Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 13, 1900, Image 6

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"Remarkable Journey.
Hero Is n picture of Mrs. Elizabeth
Burns and the youngest of her six
children , who have Just completed
probably the most remarkable journey
over made by any family , all of thorn
having covered 700 miles on foot. The
woman IB a widow of Grand Rapids ,
Mich. The undertaking Is one of the
pluckiest ever attempted , and that It
ilina succeeded without a mishap Is de
clared marvelous.
Mra. Durns' husband fell a victim to
consumption , leaving his family In
destitute circumstances , and on May
0 last the mother sold her belongings
and with a small hand-cart , contain
ing necessities , she began the Journey
from Grand Rapids which she expect
ed would end at Odin. III. , where her
father lived. It took six weeks of
steady walking to reach Odin , but
disappointment awaited her thoroand
nho was compelled to push on , her
search not being rewarded until she
reached Poplar Bluff , Mo. , 700 miles
away from the starting point. . . The
family Is none the worse for tlio trip
nnd Is now with kind relatives.
There is to bo an exhibition of an
cient and modern examples of gold
smiths' art at Florence In conriectlon
with the celebration of the fourth cen
tenary of Benvonuto Cellini's birth ,
Nov. 2. The first congress of Italian
goldsmiths will bo held In that city
on the same occasion.
W. J , "Bryan's "Pastor.
There Is considerable trouble In the
fashionable First Presbyterian church
of Lincoln , Neb. The pastor , the Rev.
William N. Hind-
man , has been
asked to resign.
Mr. Bryan Is a
member of the
church , but l\o 1ms
ns yet tnkon " °
' ) art ln the affair
. > which has agitated
other members i ,
/ and it : is announced
- - that ho docs not
Rev. .Hlndnmn.
lntentl to do sa
At prayer service the other evening
Mr. Hlndman denounced ono of his
ciders , Dr. T. M. Hodgman , n professor
In Xho University of Nebraska , declar
ing that views expressed by him nt
the meeting were at variance with the
Presbyterian creed and teaching. The
discussion , although spirited , was as
nothing compared with the sot-to at
the close of the services , when charges
of considerable bitterness were flung
back and 'forth.
The charges against Mr. Hindman ,
so far as can be learned , are world-
llness and lack of proper attention to
pastoral duties , but no specifications
are Given.
Motor Cars for /Jfrica.
A French automobile company re
cently dispatched forty-two motor cars
to central Africa to servo in the regu
lar transportalon of goods between
Busaloba and Bumoka. Hitherto It
required nearly a month to convoy
merchandise along this trade route ,
but the new motor wagons have ac
complished the Journey In the space of
three or four days. Each wagon is
about four tons In weight , and has
from nine to ton horse power nt Its
disposal as motive force.
Senator George F. Hoar of Massa
chusetts vas 74 years old last week.
In answer to a letter from n friend
congratulating him on his excellent
health , Mr , Hoar said : "I am thor
oughly over that disease known as
being 73 years old. "
Uhc Greatest Irishman.
There Is something of a controversy
in England ns to who was the great
est of three great Irishmen the late
Lord Chief Justice Russell , Lord Duf-
forln or Lord Roberts. At the 189S
banquet of the Ulster association li
London , Lord Dufforln referred to Lori
Russell as "the most dlatlnguishoi
Irishman of our generation. "
"Presidential "Votes ,
Slnco 18C4 the total vote ut each suc-
ccsslvo iiresldcntlnl election has
shown an Increase over the vote of
the preceding contest. From 1801 to
18C8 the gain was 1,700,000 ; from 1868
to 1872 , 700,000 ; from 1872 to 1870 ,
2,000,000 ; from 1870 to 18SO , 800,000 ;
from 1880 to 1881 , 800.000 ; from 1881
to 1888 , 1,300,000 , an abnormally large
Increase not accounted for by the ad-
mlsfilon of now states ; from 1888 to
1802 , 700,000 , and from 18U2 to 189G ,
1,300.000. This year the probab'.o total
popular vote Is estimated nt 10,009-
Mary Andcrson-Navnrro attended a
bazaar In England the other day In
aid of a religions community and was
told by the father rector that she
was a mother to them. "Our Mary" Is ,
of course , no longer In the full blush
of youthful beauty , but this remark
rather startled her for a moment. In
the course of a short reply she good-
Immorally said that the reverend gen
tleman might at least have called her
a sister.
