Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 20, 1900, Image 7

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    Us" n full line ot
Drugs , Paints and WallPaper.
Also B Kino I.ino of Boohn , Stationery , Toilet Arliulos , etc. Store 011
oornor of Fifth nvonuc and Mitiu Hlrt-ot , Broken Bow , Nob.
jvS > ' $
1 Commercial Hotel |
$ $ HORACE P. KENNEDY , Prop'r. K $
8 $ - S ! ' ;
* * * V * tW *
ajljS Si-utluveat corner Square , 4 ? * < ?
T ti U' ' ' $
i The Hotel has been refitted und refurnished
$ $ throughout. Sample rooms for Commcrical men. Bath :
| j $ rooms in connection. Free Bus to and from all trains.
Try us once and you will come again. 1
y : $ .tt Ki' :
i . * . V /i/i .f ; ! ( / " ? . \V.f/ ' : J $ S'V -.ft..i A ! ; * ' " ; : vK . ? : . - . / > : : K : : . ' . ! . : . : . . . ? ! > < : . . . : . . . . . ( : .v .jW.V. .r-.l .V : . > -M . ' . . . . . i ; V. . 'J--/ <
C1IAS , K. FOUU , President , Oinnlin , Neb H. G , HOGEIIS , Cannier , Ilroken llow
J. M. KIM15KUL1NG , Vice-Pros , Urokon low. S. II. 1IOTT , Aes't Cashier
General Banking Business Transacted ,
Chaa. K. Ford. J. M. KImbcrllng. a. U. Hoyt. It. 0. Kogors. V. 11. Cnldwell
Make a specialty of loaning money on cattle.
E WANT to fay to tbe
Public that our health
is fairly good , and hav
er laid aside our winter clotheH ,
off our hiyh collar and
vrith our dyes turned in the di-
jcction of liusineHrf , wo are
ready ta servo our customer * with 'ho ' best of LUMBER , LATHS ,
POSTS , in faot ANYTHING usually kept in R FIRST CLASS
LUMBER YARD. We make our own SHITSQLES and wo know
t'u-y are GOOD. Wo have the FINEST SCREEN DOORS of the
Season. PRICES ! WELL THEY ARE LOW. Oh "ny ! Try our
$4 00 COAL for cooking. Remember
We have purohased the stock of BICYCLES , etc. , from
Edwin F. Myorp. We have moved just across the sired
from the old location , whwro wi aru bettor ( iiluntud , hive
moro room , and i > an show you what we havo. In addi-
ti > u lo our stock of
Bic3fces ! , Sundries , etc. , wo have employed
the BEST GUN REPAIRMAN HUH ni.tu of Omaha.
If you have an old fruit that won't Hhoot , biinn it in ,
and we will fix it for you. ' .Ve ntill liavt' a tew EAGLE
BICYCLES left , and can HP ! ! you ooe on easy trrmo.
Alee wo have a full line of AMMUNITION.
Repairing of all kinds , Bicycles and Guns for rent-
Fair Prices , Best Material , and Best
Do- orator
JaniH In any quantity Perry. Bauer & Ennis ,
ilu Wholesale Butter , Eggs , Poultry and Game
[ Omitted last week. ]
Air. mid Mr * . Clinrles Penn epont over
Snlilmth with M. Conlcy
Tlio corn crop is BO much bolter than
wtia cxpcc'ed that fannure nro much
Yesterday It rained all day. Precipi
tation nbout two inehea ; benotlulnl to
rye and pastures.
H. Q. Doutxl baa tired of Nebraska ,
anil Phirtcd enrolto ) to Ladysmltli , Wis
consin , today Monday ) to look up n
more deal bio locution. K ho tlnds It ,
ho proposes to ecll and tnko up his rest *
donco tlicro ,
Not elnco 1889 baa there boon eucb a
hot August us the one just passed , which
tiad tin fkvorngo of 79 decrees nbovo zero.
Two other years was the month hotter
than the last , and they were 1831 , with
an average of 84 degrees , and 1889 , with
an average of 80 degrees.
> I am very loneeome ; folks gene oust.
L S aid I are running tbn ranch. Mo
onuiildati'B to toll you how to vote to
save ( ho oountty ; no cigars ; am obliged
to snioku a pipe. Oh my , are you mon-
keying nround aud neglecting to revive
your tire guards ? You may need them
on short notice.
