CDSTER COUNTY HEI'DBLICAH ' U. H. AMBIIItlUlY , rulillihnr , unoKKN now , THE NEWS IN BRLT. ! A. M. I'-sler , a pioneer of Montana , Is dead nt Atlyn. At his old home , down In Buckport. Me. , Secretary Long throws aside the cares of offlce and Joins in the annual festivities of the Custard Pie associa tion. tion.The The hard coal syndicates In Silesia and the Rhine provinces have driven up the prices of hard coal 2" per cent. and soft coal iu Berlin Is CO per cent. Higher. The Law and Order league of Topeka - peka Is talking of making ReDr Charles M. Sheldon chief of police. James Ramsey was forced to resign the place because he failed to closso the joints. The deposits of the Kansas City Na tional baiiiis have Increased over 55- 000,000 la the past ten weeks. They now amount to $65,611.320 , aid an1 $11,000,000 larger than they wore r year ago. A large number of IMma Indians on the Sacatan reservation , Arizona. hav refused to send their children to tlu Indian school there and Agent Han- ley Is powerless to force them to obey the school law. The New York state republican committee agreed upon Erastus Knight , comptroller of Buffalo , as ths republican candidate for state comp troller In place of William J. Morgan , recently deceased. Dr. E. L. Armstrong , for thirty years a physician of Perry , Mo. , and ono oi General Cockrcll's command 0 , rough the entire civil war , was thrown from a buggy by a runaway team and re ceived Injuries from which he died. From a .reliable source It is ascer tained that the Dowager Empress Frederick of Germany has been suffer ing for a year with cancer of the breast. The disease Is already far ad vanced , and she Is a very sick woman. Commissioner of Labor Caldcrwood will urge the Montana legislature to prevent , if possible , the Importation ol more Japanese laborers into the state. Nearly 2,000 Japanese are employed on railroads , displacing white la borers. The Pao-Tlrig-Fu expedition leaving Cho Fee numbers 4,000 men. It Is made up as follows : British , twc rcsimcnta of cavalry , battery of horse artillery and 300 Infantry ; Italians , 1,000 ; Japanese , 300 ; Russians , 300 ; Americans , 500. President McKInley has not made reappolntmcnt to 1111 the vacancy raiisod by the retirement of General Wheeler , but it IB probable the recom mendation of General Chaffco io have Colonel Daggett appointed and retired will bo carried out. Samuel G. Sworcngcn , the oldest man in Crawford county , died at his horn near Duncanvllle , 111. Ho was born In Ohio on January S , 1807. He was bno of the largest land owners In the county and for years was presi dent of the Robinson Bank. The postmaster general has received a communication from F. W. Vaillo director of posts in the Philippines , showing that there will bo a eurplue of receipts over expenditures up to June 30 of $19.449. Thltt does not in clude fees for niouoy orders amounting to ? GCQJ. There la one department yet to hoar from. Coul mine owners on the Pacific coast lire apprehensive of troublu with their minors , in vlow of the proaonl condition of affairs In eastern coal mining districts. The coast minors , according to the owners , are not ills satisfied with the amount of wages , but threaten trouble if the working day is not reduced from ton t. ) olght hours. Pickpockets robbed United States Senator F. M. Cockroll of Missouri of Ills pockctbook containing about $230 in Sedalla , Mo. , ono day laat week , and ho did not know of the loss until : postofllcc man returned the pocket book to him , empty , except for sonv papers hearing his name. A letter collector had found the book in i street letter box. It Is reported from Norwich that th Standard Oil company Is trying to ob tain control of the Oncshlro salt trade It Is stated that it will bo a montl before a train can roach Galvcsto.i and that In the meantime the enl > communication must bo made bj means of boats. M The comptroller of the currency is sued a cntl for thu condition of th national banks at the close of busl HOBS September 