Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 13, 1900, Image 2
COSTER COllNTYBEl'DBIJCAH ' D. M. AJISHEHUT , . BBOKEN BOW , NEUHASKA. I THE NEWS IN BRIEf. . Lincoln , Nob. , hhowB a population of a little over 40,000. The Fourth brigade has been ordered to proceed from Simla to China forth with. During the month of August them were ninety-three deaths In the city of Omaha. "Dullet-Proof Dill , " the mysterious elk king of the White river country , In Colorado , is dead. James Mix , 80 years old , who was nn Intimate friend of Stephen A. Doug las , Is dead in Chicago. The Pittsburg & Baltimore Coal company has received a contract for 715,000 tons of coal to be sent to Eng land. land.At At Sallna , Kan. , the Sallna South western and Solomon Valley railroads were sold under the hammer to the Union Pacific Interests for $400,000 each. The steamer Queen brings news from Bltka that the Sltka and Wrangel In dians will hold a great potlateh nnd formally end a feud that has existed COO years. William C. Whitney han sent a letter to the secretary of the Coney Island Jockey club in which Mr. Whit ney expresses his dcslro to have a race arranged between Ballyhoo Hey and the Keene colt. Tommy Atkins. At Capetown the arrival of four of Lord Roberts' chargers Is taken to be nn Indication that the coninmndor-ln- chief of the British forced In South Africa will soon return to England. Ragtime has been declared out of time , and the American Society of Professors of Dancing , In annual con vention at Saratoga , has resolved to encourage the revival of the old-fash ioned "barnyard" tunes sot to a good march time. , ' M. Gupnthor , United States consul at Frankfort , Germany , In a report to the State department , tays the motor factory at Ohorursol , near Frankfort. is exhibiting Its new alcohol plow lo comobile. The plow locomobile SB twenty horse power. At Lancaster , O. , Mrs. Mary E. Reese , oistor of Gen. William T. Sherman and ox-Senator John Sherman , died from the effects of a fall down stairs which happened a week ago. Her husband died some years ago. The state 'department ' announceo that \V. Irving Shaw , United States consul nt Haranqulll , Colombia , who was reported to have died of yellow fever , is alive -and well. Mr , Shaw entered the service from Pennsylvania. The Kansas City board of police com _ missloners must discharge twenty-Jive policemen as a result of the disappoint ing census returns. Under the law gov erning the police department th'o city is entitled to one policeman for every 1,000 inhabitants. At San Francisco the United States transport Thomas arrived twenty-nine days from Manila with 201 sick nnd wounded , 31 military prisoners , Cl cabin passengers , 171. in the steerage nnd 7 stoawaya. Seven deaths occurred ( luring the voyage. Near Peeton , 111. . William Krleg and Crls Miller wore Injured and Gcorgo Krleg fatally Injured by the collapsn of a largo corn crib on the farm of t August Wolchon. The men were shov eling corn In the crib and were crush- oil under the falling beams. The smallest estimate of the loss al ready caused to the southern cotton crop by the heat which has prevailed for the past seventeen days Is $3f > 00.- 000. General rains at this tlmo would prevent further disaster , but could not repair the damage already done. The Agent of the Mexican Interna tional railroad reports that a $20,000 package was stolen from the Well- Fargo Express company at Trevono , Mexico , and recovered in a peculiar manner. The thief was escaping north into the United States on a train , when the package accidentally 'fell from his coat while ho was stooping over. over.Mrs. Mrs. Nancy Wcsso of Demotte , In'l. , was bitten by a rattlesnake , dying : n terrible agony In five hours. Colonel Wllleock'B forces are oper ating in small columns in all direc tions In West Africa , breaking up war camps and destroying stockades and towns. Chief Charger , the noted Indian of the northwest , Is dead. Thomas Moore Jackson , nephew of Stonewall Jackson , who was last week nominated for congress by the demo crats of the First district of West Vir ginia , has declined the honor and hta successor will bo appointed by the con gressional committee. The "Big Aetna , " said to bo the