The month o ( August , just paeard wnp
a record brrakot. According to ttio
United States weather bureau and obsor-
ntory , tliero has not been such an
mount ol rain in n corresponding
period. Nine Inches aud a traction
hhraetorlzcd the month , while the
enlcBt during any pr ueding August
according to records , wus in 1801) ) , 5.51.
JohnL. Wllliame , our efllcient mail
orrier frjm the junction with the Bro
ken Bow and Callawny route , near the
eslduuce of Ernest Shells , on llyno
able , to Ocouto , has made arrnngo-
uionts to carry pnsbengora and pnrcnls.
lB will fill a long ielt want , as bo will
)0 ) in connection with Broken How utid
Oconto dally , leaving junction going
outli at 9 a. in. , icturnlng at 4 p. m.
DIKD Neur Kyno , Sept 7,1000 , Mrs.
Goo. A. Grlfllth , nee Stowell , of typhoid
ever , aged 38 yenra , 7 months aud 20
Irvya. The decutised was horn in KHUO
county , lllmoiH , January 17 , 1862. She
vaa tunrried to G. A. GrlQith iu Tnnuy
county , Missouri , K b. 5 1880. Shewtte
the mot or of tivo children , of whom
our eutvlvo her , nlao her husband , nged
mother and one brotnor , She immi
grated to Ntbrasku from Iowa , In 1885 ,
viiurti t > ho nnU her husband , by economy
and tbrlft , nave stcurud u pleasant
noine. She wild u , kind mother , ckuely
illied to her home and family , yet ever
ready to assist thonu who neudul help.
The funural survici'B were conducted
trotu the reaiduuot ) of Kuv , Buckley , after
wlilch ber remains were followed by
sympathizing friends to the Cnlhuviiy
cemetery , where they were laid to rest.
1'ho family wish to exprt'sa their grati
tude to the friends and neighbors who HO
kindly aseis'ed during the death and
burial of a bjlnved wife and mother.
Ucarcst mother , tbou liast left uu ,
Ht-ro toy IOBI wo deeply ( eel ;
Hut 'tl Qed that has bereft us ,
Ho can all our Borrows lioul.
Weather cool and cloudy reminding
im that winter Is coming.
Duvis lleadly got his leg caugbt in a
corn binder in such & way taat bo could
not belp himself , after calling for help
for an hour Mrs. Cuumley ciuno to hie
relief though not seriously hurt it was a
close call.
Many People Take Advantage ot Sptclal K tt oo
the Burllnnton to Viilt Former Homei.
Much satlsfnction IB ezpreesed by the
Burlington over the result of the firft
"Ilome Visltora" excurelona over that
railrcad. The rates were effective yes
terday. Last evening No.2 went through
O.naha tor the eittt with tweuty-Btx
carload ; of pasaengers In three sections ,
No. T2 came luter with twelve our lends ,
and v\aB uinde up Iu two factions out of
P/iCllo Junction. No. 6 wont through
( his morning with ten cur loads. In nd-
dltion heavy t fllo was reported from
Nebraska through the Nebraska City and
St. Joseph gateways.
The next chtuio to go east ns "Home
V nltors , " at Of o fire plus $2 , will bn
on Seutember 20. Omaha World-Herald
Sept. 11 ,
A Good Thing-
Our Groat-Grndmother's garret
containing the same herbs of all
healing found in Karl's Clover root
tea. They gavn our anccntor
strength , kept the blood pure , oml
will do the eamo for you 11 you say
no. Price 25 cts. and 50 ots. Sold
by J. G llauborln.
I'rce Complexion Iluauttlller
\Vo want every lady leudur of the
HKPUHMCA.N to try Dwighl'u Com-
pli'Xton Heautilier , the moHt exqui
site toilet preparation. It is pure
and harmlessmakes the faceBiuuoth
as velvet and fair as alabaster. To
induce a fair trial of itva will for
a short time only semi FKKU a full
size , Fifty cent box to every lady
uho will Hond us her post ofb'oo ad
dress silver dime to pay for packing
and postage. Only one KUUU box to
each address but ladies may order
for their friends. Eaoh box mailed
ccpiratoly. Suid this notice and
your order at ONOK to D. W. CUBTKB
&Uo. , Huntington W. Va.
Wo will furnish the Kansas city
Journal and Ruruui.iOAN for 91,22
The Panuuonnt Issue.