6. James J. Corbctt , the ex-champlo of prize fighters , has quietly left th country and gone to Europe , descrtlu his wlfe and taking an actrehs will him. him.On On September 1 the per capita clr dilation was $20.85 , the hlgliest th United tSatcs has over known. The enumerators' sheets are not 1 yet , but It is already known that th loturns will show there nro in th country between 5,500,000 and 6,000 000 separate farms. David E. Mackey filed a petition 1 bankruptcy In the United tSatoa cour at Evansvllle , Ind. His liabilities ar estimated. Zed Floyd , n negro , was taken fron jail at Wctumpka , Ala. , and nan Floyd had entered the elceplnj ; roon of two young women , and whpn dis covered Jumped 4rom a window. Henson Devorse , an octogi-narlat pioneer of St. Joseph , Mo. , died nftc a protracted lllno&a. Ho waa a clofa friend and confidant of Joseph Rob , doux , the founder of St. Joscpn , an the first white man who pursued th' avocation of trader with the Indian In tnat section of the world. The next council of the Order of Rei Mon will be held in Now York city. A largo gathering of all the chief of the great Slou : : nation , from HD& bud , Pine Ridge , Cheyenne and Lowr Brule , Is being held at Standing Rod They claim tuat the troa'y Is nival ) us three-fourths of the Indiana did no elgn. TIM mmCHINA Reported that British Government is to Send Here Troops to the Orient. SOLDIERS ARE PROM SOUTH AFRICA r.irllonp , of Army Which Kouglt liorrn Itrftt III liidlii Aiiicrtrium tn KitulilUlt rcriiiuiiunt Coiniiitiiilciitlon Itulwoin 1'oUln unil Tlun TliMi. LONDON , Sept. 17. In consequence of the prediction by Sir Robert Unit that there would bo further hoHtllltle'j in China In November , the Associated Press understands the Britisn ; overn- mont Is coiiHldoiIiig the transfer of troops from Houth Africa to India in order to make it practicable to send moro troops to China. The miltary authorities consider the war In South Africa HO far ended that troops may now bo removed. It Is probable that the Russian lega tion lias already been removed from Pckln to Tien Tsln , but taero la no dcllulto news as yet whether LI Hung Chang will after all go to Pckln. General Dorward Is going to the cap ital , le.ivlng the troops at Tlcn Tbln Under command of Brigadier General Homo Campbell. Vice Admiral Alox- leff has returned to Takti. The Americans have begun at IIo SI Wu a permanent telegraph line be tween Pekin and Tien Tsln. The Pckln correspondent of the Dally News says that the assassin of Baron von Kottolcr has been shot. The Morning Posts representative says that the question la being discussed of sending relief to a few British , French and Ameilcan engineers , who are be sieged in a city 200 miles south of Pc kln. Shanghai advices say that a house has boon engaged there for Count von WalderKOC , who Is expected to arrive next Saturday. Chlnoso ofllclals estimate that 20,000 disbanded Chinese soldiers managed to remain behind In Pckln. Other dis patches confirm the report that In addi tion to Hsu Tung , guardian of the heir apparent , Hu Lu , viceroy of Chi Li , and Wang Yl Yung , president of the Imperial academy , with 2oO members of olllclal families , committed suicide when the allies entered Pokln. Chlneso regulars are reported to have relieved the Roman Cahtollc ntronghold at Ho Chlcn , In the prov ince of Chi LI , which the Boxers had been besieging slnco Juno. l-o Shanghai correspondent of the TImes , wiring yesterday , says : LI Hung Chang has been notified from Berlin that ho must submit his cre dentials to the Gorman minister at Shanghai , who will then communicate with Emperor William and await the result. Dr. Munim von Schwartenstcln , In an interview with Sheng , expressed the opinion that although the powers were adverse to the partition of China , any delay In negotiating was calculated to produce that result , and that Germany wns prepared to remain In occupation Indefinitely pending a settlement. Earl LI accordingly telegraphed Gen eral Yung Lu to use every effort to