largest furnace In the 'United ' States , closed down at Asland , Ky. , throwing 1,500 people out. Archibald Haynes , supposed to bo a wealthy resident of New York City , was found dead in bed at Chicago , his mouth blistered with carbolic acid. Wiyiam J. Morgan of Buffalo , comp troller of the state of .New York , nn > i who was rcnominated for the ofllco , died the next day. Lord Ampthlll , the private secretary of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain , the secre tary of state for the colonies since 1897 , succeeds Sir Arthur Havclock as governor of Madras. At Middlesboro , Ky. , all the mines In that district will shut down , the miners' union having ordered the men ! out until the 10th of the month , the date set for a conference to bo hold , when an agreement will probably bo reached and a scale fixed for the com ing year. General Delarey , the Boer command er , is reported dead. During August 12,700,000 coins7 of the face value of $1,324,160 were the product of the mint in this city. Of this amount there were 6,194,000 coins in silver of a value of $1,136,000 ami 6,512,000 in the base metals , valued at $188,160 , Qalvcslon , Texas , Almost Destroyed by Wind und Wave , A Gltf/Vr LOSS OF LIFE REPORTED At Leant Tour Tlionianil Homes Swept Away by Swirling Wnlorii Hnllro Imputation of City In Dancer Only Oluugro HotnllN , HOUSTON , Tex. , Sept. 10. The West Indian storm which reached the gulf coast yesterday morning has wrought awful havou In Texas. Re ports are conflicting , but It Is known that nn appullng disaster has befallen the city of Galvcslon , where it 'l re ported 1,000 or more lives , have been blotted out and a tremendous property damage incurred. Meager reports from Sablno POSH and Port Arthur also Indicate a heavy loss of life , but thcso reports cannot be conflrme- this hour. The first news to reach this city from the stricken city of Gnlveston was received tonight. James C. Tlm- mlns , who resides In Houston and who is the general superintendent of the National Compress company , ar rived In the city at H o'clock tonight from Galvcston. Ho was one ol the first to reach hero with tidings of the great disaster which has oomllen the city , and the magnitude of that disas ter remains to bo told because ol his endeavors to reach home. After re maining through the hurricane on Sat urday ho departed froiri Galveston on a schooner and came across the bay to Morgan's Point , where ho caught a train for Houston. The hurricane , Mr. Tlmmlns said , was the worst over known. The esti mates made by citizens of Galvcston was that 4,000 houses , most of them residences , have bccu destroyed and that at least 1,033 people have been drowned , killed or arc missing. Some business houses were also destroyed , but most of them stood , though badly damaged. The city , Mr. Tlmmlns avers , Is a complete wreck , so far as ho could sec from the water front and from the Tromont hotel. Water was blown over the Island by the hurricane , the wind blowing at tho. rate of eighty miles an hour straight from the gulf and forc ing the sea water before it In big Waves. The gale was a steady one , the heart of It striking the city about C o'clock yesterday afternoon and con tinuing without Intermission until midnight Saturday night , when it abated somewhat , although it contin ued to blow all night. Of his own knowledge Mr. Tlmmlns knew of only QUO house succumbing with fatal results , though ho heard of many residences being carried away with Inmates. The house that ho saw destroyed was Rlttei8 ; saloon and res taurant , at 210'J Strand street , a prin cipal business street of the city. This three story building wan blown down and nine men prominent citizens were killed. Among the dead arc : Charles Kel- ncrs , a cotton buyer for an English firm ; Stanley C. Spencer , general manager of the Elder-Womster steam ship line ; Richard Lord , manager for McFttdden'a cotton company , whose body is still In the ruins. Secretary Bailey of the wharf com pany and several waiters and custo mers saved themselves by jumping from the upper story Just before the crash came. It was reported that the orphan asy lum and both the hospitals wcro de stroyed and If this proves true the loss of life will