Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 13, 1900, Image 7

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ST. LOUIS , Sept. 30th , Oct. 1st , 2nd ,
3rd , 4th and Gth.
KANSAS CITY , Sept. 29th , 30th , Oct.
1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , Gth and Cth. On
Aug. 21st , Sept. 4th and 18th HALF
RATES ( PLUS $2.00) ) for round trip
to most all points South. Now Is the
time to take your vacation. All Information
mation nt Omaha & St. Louis R. R.
Office , 1415 Farnam St. ( Ptixton HO
TEL Block ) , or write Harry E.
Moores , C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb.
, Your clothes will not crack If you
use Magnetic Starch.
There is great ability In knowing
how to conceal one's ability. La
In warning there Is strength. Lew
In addressing Mrs ,
Pink-ham you are com-
munfoatlnff with
A woman whoso expe
rience in treating female
ills Is greater than that
of any living person , male
or female *
Sha has fifty thousand
such testimonial letters
as we are constantly pub"
llshing showing that Lydla
Em Pfakham's Vegetable
Compound is daily re
lieving hundreds of ssef
ferjng women ,
Every woman knows
some woman Mrs , Pink-
ftam has restored to
health ,
Mrs , Pinkham makes
no statements she cannot
gsrovo , Her advioe is
Lydia E. Plnkham
Uc Co ( Lynni Mas > s.
* Leave Omaha 5:05 : p. m. ; arrive St.
Louis 7:00 : a. m.
Trains leave Union Station Daily for
Kansas City , Quincy , St. Louis and all
points East or South. Half Kates to
( Phis $2.00) many southern points on
1st and 3rd Tuesday of Each month.
All Information at City Ticket Office.
1415 Farnam Street ( Paxton Hotel
Blk. ) or write
City Passenger and Ticket Agent ,
Omaha , Nob.
Home Visits ,
Fremont , ElMom & Mo. Val. Ry.
"North-Western Line"
Offers nil Nebraskans nn opportunity to
visit their old homes or their friends In
any of the following named states :
Iowa ,
Wisconsin ,
So. Dakota
East of Missouri River.
. On and North of St. L. & S. P. R. R.
At the very low rate of
One fare , Plus $2.00
September 10 and 26.
Limit Oct. 31 , 1900. Rate One
Pare Plus $2.00.
Tickets sold to Chicago or St. Louis will
require execution by a Joint Agent nnd
payment of 25 cents fee , but those to
other points will be executed by tlio regu
lar railroad agent without additional
DATES--Sept. : 10 and 26.
Take this opportunity to visit the East
nnd tell your friends of the good thlngy
lias to offer to the farmer , the merchant
and the laborer. They will then become
your nelghborj and thus you will help
build up our grand state.
J. R. Buchanan ,
Gen. Passenger Ag't P. . E. & M. V. n. R.
Chinese Minister Hastens from His Oapo
May Outing to Washington ,
liollcf That Government Will Soon Miiko
Important rrouounccmciit Who SIny
Negotiate for Pence Kx-Sccrctary
Not Likely to Servo.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 8. Minister
Wu arrived In AVnshlngton from Cape
May this afternoon , and although It
was near the close of the official day ,
he proceeded directly to the State de
partment. It is understood that ho
had received nn Intimation that the
department officials wcro desirous o *
conferring with him , hence his return
to Washington. For nearly an hour
the minister was closeted with ActIng -
Ing Secretary Hill and Assistant Sec
retary Adec , the door being locked
meantime and not even the messen
gers allowed entrance. None of the
parties to the conference were com
municative as to the subject of dis
cussion , but at Its conclusion Dr. Hill
repaired to the White House with a
portfolio well filled with papers.
For several hours preceding the
minister's visit Acting Secretary Hill
and Assistant Secretary Adee had
been engaged In short conferences and
It was gathered that the negotiations
relative to China wcro approaching
another phase and that another pro
nouncement of some kind was In prep
The fact Is recalled that when the
United States made Its response to the
Russian onto on the 28th ultimo the
officials hero expressed the belief that
about a week's time would be required
to determine upon the next step and
at the end of that time It would bj
definitely known whether or not the
troops were to be withdrawn from Pe
kin. That period of time has now
elapsed. The reports from the Euro
pean chancelleries Indicate that , offi
cially at leas' , this Important subject
Is being treated with the greatest de
liberation and at least another week
and probably even more time , may be
consumed In framing the last of the
answers to the Russian note. Mean
while our government has pretty well
satisfied Itself as to the attitude to
ward this last proposition of each and
all of the powers interested In the
Chinese problem. It may bo that this
knowledge Is regarded as sufficient
upon which to base another forward
move and in this case pehaps an in
dependent movement by the United
States toward the ultimate withdrawal
of the troops and the settlement with
China which the government has hail
In mind since the beginning of the
The consultations with Mr. Wu arc
believed to have been Inspired by a
desire to learn something of the per
sonality of the Chinese .notables whoso
names have been suggested as proper
to constitute the Chinese side of any
commission which may bo named to
arrange a settlement of the difficulties.