per suade the empress dowager and em peror to return to Pekln and to remove Prlnco Tuan and his entourage. TRAGIC DEATH Of A SOLDIER. C. i > tuln McQncntloii Shot Wlilld In Fit of IiiKiuilty. WASHINGTON , Sept. 17. Th-j war department today i oivcd information from General MncArthur of the tragio death in the Philippines of Captain Charles McQucston of the Fourth reg iment of United States infantry , the result of n wound by a private soldier. General Mai-Arthur's dispatch Is au follows. "MANILA. Adjutant General , Washington : Charlca McQueston. cap tain Fourth United States infantry , Oled yoaterday , Mangonono , Bacoon , Cavlte province , 8:30 : evening , reault from gun shot wound caused by private soldier. Captain McQucston In a lit of temporary insanity attacked men of company. Shot ono or moro and was nhot himself In self defense. Fur ther particulars when received. " BOtRS MAKE HASTY fLIGJIT. Ouuorul McDonald CnntnroH rrovlnlon * und Ammunition. CAPETOWN , Sopt. 17. The military authorities have taken over The Ncth- orlindH railway. General McDonald , operating in the northeastern corner of Orange colony , compelled the Bocra to nuuco a hasty retreat from the Vet river. Tin cap tured thlrty-ono wagons , a quantity of cnttlo and stores and G5.000 rounds of ilflc ammunition. Olilim Dcc-l'irml Wnr In .Juno. BERLIN , Sopt. 17. The Shanghai correspondent of the Loknl Anzcigcr reports an Interview wltn Dr. Ros- thorn , becrotary of the Austrian lega tion , In which the oocrotary is quoted no saying that the Chlneso government presented to the minister a formal declaration of war on Juno 19 , consid ering the capture ot the Taku forts an act of war. The ministers were required to Icavo Pokin in twenty-four hours. ( Jorn to Nreotlnto IVnrr. LONDON , Sopt. 17. A apodal din- patch from Naples says that an agent of the Transvaal says the object of Mr. Krugor's visit to Europe Is to negoti ate a settlement with Great BUtain and that ho has full power to act to that ond. llnrton'N Anprnl. "HOUSTON , Tex. , Sept. 17. E. C. Foster , WaohlnBton : Arrived here safely last night after a very rapid Journey. Met by military and civic oscort. Waited on this morning by citizens' relief committee , including the mayor , who are now arranging for our transportation to Galveston. Hous ton losses aggregate $1,000,000 , but aha is working night and day to relieve Galveston ; and the villages of Harris and others must Imvo aid from the outside. Greatly need money ; cnn pur- chaoo damaged gooda very cheaply. " CUBAN ELECTION RETURNS. ItrporU Show the Miitloiml I'urty Triumph * In ilu\i ni > . HAVANA , Sept. 17. In ycaterdny's election of delegates to the forthcom ing convention the national party again triumphed in the province of Ha vana. Not only did It elect the llvo delegates of the majority representa tion , hut It also captured one of the ml- 1101 Ity representatives , the republican party olcetlni ; the other two , namely Maluolo Sangullly and Berrlel. Returns from the other provinces como In slowly owing to the heavy rlano. In Plnar Del Rio there seems to bu no doubt of the election ot Gon- zalo do Qucsada Rlus Rivera and Civ il Governor Ciullcti. Nothing definite Is yet know lion ? as to Santiago be cause of the dUHculty of getting re turns from the ontlvin ; ; tPrnt/-\ . liut It IB reported that Juan Gullbcrrto In Puerto Prluclpo Scnorca Cioncros and Sllva were the only candidates , ao that their election Is h'ecured. It la conceded that in Santa Clara the federals - orals will win. No definite news of the results In Mataimis has bcon received horo. From no pirt ; of the Island in there any report of disturbance. The largo vote polled by Senor Uoncr In thin province may he looked upon , apart from his Individual popularity , as an endorsement of Governor General Wood's recent appointment of him as secretary of justice. It Is remarked that the republican and union demo cratic electors bolted for Senor Goner. The nationalists , as a concrete whole , assume to bo antl-annoxatlon- Ists , but It Is well known that they are moderate In tone. More than one of the delegates representing the ma jority In this province are pro-Ameri can. Whom their personal feelings are concerned and Irrespective of politics they dcslro closest relations with the United States. At 7 o'clock this evening the icturns from twenty-live towns In the province of Havana , Including the city , with only nine towns to heard from , show the following pollUg : Lacret , nation alist , 12.7C7 ; Rodriguez , nationalist , 12- 10G ; Geucr , nationalist , 11,281 ; San- Ritllly , republican , 11,043 ; Nunez , na tionalist , 10,720 ; Bcrrlcl , republican , 10,022 ; Tamaxo , nationalist , 9G ; > 9 ; Za- yas , nationalist , 9,283. LOUBET FIXES THE KOUNUARY. DlfTrrcnecn Ilrtmcn Cottn Rlcn and Coloinhln nrn Drrldnd. WASHINGTON , Sept. li. The min ister of Costa Rica at Washington , Se nor Cairo , has received a cablegram from the minister to Costa Rico at Paris , which conveys the Information that the president of the French re public , M. Lowbet , who was the arbi trator appointed to decide the boun dary question between Costa Rica and Colombia , by his award of yesterday fixed the boundary limit between tuo two countries on the Atlantic side at Mona Point ( or P. Carreta ) , and on the Pacific side at Punta Burlca. The re public of Colombia claimed that the limit should be fixed at Capo Gracias Adlos , In the Atlantic , including the whole of Costa Rica and Nicaragua At lantic coast , and that the limit on the Pacific should bo placed at Boruca nvor , to the northwest of Golfo Dulcc , which would have given Colombia a right to half the territory of Costa Rica and about two-thirds of that of Nica ragua. Coota Rica claimed the old limits be tween Central America and Colombia , placed at the Island Sscudo do Vcragua on the Atlantic and the river Chlriqui Vlejo ( at the base of Puuta Burlca to the southeast ) , on the Pacific. Sundny at ( inlvcoton. GALVESTON. Tex. . Sept , 17. Yes terday was a dreary Sabbath In Gal veston. Services were held In the few churches made lit for use slnco the great storm. All day mon and boys wore at work clearing the debris. Only a few dead wore found during the day and they were quickly burned , no attempt - tempt being made to Identify them , o military authorities and the civil authorltioa are now co-operating har moniously and conaeuqently there Is less looting and desecration of corpses , x roops uro ordered to make short work of looters and arrest all suspicious characters. Objection * to ICri.rnntlon. SHANGHAI , Sept. 17. The news of the contemplated withdrawal of the uilles from PcVln hnn canard a great sensation and Is regarded here as u great mistake , which In likely to eventuate - tuato in disturbances in other parts of China , where the people arc certain to attribute the evacuation to a defeat of the European forces. Even here the Chlneae as a whole do not bollovo that the alllea ever reached Pckln. They think the story a fabrication concoct ed for the purpose of Imposing on the ofllclals. Coniinnnleutliin GALVESTON. Tex. . Sept. 17. Tollo- graph and rallrond lines are being rapIdly - Idly restored. Thin morning the Postal Telegraph and Cable company hns four wires working Into the city and with in 48 hours will have Its system almost completely re-established to the ba- sit rxietlur before Uio htorm The Western Union is In even better shape , but with both companies the stringing of wires has been but temporal y. time being the all important consideration at present. NrhmnUit Storm Ylotlmi. YORK. Neb. , Sept. 17 Among the victims of the Texns flood disaster are J. Wlckninn , wife and seron children. The Wlckmans were formerly residents of York county , where they were well known and much respected. A mi n Report Corrected , AUSTIN , Tex. , Sopt. 17. Governor Sayera gave out the following today : "Reports sent out from this place by whomsoever may that 580.000 or $90,000 has already been paid In arc absolutely false and made without au thority and calculated