bo great , as these in stitutions were generally crowded and as they were substantial buildings the chances arc that many had taken re fuge In them. The water extended across the Isl and. Mr. Tlmmlns said it was three feet deep in the rotunda of the Tro mont hotel and was six feet deep In Market street. HEAVY FIGHTING IN COLOMBIA. Doftperatu Hut tin Hetween llcbnln ami KINGSTON , Jamaica , Sept. 10. Mall advices received today from Colon , Colombia , say that the rcbola seized the town of Turbaco , near Car- thagena , as well us the inlhvay , last Monday. The following day the Co- lomblau war ship Cordoba urrlvo-l with 400 troops and heavy fighting ensued. There was great excitement in Curthagena when the mall steamer loft Colon. May ( lot Promotion. WASHINGTON , Sept. 10. It is be- llovcd that the president will accept the recommendation of General Chaf- fce and promote Colonel Aaron S. paggott of the Fourteenth Infantry to the vacant brigadier generalship which will follow from the retirement next i Monday of General Joseph Wheeler. If I this is done General Chaffco will be only temporarily sot back in his own advancement to the brigadier general ship. ( loli ! anil Sliver Uzporti. NEW YORK , Sept. 10. Exports of gold and silver from this port for last week aggregate $964,428 silver bars nnd coin , nnd $9,800 gold. Tun Imports of specie wcro $30,228 gold , and $136- > 109 silver. The imports of dry goads and merchandise were valued at $10- SUC.880. Incrruaon It * Army , SALT LAKE , Sept. 10. A special tp the Trlbuno from Pocatello , Idahq eays : From information originating hoie It would appear that Japan Is trying to mobilize a still larger army for her wars In Asia. For a week past every mall from the west has brought letters from the Japanese laborers on the Or egon Short Line Instructing thorn to return to Japan for service in the army. There are about 1,300 Japan ese in the service of the Oregon Short Lino. GOOD ROADS IN rillLiri'INES. CoininlRHlon Will DlnctiM Appropriation of ! J,000OOO .Soon. MANILA , Sept. 10. The Philippine commluslon nt Its flrtt public session to be held next Wednesday will dis cuss the appropriation of one-third ol the trcamiry'n $6,000.000 for the con struction and repair of roads and brldgcH lluoiiKlioiil the nchlpolago. The people profess to be much grati fied at the prospect of this work of development. The revenue authorities of Manila collect under the Spanish laws a tax of 5 per cent upon the Balarlcs of American civilians earning $1100 per annum and upward. The tax Is un popular and provoked protests among them. The Filipinos and foreigners , who are used to It , do not object to the levy. The rcportci of the military opera tions show that of Into HICHO have been trivial. Manila Is now experiencing the heaviest typhoon known for years. DULLER AND BOERS FIGHT. IlrltUh Unncral CritMOH tlia Manchherff nnd Continue * the Advance. CAPETOWN , Sept. 10. Sir Redvors Buller continues his.advance. . . Ho crossed the Mauchbcrg , ten miles east of Lydenburg , nnd came into action with the Boers. The occupation of Lydenburg , which took place last Thursday , Is regarded as marking one of the last stages of the war. The Boers now talk of trek king Into German territory. Lord Mcthucn . is marching on Llchtonburg from Mafcklng. It IB said that papers seized at Pre toria show that the Netherlands Rail way company In many wnyo actively assisted the Boers. It converted Its workshops Into arsenals and provided the Transvaal forces with horseshoes. Alilo to Convey Sound. BRADFORD , England , Sept. 10. At today's session of the physical sci ence section of the British association for the advancement of science , now In annual session hero , Sir William Henry Prceco , consulting engineer to the British postoffice , made the inter esting announcement that as a result of his experiments with wireless telegraphy - egraphy ho had found It quite possible to convey audible speech six to eight miles across the sea without wires. Coal In Needed In franco. PARIS , Sept. 10. The coal famine Is being felt more and more through out France. All the gas , railroad and steamship companies are now dis patching agents to the United States to study what can be done to roliovi the