Is very much like the blossom- of a flower. IN bwnity and perfection dopi'iiils c'titiruly upon tlie cnte bvsloweil upon its parent. Uspci tnnt mothers should bavc the tcndcrest iare. They .should bo spued all worry nnd nnxicty. They should eat plenty of # oed nourishing food nndtukuRentleoxpruse'J. This will KO a lonjj wny toward preserving - ing their health nnd their beauty as well rw that of the little one to come. Hut to 1 > n' ' > .ohilcly sure of n short and painless labor they should use regularly during the months of gesta tion , Tliifl Is n Himplu liniinent , which Is to bo applied externally It jjlvoq KtrenKth anil vljror to the imiHcli-s and prcvenu nil o t no discomforts of prcR- iiiiney , which women used to think were absolutely jicref.inry When Mother's Friend Is uni-il there in no duntrer whatever , Ciet Mother's Friend at the store , SI JUT lioltlu. THE BKAOriELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA , (1A. Wrll fnronrfrMbKk "llef > r > llil'T U Horn " Call Tor County Coin out ion. The Ouritor Co. Woman'H rngo CoiiYQiition \ called teat at tli" court lintiHO in Hrokcn Saturday , Sept , 22nd , 1900. UX : ( ) n. -Meeting of Kxccnllvo llonrd. lUllMIn , in ItmiortH of dclt'KntcK mid uli'Ctlnn Of cotinly ( I'llocrs for cnhiiltiK yi-nr. B'OOp ! ) . I'lirlmiiiPiitnrf drill , conilnctril hy MlP > I.'niiA A Urey ) ; , followed hy dlecnn- elon of ! ) M7nr work , 7:30p. : in 'lhl mooting "HI bo held In tlie .Mi llmillf t rhurrh. Thrre will IKS a question box , nnd talk by Ml n UrctfK. Every ono JH itordially inviti'd to attend all the Homionn of tlio uonvcn < tioii.Diilf'uatGH will bo entertained by tlio loual club. MRS. DORA TOWKI , , Proa. NMM.IIC TAYLOR , Seo'y. Good Thing ftlulti Away. Chlcago'ti oJllclal sealer has Issued ordcra that all Ice must he weighed in the presence of the c'listoinur. This praetleally puts an end to the fun of being the Iceman in Chicago. Buffalo Express. Or n NiMVHpnptir for One Ctnit. Author "This novel contnlnB 00.- 000 words , nnd yet I'll Hell it for $50. " Publisher "Go on ; I can buy a dic tionary any day for $5 , " Syracuse Herald , Untile Tritcitlon Hulunarlno itnat. To enable tourists to cross the Eng lish channel without the Inconvenience of seasickness , a Frenchman 1ms de signed a submarine boat , to bo propell ed by cable traction. It will accom modate about 250 passengers , and will make the Journey in about an hour , and should any accident happen to the motive power the boat may bo detach ed and will at once rise to the surface and may continue the Journey in the ordinary manner. til ii Klrit uf Writing on the decline of the French language , Jean Finot points out that at the end of the last century French was the language spoken by the great est number of civilized people , whoreaa now it atanda fourth. English is spoken by 116,000,000 , Russian by 85- 000,000 , German by 80,000,000 , and French by 58,000,000. MtleiUlon. No.the trllllonalro would not litigate , Sooner would he endure an Invasion of his rights. "Were 1 to litigate , " ho proteniod , "I should almost certainly bo the causa of numbers of innocent lawyers dying rich ! " This charming anecdote shows conclusively that the possession of great wealth does not necessarily Bear the liner sensibilities nor deaden the springs of noble Im pulse. Detroit Journal. _ Looks I.tkn nn Kncllntunaii. Says the London Graphic : "Tho king of Portugal , whom wo have to thank for the friendly relations wo still maintain with the little kingdom , is English In his tastes. His grand father was a flrs * cousin of the prince consort , and ho hjmself la by no