to do great harm to the needy eufferora along our coast. No such aura of money has been re- colved or anything approaching It. It la believed that the storlos have done great harm In that they have prevented tno contribution of money which is so sorely needed at Galveston. " Goo , Zimmerman , of Lexington , and Mr. Thomas , of Kearney Lese their NEBRASKA NEWS IN WASHINGTON Oenrgn Nee , Accvnnl of the Murder a" ) : | | Jonon , Arrulunod tit Hiatrlce JMrn. Mjlor , of C'llftlrr County , lllltun by n Kiittlrnimko Othur Stuto Nous , LEXINGTON , Neb. , Sept. 12. Ncv.'J reached here that George 7/lmmerur , manager of the Loxlngton telephone exchange , and a companion namel Thomas , of Kearney , were drowned on Ash ereok at its junction with tfto Loup river. The team and buggy set tled down In the quick sand until the tcasn Tins clear out of sight and the bujtffy top was fceon a little above the water. Some one found the buggy an-1 in about three hours afterward the men wore both found. Mr. Zlmmerer loaves many friends In Lexington. His wife and parents are here. The young mon were inspecting a route for a now telephone line. September , the .Month of Festival at Oinulm , Nrh. The "Musical Festival" at Omaha. to continue during the month , is an Insured success , and the music lovoi'3 of Omaha are talcing in all they can absorb of Bellstodt's Famous Band Music. This is the Iwind so popular at the exposition. Nebraskans should not miss the opportunity to again hear it. The Fremont. Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad has snonunced lo\v rates from points within 75 miles of The "Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben" Car nival during the last week in Septem ber 2Uh to 29th will cap the cll- max. Impressive parades by day and night. A " " miniature "Midway" witu ita rarlous forms of amusement going n all tin time. The theaters have all booked spu- elal attractions for Carniral week. The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad has announced low rates from points within 200 miles , for four days , during the Carnival week , limit October 1st. Remember the month of September is Carnival and Festival month in Omaha. NOB Acoimnd of Murdnr. BEATRICE , Neb. , Sept. 12. George Nee , accused of the murder of David Jones , was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. .Detective Leary states that when 3 Trent to the Nee house to make the arrest , about midnight , ho called Nee out and told fclai what was want ed. They went into the house an-1 Nee said to hln wife : "Theso follows hare a warrant for my arrest. " His wife asked : "Is it about that Dave Jones matter ? " and their little daughter spoke up and said : "I know who told it. " When asked who it was that told it she refused to toll and would not make further reply to any questions asked. Nrhrimkn Jfrirn In WASHINGTON , Sept. 12. The dis continuance of the poatomce at Sime on , Cherry county , which has brought for a largo number of protests fron ? patrons , will probably be annulled shortly and the office reinstated. Rural free delivery Is to bo estab lished nt Arlington , Washington courf- ty , on the 15th lust. The service will cmbrnco au area f sixty-nine square milea with a population of 1,325. Bert R. Hedloion has b on appoint ed postmaster at Boolus , Howar.l county , Nob. , vice Wheelock , resign ed ; also A. S. Platts at Trent , Moody county , S. D. T.lflhtnlnc Kill * Cattle. FAIRMONT , Neb. , Sept. 12. During the electrical .storm that visited this noctlon lightning klllod three head ot cattle owned by Shelley Stints , north west of town. Lightning struck somft stacks of oats belonging to Louis Nol- haus , southeast of town , burning thorn to the ground. Mr. Nelhaus had an Insurance policy In the Union Insur ance company of Lincoln wlilch cov ered his loss. iVomun r.lttnn I > y n Ittttlrmmko. CALLAWAY , Neb. , Sept 12. Word lias reached this place that Mrs. Jo seph Mylor of Arnold , a small Inland lago , twcnty-flvo mlloa northwest of ! iere , was bitten by a rattlosnaka wlilta picking plums In the canyons. She was taken to town and restoratives ap plied , and at laat reports It was thought her llfo would be saved. 