situation , with full power to sign huge contracts if conditions are fa vorable. Many industries are suffer ing from lack of fuel and great suf fering Is anticipated among the poor er classes. Ship Collided nnd Sin ltd. SAN FRANCISCO , Sept , 10. The American ship May Flint collided with the bark Vldette tonight in the bay off the mall dock and sank. After 'the ' collision she drifted down onto the bows of the battleship Iowa anchored off the mall docks. After bumping the Iowa she split open , filled and sank. As far as known no lives worn lost. The cause of the collision Is un known. Celebration May HrliiR Trouble. HONG KONG , Sept. 10. Owing to anticipations of disturbances at to night's celebration of the Feast of Latens elaborate preparations hav.i been made to cope with eventualities The-troops have been served with ball cartridges. Six Maxims nro also In readiness. The police have been or dered to suppress the "Dragon pro cession , " but the Chinese declare they must hold it in spite of the authori ties. Report Quiet. WASHINGTON , Sept. 10. Acting Secretary of State Hill authorizes the announcement that the telegram from Commissioner Rockhlll , dated Shanghai , September 7 , states that missionaries arriving from the went nnd northwest report quiet every where along the routes. Only four northwest provinces Indicate signs of disturbance. Conger COIIK-H Out for I.I. TIEN TSIN , Aug. 30. ( Via Shang hai , Sept. 7. ) United States Mlnlser Conger la said to Insist that Earl LI Hung Chang shall bo allowed to pro ceed to Pekln for n conference. Orders have been received frora Washington that 5,000 American troops shall bo divided between Po- kin , Tien Tsln nnd Taku for Uio win ter. n Shutdown. JOLIET , 111. , Sept. 10. Several de partments of the Illinois bteel com pany have been closed because of low 'water ' In the drainage channel. The controlling gate at Lockport is closed and the flow is ohut off to permit tearIng - Ing out of the cofferdams at the now water power. l'oiiilutlon of Cltte * . WASHINGTON , Sept. 10. The cen sus bureau announces that the popu lation of Portland , Ore. , is 90,426 , as against 46,385 In 1900. These figures show for the city as a whole nn in crease In population of 44,941 , or 94.95 per cent from 1890 to 1900. M/VRCIIAND / GOES FOR FRANCE. Hull * for Oliluu ui Special Diplomatic Commissioner. MARSEILLES , Sept. 10. Major Marchand , of Fashoda fame , embark ed hero today on a steamer bound for China , where ho Is going to ropro- sentt Franco on the International commission , composed of officers' en trusted with the settlement of diplo matic questions and any difficulties arising between the different portions of the foreign corps. An Immense crowd gave him a rousing send-off. Out to Pieces With n Knife in the Hindi cf a Whitd Man , THE TROUBLE WAS ABOUT LAND The Murderer Appreucndail nt Ilnncroft Two Youni ; Ulrls Fatally Shot by Iluuten Farmer DritCK < l to Heath Miscellaneous Nebraska Mutters. LYONS , Neb. , Sept. 5. An Omaha Indian from the reservation brought the news that an Omaha Indian named - ed James Wood was killed upon the reservation Saturday by being almost cut to pieces with a knlfo in the hands of a white man , whom ho did not know. Ho claims Wood when drunk IB very quarrelsome nnd ho supposed the murder was the result of a drunk en quarrel. An Indian policeman from the agen cy reports that the Indian , named Wood , who was disembowled by a white man , Is still alive. Thrco other Indians who brought him to the agen cy were cut , but not seriously. The man who did the cutting walked here , arriving Sunday. He hired a livery man to take him eight miles into the country. Ho told the liveryman that ho had paid Wood a portion of a lease on land and having further business to transact with him Saturday he hunted Wood up nnd found him at Ncary's ranch with three other In diana. After quarreling , the Indians nil Jumped onto him , but he succeed ed in getting away. He ran a mile , but was overtaken nnd surrounded nnd compelled to cut his way out with a pocket knife. , The white [ man's name was not ascertained. Last year ho made his homo with Ott Copple on the reservation. The police report the man capturea at Bancroft. Arrnxtrd for Itootlegirlnt : . PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Sept. 5. Sheriff Bronson came down from Lin coln nnd took C. D. Brlnkman back with him. Brlnkman admitted that he conducted ! a restaurant In a small vll- lago ] seventeen miles south of Lincoln and was arrested for alleged bootleg ging. j Ho gave bond and skipped out before the case came up for trial. Brlnkman has resided in this city for Bomo ' time with his wife and their two children. His wife had him arrested j last week for being drunk and abus ing his family , and Police judge Ar cher sent him to Jail. His wife then Informed the officers here of the boot legging business , and they Informed the Lancaster county authorities. ncsnlt of nn Kxporlmcnt. COLUMBUS , Neb. , Sept. 5. John Lawson , a farmer of Monroe township - ship , experimented with Irrigation this season. Ho had two small fields of wheat , one of nine acres , on which ho threshed out fifty-ono bushels to the acre , machine measure. On anoth er ten-ncro field ho got forty-two bushels to the acre. The wheat tests slxtyono pounds to the bushel , which would make the yield larger than ma- chlno measure. He Is very enthusias tic over the subject of Irrigation and believes it Is destined to soon work wondrous changes In Nebraska farm- Ing. TUooilhonnilfl Trnll n BEATRICE , Neb. , Sept. 5. The Ful ton bloodhounds were telegraphed for from Holmesville to trail burglars who attempted to enter the house of J. Simmons at that place. The dogs took the track from the scene of the burglary and followed it to the house of Frank Lilly , living about six miles from Holmesvlllo and against whom suspicion had been directed. Two Yonnir Olrlg Are Shot. ARAPAHOE , Nob. , Sept. 5. Lena Stagemeler and Mlnnlo Noltemetor , two girls about 14 years old , were shot , supposed to be accidental , by two boys named Halloway , who were hunting. The Stagemoler girl was dead when found and the other girl in a serious condition. The boys left the vicinity at once. But little definite informa tion Is obtainable , asto the accident , as the wounded girl is too weak to talk. Farmer Drugged to Death. LODGE POLE , Nob. , Sept. 5. L. D. Thomas was killed twenty miles north of here on the ranch of his son-in-law , Walter Bower. Ho was raking hay and the team ran away , throwing him under the rake nnd dragging him about 300 yards. Both legs were brok en and his head crushed. He was dead when the team was caught. He was 76 years old nnd came hero from Kan sas four years ago. Kilt Toadstool * . WOLBACII , Neb. , Sept. 5. Little David Edison , the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lowe , died from the effects of eating toadstools. The child's mother saw him with what she supposed were mushrooms. lie Buffered great ag ony. Want Kami Free Delivery. WEST POINT , Neb. , Sept. 5. A pe tition is being signed for the estab lishment of a rural free delivery mall route in Cuming county. The pro posed route will bo west of the river tc Monterey and Aloys , and will cover twenty-eight miles of the thickest set tled portion of the county. Mystery of n Maniac. COLUMBUS , Neb. , Sept. G. Sheriff Byrnes took Andrew Maloney to the asylum at Norfolk , Thla unfortunate man's case seems to be shrouded in much mystery. August 20 ho applied ut St Mary's hospital nnd was in in and cared for. In a short time to manifested violent symptoms of In sanity and was a few days later re j | moved to the county Jail. Even in his most rational moments he cannot tell whcro ho belongs and ho has giv en several various names. He iis Irish , about 86 years old , slightly hea vy build. STOCKMEN ARE PROSPERING. I'urchaicR of Land lleliiR Made by Them 1'roven Iti OMAHA , Neb. , Sept. 10. "The sale of railroad lands continues with nn nc- tlvity that suggests two things , " said tid . L. Lynch of the Union Pacific land department. "One Is that the people who have been in the stock business in the west for the last few years lin lie now beginning to reap the benefits of their early labors and are enjoying an unprecedented degree of prosperity. The other Is that the cattle and sheep 1n men realize the necsslty of securing possession of the ranges required for feeding their cattle and sheep. " Applications have just been : ccelved at headquarters In this city for two tracts of land , of which two syndicates of sheepmen in Carbon county , Wyo. , wish to get possession In order to have plenty of range for their sheep. J. A. Schoonpas , representing one of the syn dicates , has made application for 7,480 acres of land nnd P. J. Quealy , repre senting another syndicate , is negotiat ing for the purchase of a tract of land in area 17,280 acres. C. A. Forsllng , traveling agent of the land department , came In from Klmball , Neb. , accompanied by a couple - plo of applicants for land. One of the men , L. C. Kinney , wants to get hold of 5,000 acres of land near Klm ball to furnish pasturage for cattle owned by himself and others Interest ed with him In the business. N. C. Soarles of Wlsner , Neb. , has Just taken about 10,000 sheep into the vicinity of Kimball , nnd ne , too , Is making ar rangements to purchase some land. The State Fiilr. LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 10. The state fair closed with a small attendance at the grounds , almost all the visitors from outside' Lincoln having left. The management declares that the fair was in every respect the most successful ever held in the history of the state. The large attendance has been espe cially gratifying. It Is believed that the total number of paid admissions , which will be an nounced soon , will be almost If not quite fully 40,000. Financially the fair has been very successful , and all premiums will b'e paid In cash , In full , and at once. Pay ment will be begun today , when the management will commence mailing checks to successful exhibitors. The last payment , It Is claimed , w'll bo made by September 20. CliniitiiuqiiH n Success. BEATRICE , Neb. , Sept. 10. W. W. Duncan ] , In his annual report of the doings ( of the Chautauqua association recites 1 a few facts which are interest ing. 1I 1 Among the items of receipts are 1i the I following : Sale of tickets , J4.650.- 50 i ; rent of tents , $ < J96.50 ; concessions , $175 ; the other miscellaneous items making a total of $5,855.80. The dis 1I bursements 1 amounted to $4,374.76. Of 1I this I $1,746 was paid for talent , $880 for music I , $520.50 for labor. The ticket sales were $418.30 greater than in 1899 , and ! the various items of expense all show ! a reduction. After paying all debts ( the association has a cash bal ance I of $1,054.39. 1'onnd Dead. SARGENT , Neb. , Sept. lO. George Lovejoy , a prominent young school teacher living near West Union , acci dentally shot and killed himself while out hunting. He began teaching school near West Union Monday. Tuesday evening , after school was out , he came home to his brother's , where he was boarding , and hitching his horse to a wagon , took his gun and went down on the bottoms to hunt , where he was sub sequently found dead. Company H. to Muster Out. LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 10. Company B of the Second regiment , Nebraska National Guard , stationed at Ord , will be mustered out of the etate's service so soon ns Captain Carson can collect and turn over the state's property. This action is taken by Adjutant General Barry on the report of Captain Carson , who said he couldn't get his men to gether for drill , nnd that they were not in condition to participate in the encampment. Ilrulcomnn's Fatnl Ship. BROKEN BOW , Neb. , Sept. 10. Phillip Jones , a brakeman on freight No. 18 , was riding on the front of the engine nnd as he was In the net of jumping off to turn a switch he slip ped nnd the engine passed over both limbs , crushing them off about six Inches above the knee. He was taken- to Ravenna at once to his home. He died from his wounds. Geneva Wins Third I'lacc. GENEVA , Neb. , Sept. 10. The citi zens of Geneva and Fillmore county are Justly proud of third place given them at the state fair. Credit for the display Is duo to a number , who worked hard to secure and place it , among them being Dr. Herrlot , P. Youngers , George Flnley , George Kenycn , A. Stevens , F. M. Flory and John Mills. Many premiums were taken by Mrs. Emma Kelley. Indian Dies From IVonmlH. LYONS. Neb. , Sept. 10. Word has been received here that the Omaha In dian , Wood , who was disembowled with a knife in the