means a Portuguese In appearance , being a Htotit blonde man with a crop of flno curly hair. " Lumber Needed In 1'ulp J1I1U. It Is estimated that of the 555,500,000 feet cut of logs In the Maine forests the present season 225,000,000 feet will be sent to the pulp mills instead of the sawmills. The demand for material for paper manufacturing has the ef fect of sensibly diminishing the output of lumber and increasing the cost to builders. Ithodo Ulnnd'H Kluo Nnw Capitol. Rhode Island Is the smallest state in the union in area , and its entire population is about equal to that of the city of Boston , yet this state has Hearing completion a state capltol which Is exceeded In cost by the capl- tols of few states and which good Judges declare is equaled by uouo in architectural beauty. Kt'liiilillnui Tounslilp ( 'aiiciiH. Ai per ailvwrtiHt'iiip'nt , tliu r < pub lican tOWtlHllip Ui\UUUH WH Ill-Ill Monday afternoon , in the court IlOllHL' . ! ho iiiuttinf ; wart calluJ to order by Chairman Koysc , and tlm olijot ( if tillllll'l'tlllg HtiltOll. On motion iMr. KoyHO w h elected chairman , and L ) . M , Ainnbuny H > JO reiarj. On tliu Sixth ballot W. I. Wind , nnylo roLoivud a olunr majority o'-or nil competitor * , and wan declared tlio nominee. W. II. Ohbnrno Jr. wan nominated for olork , , J. & 1. Kunbcriiny for ( ri-'ifiurci ; W. M. Vanniut1 , ami-nnoi ; , J. ,1. Sny.k-r jnsliet- , and L IS Cole coiiHtablc. The nomiuuc'ri for ovcrsetTH of iho Hovcral road dintnotH wore ah followH : DiHtnot No. 1 OhaH. Uaviu. District No. 2 John Kumiyur. DJAtiiut No. 0 \4. MoCandlcHa. District No. 4 AI. D. Callon Dielricl No fi 1'I' ' . Arthur. District No. 0 W. Jfi. Cadwoll. DiHtiict No. 7 ( J. T. Wright. The following judgi'H and oL-rkri of cluctton wort ) recointnondcd : North Hide Ju < J Kay , ] j. J. Gaudy and W. S. Boyno. Olorkfl , 0. H. huco , Willis Cad woll. South Sido-C. WHlivpr , W. II. Mhackollord and Jau. Urtborno for judges , and II. F. Kennedy nnd I'Vank John for cli'rliH. On motion : t rctiolulion was adopted , authorizing tlio township committee to fill any vacancy that might occur on the ticket hy ap pointment. Moved and carried to adjourn. Weaver's Meeting. General J. B. Weaver , of "green back" fame , di 1 not prove the win ning card for tliu democrats that wan anticipated by his fusion cc- workorn in ( hit ) city Monday. Bills wtro circulated in great niimbuiH at tlm lair ground Friday , and hUnl into tbu country by llio liuidn-ds , a.lvortiHini ; him for a 8pocili in Broknn Bow Monday , at 2 o'clock. I'ho was horc , but the crowds of lormor days failed to ni.'Uoriali/e. Tliu brans band was unployed to drum up n crowd nt thi ) court house , but oven the swout ft rains of music failed to draw. When the mooting opened there were just 00 present by actual roiiiit. As a republican tovviiHhip caucus liad been advertised to be hold in the court hoiuio at that hour , n number of republicans camn in , and thn crowd finally reached 132 , including women and children. Fully one-fourth of the crowd was women and children , and tJ'n runt of the audionue conaitUod of about ono half republicaiiH and I ho other Inlf mid-road pops and democrats. STATIC OK NKIIUABUA. ) 12 Judical DiHtnct , j ' It is directed and ordered that the term of the ditUrict court here tofore directed to bo held in Custer county , beginning on the 24th day of Sept. , 1000 bo and the km me in icreby adjourned until the Hecond day of October , 1000. HoMEii M * SULLIVAN , District Judge. THE LAST CHANCE. September ifith U the Dute ot the Uurllrigton's Next Low Kate Excursion to Points East. Tito last of the homo