Mr. Wu is an ardent adherent of Earl
There is much speculation here ns
to the personnel of the American com
missioners In case the peace negotla-
tlos should be entrusted to such a
body and the names of men prominent
in International affairs in recent years
all have been canvassed. Included in
the list Is the name of General John
W. Foster , but It Is regarded as much
more probable that if he appears at
all In these negotiations It will be in
his old place as a representative of.
the Chinese government. He was as
sociated with LI Hung Chang during
the peace negotiations which closed the
Chlno-JapaneBO war and It Is said
* 1 n * Tj nw.1 T 1 1. n r. n tcrli aaYian nf o n _
llllll JliUI 1 LJl iiao tl Jll&ll BClioiIL tllt-
preciatlon of his work for China then.
RnbcrtR I'ropnren to Come Home.
NEW YORK , Sept. 8. A dispatch to
the Tribune from London says : There
are many signs that the military au
thorities regard the end of the war
as close at hand. Lord Roberts is
making preparations to return to Eng
land and has already sent four of his
chargers down to Capetown. The gen
eral belief is that General Roberts Is
coming home to take up the post of
commander-ln-chief of the British
army , which Lord Wolseley will vacate
In October.
Kmperor on Chinese Problem
STETTIN , Sept. 8. The emperor
and empress of Germany arrived hero
today to attend the imperial navy ma
neuvers. In reply to an address o
welcome from the burgomaster his
majesty declared his conviction tha
success would attend the efforts be
Ing made to establish In the far eas
a stable government and orderly con
dltions under which the German mer
chants can carry on trade undlsturbei
and without risk.
Chenp Killing for n Ited.
DEADWOOD , S. D. , Sept. 8. Clay
ton High Wolf , a full blooded Sioux
Indian , plead guilty to killing his
father-in-law on Pine Rldgo agency
and severely wounding his mother-in-
law. He was sentenced to two years
In the state penitentiary and fined $10.
For lack of evidence Stampede , an In
dian from Rosebud agency was dis
charged. He was alleged to have at
tempted to kill Louis Bardo.
The viceroy of India , Lord Curson
of Kcdleston , gives number of persons
requiring relief Is 4,891,000.
Lumber for Troopa In China.
SEATTLE , Sept. 8. The govern
ment transport Goodwin , now at Tacoma -
coma , is loading building lumber for
the troops In the Orient. It will come
to Seattle to complete Its cargo of 2-
COO.OOO feet , taking also COO doors and
800 windows , and then will sail for
Takti , China. The War department Is
to establishment a cantonment or tem
porary post at Takti. Local officers ot
the army believe that the shipment of
lumber Indicates that American troops
are to bo kept In China for at least
elx mouths.
Latest Quotations 1'rnin South Oninlm
nnil Knnin * Oily.
Union Stock Ynrdst. Cuttle There wns
rather iv hinnll supply of cattle hurc. find
n tlio do in and wus peed for both feed
ers mid UlllcrH the market soon cuine to
i close. The blfj bulk of the receipts
vcro ngnln made Up of stock cuttlo.
There wcro only about thirteen cara of
corn cattle on sale and pnckors bought
those us ut steady to strong iirlcea. They
dccincd anxious for MUplU < B and us a
result everything wnu sold at an early
lour. The cotninoner grades were also
n fairly good demand on account of the
Ifiht supply of westerns.
The cow market was again In gooil
Bhiipo today , only about Ilftecn curs be-
ng on pale. The demand for the better
grades was heavy and prices on that
class of stuff was quite u little higher
today. For the week It Is safe to 'all the
market a good quarter higher. Tin- com
moner kinds of cows have also Improved ,
though not as much as the best grades.
Choice feeders were itBnln In active de
mand thin morning and sellers found lit
tle difficulty In disposing of their better
grades at steady to stronger prices. The
demand from the country contlnuts very
heavy and yard traders have been nblo
to keep their pens fairly well cleaned up.
