Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 20, 1900, Image 5

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    Ha H full line ot
Drugs , Paints and Wall
Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , etc. Store on
corner of Fifth avenue and Main stri'ot , Broken Bow , Nob.
Mi ' $ &
i Commercial Hotel I .
* *
Si'Ullnveot corner Square , *
jf The Hotel has been refitted and refurnished j $ !
$ $ throughout. Sample rooms for Commcrical men. Bath jrjsjjj
't $ rooms in connection. Free Bus to and from all trains.
Try us once and you will come again. m
m m
* / r. : . ; * / : vvi'.V.v'j / ! ' : . % ' . ? ! < : V. ' . j i : v.\ ' . > ' . / ' * - % ' . i . - > ; vvi''A-i ' ' % > ' ! : . ' ' . / ' / vi'.VWt
Oil AS. K. FUW U , President , OmMm , Neb H. O , II OH K US , Oaehlcr , llroken llow
J. M. KIMUBIILING , VIco-PrcB , Iirofcon llow. S. 11. HOTT , Aes't Oasblcr
General Banking- Business Transacted ,
Cbaa. E. Ford. J. M. Klmbcrllni ? . S. It. Hoyl. II. 0. Hueon. V. . Cnldwell
Make a specialty of loaning money on cattle.
E V A&T to pay to tbo
Public that onr hpalth
is fairly good , and hav-
iiur laid .isido onr winter clotheH ,
taken off onr liiyl ) collar and
with our oyeB turned in the di-
JPCtion of biiHinOHH , wo are
ready ta sorva our customers with 'ho ' best of LUMBER , LATHS ,
POSTS , in foot ANYTHING usually kept in a FIRST CLASS
LUMBER YARD. Wo make our own SHINGLES and wo know
fiey are GOOD. Wo have the FINEST SCREEN DOORS of the
Season. PRICES ! WELL THEY ARE LOW. Oh' ay ! Try our
$4 00 COAL for cooking. Rernombcr
We have purchaHod the stock of BICYCLES , etc. , from
Edwin F. Myo c. We have moved just across the Htreer
from tlio old loiuilion , where we aru bettor hituated , have
more room , and i'an show you what we have. In addi-
ti in to our Block of
Bic37cles , Sundries , etc. , wo have employed
the BEST GUN REPAIR MAN this BI.IU of Omaha.
If you have an old gun that won't nhool , bimu it in ,
and wo will fix U for you. ' .Ve mill have' a few EAGLE
BICYCLES left , and can HP ! ! yon one on easy trrma.
Alee wo have a full line of AMMUNITION.
Repairing of all kinds , Bicycles and Guns for rent-
Stack i , Hole ;
Fair Prices , Best Material , and Best
Workmanship. C , B. BETTS , jrator
Came ante AND
OUAIUNlKE.hATIBfACTION i11 . Perry , Bauer & Ennis , „ OMA"A „ , ! ! , „ „ , „ > , „ NK"R , , , ! , „ > '
voutop".1 ; A i : Wholesale Butter , liggs , Poultry and Game
[ Omitted last week. ]
Mr. nntl Mr . Clmrloa 1'enn spent over !
Snliliath with M. Conlcy
The corn crop is BO tnuoli bolter ttmti i
wus cxpcc'ed that ( nruiurs are much
clatotl. ,
Yrslortlny It rmueil all day. 1'rcclpl- ]
tfUlon about twoiuuhoa ; bouoHolal to
rye nnd pastures.
II. Q , Donud baa tired of Nobrnki ! ,
nnd started cnrouto to Ladyamtth , Wis
consin , todny Monday ) to look up a
more UeBlrnblo location. K ho llntls It ,
ho proposes to sell and tnko up his real-
donco thcro.
Not einco 1889 has there boon eucli a
hot August na the ono just passed , which
lind an average of 79 decrees above zero.
Two other years WAS the month hotter
than the last , nnd they wore 1881 , with
an average of 84 degrees , and 1889 , with
an average of 80 degrees.
I am very lonesome ; folka gone east ,
L S aid I arc running thn ranch. Mo
candidates to toll you how to vote to
save the cnuntty ; no cigars ; am obliged
to suioko a pipe. Oh iny , are you mon-
Itoylng nronnd nnd neglecting to revive
your lire uimrds ! You may need them
on phurt notice.