visitors' excur sions ia nnnoutieml ( ur Wednesday , Sept. 20. Ono faro pins $2.00 la the round ttlp offered from nil Uurllngton Koute Btntlouf in KuneiiB nnd Nubrnpka , to cvnrywhere in lown , Wlpconsln nml the northern penlimila of Michigan , nnci to Hrly everywhere In IlllnolH , northern Missouri nnd Southern Minnesota. Tickets good to return until October III , 1000. For llnU-a Hud tickets , apply to nearest n tmt of the lUirllnjton Houto , or addreBH ,1. FranoiB Gonernl Agent , Omaha. Howard. W. H. Osborno Sr. , who lias charge of the cemetery grounds will pay five dollnrn reward for i information leading to the con viction of the parties who Hhot into the wind mill on the Broken Bow Cemetery grounds. HtVVU TIlOHe Wo will pay for nil tin tobaooo tngH one half cent each in trade of thoBO denomination ! ! ( showing Hiutill Htar printed on under Hide oi tag ) : Ilorso Shoe , J. T. , Good Luuk , CrosB Bow , Spear Head , Drnmniond , Natural Leaf , Star , old llonoHty. J. ( ' . BOWKN , The Grocer. In tlio ilUttlci court cif CuftiT county , Nelir. In tlio mutter of Ole J , Kttby , dcrvtitieu , Orclor tg thow CIIURC. Tlio raiihO CHIUO on for heurlnj ; upon tt.u pudtlon of M. 0. Wurrlngton , udmtntH- tratorof tua ceUtu ot Ole J. Ketuy , dccenrcd , nnijlui ; for license to fell llio follouitiK ruiil cr- Into , to-wit : 8 4 fcMnutl i > H BW , ofbi-c.8 , mid the uH nnM , anil 114 niiMi of S o , IT , nil In town 1UN , of It. 17 W , In Uuitvr couutj , Nobr. , or ft turUcluntniuount t lift oof to tiring the mui ol $5i7 , for the imjrmunl of detits UKnlnst euld imtatu , and the further > uin of JtW , nald rum hoint ; u monthly allowance of | 1U per month to i urrlu I'.Bthy , the > vtdonr Ole J. Kitby , deceased , nnd the costs of ntluilnlf trutlon , there not be Inn ulll- iluiit iierronul property to PRY tlm ala debts nnd cx > eimte. It U ttio'cforo ordered tlmt ill jicrfant Inturunted In raid fnUtu Mppuar before mu it the court hiuiBO In llioken How , Nrbr , on tbu 10th nay ot October. UHXi , at 10 o'clock * ra , to uliow cuubeh > - enlil llcuneo should bo Kruntcil to rnhl ndinlnl iiator to soil HO uiucli of thu r ul f tittcof rali' Utccftied H chtill bo noci > 8i > ary to pay mm dobu nnd expemes. Dated this aoih illy of Sep tember , 1VUU. UOMKU M. SULLIVAN , 20-U Judge DUtrlct Court. I ii Cuptor nnil Adjoining cuinitlcH , In - - ' -1 from Ho . Acre - to f I ructH , liOUl ) 1'AKM LAND , e 5,000 lit UOJI UHAXINU LAND. I.AM ) f Soybolt 1 KO.M 81.U ) 1'KH ACUK UP. i Acres _ One section of fliio pasture Innil In | for larrfon county. | for Ono-tmlt PC-Ion In Uoipcr county , g " Lurid. 1 ( MX ) notes on Trllln Tnblo. f "Sale. Oiio of the Ijcpt quitter coctlonn In 5 ( 'n tor Citinty , fo r niHos pontlicast lllHlHlltl tlllt II I fn in IlroUijii Howwith running water. mid varlniiB other plecos. Also STOKE ilUILWNOS AND LOTS KOK 8ALK IN IIUOIUCV IIO\V. OMK STOIIB ROOM FOR IlKNT. FARMS FOR RENT Also I.IVtdl.N I'KOPKRTV KOH 8AI.E OR TRADK , or will trade part of f m Iftud for l > ait ( ftttlo ur Until Cull on or ndilrcHB me fet imrtlculnri Yours for blx. A. T. SEYBOLT. For Nearly Sixty YenrB UEW-YOEK - The Leading National Family For Progressive Fanners nnd TI : ITOE. . Villagers. An old , stanch tried and true friend of the American People , from the Pacific , and the poineer in every movement calculated to advance the interest and increase the prosperity of country people in ever State in the Union. For every half centuy farmers have followed its instructions in raising1 their crops , and in converting1 them into cash have been National authority. If you arc interested in "Science and