hands of a white man last Saturday on the reservation , has slnco died and the man that did the cutting is still at large , with bur little hopes of ever being captured. The amount of money involved in the quar rel and which led up to the murder , was $2. Itlnodliountlo Truck a Hey , CAMBRIDGE , Neb. , Sept. 10. A Cambridge lad was badly frightened by the city bloodhounds. He had been appropriating for his own use some watermelons that belonged to one of the suburban citizens. The owner of the melons started In pursuit of the young midnight marauder , but he cs- raped for n while. The bloodhounds were taken out and soon ran him down. The boy confessed the theft and was allowed to go free after a mock trial. The Arch Fmul Ilutinlng llehlnd. Only J300 has been added to the Dewey or naval arch -fund in Now York since the 1st of May , and not n. cent since August 1. The expenses or the committee In charge are now ex ceeding current collections. A llarrlnon with Cromwell. One of ex-President Harrlson'n an cestors was the Thomas Harrison who served under Cromwell and signed the deatli warrant of King Charles. On , the Restoration ho wag executed iu 16CO. 16CO.We We humble ourselves before others , not for others. STEKETEE'3 DRY BITTERS. A Dutch Remedy , or How to Make Your Own Bitters. Farmers , Laboringmen anil Every body use thebe Hitters for the euro of Dyspepsia , Loss of Appetite , Dizziness , Blood Purifier , Headache , Kidney antt Liver Diseases. A perfect stomach ; regulator. Now Is the time to use them. On receipt of 30c United States post age stamps i will send one package and. receipt how to make one gallon Hitters , from Stcltetce's Dry Bitters. A deli cious flavor. Made from Imported. Hoots , Herbs and Berries from Holland and Germany. Be your own doctor and use these Dry Bitters. Send to. Geo. G. Stekctee , Grand llapids , Mich. For sale by druggists. More than one-third of all manufac tured goods are in France made by- women. , I4tdlos Can Wenr Shoe * . One ulro smaller nf tor using Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easy. Cures swollen , hot sweating- , . aching1 feet , Ingrowing' naHs , corns and bunions. All druggists nnd shoe stores , 25c. Trial package FREE by mail. Ad dress Allen S. Oiinstod , Lelloy , N.Y. There Is but one love that lasts unhappy love. For starching fine llneu use Magnetic Starch. If looks could kill murder would get to be a habit with some women. Ilest for the Itowolg. No matter what alls you , headache to a cancer , you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASCARETS help nature , euro you. without a gripe or pain , produce easy- natural movements , cost you just 10 > cents to start getting your health back. CASCARETS Candy Cathartic , the genuine , put up in metal boxes , every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on It. Beware - ware of imitations. Kindness out of season destroys au thority. Saadi. Ten Greatest American Railroads. A table showing the mileage con trolled by the principal railroad com panies of this country on July , 1900 , has been compiled by the Railway Ago. The ten largest systems are as follows : New York Central 10.430 Pennsylvania 10,392 Canadian Pacific 10.01S Southern Pacific 9,363 Chicago and Northwestern 8,463 Chicago , Burlington and Quincy 8,001 Southern Railway 7,887 Atchison , Topeka and Santa Fe. . 7,880 Chicago , Milwaukee and St Paul 6,437 Union Pacific 5,584 From the New York Sun. Living in China has its advantages. Five dollars a year will clothe a Chi nese husband nnd wife something ; more than decently. The Wonder of the Age No Boiling No Cooking It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It Polishes the Goods It mokes nil garments fresh and crisp an when first bought new. ' Try a Sample Paokaso. You'll like It if you try It. You'll buy It If you try It. You'll use It if you try It. Try It. Sold by all Grocors. SUCKER Ke ps fcoth rider and saddle perfectly - - fectly dry In the hardest storms. Substitutes wllldlsappolnt Ask for iBoT Fish Brand Pommel Slicker It Is entirely new. If not for sale In your town , write for catalo A. J. TOWI-R. Boston. , Hnflllctrdwith uroeiei. uee [ Thompson's Eye Water. TOEGUMto.l . ? rl ° rggl5ts- W. N. U.-OM AH A. No. 37-1900