OUSTER CODM REPUBLICAN D , M. A.MSnicnnr , Vuhllihur. BBOKEN BOW , NEBRASKA. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. John C. Orrlck , the well known St. Louis attorned , died of brain trouble. Drouth In portions of Kansas and Missouri has been broken by ncavy rains. At Copenhagen ! Carl Smith , the sculptor , of Washington , died of Brlghl's disease. The Chicago building trades' coun cil will try again to bring the con tractors to terms. An anarchist meeting held In Ber lin was dispersed by the police , who ai rested the speaker. At Amsterdam , N. Y. , Judge John Beverly , late of the superior court of the state of Washington , died. English purchasing agents have been stationed at Lawrence , Kan. , to pur chase artillery and cavalry horsej. At St. Joseph , Mo. , A. Trtiex , assist ant night foreman of the South St. Joseph stock yards , committed suicide. William McMtlL i : of Nevada City , Nev. , has boon appointed liifi ector of surveyors general and local kind of fices. fices.Marcus Marcus Dally left Paris for London on his way back to New York. Thuro is no truth in the report of his lll- Animal keepers at Lincoln Park , Chicago , think the death of a 10- months-old leopard was duo to appen dicitis. There Is a vigorous resumption of work upon the part of the agricultural industries in the province of Santiago do Cuba. Colonel Marchand , of Fashoda fame , has been appointed tothe general staff of the China expeditionary corps of France. Prince Maximilian of Saxony has ac cepted the professorship of canonical law at the University of Freyburg , Switzerland. BrescI , the assassin of King Hum bert , has asked for a postponement of his trial until witnesses can arrive from the United States. The sultan of Turkey has ordered a committee to investigate the recent massacre of two hundred Armenians in the Sassun districts of Asiatic Tur key. key.The The station agent at the Milwau kee's station at Slater , la. , was slugged , bound and gagged , and his as sailants then cracked and looted the safe. safe.At At Medina , 0. , the county court house was wrecked by a terrific ex plosion of dynamite , a largo box of which was stored In the basement of the building. Arrangements are being made to have 5,000 wives , daughters and moth ers of the locked out building trades' workmen march in the Labor day pa rade in Chicago. Joe Alvarez , the richest cattleman of El Paso county , Texas , died of wounds received last week in a pitched battle with four Now Mexico outlaws on his ranch near Vlnton. Miss Helen Gold has presented 250 specimens of valuable plants , which are cuttings from the Gold conserva tories at Irvington , to the Botanical Gardens In Bronx Park In Now Vork City. City.The The census office has made public the census returns of St. Paul and Minneapolis. The population of St. Paul Is 163,632 , an increase over 1890 of 30,476. The population of Minneap olis Is 202,718 , an increase of 37,980. Calvin Tltun , who scaled the walls of Peking , was a member of the Sal vation army in Topska for several months. Ho was related to Captain Lee , a well known Salvation Army of ficer and an evangelist of some note. After repeated efforts on the part of Mrs. Charles Blocckner to get the po lice magistrate to order her husband of Cchicago , who had deserted her , to pay something towards her support , her baby died of starvation in the court room. George H. Hosmer , one of the best known oarsmen In the world , Is dead at the Carney hospital in Boston. Owing to the case of bubonic plague at Hamburg , the government authori ties are taking unusual precautions to avoid the Introduction of the pest in any part of German territory. Count von Goetzen has been promoted meted to the rank of captain on the general staff of the German army. Things are lively In the "horse business" in the Pacific coast country. The United States , German and Brit ish governments are all striving hard to find and purchase cavalry and ar tillery horses for shipment to China. John Mitchell , president of the Unit ed Mine Workers of America , says the organization will take no partisan Interest in politics this fall. The population of Philadelphia , ac cording to the count just completed at the census office , IB 1,203.697. The population In 1890 was 1,046,964. Miss Mary C. Burton of Kansas City , Kan. , has been appointed a teacher at the Umatllla Indian school , Oregon. Chairman Stewart of the prohibition national committee says that the pro hibition special train with speakers wil llnvadc Kentucky and that the vote for Woollcy is expected to bo twice that for Leverlngs. 