Explorer's Atvful Suffering.
Sven Anders Hcdln , the noted ex
plorer , has added another chapter of
valuable Information as the result of
his recent explora
tions In the heart
of Thibet. Over
coming hardships
that It is hard to
believe the human
body capable o f
sustaining , scaling
the icy mountains
of the Altai Tag.
and crawling for
whole days at a
tlmo on his hands S. A. Heddln.
and knees over the tornu alkali des
erts of Thibet. Dr. Hcdln defied death
n a thousand forms that ho might bo"
ho llrst white man to set foot upon the
shores of Lake Lop Nor. There ho
found the mouldering ruins of a mng-
ilflcent city a city of beautiful mar
bles and exquisite mosaics a city of
rrand terraces and Intersected by
broad driveways the tombstones of a
decayed civilization.
Lineage of "Presidents.
In a study of American politics
which appeared in ti recent number of
the London Chronicle It was pointed
out that out of the twenty five presl-
leuts of the United States , all but one
lave been of British family origin. Flf-
.ecn , headed by Washington , came of
Sngllsh stock. Throe , including James
Monroe , hnd Scotch ancestors. One ,
Thomas Jefferson , Inherited pure
Welsh blood , while five others traced
their lineage to Scotch-Irish ances
E. W. Vaughn , the nonagenarian
vicar of the church of Llantlort , In the
vale of Glamorgan , Wales , seems por-
lectly in keeping with his surround
ings , as the church ho preaches in Is
built on grounds which represent the
most ancient Christian center in the
British isles as a daughter of Carac-
; acus , mentioned by St. Paul under
the name of Claudia. Is said to have
founded a Christian church there
about A. D. 03.
A Junf { &rec.
The accompanying picture represents
a single pine tree in the shape of a
lunk growing a few miles from Kyoto ,
the western capital of Japan , in the
grounds attached to the golden pavil
ion , which dates back to the fourteenth
century. This tree is a monument of
[ lationt care and devotion. In the
Mikado's empire landscape gardening
has for generations been studied as a
line art , and is thoroughly characteris
tic of Japanese aesthotlcism.
About six times as many campaign
calls are made for Senator Depew as
for any other orator and they come
from all parts of the country. The
republican campaign committee has
not yet arranged Mr. Depow's ap
pearances , but ho will deliver a great
many speeches between now and No
Musical "Pigeons of "Pcftn.
A picturesque feature of the llfo In
Pekln Is the ( light of the musical
pigeons overhead the city. The
thrifty Chinese , unwilling to lose their
flocks of pigeons , have Invented small
whistles or sets of pipes , which they
fasten fo the tall feathers of tholr
pigeons before liberating them for ex
ercise. The air rushing through the
pipes makes enough noise to frighten
away hawks , who would otherwise
pounce upon the pigeons. The sound
of these "aeollan" pipes Is sild to bo
extremely musical , a "sweet , sail
strain" of harmony.
"Raised in "Rank.
Crown Prlnco William of Germany ,
who 1ms been promo toil from the rnnU
of second lieutenant to that of first
nontenant , la un officer of the First
Regiment of Guards , In which ho la
very popular. William la the oldest
son of the Emperor and InhqrltB union
of his father's love for tha military ,
Ho and his brother have been officers
In the army ever alnco they were more
lads. Thn princes are hard students
and as soldlorn have shown every de
sire to bo as rough and martial as the
most brusiiuo soldier In the ranks , nil
of which has been immensely pleasing
Lo the men and officers with whom the
imperial boys have served. Prince
William Is heir apparent to the throne
of Germany and Is 18 years old.