1C 111 oil In Cnlorndo. YORK. Nob. , Sopt. 11. Walter Mar shall , a former York boy , was accident ally k-lllod at Victor , Colo. , the fore part of the wook. IIo was tamping r charge of powder , which exploded pre maturely , driving the tamping ro through his body , killing him Instant ly. The remains arrived hero and were buried In Greenwood comotcry. After Du l Comity' * Sheriff. OIIAPPELL , Neb. . Sept. 11. The bondsraon of Sheriff Konlson of this county yesterday Instituted impeach ment proceedings against him and the name will bo tried next Saturday , Sep tember 15. They report him as being drunk and disorderly several times lately. Uf uU of n Toot Itnne , SYRACUSE , Neb. , Sept. 11. Jaraei : Creeamnn was terribly pounded up yesterday aa n rooult of a disagree ment over n foot race by u young man from Kansas. The assailant was finally lodged In the cooler to await the result of Mr. Creesman's Injuries. ITorvrn Mlmlne itt North Itoml. NORTH BEND , Nob. . Sopt. 10. John Collins , a farmer living ono inilo cast of here , on going out to the barn , dis covered that a valuable team of bays , owned by his father , Reuben Collins , were mlsalns. NEBRASKAN RETURNS FROM NOME Uo Does Not ( ! l\o Kncouriielnc Account of Ilin munition. KEARNEY , Neb. , Sept. 17. C. V. Evans , son of J. C. Evans of this city , Is home from Cape Nome , Alnaka. llo was formerly a druggist of unwha and went to Cape Nome lust June to go Into the drug business. When ho got there he could uot llnd a location for u build ing and was compelled to sell his stock. lie tried mining but the bcacn had he-en t'ono over three times and wouid give tip uo puy dirt. The people who had Ixxjn at Nome and were well located were making money , bt lute arrivals could do notnlng at all. An experienced miner could not earn more tlian ? 3.GO a day and a prospecting ouUlt was worth from ? 30fc to 5500. Mr. Uvans said the city covered a ten acre strip of heath a block wide. The population if tile city was between L'0,000 and 30 , 00 inhabitants. Baclc of the city it is hilly and to the north for hundreds cf miles extends the tundra , which Is a marshy formation of moss and decayed vegetation. It is impassa ble and can only be used for travel when it Is frozen. Vcwiela are compell ed to anchor live miles from shcre and their cargoes are landed by means ot lighters. He said that thcra were SCO nufiGCBgcrs on the vessel that took him to Noiae , and 200 of this number re turned on the same vessel after they ha/1 been U.ere six days. The fare waa $165 and the net earnings of the com pany for one trip to Cape Nome was 51C5.000. to Prison. OMAHA , Nob. , Sept. 17. Frank M. Dorscy , formerly cabkler of tnc Firct National bank of Ponca , came in Wed nesday from Cripple Creek , wliero hs lias been for some time paet , and reported - ported at the office of the Unitcil States marshal iu accordance with the maa- dsvto of the federal court in order that the sentence imposed mlgnt be put In to effect. The sentence is for cix years at the Sioux Falls petiitenitary , and is for violating the banking law In ocn- ncctioa tvltn the wrecking f the Ponca bank. It is expected that Judge Mua- ger will bo in the city teen and that uu order "will bo entered and the de fendant taken to Sioux Falls without delay. Dorsejy insists that the violation Trao technical and similar to others that are necessary in banks every day , and that he tvas convicted simply oa the failure of the bank. The court of appeals af firmed the action of the lower court , and the supreme court refused to con sider the case. Supreme Court Docket. LINCOL. , , Neb. , Sept. 17. The bar docket for tne September term f the supreme court contains 1,645 cases , or about 1,000 more than cnn possibly bo considered by the three judges in one year. Among the cases set for hearing at the first setting , which begins Sep tember IS , are