The month of August just pneai d WBP
a record breaker. . According to tno
United Stntea weather bureau and obser
vatory , there has not been tuou nn
amount ol rain in a corresponding
period. Ntue Indies nud a traction
chnracterlzed the month , while the
greatest during nuy preceding August
according to records , wus in 1893 , 5.51 ,
John L. Williams , our efficient mail
cnrrier frjm tlio junction with the Bro
ken Bow and Callaway route , near the
residence of Ernest Shells , on llyno
table , to Ocouto , has niado arrange
ments to carry passengera and parcels.
This will fill a long felt want , as ho will
be in connection with Broken .How und
Oconto daily , leaving junction going
south at 1) ) a. m. , loturning at 4 p. m.
DIKD Near Hyno , Sept 7,1900 , Mrs.
Goo. A. Griffith , nee Stowell , of typhoid
fever , aged 38 yeara , 7 months and ! 2U
daj'B. The decewsed was born in Kane
county , IllmoiK , Jauuary 17 , 1802. She
was married to C ! . A. Griffith In Tiincy
county , Missouri , K b. 5 1880. Sue was
the mot rr of live children , of whom
four survive her , also her husbsiud , aged
mother and uue brother , She immi
grated to Ntbraska from Iowa , in 1885
wiiuro she nnd her husband , by economy
und thrift , nave fit-cured a pleasant
nome. Sue wan u kind mother , cknely
allied ( o her home and family , yet ever
ready to assist tnoHOvho needed help
Tlie funeral services wore conductec
tiom tuu resideuco of llcv. Bnukloy , aftur
wlilch her romalnb were followed by
lytupntblzmg friends to the Callawiiy
: nmetery. where they were laid to rest.
The family wish to exprooa their grati-
ude to the friends and neighbors who so
kindly assis'ed during the death and
burial of a bjloved wife and mother.
Dearest mother , tbou bast left ill ,
Hero tny loea we deeply feel ;
Hut 'tie God that has bereft us ,
Uo can all our sorrows bonl.
Weather cool nnd oloudy reminding
that winter la coming.
Davis llcudly got his leg caught in a
cum binder in such a way tout ho could
101 help himself , after calling for help
'or ' nn hour Mrs. Cbumlcy cnmo to hi
relief though not seriously hurt it was a
close call.
Many People Take Advantagi oi Spiclal Rite * on
the Burllneton to Vlalt Former Hornet.
Much satisfaction is expressed by the
Burlington over the result of the 11 rr
Iloine Visitors" excursions over tlia
railroad. The rates were effective yes
terday. Last evening No. 2 went through
Oiiiaba for the eatt with twenty-six
carloads of passengers in three sections ,
No. T2 came litter with twelve oar loads ,
and VMIH made up In two nettiona out of
Pnctllc Junction. No. 6 went through
this morning with ten cur loads. In ad
dition heavy trr > fllo was reported from
N'ebrnnka through the Nebraska 'Jity und
St. Joseph gateways.
The next chance to go east as "Homo
V nltors , " nt o'O fire plus $2 , will h"
on Septomber'20. Ornahn World-Herald
Sept. 11 ,
A Good Thing'
Our Groat-Gmidmothor'H
- garret
containing the name herbs of all
healing found in Karl's Clov r root
tea. They gavu our ancestor
strength , kept the blood pure , end
will do the samu for yon if you nay
so. Price 25 utB. ami 50 ots. Hold
ny J. G Ilauberlri.
I'rue Complexion Iluaiittlllfr
\Vo want every lady icudur of the
nucAN to try O wight's Com
plexion Keautififr , the inont oxqui-
Hito toilet preparation. It is pure
and harmIHHmak8 ! the facunmuoth
as velvet and fair an nlabantor. To
ituliifo fair trial of it we will for
a nhort titno only Rend Fnuu a full
sisco , Fifty coin box to every lady
who will Houd us her post ofliuo ad
dress silver dime to pay for packing
and pOHtago. Only one KUKI : box to
each address but ladies may order
for their friends. Each box mailed
poparately. St ml this notice ard
your order at ONCIC to D , W. CUBTKB
< &Co. , Huntington W. Va.
Wo will furnish the Kansas city
Journal and RKPUUUCAN for 91.25
ptr year.
The rarainonnt Issue.
