Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 20, 1900, Image 1

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    fliata Illit Llbrarlnu Sooloty
"P" *
/JV / |
' * *
Thought h stuck on n wntcU < " "onie
to look tuto it I found a stick In hie
You know how It Is wntrhos mu t lie
cleaned , wound ami oiled , In order to
Iti'vu good time.
Wntcli runtlrlni ; and Adjusting is a vrry
Important feiituro uf my hm-lncus I do
work for nunj t > eopl 1 have never BCCII ;
It comet ) to mo by mull imd express liupu-
Intlon coun'B ' for much In trtu Jnwelry
biiiliicee. Aly reputation U iny licet ml-
Oradnito of C'hlcniro Opthalmiu College.
School Books ,
Scliool Supplies ,
G. Haeberle's.
Ititm't Hie yinterliii
Hint goes Into your
repiilreclwntcli tlutt
in a purled
> . it Is tlic- } 4ou ;
Unit does the btimnef-H , any buogU-r
can buy the tine ktnda or material
that I uao in repairing ; but tkill
i * thi ! most valuable mati'rial thru
can bo used invatcu repairing ;
and the bunulercnu't buy It. I
cell my skill ( or wtmt It IB worth
nufl It will coat you IPBS tbou
bungling at lower prices. '
F ; W.I I AY US' ,
Jeweler nrnl Optician.
West side of square.
Dr. E. M. Hogan ,
Graduate Dentist
Oflice over \V. H.8w n's Grocery etore.
Broken Bow , - Neb.
Wheat . . . . . . 61c
Hurley _ „ . . 3-Jc
Oats „ S7c
Corn as
Ityo . . 31
lluttvr r. :
Kgcca < 8
1'otatoca -to
Onions &
Chickens , 8 11 il'Zen
Hop * 1 10
Gown X. t >
Stoeru ' . ( H )
Turkey * 6C
Straw _ 1 > IA
_ . 6.00
Business Pointers.
Dr. 'iW. . Bass , dentist , Broken
Luhrioniing oils of all kinds at
\ \ ilki' u' drug storo.
l < , .u Two good show
tisi'N. tf \V. IT. OBHOKNK.
Ii'o on am eoila 5 could ft glass at
Wilkms * drug store.
I'opmn Gum , two packages lor a
Cannon City coal t Dierks
Dumber O'o.
St-aling wax good for canning
at Wilkinn' drugstore. .
If ) < u want frenli meat , call on
Fred Mauliuk , wt-st side of public
Fou SALK Foity head of shoals ;
ilso two wagons. Call on
sl3-2fc Dn. C. Pi KKTT.
WANTED.Tbriii or lour more
inniilwrB. Enqulru of ftlr ? . ; B. W , H-d
vuils in Rualiy Biook.
Mnyi'-r Bros , stitl lead in daily
btuau e their price * and goodt *
thi'ir DiihtcrmuiH.
Store room lor rent on north
Hide of public square.
agll.f A T. SKYIJOI/T.
Go to Mike Scunlon's Restaur
ant for the best lunch in town
aid confectioner } ' .
Sii > dtr Bros dt'fy couipetiou
n j rmi'H and quality on ladies
shoos. Call and see them.
Spring IB here ! Drink SaauafrasK
Tea for your blood.
Call on or write Broken Bow Ab-
8truot Co. when in ntotl of tin ab
8traot of title. E Key oAb8tractor.
Write llayden Bros. , Omaha
Wholesale Supply House for pno *
xnd sampleH. 2 8 lyr.
Abhtracts compiled promptly and
loi'uraicly by the Broken Bow Ab
stract Co E. Rojse , Abstracter.
Von SALK Eight room house
uid OL-O aero of land , also Burdott
Organ cheap. Inquire of
V 19 U L. E. KOON.
Fou SAI.K A one Bto.-y cottage
with six hrge rooms , pleaaaut yard ,
\nd siirrouudings. I'rice $000.
t'.ill on L. J Gandy or at thie
7 lOtf
Farina for halo and lands for rent.
Mow is the time to get a farm cheap.
as ihe cheap farms are all going ,
tml prices are advancing rapidly.
J G. BllKNlZI'U.
I 1CK.
All parties are hereby notified not
to hunt on my premises , under pen *
ally of the law.
Fou OALK Twenty acies of laud ,
well improved , IOHH than one milo
from town. If not sold soon , will
rent for the winter. Price $800.