'Major ' John B. Kerr of the Tenth cavalry is ordered to Berlin as mili tary attache of the United States em bassy there. A strike of all the woodworkers in Chicago will be called September 1 unless the mill owners consent to sign the agreement for an eight-hour day. Governor Shaw has appointed Con gressman J. P. Dolllver of Fort Dodge United States senator from Iowa to succeed John Henry Gear. General Chaffeo. the gallant com mandant ot the American troops In China , Is slated for a promotion to the first vacancy that occurs among the brigadier generals. A ill ( MD SO FAR. Rtnia , Germany and Japan Ilavo Yet to Break ClT Relations with Ohitia , HUMOR FROM -roo NOT CREDITED. IViuliliiRlon HUH IIo'uil Nothing Iti liny * rnnn Conger , Htmicy in1 Cliunt'u P 'Ur IXlircMoii us to InlcriwtlimnlH Action Mciintni : of Kutplitn AttlUulc , WASHINGTON , Aug. 27. Russia , Germany and Japan have not declared war upon China , cither separately erIn In ( ioncort. Thin statement Is made upon the authority of the highest character. Wlmt those nations mny do within the next forty-eight hourn , or within the next fortnight , Is a question which no ono if * Wnshlii3ton Is prepared to answer. A brief dispatch from Che Fee , con veying n rumor current there that Russia , Germany itnd Japan had joined In u declaration of war upon China , aroused some Intel ustctl comment among Washington olllclala r.nd among diplomatic representatives of foreign governments resident hero. In neither official nor diplomatic circles , how ever , wan the rumor taken seriously. No information of such action has reached cither the Derailment of State or the legations of the governments primarllj Interested. That fact alone is accepted iu official circles is a suffi cient refutation of the rumor. Officials of the State , War and Navy departments were at thalr desks early today , but up to the hour of closing for the day not a word had been heard from Minister Conger , General Chat- foe or Admiral Remcy. Since thu dis patch from Consul Fowler was received late last Thursday night the Depart ment of State has received no advices from any source In China , except a brief cablegram from Minister Conger inquiring how ho should route lily messages. The text of the dispatch , which , It was explained , was very brief and purely administrative In charac ter , was not made public. The War department has received no dispatch from General Chaffee , known to havu come directly from him , for about a weok. Cablegrams signed "Chalfcc" have been received , but as they con tained only lists of casualties it Is as sumed they wore Rent by some subor dinate officer In General Chaffee's name. From no official sources has the department learned of the departure of forty Americans from Peklu to Tien Tsln , as reported to a London paper under date of August 19. Advices from General Chaffeo are expected hourly , us the military tele graph line bctwden Tien Tsln and Pc- kln , which has been Interrupted , pre sumably Is being or has bc i repaired. Imperative Instructions wore sent yes terday to the commander of the United States forces at Tien Tsln to have the line restored at once mulor the pro tection of a cavalry detachment. A suspicion exists hero that the delay in messages , both from and to Washing ton , Is rather between Che Fee and Shanghai than between Tien Tsln and Pokln. From Cho Fee to Shanghai the telegraph line Is In control of the Chinese authorities and it is suspected they are not so prompt in the trans mission of messages as they might be. Later In the day a dispatch was re ceived at the Japanese legation from the foreign office of Japan conveying the latest and most authentic Informa tion of the situation in and around Pekin. In a measure the advices were of a diaqnlctlng nature , as they Indicated that the Chinese had rallied their forces and were preparing for an nttack upon the allies In Pekln. If it should prove that the allied forces were besieged In Pekln It would ac count for the lack of advices from General Chaffeo. AmvrlruiiH Lrn1'ekln. . LONDON , Aug. 27. A special dis patch from Pekln , dated August 20 , says : Forty Americans , with an escort of United States troops , start for Tien Tain tomorrow. rMlilTli ] Through thn I'alnre. PARIS , Aug. 27 General Frcy , commanding the French forces at 1'e- kln , telegraphs under date of August 20 : "The allies have driven the Boxers from all the points they occupied. The allies are camped outside the imperial palace , which was occupied by some coldlers