The paramount issue to bo fought
out in the battle of 1000 may bo
sinnmcd up in live small words. Do
you want a change ?
This is the simple question that
every citizen will ark himself before
10 oaslH his ballot , nnd the verdict
will depend upon the conclusion
cached by a majority of the 16 ,
000,000 voters who will record
heniRnlvoB on one side or the other
icxt November.
It cannot bo gainsaid that the
American people are as prosperous
ind well-to-do this year aa they
over have boon. Do the American
> eopl \\nnt a change ?
Does the great army of wage-
workers , which is better fed , bettor
clothed and bettor housed LOW than
ever before , want n change ?
Do the American farmers , whoso
> roduots are in steady demand at
; oed prices at homo and abroad ,
want a change ?
Do the merchants and tradesmen
of the country , who are doing a
arger business in the aggregate
than ever before , want a change ?
Do the manufacturers and em
ployers of labor in mill and factory ,
whose products are marketable now
at fair profit , want a change ?
Do the professional men , whose
services command higher remunera
tion now than ever before , want a
change ?
What would any of those classes
gain by a change ?
This is the poser which neither
Mr. Bryan nor any of his cham
pions will bo able to answer satis
factorily. They will talk about the
Declaration of Independence , about
the crime of 1873 , about the beau
ties of ( rco silver coinage , about the
dihastrous old standard , about the
nionaco of imperialism and militar
ism and about the rapacity of the
trusts. But al ) these subjects are
overshadowed by the question that
dominates all men who are con
stantly striving to better their con
dition , but do not willfully and de
liberately expose themselves and
their families to the risk of a relapse
to the distressing , hard times ex
perienced before the advent of Mo
Kinloy and the ascendancy of republican
publican policies that havu restored
confidence , raised the national credit
and Net the wheels of industrial and
commercial activity in motion.
Omaha Bee.
9r 50 I'cr ItiiHlicl lor a L.onc1 of
The Callaway Milling nnd Manu
facturing Company will pay fcl.50
per bushel for the load of wheat
that is sold to tlirui this season ,
that upon examination and compari
son by three competent judges , is
pronounced the best.
No outiy will be made of less
than 25 bushels.
No one person allowed moro than
two entries.
All wheat entered shall be hard
spring wheat , fairly well cleaned.
tintnoB will close on Deo. 15 ,
1000 , and the award made before
Jan.1 , 1001.
( Cut this out and save it. ) a30-4
1 Route
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaha , Helena ,
Cblcaxo. llutte ,
8t , JoBOiih , Portland ,
Kansfte CIU , Suit Lake City ,
.St. LonlB , and Ml Ban 1'ranoleco ,
pobits cajit and Booth. and all points weat.
No. 43 VeitlbuU'd express dally , Lincoln , Oma-
lu , St. JoBcph. Kans.B City , at , Louli , Chicago
cage and all piln tB east and noatb 10 94 pra
No. H-Locul ezprcBB daily. Lincoln , Oinaba ,
Bt. Joseph , KaiiBon City , Ht , LontB , ChicaRO
and all iioluts east uud Booth 6 HO am
No. 40-F.elght dally. Hnvounn , Grind Island ,
Aurora , Scwardand Lincoln 000am
No. 48 Freight , dally except Snnday. Ravenna
and inlurmtdlito points 1 06 pin
No. 41 VeBtlbtiled express dally , Helena , Heat-
tic , Ilrtto , 1'ortland and all Pacific Coast
polntn 414am
No. 43-l-ocal exprevB dally , Ulock Ililli and
Intermcdlute points 4 M pm
No , 45 FrelKht dally , Ainelmo , llaliey , Eenect ,
Whitman and Alliance 1068 am
No. < t7 Freight , dally except Sunday , S ueca
ana Intermediate point * 1S6 pin
Sleeping , dlLlng and reclining chair cars ( Boats
Ire d ) on tbrcuKb trains. Ticked void and ban-
KU O checked to any point In tin United States
aud Canada.
No. 48 has murohandlso care Tacaduyt , Tburt-
dnys and Saturdays.
No. 45 will curry puiteengurs for Auselmo , Hal
icy , Hunocu , Whitman nnd Alllmico.