those of the state of Nebraexa against the Standard Oil company and the various railroads do ing business in this btate. The cases against the Burlington and Elkhorn railroads were submitted during the last term of court , but by general agreement of all parties concerned they have been reopened again for argriment on the constitutionality of the board of transportation. Kilted liy an Kn lnc. COLUMBUS , Neb , , Sept. 17. J. F. Schaffroth , for many years a resident of this county , was accidentally killed near Hartiugton , Neb. lie was in the act of coupling a threshing machlno engine to a separator when the engine started back and run over him , caus ing almost instant death. Peter SchrafT- roth , father of the deceased , left to make arrangements for the uurlal , which will probably be made in Cedar county. One rurally Kscnpetl. OVERTui. , Neb. , Sept. 17. Gcorso Crandell is la receipt of a letter from his daughter , Mrs. McCallum of Ilttn- gerford , Tex. , stating that tow * ivas completely annihilated by th storm. Mr. and Mrs. McCallum escaped with their HTCS by clinging to posts for six hours during the storm and Uood. It U fearad that Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wales and family , who removed from here to Galveston , Tex. , have been killed , as no tidings have been received from tneui as yet. Sntts for Durances. COLUMBUS , Neb. , Sept. 17 Two damage suits for $3,000 cacli have been filed in the district court against Frank Holder of Humphrey by Beruaru Bode- wig and George Dlocdoru , minors , abovit 15 years of age , by their fathers , Jacob Bodewig and Martin C. Bhx'dorn. The allegation is made that on August 21 in the presence of divers persons Heidor falcely stated that the plaintiffs had btolen a lot of postage stamps and ยง 15 from his lumber oilk . Arrrfttott Aftur u Strulu. ; ; SYRACUSE , Neb. , Sept. 17. Jessie Jennings was committed to the county Jail for want of bail , on a charge of assault with intent to do bodily injury to ono James Crcasnmn , He not only scvoroly injured Mr. Creasman , but de fied the v/hole community to arrest him and it vras only after much chasing and the persuasive argument of a. six shooter that brought him to time. He claims to hail from Coffcyvllle , Kan. Mnll Snck Under Wheel * . TREN'iON , Nob. , Sept. 17. The mall sack of No. 3 , the Denver llycr , went under the train and was badly dam aged. Papers were strewn the length of the switch. The letter sack was not found , but it was learned No 80 had picked it up on the cow catcher and carried it to McCook. T.cxlncton "Mini round I > > ail. CLARKS , Neb. , Sept. 17. The man- Sled body of Walter Ix > nc , son of G. W Long of Lexington , Neb. , waa found on the Union Pacific truck one mile east of town. His identity TTHS proven by letters on his person showing he had boon driving an Ice wagon this sunimoi for Otto Baker of Columbus and by Robert Douglas , who formerly resided thero. Cqroner Kombrick deemed It unnecessary to hold an Inquest , Tht remains will he shipped to Lexington for burial. Lord Knurl' * Soldier Hoy. The youngest son of the late Lord Russell sailed for South Africa earl/ In the year as a lieutenant In tho- Royal artillery. The occasion was * " " ! marked by one of those Intimate touches of family affection which ex cite universal sympathy. As the great troopship swung slowly from hep mooring the lord chief justice , stand ing on the quay , failed to descry his son among the crowd of faces that lined the bullmarks. At last he gave a shrill whistle , using his fingers la a manner well known to schoolboys , nd the evidently famblliar call quick- y brought young Russell to the side f the ship to wave farewell : Tim ouch of nature evoked a hearty cneer rom all who witnessed it. Slilrt Waist Bticlire Party. At a Bath beach progressive cuchrc- iarty the women wore white shirt valnta and black skirts , the men white uck trousers and shirt walsta of raln- ow iiucs No one was admitted in , thcr than1 shirt wast attre. Dlann'a DlnflEttretl During the