of the regular Chinese army. Th generals decided to march the In ternational forces through the palace doors , which wuio afterward closed. " Farmer Klllnil ulili u Mint Ciin. STUART , Neb. , Aug. 25. Henry Beck , residing near Boneskee , S. D. , was mowing and carrying a shotgun with him. In some manner the gun was ( Uncharged and the bullet pene trated his left lung , causing his death. Mrs. Mnoru fur I'rt'Kldont. TOPEKA , Kan. , Aug. 27. Mrs. 0. L. Moore , cx-dopartmont president of the Woman's Relief Corps of Kansas , IB being boomed for national president of the organization. She was endorsed at the rccont state convention of the Woman's Relief Corps and the Kansas delegates to the Chicago encampment , which started north tonight , will work for her election _ Mcxlrun War Vctrrunn. CINCINNATI , O. , Aug. 2V. The Na tional Association of Mexican War Veterans will meet In Cincinnati , Sep tember 13 and 14 , and the local com- mltto of entertainment have nrarnged a very enjoyable program for the pleasure of the veterans. This pro gram covers receptions , banquets and rides to points of Interest hi and about the city , inculding a visit to the mll- tary camp at Fort Thomas. Mexican veterans arc expected from all over the country , as it is probable that this will be the last formal meeting of the national association. FEAR Of FAMINE AT 1ILN TSlN. TliolMiiiiitl of VllhlKu IlofilRi-Md Flocking to Oily CupUiriMl \ jf AllliM. LONDON , Aug. 27. The latest news from Pekln Indicates that the situa tion thcie fa unchanged. The imperial city is Htlll limited , but hits not yet bouii occupied. The allies when the1 last message left , were still refraining from aggressive action pending In structions from Ihflr government. An attack from liO.OOO Boxers was expected and to meet this the whole American force and the British ui'tll- ' lery , affording to a dispatch to the Morning Post from Pekln , tinted Au gust 18 , .vns moved to the outer city wall. The Boxers were reported com ing from thu mitli. General Dorwnrd , In his report of thn engagement outside Tien Tsln Au gust 1 ! ) , when the Americans , British and Japanese signally defeated a largo force of Boxers , killing over 300 , says in n dispatch daled August 25 : "Tlio lines ot communication near Tien Tain cro now free from danger. The enemy had been treating the vll- lagora badly. Several decapitated bodies wera found near their camp. The vlllagora are now fighting to Tien Tain at the rate of about a thousand a day. As ( hero Is not more than u month's food supply , there Is every prospect of a famine shortly. " The declaration that a famine is Im minent In consequence of the inade quacy of provisions for the hordes of refugees nt Tien Tslu adds u. new ele ment of peril to the situation. Shanghai advlccp say the report of the capture of Emperor Hwang Su Uy the Japanese was erroneous. It was a case of mistaken Identity. The Pekin coricapondcut of the Daily Telegraph , writing August 1 ! ) , nays that the em- prcfW dowager fled westward , and adds : "Sho has a bodyguard of 1,500 and as the mountainous oliaractoi of the country would ptuvenl artillery for- lowiug , It IH believed she will not bo pursued. " This correspondent reports every thing quiet on the date of his dispatch , but a telegram to the same paper from Tien Tsln , doted August 21. asserts that 1,000 Russians , Germans and Jap- aneao pushed forward from Peklu with the Intention , it was assumed , of pur suing the fleeing empress dowager. At a conference of ministers and generals , hold at Taku Friday , it was decided , according to the correspond ent of the Dally Telegraph , to refer the fate of Iho Forbidden city to Eu rope. FURNISHES BEEF FOR THE CZAR. Ariniiiir Ccta un Order for (1OOP , ( ) ( ) ( ) I'oundft for Boldlrm. CHICAGO , 111. , Aug. 27. Armour Co. have roLelvcd an order from the Russian government for G.OOO.OOOi pounds of "beef on the hoof" to the ] food the soldiers of the czar in China. ' This is the largest order of the kind in the hlstoiy of the Chicago meat trade. Options are said to have been taken upon every available ship in the carrying trade on the Pacific. II will lake 5,000 fatled caltlc to fill the order. The catllo will be soul from San Francisco via Hawaii and Japan. Vlan for Uprlalng In Munlln. _ WASHINGTON , Aug. 27. The War department 1ms made public letters found among the papers of General ; ' Rlcart , recently arcsted by the pollcc ( near Manila. Among them is an unsigned - ' signed letler In regard lo an allack on Manila In January , 1900. It states that