The paramount issue to bo fought
out in the battle of 1000 may bo
summed up iu live small words. Do
you want a change ?
This is the simple question that
every citizen will ask himself before
ho oaulB his ballot , and the verdict
will depend upon the conclusion
reached by a majority of the 15-
000,000 voters who will record
MicniBolvcs on ono side or the other
next November.
It cannot bo gainsaid that the
American people are as prosperous
and well-to-do this year as they
over have boon. Do the American
peopln want a change ?
Does the great army of wago-
workcra , which is hotter fed , bettor
clothed and bettor housed LOW than
ever before , want a change ?
Do the American farmers , whoso
products nro iu steady demand at
good prices at homo aud abroad ,
want a change ?
Do the merchants and tradesmen
of the country , who are doing a
larger business in the aggregate
than ever before , want n change ?
Do the manufacturers and em
ployers of labor in mill ani factory ,
whoso products are marketable now
at fair profit , want a change ?
Do the professional mon , whose
services command higher remunera
tion now than ever before , want a
chauuro ?
What would any of those classes
gain by a change ?
This is the poser which neither
Mr. Wry an nor any of his cham
pions will bo able to answer satia-
fivotorily. They will talk about the
Declaration of Independence , about
the crime of 1873 , about the beau
ties of Irco silver coinage , about the
dibastrous fiohi standard , about the
menace of imperialism and militar
ism and about the rapacity of the
trusts. But all those subjects are
overshadowed by the question that
dominates all mon who are con.
stantly striving to better their con.
dition , but do not willfully and de
liberately cxpoho themselves and
their families to the risk of a relapse
to the distressing , hard times ex
perienced before the advent of Mo
Ivinloy and the ascendancy of re *
publican policies that have restored
confidence , raised the national credit
and net the wheels of industrial and
commercial activity iu motion.
Omaha I3ec.
$ i 50 Ivr iSuHliel tor Load ol
The Callaway Milling und Manu
facturing Oompany will pay tl.50
per bushi'l for the load of wheat
that is sold to them this season
that upon examination and oompari
sou by three competent judges , is
pronounced the best.
No entiy will be made of less
than 25 bushels.
No ono person allowed more than
two entries.
All wheat entered shall be hard
spring wheat , fairly well cleaned.
Entries will close on Deo. 15 ,
1000 , and the award made before
( Cut this out and save it. ) a30-4
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaha , Helena ,
CtilcaKO. Ilutte ,
8t. Jonoph , Portland ,
Kanene City , Salt Lake City
tit. Lonls , and all Ban Jfranoleco
points coit and south , and all points west.
No. ia Vestlbulcd ezprasi dally , Lincoln , Oma
ha , St. Joseph. Kansas City. tit. Louli , Chicago
cage and all pdnts east nnd houtli 10 SM pin
No. 44 Local express dally , Lincoln , Omaha
Bt. Joeepb , Kansas City , 8t , Lonls , ChlcaRO
and all points east und south. . . 0 UO am
No. 40-F.eight dally , lUvouna , Grand Island ,
Aurora , Scwardand Lincoln 000am
No. 48 Freight , dally except Sunday , Itaveuna
and intermidlito points , 105 pin
No. 41 Vcfltlbnled express dally , Helena , Heat-
tic , llrttc , Portland and ull Pacific Coast
point * 414am
No. 43 Local express dally , Ulack Hllli am
Intermediate points 4 M pm
No , 45 PrelKhl dally , Anaelmo , Ualiey , Seneca
Whitman and Alliance 1068 am
No. < t7 Freleht. dally exccnt Hundav. S ueca
anu Intermediate poluU lSbpm
SlccpInK , dltlng and reclining chair cars ( floats
Irco ) on tlirr ugh tmlim. Ticked void and bag
SBKO checked to any point In tin United State i
and Canada.
No. 4R has merchandise care Tuesdays , Thur *
days and .Saturdays.
No. 15 will curry paKiengurs ( or Auselmo , Ha
ley , Henccn , Whitman and Alllmico.
No , 4D will carry paster guru ( or Itavonnt
Grand Iclaud , Suwa.-d and Lincoln ,
Information , mnpH. tlniu tables and ticke
call on or wrltu to U , L. Ormsby , agent , or .