No , 4(1 ( will carry paoaerRerit for Itavonn *
Uraud iBlaud , Sowa.-il nnd Lincoln ,
Information , ninp , tlino Uibles and ticket
mil on or wrltu to U. L. Ormeuy , agent , or J
Francli , Q. 1' . A. , OinuliB. NebraHka.
II. L. OiiMsur. Aient. ;
1'oucb for west will clot-e ut t ! p , m. , except
Bunday when It will clone at 7 p m.
Touch , cant for train No. 42 clonus at & .30 a m
und fin No. 41 cloBot , ut , 11 a in. Mall for Aunley
niul poltiU unlit of ( Jraud Inland otrrlud on train
No. 44.
Oconto rla of llyuo nr.d Tuckervllle , dally ex
cept Sunday clones , nt 7 u 111 : returnliiK sarno day
Cullawuy TU , Mc'Kluley dally except tiunday
clost'K at 7 a in , retarnlnff oumo day.
Hound Valley via Uretu and Elton cloie al7 a
in , Monday , Wedneidy and Fridays , returning
Saico day.
Humuer Ylu flurnhi'y , UeorKetowu and Upton
arrrlvoc at 11 'M , Tuerdiiy Tnursduy aud Satur
day , returning loavei lit U',30 tanio day.
Ofllcj bourn from H.UO a in to fl.00 u ui. Bau-
day H.UO to 9.aO a. in. Lubby open week days from
7 a iu toH | i m L. U. JKWBTT , I'.Sl.
Roomt 8 0 1 OMIJ tiiock , Urokeu bow , Neb.
jLS Equality , Economy , Security. Mi
fejS The true tcit for Life Insurance IH ) ff.
jfjL'j' found In the Equity of the Contract , jfci
* 3 * the Economy of Management , ) " " ! the fjM
SsS | Sccnrllyfortho PaymnnU W , "
$ THK OUlOtNAI , fei' :
Sjg t ijjl-
p Bankers Life Association , m
8 RnwAnn A. TRMPLK Iowa. , I'retlduit I
i'l § Organized July tit , 18TU. ' - '
Quantity Fund for wifely.
Surplus Fnnd for protection.
buporvliod by 3OCO depository banki.
Secnrliloa dopotltcd with tbo state
Coniervattve molbodn.
Preferred Ills * * -Low Hates. 3t
Quarterly Payments.
For ratON and ( nil Information , t \ \
on or dilr s §
Agent for Onater County , Nob. '
Offloo t Fannerrt Dank of CM er
County , llrokon llow , Nob.
We Have Added
to our shop a full line of wood work
ing machinery , and therefore would
ask a part of your patronage iu thin
line , in which wo can tmvo you
money. AI no auk carpcntcrH and
contractors to lot ua do their jolt
work , Huoh IH planing , ripping ,
scroll work , in i'atit everything that
is done in a tirtd clans job shop. In
our old line wn arc upto-chto.
Wind Mills.
Wo carry all standard gradoH.
Wo carry a full aud complete Htook
of all HtylfH. In pipe and well
material wo aiwayH have it at the
owost pOHiiiblo price. FitluigH and
jrasa uoodIIOHO , belling , tankH ,
"ccd grindorH , horse pnwurn , in faot
everything that bolongri to our
trado. Wo carry in stock the
for pumping or power. Also second
end hand gasoline engines , steam
engines in which wo can give you a
bargain. In hydraulic and casing
wells wo have the bent and quickest
machinery that is manufactured in
this day and age of the world , and
can guarantee our work in this line.
Yours Very Kcsp'y ,
J M Scott
Attorney at Law
BROKEN Bow , -
Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Oflloo over liyeraon's grocery. JloBl >
donee Oth bouse west of Baptist church.
Wm. F. i.opkins ,
Plans and Spgclflcatlonn on short notlco. Ma
terial fm utshcd and buildings completed oboapei
ban any inin In the state , Batlsfactlou
oed al to pltns anu spoclflcatlons.
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
2d stairway from went ondiu Realty
block ; residence , 3rd west M. E
church , name side of street.
All ilndB ot work In our line don
promptly and In ( Irst-olass order. Ke <
Bbop on the corner , weet of the hoa
houeo. Give us ft trial.
W , A. THO.V 'SON ,
and estlumtus nn nbort no
tlce. Broken Bow , Nib. :
frjita , Jellied , plcklen or entsu
more ciMlly , morn ciiilekiy
neullhfully Hdikd wii.U ' <
I'nrutnua WUT Umu by rv y
niftbod. Don'iinof otlier n *
. . . - , .