Part lime. Mns. E. A.MAXWKM.
Under the new arrangement of
qoodh 3" > d r Bros , are bettor pro-
piled than e'vor to wait on their
uuatonitTH , that throng their store
daily. Piompt and courteous
trearmout is what wins.
Fou SAI.IC U5I5 liead of 3-yc-ar-
olj s 11 LTF , 106 head of yearling
heifers , four saddle horncH , well
broken to cattle ; at our ranch , 18
south of Broken Bow.
AttUIlltuil , CilttlUIUCli !
I have a fine section of paeturo
land and want at luadt 100 head of
cattle to pasture. Plenty of water
und salt guaranteed
Frul Ma- lick in now better pre
pared thuu ever to servo the public
.vith iri'fli meat. He has put in a
new rofrigcTator of the latest irn
provomoiiie , and hi meat is kept in
firat class order. Call and set' him ,
on wes * . side of eqtnro ,
iSotlce to iliiuturN.
I hereby warn all parties not to
hunt on my premises , sw section
22 , town'hip 17 , range 21 west ,
under penally of the law.
Uring your butter , cggn , lard and
all other country produce to Pealo
A John , and got groeericn , queons-
l\viro and fronh frui' , or orders for
ity ! voods , boots , sheen , bird ware
! .ii.d diu H. PKAUS & JOHN ,
' The Koaltj Grocira , is the place.
Local Mention.
Job printing nt this oflioe.
J. A ] Evans of spring Crook was
a friendly caller yesterday.
Mr. Wright and J. A , Rankin ,
of Brewstor , were city visitors Tues
Geo. Griflith of Hyuo WHS a
friendly caller at this oftico Mon
S. S. McCouuoll of Georgetown
was a city visitor the first of this
Wm. Montgomery has sold his
intoiest in the ranch to bis partner ,
Mr. Adams.
Dr. L. B. Wamsley of West
Union mi do this oilico a welcome
call yesterday.
Geo. Willing made a business
trip to Omaha Monday , returning
yesterday morning.
T. M. Pearsp , general ngunt for
the Lincoln Laud Company , was a
city vieitor Monday.
FOUND A nc-w vest , which the
owner can have by calling at this
oilice and paying for this notice. 1
The Custor Center Sunday School
c/nriod off lirst prize for having the
largest number in the street parade
Fr id.i j.
MTU. McArthur , of Meolnnicvillo
Iowa , is in the cit > visiting her
mother , Mrs G Hoagland. slio
.irnvod this morning.
Buggies Surreys ,
Wagons' .
G. W , Apple.
Miss Maude Potts left Tuesday
morning for Lincoln , where she will
. ittcud the Union Colb'go the ensu
ing jcar.
MIH. Chas. Eplmrson , of Fairfield ,
is visiting in the city with her aunt ,
Mrs. P 11. Monk , und other rela
tives in the county.
Miss Pearl Fodgo left TUG day
morning for Hamilton , where she
will stay with an aunt and at to ml
school the ensuing year.
C. S. Osborno and wife have va
cated the Sargent hotel and have
rented a hotel at Ravenna. They
will take charge of their new proper
ty tomorrow.
We understand that C. II. Par
tridge was only allowed $760 insu
rance on his betel furniture for the
damage sustained recently by the
fire in the Burlington Hotel.
Omaha's relief fund for the Galveston -
veston sufferers has reached nearly
$7,000. 'I his includes outside sub
scriptions from Broken Bow , York ,
Cozad and many ether points.
Just received a car
load of Buggies , Sur
reys * Spring Wagons ,
G. W. Apple ,
J. A. Hutohinson , who farmed
Ncls Loo's land just east of town
tl < is seafop has commenced to crib
the corn. Ho says it is averaging
55 bushels to the acre. Who will
beat it.
Wm. Montgomery bought 20
head of Wescott & Gibbons' horses
a few days ago for his firm. The
high grade drivers they will ship
to Illinois and break and match up
for the Cnioago market. They also
bought a fine team of mules of
IJist-r , of Ansloy.
W. II. Parish , ppooial adjuster
for the Caledonian Insurance Co. ,
was in the city Monday to deter
mine the damage sustained by the
Burlington Hotel in the recent fire.
He allowed thn full amount of the
policy , $3,000. Ed Royso irt the
j local agent for the company.