Woman \Snitorsity "Professor.
The board of regents of the Univer
sity of Kansas broke away from prece
dent tjie other morning and elected
Miss Eugenia Galloo to the chair ol
French , made vacant by the reslgna-
; lon of Prof. A. G. Canfleld. Miss Gal-
oo is the first woman to occupy a full
professorship at the institution since
preparatory work was abolished. Miss
Alma D. Deland Leduc of Chicago
university , a New Orleans girl , waa
elected to succeed Miss Galloo as as
Rev. Dr. Dean Richmond Babbitt , in
a sermon the other evening on "Social
Christianity" in the Church of the
Epiphany , New York , said that ono of
the most Christian acts a man can do
"is to attend the primaries carrying a
Christian conscience with you that
will make clean the stream of politics
at Us source. "
Indian on the Stump.
Tall Beaver , chief of the Comanche
Indians in Oklahoma , will take tha
stump. Ho says no lias a contract with
the National com
mittee to make
these speeches , but
will not show It to
anyone. Tall
Beaver will urge
that people give
the red men a votoj
and they will set ]
the country right.
He says there an
upwards of 50,000 !
Indian voters In
the United States.
Tall Beaver Is n' '
graduate of Has-l
hell Indian school ,
and has studied !
law. Ho will speak
In Kansas , Oklahoma - } _
homa and Missou- Tall Beaver ,
rl. If ho proves u success he may go
Among the awards In the flue art
section of the Paris exhibition Is ono
to King Carlos I. of Portugal. The
Jury was undecided at first whether to
Judge him as a king or an artist , but
decided to Judge his work entirely on
Its merits. Ho was awarded a silver
medal in the second class-for his pas
Educating the "Red Man.
The best Federal appointment given
to a woman by this administration waa
that of superintendent of Indian
schools for the United States , an offloo
of great opportunity and broad scope.
F.or two years Miss Estello Reel , of.
Wyoming , has administered it In a
manner which reflects credit on all
womankind. Her work Is of a most
Interesting nature ,
and the many In
novations In meth
ods of education
Instituted by her
have already re
sulted In a marked
Improvement 1 n
the educational re-
qulromonts of the
Indians all over
the country. Miss
Reel has an euthuE8teii0
Elastic confidence
In the ability of the red man to
reach the heights In Industrial art
Each year she travels from coast
to coast to study the different
needs of the reservation schools
and to compare their results with Uifl
standards icached by the Instllutlono
that educate the children of the for t
In class rooms far removed from the
smoke of the tepee. During her flrftt
year In ofllco she traveled seven
months , becoming acquainted with the
various tribes and methods adopted to
civilize them. Last year she travolad
23,378 mlles , about 1,500 miles bointf by
wagon and stage coach ,
CHAPTER II. ( Continued. )
She hesitated. And ho saw her bare
hands they were very small hands
he had noticed , with slenderly-shaped
lingers wring themselves together as
If In overwhelming distress or perplex
ity. Then she spoke In n half-stifled
voice :
"I think I shall go homo to him. I
am afraid to bring another doctor. I
I filial ! do what I can for him myself. "
A thought struck Enderby nnd he
said quickly , with a shade of embar
rassment :
"If you are afraid of Doctor Ifow-
arth's charges , Miss Lloyd , 1 think you
can let your mind be easy about that.
Ho is , I believe , a very kindly and
generous man. "
He saw the girl start and flinch a
little , as if his words had stung her.
Then she said :
"It is not that. I think I had better
go straight home. "
"Very well. "
Enderby stopped the driver nnd
stepped out. The gaslight fell full on
the girl's face as ho turned to look at
It. What a ghastly , pale , troubled
young face it was ! Yet It struck him
that it might under certain circum
stances , be beautiful.