In every household . It , i clriin. ( KJ
tustult und odurl' ' iur , v l , i fK\ (
and proof. Uet it IHJIIIUI i-aU' , nf Vr7
It with iv ll"t of Ua umii )
Iroinyoiirdruiwlstor Kract-r.
holdi-M'rywbcro. Made ) > \
HTANUAItU 01 ! . l < > .
U. S. i'jimd
JAMKS - lloglitfr
K. II. YOUNG , . - Kccoivor
Lund Oflloo nt llrohon How Nobr. , I
September 18 , l 00. (
Notice in Iiorolir clrcn that the following *
named settler ha riled notion of bin Intention to
nuke flnnl proof In nuuport of bin claim , nncl that
Mltl proof will bo timclu botorii Iloglntcir and
Hecclvernt HroUcn llow Nbr. , on October 80 ,
1000. viz ;
IIIA H. HTt'HDBVANT , of Oonct , Nobr. , tor
11. H. No. 1st , lot I , Sec 'A T. HO N . H. SI wont ,
nnd Iota L' , 3 , I , and rt > > { B > U , Hco. 80. T. CO N ,
U. 20 wort
Ho names ttio following wHiicMO * to provo hi *
contlnuoti * rrtldcnco upon nnd cultivation of nd
land , vlr. : Chnrlca Freeman of HnrKcnt , Nobr. ,
Monroe Kw-ntan nml Jnmeg Knrloy , of ( Jonct ,
Nebr nml Wllllnni A. HtnnlOTnnt ,
I'ow , Nclir. J AMI \VillTKliBAn ,
I.Riid Ulllru lit Ilrokcn How Nolir. , I
Sept. lUtli , 1000. f
Notice Is lierobv clvmi that the following
limned rcltlcr linn Ilk-il noilco nf tils Intention to
mnko tlnnl proof In itipport of hi * clnlni , nud
that ' lil proof will bo inndo before HoUtur and
lloce V.T , at llrnken How , Nob. , on Oct. Mill ,
HHX ) . vln :
DAVID It. Al.Sl'AXTflll.of llrokou How , Nob. ,
for K. li. No. 700 , n < > H Soo. IS , T H N , U 'Jl W.
lluimmi'i tlio following wltiwo.fl to prove Ms
contlnuniin reMdunco upon nnd cultlvntlon nt
ild limit1 * : Wllilnm HprliiKatubo. Mlko
bennlon , Kl'jth ' lluncb nnd I.anibcit Wnrrlcg , nil
of llrokon How , Nobr.
U 9 , Land Ofllco , llrokon How , Nisbr. , I
Sept. 18 , IUOO. |
Notice Is bc.cnby given that thu fnlliiwlnfc-niimcd
settler hat Hied nulfcu nf Ills Intention to .nako
final proof It fuu-i > tnf hli oliilin , und that mid
proof will bo niado before Iteghtor and Kucotvcr ,
nt llrokon How , Nnb , on October 37,11KH ) , vi/ :
Ki.WWAW ) sKINNKK , of llrukcii Mow , Neb .
for U , U No. 6111 , ' 4 m U , ' t\\U , 6oc. lit , T
Uo iiiiincfi the following wltuofwH to prove hla
rontlnuoiiH realdoneo m-on nnd cultivation of Bald
land , vlx ; T. W. Mer * . fioornu Myuix nnd ( ) §
car I'orlor. of ( Ircen , , , nud Ilnrvny Diiugh *
erty , of llrokon How , Nuhr.
KOpSOOt JAMKS VYIUTKIIKM ) , ) to l tor.