the reason for nol carrying out the proposed attack was because of the small number of resolute persons sta tioned at the gates and because Gen- eal Otis had gone aboard a ship in Manila bay. Another attack was planned , but not carried out because the "enemy" made a careful search of the city. After KxprrHH Itnhhora. BURLINGTON , ia. , Aug. 27. TWO detectives left Burlington tonight for some point cast , whore It Is claimed they will arrest men concerned In the $20,000 express robbery. Absolutely nothing Is known of the point that it is stated that there arc three in the gang and it will be In the hands of the detectives by noon Monday. The point of arrest is said to be some clly belwcen Burlington and Chicago. A Soldier Diet llruvrly. LONDON , Aug. 27. A special dls- ' patch from Pretoria , dated August 24 , gives description of the execution on Friday of Lieutenant Cordua of the Transvaal artillery , convicted by court martial of breaking his parole In plot ting to abduct Lord Roberts and H.HI British officers. Cordua walked fear lessly to the garden behind the jail. At his own request he was not bound and sat In a chair with folded arms. Ten bullets entered his body. 1Varlil | > H to Kit force Claim. TANGER , Morocco , Aug. 27. A United States war ship has arrived hero today to support the claim aris ing out of the murder last Juno of Marcos Essagln , a naturalized Ameri can citizen , who was the manager of the Fez branch of the French firm of Braunswelg & Co. OIIKIIA of Two Cltli'K. WASHINGTON , Aug. 25. The pop ulation of Rochester , N. Y. , was made public today by the census bureau. It Is 162,105 , against 133,896 In 1890. an Increase of 28,539 , or 51.31 per cont. The population of Indianapolis , as just made public by the census bureau , Is 169.1C4 , against 105.436 In 1890 , an increase of 03,728 , or 60.44 per cent. Itohi'rlM "MoiiIn ( ieiu > raln , CAPETOWN , Aug. 27 Lord Rob erts arrived yesterday at Belfast , a few miles west of Mnchododorp , where hemet met Sir Redvors Duller , General French and General Pole-Carow. Everything is now ready for an ad vance. Declaration of AVar. CUE FOO , Aug. 27. It Is rumored on good authority that Russia , Ger many and Japan have declared war on China and Invite England and tlio United States to retire. VALOR OF AMERICANS' iHartb cf Vengeful Boxers Routed ITcar to City of Tien Tjin , SUFFERS A LOSS OF 300 TrlpraiiiM | Aniionliro tlio Ciiptnro of Kinpc'ror ICtrail ) ; Kit anil 1'rlnco Titan , nn Well IIH InTni'iilatlon of n 1'ro- Ciitcrninciil. LONDON , Aug. 25. Five hundred American troops participated hi a sig nal tlofcat of Boxers outside of Tien Tsln August 15. The fact Is reported from Vicuna. Details came from the Router agent at Tien Tulu in n dis patch dated August 20. In addition to the Americans the force consisted of 375 British and 200 Japanese , all under the British general , Dorward. The fight look place at n village six miles west of Tien Tsln , where the al lied forces found a considerable nuin- bor of Boxers , whom they engaged , killing over HOO and taking sixty-four wounded prisoners , who wore sent to tlio hospitals of the allies. The vil lage was burned. The Americans had five wounded , the Japanese six and the British none. Hundreds of Box ers , flags , spears and swords were cap tured. From Shanghai conies a report , qual fled by the assertion thai It Is from purely Chinese sources , thai Ihe cm- pi-ss dowager , after proceeding one day's journey from Pokln , became ter rified at the looting by General Tung Full Sing's soldiers , and went back lo Pekln. A Chinese telegram from Sian Fu says that Prince Tumi has been captur ed by a detachment of the allies. Other Chinese messages record the for mation of a provisional government in Pekin by the allies , but this appears to bo a purely military measure and merely an elaboration of the scheme for dividing the city Into sections for police purposes. LI Hung Chang has received word thai Iho allies enlcrcd Pekln easily , because the troops of General Tung Full Slang utterly refused to face Ihe allies. According to the Shanghai correspondent pendent of the Daily Telegraph Earl Li , recognizing the futility of an at tempt to drive the foreigners from China , now professes conversion to reform principles. Shanghai advices announce the re ceipt there or Chinese official advices asserting that Emperor Kwang Su has been found and rescued by the Jap anese. Messages from Tien Tsln report se rious mortallly among the American horses , owing to the heat. Delayed advices to Repler , daled