off shortly , and
which will be , I have no doubt , a
celebrated case. I will ask you to
carry your mind back , Enderby , to a
trial which interested the public
greatly six years ago. I think you
will remember it if I mention briefly
the facts of the case.
"It was called at that time , and
still Is , I dare say , if reference is ever
made to it , 'The Brownlow Pearl
Case. ' Well , as you know , then , the
pearls referred to were a magnificent
necklace belonging to Lady Brownlow
of Caergollen In Wales. They were
valued at ? 15,000. They disappeared.
Suspicion fell on the tutor of Lady
Brownlow's children , a man named
Gerard. The case came on , Gerard
being charged with the crime. I had
to conduct the prosecution.
"During my Investigations I met
with evidence which , though proving
the man to bo guilty , yet showed cer
tain' extraordinary circumstances in
the case which moved mo to to pity.
The whole- affair was an unpleasant
ono to me , because we that is , Lady
Lennox , who was then alive , and my
self , were personally acquainted with
the Brownlows. However , in the very
middle of the case the man , Gerard ,
managed to escape , and could not be
found. It was supposed ho had gone
abroad , and ho was outlawed.
"Now , Enderby , an unpleasant
thing has happened. We have learned
that the man , Gerard , has returned to
this country. The case is bound to
como on , and I , of course , shall have
to undertake the prosecution. Doctor
Lyndon , who who Is an old friend ,
and , an I have told you , a specialist in
brain diseases , has suggested to mo
the likelihood of the man's beins In
sane , and , In fact , having committed
the crime as the result of that terrible
form of lunacy which Is recognized as
such under the name of kleptomania.
If wo can prove this , wo shall save
Gerard from punishment , and ho will
simply bo put under restraint as In
"Are you willing , Enderby , to ac
cept a brief in the case as my Junior ? "
Paul Enderby had sat In perfect sl-
lonco listening to the full , rich voice
of Sir Henry that voice which went
so far In convincing juries as he re
lated the chief points of the caso. He
remembered it , though the particulars
had passed from his memory long
But as Sir Henry went on , strange ,
-ormless doubts , and half-formed
Ideas began to float dimly through
Paul's mind llko the dark , shadowy
forms of bats flitting through some
darkened and deserted barn. Ho could
hardly formulate them , or glvo thorn
a name in his own mind ; but they dis
turbed him vaguely , and filled him
with a strange foreboding.
When at last he raised his face ,
which had been bent over his fruit
plate , his eyes fell first , not on Sir
Henry's face , but on that of Doctor
Lyndon , whoso cold , grey eyes were
fixed on him with a otrange , expect
ant expression. There was some
thing in it which sent a curious
shudder through Enderby ; yet he felt
Irritated the next moment at his own
absurd sentimentality.
He turned to Sir Henry.
"You arc more than good , Sir Hen-
ry. I do not know how I can thank
you for your generosity In thinking
of me. Of course , you can count on
mo , If you think I am able to under
take the responsibility. "
"Thoro is no rising young barrister
at the bar today to whom I wort.l
sooner trust the conducting of the
case , than to you , Enderby , " said Sir
Henry , graciously. "I have a very
high opinion of your talents. "
Enderby's heart boat high as he re
joined Cecil in the drawing room. This
would be the making of him. If ho
conducted the case efficiently his for
tune was made , and ho would then
bo able to ask Cecil to como to him
as his own. Somehow ho felt pretty
sure she would not say him nay.
When ho went to his rooms his
head was in a whirl. Cecil had smil
ed upon him , and her lovely eyes had
fallen as ho bade farewell. Cecil ,
Cecil ! the most queenly of women !
Was it possible that ono day she
should bo his ?
But as Enderby sat down before the
grate in which some dead ashes still
faintly glowed , a. strange revulsion of
feeling came over him.
Dundas Lyndon's face its cold. f
grey eyca , its watchful expression # -
came up before his mind. There waa
something sinister In the man some
thing ho did not like. Then sudden
ly there succeeded , as by the Instan
taneous shutting of a camera , another
face in the eye of his mind that pale ,
quivering , childlike , yet strangely wo
manly , face of David Lloyd's daugh
Ho started to his feet and began to
pace the room.
How had these people como to know
Dundas Lyndon ? What strange con
nection was there between them ? Was
It possible But no , no , the idea was
too wild , too utterly improbable for
real life.
Nevertheless he made up his mind
to go to Burden Mansions next day.
He managed to do so in the after
noon , walking there , as ho had no
wish oven to give the clue of a cab
to any one. He hardly knew why ho
was so careful now ; he would not ad
mit to himself that ho had any tang
ible reason for thinking these poor
people wished to hide themselves from
the world.
He knocked again and again. At
last the door was cautiously opened ,
and in the darkness within he could
dimly make out a slim , girlish figure.
"Is It you , Miss Lloyd ? " ho asked ,
in a low voice. "I have como to ask
how you both are. " J-
The girl stared at the sound of his
voice. He could not see her face dis
tinctly , so he did not know that a
light blush had swept over it.
She opened the door more widely.
"Will you come in ? " she said , her
voice just a little uncertain. "I have
told my father about meeting you. "
Enderby followed her In. The hall
was a small one , and dark ; ho saw
two doors. She opened one and ad
mitted him into a small dingy room ,
whose only furniture consisted of a
cheap tapestry carpet on the floor , a
painted wooden table , and one or
two chairs. A curtain of coarse serge
hung over an embrasure in the wall ;
and Enderby guessed there was a bed
behind it.
( To bo Continued. ) ,
Social Whirl In 1'ekln ,
The Westminster Budget remarks
that winters in Pekin In the past have
not been dull among the foreigners ,
and in support of the assertion quotoa
from the North China Herald as fol
lows : "A French comedy at the Brit
ish legation , whore there is a special
ly built theater , is succeeded by a
bal costume nt the Russian , and that
again by a concert at Sir Robert
Hart's. Dinners follow one another
uninterruptedly varying from the
strictly official function of the diplo
matic corps to the jolly carousal of a
students' mess , where speeches begin
soon after the joint , stories with the
cheese , and comic songs at 1 in the
morning still find delighted auditors.
Card parties , too , are many , Increas
ing from the mild 'dollar and quar
ter' whist at the club to the 'ten del
lar' limit and all-night poker parties
In an attache's rooms. "
AinorlctMn In Scotland.
Every hotel In Edinburgh is crowd
ed nightly with American visitors , and
still they come , says M. E. Gilbert ,
writing from that city to the Chicago
Record. Many largo parties have ar
rived. These , driving around the
sights of the town , create a conrider-
able stir upon the streets. The other
day over 100 visitors from the United
States were In St. Giles' at
one time. At Holyrood palace , the
castle and the Scott monument there
h s bejn ; a constant flow of visitors.
It has been the same all over Scotland ,
for many have extended their tours
beyond Edinburgh and have penetrat
ed the highlands. Juno wa.3 a very
wet month , but with the ndvrnt of
July and our visitors from the states
wo have had several days of warm