Uiistcr County , ( ' "
In county court , buforo J A. Armour , Jiulio ,
In thu mutter of the untiitu of John 1 < \ UnKiicr ,
dcrcanod. To tlio creditor * nnd holr nnd to all
who nni Intortnttcd In the ontato of .lohn K. Coa-
nnr , iloopau'd ! Tnko nollcn tlrnl A. 1 > . Co nor ,
udnilnUlrntor of the uforcHiild uilato , Has fllrd
report of lilH ilolni Hiicli , nnd asks that the
BAIIIU bo npprovtd , and Ihnt ho bo discharged
from fnrlhur ohllKntlon thunitn , niul Unit ttio
county Juilco nuiko such onlnr n.i to the dlntrlbn-
lion of iho HBHt'tH bclotijliig to * mid eutiito M may
pcinn JUKI nnd vqultitblo , nnd to n lin the dower
of tbu widow lioroln , drrtl nnto Ihn hulrx entitled
to a flhnro In snlJ OMtato , nnd to Kraut Htich other
rollof UK may bn doomed lu'coxmiry In the final
xoltlitncnt of n ld ot ito Sulil ni'ittor hna burn
Ht-t for bfiirliiK on thu Illth day ot Ocmljor , 10UO , nt
U o'clock n in. , ut the county court ronm. In
roki'ii How , Nubraskii , lit whUh time nnd iilnco
I pnrtto < * Inti'rcatvd mny tippoar mid bo heard
) nocrnlni ; the rnmu , Dn'uu tbU 17th day of
vptinnber. 1000 ,
SKAI..I siW-lt J. A. AHMOUH.Co. Judge.
Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage.
Notice Is horuhv given Hint by virtue ot n chat-
el iiiortKiRo , dated March let , IH11H , mid duly filed
ir record In the nlllco ul the county oloik , of
county , Noliruck.i , .uimiHt ( lib , IUOO , Hint
by Win. llruillmrn , 1' M. llllllng und 1) .
Montgomery , on the. following described
roporty , to-wlti Ono ,1. I , t'ii i > Hopnrator , No.
< 7 < H , complete ; one bay liorio HX ! year * old , ono
rny hone ten yenrHOld , oroi-orrol inirotcn ji'ius
Id , one iiinino colored iniilo leu jcnrs old , to re-
urn th t pnyment nf their t\\o ci rtaln promissory
ntcB , < ino for Ibo until of Jtin , and ono fur the
tun of 81i'J0 ! ' , fiieh due Jni mry 1st , 1H9' . ) , mid
itch drnrtliiR eight per cent Internal per Miiiuin.
n 111 noU'K and niorlnnKii given to the vuld J. I ,
Jnso ThretdiliiK Mncblni ) Company , and by It duly
jmlKiied to H. O , BlopN , who lit now tno owner nnd
loluer of thu name , mid wim befoiu the nmturlly
f Hitld notes. Default having benu niiulo lu the
in > meiit of Bald notes , nml tbero boliiK now duo
1 ereon tlio culcl inim of JOT 20lth eight per
oiit Interest ihehion from thn 1st day of Mnrcb ,
H93 , the until nsHljiioo ; will ollur the above do-
icrlbud propu ty ut public sale , ut the renr ot the
itoro room now occupied by IV. . Thompson , In
'rokon How. Nobr , , on Saturday , the --if day of
September , UHK ) , ut ! 1 o'clock p. in. ot Mild dayto
the hlKhet bidder for c8h In Imml , to nullify thu
rnld notes nml Intermit , Taken us the property
of the piild Win. llnulbnni , I' . .M. Illlllnjtit nnd 1) .
i , .MoiitKniiiery , and In favor of the fold S. C ,
SlopB. Oittoil nt llrokuu Itow , Nebraska , this
.Utll day Of AilKlul. 1000. S , C. HI.OH8 ,
ntflUHt ny bin Attorney , Alpha
U 8 Land Olllce , llrolieii llow , N'onr. , I
.July US , 11)00. ) f
A Hiilficlont contest nllldiwlt Imvlni ; buuu filed
n tblr olllco by Chnilci ) O. V'ouel , conustunt ,
iL'Blnst timber tnltiiro entry No , H.'IJ7 , mudo
Uareb iltb , IBM , for H'/I nwM , and nVi > wU , sue.