Prancli. 0. I' . A. , OniuliB , Nobraoka ,
II. L. OiiMBur , A ont.
INjudi for West will cloe at H p. m. , ezcep
bunJay when It will clone at 7 p m ,
I'onch , cuxt for train No. 43 cloBns at B.30 a m
and (01 No. 44 closed ut , 11 a m. Mall for Auuley
and polutM onst of Uraud Inland otrrled on train
No. 44.
Oconto rla of llyno ac.d Tuckervllle , dally ex
cept Sunday clones , at 7 u m : returning same day
Culluwuy rlu , Mc'Kluley dally except ttunday
Closes at 7 a in , returning eunie day.
Hound Valley via Uretn and Elton cloie at ? a
m , Monday , Weduesdy and Fridays , returning
Batro day.
Humner via nurnsey , Oeorgetowu and Upton
arrrlvoHatll 30 , Tnecduy Taurtduy aud Satur
day , returning leaver nt l.,3U same day.
OIUci liours from a.UU a into 8.00 p ui. Huu-
day H.30 to 9.UO a. ui. l.obljy open week days from
7am toH | j iu L. 11 , JKWMTT , l'M ,
RoomiBU 1 eultj tiioU , Urokeu llow , Neb ,
Equality , Economy , Security.
The true teit tot Life Insurance Is
( onnd In the Equity ot the Contract ,
the Economy of Mftn gement , | nd the
Sorority ( or the Payment.
Bankers Life Association ,
Molae * , Iowa.
KnWAnn A. TKMH.K , President ,
Organized July let , 1879.
Qturiniy Fond ( or cnfotjr.
Hur | > ln Fnnd fur protection.
Suiwrvliod by 3,000 dopoitltory h&oki ,
Socnrlilodilopoeltcd with the itato
department ,
Coiuorv llTc luoiuodii.
Preferred IlliLow Hates ,
qutrtorly Pajment * .
Kerr tc nJ ( nil luformntion , mil
on or cMros
A ont for Castor County , Nul ) .
Offlcu t Fariuor * lauk ) or Curiur
Cocnly , Ilrokon Dow , Noli.
We Have Added
o onrtihop a full linu of wood work-
n machinery , and therefore would
auk a part of your patronage iu thin
ino , iu wlijcli wo can HIIVO you
money. Abe ask oarpenturH and
contractors to lot us do their job
work , Huoh i planing , ripping ,
scroll work , in t'ant everything that
, s done in a tirct clanw job shop. In
our old line wo are upto-dato.
Wind Mills.
Wo carry all standard grades.
Wo carry a full and omnploto Htook
of all Mtylt'H. In pipu and well
material woaiwiyn : have it at the
lowest pONniblc price. Fitliii [ > H and
brass i > oed * , hose , bolting , tanks ,
feed grindorH , horao poworH , in fact
everything that bulongB to our
trade. Wo carry in stock the
for pumping or power. Alno second
end hand gasoline engines , steam
engines in which wo can give you a
bargain. In hydraulic and casing
wells we have the bent and quickest
machinery that is manufactured in
this day and age of the world , and
can guarantee our work in thin line.
Yours Very Kesp'y ,
J M Scott
Attorney at Law
Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Oflloo over Ityereon'B grocery. Kosl-
denooOtb bouse west of HaptiRt church.
Wm. F.
Plans and Specifications on short notice. ! !
terlal ftu blshed and building * comploUxl ouoapei
ban uy uiu In tliu Into , Satisfaction
cod to plini ana specifications.
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
2d stairway from wont oud.iu Realty
block ; rcHidonoo , 3rd west M. E ,
church , Homo aide of Htroot.
All ilndB ot work In our line done
promptly und In flrst-olnae oalor. Ket
Bhnp ou the corner , west of ttio hoao
hmiBO. Give us & trlM.
w. A. THOiV' 'SON.
. ,
nnd oatlumttiR on Hbort no-
tice. Broken Bow , Nub.
; frjlUJelllei , plcklelorcniiuii r.i.i
ruoru fitully , muru nulckiy n > ru
lu-Hltlifully fuuKdj'lt < < r.nud
B \\'UT Uian liy n y iMicr
D.ui-nii of other ndi-4Wiillio
Refinec ?
In every liuutehnM , It .3 uli-an.