The features were small nnd aqul-
line , the brow childishly smooth and
white , the mouth and chin softly and
roundly formed , though the former
had a strange expression of self-re
pression now ; the eyes were weird
and dark , though the hair seemed au
burn , the brows above them of startl
ing blackness. And what a child she
looked ! Hardly sixteen , he thought ,
as ho looked nt her.
"What address shall I give the
man ? " he asked.
"Burdon Mansions , " she answered.
"They are only about five minutes'
walk from here. "
Enderby knew them well by name
small flats , mostly occupied by needy
clerks and poor working women.
He stood still for a moment think-
"I hope your foot will be all right , "
he said then , "and that your father
may be no worse. May I call In a few
days and see ? "
She gave him a quick , almost terri
fied glance , then suddenly her lips be
gan to tremble pitifully , and she
turned aside her head.
"How kind you have been ! " she
faltered , "and I have never thanked
you. " She put out her hand ns if im
pulsively , then drew it back before
ho could touch It. "It Is kind of you
to wish to call , " she said. "Yes , I
shall be very grateful If you do. Wo
live two stories up. "
"How will you get up with that
sprained foot of yours ? " he asked.
"Don't you think I had better come
with you and help you ? "
"Oh , it Is not much , " she said , her
voice faltering ; but without another
word , Enderby got In again , and they
drove on to Burden Mansions.
They were a pile of dull , dreary
looking buildings. Enderby paid the
man and helped the girl , who limped
painfully within the buildings. But
when they attempted to climb the
stairs , he saw that It cost her terrible
pain , and he turned to her , saying
quietly :
"Will you allow mo to carry you
up ? " It is the easiest and speediest
A little crimson patch suddenly
showed on her cheek , like the mark of
a warm finger ; she put up her own
hand and rubbed it feverishly as if It
"No , no ; you musn't ! " she said.
But Enderby had already stooped and
taken her In his arms. How light she
was not so heavy as many a child
of ten !
Enderby had never had a woman In
his arms before , and ho was almost
astonished himself to find how tender
ly they enfolded this girl. But for the
sake of one woman Endorby was ten
der to all.
They were soon nt the landing of
the second flat. Enderby set her
down , and she stood leaning on the
wall , her face deadly pale again , but
her eyes shining strangely.
"I cannot thank you , " she said , her
lips trembling oddly and uncontroll
ably. "But perhaps God will repay
you for your kindness to me a
stranger of whom you know nothing.
They say London is full of wicked
ness , but It must be full of goodness ,
too. Now I must go. "
'I shall wait for a moment hero , "
said Enderby , with a sudden resolu
tion. "And you will come out and tell
mo If your father Is any better. Per
haps I can do something yet to help
you. "
She turned away and opened the
door on the left with a lachkcy , then
closed It gently. Endorby remained
where ho was. In a few minutes the
door opened again , and the girl stood
at the entrance.
"He is sleeping , " she said , whisper-
Ing. "Perhaps ho will bo better now. '
"rhat Is good , " Endorby answered
heartily. "May I call In a few days ? '
"Yes ; But my father docs not wish
anyone to know where he Is. Yoi
won't tell anyone about ns ? " she
"You may depend upon me , " said
Sndcrby , heartily. "Good night. "
Ho put out his hand , the girl laid
icr small , slim ono In It , nnd Enderby
gave It n friendly pressure. Then he
vent away.
As ho emerged Into the open air
again he fancied n shadow flitted
lolselcssly round a corner of the man
sions. Then ho drew himself together
vith a short laugh , for a disagreeable
hrlll had run through him at the
He had bidden the hansom wait , and
ic went up to the man , who was sit
ing drowsily before him.
"Did you notice a man go round the
mansions as I came out , driver ? "
Cabby shook his ; lrowsy head.
"No , sir , I haven't. W'y , all wise
folks is In their beds In this 'ore lo
cality hours ago , I should say , " he
etortcd , with a touch of personal
Enderby got in , and was soon being
driven to his rooms in the West End.
Somehow , the strange incidents of
he night had oddly unsettled him.