New Line of
Buggies , Sun s ,
Spring Wagons
and Farm Wagons.
G. W , Apple.
Governor Roosevelt.
Will bo at Broken Bow Wednes
day morning Ou * . 3 , at 8 o'clock
sharp. Ho will speak at the depot
not to oxcoi'd 20 minutip. Those
that want to MMI nnd hear the
famous Hlatoriti an warrior that led
the qallaut band up San Juan
HoightH , should not fail to be ou
time as tl'o train bearing him will
leave at 8:15 : a. m Hon. John L ,
Webster the talented lawyer and
orator of Omaha who will accomp
any Governor Roosevelt hero will
remain over and speak at a latter
hour. It will bo a big day for
republicans and every ono who can
should bo present.
Senator Uolliver of Iowa and
ether prominent spankers will also
address iho people.
Will address tin citizens of
Broken Bow and vicinity Monday
evening , Sept. 24. Mrs. Lease en
joys the reputation of being ono of
the first political orators in the
United States * No ono should fail
to hear this gifted lady.
Republican Meeting at Sargent.
Lint night one of the best politi
cal meetings wa-i hold at bargont
that ! r\s HUMI lit Id thorfl for year * .
1'ho pi hit fplo t'pu.'tker of the ovcn-
was Hon. G. L. Uobson , of
Iowa. alany of the
\\lic heaid it , said it was
th - best speech ever delivered in
Sargent. The othur speakers were
Col. Savage , Joseph Pigman and
J. C. Porter. Col. Savage stated
tuft in his campaign over llu > state
"that he t&w four McKinley and
Dktrioh buttons to one ot Bryan's"
The CiiBter County Fuir.
Thu attendance at the county
fair Thursday WIH ; estimated between -
tweon 3,000 and 3,500 The attend
ance Friday was not so largo , yet it
was highly satisfactory. Wo have
not buon able to loam the amount
of iho receipts of the fair , but have
been asmiml by the president ol
the society that they weio ample to
meet all liabilities. In both the
attondauco and financially , the fuir
was a decided success. I'lio man
agement was successful in providing
all the attractions in the way of
nport that they advertised , and in
every way worked hard to make the
exhibition satisfactory as well at
The exhibits in the art hall , as
well as in the poultry department ,
were not all in until Thursday , but
when all in , made a very creditable
display in both. The school exhibit
was fully up to the standard , Miss
Emma Keyuor's school , of Hoosier
Valley , had , among others , a very
good showing.
In addition to the cattle wo men
tioned last week , Peter Rapp baden
on exhibition a iine Hereford bull.
Among the agricultural products
was a veiy fine exhibit by G. R.
Russoin. Some parson irom Hoosier
sier Valley had a iiuo display of
melons. All the exhibits in the
agricultural hall were exceptionally
good , but being unabio to learn tbo
name of the individual exhibitors ,
we am unable to give them personal
The only great dofeot in the ex
hibit was tbo lack of exhibitors in
stock. As Custor is ono of the
\ctii \ stock raising counties in the
state , wo think a special inducement
should be offered to make the stock
display one of tbo prominent t'ea
lures of iho fair. To do this , a
laigo premium should bo offered for
hoveral grades of cattle , as well as
hogs. If a premium of 4(100 ( could
bo put up each , for herds of five of
llerefords , Shot thorns , Polled An
gus , Rod Poll , with a less amount
for Jerseys and grades , it would bean
an inducement for stockmen to
bring in their catllo. Lot the $100
n each class ho divided into three
premiums , 1st , 2d and 3d , in pro
portion to $50 , $30 and $20. This
would give all a ohauco to make
expenses. Another needed improve
ment is sheds fi-r cittlo. If the
society has not the money to offer
in premiums , it might be secured by
popular subscription , the saim as is
frequently done for races. Stook-
muu would doubtless subscribe to a
fund of that kind , as well as mer
chants , who are interested in eroing
i stock intercetB represented at the
1 county fair. Wo do not favor making
II--.H ol other attractions , but making
the stock exhibit an additional fea
ture ,
In Use the most Economical
Greater in leavening strength , a
spoonful raises more dough , or goes
Working uniformly and perfectly ,
it makes the bread and cake always
light and beautiful , and there is never
a waste of good flour , sugar , butter
and eggs.