Install.'H mill uUiirlcxi lur , v li r
ami ncul proof. Out a pound < Mii < > of
It with t % Hut of ltd ii.UN ) tine *
Ironi your dru 'tjlxtor Kroci'r.
horn niTywIiera. Il.ide < ,
i HTANUAItU Ol ? . i i > .
U. S. i'nnd OJltac ,
JAMK8 WniTJCnaA * * , - Koglatfr
K. II. YOUNG. . . . -
Lrtnd Oflloo ftt Ilrokon Ilo\v Nel > r. , I
September 18 , tuoo. f
Nntlco li hcrolir eUon tlmt tlm following-
named zr. tiler haft died notice of hla intention to
rtuko fliml proof In support of MR claim , nucl ( hat
Mid proof win bo tnndu before Hoglnlor and
Itccclmnl Ilrokon How N br. , on October 89 ,
1IIA H. HTfUDKVANT. of Ocnct , Nobr. , for
H. K. No. 753 , lot 1 , S c at , T 20 N. , It. SI went ,
mid lots 'J , 3 , , and s J { B U , Boo. 30 , T. 20 N ,
H. UO wont.
Ho unmet the following wltncticR to p'roro hl
continuous mldcncn upon and cuUlratlou of tn\ < \
land , ylr.t ChnrloR Vrcctnan of UnrKcnt. Nobr. ,
Monrno Krmmiin nnd Jnrni'B Farley , of ( ionct ,
Nebr anil Wllllnni A. Htnnlernnt , of ' llrokcn
How , Npbr. JAMI H WiiiTr.iinAt ) , Itvgliter.
f'20 ( It
tnnd Olllro at llrokcn How Nolir. , I
feiit. IHlh. IWOO. f
Notice In licrolty u'lrc > u tlmt tlio following
named nuttier Imftlllvil nollco nf tils Intontlon to
innko llnnl proof In gtip | > ort of liln clnlni , and
lluitodld proof will | K < wiule before HuUtur nnd
Hocovor , at llrokcn Dow , Noli. , on Oct. Mill ,
UHk ) , vlx :
DAVID II , Al.Sl'AXTOH.of Ilrokon llow , Nob. ,
for II. E. KO.TGU , il ( > ! < SCO. 11 , T H N , KS1V. .
lloimmei tlio follow ( UK wltnocxoR to prove bin
contlnuoiiH reiildonco upon nnd cultivation ot
lid laml , \\nl \ Wllilnut HprliiKatubo , Mlko
Scnnloii , KUjili llnncli nnd I.nniboitVirrltir , Ml
of Ilrokon llow , Nobr.
2l.ll ) JAMKS W1I1TKI1KAI ) .
U H , Und Onico , llrokun llow , Nobr. . f
Sept. 18 , 1WH ) . |
Notlre In harnbjr clvon that tlio followlng-immcd
acttler bni ) Illvd notice of Ills Intention to .uako
fliml proof | i 8uiui | t of bli cliilui , and tlmt tiald
proof will bo nisilo Iwforo Hrgl tur and Kucnlvcr ,
t llrolion How , Nnb , on October S7,1000 , TIH :
KI.IHWAIK ) BK1NNKU , of Ilrokon llow , Neb
for 11 , K .No. riu , 1.14 cw , nl KWU , doc. 2i ,
Bo natiK's Urn following wltnc i < oH to provo hln
conlttmouH roiildiiiico tu'on ' nnd cnHlri\lon ( of enld
land , U : TV. . MjiTH.DuorKo Myom nnd Oi >
c r 1'orlor. of Oroon , Nabratnl llnrvoy DttURh.
urtv , of Ilrokon llow , Nobr.
sopaO-Ot JAMKS WIUTRI1KAD , Ko lstor.
Cutter County , f' " '
In county court , buforo .I A. Armour , Judge ,
In the nwtlcirof tlio osliito of John V. Ooanur ,
docciidod. To the creditor' and helm nnd to nil
wbo am Intoniiiti'd In the onlnlRof , iohn K. Cos-
nor , iloopnti'd : Tuko notlcu that A. L. Connor ,
luliulnlstrntor of ( bo iiforcnnld citnto , I ins ninl a
roporlof his doliiK' < H cncli , nnd imkn tlmt tlio
> Miio bo npprovid , nnd Ihnt Ini liu dlKclmrgod
from fnrllicr olillgittlon tlioroln , and tlmt the
county juilKO make Htich order n < ti > tlio dlntrlbit.