Even when he went to bed his dreams
were disturbed by strange , uncomfort
able reproductions of these Incidents ,
grotesquely and even horribly de-
! ormcd. For so matter-of-fact a man
Paul Enderby was oddly fanciful over
Still , undoubtedly the experience
had been rather a peculiar one. .
He felt sure the girl was reflned and
of gentle birth ; it is not difficult to
detect the signs of these. Her accent
was not exactly an English one , yet
it was not peculiar enough , to be pro
nounced un-English.
Who was she ? Who was her father ?
What reason could she have for abso
lutely refusing to allow another doc
tor but this Doctor Lyndon to see her
father ? Who was this Doctor Lyn
don ?
With the morning the incidents of
the night before seemed to have drift
ed off into the same region as that In
which dreams are made ; but one
reminiscence of them remained with
Enderby , and oddly annoyed him. It
was the memory of the man who had
passed in the hansom while he was
speaking to the girl who called her
self by the name of Lloyd.
Enderby sauntered along to the
Courts , where he assumed gown and
was not absolutely a briefless barrister
and he was considered very clever.
But , besides that , Paul Enderby
came of a very good family , and was
not , though he himself was poor , so
very far removed from the Barony of
Eglin , having only five lives between
him and it. So that Enderby was
somewhat of a spoiled child of society ,
being a good-looking , straight-limbed ,
handsome fellow enough after the pure
Saxon type , and without a taint upon
his name.
He was coming out of the Courts
when some one tapped him on the
"Ah , Enderby , going to the club ,
are you ? I'm due there at five and
have one or two engagements after
dinner. I suppose you will put in an
appearance at the P nnlngtons to
night ? "
Enderby's pleasant , fresh-complex-
ioned face had been overshadowed by
a look of annoyance as the newcomer
addressed him. He was a man a little
older than himself not above middle
height , and slender with it , with a
pale , dark face , black eyes placed
rather close together , and a smooth ,
straight , unpleasant mouth , which had
n disagreeable habit of curling up
wards when he laughed. He was Dig-
by Dalton , nnd was by profession also
a barrister.
"I dare say I shall look in at the
Penningtons , " he answered , drily.
"But I have another engagement. "
"Miss Lennox's reception ? " smiled
Dalton , "Yes , of course , you will be
there , Enderby , What a man you are
for being asked out ! By the by , had
you anything on last night ? "
Enderby looked straight into the
smiling face.
"Perhaps I had. May I ask why you
inquire , Mr. Dalton ? "
"Oh , nothing ! " The other shrugged
his shoulders. "Only curious , wasn't
it ? I was driving over Westminster
about half past one , and I saw a man
with a girl on the bridge. I could
have sworn It was you. Curious ,
wasn't it ? "
"Not at all , " Enderby answered
coldly. "It was I. "
"Oh , I beg your pardon ! I really
would not have mentioned it if I had
thought that was the case , " said Dal
ton , as If with regret. "Of course , we
men of the world don't inquire too
narrowly into each other's affairs ; but
you know there are a few men whoso
lives seem open to every ono nnd
whose slightest action will bear Inves
tigation. I don't require to tell you ,
Endorby , that wo nil consider you are
ono of those. In fact , your member
ship nt the Bayard Club Is sufficient
proof. Well , I shall not detain you.
I have a little matter of business to
settle In the Strand. " And lifting his
hat with elaborate- politeness , ho dis
Kmtorby know every word ho had
spoken had boon armed with a ven-
omed tip. Dnlton had hated him from
the first tlmo they had met. That
hatred had become deepened into
something vindictive nnd malignant
when , through Eriderby , though moro
by accident than choice , Dalton had
been dismissed from the club , which
was sometimes mockingly called the
"Bayard , " on account of having been
found cheating at cards.