thunderstorm in Phlla- lelphla a few evenings ago lightning : truck a marble state of Diana at an utranco to Falrroount park. Imme diately afterward the left log of the tatute turned brown. Next morning- .11 the coloring had disappeared cx- ept one large sot. which has so far Gsisted persistent scrubbing and the application of powerful acids. liner Cllrl nt Glmntnuqun. A typical Boer young woman of the wealthier class is a student at Chau- iqua , N. Y : Bhc is Miss Carrie Rouoseau , of Kenllwcrth , a suburb oC /ape Colony , and Is the daughter of a , ousln of President Steyn , of the Orange Free State , and a srandnlece 3f General Botha. She and her mother eft South. Africa at tne outbreak of he war and have boon traveling in his country since. It is a noteworthy fact that In the state of Utah there is not ono Irish Mormon. OMAHA AND ST. LOUIS K. K. CO. IIALI' KATES. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 30th , Oct. 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th and 5th. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 29th , 30th , Oct. 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , oth and 6th. On Aug. 21st , Sept. 4th and 18th HALF ; IATES ( PLUS ? 2.00) ) for round trip .0 most all points South. Now Is the ; lme to take your vacation. All information mation at Omaha & St. Louis R. R. Ofilce , 1415 Farnarn St. ( Paxtou HO TEL Block ) , or write Harry E. Moores , C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. At one time the kaiser called Victor Emmanuel III. "The wandering royal encyclopedia. " Iet for the I5owclg. No matter what ails you , headache to a cancer , you will never got well until your bowels are put right. CASCARETS help nnture , euro you without a gripa or pain , produce easy natural movement * , coat yon Just 10 cents to start getting your health back , CA6CARETS Candy Cathartic , the genuine , put up In metal boxes , every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on It Beware - ware of imitations. rarms for nale on easy tenm , or rxclmnic , In I , Neb , , Minn , ur S. V. J. Mulhatl , Sioux City , lowu. In driving a nail a woman either drives it crooked or hits her finger. LOW RATE EXCUPSIONS. Via Mlsuonrl FnclHo Ity. , nnil Iran Manu- taln Roato , To points in the West , Southwest , and Southeast at half-rates ( plus $2) ) for the round trip. Tickets on sale Tues days , September 4 anJ IS , October 2 and 16 , November 6 and 20 , and Ds- cember 4 and 18 , 1900. For full information mation , land folders , etc. , address any agent of the above lines , or II. C. Townsend , G. P. & T. Agent , St. Louis , Missouri. WILL KEEP YOU DRY. ft t > o.Vt be foce4T.-tth ! a mackintosh or rubltrccat. If ysuvrantaceat ttiat M1 ! < p you dry In th * hunl- est storm boy the Flili Brand Slicker. If n tfor sala la your town , write for oUlojuo to A. J. TOWER , boiion. Mass. T STOP TOBACCO SUDDENLY it Injures ncrvsus Kjstem to do so. BACO- CURO lutUc only cure tliat REAL' Y C'irtES mid notlSos you rrben to stop , bold with a puarantro that three b xes will euro any eao. RAffl.fl'-Rl ! ! ( Is % fcetable and k rmloH. It Uas Uftim UlrtVJ ourcd theusanJ-i. ItTlll euro jou. At. nil lii-MrcLsti or by nail prrpaul. fl a bor ; n Ixars $ : .fiO. Booklatfrro. Wrlto EUREKA CHEMICAL CO. , La Croeee , Wta INVITATIONS , Printed ( n the most rtlstla manner froai imita tion encraTtd tyr81 * the flrs t Hurlbut inpur. The very finrst prime * nrltftlioa Wiat ran ho bad nt nnr prloi. Kirtj InrlUiUus with ln 'do wid outride e iveti > pe cwmpleto , dellvsr'd free by mall , S3. Una hundrsl /nnouucerooits pa-no prloe. Wr.ts copy plain ! > . A < M > ess , HASTINGS THINTING CO. , Milton , 1'cnn. H0& wnwrstrtuji PrtWltt. SWIMt PUWJE. Prcv rr for wtr In tlmn f petce. I'monre a uj > - prjr of Antl-Ralrra before 7 tir h ff ir t I ft. A rmall unotiat trill lt ep Uom InffvotTlio lib. fiMirt ft r Y KfcK O"K t > n Utg DUi'nsos nd Iti Ir Item din. A. nitn Vtnnt U AdJ' > Antl- lioJcruCo , , llipi A. IS S idth hi , oiuftli * . Heb. W.N.U. OAIAHA. No. 33 1900