Mechanics" that department will please and instruct. "Short Stories" will entertain old and young1. "Fashion Articles" will catch the fancy of the ladies , and "Humorous Illustrations" and items will bring1 sunshine to your nousehold. Tint WKKKI.V TKIIUJRK is "The People's Paper for the entire United States , and contains all important news of the Nation and World. Regular suscriptton price $1.00 per year , but we furnish it AND THE REPUBLICAN 1 YEAR FOR $1,50 NEW VOKK I'ublislied Monday , Wednesday and Friday TKI-WKKKLY Till HUNK. . - , , , - A ,1,1-1 A complete up to-datc , daily newspaper three times a week for busy people who receive their mail oftcner than once a week. Contains all striking news features of THK DAII Y TRIUUNK up to the hour of goingto press ; and is profusely illustrated. Regular snscription price $1.50 per year , but we furnish it AND THE REPUBLICAN ONE YEAR , FOR $2.00. Send all orders to THE REPUBLICAN , BROKEN BOW NEBRASKA. One Mar Per Year. Wo own nnd occupy the tnl'rst miT-antilc huildinc ; In tin world. We have over a.noo.ouii easterners. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly tilling orders. engaged Out-of-to\ui OUrt GKNKRAI. C AT.LOG U K la the book of the people It quotes Whulmale Prices to UvrrylioiJy , lui over I.OM pages , 16,030 illustrations , U > o.v dt > i.rlption3 of srtileJ v ith prices. It costs 73 cents to print nnd ninil iuicony. : V/o v/ant you \ - > huv ; one. TUND nmJEN CEIJTS to rhovv j o'ir Kood faith , ar.d w , . II ut--J j > u . cojFUE1' , \Mth all chnrncs prepaid. WADH L > Of ) Michigan Ave.and MadlionStreet ft Mil U Oi UUi CHICAGO a JUT-TUT JUT-TUT JUT-TUT JTJTJTJTJTJTJlJirUTp Peae ! John & Busfene , ( New Firm ) Pcalo A Jolin hare offocJ'itr.1 ' with tliem In Iiusliifsa Mr HuBlitiell , recently of North Carolina , and Imvc lidded totbulr HTUCK of A Now Stock of I > ry Goods- ; Boots and. This In entirely a Now Stork , nnd contains quality unit variety to unit all. Thu public U requested to call unit fccu their goods and got prices FRESH FRUITS AND FANCY GROCERIES , Wholesale nnd Hetsll Nortlicnut Corner llcalty Ulock , - llrokcu How. D'TjTjnjTjTnnnr un-H-ru urn-ru u LrLrLruu 'a 83 lln jnpt roculvcd an Invoice of I FINB ART COOPS , I'ICTVRC FKAM.CS , EASELS , MEU/VCLiONS , WALL J v POCKETS , TOILET CASES , i SCHBKN3 , 3IIAIY1 And ft full Mneof Moulding of Mm latent r-ittcriis , nnd will mnko I'lrlnre I'rimru tooruer , niu HIZIat prices thnt will pult everybody. HrliiK In jou-iilctnrts anaha\o tliein framcil ItroUoit ISi > w , F. C. WORNALL , President. J. A. HARRIS , OiKhler A. J. ROUKRTSON , Vlco-Pros. VV. U. ULAUKWKLL.ABB't Farmers Bank of Ouster County BKOKEN BOW , NEB. Transacts ) a General Banking Business. County Claims and Warrants Bought. "Wholesale and Retail' . .AND. . irockery , Clocks , \\p Pickles , ' ' Lamps , . . lixtracts , Pateritr- * " " - J. C BOWE1 . , Pickling Medicinjes , Vinegar , FIRE CLAY Cutlery. Spices. COOKING WARE will not break with heat , will not rust or corrode BAKh PANS , COOKERS , PIE PANS , Tea and Coffee Pots , Roasters , Etc , Use tliis AA7are lor Mealtli. It Once Was Lost , but 3lTow I Have Found it. Whore ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a main- irK > Mi stock of Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever noard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep- mu pestod on what was being ottered for sale. They don't say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap. Everybody is invited to call and get my prices. Remember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First National Bank. W. S. SWAN , Proprietor ,