"Ho recognized mo , of course , " En
derby said to himself. "And ho will
go to-night to Miss Lennox , and tell
her. Well , she has more than an or
dinary woman's sense of fairness. She
will let mo speak for myself. And
will she believe him ? Or will her
heart have something to say on my
behalf ? Cecil , Cecil ! "
Ho whispered the ilamo to hlmdolf
ns a devotee might whisper the name
of n sacred shrine. For to Paul En
derby , to whom all wom&nhood was
sacred , Cecil Lennox waa the1 Incarna
tion of all thntt was noblest ; purest
and fairest in woman. So little does
the simple , straightforward nature of
a good man understand a woman.
It was two days after the reception
ut the West End mansion of Sir Henry
Lennox , the well-known Queen's Coun
sel , who was considered ono of the
wealthiest men connected with the
legal profession.
Euderby had seen Cecil Lennox but
for a few minutes , but she had then
been able to utter the words that
thrilled Enderby through as no other
words could have done.
"Come to see me on Friday. It is
not my day ftt home , but I shall be /
at home to you. " - * .
Paul Enderby was thirty , was a bar
rister , and was prosaic , yet his heart
and pulses throbbed like those of a
sentimental boy of twenty as .he was
admitted Into the presence of Cecil
She was certainly a very beautiful
woman. As she came forward to greet
him , her tea-gown of pale sea-green
nnd billowy lace falling in graceful
folds about her , Enderby thought that
no woman who ever lived could have
excelled her in beauty and grace. But
there were others who might have
thought that the beauty of Cecil Len
nox of the soft , exquisitely tinted
face , of the rounded chin and throat ,
the red-lipped , smiling mouth , the
deep , changeful , soft , violet eyes had
something sensuous and voluptuous in
Enderby did not think so. Ho loved
the woman or was It the woman he
imagined her to bo ? and that was
Cecil let her soft little hand lie in
his for a moment , then she -drew him
towards the silk-covered couch from
which she bad risen.
"It was good of you to come , " she
said , In her low , caressing voice. "Wo
shall have tea presently. I suppose
I needn't ask you how you enjoyed
my crush ? People never do enjoy ,
crushes. Why do we give them at r
all ? Oh. I often wish I had the cour
age of my convictions , and could throw
off this yoke of social fashions and
conventions , and be what I should like
best to be a simple human being ,
asking to my house only those I really
cared for , and being able to Inter
change thought and friendly kindness
with them ! "
As a matter of fact , Miss Lennox
would not have given up her "social
fashions and conventions" for any
thing that could have been given her
in exchange. But she was clever
enough to suit her tastes , as well as
her conversation , to the individual
characters of her companions.
( To bo Continued. )
How ritmts Gain AVcljht.
As far as is known the first botani
cal experiment ever performed was
conducted by a Dutchman. He placed
In a pot 200 pounds of dried earth ,
and In It he planted a willow branch
which weighed five pounds. He kept
the whole covered up and dally wa
tered the earth with rainwater. After
five years' growth the willow was
again weighed and was found to have
gained 104 pounds. The earth in the
pot was dried and weighed and had lost
only two ounces. The experimental
ist , therefore , looked upon this experi
ment ns supporting the theory that
plants required no food but water. But
ho was wrong. Later it was discov
ered that much of the increase In
weight of plants was derived from car
bonic acid gas In the air. Vegetable
cells contain a liquid known as "cell
sap , " which is water holding In solu
tion various materials which have
been taken up from without by the
roots and leaves. Thus It Is In the
living cells of the plant that those
" "
"digestive" processes are carried on
which wore once believed to occur ID
the soil.
Coachman Obeyed Orders.
From Downs there is reported an
instance of "carrying a message to
Garcia , " which did not result so sat
isfactorily as it might. G. W. Young
telegraphed his coachman at Downs to
"meet mo tonight with team at Sa
lem , " Salem being n small town a few
miles away. But when the coachman
received the message It read , "Meet me
tonight with team at Salina , " a big
town ninety-six miles away. The
coachman asked the telegraph oper
ator to have the message repeated , and
it came "Salina" again , whereupon In
started for that place and reached II
by night , though ho ruined both horses
In the finest team of Osborne county.
Kansas City Journal.