tlon of Uio niHulo bclotiglni ; ti > mild tblnto in may
nrom JUKI , and uqnltiiblu ; nnd to n lin the dovror
of tlio widow horuln , ( IcHlKiiulo Ihn hulrH ontltlod
to n xhiiro In laid oi > Utn , nnd to rint such oilier
rollof nn may bn doomed nt'ccusnry In the flnnl
Kottli incut of eald ontilo Suid inittor him buon
net for liPiirlnK on tlio lUth day of OcuiUor , 1000 , nt
U o'clock n in. , nt the county court room. In
Iroken llow , Nourankii , itt wlilih time und plnco
all pnrtUw Inli'rcntvd nny nppoitr nd bo hoard
coiicuriilni ; the rnmu , l ) * od thla 17th day of
ScptiMiibur , 1000.
SB A i. , ] n'Jtl-tt J. A. AUMOUU.Co. Jndgo.
Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage.
Notice l ticrcbv xlvon Hint by vlrtuo of n clmt-
cl mortRiiRO , dated Mnrch Ift , IHHS , und duly ( lieder
or record in the oillcu ol tlio county cloik , of
Ciihtcr county , NobrHt < l..i , AtiitiiHl Dili , 1000. nnd
Klyon by Wm. llrudburn , V , M , llilllngr- und D ,
J. KlontKomory , on thu followlnt ; doncrlliod
iroporty , to-wlli Ono J. I , C'n i > Hopnrntor , No.
.474H , compluto ; ono buy liorio HX ! yenrt old , ono
gray bonu ten yonra old , ere porrol nmru ton ynnrn
ild , ono nmiiRO colored innlo ten jonrs old , to ru-
run ) III' pnyiiiont nf tholr t\\o certain promlisory
iiolcn , duo for tlio Hum of $ un , nnd ono for the
fliiniof 8139 " 0.1'nch duo Jai niry 1st , 18011 , and
neb ilrn liiK elKhtjior c nt Interest per snnniii.
Snlil notott and inorl Hgo given Iu the xtild J. 1 ,
, 'mo ThreiihliiK Alncbtou L'ompnny , nnd by It duly
ipftlKnod to H. ( ' . HlOMc. who U now ttio owner nnd
liolilor of thu mime , nnd wiis bofotu thu niuturlly
of Hnld nolort. Default liuvlnit heon mtiilo In the
pnjinonl of enld notes , nnd thi'ro holiiK now duo
tl'orcon the natd i > um of .f-'Tl' ' . O with eight per
cent Intort'nt iho/aim from tlm 1st day of Mnrcb ,
1B08 , tliu until ntMlKnoo will ollur the above tlo >
rcrlhed propo ty ut public aalc , ut the ronr of tlio
ctoro room now ocuupltd by 1)V. . 't'homiMou , In
Ilrokon llow. Ncbr. , on Saturduy , the M day ot
September , 1IKH ) , nt'J o'clock p. m. of Mild day , to
the hlKhtPt bidder for ciab In hnnd , lo rntUfy the
pnld iidtuH anil Internal , TiiUnn n the properly
of Ilio mid Win. llriidbnrn , I' . M llllllii'K nnd 1) .
U. .Mnnlgnniorv , mid I'l fnvor of tlio calil S. C ,
HloM. I ) tea nt Ilrokon llow , Ni-brunka. this
illtli dny of AnKiivl , IlKK ) . S C , MI.OSS ,
' ny hln Attorney , Alphn MorKun.
U H I.nnd Olllcc , Ilrokon llow , Noiir. , I
.Inly US , 1000. f
A KiiUiclont content nllldnvll buying boon filed
In thin olllco by Clmilcn U. Voizel , conttHtnnt ,
i.k'al'nt timber iiiltiirx entry No. KU7 , miido
Marrh 2-ltli , 1KRU , far H'nwH. . nnd n'/i nwM > HUC.