In spite of the foct that a good proportion
tion of the offerings today were western
cattle there were only about three cars
of killers. It was hardly enough to make
a test of the market , but It In oafo to
say that had there been any here today
they would have brought fully steady
prices. .
Hogs There was rather n light run of
hogs here today , but us other points re
ported a nickel drop In values the mar
ket here was generally 2 c lower. E uly
In the morning a number of prlmo light
weights , particularly In one division ,
brought Just about -yesterday's prices. A
few loads of prime heavyweights also
sold for about as much ns they would
have brought yesterday , but aside from
that the market was lower. The bulk of
the llghtwclgnts sold from steady to 2\sC
lower and tno heavier grades went from
2&Gc lower than yesterday's general
market. The extreme range of prices to
day was practically the name as yester
day. Llgnt weights brought mostly
t5.07V and J5.10.
Sheep There were only a few cars or
sheep and lambs on sale and the proportion
tion of heavy stuff , which Is not In very
good demand , was large and the market
on that class of stuff was a little slow.
The few bunches of desirable sheep or
lambs there were offered sold readily
nt fnllv Htemlv nrlces as compared with
yesterday. The feeder market wan In
good shape today and several bunches
sold a little hlghor than they could have
brought yesterday or any other day this
week. Anything at all good on the feeder
orders will bring good strong pi Ices.
Cattle-necelpts , . .OK ) head ; best
steady , others 6Q10c lower ; native Floors ,
.105.75 ; Texas 2.70 < ff4.85 ; Texas cows ,
; : .00 3.10 ; native cows and heifers , 1.50
GT3.20 ; stockers and feeders , J3.OOtJ5.00 ;
bulls , $1.6004.25 ; calves , receipts , COO head ;
market weak at J4.0005.75.
Hogs Receipts. 10.000 head ; market &
< 0"Hc lower ; bulk of sales , J5.UH < fr5.221.4 :
heavy , $3.10575.20 ; packers , J5.1S 5.25 ;
mixed. $5.00515.25 * ; light , $5.00 5,30 ; York
ers. $5.20515.30 : pigs , I4.251JB.20.
Sheep Receipts. 3,000 head ; market
steady ; lambs , I3.00uu.00 ; muttons , J2.00 ®
No tnto oniclnl Information Has Ilcen
WASHINGTON , Sept. 8. Only
three members of the cabinet were
present at today's meeting. Attorney
General Griggs and Secretaries Hitch
cock and Wilson. It was definitely
stated nt the conclusion of the meetIng -
Ing that no late official Information
had been received from the powers
regarding the Russian proposal to
withdraw troops from Pckln. It Is
understood that nothing official has
been received either from Great Brit
ain or Japan on the subject and this
government Is now waiting for information
mation , particularly from these two
nations. The note from Germany Is
not considered altogether satisfactory
nor entirely definite , and It is thought
that something further from that gov
ernment may be soon received.
It is authoritatively stated that Rus
sia , so far as this government knows ,
has not modified its original position
and has not consented to leave a de
tachment of troops in Pekln.
Lord ItobcrtB IloportR Operations of
Army In the Tmnmnul.
LONDON , Sept. 8. Lord Roberts
reports from Belfast , Transvaal , under
date of Wednesday , September C , as
follows :
"Ian Hamilton traversed Dulstrooni
yesterday with slight opposition.
"Bullor engaged the enemy's left
this morning. Hamilton Is endeavorIng -
Ing to turn the enomy'B right.
"Boors with two guns and one pom
pom this morning attacked 125 Cana
dian mounted Infantry guarding the
railway between Pan nnd Wondersfon-
teln. Mahon proceeded to their as
sistance , but the little garrison had
beaten off the enemy before he arrived.
It was a very creditable performance.
The wounded wore Major Handera and
Lieutenant Moodie , slightly , and two
men. Six men are missing. "
Hank CuMiIrr In I.linbo.
YATES CENTER , Kan. , Sept. 8. E.
A. Runyan , a banker , was arrested last
night , charged with embezzlement of
$12,000. The arrest was made on a
warrant sworn to by County Treas
urer J. S. Culver , in behalf of the oin-
cers of the Citizens' State bank of
which Runyan was cashier.
Iowa MUM Hutnrni from Nome * .
AMES , la. , Sept. 8. George Briggs ,
one of the prominent men In Story
county , who has been In the Capo Nome
gold fields this summer , has returned
home. Mr. Briggs arrived In Seattle
on August 15 and has been visiting the
coast cities since that time.