Pekln , August 14 , reiterate the state- menls regarding the treachery of the Chinese on the night before the re lief. They had Informed Iho members of Ihe legations that orders had been issued to cease firing. This was fol lowed by a desperate atlack. And it was only the welcome sound of Ihe cannon of Iho relieving force in Ihe morning lhat renewed the courage of the foreigners. The correspondent adds : "The Chinese admit having lost 3,000 In the various attacks upon the lega tions. Our rations dwindled to one pound a day , consisting of horse flesh and rice. " When the American de tachment atlacked Ihe whole Chinese force conconlralcd against them , leav ing the Sha Ho gale unwatched , whereupon the British entered there without the loss of a man. Trouble Among TelpRrnphern. SAN FRANCISCO , Cal. , Aug. 23. The Chronicle says : Trouble is brewing ing In the Order of Railway elegraph- ers. The Immediate cause of Iho trouble Is the action of W. V. Powell , president of the order , in suspending George Estee , chairman of division 53. For some time there has been much dissatisfaction among the telegraphers regarding the administration of cer tain regulations which relate to the Insurance benefits of the order. Presi dent Po\yoll took a stand which was distasteful to many of the members , and especially those of division 53 , and | when Esteo was called on to execute the orders Issued by his superior he hsitated and finally referred the matter - tor back to headquarters. The corre spondence that followed did not con tribute much toward the settlement of the misunderstanding nnd a few day ago the edict of suspension was issued. I.lout. Cordua I * Shot. LONDON , Aug. 25. A special dis patch from Pretoria says thai Lieu tenant Cordua was shot yesterday ( Friday ) afternoon. LONDON , Aug. 24. A special dis patch from Pretoria , dated today , says : "General Lord Roberts has confirmed the sentence of death imposed upon Lieutenant Cordua , formerly of the Staals artillery , who was convicted of being a ringleader in the plot to ab duct General Roberts and kill British officers. " I'rclc III tlio I'cnltcntliirv. COLUMBUS , 0. , Aug. 25. Peck ar rived at the penitentiary In the cus tody of the sheriff of Summ" county at 8:50 : tonight. He felt greatly re lieved when the heavy iron gate closed behind him and ho realized that he was safe from mob violence. Ho had little to say and was quickly conduct ed to a cell. ' tliipHtifKu t'mirtt'Hjr to American * . WASHINGTON. Aug. 25. The state department Is in receipt of a dispatch from the consul of the United States at Osako ( Kobe ) , Japan , accompanied by a translation of a note from his excellency , the governor of Hiogo province , acting as chief commissioner of the Japancssc Red Cross society , stating that owing to the disturbances in China should any wounded Ameri can soldiers or any sick or wounded refugees arrive al Hlogo or bo passing through that city the Japanese Red Cross would have pleasure in renderIng - Ing tneni every possible aid. MAY INVALIDATE THE LAW. UUcovoify of nn OmUnlon In tlio iiuiin Hutuift. . LINCOLN , Nob. , Aug. 27. Kelson nicli , one of the attorneys represent ing the Union Pacific railway com pany who has boon delving Into the maximum rate law for the purpose of finding Irregularities , was rewarded by the discovery that the penalty clause of tlio bill and one unimportant section of the bill were not In the engrossed copy , though the missing portions arc In the enrolled bill which was signed by the governor. Now the question Is , how did the penalty clause Bet into the enrolled bill , being miss ing from the engrossed bill ? What effect this discovery will have on the litigation now In the courts over the enforcement of the maximum rate law is not known , but Mr. Rich Intimates that ho considers the dis covery of great importance. Ills road has been sued for over $000,00 for violating elating the law. He says the omission was overlooked by others who have examined Into the record relating to the passage of the law. The house journal shows that the penalty clause and other amendments were adopted but the clause and the amendments do not appear In the engrossed bill , and as the bill serves as the original copy from which the enrolled bill Is made , the omission may play an Im portant part In litigation. As the courts do not accept the engrossed 1)111 In evidence , some profess to be lieve that the omission Is of no mport- anco whatever. However , If the omis sion la of any moment , it is of vital importance , uccausc tiic act