'M , twp 17 nortli , rKo'JI wit , liy John (1 Vnn-
lrloot , conto.too , In which It H alleged tlmt the
mild VunKleet bus fillul lo brcuk. cultlvato nnd
plant to troCH , tree HoeiU , nuts or cnttliiL' ? , ton
ncrt'H of Hitld tract IIH rciinlrtd bylaw ; tlmt no
replanting tins beuii done on said trncl fur moro
Mian Novon yenrn Inttt pant ; tlmt Bald entry Is
devoid ot nurowth of trocc , and no uUvimpt IIUH
been inmlo by the paid VivnL'lt'Ct to promote n
growth of treeH thereon eliicu inuning ot siild
entry ; that Hiild entry hn beun abandoned for
moio than ton yearn , tlmt ull the ilefectg al-
leni'd herein exlpt at tliU dnte. tiald parties are
hereby notltlod to niipenr , reaiond HIII ! olfur
evldcnco tonchlni ; calif allocution Bt 10 o'clock u.
in.untilpt 17 , IWX ) , before the reglctor nnd ro-
colvur , ut thu U 8. land olllco. In llrokcn How ,
Nclirualui. I'lio nuld contCHtnnt having , In u
proper nlllduvlt , tiled JIIIKI 'JO , 1UOO , got forth
facts which show Umt after duo dllUonce pcrcomil
service of thin notice cannot Im made , It la boroby
ordered nnd directed tlmt such notice bo given
by duo and proper publication.
t KiiANit 11 VOUNU , Receiver.
Docket 1' . No. 480. In the circuit court of tbo
United Slutes , for the district of Ni hruiki.
Itee.T e A ; Uompuuy.ii Corporation , Complainant , )
VH >
Fred Lrlbort , t al , Defondnnta In Clnincory. )
I'uhllc notice IB hereby Klven that la puremnncu
und by virtue of a decree entOied In the nhoto
cniiboou iho3d day of July , 1'JOu 1 Gito. U ,
Thuininel , biieclal master Iu chuueory of tbo cir
cuit court of thu United State * , for tlio District ot
Nobrupkn , will , on the 2ltb dity of September.
I'.KX ) , nt the hour of 3 o'clock In the afternoon of
ynld dny , nt the front door of tbo ( Junior county
couit hoiiHo building , In the r.lty of HroWon 11 j\v ,
Curler county , hint" nr.d district < f NchrtlHKn , foil
nt public auction for c nil the followl g described
iiml cvtnto , situate In C'unor county , Nehratkn ,
mid deecilbcd nit follows , to wlf The nmthwcxt
iliiHrter ( ) of the northcutt qiliirter ( ' 4) , the
nouttii'Akt quarter (51) ) of tlio .northwest. < | naner
( l/l ) , ihe northoaHt quarter ( U ) of tbo fOutliwtBt
( | imrter ( H ) . ni d thu iiorlhweHt Cof ) southeast
( H ) of section twoiity-thrce (23) ( ) . town-
Blilp t\Minty ( 'M ) north , of ranuii llineloen ill ) )
wci-t oT the Klxtti 1'rlncipal Meridian , routjmnK |
oni' hundred and sixty acres , nlno 1 will , on nld
2Uliday of SeptCmtur , 1IKXI , at the hour of K
o'clock In the forenoon of unid day , at tbo reil-
di'iicnof Kdblllivau , on thUMWU of hoc , 33 , Tp.
20noith , riiiu'n 18 west , In Cutter county , sell nt
publl. ' unction lot eaah , un Heouin wind Blacker ,
No. 1010 , olio I'nrtioiis feeder , No. HW , one HOPH
uolKhor No. : ilUT one L. D. tank pump , one belt
nnd one tarpaulin , ono No UOI l ( vi ; nn lno ,
miiiiiifiietureil by Itoovfa .t Co. , with nil flxturen
( ind appuintaucivitb or hrloiiiMni ; to the sanie ,
und nne 7W HI WOK nep.irittor with tljlnri-s , niiinu-
fu' ' tured by UUBV < JB AOo , with nil fixtures and
uiipendaucH with or bcloaitlni ; o th same
K l-5w ( JKo II TIIUMMKL ,
Spoi hi Matter In Cjhancerv-
McGllton & Herring , Solicitor for Ccmplnlnaut ,
J , J , SNYDEH ,
- Notary Public -
an J Juntlcii of tbo I'vace. HpecUl Mlontlon clr-
en to collections , Ucpnrlllons taken , pension
voncberi nuntly nxernted anil ull kinds of legal
phpors writen. Office west sld i-quuro ,
Ilroheii llow , Neb.
Luncl Counter ,
y , Prop'r.
All kindn tf soft drinlcH. Best
brand of cigar * . 1st building east
of Faruiert