The acting viceroy of Canton bus
suppressed all the native newspapers
on the ground that they have been
publishing false news detrimental to
the maintenance of peace.
I'rcihlent I'nrdonM Mclirlile.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 8. The presi
dent has pardoned Frank M. McBride ,
who was convicted at Salt Lake City
In May , 1898 , of embezzlement of | 3-
072 postofllco funds while assistant
postmaster at Salt Luke , and sentenced
to four years In the Utah penitentiary.
Money to I'uy Soldiers ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 8. The
steamer China , which sailed for Hong
Kong , carried nearly $1,500,000 In gold
and silver currency for the Unite : !
States troops In China.
Franco nnd Germany Take Oppoing Po
sitions on Russia's ' Proposal.
Government nt llcrlln Unwilling to Ac
cede to C/.ur'H I'luu , Iuttt Now Austrlii
and Ititlj- , nil Well a * (5rout llrltuln Apt
to Follow K lfit > r' I.rud.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 7. The latest
expression ns to the attitude of the
powers on the evacuation of Pckln
comes from the United States ambas
sador at Paris , General Horace Porter
ter , who has advised the authorities
hero that the attitude of the French
government Is favorable to the posi
tion taken by Russia. Almost simul
taneously with this dispatch from Gen
eral Porter came another from the
American charge d'affaires at Berlin ,
giving the attitude of Germany on
Russia's proposal. This In substance
states that Germany , while anxious to
avoid any friction between the pow
ers , regards the condition at Pckln
such as to to require the continued
presence of Gorman forces there.
Neither General Porter nor Mr. Jack
son gives the text of the answers ,
but only the substance of the posi
tions taken by the two governments.
These two highly important com
munications bring the Chinese nego
tiations to a very advanced stage ,
though they are not yet concluded , as
nil of the answers are not yet In. The
German and French answers , however ,
clearly Indicate the alignment of the
powers. It Is generally accepted that
Germany's attitude In favor of re
maining nt Pekln will bo concurred In
by Italy and Austria , as these two
countries act with Germnnv on nolltl-
cal questions of a general nature.
Moreover , definite word has been re
ceived hero which clearly foreshad
ows Austria's po&ltlon In favor of re
maining at Pokln. As to the purposes
of Great Britain there Is an absolute
lack of official Information , though
little doubt Is entertained that since
Germany has taken the Intlativo Great
Britain will follow suit in favor of re
maining at Pokln. The position of
Japan likewise Is lacking In definiteness -
ness , although It Is believed In the
best posted quarters that If other na
tions remain at Pekin Japan will deem
It expedient to remain there also.
It would seem from this that Franco
Is the only government to give con
currence to the Russian proposition ,
although the United States has ex
pressed a purpose of following Russia's
course , unless the other powers
brought about a modification of Rus
sia's position. Thus far Russia has
not expressed any purpose of modify
ing her original position. It was
stated authoritatively today that Rus
sia has not ordered the departure or
her minister or troops from Pekin up
to this time , so far as the government
Is advised. It is stated that no new
propositions have been presented , but
that the question Is practically the
same as when first presented namely ,
as to whether the troops will remaiii
or be withdrawn from Pekln.
Dm Id II. MofTilt Tukes Judgment fur
sir .inin.
DENVER , Sept. 7. Judgment en de
fault for $153,510 was taken In the dis
trict court today against the Victor
Gold Mining company by David II.
Moffntt on notes given on Marrh 2U ,
1000 , bearing 10 per cent interest. The
Victor mine , on Dull hill In Cripple
Creek , has been one of the heaviest
producers in thct camp. The company
wns organized in 1892 with 200 shares
of a par valUe of ? 5 per share. It has
paid $1,160,000 In dividends. In 18'JG
D. H. Moffatt and Eben Smith sold the
controlling interest to a French syndi
cate , which left the management to
them , and In 1898 they sold much of the
remaining stock In their hands on the
Boston market for $8 a share. In 189
Mr. Moffatt went out as president and
W. II. Brevoort was elected. During
that year the company paid four div
idends of ? 100,000 each. N. II. Cone ,
manager of the property , died last year
and the mine practically closed ship
ping. It Is said that there arc still
large ore bodies in the mine and proba
bly steps will bo taien by the etock-
holders to save the property.