without the penalty clause would be valueless. Asiatittcd mi the Train , OIIAIIA. Aug. 27. Edward E. Balch , assistant cashier of the Omaha Na tional bank , was assaulted and robbed in a. Pullman sleeper on a Northwest ern train while coming from Chicago to Omaha. Ho was roughly handled , brutally mauled about the head and did not regain consciousness for sev eral hours after the assault. Immed iately upon the arrival of the train in Omaha , Mr. Balch was removed to his home , where medical attention was given his wounds. The attending physician does not anticipate any se rious consequences from the Injuries. The perpetrator of the deed escaped with $50 In cash and two drafts of $50 each belonging to Mr. Balch. The affair Is a mysterious one in every particular. Not the slightest clew as to the identity of the robber Is at hand and the theories advanced by those who are investigating the case are decidedly vague. The robber did not attempt to hold up all of the passengers In the sleeper. He awoke none of the occupants and accom plished his work with the greatest stealth. Murder nt Wayne. V/AYNE , Neb. , Aug. 27. A man , supposed to bo Robert Bigham of Dun- bar , Neb. , was brutally murdered here by another man who gave his name as Adolph Wonlund of Buckland , Mo. Both men had been placed in tl" city jail , Bigham for being Intoxicated and Wonlund because he had been put off the train here and teemed to bo men tally unbalanced , not knowing where he was going. The murderer gave his reason for committing the horrible crime , ac complished by crushing the man's face with his heels , that the murdered man was an enemy of his soul and that God had ordered him to do the bloody work. The Insanity of the murderer is not questioned. Bigham was on his way to Big Spring , Neb. , and has a son-in-law living near Wausa. runner 1)1 I'M Suddenly. CLARKS , Neb. , Aug. 25. Reaben Ronker , with his family , passed through Clarks on their way to Ames , Neb. , where he expected to work in the beet fields. When about two miles out of town he died almost Instantly while on the seat of the wagon. The corpse was brought to Clarks and bur led. The wife was without moans ana' the citizens of this place raised about $35 for her and gave her all the as- slstnnce possible. A ItlK Hnllot. OMAHA , Aug. 27. While the official ballot that will be used at the election this fall has not yet been printed , it is known that it will be a huge affair. Printers who have made some esti mates on the ballot , say that It will require a little over five feet In length. Printed in accordance with the law , the letter used must be one-eighth of an inch in helghth and a space three- sixteenths of an inch between each name. Thus with the names of the presidential doctors , candidates for the legislature and county and pre cinct officers , the ballot will be the longest ever presented to the electors of this county. Dead Hnbjr ICencucd From I'lrc. WAYNE , Nob. , Aug. 27. The resi dence of II. Hassford was struck by lightning and the house and most of the contents burned. The family was in the cyclone cave and when the house was burning , It was remembered that the corpse of the little baby who 'died the night before was In danger of cremation. One of the family ran into the burning structure and res cued the little body. Violating tlio ( iuinc Law , BLOOMFIELD , Neb. , Aug. 27. Without regard to law , the hunters are numerous in this vicinity , and ere the first of September comes , few ol the immature young chickens will have escaped the burning motten of the trespassing nlmrod. Even young quails are now being recklessly killed. This manner of works , robs the legit imate sportsman and the farmer of pleasure and profit , to which ho is entitled by virtue of feed and protec , _ tion tendered the birds. The law should bo observed or repealed. iDOLDSBOABDBim Aitorney Ueneral Piles Supreme Court in Support of the Law , THE MATTER AGAIN GONE OVER * Keasoiis for Knimlng the 1IIU 1'amcil tlio Iii'RMnturo nnd KITorti to Jti-pcal It 1'lonU-r round In the Missouri Itlver OlliiT NillriiMm "Mutters. LINCOLN , Nob. , Aug. 22. The at torney general filed In supreme court his brief in the case of Ihe state ajjainst the Durlh'gton and the Elk * horn railroads , as per the stipulation reached at the recent extra session of the supreme court. The question to bo decided In whether or not the title which is borne by the act creating the board of transportation and defining its duties , as the same appears on file In tJie secretary ot state's office , was passed by