JO , twp 17 north , rt'oUl went , by John C ! Van-
.rlool , contoHtoo. In which It Is alleged that the
mild VuiiFleet has fnllid to brcuk. cultlvnto nnd
ilnnt to UOCH , tree Meeds , nuts or cuttlnut , ten
icrc'H of fiilil tract us required by law ; tlmt no
replanting bus been done on Hiild true' ' fur more
linn Huven yenrn Inst punt , tlmt nniil entry la
luvold of a growth of treer , nnd nn uttumpt IIUH
leen inuJo by the cuM Vnn Fleet to promote a
growth of treen thereon elncu nmuliiK of guld
entry ; tlmt nitld entry tins been nb'indnned for
note than ten ymirn , uiid tlmt till tlio detects alleged -
leged herein cxlrt nt thlH date , ijnld parties nru
Hereby notlUed to nppenr , resionil HIM ! olfor
evidence touching nulif iillcK'ullon at 10 o'clock u.
m , , on Btpt 17 , IUOU , before the regli-lor and ni-
colvcr , ut tbu U ri , luud olllco. In llroken How ,
Nobrui'rfu. I'hu uld conlUHtniit Imvlng , In u
; > roper nlllduvlt , tiled Juno LI ) , 1UUO , eut forth
Facts which show tlintnfterduedlll eiK'epervonul
service ot thin notlcn ciinnot bo made , U In hereby
ordered and directed tlmt endi notice bu clven
jy duo nnd proper pnbllcatliin.
nf's3't ! ' ! FIIANK 11 YOU.NII , Receiver.
Docket T No. 480. In tbu circuit court of the
United SUleh , for the district \rliriisku. .
UeeTeB.tCiiMiiiiijyuCoriorutlonComplainant | , ]
vn j
Fred Lrlbnrt , ct al , Defendants lu Chancery. .
I'ubllc notice \ hereby given Unit In purHimuco
und by virtue of a ilecreo untUied In the ubnvo
cauHiioniboUd dny ot July , 11)00 1 Goo. U.
Thuiiiinul , bpuclnl nmeler In cliunvery of the ilr
cult court of the United State , for the district of
Nebraska , will , on the 2ltb iliiy of September.
t'.KX ) , nt the hour of 3 o'clock lu thu Afternoon of
milil dny , at th front door of thu ( JUKtor county
conit liouso liiilldlnK , In the city of llrokun IIjw ,
( : ui > ter county. f > tat > nud district < t NeurncKn , neil
at public auction fore Mi thu followt K described
loul cetato , Bitnate lu Ouster county , Nebraska ,
tun ! depcilhed an fallows , to wlf The coiithwcrt
quarter ( k ) of the iiortheuat qunrtcr ( " 4)1 the
Boulbenct quarter ( M ) of the .nnrthwest quarier
( Vj ) , the northcftut quarter ( H ) 'f tbo routhwist
( jiinrter ( } ( ) . ai d tbu iiorlhxveHt ( ' . ; ) of southeast
( ) < ) of section twoniy-thri'e ( 3) ) , town-
hlptnenty ( UO ) north , of rungo inneloon Ou )
weft of the Sixth 1'rlnclpid Meriilliin , contdtniiiK
oiiit hundred and sixty iicren. iil.-o 1 will , on tnld
UHb d y of Buptemtor , HUO , at thu hour of g
o'clock In the forenoon or tmnl day , at thu rest-
dcnuxif Ud bllllvau , on ihoMwU of hec , S3 , Tp.
iJOnoitli , niiii'o 18 nest , In Cluster county , sell nt
publl n IK t Ion tin ensli , oii < , JleoMjK wind Hiacker ,
No. ll ! > 0 , one I'nreoiiB fuoid-r. No. I WO , one Hots
wolKhar No. 3107 onu 1 , . 1) . tuuk pump , one belt
nnd one tiirpuiilln , ono No ( Ml Ho VCH niilni | ) ,
liiiinnfuutiircd by Itenvis .V. Co. , with nil llxturLH
nnd appinUniei ; ) with or betniiilii ; | ; to the hiime ,
und one "W It , cvec nepirntor with Uitures , iiianu-
fn < tured by KCHVOD it Uo , with nil Itxtnrcs nnd
uiipemliiKuti with or beloniUni : 'o tbttsnme
bpei l > | .Mutter In ( 'li.incotv.
.McOlltou it Herring , Solicitor for Crmplalnaut ,
J , J , SNYDER ,
- Notary Public -
nn.l Justice of the Peace. attention civ *
en to collection * , Depositions tnken , ponslon
soiicbera nuntly nxerutud nnd all kinds or lofal
pnpcrn wrlten. Office west tide i-quaro ,
Urouen llow. Nob.
LuncJ Counter ,
Erv aroy , Prop'r.
All kindn > f Heft driiikH. Beat
brand of cigars. 1st building east
of Faruien bans ,