CcingcrSnyB Triiops Are Marched Into tlio
Imperial City.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 7. The state
department made the following an
nouncement today : A telegram has
been received from Minister Conger
dated Pekln , September 1 , stating tha
a military parade passed through the
imperial palace on that day and that
eunuchs and servants were the only
Cleveland After O. A. It. Knrainiinnnt
CLEVELAND , Sept. 7. Owing to the
disinclination of the Western Traffic
nssoclatlon to grant the rate of 1 cent
a mile , which wns one of the condi
tions on which Denver was the place
selected as the place for the next con
campment of tno Grand Aimy of the
Republic , Cleveland has made a bi <
for the encampment. The G. A. R
posts in this city , working with the
Business Men's Convention league
have started the movement and It is
meeting with much favor.
I.lewullyn I.ulil Away.
WICHITA. Kan. , Sept. 7. The fu
ncral of ex-Governor Llewellyn wa
held here today. The body , which lay
in state yesterday at the Llewellyn
home , was taken this morning to th
Plymouth Congregational church
where services were held. The burla
was at Maple Grove cemetery.
Involution In ( Jimtrmalii.
TAPACHULA. Mex. , Sept. ? . - Advices
vices from Gautcmala chow restless
ness and paralysis of business on ac
count of the expected breaking out o
a revolution. President Cabrera's po
is admitted to be Insecure.
' Fine Work.
A Young Sculptrrmi' .
Miss Edith Hope Ogden , the younr ?
sculptress , who won tno competition
for the bronze tablet to bo presented
to the stcnmahlp St. Paul , IUIH finished
that piece of work and It Is now being
cast in bronze nt St. IMul , Minn. The
ablet represents a finely executed de
sign In low relief of the battlcsh.p oft
; ho coast of Porto Rico , beneath which
s the legend of the nulp's history , the
whole being within a border decora-
.Ion , significant of victory , In mutt-
cal designs uoth artistic nnd cxprcs-
Advantage Is a better soldier than
rnskncss. Shakespeare.
R.OOO.OKi icr * now litiiln to oprn to tcttlemrnt.
Biibucrllio forlllK KIOWACIUKK.ilrtiilrd totiifor-
nation About thcxi Unili. On * jrcor , tuw. Hlnttla
copy , lOo. BuWrlboM fficolxp free Illtutrntpil liook
> n Okl hoin . MOIUM'D Mununl < 3IU rige Hclllrr '
lutilo ) IUi linn trcttutml m n , II.wi. lisp V5o. All
. 11.75. Adilreii , IJttk T. Morgan , Vcrrjr , O. T ,
Wo may glvo advice , but we cannot
give conduct. Franklin.
When buying ix pixekngo of "Faultless
Starch" nuk your grocer for the book of
tumor tlmt goes with It fron
Contempt la the proper punishment
of affectation. Johnson.
DriiRR hnvo their utp , but don't ntoro them In
your stomach , lltcinuu's I'cpsln Gum aids the
untural torcvH to iverform their functions.
Let go the handle bars of love era
a bicycle and It begins to wobble. Imlrwlth Its youthful color ( Mured by
, tlio bed euro tor corno. Hct .
The sky Is cheerful when it Is the
bluest , but it is different with a man.
Are Yon UMng Allrn'i root-Boner
It IB the only euro for Swollen ,
Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns nnd Bunions. Ank for Allen's
Foot-Ease , u powder to bo shaken Into
the Bhocs. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores. 2Bc. Sample sent FR1S13. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmstcd , Lolloy , N. Y.
The tailor made girl has no edge
on the shirt waist man.
I'Iso's Cure for Consumption la nn Infallible
rocdlclno for coughs mul colds. N. W. SAMUKL ,
Ocuan Qrove. N. J. , Feb. 17,1000.
It'H cheaper to take a tonic than to
take n vacation.
Try Magnetic Starch It will last
longer than any other.
The shot output of Now Hampshire
last year was $22,900,000.
Mm. tVlnHlow'K Soothing Syrup.
Tor children teething , ortctm thr Riimi , rodiicru In
flammation , alloys rain.euros wind colic. 2Jo a bottle
It Is said that Irregular eyebrows
are an indication of Insanity .
If you have not tried Magnetic Starth
try it now. You will tlien use no other.
Of the 3,700 Chinese In New Zealand
only twenty-six are women.
It requires no experience to dye with
boiling your goods In the dye is all
that's necessary.
Society is like a masked ball where
nobody unmasks.
Use Magnetic Starch It nns no equal
Our first school master Is supersti
Magnetic Starch Is the very besl
laundry starch In the world.
ITnH'H Cntnrrh Cure
Is a coiihtltiitlonul euro. Price , 75c.
Sociability Is the pleasure of getting
rid of sell.