With finer food and a saving of
money comes the saving of the health
of the family , and that is the greatest
economy of all.
. NoTit. Many mixtures , made In imitation of baking
* .
powders arc upon the market. They te
CHICAGO. sold cheap , but nre dear at any price , be
cause they contain alum , a couoilve potion-
Judge J. W. Ownby , of Paris ,
Texas , will discuss the political
JBHIIO of the day from llio ropubli *
can standpoint at AiiHloy , Thursday -
day evening , SepUrahor 27 , at 7'JO ,
and at Ansolmo Friday ovcniug ,
Sept 28.
The pctitioiiH from the Hoiitli
woht , northwest and northeast quar
ters of the county for division , were
granted by the board Tuesday.
They purport to huvu the required
number of BiguorH , but u largo num
ber that signed the petitions aHBert
that they will not vote for a division
of the oounly.
M. B. A. Wins First Prize.
In the street parade last Friday ,
under the special inducement offered
by the Ouster County Agricultural
Society , the Modern brotherhood of
America won first prize for the
largest number of any civio society
represented. The premium offered
is $15.00.
A Change in Trulu Service.
Owing to a chaugo , which went
into effect Sunday , Sept. 10th , pass
enger trains NOB. 43 and 44 do not
extend boyoud Broken Bow. No.
43 arrives hero at 5 p. in. , and No.
44 leaves at 0:20 : a. m. No. 41
arrives at the same time as formerly ,
but No. 42 arrives more than an
hour later , 11:44 : p. m.
Jloniml Surugc fur Supervisor.
At the republican supervisor
convention for district No. 1 , hold
at WeHterville last Saturday , How
ard Savage , oi Sargent , was noini
nated. Mr. Savage was fonnerlv
editor and publisher cf the Sargent
Leader , and is a man well qualified
to fill the position. 'I ho voter * will
make no mintako in voting for him.
Hie competitor on the fusion tiikot
is Bob Mills , of Westeryillu , whom
the Beacon HO bitterly denounced
when he was u member of the
county board four > oars ago.
Nutlet * .
ludgo II. M. Sullivan will pay a
liberal reward for the return of his
hounJ that strayed during the fnir.
U is an Iriih unit hound , long
tihaggy hair , long head curling
downward , lout ; shaggy tail.
St. John's Episcopal L'linrdi.
Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity ,
September 23d. Morning service ,
10 : > tr > a. m ; Htibject of Hormon ,
The Porfool Lifu , how to Live it. "
Sunday school at 12 m Evening
service nt 8 p m. Subject of ad
dress , "llu Puaco of God. " You
are cordially invited
Broken How Contributes to ( .iilveslon
Last Friday Mayor Rnyso issued
an appeal to the citizens of Broken
[ low in behalf of the Galvnston
relief fund. Sunday ho had received
and forwarded $ tO. The good
work is still going on , and opportu
nity is offered to any one vrlio feels
able and inclined to help the un
The MliMload Ticket.
The mid-road county and repre
sentative conventions have put s
ticket in the field that vtoiild bo a
credit to any party. The nominees
are II J. Shin n force unty attorney ,
and Joseph Giltnorc , of Grant , and
II. L York , of West Union , for
roproHontativ < s. ' 1 hey now have n
newspaper established at the county
seat , and another strong advocate
of mid-road party principles in the
Callaway Independent , at Callaway ,
which will enable the loaders of the
party to put up a live campaign for
their ticket As they are in the
field in dofonho of the original prin
ciples of the populist party , they
will in another year be the principal
rival of the republican party. Those
who persist in following Bryan this
year at the sacrifice of principles ,
and for spoils , will be ho-rtily sick
of their courHO , ana will again neok
chi'ltor in the populist household.
Tliuro is , however , quite a number
of former populists who have bo-
comu completely disgusted with the
leaders of the fusi-tn olomenl , who
will vote the republican ticket this
fall , and f < r all time to como , if the
policy of thf ) proeont administration
is continued. They nrj men who
realize that the financial condition
of the country has boon greatly im
proved under Molurloy's adminis
tration , and do not care to take any
chances with another dnnooraUu
panic ,
Mr. and Mrs. II F Grabert are re-
baby joining over the arrival of a
girl at tboir hoin TuoMluv morn-
um , Sept. IS. It is their first girl.
Mother and 1'ttle onu are reported
getting along nicely ,