both houses of the legis lature. The defense holds that it was not , and that , therefore , the act was invalid , and the board without legal existence. It was on this point that Judge Munger granted his temporary Injunction restraining the board from Interfering with existing -interstate traffic rates. And it Is this point that the supreme court Is asked to pass OH before the question of making the In junction permanent la passed on by Judge Munger. In his brief the attorney general re- vlows exhaustively the history of the passage of the bill and its title , in an attempt to show that the title berne by the enrolled bill is the same an that under which it passed both the house and the senate. lEIrliiirdHon Is Driul. ALLIANCE , Neb. , Aug. 22 The shooting of Briulis Richardson bj R. M. Kline has proved to bo a fatal shooting , Richardson dying. Richard son was a ealoon keeper and Kllno was a musician employed by Richard son , who , with his wife , played In Richardson's saloon. There Is no ex citement , as it was done In the ten derloin district and between parties who make up its citizenship. The af fair grew out of an Insult said to have been offered to Kline's wife while eho was drinking beer and playing the piano with her husband in Richard son's saloon. Richardson's former homo was at Beroa , Ky. , where he has a wife and five children. Kline is an itinerant fiddler and his wife a piano player employed to play In such places. Kline is in custody. Locating Stolen Goods. HUMBOLDT , Neb. , Aug. 22. A num ber of parties In and near Humboldt are ill at ease .these days owing to the presence of a railroad company detec tive , who Is here endeavoring to lo cate a quantity of merchandise- which was taken from the cars which were smashed up at tlio time of the wreck In the here. The yards smash-up oc curred abou 3 o'clock in the morning , and the section men did not arrive on the scene for some time , and subse quent eventa go to show that some other parties visited the wreck earlier , for when the goods were checked over n considerable shortage was discov ered and the officials ordered an in quiry. Nathan Itedfleld' * Dentil. 'NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Aug. 22. Nathan Redfleld , one of the oldest settlers tlors of this section , Is dead. The do- aeased same to this city In 1856 and has since- made it his home , save when ho served with the Second Nebraska cavalry in the civil war. He was 78 years of age. His funeral will take place tomorrow under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic post of this city. Ho loaves a widow and one son. Found u Floater. HOMER , Neb. , Aug. 22. The nude body of an unknown man was found floating in the-Missouri river about six miles southeast of here at Blyburg by some young men. Coroner Sawyer at Jackson was notified and will hold an inquest. It was at first believed to bo the remains of the man who ler.ped from the combination bridge at Sioux City about three weeks ago , but as he was fully dressed It proved not to bo him. The body was secured to the shore pending investigation. Mnrahal I.earra Town. CALLAWAY , Neb. , Aug. 22. George Rupert , who has been marshal of Cal- laway for eomo time , suddenly left for parts unknown. No trace of him has yet been found , and numerous credit ors mourn his departure , ho having run bills and borrowed money from al most every business man in the town. His wife and baby were left behind. Old Coi trnversjr Itevlveil. CALLAWAY , Neb. , Aug. 22. The present outlook indicates that Ouster county will be divided this fall. The vote in this quarter will be almost unanimous for It , and reports come from the other quarters that parties who heretofore opposed division wilt vote for it on the present Hnoo , Kohhed a OCTAVIA , Neb , , Aug. 21. Robbers onlered the hardware store and post- ofilco here and blew open Ihe safe , securing auout ? 97 worm of postage stamps and a icw cents in money. The robbers used black powder to do the work. Pieces of the safe were blown through the ceiling. No clue. Klrliardu Is Wanted. BLAIR , Neb. , Aug. 22. The case of J. B. Richards , the man taken In cus tody as a fugitive from justice from Minnesota , came up tor hearing In the county court. Owing to the absence of Important teslimony the case was con tinued until Saturday. Ball was fixed at ? 3,000. It is expected the requisl- | lion papers will be hero by that time. I when In all probability the prisoner . will be taken to Minnesota , where It is alleged the crime of assault with I iutoul to kill was committed.