Elizabeth Hannckcr , n 3-ycnr-old
Dayton , 0. , girl , ntq a moth ball. She
was seized with convulsion and died
an hour later.
. i. . . i'.l.illiliilii . . . il.iilu lll.iitl II MilliU.lli , u . ' 1,1.
.A gdable Preparation for As
similating llveroodandHegula-
ling ihe Stomachs andDowcls cf
Promotes Digcslion.Clicerfuf-
ness and Rcst.Conlains neither
OpiumMorphine nor > Iiiicral.
Itor : NARC OTIC .
iui Serif' *
HHiluynm flavor.
Apcrfccl Remedy forConsllpa-
lion , Sour Slomach.Diarrliocn
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish-
ncss ami Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile St'finnlure oF
< 2 f7 S * i
I'lonorr In llin Tlinnnnnd Isluntld.
The Hcv. H. H. Pullman , who ( Hod
Innt Sunday , Is said to hnvo been the
first man to buy nn estate on the St.
Lawrence , In the Thousand Islands.
In 1804 ho purchased Mother Island ,
now know nan Ptillinnn Island , fork
$ -k ) , Ho arid his brother Ocorgo
camped on the Island every summer
for a number of years. Seven years
after the purcha&o of the Island ,
Qqorgo Pullman built Castle Host , ouo
of..tha moBL beautiful houses on the
Island ,
{ } imilrennltt | Voting incrcnRc , ,
Slnco 1804 the total vdlo at each
micccsslvo presidential election" ban
shown an Increase over the vote oC
Hie preceding contest. From 18C1 to-
18(58 ( the gain was 1,700,000 ; from 1868
to 1872 , 700,000 ; from 1872 to 187C ,
2,000,000 ; from 1876 to 1880 , 800,000 ;
from 1880 to 1884 , 80,000 ; from 1884
lo 1888 , 1,300,000 , an abnormally largo
Increase , not accounted for by the ad-
inlsslon of new state ; from 1888 to
1802 , 700,000 , and from 1892 to 18'J6 ,
1,900,000. This year the probable total
popular vote IB estimated at 10,000,000.
( Icnoroim iTnpnncie Doctor * .
Japanese doctors never accept fcoa
from poverty-stricken patients. In
Japan there Is a proverb that "when
the twin enemies , disease and poverty ,
Invade a home , ho who accepts money
from Us Inmates Is n robber. "
OyMrr Crop thin Yenr.
"The oyster crop this year will bo
one of the biggest In the history of
trade hi the bivalve. " said Mr. O..D.
Knddlnp of Haltlmore , at Chamber
lain's last night. "Special care han
been taken at the oyster beds to prevent -
vent the destruction of young oysters ,
and those of inoro mature growth have
been well fed , and the warm weather
ban helped them to attain nn unusual
size. "
The coast line of the Chinese em
pire exceeds 2,000 miles.
a I
. . .
l 8UiO : nhocH ixro"
Bold tlmn any other'
9 1 make Is because they are
rtho best in the world.
A $4.00 Slioo for 08.00.
"A $5 Shoo for $15.50.
: Over 1,000,000 WoMMJu
The Real Worth of Our S3 end 53.50 SJiot
compared with ether makes It $4 to $5 ,
illnrlnir tlio Inmost 53 und SIM Iiooxit \ -
1 IIOBH In thu world , nnd n jMTfrrt eyslrm of ,
inmtuifiulmlnir , rnnlilm to | > rodur X
1 lil litr Krndn M. ) nnd H.M Bliorii than j
icon IM liiul iI oirro. . Your dealer/
ilioitld keep ttiniii j w clvnoiio dfixler /
Bxrlii lvB Mlo In carli town.
J ' ( UK * ! nit KiiUiiHtiilof Infill/ !
IonliaTln > fW.t.Ioiiili\8iitiofi with i
\iiAiiiaamlrlraMninrmlont \ > oUoin./
Ayou , wnd ( lln-ct to fnctorr. ra-A
\rlotint ! jirlcfl mul gsn. * itr
\fprcarrlnBn. Hmioklpdof
, IrMhor. slip , nnd width , .
, plain or oap tof. Our
iliotswlll ifsrliyoii. '
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For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Bears the
Thirty Years
. .
Margins 2,000 Bu. of Grain Five Cents
Markets In Flno Condition to Make Monoy.
Send for Frcu Hook , "Successful Speculation. "
J. K. COMSTOCK SL CO. , Traders Bids. , CHICAGO.